Dr Alexander Jebadu SVD FAR FROM BEING IDOLATROUS: ANCESTOR VENERATION 2010 ______________________________________________ Steyler Verlaag, Nettetal Bibliografische Information Der Deutchen Bibliotek Die Deutche Bibliotek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutchen Nationalbibliografie; detailierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über http://dnb.ddb.de abrufbar. ©Steyler Verlaag Bahnhofstraβe 9 41334 Nettetal Germany
[email protected] ISSN 0562-2816 ISBN 978-3-8050-0564-7 DPT: Martina Ludwig, Steyler Missionswissenschaftliches Instutut Druck: Verlaag Franz Schmitt, Siegburg TABLE OF CONTETS AKNOWLEDGEMENTS ……………………………………………………………...iii I. INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………………………...01 1.1. Problem Mapping of This Study …..…………….……………………………..01 1.2. Goal and Scope of This Study …………..….…………………………………..01 1.3. Organization of This Study and Its Methodology……………………….…….03 1.4. The Limitations of This Study ……………………………………………….…04 II. THE RELEVANCE OF THEOLOGY OF ANCESTRAL VENERATION……. FOR THE ASIAN-AFRICAN CATHOLIC CHURCH …………………..….…...06 2.1. Ancestral Veneration Presupposes Faith in Life after Death ……….………..06 2.1.1. Ancestral Veneration in the Work of Herbert Spencer ……….….…..07 2.1.2. Human Soul in the Frame of Edward Burnet Tylor’s Animism ……..10 Definition of Religion ………………………………………….….…...11 Animism …………………………………………………….………......11 The Origin of Belief in the Human Soul …….………………….….…13 Human Biological Phenomena …….…………………..…..13 The Unity of Life and Phantom …….….…………………..14 Samples of Popular Beliefs in Human Soul ….….………….…….….14 The Concept of Soul as Shadow ……..…………….….…...14 The Concept of Soul as the Cause of Life ………….....…...15