APS Announces Spring 2008 Prize and Award Recipients

Thirty-five prizes and awards will be Tom W. Bonner Prize He served as staff sci- Murray Hill, NJ. In 1990 presented during special sessions at three in Nuclear entist at the Rowland he was appointed profes- Institute for Science in sor at the University of spring meetings of the Society: the 2008 March Arthur M. Poskanzer Cambridge, and Lecturer California at Berkeley, Meeting, March 10-14, in New Orleans, LA, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory at Harvard University where he has served up the 2008 April Meeting, April 12-15, in St. Citation: “In recognition of his pioneering role in (1987-1993), then Profes- to the present. Through- Louis, MO, and the 2008 Atomic, Molecular the experimental studies of flow in Relativistic Heavy sor of molecular biology out his career, Orenstein and Optical Physics Meeting, May 27-31, in Ion Collisions.” at has used optical methods (1994-1999), before join- State College, PA. Arthur Poskanzer to explore the properties ing is Distinguished Senior of exotic excitations in Citations and biographical information (1999-present). Block’s Scientist Emeritus with novel materials. Since then he has used a wide vari- for each recipient follow. The Apker Award research lies at the interface of physics and biology, the Lawrence Berkeley ety of time-resolved optical techniques to investigate particularly in the study of molecular motors, such as recipients appeared in the December 2007 issue National Laboratory. kinesin and RNA polymerase. His laboratory has pio- solitons, polarons, and triplet excitons in conducting of APS News (http://www.aps.org/programs/ Poskanzer is a pioneer in polymers, d-wave quasiparticles in high-T supercon- neered the use of -based optical traps, also called c honors/awards/apker.cfm). the field of relativistic nu- “optical tweezers,” to study the nanoscale motions of ductors, and spin polarization waves in semiconduc- clear collisions and a co- Additional biographical information and individual biomolecules. tors. Currently his research focuses on electric field appropriate web links can be found at the discoverer of collective control of electron spin in semiconductors and mul- flow, the phenomenon tiferroic materials. APS website (http://www.aps.org/programs/ in which nuclear matter, honors/index.cfm). Nominations for most of Fluid Dynamics Prize (2007) Zeev Valentine Vardeny is Distinguished Pro- compressed to a state of high temperature and den- fessor of Physics at the next year’s prizes and awards are now being sity, exhibits a fluidic motion. Poskanzer earned his Guenter Ahlers . He accepted. For details, see page 8 of this in- PhD in physical from MIT. After working University of California, Santa Barbara received his B.S. (1969) for nine years at Brookhaven National Laboratory, he sert. Citation: “For pioneering experimental work and PhD (1979) in phys- joined the Berkeley Lab staff in 1966. Poskanzer was on fluid instabilities, low-dimensional chaos, ics from the Technion, the first scientific director of the Bevalac accelerator, pattern formation, and turbulent Rayleigh-Benard Haifa, Israel. His re- PRIZES one of the leading organizers behind SPS heavy ion convection.” search interests include program at CERN, and the co-founder of the STAR optical, electrical and Guenter Ahlers re- Will Allis Prize for the collaboration at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider magnetic properties of ceived his PhD. in physi- Study of Ionized Gases (RHIC). He was also a co-discoverer of elliptic flow organic semiconductors; cal chemistry from the at RHIC, which has proved to be major experimental fabrication of organic optoelectronic and spintronics Kenneth Kulander University of California evidence for the existence of the quark-gluon . devices; laser action and transient of at Berkeley in 1963 and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory He continues today as a member of the STAR col- organic semiconductors, amorphous semiconductors, then became a member of laboration working on methods of data analysis for nanotubes, and fullerenes; fabrication and properties Citation: “For the development of time-dependent the technical staff at Bell elliptic flow. of 2D and 3D dielectric, metallo-dielectric and metal- methods and models that have advanced our Laboratories. Then he lic photonic crystals and plasmonic lattices. understanding of strong field ionization processes in worked on critical phe- rapidly ionizing gases.” Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter nomena and on superfluid Kenneth Kulander Physics Prize hydrodynamics. In 1970 Julius Edgar Lilienfeld Prize received his PhD in he began research on Rayleigh-Benard convection in Mildred Dresselhaus H. Eugene Stanley physical chemistry from liquid helium that led to the experimental observation Massachusetts Institute of Technology the University of Min- of chaos in a fluid-mechanical system. In 1979 Ahl- nesota in 1972. In 1978 Citation: “For pioneering contributions to the ers became a Professor of Physics at UCSB where he Citation: “For contributions to the deeper Kulander joined the understanding of electronic properties of materials, studied pattern formation in convection and Taylor- understanding of phase transitions and critical Theoretical Atomic and especially novel forms of carbon.” vortex flow, and turbulent Rayleigh-Benard convec- phenomena in complex systems; and for excellence Molecular Group at the Mildred Dresselhaus has a PhD from the Uni- tion. in communicating the excitement of interdisciplinary Lawrence Livermore versity of Chicago research to a wide range of audiences.” National Laboratory. He (1958). After an NSF H. Eugene Stanley was awarded a PhD in phys- became the leader of that Dannie Heineman Prize for postdoctoral fellowship ics at Harvard in 1967. group in 1986, and remained so until his retirement in Mathematical Physics at , she Stanley was a Miller 2001. Kulander’s research has focused on developing became a staff member at Mitchell Feigenbaum Fellow at Berkeley with and exploiting methods to study the time-dependent the MIT Lincoln Labora- Rockefeller University C. Kittel from 1968 quantum dynamics of atoms and molecules, either tory (1960). In 1968 she to1969. From 1969 to during collision processes or when subjected to ultra- Citation: “For developing the theory of became an MIT faculty 1976 he was a professor short, intense laser pulses. Among the processes stud- deterministic chaos, especially the universal character member. While at Lincoln in the physics depart- ied have been electron-atom and ion-atom collisions, of period doubling, and for the profound influence of Laboratory she studied ment at MIT. In 1976 molecular photodissociation, collision induced dis- these discoveries on our understanding of nonlinear the electronic properties Stanley joined Boston sociation, and dissociative recombination. Recently phenomena in physics.” of semiconductors and extended magneto-optic tech- University as a professor Kulander has pursued a variety of strong field, mul- niques to study the electronic structure of a variety Mitchell Feigenbaum received a PhD in theoret- in the physics department and the School of Medi- tiphoton processes in atoms and molecules. of semimetals. Her success with Gene Dresselhaus ical high energy physics cine’s physiology department. In 2007 he was given in illuminating the electronic structure and Fermi at MIT in 1970. He was joint appointments with the chemistry and biomedical Hans A. Bethe Prize surface of graphite led to explorations of graphite a research associate at engineering departments. Stanley’s main focus is un- intercalation compounds where single graphene lay- Cornell, 1970-72, and at derstanding the anomalous behavior of liquid water in Friedrich K. Thielemann ers sandwiched between guest species could be ex- Virginia Polytechnic In- University of Basel bulk, nanoconfined, and biological environments. He plored within the context of low dimensional physics. stitute, 1972-74; a staff has also worked on a range of other topics in complex Citation: “For his many outstanding theoretical Further study of carbon fibers and liquid carbon led member at Los Alamos, systems, such as quantifying correlations among the contributions to the understanding of nucleosynthesis, her early entry into studies on fullerenes and carbon 1974-82; Professor of constituents of the Alzheimer brain, and quantifying stellar evolution and stellar explosions through nanotubes as these fields were emerging. Her studies Physics at Cornell, 1982- fluctuations in noncoding and coding DNA sequenc- applications to individual objects and to cosmic illuminated the unique electronic structure of carbon 86; and Toyota Professor es, and interbeat intervals of the healthy and diseased chemical evolution.” nanotubes and the use of spectroscopy to probe the at Rockefeller Universi- heart. geometric structure of individual nanotubes. ty 1986-present, and since 1996, Director of the Cen- Friedrich-Karl (Friedel) Thielemann, received ter for Studies in Physics and Biology. Feigenbaum’s his PhD for nuclear reaction rate studies and their most widely known work is in nonlinear dynamics. James Clerk Maxwell Prize Davisson-Germer Prize in astrophysical applica- His unanticipated discovery of the scaling theory of for Plasma Physics (2007) tion in explosive burn- Atomic or Surface Physics the “onset of chaos” spawned new directions in math- John Lindl ing as a student of W. ematics and moved dynamical systems into the world Horst Schmidt-Böcking Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Hillebrandt and E. R. University of Frankfurt of physics. His more recent work includes research on Hilf ( Insti- fluids and various studies of vision. During the 1990s Citation: “For 30 years of continuous plasma tute for , Citation: “For the invention of the COLTRIMS he worked on cartography, including the first imple- physics contributions in high energy density physics Garching and TUD) in technique and his many contributions to AMO mentation of Chebychev projections. and inertial confinement fusion research and scientific 1980. He held postdoc- physics.” management.” toral positions at the Biography unavailable at press time , Frank Isakson Prize for John Lindl is currently the Chief Scientist for the California Institute Optical Effects in Solids the National Ignition Facility Programs Directorate Max Delbruck Prize in at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, where of Technology, the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Joseph Orenstein Biological Physics he works with the major participants in the NNSA Physics, the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics University of California, Berkeley and the University of Illinois. In 1986 he joined the Steven M. Block Zeev Valentine Vardeny faculty of Harvard University (Harvard-Smithsonian Stanford University Center for Astrophysics and Harvard Observatory) University of Utah Table of Contents and in 1994 accepted a full professorship at the Uni- Citation: “For his originality in the direct versity of Basel. His research covers theoretical and measurement of forces and motions in single Citation: “For pioneering contributions computational astrophysics as well as the subatomic biomolecular complexes undergoing the nucleoside to the understanding of optical phenomena 1 Prize and Award in complex materials including conducting processes that enter the modeling of hot and dense triphosphate hydrolysis reactions that drive Recipients astrophysical plasmas. intracellular transport, cell motility, and DNA and polymers, semiconductors, and high temperature RNA replication.” superconductors.” 4 New APS Fellows Steven M. Block earned Hon. BA and MA de- Joseph Orenstein received his physics education grees in physics at Oxford University (1974;1978), at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, earning 8 Nominations for 2009 a master’s in biology at the University of Colorado a B.S. in 1974 and PhD in 1980. He worked through Prizes and Awards (1982); and a PhD in biophysics at Caltech (1983). the 1980s on the research staff of Bell Laboratories in

APS Prizes and Awards 1 stewardship program a Ph.D in 1977. He was served as the Director centered on developing and applying microscopic to develop a national a postdoc at University of the Center for Inte- statistical mechanical theories of the structure, ther- plan for ignition on of Illinois and NOR- grated Nanotechnolo- modynamics and dynamics of soft materials includ- NIF. Lindl received his DITA from 1978-80, gies (CINT) during ing polymers, colloids, nanocomposites and other PhD in astrophysics and a postdoc at the 2005-2007. She came complex fluids in the suspension, liquid, rubbery, gel from Princeton Univer- Institute for Theoreti- to Sandia in 1995 after and glass states. sity in 1972. He joined cal Physics at UC Santa 14 years at AT&T Bell Lawrence Livermore Laboratories. She has a Barbara from 1980-82. Aneesur Rahman Prize for National Laboratory in In 1983 he joined the PhD in applied physics 1972, concentrating on from Yale University Computational Physics faculty of Ohio State fluid instabilities and high gain inertial confinement and a B.S. in physics from the College of William and Gary S. Grest University. He has contributed to a variety of areas fusion (ICF) targets. Lindl’s work in ICF has spanned Mary. Her research has been in the areas of epitaxial in , including quantum liq- Sandia National Laboratories a wide range of topics including high gain target de- metallic and insulating films on semiconductors, high signs for and particle beams, hydrodynamic in- uid, , and quantum Hall effect. His early temperature superconducting, ferroelectric, and mag- Citation: “For ground-breaking development of stabilities in ICF, implosion symmetry and hohlraum work on superfluid He-3 is among the earliest appli- netic oxide thin films, and novel transparent conduc- computational methods and their application to the design, high energy electron production and plasma cations of topological ideas in condensed matter. In ing materials. Phillips is chair of the APS Division of study of soft materials, including polymers, colloids, evolution in hohlraums, and the physics of compres- the last decade, he has been working on a wide range Condensed Matter Physics and a past president of the and granular systems.” sion and ignition. of problems in dilute quantum gases, and fostering Materials Research Society. Gary Grest received communications between condensed matter physics his PhD in 1974 in phys- and atomic physics communities. He is also known ics from Louisiana State James C. McGroddy Prize W.K.H. Panofsky Prize in as Jason Ho among his friends. University. Following for New Materials Experimental Particle Physics postdoctoral positions at Citation: “For fundamental applications of Jun Akimitsu Rutgers University and statistical physics to quantum fluids, including Fermi George Cassiday the University of Chi- Aoyama-Gakuin University liquid theory and ground-state properties of dilute University of Utah cago he joined the fac- quantum gases, and for bringing a conceptual unity to Robert C. Haddon Pierre Sokolsky ulty of physics at Purdue these areas.” University of California, Riverside University of Utah University in 1979. In Gordon Baym Arthur F. Hebard Citation: “For the pioneering development of the 1981 Grest was invited received his PhD in University of Florida atmospheric fluorescence technique as a method for to join Exxon’s Corporate Research Laboratories. physics from Harvard exploring the highest energy cosmic rays.” Since 1998 Grest has been a Distinguished Member Citation: “For the discovery of high temperature in 1960. After a two of the Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories. superconductivity in non-oxide systems.” year postdoc at the now George Cassiday re- His research in condensed matter physics includes the ceived his PhD in 1968 Jun Akimitsu re- Institute in studies of structure and dynamics of polymers and from Cornell University. ceived a PhD from the Copenhagen (where he complex fluids, granular materials, emulsions and Since 1970 he has been University of Tokyo is currently an Adjunct colloids. A hallmark of his work has been identifying a professor at the Univer- in 1970. From 1970 to Professor), and a year the time and length scales which are most significant sity of Utah. Cassiday de- in the physical systems and matching them to those 1976 Akimitsu was a at the University of veloped the 2nd genera- accessible by numerical simulation. Research Associate at California, Berkeley, he came to the University of tion large tank Cherenkov the Institute for Solid Illinois in 1963. His research spans condensed mat- light detectors deployed State Physics at the ter and statistical physics, including quantum fluids, Andrei Sakharov Prize in the deep underground University of Tokyo. Bose-Einstein condensation in atomic vapors, astro- Utah Neutrino detector. He also built a cosmic ray Liangying Xu Since 1982 he has been physics, , and the . telescope that was used to measure the bulk density Chinese Academy of Sciences a professor at Aoyama-Gakuin University. Akimitsu He is a pioneer in the study of matter under extreme of 2000 feet of mountainous rock overburden of the opened up a new chapter of “superconductivity fever” conditions of density and pressure and a leader in the Citation: “For a lifetime’s advocacy of truth, Utah neutrino detector. Cassiday designed and built by announcing his surprising discovery of supercon- conception of the Brookhaven Relativistic Heavy Ion democracy and human rights–despite surveillance and the world’s first working air fluorescence cosmic ray house arrest, harassment and threats, even banishment ductivity in MgB (T =39K) at the beginning of the Collider (RHIC). 