
1. Which compound is a complex ? 7. store in what form? A) B) maltase A) amino B) fatty acids C) D) C) starch D) nucleic acids Base your answers to questions 2 and 3 on the structural 8. Base your answer to the following question on The effect formula below and on your knowledge of . of pH on a certain is shown in the graph below.

2. Which organic molecules are made up of repeating units At what pH is this enzyme most effective? of these molecules? A) above 10 B) between 8 and 10 A) starch and C) between 5 and 7 D) below 5 B) hemoglobin and 9. The graph below shows the results of an action of the C) fattty acids and enzyme catalase on a piece of . Evidence of enzyme D) amino acids and nucleic acids activity is indicated by bubbles of . 3. The structural formula represents what molecule? A) glucose B) glycerol C) D)

4. In which type of molecule is the ratio of to oxygen usually 2 to 1? A) B) protein C) carbohydrate D) glycerol 5. Base your answer to the following question on The diagram below represents the building block of a large molecule known as a Which statement best summarizes the activity of catalase shown in the graph? A) The enzyme works better at 10°C than at 50°C. B) The enzyme works better at 5°C than at 65°C. C) The enzyme works better at 35°C than at either A) protein B) fatty temperature extreme. C) carbohydrate D) nucleic acid D) The enzyme works at the same level in all 6. Molecules consisting only of , hydrogen, and environments. oxygen make up a large part of a wall. 10. In , excess glucose is stored as what? These molecules are classified as what? A) B) glycerol A) amino acids B) C) protein D) cellulose C) nucleic acids D) carbohydrates 11. Starch molecules are broken down into what? A) B) amino acids C) simple D) proteins 12. Which is produced when three fatty acid molecules bond to one glycerol molecule? A) glycogen B) protein C) carbohydrate D) a lipid 13. as what? A) sources of stored and transmitters of genetic information B) sources of stored energy and components of cellular membranes C) transmitters of genetic information and catalysts of chemical reactions D) catalysts of chemical reactions and components of cellular membranes 14. Hemoglobin and insulin are what type of organic molecule? A) proteins B) nucleic acids C) lipids D) carbohydrates 15. Which element is found in all proteins but not found in carbohydrates and lipids? A) carbon B) hydrogen C) oxygen D) nitrogen 16. If there were no nitrogen in the soil, plants growing in that soil would have difficulty in making what? A) amino acids and proteins B) glucose and C) and cellulose D) fatty acids and lipids 17. Proteins digested by animals are immediate sources of what? A) glucose B) cellulose C) fatty acids D) amino acids 18. Base your answer to the following question on the graph below and your knowledge of biology.

Pepsin works best in which type of environment? A) acid B) base C) neutral D) cold 19. Which statement describes all ? 23. Although a certain molecule is involved in a specific reaction, its shape is exactly the same after the reaction A) They control the transport of materials. as before the reaction. This molecule is most likely a B) They provide energy for chemical reactions. type of what? C) They speed up the rate of chemical reactions. D) They absorb oxygen from the environment. A) enzyme B) DNA C) D) acid 20. Which molecule is correctly paired with its building blocks? 24. Which statement describes , proteins, and DNA? A) cellulose – fatty acids B) DNA – nucleotides A) They are used to store genetic information. C) protein – monosaccharides B) They are complex molecules made from smaller D) lipid – amino acids molecules. C) They are used to make stronger. 21. All enzymes are examples of which type of organic D) They are simple molecules used as energy sources. compounds? 25. The enzyme beta-galactosidase is involved in a certain A) proteins B) carbohydrates body reaction. What will happen if beta-galactosidase is C) lipids D) nucleic acids not available? 22. Base your answer to the following question on In the A) A different enzyme will be used in the reaction. reaction illustrated in the diagram below, which B) The rate of the reaction will decrease. structure represents the enzyme? C) Different chemicals will be used in the reaction to replace the enzyme. D) The reaction will produce more beta-galactosidase.

