Northamptonshire Archaeology Archaeological evaluation of land at Harley Way, Benefield Northamptonshire Northamptonshire Archaeology 2 Bolton House Wootton Hall Park Northampton NN4 8BE t. 01604 700493 f. 01604 702822 e.
[email protected] Charlotte Walker w. Report 11/203 October 2011 BENEFIELD, HARLEY WAY STAFF Project Manager: Ant Maull Cert Arch Text: Charlotte Walker BSc AIfA Fieldwork: Ant Maull Paul Clements BA Adrian Adams Roman pottery: Tora Hylton Medieval pottery: Paul Blinkhorn BTech Other finds: Tora Hylton Human finds: Andy Chapman BSc MIfA FSA Animal bone: Laszlo Lichtenstein MA Illustrations: Amir Bassir BSc QUALITY CONTROL Print name Signed Date Checked by Pat Chapman Verified by Ant Maull Approved by Andy Chapman Northamptonshire Archaeology 11/203 BENEFIELD, HARLEY WAY OASIS REPORT FORM PROJECT DETAILS Project name Harley Way, Benefield, Northampton Short description In September 2011, an archaeological evaluation was undertaken by Northamptonshire Archaeology on behalf of CgMs Consulting on land at Harley Way, Benefield, Northamptonshire. The evaluation has proved the veracity of the geophysical survey results with the excavation of a number of Romano-British ditches and a single pit dating to the 1st to early 2nd centuries AD in the eastern part of the field. The fragmentary skeleton of a human newborn were found at the top of the pit. However, the general paucity of artefacts and complete absence of finer pottery indicates that it was probably a low status rural farmstead. In the northern part of the field, where aerial photography identified rectilinear soil marks probably relating to the remains of Churchfield deserted medieval village, the remains of a medieval stone building were found.