2 c detector that conclusively demonstrated the feasibil- –through his writings, and publicly speaking his 21st century. Since the discovery of MgB , he has Christopher Pethick was educated at the Univer- 2 ity of the technique. He designed and built the first mind.” found over 10 superconductors in non-oxide systems sity of Oxford, where he operating all sky air fluorescence detector, “The Fly’s including the unexpectedly high-Tc superconductor received his D. Phil. in Biography unavailable at press time. Eye” in the western Utah desert at Dugway Proving Y C (T =18K). Recently, he discovered supercon- 1965 for work on liquid 2 3 c helium 4. He held post- grounds. The world’s highest energy cosmic ray was ductivity in B-doped SiC, which can be described as doctoral appointments subsequently detected by this detector. J.J. Sakurai Prize for a type-I superconductor. at Oxford and at the Pierre Sokolsky, a Theoretical Particle Physics Robert Haddon University of Illinois, professor of physics at Stanislav Mikheyev obtained a B.Sc. (Hon.) and in 1970 he joined the University of Utah, Russian Academy of Sciences degree at Melbourne the faculty at Illinois. In was named dean of the University, and an or- 1973 he became Profes- College of Science in Alexei Smirnov ganic chemistry PhD sor of Physics at Nor- 2007. Sokolsky earned The ICTP from Pennsylvania State dita, while maintaining his strong connections with a PhD in 1973 at the Citation: “For pioneering and influential work University in 1971. He the University of Illinois. He was director of Nordita University of Illinois. on the enhancement of neutrino oscillations in matter, was a Queen Elizabeth from 1989-1994. He has contributed to diverse fields Sokolsky joined the Uni- which is essential to a quantitative understanding of II Fellow at the Austra- of physics, especially the properties of quantum liq- versity of Utah physics the solar neutrino flux.” lian National University, uids, both normal and superfluid, and the properties faculty in 1981. In 2004, and in 1976 he joined Bell Telephone Laboratories. In of dense matter and neutron stars. For the past decade, Sokolsky spearheaded the university’s $17 million Stanislav Mikheyev 1997 he was appointed Professor of Chemistry and his main research interest has been the physics of Telescope Array project located just west of Delta, graduated from Mos- Physics at the University of Kentucky, and in 1998 atomic quantum gases and Bose-Einstein condensa- Utah, to study ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays in a col- cow State University in he became Director of the NSF Advanced Carbon tion. laboration with scientists from several universities. 1965. He then became Materials Center. He has co-founded two companies Sokolsky also launched a comprehensive astronomy a researcher at Lebedev research program at the University of Utah, including Physical Institute. Since that produce and process single-walled carbon nano- Abraham Pais Prize for undergraduate and graduate degrees in astronomy. 1970 he has been a re- tubes (SWNTs). In 2000, he became a professor at History of Physics the University of California, Riverside. His research searcher at the Institute Gerald Holton interests are in the electronic structure and properties Earle K. Plyler Prize for Nuclear Research of Harvard University of molecules and materials, with particular emphasis for Molecular Spectroscopy the Russian Academy on transport, magnetism, and superconductivity. of Sciences. He has been the leader of two experi- Citation: “For his pioneering work in the history Steven G. Boxer Arthur F. Hebard of physics, especially on Einstein and relativity. His ments carried out on Baksan Telescope: observation Stanford University received his PhD from writing, lecturing, and leadership of major educational of upward-going muons and searches for superheavy Stanford University in projects introduced history of physics to a mass Citation: “For his creation of the new spectroscopic magnetic monopoles. He earned his PhD in phys- 1971. In 1972 Hebard audience.” technique of vibrational Stark spectroscopy, and ics from the Institute for Nuclear Research in 1983. became a Member of In 1985 Mikheyev and A. Smirnov considered the Gerald Holton is its insightful applications to a variety of condensed Technical Staff at AT&T propagation of oscillating neutrinos in matter with Mallinckrodt Research phase systems, including the bacterial photosynthetic Bell Telephone Labo- Professor of Physics reaction center.” varying density and suggested an explanation for the ratories where he spe- and Research Professor Steven G. Boxer is the Camille and Henry Drey- solar neutrino problem (the MSW effect). His current cialized in research on of History of Science at fus Professor in the department of chemistry at Stan- activities are related to the Baksan Neutrino Obser- thin-film superconduc- Harvard University. He ford University. He received his PhD from the Uni- vatory, the Baikal Neutrino Telescope, and the T2K tors. His collaborative served as President of versity of Chicago in 1976. His research interests are experiment. paper titled “Superconductivity at 18K in potassium- the History of Science at the interface of physical chemistry, biology and en- Alexei Smirnov doped C ” by Hebard et al. [Nature, 350, 600(1991)] 60 Society, Vice President gineering. Topics of current interest include: electron graduated from Moscow was listed by the Institute for Scientific Information of the International His- and energy transfer mechanisms in photosynthesis, State University in 1974. (ISI) in Science Watch as the research paper most fre- tory of Science Society, electrostatics and dynamics in proteins, Stark spec- In 1977 he began work- quently cited in 1991. In 1996 Hebard moved to the and on several U.S. National Commissions. His un- troscopy, the fabrication of artificial systems to simu- ing at the Institute for University of Florida where he is currently a distin- dergraduate degrees came from the City of Oxford late, manipulate and image biological membranes Nuclear Research (INR) guished Professor of Physics specializing in the study School of Technology and from Wesleyan University; and their interactions, and the excited state dynamics of the Academy of Sci- of magnetism in thin films and at thin film interfaces his PhD is from Harvard University (1948). His book of green fluorescent protein. ences of the USSR, of complex oxides and semiconductors. publications include Thematic Origins of Scientific where he received his Thought: Kepler to Einstein; Science and Anti-Sci- PhD in 1979. Smirnov Polymer Physics Prize Prize ence; The Scientific Imagination; Einstein, History, joined the International and Other Passions; Victory and Vexation in Science: Kenneth S. Schweizer Centre for Theoretical Physics, ICTP (Trieste, Italy) Tin-Lun Ho Einstein, Bohr, Heisenberg and Others; and, with University of Illinois in 1992 while continuing his affiliation with INR Ohio State University Gerhard Sonnert, two books on the careers of women (Moscow). He became a staff member with ICTP in Citation: “For outstanding theoretical scientists. He was the founding editor of the quarterly 1997. In 1984-1985, following earlier work by Lin- Gordon Baym contributions to the fundamental understanding of journal Daedalus and of Science, Society and Human coln Wolfenstein, Smirnov, together with Stanislav University of Illinois structure and dynamics in polymer melts, polymer Values, and was member of the Editorial Committee Mikheyev, uncovered effects of resonance enhance- blends, polymer-particle composites, and glasses.” Christopher Pethick of the Collected Papers of . ment of neutrino oscillations in matter and the adia- NORDITA Kenneth S. Schweizer received his PhD in phys- batic conversion in non-uniform media (the MSW- ics in 1981 from the University of Illinois at Urbana- effect). Currently Smirnov is working on implications Citation: “For his contributions to quantum liquids George E. Pake Prize Champaign (UIUC). of neutrino results for fundamental physics as well as and dilute quantum gases, both multi-component and Julia M. Phillips After a postdoc at AT&T on future programs of studies in neutrino physics. rapidly rotating, and for his leadership in unifying Bell Laboratories he condensed matter and atomic physics research in this Sandia National Laboratories joined Sandia National area.” Citation: “For her leadership and pioneering Arthur L. Schawlow Prize Laboratories. In 1991 he in Laser Science Tin-Lun Ho graduated from Chung Chi Col- research in materials physics for industrial and moved to UIUC where lege, Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1972. He national security applications.” he is presently the G. James C. Bergquist attended the University of Minnesota in 1972-73. He Julia M. Phillips is Director of the Physical, Ronald and Margaret NIST Chemical, and Nano Sciences Center at Sandia Na- H. Morris Professor. His transferred to Cornell University in 1973 and received Citation: “For his contributions to laser science tional Laboratories (since 2001). She concurrently research interests are

2 APS Prizes and Awards and tests of fundamental physical principles, in Recently she has focused on the effects of epitaxial partment of Safeguards, with transport barriers, and the stability of toroidicity- particular the application of ultra-stable lasers to tests strain and interfaces in thin films and superlattices. at the International induced Alfven eigenmodes. He is currently working of quantum measurement theory and the fundamentals She is co-editor of the book Physics of Ferroelectrics: Atomic Energy Agency, on wall stabilization of high beta plasmas and active of quantum mechanics.” a Modern Perspective, published in 2007. from May 1999 to June control of resistive wall mode instabilities. Strait is James C. Bergquist 2005. During that pe- manager of the ITER Physics research group in the riod the Department of DIII-D Experimental Science Division. received a bachelor’s LeRoy Apker Award degree from the Uni- Safeguards shifted its PhD emphasis from a facil- versity of Notre Dame John H. Dillon Medal for in 1970 and a PhD from Matthew R. Becker ity-by-facility material accountancy approach Research in Polymer Physics the University of Colo- University of Michigan rado in 1977. After an to an integrated State evaluation process and has im- Kari Dalnoki-Veress NRC postdoctoral ap- Non-PhD proved its capability to detect undeclared nuclear ma- McMaster University terial and activities. Goldschmidt received a B.A. in pointment with David Bryce R. Gadway Citation: “For significant and innovative Wineland, he joined his electro-mechanical engineering and a PhD in applied Colgate University science from the University of Brussels respectively experiments in glass formation and polymer research group at NIST in Boulder. In his research, crystallization at the nanoscale.” Bergquist has concentrated on the laser cooling and Citation: “The Velocity Structure of MAXBCG in 1963 and 1971, and a M.S. in nuclear engineering spectroscopy of trapped atomic ions with applications Galaxy Clusters from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.” from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1966. to atomic clocks and fundamental tests. In 2000, he Matthew Becker Kari Dalnoki-Veress is an experimental and his colleagues at NIST demonstrated the world’s received his B.S. in John Dawson Award for Excellence in interested in soft materi- first optical clock based on a single laser-cooled mer- physics and mathemat- Plasma Physics (2007) als. He received his PhD (1998) at the Univer- cury ion. ics from the University Andrea M. Garofalo sity of Guelph. Dalnoki- of Michigan in 2007 Veress then worked as Prize for a Faculty member for with Highest Distinc- Gerald A. Navratil a post-doctoral research Research in an Undergraduate Institution tion. Under Professor fellow at the University Columbia University Michael R. Brown Timothy McKay, he of Sheffield in England. Swarthmore College conducted his senior Michio Okabayashi In 2001, he moved back thesis research on the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory to Canada to McMas- Citation: “For his outstanding contributions to dynamics of galaxy clusters in the Sloan Digital Sky ter University in On- plasma physics made possible by his development of Survey. At the University of Michigan, he was induct- Edward J. Strait tario. Dalnoki-Veress’ research group investigates a world-class spheromak laboratory at Swarthmore ed into Phi Beta Kappa, won the William L. Williams General Atomics the physical properties of soft materials at interfaces College, and for his energetic mentoring of award for the most outstanding undergraduate thesis, with a focus on polymeric and biological systems. undergraduate students.” Citation: “For experiments that demonstrated the received a Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship, and was stabilization of the resistive wall mode and sustained Current research topics of the group include polymer Michael Brown is a Michigan Space Grant Consortium Undergraduate operation of a tokamak above the conventional free crystallisation, cell adhesion, measurement of micro- a professor of physics Fellow. He is currently a graduate student at the Uni- boundary stability lmit.” mechanical properties, friction, self-assembly, inter- at Swarthmore Col- versity of Chicago as a GAANN fellow pursing his facial properties, and laser lithography. The primary, Andrea M. Garofalo received his Laurea degree lege. Brown’s work in PhD in astrophysics and cosmology. long term goal is to obtain a more fundamental under- plasma physics has fo- in nuclear engineering standing of the effects of confinement, surfaces, and cused on fundamental Citation: “Creation and Measurement of a Single- from the Università de- interfaces in soft material systems. astrophysical processes Proton Two-Qubit State to Test a Bell-Kochen-Specker gli Studi di Palermo, Ita- Inequality.” ly, in 1990. He received accessible in labora- Excellence in Physics Education Award tory experiments and Bryce Gadway’s his PhD from Columbia