Directorate-General for the Presidency Relations with National Parliaments Legislative Dialogue Unit National Parliaments Background Briefing (November 2016) PROCEDURES OF RATIFICATION OF MIXED AGREEMENTS SUMMARY NATIONAL/FEDERAL REGIONAL POSSIBLE COUNTRY LEVEL LEVEL REFERENDUM Approval Chambers Approval Austria (AT) ✔ 2/2 ✘ ✔ Belgium (BE) ✔ 2/2 ✔ ✘ Bulgaria (BG) ✔ 1/1 ✘ ✔ Croatia (HR) ✔ 1/1 ✘ ✔ Cyprus (CY) ✔ 1/1 ✘ ✘ Czech Republic (CZ) ✔ 2/2 ✘ ✘ Denmark (DK) ✔ 1/1 ✘ ✔ Estonia (EE) ✔ 1/1 ✘ ✘ Finland (FI) ✔ 1/1 ✘ ✘ France (FR) ✔ 2/2 ✘ ✔ Germany (DE) ✔ 2/2 ✘ ✘ Greece (EL) ✔ 1/1 ✘ ✔ Hungary (HU) ✔ 1/1 ✘ ✘ Ireland (IE) ✔ 1/2 ✘ ✔ Italy (IT) ✔ 2/2 ✘ ✘ Latvia (LV) ✔ 1/1 ✘ ✘ Lithuania (LT) ✔ 1/1 ✘ ✔ Luxembourg (LU) ✔ 1/1 ✘ ✘ Malta (MT) ✘ 0/1 ✘ ✘ The Netherlands (NL) ✔ 2/2 ✘ ✔ Poland (PL) ✔ 2/2 ✘ ✔ Portugal (PT) ✔ 1/1 ✘ ✘ Romania (RO) ✔ 2/2 ✘ ✔ Slovakia (SK) ✔ 1/1 ✘ ✔ Slovenia (SI) ✔ 1/2 ✘ ✘ Spain (ES) ✔ 2/2 ✘ ✘ Sweden (SE) ✔ 1/1 ✘ ✘ United Kingdom (UK) ✔ 2/2 ✘ ✔ 27/28 Member States 14/28 TOTAL 1 Member State 38/41 Federal Chambers Member States
[email protected] B-1047 Brussels - Tel. +32 2 28 43821 SOURCES NOTE: The information provided in this document is the product of research into national constitutions of EU Member States, institutional documents, an academic study (Eschbach, Anna, University of Cologne, The Ratification Process in EU Member States, 2015), and information provided by representatives of the EU’s 28 national parliaments in November 2016. NATIONAL PROCEDURES OF MIXED AGREEMENT RATIFICATION Bicameral: National Council, Federal Council AUSTRIA (AT) Regional parliaments: n/a Overview: The National Council in cooperation with the Federal Council must approve the ratification of the majority of mixed agreements.