A) A B) B C) C D) D 26. Base your answer to the following question on Base your answers to questions 31 and 32 on the Compound X increases the rate of the reaction shown information below and on your knowledge of biology. below. Organisms living in a bog environment must be able to tolerate poor conditions. Bog plants such as the Compound X is a type of what? Venus flytrap are able to attract and consume insects. A) enzyme B) lipid These plants produce chemicals that break down the insects into usable compounds. C) nucleic acid D) 31. The molecules in the plants that break down the insects 27. How do enzymes speed up chemical reactions? are most likely types of what? A) by increasing the amount of energy needed A) DNA B) carbohydrates B) by removing the productions after the reaction C) enzymes D) sugars C) by adding more substrates to the reaction D) by lowering the activation energy 32. Which compounds present in insects provide the Venus flytrap with much of their nitrogen? 28. Which type of organic molecule are ? A) proteins B) sugars A) lipids B) carbohydrates C) carbohydrates D) C) proteins D) nucleic acids 29. The chart below indicates the elements contained in 33. The enzyme salivary will affect the breakdown four different molecules and the number of atoms of of starch, but it will not affect the breakdown of lipids. each element in those molecules. The ability of an enzyme to interact with specific molecules is determined by what? A) shape of the molecules involved B) number of molecules involved C) the type of starch present D) amount of glucose present in the cell

Which molecule can be classified as organic? A) A B) B C) C D) D 30. An enzyme that works best in an acidic environment would function best at what pH? A) 11 B) 9 C) 3 D) 7 Base your answers to questions 34 and 35 on the diagram below, which represents a that occurs in the human body, and on your knowledge of biology.

34. Substances X and Y are examples of which kind of molecule? A) simple sugar B) amino acid C) lipid D) nucleotide 35. What is the structure labeled "Z"? A) an acid B) an enzyme C) a substrate D) a base

36. Enzymes bind with substrate molecules. Some medicines work by blocking enzyme activity in disease causing agents. Why are these medicines effective? A) they are the same size as the enzyme B) they are the same size as the substrate molecules C) they have a shape that fits into the enzyme D) they have a shape that fits into all cell receptors 37. The enzyme salivary amylase will break down starch, but not DNA. What does this tell us about salivary amylase? A) it contains starch B) it is reusable C) it is chemically specific 40. What D) it lacks protein organic compound is this the subunit of? 38. The function of enzymes is related to what? A) carbohydrates B) lipids A) How they interact with each other at a high pH. C) proteins D) nucleic acids B) How they interact with molecules that can alter 41. Which statement most likely explains why the boiled their specific bonding patterns. corn remains sweet? C) The way they are folded into a specific shape. A) Boiling destroys sugar molecules so they cannot D) The number of nucleotides found in their be converted to starch. structure. B) Boiling increases the amount of starch that is 39. What is the function of hemoglobin? converted to sugar. A) To speed up chemical reactions. C) Boiling activates the enzyme that converts amino B) To provide cells with energy. acids to sugar. C) To maintain the level of glucose in the blood. D) Boiling denatures the enzyme responsible for D) To carry oxygen on red blood cells. converting sugar to starch. 42. What is the relationship between the sugar in the corn 43. What do you know about the enzyme in the corn that and the starch? converts sugar to starch? A) The sugar is easier to store than the starch. A) It's optimal temperature is 122 degrees F. B) The starch is less complex than the sugar. B) It is a type of lipid molecule. C) The starch and sugar are both lipids. C) It also converts proteins in the corn to amino D) The sugar is the subunit of starch. acids. D) It's shape is changed at high temperatures. 44. Why does the corn have enzymes that convert sugar to starch? A) Plants store extra sugar as starch. B) Animals can digest sugar easier than starch. C) Starch is used to make proteins in the plant. D) Sugar is a more complex compound. Answer Key Organics 2013

1. D 37. C 2. A 38. C 3. A 39. A 4. C 40. B 5. D 41. D 6. D 42. D 7. C 43. D 8. B 44. A 9. C 10. A 11. C 12. D 13. B 14. A 15. D 16. A 17. D 18. A 19. C 20. B 21. A 22. B 23. A 24. B 25. B 26. A 27. D 28. A 29. A 30. C 31. C 32. A 33. A 34. A 35. B 36. C