innovative schemes for senior-year research University in 1997, with University of Washington Physics Education magnetic confinement examined the creation a thesis based on ex- Group (Lillian C. McDermott, fusion. Brown has established the Swarthmore Spher- of single-particle en- perimental work on the Paula R.L. Heron, Peter Shaffer) omak Experiment (SSX) at Swarthmore College with tangled states and their High Beta Tokamak, Citation: “For leadership in advancing research the assistance of 16 senior honors students and over application for testing Extended Pulse (HBT- methods in physics education, promoting the importance $2.5M in grants from the Department of Energy and Hidden-Variable Theo- EP) experiment, supervised by Michael Mauel. Since of physics education research as a subdiscipline of physics, National Science Foundation. He received his PhD rems. Specifically, he completing his graduate work, Garofalo has been a re- and developing research-based curricula that have in physics from Dartmouth in 1987. He was a senior created an ensemble of search scientist for Columbia University, carrying out improved students’ learning of physics from kindergarten research fellow at Caltech before joining the Swarth- single photons entan- MHD stability research at the DIII-D Tokamak Na- to graduate school.” more faculty in 1994. gled in their polarization and direction of momentum. tional Fusion Facility at General Atomics, in San Di- These photons were used to test theories of nature ego. This work led to the first demonstration of stable Robert R. Wilson Prize for based on Non-Contextual Realism (i.e. Non-Con- Joseph Keithley Award for Advances in textual Hidden-Variable Theorems), which assumes confinement of plasma pressure at nearly double the Achievement in the Physics of Measurement Science that a system’s observables have real values that are conventional free-boundary stability limit in a toka- Particle Accelerators independent of the context of measurement. Experi- mak. Since then, he has been pursuing the application Björn O. Wannberg Lyndon R. Evans mental results contradicted the statistical predictions of this discovery toward the realization of high-beta, Gammadata Scienta AB of this class of Hidden-Variable Theorems. Gadway steady-state “advanced tokamak” plasmas. CERN Citation: “For advances in the development of received his B.A. in astronomy-physics from Colgate Gerald A. Navratil received his PhD in plasma angle-resolved electron analyzers for photoelectron Citation: “For sustained career of technical University in 2007, as well as a minor in East Asian physics from the Univer- spectroscopy.” innovation and leadership in the SPS proton- studies. At Colgate he received the physics & astron- sity of Wisconsin-Madi- antiproton collider, culminating in the construction omy department’s Alumni Award and the Japanese son in 1976. In 1977 he Bjorn Wannberg and commissioning of the LHC.” department’s Mori Award. Gadway is currently pur- joined the faculty of Co- received his PhD from Lyndon Evans suing a PhD in physics at Stony Brook University. lumbia University. His in earned a B.Sc in 1966 research work focuses 1972. He was then re- and a PhD in 1970, cruited by later Nobel Edward A. Bouchet Award on MHD equilibrium both from the Univer- and stability of magneti- Laureate Kai Siegbahn to work on the electron sity of Wales. Evans Ronald E. Mickens cally confined plasmas. optical aspects of pho- was a CERN Research Clark Atlanta University He directs research on toelectron spectrom- Fellow from 1970- the HBT-EP tokamak facility in the Columbia Plasma 1971. He worked on Citation: “For contributions to the understanding eters. Wannberg became Physics Laboratory as well as off-campus collabora- the 300 GeV project of nonlinear oscillations, the creation of novel engaged in the start of tions at the DIII-D National Tokamak Facility in San from 1971 to 1976, numerical techniques for differential equations and his the Scienta company (now VG Scienta AB) in the Diego and the NSTX Experiment at the Princeton and the Ppbar project motivational lectures and writings about the history of mid-1980s, with the aim to commercialize the spec- from 1978 to 1984. He was Deputy Division Lead- African American .” Plasma Physics Laboratory. trometer development. He invented a novel way to er SPS division (1988-1989,) Division Leader SL Ronald Mickens Michio Okabayashi operate a hemispherical electron energy analyzer in (SPS-LEP) Division (1990-1993), Associate Direc- received a PhD in theo- received his PhD in order to collect the energy distributions for a large tor of Future Accelerators (1993-1994) and Large retical physics from Van- 1968 from the Univer- number of emission directions in parallel. The suc- Hadron Collider Project Leader 1994-present. derbilt University (1968). sity of Tokyo. In 1968, cessive improvement of this so called “angular mode” His interests include beam dynamics and accelera- He held postdoctoral po- Okabayashi took a po- has been one of his main tasks ever since. Since 2000, tor project management and commissioning. He has sitions at the MIT Center sition at the Princeton he has been working as a consultant in particle optics, worked on construction and commissioning of the for Theoretical Physics Plasma Physics Labora- although with strong ties to VG Scienta. He is still ac- Large Hadron Collider. (1968-70), Vanderbilt tory, where he has been tive in the development of new instruments for angle- University (1980-81), conducting research in resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. and the Joint Institute for AWARDS, Medalships & the area of MHD macro Laboratory Astrophysics stability. His primary interest has been plasma sta- Award Lectureships (1981-82). He was professor of physics at Fisk Uni- bility and device performance improvement. In the Vassiliki Kalogera versity from 1970–1981. Presently, he is the Distin- 1970s, Okabayashi’s main focus was on non-circular Northwestern University David Adler Lectureship Award in the guished Fuller E. Callaway Professor at Clark Atlanta tokamaks. He was a key contributor to the design of University. His current research interests include non- Field of Materials Physics the Princeton Divertor Experiment (PDX), the Princ- Citation: “For her fundamental contributions to linear oscillations, asymptotic methods for difference eton Beta eXperiment (PBX), and the Princeton Beta the study of the evolution and fate of compact objects Karin Rabe and differential equations, numerical integration of eXperiment-Modified, PBX-M. He conceived of in binary systems, focusing on their observations via Rutgers University differential equations, the mathematical modeling of bean-shaping to overcome the ideal MHD stability X-rays and on their importance for gravitational wave periodic diseases, and the history/sociology of African Citation: “For research, writings and presentations detectors.” Americans in science. His scholarly writings have ap- limit using a highly non-circular cross section. On on the theory of structural phase transitions and for peared in reference works such as African American PBX-M, he discovered the resistive wall mode, an Vassiliki Kalogera the application of first-principles electronic structure Lives (Oxford University Press), American National external kink modified by the resistive wall. Since received her PhD in as- methods to the understanding of technologically Biography (Oxford University Press), and Biographi- then, his primary research focus has been the active tronomy in 1997 from important phenomena in ferroelectrics.” cal Encyclopedia of Scientists (Marshall Cavendish). stabilization of the resistive wall mode. the University of Illinois Karin Rabe re- Edward J. Strait at Urbana-Champaign. ceived her PhD in phys- earned his PhD at the In 1997 she joined the Joseph A. Burton Forum Award ics from MIT (1987). University of Wiscon- Harvard-Smithsonian Following two post- Pierre Goldschmidt sin-Madison in 1979. Center for Astrophys- Strait joined General ics as a CfA Postdoc- doctoral years at AT&T International Atomic Energy Agency (retired) toral Fellow and she was Bell Laboratories, she Atomics in 1982, where Citation: “For transforming the safeguards culture awarded the Clay Post- joined Yale University, he worked first on the and procedures of the IAEA, greatly strengthening its doctoral Fellowship in 2000. Kalogera joined the fac- and then moved to the Doublet III tokamak ulty at Northwestern University in 2001. Kalogera’s ability to detect nuclear proliferation activities, and Rutgers in 2000. She and then its successor, research interests are in the astrophysics of compact for his courage and integrity, especially in the period has published more than DIII-D. He developed objects, in particular their formation and evolution 2002-2003.” 100 papers in the theoretical analysis and prediction DIII-D’s magnetic diag- in multiple stellar systems. She studies the physical of the properties of materials. Her main interests are in Pierre Goldschmidt is presently a non-resident nostic system, which is used for feedback control of properties of X-ray binaries, millisecond radio pul- the application of first-principles methods to the study visiting scholar with Carnegie Endowment for Inter- the discharge, equilibrium reconstruction, and stabil- sars and double compact objects in our own and other galaxies and works on the theoretical interpretation of systems at or near structural phase transitions, in- national Peace and a visiting scholar with Pôle Bern- ity analysis. His research has focused on the MHD of current observations of their electromagnetic emis- cluding ferroelectrics, piezoelectrics, high-k dielec- heim Paix et Citoyenneté in Brussels. Goldschmidt stability of tokamak plasmas, including the stability sion and their anticipated gravitational radiation. trics, multiferroics and shape-memory compounds. has been Deputy Director General, Head of the De- limits of high beta plasmas, instabilities associated

APS Prizes and Awards 3 ies. Podvig’s work at the Center included research Outstanding Doctoral Thesis in Beam she focused on using Nicholson Medal for on technical and political aspects of missile defense, Physics Award (2007) Compton scattering on early-warning, command and control, and US-Rus- light nuclei in order to Human Outreach Jeroen van Tilborg sian arms control process. In 2004 Podvig received a devise roadmaps that Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory David P. Landau PhD in political science from the Moscow Institute of would enable the ex- University of Georgia World Economy and International Relations. Citation: “For his dissertation describing the perimental extraction of Citation: “For his work in computational physics detection, characterization, and imaging of coherent neutron electromagnetic recognized internationally and his creation and THz radiation from laser-wakefield-accelerated polarizabilities. She leadership of the Center for Simulational Physics that DISSERTATION AWARDS electron beams.” joined the Department has had a high influence on educating young scientists Jeroen van Tilborg of Physics at George from many countries in computer simulations.” Andreas Acrivos Dissertation Award in completed his under- Washington University as a post-doctoral researcher David P. Landau re- Fluid Dynamics (2007) graduate and master’s in 2006, and is currently working on Effective Field degrees in applied phys- Theory techniques in the study of various physical ceived a PhD in physics David Saintillan from Yale University in ics at the Technische processes involving few-nucleon systems. Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences 1967. After a postdoc- Universiteit Eindhoven in 2001. In 1999 he Citation: “Experimental study of terrestrial toral year in Grenoble Citation: “Collective Dynamics in Dispersions of electron anti‑neutrinos with KamLAND” and a year as a Lecturer Anisotropic and Deformable Particles.” spent a few months on at Yale University, he an internship at Law- Tolich bio unavailable at press time. David Saintillan rence Berkeley National moved to the University received a B.S. in en- Laboratory (LOASIS Marshall N. Rosenbluth Outstanding of Georgia where he is gineering from Ecole currently Distinguished group) in Berkeley. He returned to LBNL (LOASIS Doctoral Thesis Award (2007) Polytechnique in Paris, group) in 2001 to work on his PhD under Wim Lee- Research Professor France in 2001. He Erik Spence of Physics and founding Director of the Center for mans, although officially enrolled at Eindhoven under then attended Stanford Marnix van der Wiel. His work was focused on tem- ETH Zürich, Institut für Geophysik Simulational Physics. His research involving com- University, where he re- puter simulations (primarily Monte Carlo) has been poral characterization of the femtosecond bunches Citation: “For a dynamo experiment that provided ceived his PhD in 2006. produced by the wakefield accelerator. This was done featured in publications from Physical Review Letters His dissertation was a laboratory demonstration of dipole magnetic field, to the New York Times. The Wang-Landau sampling through analysis of the coherent transition radiation generated by turbulence, in an MHD flow.” entitled: “Collective emitted by the 50-femtosecond bunches as they leave method is now “state-of-the-art” in statistical physics dynamics in dispersions Erik Spence re- and related fields. the plasma. Van Tilborg is presently a postdoc at of anisotropic and deformable particles.” He was a LBNL in the Atomics and Molecular Optics group, ceived his bachelor’s Junior Research Scientist at the Courant Institute of doing studies of atomic and us- degree in physics from Leo Szilard Lectureship Award Mathematical Sciences of New York University, and ing ultra-short intense VUV pulses produced through McGill University then joined the Department of Mechanical Science High Harmonics Generation. (Montréal, Canada) in Anatoli Diakov and Engineering of the University of Illinois at Ur- Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology 1998. He did his PhD bana-Champaign as an Assistant Professor in January studies on the Madison Pavel Podvig 2008. His current research interests include applica- Nicholas Metropolis Award for Dynamo Experiment, Stanford University tions of fluid dynamics to biophysical problems, and Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Work in a one-meter-diameter non-linear electrokinetic effects in particulate flows Computational Physics sphere of flowing liquid Citation: “For establishing a center for scientific and microfluidic applications. study of arms control, for landmark analyses, and for Soon Yong Chang sodium, in the physics department of the University of courage in supporting open discussion of international University of Washington Wisconsin, Madison. He was involved with most as- Outstanding Doctoral Thesis pects of commissioning the experiment, including its security in Russia” Soon Yong Chang is a native of Seoul, South Ko- Research in Atomic, Molecular and design, fabrication, construction, operation and data Anatoli Diakov is rea. He received his PhD in physics in 2006 from the Optical Physics Award (2007) analysis. His dissertation work, done with Professor Professor of Physics at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Cary Forest, demonstrated the presence of a turbulent the Moscow Institute of Cindy Regal Under the guidance of Prof. Vijay R. Pandharipande(d. electromotive force in the experiment. Spence is pres- Physics and Technol- University of Colorado, Boulder 2006), he applied the Green’s Function Monte Carlo ently employed by the Institut für Geophysik at ETH ogy (MIPT). Diyakov methods to the study of the strongly interacting dilute Citation: “Experimental realization of BCS-BEC Zürich, where he is studying the application of liquid received his PhD from Fermi gases. Chang received his Licenciado degree crossover physics with a Fermi gas of atoms.” metal experiments to planetary cores. MIPT in 1975. In 1975 in physics from the National University of Cordoba Cindy Regal attend- (Argentina) in 1997. After a brief foray into industry, Diyakov joined the staff ed Lawrence University he returned to academia, getting an MSc. in theo- of the General Physics Mitsuyoshi Tanaka Dissertation Award in Wisconsin as an un- retical physics from SDSU in 2001. He then moved Department of MIPT, in Experimental Particle Physics dergraduate. In 2001 she to Champaign, Illinois to pursue a PhD in physics. where he teaches general physics. He has also carried earned her B.A. in phys- Chang is now a postdoctoral research associate at the Jedrzej Biesiada, out research in the field of the microscopic dynam- ics from Lawrence and INT-University of Washington in Seattle. He has a Princeton University ics of elementary processes in gases. In 1991, jointly was awarded a Hertz broad interest in condensed matter physics, material Citation: “Measurement of Branching Fractions with Frank von Hippel from Princeton University, he Foundation fellow- physics, and general many-body physics. and CP‑Violating Asymmetries in BO–KOKO-bar and established the Center for Arms Control, Energy and ship for her subsequent B+–KO-barK+ Decays at the BaBar Experiment.” Environmental Studies at MIPT. Diyakov has been graduate studies at the the Director of the Center since its establishment. University of Colorado. Nuclear Physics Dissertation Award Biesiada received a Pavel Podvig is a Regal’s graduate dissertation presented experiments Deepshikha Choudhury PhD in 2007 from Princ- researcher at the Center on ultracold potassium Fermi gases performed in Ohio University eton University. For his for International Secu- the group of Deborah Jin at JILA, a joint institute of dissertation, Biesiada rity and Cooperation NIST and the University of Colorado, Boulder. These Nikolai Tolich studied the violation of at Stanford University. experiments, along with the work of groups study- Stanford University the charge-parity (CP) Before coming to Stan- ing lithium Fermi gases, pioneered the techniques Citation: “Investigating neutron polarizabilities symmetry in the rare de- ford in 2004, he worked necessary to achieve pairing and condensation in the and NN scattering in heavy‑ chiral perturbation cays of B mesons to two at the Center for Arms crossover between Bose-Einstein condensation and theory” kaons. Biesiada’s work Control Studies at the BCS superconductivity. In the fall of 2007 she moved resulted in the first obser- Moscow Institute of to Caltech to join Jeff Kimble’s group as a Millikan Deepshikha Choudhury (Shukla) received a vation of these processes and the first measurement of CP Physics and Technology postdoctoral fellow. B.Sc (Hons.) from Cotton College, Guwahati, India violating parameters in this class of decays, opening up a (MIPT). Podvig graduated from MIPT with a degree in 1995, an M.Sc. (Physics) from Indian Institute of new area of investigation at the B factories. He is current- in physics in 1988 and in 1990 he helped Anatoli Di- Technology, Delhi, India in 1997, and a PhD in phys- yakov to establish the Center for Arms Control Stud- ics from Ohio University in 2006. At Ohio University ly working on the ATLAS experiment as a Chamberlain Fellow at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. APS Council Announces 2007 APS Fellows

Baranger, Harold sources, particularly for development and support of the Duke University program ELEGANT, the first integrated accelerator code to 2007 Fellows (Alphabetical by Last Name) realistically model coherent synchrotron radiation effects. The APS Council elected the following as Fellows of the Society at its November 2007 meeting. Nominations Condensed Matter Physics for fellowship are received at APS headquarters throughout the year, and are forwarded for review to the For contributions to mesoscopic and nanoscale phys- ics, especially the manifestations of classical chaos Brown, Elliott R. appropriate division, topical group, or forum fellowship committees. The deadlines for the various units appear University of California, Los Angeles on page 8 of this insert, and are posted on the web. in quantum properties and the interplay of quan- tum interference and electron-electron interactions. Industrial and Applied Physics Fellowship nomination forms may be completed on the web at http://www.aps.org/programs/honors/ For breakthroughs in THz science and technology in- fellowships/nominations.cfm. Information for completing the form is available at http://www.aps.org/programs/ Baratoff, Alexis cluding new solid-state coherent sources (1) resonant- honors/fellowships/nomination-requirements.cfm. University of Basel tunneling oscillators, and (2) photomixers; new detec- tors based on single-crystal, semimetal-semiconductor Condensed Matter Physics Ackerson, Bruce junctions; and high-resolution spectroscopy of solids. For fundamental contributions to the theory of tunneling Oklahoma State University Archer, Lynden in superconductors and in scanning probe microscopes. Condensed Matter Physics Cornell University Brown, Gail Wright-Patterson AFB For theoretical and experimental advances in Polymer Physics Barger, Amy Industrial and Applied Physics the physics of colloidal liquids and crystals. For outstanding contributions to the understanding of inter- University of Wisconsin For contributions to the fundamental physics and de- facial properties and bulk viscoelasticity of polymer liquids. Astrophysics Aharoni, Herzl velopment of “quantum confined” or “quantum well” For her pioneering observations and funda- Ben-Gurion University of Negev Artuso, Marina semiconductor heterostructure materials for ap- mental insights into the formation and evolu- plications in high-performance infrared detectors. Industrial and Applied Physics Syracuse University tion of galaxies and supermassive black holes. Particles and Fields Pioneering contributions to the invention, research, Budai, John and development of two- and multi-terminal Single For achievements in building RICH and sili- Bohnen, Klaus Oak Ridge National Laboratory Crystal Silicon Light Emitting Devices (SiLED’s) for all- con detectors for high energy experi- IFP - Forschungszentrum silicon intergrated optoelectronic systems, combining Materials Physics ments and for studies of heavy quark decays. Computational Physics semiconductor physics and standard IC technology. For seminal materials physics contributions to the struc- For his groundbreaking work in theoretical calculations of Bandrauk, Andrew ture and synthesis of quasicrystals, nanocrystals formed Alloul, Henri the dispersion of surface phonon using ab initio methods. by ion-implantation, and epitaxial high-temperature super- University of Sherbrooke conductors using advanced synchrotron x-ray techniques. University of Paris, Sud Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics Condensed Matter Physics Boninsegni, Massimo For pioneering theoretical contributions to elucidating in- University of Alberta Burke, Kieron For nuclear magnetic resonance studies of strong- tense laser interactions with molecules, including predic- Computational Physics University of California, Irvine ly correlated electronic materials including the tions of the existence of new molecules and of enhanced pseudogap phase of the cuprates through Knight molecular ionization in intense laser fields, and of the useful- For the development of a novel methodology enabling Condensed Matter Physics shift measurements, local magnetic moments in cu- ness of chirped pulses to control photochemical processes. accurate, large-scale Quantum Monte Carlo simula- For his seminal contributions to the develop- prates, and studies of Kondo effect and spin-glasses. tions of interacting many-body systems, and for its ap- ment and application of the density functional plication to the investigation of the supersolid phase Bao, Gang theory of ground and excited electronic states, of helium and of superfluidity of molecular hydrogen. and electronic dynamics in condensed matter. Amidei, Dan Georgia Institute of Technology University of Michigan Biological Physics Particles and Fields Borland, Michael Burrows, David For pioneering contributions in the field of molecu- Argonne National Laboratory For pioneering contributions to the development of b- Pennsylvania State University lar biomechanics and seminal impacts in developing Physics of Beams quark tagging at hadron colliders, and for application of molecular sensors for diagnosis of cellular functions Astrophysics b-tagging to the discovery and study of the top quark. For outstanding contributions to fourth generation light For his seminal contributions to high energy as-

4 APS Prizes and Awards trophysics, including his early development of Crommie, Michael Condensed Matter Physics novative experiments, and the creation of funda- CCD detectors for X-ray astronomy and his University of California, Berkeley For contributions to the theory of spin-dependent mentally new approaches to flow control, leading leadership of the XRT instrument on SWIFT. to the dramatic alteration of the underlying physics. Condensed Matter Physics properties of semiconductors, especially tran- sient and inhomogeneous magnetic and optical For application of scanning tunneling microscopy, properties, and applications to spintronic devices. Golub, Robert Carrington, Tucker atomic and molecular manipulation, and scanning Queen’s University tunneling spectroscopy to the electronic and mag- North Carolina State University Chemical Physics netic properties of surface-based nanostructures. Forden, Geoffrey Nuclear Physics For the development and application of new iterative tools Massachusettes Institute of Technology For pioneering research in studies of the neutron electric for solving the time-independent Schrödinger equation. Cuneo, Michael Physics and Society dipole moment, for development of the superthermal tech- nique for production of ultracold neutrons, and for devel- Sandia National Laboratories For Innovative and important contributions to arms opment of new methods in neutron spin echo research. Celliers, Peter Plasma Physics control and international security, in areas such as proliferation of chemical, biological, and nu- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory For systematic wire-array plasma physics experi- clear weapons, military space programs, early Goncharov, Valeri Shock Compression of Condensed Matter ments and optimization of x-ray sources for indirect warning systems, and ballistic missile defenses. University of Rochester For developing a new generation of high-precision drive inertial confinement fusion driven by z-pinches. ultra-fast diagnostics, which have enabled accu- Plasma Physics rate laboratory measurements of shock compressed Dabrowski, Bogdan Fox, Rodney For outstanding contributions to the theory of the ablative condensed matter in the ~1 to 100 Mbar regime. Northern Illinois University Iowa State University Rayleigh-Taylor and Richtmyer-Meshkov instabilities and Fluid Dynamics for development of a technique to reduce the growth of these Magnetism & Its Applications instabilities by means of adiabat shaping, enhancing the po- Cerdonio, Massimo For ground-breaking contributions to the field of turbulent For developing the design rules of synthesis and tential of direct-drive ICF to achieve very high performance. reacting flows. University of Padova determination of the structure - properties rela- International Physics tionships for a vast range of novel superconduct- Gonzalez, Gabriela ing, magnetic, and magneto-resistive perovskites. Frankfurt, Leonid For his commitment to and leadership in establishing Louisiana State University an international gravitational wave network and for pro- Tel Aviv University moting international collaborations through his leader- Das Sarma, Dipankar Nuclear Physics Gravitation For her experimental contributions to the field of ship of the Gravitational Wave International Committee. Center for Advanced Materials For seminal contributions to high energy and high momen- gravitational wave detection, her leadership in the tum transfer probes of hadrons and nuclei including inventing International Physics analysis of LIGO data for gravitational wave sig- Chance, Britton the additive quark model, deriving the light front approach Prof. D. D. Sarma is an internationally known leader nals, and for her skill in communicating the ex- to nuclei, showing how to observe nucleon-nucleon cor- University of Pennsylvania of Physics in India with outstanding papers in lead- citement of physics to students and the public. rections, and discovery of high-energy color transparency. APS ing journals on electronic and magnetic proper- For prodigious contributions to biological optics over more ties of strongly correlated materials based on in- Gonze, Xavier depth experimental and theoretical investigations. Furman, Miguel than seventy years, and for the use of physical methods University of Catholique de Louvain in fundamental discoveries concerning cell metabolism. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory De Yoreo, James Physics of Beams Computational Physics Chang, Shih-Lin Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory For his pioneering development and application For contributions to density-functional perturba- tion theory and its application to dielectric proper- National Tsing Hua University Biological Physics of simulation tools for the beam-beam and elec- tron cloud effects in colliders and storage rings. ties, and for leadership in open-source software de- International Physics For his pioneering work using in situ force microscopy velopment for the electronic structure community. For his outstanding contributions in developing X-ray multi- to understand the physical principles underlying biocrys- Gao, Haiyan ple diffraction methods for solving the X-ray phase problem tallization, particularly the control of biomolecules and Gover, A. other modifiers on energy landscapes, step dynamics Duke University in crystallography, in developing Fabry-Perot resonators for Tel Aviv University hard X-rays, and in promoting international collaborations. and morphological evolution during crystal formation. Nuclear Physics International Physics For her extensive contributions to understanding the Chapman, Michael Dixon, Roger quark/hadron transition region and for determina- For outstanding scientific achievements and leadership in international cooperation in the area of Free Electron Lasers. Georgia Institute of Technology Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory tions of the nucleon electromagnetic form factors. APS Particles and Fields For critical leadership of the Tevatron Run II Luminosity Up- Garnavich, Peter Gratta, Giorgio For developing an all-optical method for creating atomic Stanford University Bose-Einstein condensates, and for seminal experi- grade Program, and outstanding leadership in the construc- University of Notre Dame mental work in the fields of quantum degenerate gas- tion and initial operation of the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search. Astrophysics Particles and Fields es, cavity quantum electrodynamics and atom optics. For pioneering work on the discovery of dark energy and For leadership and vision in the development of experi- Dogariu, Aristide the cosmic equation of state, along with important ob- ments to probe neutrino phenomena, including lepton Chialvo, Dante University of Central Florida servvational discoveries regarding the nature of gamma mixing, geoneutrinos and neutrinoless double-beta decay. Northwestern University Laser Science ray bursts and the physics of supernova light curves. Gray, Stephen Biological Physics For his outstanding contributions to the extraction of infor- mation on the random medium and for the development of Argonne National Laboratory For advances in the understanding of physiological mecha- Gary, S the innovative technique of variable coherence tomography. nisms using the methods of nonlinear dynamics, in particu- Los Alamos National Laboratory Chemical Physics lar of the bifurcations leading to cardiac sudden death and Plasma Astrophysics For major contributions to theoretical chemical dy- Dupuis, Michel namics and to the understanding of the interac- the constructive role of noise in neural coding of information. For his fundamental and definitive contributions to our un- tion of electromagnetic radiation with nanoparticles. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory derstanding of collisionless wave-particle interactions and Civale, Leonardo Chemical Physics their effects on plasma properties in the solar atmosphere, Los Alamos National Laboratory For his significant contributions to the development of the interplanetary medium, and all astrophysical plasmas. Greven, Martin Condensed Matter Physics electronic structure methods and computer codes for Stanford University the simulation of molecular properties and reactivity. For seminal contributions to the understand- Genzer, Jan Materials Physics ing of anisotropic electrical and magnetic prop- North Carolina State University For establishing a stellar record in growth and perfection erties of superconductors and vortex physics. Dutcher, John Polymer Physics of high quality crystals of oxide superconductors, which have permitted both his inelastic neutron and X-ray scat- University of Guelph For the design, synthesis, and modeling of tering experiments, and a host of other experiments (STM, Clarke, Nigel Polymer Physics engineered surfaces and interfaces. ARPES, and optical measurements) by his collaborators University of Durham For fundamental contributions to the understanding of poly- which led to a number of important advances in the field. Polymer Physics mers at the nanoscale; particularly to the development of Gershenfeld, Neil novel experimental techniques for the study of ultrathin films. For contributions made to the field of soft con- Massachusettes Institute of Technology Grimm, Rudolf densed matter, and in particularly the phase be- Physics and Society Institute for Experimental Physics havior and dynamics of polymer systems. Everitt, C.W. Francis For significant contributions ranging from quan- Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics Stanford University tum computing to advanced technologies for global For fundamental contributions in experimental atomic Collins, John C. Gravitation development and for leadership in bringing sci- physics with quantum degenerate Bose and Fermi gases, ence out of the laboratory and into the real world. Pennsylvania State University For his pioneering role as scientist, visionary, and leader in particular Bose Einstein condensation of molecules, Particles and Fields in the development and successful operation of Grav- Cooper pairing of cold fermionic atoms, Efimov states, ity Probe B, a mission to measure the general relativ- For seminal contributions to the foundation of quantum Gershenson, Michael and repulsively bound atom pairs in optical lattices. istic dragging of inertial frames by the rotating Earth. chromodynamics, including the proofs of a series of factor- Rutgers University ization theorems, and the analysis of high energy scattering. Condensed Matter Physics Gunner, Marilyn Ezra, Gregory For experimental studies of quantum trans- City College of New York Cornell University Collins, Lance R. port and dephasing processes in disor- Biological Physics Chemical Physics dered low-dimensional electronic systems. Cornell University For her work in both experimental and theoretical stud- Fluid Dynamics For his deep contributions to the analysis of the classi- ies of electron and proton transfer processes in proteins, cal, semi-classical, and quantum molecular mechan- For new physical understandings of the dynam- Giannetta, Russell in particular for her beautiful work coupling the theory of ics of systems of multiple degrees of freedom, with ap- ics of aerosol particles, droplets, polymer molecules, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign electrostatic interactions to the dynamics of charge trans- plications to their linear and non-linear . and reacting gases in turbulence through novel di- Condensed Matter Physics fer in photosynthetic reaction centers , and in recogni- rect numerical simulations and insightful theories. For significant advances in experimental techniques for tion of her service to the Division of Biological Physics. Feigelman, Mikhail measuring the superconducting penetration depth and Corkum, Paul Landau Institute their application for elucidating the pariing symmetry and Hall, Carol National Research Council Condensed Matter Physics electronic structure of unconventional superconductors. North Carolina State University Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics For contributions to the theory of disordered materi- Biological Physics als, in particular to pinned charge density waves, spin For developing the ideas and concepts that led to Gillies, George For creating a new paradigm to simulate protein aggregation glasses, pinned vortices in superconductors, glass the field of attosecond science, to the understand- University of Virginia through a combination of intermediate-resolution molecular formation in systems without quenched disorder, and ing of high harmonic emission and recollision physics. Instrument & Measurements Science models and the discontinuous molecular dynamics method. disordered superconductor-normal metal structures. For enduring contributions to the development of magnetic Cote, Robin stereotaxis. His inventions already are guiding catheters Haus, Joseph Feng, Jonathan University of Connecticut to critical regions of the human heart. Current research University of Dayton University of California, Irvine may lead to delivery of medications to the brain as well. Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics Laser Science Particles and Fields For contributions to the study of ultracold systems, and the For his seminal contributions to nonlinear and For his contributions to the understanding of the proper- effect of long-range interactions in ultracold Rydberg gases, Girimaji, Sharath quantum optics of heterogeneous materi- ties of supersymmetric particles and the possible role of atom-ion mixtures, and the formation of ultracold molecules. Texas A & M University als, especially photonic band gap structures. these particles in forming the dark matter of the universe. Fluid Dynamics Crease, Robert For important contributions to the fundamental un- Heron, Paula Fenter, Paul State University of New York at Stony Brook derstanding of elementary turbulence process- University of Washington Argonne National Laboratory History of Physics es; and, based on this improved knowledge, for Education Condensed Matter Physics the development of widely-used engineering clo- For his extensive historical writings on physics, in- sure models for turbulence and turbulent mixing. For her leadership in the physics education research cluding “The Second Creation”, “Making Science A For innovative application of x-ray scattering to the community and development and active dissemina- Biography of Brookhaven National Laboratory” and study of complex molecular-scale structures and pro- tion of research-based curricula that significantly his completion of Robert Serber’s memoirs and Abra- cesses at organic-inorganic and mineral-water interfaces. Givi, Peyman impact physics instruction throughout the world. ham Pais’ biography of J. Robert Oppenheimer. University of Pittsburgh Fischer, Wolfram Fluid Dynamics Hershcovitch, Ady Crespi, Vincent Brookhaven National Laboratory For pioneering computational research on turbu- Brookhaven National Laboratory Pennsylvania State University Physics of Beams lent reactive flows, and especially for the develop- Plasma Physics For the successful commissioning of high luminosity ment of the filtered density function methodology. Computational Physics For inventing and developing original plas- high energy collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Col- For creative ideas and innovative computations enhanc- mas devices, as well as improving existing de- lider and outstanding contributions to the understand- ing our understanding of nanoscale matter and predicting Glauser, Mark vices for applications in research and industry ing of high-energy accelerator and collider properties. new structures and materials with properties possess- Syracuse University that led to new technologies and new physics. ing technological and/or fundamental scientific value. Fluid Dynamics Flanagan, Eanna For his innovative use of multi-point low-dimensional Hewett, Joanne Croft, Mark Cornell University methods to elucidate key physics associated with time Stanford University Rutgers University Gravitation dependent flow phenomena for flow control applica- Particles and Fields In recognition of his contributions to gravitational tions in turbulent jets, shear layers and separated flows. Condensed Matter Physics For her contributions to our understanding of con- physics, ranging from the physics of gravitational For seminal contributions to correlated electron physics straints on and searches for physics beyond the waves and their detection, to the astrophysics of neu- and electronic structure of rare earth and transitional metal Glenzer, Ari Standard Model, and service to the particle phys- tron stars, and to cosmology and quantum gravity. compounds; novel applications of synchrotron radiation. Georgia Institute of Technology ics community leading studies of future experiments. Fluid Dynamics Flatte, Michael For in-depth insight into flow structure through in- University of Iowa

APS Prizes and Awards 5 Hinkel, Denise lisions and to the development of photoas- computations of vortex dynamics, and his insightful use of For pioneering work on the rheology, compatibiliza- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory socation spectroscopy in ultracold gasses. the resulting methods to increase the fundamental under- tion, processing, and properties of polymer blends. standing of regular and chaotic phenomena in fluid flows. Plasma Physics Kaganovich, Igor For extensive contributions to laser-plasma interaction Macrander, Albert physics and radiation hydrodynamic design of inertial- Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Krushelnick, Karl Argonne National Laboratory confinement fusion targets, and to the fundamental phys- Plasma Physics University of Michigan Instrument & Measurement Science ics of linear and nonlinear wave propagation in plasma. For pioneering contributions to the kinetic modeling of plas- Plasma Physics For advancement of x-ray science, x-ray optics, and mas, including collisionless electron heating, negative ion For pioneering contributions to experimental high-intensity x-ray measurements on crystals and for his leader- Hjorth-Jensen, Morten dynamics, Hall thrusters, and intense ion beam dynamics. laser plasma physics including the production of high- ship as Editor of the Review of Scientific Instruments. University of Oslo quality relativistic electron beams, energetic proton beams and the development of techniques to measure very Nuclear Physics Kalia, Rajiv Maekawa, Sadamichi large magnetic fields in intense laser-produced plasmas. For his seminal developments in nuclear many-body University of Southern California Tohoku University theory and its applications in various nuclear many- Computational Physics Magnetism & Its Applications Kuhn, Sebastian body calculations ranging from finite nuclear struc- For contributions to the development of multimil- Old Dominion University For seminal contributions to understanding spin-de- ture, to level densities, to infinite nuclear matter. lion-atom multiscale simulation methods on paral- pendent transport in magnetic materials and nano- lel computers and their application to the fundamen- Hadronic Physics structures, high Tc superconductivity, transition metal Hollenhorst, James tal understanding of atomistic mechanisms for broad For his leadership on measurements of oxides, the basic physics of spin-electronics, and Agilent Labs properties and processes in nanostructured materials. the nucleon structure functions, in particu- developing exact numerical many-body techniques lar in the non-perturbative and valence region. to study strongly-correlated electronic systems. Industrial and Applied Physics Kardar, Mehran For outstanding contributions to measurement sci- ence and low noise electronics and for leadership of Massachusettes Institute of Technology Kurtsiefer, Christian Majeski, Richard physical science based research and development Statistical & Nonlinear Physics National University of Singapore Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory in support of electronics and life science businesses. For pioneering work in a broad range of topics in statistical Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics Plasma Physics physics, including the dynamics of growing interfaces, direct- For pioneeering contributions to practical quantum For fundamental studies of radio-frequency heating and Homes, Christopher ed polymers in random media, tethered surfaces, stability of cryptography. plasma-wall interactions, including the first observation of Brookhaven National Laboratory charge polymers and, more recently, biophysical systems. Alfvén wave heating in a tokamak, the first demonstration of mode-conversion current drive, and pioneering work in Condensed Matter Physics Kwiatkowski, Kris Karma, Alain the use of liquid lithium as a plasma-facing component. For seminal contributions to the develop- Los Alamos National Laboratory ment of infrared spectroscopy, and its ap- Northeastern University Nuclear Physics plication to strongly correlated systems. Statistical & Nonlinear Physics Majetich, Sara For his central role in experimental studies of en- Carnegie Mellon University For innovative ideas and results in the study of non- ergy dissipation in nuclear reactions which have pro- Howard, Don equilibrium spatially-extended processes, especially vided evidence of the nuclear liquid-gas phase transi- Magnetism & Its Applications University of Notre Dame the phase-field method for solidification and the role of tion, and in development of new detector techniques. For innovative research on magnetic nanoparticles and their restitution in the excitable dynamics of cardiac tissue. interactions, the development of novel self-assembly tech- History of Physics Lazzarini, Albert niques to prepare ordered nanoparticle assemblies, and the For his ground-breaking studies of the interplay be- Kasap, Safa design of plasmonic magnetic nanoparticles for biomedicine. tween physics and philosophy of science in the 20th California Institute of Technology University of Saskatchewan century, especially in connection with the work of Ein- Gravitation Majumder, Protik stein and Bohr, and for organizing conference series Industrial and Applied Physics For leadership in the development of the La- Williams College and editing book series fostering the dialogue between For contributions to the science and technology of ser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observa- physicists and philosophers and historians of science. amorphous semiconductors and devices; in particu- tory (LIGO) and its scientific program, and in the Precision Measurement and Fundamental lar, for advances in x-ray photoconductors used in development of large-scale computational grids for Constants Hughes, Emlyn direct conversion flat panel x-ray image detectors. gravitational wave physics and other fields of science. For precision measurements of atomic structure that Columbia University test atomic theory and probe the basic laws and sym- Particles and Fields Katz, Howard Lewis, Jennifer metries of nature, and for engaging talented undergradu- ate physics students in making such measurements. For leadership in forefront experimental research that Johns Hopkins University University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign elucidated the spin structure of the nucleon and pro- Materials Physics Materials Physics Makhijani, Arjun vided unique precision tests the Standard Model. For introducing designed organic materials as ac- For seminal contributions to the fields of colloi- tive platforms in electronic and optical devices in- dal science and directed assembly of materials. Institute for Energy & Environmental Research Hunt, Jeffrey cluding transistors and electro-optic modulators, Physics and Society Boeing Info Spc & Def Sys innovations in synthesis and device design, and serv- Lidar, Daniel For his tireless efforts to provide the pub- ing the physical science community through soci- University of Soutern California lic with accurate and understandable infor- Industrial and Applied Physics ety leadership, editorship, and government outreach. mation on energy and environmental issues. For significant contributions in nonlinear- sur Quantum Information, Concepts and face spectroscopy, and ground-breaking applica- Computation Kearns, Edward Malik, F Bary tions of laser physics in the aerospace industry. Boston University For his contributions to the theory of decoherence control of Southern Illinois University open quantum systems for quantum information process- Huston, Joey Particles and Fields ing, especially the decoherence free subspace method. International Physics Michigan State University For contributions in neutrino physics and particle as- For his extensive contributions to atomic and nuclear trophysics, particularly using the Super-Kamiokande Lin, Yu physics, mathematical phynuclear physics, and in de- Particles and Fields experiment to reveal atmospheric neutrino oscil- veloping physics research programs and education For scientific leadership and fundamental contribu- lations and set stringent limits on proton decay. Auburn University around the world, particularly in emerging nations. tions to the study of the strong interaction of quarks and Plasma Physics gluons through definitive experiments at hadron col- Kettell, Steven For her trailblazing global hybrid simulations of Martinez-Miranda, Luz liders and important phenomenological calculations. Brookhaven National Laboratory the dynamics and structures of solar wind-mag- University of Maryland netosphere boundary layers; particularly, at the Education Idzerda, Yves Particles and Fields dayside magnetopause and the bow shock. Montana State University For his leadership in rare kaon decay experiments. For sustained achievements in recruiting, mentoring, and advancing women and minorities in physics; for engaging Materials Physics Lloyd, Seth Khanna, Shiv K-16 students in the excitement of research; and for being For his outstanding contributions to the de- Massachusettes Institute of Technology a superb role model through her elegant research to under- velopment and application of soft x-ray spec- Virginia Commonwealth University Quantum Information, Concepts and stand liquid crystal systems and further their application. troscopies to the study of magnetic systems. Chemical Physics Computation For his pioneering contributions to the theoreti- For seminal contributions to the theory of quan- Mason, Thomas E. Ihm, Jisoon cal understanding of electronic and magnetic prop- tum computation and quantum communi- Oak Ridge National Laboratory Seoul National University erties of clusters as well as work on superatoms cation and their physical implementations. forming a new dimension to the periodic table. Condensed Matter Physics Materials Physics For pioneering inelastic neutron scattering mea- Long, Lyle For his fundamental contributions to the theory of solids, Kim, Philip surements on high temperature superconduc- surfaces and nanostructures, especially his development of Pennsylvania State University tors and Kondo insulators. Outstanding contribu- the momentum-space formalism for total energy of solids. Columbia University Computational Physics tions to neutron instrumentation and leadership of Condensed Matter Physics For the advancement and teaching of computa- the Oak Ridge Spallation Neutron Source project. Irwin, Kent For the creation of single layer graphite (gra- tional science. In particular, for the use of high per- National Institute of Standards & Technology phene) and the study of its unusual two-di- formance computers for computational fluid dy- McCoy, Anne mensional electronic transport properties. Instrument & Measurement Science namics, aeroacoustics, and rarefied gas dynamics. Ohio State University For world-leading technical contributions and leadership in Chemical Physics Kimura, Yoshifumi applying transition-edge superconducting sensors to mate- Longmire, Ellen For contributions to the development of theoreti- rials and nuclear analysis and astronomical observations. Nagoya University University of Minnesota cal and computational insight into the spectros- Fluid Dynamics Fluid Dynamics copy and dynamics of molecules and molecular Jaffe, Charles For contributions to the development of our understanding For innovative experiments in turbulent and complexes that exhibit large amplitude motions. West Virginia University of turbulent flows and the dispersion of scalars in a vari- particle-laden flows, and the development of ety of geophysical settings through the numerical simula- Few-Body Systems new and improved flow diagnostic techniques. McKeever, Stephen tions and a comparison of these to theory and experiment. For fundamental discoveries in the theory of transport Oklahoma State University in atomic, molecular, and celestial mechanical systems. Lopez, Jorge Condensed Matter Physics Kinney, Edward University of Texas For major contributions to solid-state radiation dosimetry University of Colorado Jarrell, Mark International Physics using thermally and optically stimulated luminescence from Nuclear Physics University of Cincinnati For contributions to nuclear physics, in particular for the un- wide band-gap insulators, including the development of For his contributions to the experimental study of the spin novel luminescence techniques for radiation measurement. Computational Physics derstanding of the liquid-gas nuclear phase transition, and structure of the nucleon in polarized deep inelastic electron for support of the development of physics in Latin Amer- For seminal contributions to the development of scattering from internal polarized gas targets and for his ica through research and development collaborations, McKinley, Gareth computational condensed matter physics includ- experimental and theoretical elucidation of pion reaction organization of symposia, and recruitment of students. Massachusettes Institute of Technology ing dynamical mean field theory and the dynamical mechanisms in pion double charge exchange in light nuclei. cluster approximation applied to advancing the un- Fluid Dynamics derstanding of strongly correlated electron systems. Luban, Marshall Kirkby, David For the development of methods for characteriza- Iowa State University tion of the rheology of complex liquids and improved Jeffrey, William University of California, Irvine Condensed Matter Physics understanding of elastic effects and instabilities. Particles and Fields Institute for Defense Analysis For long-term significant contributions to condensed matter APS For outstanding contributions to the experimen- theory, including pioneering work on the Lifshitz multicriti- McLeish, Tom tal study and understanding of mixing and CP viola- cal point, on Bloch oscillations of electrons in semiconduc- For excellence in management of scientific and University of Leeds tion in the neutral B meson system, and for the de- tor superlattices, and the modeling of magnetic molecules. technical programs, particularly those of the Na- velopment of data modeling and analysis software Polymer Physics tional Institute of Standards and Technology. used throughout the high energy physics community. For seminal contributions to the theory of dy- Ma, Jianpeng namics and rheology of entangled polymers, es- Baylor College of Medicine Jessen, Poul Kleiber, Paul pecially polymers with long-chain branching. Biological Physics University of Arizona University of Iowa For outstanding contributions to the field of biophys- Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics Chemical Physics Mehta, Anita ics are in developing novel computational methods that For pioneering contributions to the development of optical S. N. Bose Nat Ctr Basic Sci For contributions to the study of excited state interac- have substantially expanded one’s ability to simulate, lattices of laser cooled atoms, quantum information process- International Physics tions in ion-molecule clusters and in molecular collisions. model and refine flexible biomolecular systems based ing, and quantum control experiments with atomic spins. on experimental data at low to intermediate resolutions. For being a pioneer in granular physics, and contribu- Kofman, Lev He is one of the pioneers and leading experts in the field. tions to many and diverse areas in complex systems Jonas, David and nonlinear dynamics; for her efforts to help ‘invisible University of Toronto University of Colorado scientists’ in emergent countries become globally visible, Astrophysics Macchiavelli, Augusto Laser Science with special reference to women in international science. For seminal contributions to the theory of inflation and pre- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory For his pioneering contributions to phase-re- heating in the early universe, the role of cosmological con- Nuclear Physics Migdall, Alan solved nonlinear optics and the demonstration stant on the microwave background, and the emergence For his essential role in the development and use of National Institute of Standards & Technology and subsequent development of femtosecond of the cosmic web from Gaussian density fluctuations. Gammasphere and for his seminal contributions to the Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics two-dimensional Fourier transform spectroscopy. understanding of the phenomenon of magnetic rotation Krasny, Robert and to the study of neutron-proton pairing correlations. For the development of parametric down conversion and Jones, Kevin correlated-photon generation for metrology, cryptography, University of Michigan Williams College communications, and fundamental physics applications. Fluid Dynamics Macosko, Chris Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics For his many achievements in advancing particle methods University of Minnesota For seminal contributions to the study of cold col- and tree-code algorithms to allow exceptionally precise Polymer Physics

6 APS Prizes and Awards Milner, Richard ership in plasma physics administration and education. For his original and innovative contributions to the Distinguished for his contributions over a long re- Massachusettes Institute of Technology understanding of growth and properties of quantum search career to the theory of condensed matter, par- nanostructures, in particular his pioneering contribu- ticularly in the fields of magnetism in perfect and dis- Nuclear Physics Reining, Lucia CNRS–Ecole Polytechnique tions to quantum growth of metal thin films and op- ordered materials and of correlated atomic diffusion. For his leadership in the HERMES/DESY and BLAST/ tical coherence in semiconductor quantum dots. Computational Physics Bates experiments which have advanced our understand- Tavoularis, Stavros ing of the spin structure of strongly interacting systems. For her fundamental contributions to ab initio com- Singh, Pushpendra University of Ottawa putation of spectroscopic properties of solids, em- New Jersey Institute of Technology Miranda, Rodolfo ploying many-electron Green¿s function and Fluid Dynamics Fluid Dynamics University Autonoma Madrid time-dependent density functional approaches. For contributions to turbulence, turbulent mixing, vortex For outstanding contributions to the development of effi- dynamics, aerodynamics, thermo-hydraulics, bio-fluid dy- Materials Physics Rezayi, Edward cient algorithms for the direct numerical simulations (DNS) namics, and design of flow apparatus and instrumentation. For his contributions to surface and thin film magne- California State University of multiphase fluids, and for using the DNS technique in Also, for contributions to education in fluid dynamics and for tism, including new methods of epitaxial growth us- conjunction with experiments as a tool for understand- promoting international collaboration and understanding. ing surfactants or controlling the morphology at the Condensed Matter Physics ing the physics of a broad range of multiphase systems. atomic scale, the identification and characterization of For fundamental theoretical contributions to Terhal, Barbara model systems for magnetism in low dimensions, and the field of the fractional quantum Hall effect. Smolin, Lee IBM T. J. Watson Research Center the observation of magic heights in metallic islands. Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics Rimmer, Robert Quantum Information, Concepts & Computation Gravitation Mirkin, Noemi Jefferson Laboratory For her fundamental contributions to the theo- University of Michigan For his influential contributions to quantum grav- ry of entanglement, quantum information the- Physics of Beams ity and for his tireless outreach efforts to com- ory, and quantum computational complexity. International Physics For advances in the science and technology of RF struc- municate the excitement of contemporary phys- For her leadership in establishing productive international tures and beam stability in high-current accelerators. ics to philosophers, artists and the lay public. Terning, John collaborations, her many achievements in biological University of California, Davis molecular physics and for her long service to the interna- Roberts, Winston Sokolov, Alexei tional community as an officer and Executive Committee Particles and Fields University of Akron member of the Forum on International Physics. Florida State University For seminal contributions to studies of elec- Nuclear Physics Polymer Physics troweak symmetry breaking beyond the stan- Mohammad, Noor For significant contributions to hadron physics using mod- For outstanding contributions in polymer and protein dy- dard model, and cosmology in extra dimensions. els of QCD as well as effective field theories and phenom- namics including the discovery of a dynamical crossover Unknown onological Lagrangians, for the development of polarization and the relation between fragility and Poisson’s ratio. Terry, James Industrial and Applied Physics observables in photoproduced three-body final states, and Massachusettes Institute of Technology for continued service to the nuclear science community. For sustained contribution to the development of nano- Sommers, Paul Plasma Physics wire technology and ohmic contacts to semiconductors. Pennsylvania State University For significant contributions in the areas of volume re- Rost, Jan Astrophysics Moshchalkov, Victor combination in plasmas, plasma impurity transport, wall- Max Planck Institute For his significant contributions to experimental cosmic conditioning with lithium, plasma transport, and plasma Institute for Nanoscale Physics & Chemistry Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics ray physics, for his major part in designing and building the turbulence in magnetic fusion confinement devices. Condensed Matter Physics For seminal investigations of correlated doubly excited Pierre Auger Cosmic Ray Observatory, and his leadership For important contributions to the study of vor- states, threshold fragmentation in few-body Coulom- role in using it to obtain novel and important insights into the Thadhani, Naresh tex matter and nano-structured superconductors. bic systems and small clusters, pendular states of lin- nature and properties of the highest energy cosmic rays. Georgia Institute of Technology ear molecules, and for elucidating the role of correlation Shock Compression of Condensed Matter Narain, Meenakshi and relaxation in ultracold plasmas and Rydberg gases. Spaldin, Nicola For global leadership in shock compres- Brown University University of California, Santa Barbara Rykaczewski, Krzysztof sion, distinguished service to APS; and impor- Particles and Fields Materials Physics tant research elucidating new mechanisms. Oak Ridge National Laboratory For important contributions to the measure- For her development and implementation of new computa- ment of the properties of the top quark. Nuclear Physics tional and theoretical tools for computing the properties of Todd, Alan For his many pioneering achieve- complex solids and their application to the rational design Advance Energy Systems Newman, Mark ments in studies of radioactive nuclei. and understanding of new multifunctional materials, and for her profound and diverse contributions to Physics education. Industrial and Applied Physics University of Michigan Sandvik, Anders For his leadership and contributions to the devel- Statistical & Nonlinear Physics opment and Industrial production of high-average- Boston University Spinka, Harold For pioneering work on the statistical phys- Argonne National Laboratory current particle accelerator components and for ad- ics of complex systems, especially the the- Computational Physics vances in the understanding of plasma MHD stability. ory and characterization of networks. For contributions to the development of quan- Nuclear Physics tum Monte Carlo methods and their applica- For his contributions to spin physics and leadership of Trbojevic, DeJan Nordlund, Thomas tions to problems in quantum magnetism. symmetry experiments at ZGS, LAMPF, AGS, and RHIC. Brookhaven National Laboratory University of Alabama, Birmingham Physics of Beams Schatz, Hendrik Sridhar, S Biological Physics For his original contributions in the design, commission- Michigan State University Northeastern University In recognition of his pioneering work in protein ing and operations Tevatron and RHIC colliders and for dynamics, DNA dynamics and ser- Nuclear Physics Condensed Matter Physics the development of new concepts for future accelerators. vice to the biological physics community. For his seminal contributions to our theoretical and For elegant experiments providing seminal insights experimental understanding of the r-process, the rp on left-handed metamaterials, quantum chaos, vortex Trudeau, Michel O’Brien, Edward process, x-ray bursts, and the modification of neu- and quasiparticle electrodynamics in superconductors, Inst de Recherche d’Hydro tron star crusts by the ashes of nuclear processes. and collective excitations in low-dimensional materials. Brookhaven National Laboratory Industrial and Applied Physics Nuclear Physics Schmidt, Michael Stapelfeldt, Henrik For his sustained and highly original contributions to the syn- thesis of metastable and nanostructural materials and the For leadership in the construction, operation and con- Yale University University of Aarhus tinuous improvement of the PHENIX detector since the study of their physical properties, with the emphasis in their start of RHIC, notably for the successful implementation Particles and Fields Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics uses for improved energy efficiency related applications. of significant annual upgrades of the detector as part For pioneering work in the technology and For his pioneering work in the use of ultrashort laser pulses of a systematic program to extend its physics reach. analysis of neutral B meson decays at the Te- to align molecules and to study their dissociation dynamics. Tsai, Din Ping vatron Collider, leading to precision measure- National Taiwan University ments of the mass matrix of the neutral B mesons. Stefani, Giovanni Osterwalder, Jurg Industrials and Applied Physics University of Zurich University of Roma Schuhmann, Reinhardt For his contributions in nanophotonics, plasmonics Condensed Matter Physics Few-Body Systems American Physical Society, Ridge and near-field optics especially on near-field scaning For development of photoemission techniques for sur- For his pioneering works in electron-electron coinci- optical microscopy, nano storage and nano imaging. face and solid-state studies, including advances in angle- APS dence experiments (e,2e) on atoms, molecules and sur- resolved photoemission for Fermi surface mapping and In recognition of his distinguished and dedicated faces and the development of innovative instrumentation. Turneaure, John photoelectron diffraction for determining surface structure. service as an Editor of Physical Review Letters, Stanford University and for his leadership and advocacy in his posi- Stoehlker, Thomas Precision Measurement and Fundamental Petty, Clinton tion as Managing Editor of Physical Review Letters. GSI Darmstadt Constants General Atomics Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics Searson, Peter For pioneering the development of ultrahigh-Q supercon- Plasma Physics For significant contributions to the understanding of the Johns Hopkins University ducting microwave cavities and their application to funda- For accurate measurements of rf-driven non-inductive atomic structure and exprocesses of highly charged ions Materials Physics mental physics experiments, and for development of the current profiles leading to the validation of theory in un- through precision spectroscopy on few-electron high Z ions. Gravity Probe B science instrument to test General Relativity. precedented detail, and for innovative developments in For advances in the fundamental physics associ- heat transport scaling with dimensionless parameters. ated with growth at the solid/liquid interface and pio- Strassler, Matthew Ulloa, Sergio neering work in multifunctional metallic nanowires. University of Washington Ohio University Phillips, Richard Particles and Fields International Physics Cavendish Lab Seebauer, Edmund For work extending the AdS/CFT grav- For his contributions to the theory of transport and opti- Condensed Matter Physics University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign ity/gauge duality to QCD-like confining theories, Industrial and Applied Physics cal properties of low-dimensional semiconductor systems For contributions to the understanding of coher- and for insights into novel aspects of the phys- and complex molecules, and his many contributions ent quantum optical processes in semiconductors. For the discovery of a new suite of physical mechanisms ics of strongly coupled supersymmetric theories. to international physics as organizer of schools, work- for controlling the behavior of point defects in semiconduc- shops, and conferences, in particular in Latin America. Polzik, Eugene tors using surfaces, photostimulation and ions, with ap- Streiffer, Stephen plications in transistor manufacture for integrated circuits. University of Copenhagen Argonne National Laboratory Vaccaro, Patrick Materials Physics Laser Science Seidel, Edward Yale University For experimental studies of ferroelectric thin film physics, Development of robust light and matter entangle- Louisiana State University Laser Science ment and their use in teleportation protocols. that have established the relationships between epitaxial Computational Physics For the development and application of linear/nonlin- strain, ferroelectric phase transition behavior and domain ear spectroscopic techniques to elucidate the struc- Prigodin, Vladimir For his leadership in the development of collaborative com- structure, and size effects, and for advancing the fundamen- ture, dynamics, and chiroptical response of molecules. putational frameworks and for contributions in the numeri- tal understanding of complex oxide thin film microstructure. Ohio State University cal solution of the Einstein equations of general relativity. Van Saarloos, Wim Condensed Matter Physics Sukhishvili, Svetlana University of Leiden For his pioneering studies of electronic properties of low- Sension, Roseanne Steven Institute of Technology dimensional systems, proposal and development of fun- University of Michigan Statistical & Nonlinear Physics damentals of charge transport in quasi-one-dimensional Polymer Physics Laser Science For his seminal contributions to the understanding of disordered structures, and also of operating principals For fundamental contributions to the science of poly- the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation, spatiotem- of new organic-based electronic materials/devices and For pioneering work on dynamic in the condensed phase, mer monolayers and multilayers adsorbed at water/ poral chaos, pattern formation, and front propagation fully spin polarized organic spintronic materials/devices. steady state and ultrafast measurements of excited state dy- solid interface, and for understanding the correlations of polymeric self-assembly in solutions and at surfaces. namics, and optical control of chemical reaction dynamics. Van Schilfgaarde, Mark Prince, Thomas Shapero, Donald Sun, Jonathan Arizona State University California Institute of Technology Computational Physics Astrophysics National Academy of Science IBM T. J. Watson Research Center Physics and Society Magnetism & Its Applications For the development of electronic structure methods, in For his broad contributions to the fields of astro- particular in computational magnetism, the first all-elec- physics and space science, including his leader- For his seminal contributions in framing the field of For his many contributions to the understanding and tron self-consistent quasiparticle GW method and novel ship role as the LISA Mission Scientist and his ser- physics in a persuasive and compelling manner so application of magnetic and superconducting de- implementations of the linear muffin-tin orbital approach. vice as the Chief Scientist at JPL from 2001 to 2006. as to broaden its understanding and support; and vices, including those based on spin-momentum transfer and high-temperature superconductivity. for his dedicated commitment to physics and astron- Venugopalan, Raju omy through service with the National Academies. Randeria, Mohit Brookhaven National Laboratory Ohio State University Szabo, Attila Shelley, Michael Nuclear Physics Condensed Matter Physics National Institute of Health New York University Biological Physics For seminal work elucidating the parton sub- For seminal theoretical contributions to strongly-correlated structure of nucleons and nuclei at low x. superconductors, to the analysis of angle-resolved photo- Fluid Dynamics For development of the model-independent theoretical anal- ysis of nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation experiments, emission spectroscopy, and to the BCS-BEC crossover. For his broad-ranging contributions to computational Verhaar, Boudewyn fluid mechanics, including boundary integral tech- development of powerful methods to analyze and interpret Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Rax, Jean-Marcel niques for interface dynamics, singularity formation a range of single molecule experiments, and for major con- in topological transitions, and fluid-body interactions. tributions to the theory of diffusion-influenced reactions. Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics Ecole Polytechnique For seminal and wide-ranging theoretical con- Plasma Physics Shih, Chih-Kang Tahir-Kheli, Raza tributions to the field of ultra-cold atomic gases. For fundamental contributions to the physics of alpha par- University of Texas Temple University ticles and fast electrons in tokamaks, basic plasma phys- Vlasov, Yurii ics, and technological plasmas, and for exceptional lead- Materials Physics Condensed Matter Physics IBM T. J. Watson Research Center

APS Prizes and Awards 7 Laser Science ing of the quantum behavior of electrons in- applications of thin film materials including high temperature novative ideas concerning the development of a lithium For contributions to the understand- side nanoscale semiconductor structures, includ- superconductors, ferroelectrics, and magnesium diboride. walled tokamak as an approach to an economic reactor. ing of the photonic nanostructures includ- ing imaging the coherent flow of electron waves. ing photonic crystals and silicon nanophotonics. Yamamoto, Yoshihisa Zeldov, Eli Wheeler, J. Craig Stanford University Weizmann Institute of Science Vvedensky, Dimitri University of Texas, Austin Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics Condensed Matter Physics Imperial College Astrophysics For field opening contributions to quan- For pioneering experiments that uncovered the na- Materials Physics In recognition of his work on supernova astrophysics and re- tum optics and mesoscopic physics. ture of vortex lattice melting and elucidated the vortex lated topics. Throughout his career, Wheeler has synthesized phase diagram in high temperature superconductors. For original, sustained, and diverse theoreti- disparate areas and thus catalyzed new research directions. cal contributions toward understanding the mor- You, Li phological evolution of epitaxial thin films. Georgia Institute of Technology Zhu, Xiangdong Wisniewski, William Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics University of California Stanford University Waelbroeck, François For contributions to the theoretical study Chemical Physics University of Texas Particles and Fields of atomic quantum gases, atom-atom in- For innovative study of physical and chemical pro- Plasma Physics For outstanding contributions and leadership in the design, teractions, and atom-photon interactions. cesses and ultrathin films, including those of biologi- construction and operation of the BABAR detector, that cal significance, on solid surfaces, using real-time/ For his work on the effect of velocity shear on balloon- have enabled the accumulation of a unique data sample spectroscopic linear and nonlinear optical techniques. ing modes, on the formation of current ribbons, and on Zafar, Sufi for addressing precision physics in the heavy flavor sector. the effect of the polarization current in magnetic islands. IBM T. J. Watson Research Center Zippelius, Annette Industrial and Applied Physics Weiss, David Witala, Henryk Universitaet Goettingen Jagellonian University For her contribution to the understanding of electrical Pennsylvania State University degradation and charge transport mechanisms in high Statistical & Nonlinear Physics Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics Few-Body Systems permittivity and SiO2 dielectric thin films, with a focus For her many deep, innovative and lasting contributions to For his ground-breaking work in solving the three- statistical physics, especially in the areas of spin glasses, For seminal contributions to laser cooling, precision mea- on advanced CMOS and memory device applications. nucleon continuum system using the Faddeev neural networks, vulcanized matter and granular media. surements, the study of atoms in optical lattices, and for the scheme in a numerical accurate manner with re- experimental implementation of one-dimensional gases. Zakharov, Leonid alistic nucleon-nucleon and three-nucleon forces. Princeton University Zolotorev, Max Westervelt, Robert Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Xi, Xiaoxing Plasma Physics Harvard University Physics of Beams Pennsylvania State University For contributions to the theory and numerical calculation Condensed Matter Physics of megnetohydrodynamic equilibria, stability, and trans- For the invention of methods to generate ultra-cold and Materials Physics ultra-fast sources of electron and ion beams using lasers For seminal contributions to our understand- port in toroidal plasma confinement devices and for in- For his extensive and seminal contributions to the science and and optical techniques. Nomination Announcements Call for Nominations for 2009 APS Prizes and Awards Nomination Deadline is July 1, 2008, unless otherwise indicated.

PRIZES James C. McGroddy Prize Prize to a Faculty Member for Research Joseph F. Keithley Award Andrew Millis, Columbia University, Department of Physics & in an Undergraduate Institution James R. Matey, Sarnoff Corp, 201 Washington Road, Princeton, Astronomy, 538 W. 120th Street, New York, NY 10027, Phone John F. Mateja, Director of Undergraduate Research, Murray NJ 08543, Phone (609) 734-2868 Email [email protected] Hans A. Bethe Prize (212) 854-3336, Fax (212) 854-3379 Email [email protected] State University, Murray, KY 42071, Phone (270) 762-3191, Fax Roland L. Diehl, Max Planck Institut (MPE), Giessenbachstr 1, bia.edu (270) 762-3181 Email [email protected] Garching D-85741, Germany, Phone 49 89 30000 3850 Email Maria Goeppert Mayer Award [email protected] Sherry Yennello, Texas A&M University, Cyclortron Institute, Lars Onsager Prize George E. Valley Prize College Station, TX 77843, Phone (979) 845-1411, Fax (979) Paul M. Goldbart, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Shelly Johnston, American Physical Society, One Physics Ellipse, 845-1899 Email [email protected] Tom W. Bonner Prize Department of Physics, 1110 W Green Street, Urbana, IL 61801, College Park, MD 20740-3844, Phone (301) 209-3268, Fax (301) June L. Matthews, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Room Phone (217) 333-1195, Fax (217) 333-9819 Email goldbart@ 209-0865 Email: [email protected] Nicholson Medal 26-433, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139, Phone uiuc.edu (617) 253-0111 Email [email protected] Peter Meszaros, Pennsylvania State University, Department of Robert R. Wilson Prize Astronomy & Astrophysics, 525 Davey Laboratory, University Abraham Pais Prize Steve Gourlay, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, MS Park, PA 16802, Phone (814) 865-0418 Email pmeszaros@astro. Herbert P. Broida Prize Paul Halpern, University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, Depart- 50R4049, One Cyclotron Road, Berkeley, CA 94720, Phone (510) psu.edu R. P. Van Duyne, Northwestern University, Department of Che- ment of Math & Phys, 600 S 43rd St, Philadelphia, PA 19104, 486-1756, Fax (510) 486-6003 Email [email protected] mistry, 2145 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208-3113, Phone Phone (215) 596-8913, Fax (215) 895-1100 Email p.halper@usip. Francis Pipkin Award (847) 491-3516, Fax (847) 491-7713 Email vanduyne@chem. edu AWARDS, MEDALS Protik Majumder, Williams College, Department of Physics, Wil- nwu.edu & LECTURESHIPS liamstown, MA 01267, Phone (413) 597-3211, Fax (413) 597- George E. Pake Prize 4116 Email [email protected] Oliver E. Buckley Prize Sharon Glotzer, University of Michigan, Department of Chemical Engineering, HH Dow Rm 3014, 2300 Hayward Street, Ann Ar- Gregory S. Boebinger, Florida State University, National High David Adler Lectureship bor, MI 48109, Phone (734) 615-6296 Email [email protected] Leo Szilard Lectureship Magnetic Field Lab, 1800 East Paul Drive, Tallahassee, FL Zachary Fisk, University of California, Irvine, Department of Valerie Thomas, Georgia Institute of Technology, Industrial and 32310, Phone (850) 644-0851, Fax (850) 644-9462 Email gsb@ Physics & Astronomy, Irvine, CA 92697, Phone (949) 824-9883 magnet.fsu.edu Systems Engineering, 765 Ferst Drive, Atlanta, GA 30332, Phone W.K.H. Panofsky Prize Email [email protected] (404) 385-7254 Email [email protected] Harry Nelson, University of California, Santa Barbara, Physics Davisson-Germer Prize Department, Building 572 Santa Barbara, CA 93106, Phone (805) Leroy Apker Award 893-8612, Fax (805) 893-8597 Email [email protected] John Wheatley Award Deborah S. Jin, University of Colorado, JILA Campus Box 440, Alan Chodos, American Physical Society, One Physics Ellipse, Jerry Draayer, Louisiana State University, Department of Phys- Boulder, CO 80309 Phone (303) 492-0256 Email jin@jilau1. College Park, MD 20740, Phone (301) 209-3233, Fax (301) 209- colorado.edu ics & Astronomy, 202 Nicholson Hall, Baton Rouge, LA 70803- Earle K. Plyler Prize 0865 Email [email protected] 4001, Phone (225) 388-6844 Email [email protected] Tomas Baer, University of North Carolina, Department of Chem- Einstein Prize istry, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3290, Phone (919) 962-1580, Fax Edward A. Bouchet Award (919) 962-2388 Email [email protected] DISSERTATION AWARDS John Friedman, University of Wisconsin, Department of Physics, Joseph A. Johnson, CeNNAs, Florida A&M University, 1800-3 PO Box 413, Milwaukee, WI 53201, Phone (414) 229-4476, Fax Dirac Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32310, Phone (850) 561-2471, Fax (414) 229-5589 Email [email protected] Polymer Physics Prize (850) 561-2474 Email [email protected] Andreas Acrivos Award Michael Rubinstein, University of North Carolina, Department of Chemistry, CB 3290 Chapel Hill, NC 27599, Phone (919) 962- Paul Steen, Cornell University, Department of Chemical Engi- Fluids Dynamics Prize Joseph A. Burton Award neering, Olin Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853, Phone (607) 255-4749, Fax 3544, Fax (919) 962-2388 Email [email protected] Martin Maxey, Brown University, Division of Applied Mathemat- Valerie Thomas, Georgia Institute of Technology, Industrial and (607) 255-9166 Email : [email protected] ics, Box F, Providence, RI 02912, Phone (401) 863-1482, Fax Systems Engineering, 765 Ferst Drive, Atlanta, GA 30332, Phone (401) 863-2722 Email [email protected] I.I. Rabi Prize (404) 385-7254 Email [email protected] Mitsuyoshi Tanaka Award Peter Koch, SUNY-Stony Brook, Department of Physics & Astro- nomy, Stony Brook, NY 11794-3800, Phone (631) 632-8141, Fax William Ford, University of Colorado, Boulder, Physics Depart- Dannie Heineman Prize (631) 632-8176 Email [email protected] John Dawson Award for ment 390, Boulder, CO 80309, Phone (303) 492-6149, Fax (303) Beverly Berger, National Science Foundation, Physics Division Excellence in Plasma Physics Research 492-5119 Email [email protected] Suite 1015, 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22230, Phone Aneesur Rahman Prize Uri Shumlak, University of Washington, Box 352250, Seattle, (703) 292-7372, Fax (703) 292-9078 Email [email protected] Gerd Ceder, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department WA 98195, Phone (206) 616-1986, Fax (206) 543-4719 Email Award [email protected] of Materials Science and Engineering, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Thomas O’Neil, University of California, San Diego, Department Irving Langmuir Prize Cambridge, MA 02139, Phone (617) 253-1581 Email gceder@ of Physics 0319, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093, Phone Mostafa A. El-Sayed, Georgia Tech, School of Chem & Biochem. mit.edu John H. Dillon Medal (858) 534-4176, Fax (858) 534-0173 Email [email protected] Atlanta, GA 30332-0400, Phone (404) 894-0292, Fax (404) 894- Michael Rubinstein, University of North Carolina, Department of 0294 Email [email protected] J.J. Sakurai Prize Chemistry, CB 3290, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, Phone (919) 962- Nuclear Physics Dissertation Award 3544, Fax (919) 962-2388 Email: [email protected] Ben Grinstein, University of California, San Diego, Department Richard Casten, Yale University, Phys Dept/Wright Nuc Str Lab, Julius Edgar Lilienfeld Prize of Physics 0319, La Jolla, CA 92093, Phone (858) 534-5229, Fax PO Box 208124, New Haven, CT 06520, Phone (203) 432-6174, Elizabeth Beise, University of Maryland, Department of Physics, (858) 534-0173 Email [email protected] George E. Duvall Shock Compression Fax (203) 432-3522 E-mail [email protected] College Park, MD 20742, Phone (301) 405-6109, Fax (301) 405- Science Award 8558 Email [email protected] Arthur L. Schawlow Prize Ramon Ravelo, University of Texas, Department of Physics, El DAMOP Thesis Research Dissertation Award Paso, TX 79968, Phone (915) 747-5620, Fax (915) 747-5447 Marjatta Lyyra, Temple University, Physics Department, 1900 Prof. Robin Cote, University of Connecticut, Department of Phys- James Clerk Maxwell Prize North 13th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19122, Phone (215) 204- Email [email protected] ics U-3046, 2152 Hillside Road, Storrs, CT 06269-3046 Email George H. Neilson, Princeton University, PPPL, PO Box 451, 3776, Fax (215) 204-5652 Email [email protected] [email protected] Princeton, NJ 08543, Phone (609) 243-2726, Fax (609) 243-3315 Email [email protected]

2007 APS Fellowship Nomination Deadlines Fellowship nominations may be submitted at any time, but must be received by the deadlines listed below for the next review. For submittal information see: http://www.aps.org/programs/honors/ fellowships/nominations.cfm DIVISIONS Physics of Beams ………………………………….03/15/2008 Shock Compression ……………………………….04/04/2008 Plasma Physics …………………………………….04/04/2008 Hadronic Physics ….……………………………….04/26/2008 Astrophysics ………………………………………..04/26/2008 Gravitation …………………………………………..04/04/2008 Biological Physics ………………………………….04/04/2008 FORUMS Magnetism and Its Applications …………………..04/04/2008 Chemical Physics …………………………………....…...PAST Statistical & Nonlinear Physics …………………...04/04/2008 Computational Physics ……………………………04/04/2008 Physics & Society ………………...………………..04/04/2008 Plasma Astrophysics ………….…………………...04/04/2008 DAMOP (Atomic, Molecular, Optical) ……………04/04/2008 History of Physics …………………………...……..05/10/2008 Quantum Information ………………………….…...04/04/2008 DCMP (Condensed Matter) ………………………...... PAST International Physics ……………………………....04/04/2008 Fluid Dynamics …………………………………….03/29/2008 Industrial and Applied Physics ……………………03/08/2008 APS GENERAL 06/01/08 Polymer Physics …………………………………...04/04/2008 Education ……..…………………………………....04/04/2008 This category is reserved for unusual situations where the contribu- Laser Science ………………………………………04/04/2008 TOPICAL GROUPS tions of the nominee clearly do not fall into the area of a technical unit. Materials Physics …………………………………...... PAST They are reviewed and recommended directly by the APS Fellowship Nuclear Physics ……………………………………04/04/2008 Few Body …………………………………………...04/04/2008 Committee) Particles & Fields …………………………………..04/04/2008 Precision Measurement & Fund. Const.………....04/04/2008 Instrument & Measurement Science …………….04/26/2008

8 APS Prizes and Awards