African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism African Union Commission

ACSRT Terrorism Daily News Briefs Sunday, 2 October 2016 - Edition N°1121 ACSRT Terrorism Daily News Briefs EAST AFRICA

Kenya It is good that Kenya has a sober, strategic commitment to tackle terrorism Reading No Higher Honor by Condoleezza Rice, at a moment when we all remember the 9/11 attacks for which the recent Mombasa police station incident was supposedly commemorating, has been very enlightening. It is also timely considering the rise of Isis affiliated Jabha East Africa terror.... nation-ke 2:16:00 AM CEST Kenyan court sentences A Shabaab man to 80 years A Kenyan court on Friday sentenced a man to a total of 80 years in prison after convicting him of being a member of the Somalia-based al-Shabaab militant group. Abdirazak Muktar, 24, a car-hire business owner, was found in possession of terrorism- related materials which included journals, pictures and videos. shabelle 01 Oct 2016 Amnesty for Shabaab Returnees Extended The government has extended an indefinite amnesty to Al Shabaab returnees to surrender to relevant authorities. Coast Regional Coordinator Nelson Marwa is urging the youth to denounce the terrorist groups behind past attacks in the country. "Any sympathiser should heed the call and come forward because you cannot fight with the government. allafrica 01 Oct 2016 AL SHABAAB will vanish forever! See what OBAMA gave KDF to deal with them ruthlessly The war against terror has received a shot in the arm after the US Department of Defence (DoD) gave the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) state-of- the-art choppers to deal with Al Shabaab terrorists ruthlessly. The US’s DoD has contracted Bell Helicopters to deliver five UH-1 Huey II utility helicopters to the KDF. kenyan-post 01 Oct 2016 Madagascar L'homme se revendiquait de Daech Il menace Corsair d'attentat si la compagnie ne paye pas de rançon Un Malgache soupçonné d'avoir menacé par internet plusieurs compagnies aériennes dont celle de Corsair, a été arrêté le 18 septembre dernier dans un cybercafé d'Itaosy, un quartier de Tananarive, à Madagascar, apprend-t-on par le journal de Mayotte. "Il... Un Malgache soupçonné d'avoir menacé par internet plusieurs compagnies aériennes dont celle de Corsair, a été arrêté le 18 septembre dernier dans un cybercafé d'Itaosy, un quartier de Tananarive, à Madagascar, apprend-t-on par le journal de Mayotte. "Il s'agit d'un informaticien d'une trentaine.... ipreunion 30 Sep 2016 attentat-si-la-compagnie-ne-paye-pas-de-rancon,50628.html Rwanda Top Dutch official calls for arrest of Genocide suspects A top official in Dutch government has called on countries habouring Genocide suspects to bring them to book. Siebe Riedstra, the secretary-general in the Ministry of Security and Justice, said Genocide period was terrible, calling on countries that host perpetrators of the pogrom in which more than.... newtimes-RW 01 Oct 2016 Somalia Gunmen kill an airport staff member in Mogadishu Unknown gunmen have shot and killed a member of Mogadishu International airport staff on Saturday evening in the southern district of Dharkenley, the latest in string of killings in the horn of Africa capital. According to eyewitnesses, the assassins who were armed with pistols have gunned down.... shabelle 01 Oct 2016 Car bomb detonates outside NISA prison A car bomb has exploded outside Godka Jilacow prison, which is run by Somali national intelligence and security agency (NISA) in Mogadishu on Saturday. At least five people are known to have been wounded in the blast which happened after car packed with explosives went off near the NISA jail in Mogadishu, according to witnesses. shabelle 01 Oct 2016 Au moins deux morts dans l'explosion d'une voiture piégée à Mogadiscio Au moins deux personnes ont été tuées et cinq blessées samedi dans l'explosion d'une voiture piégée près d'un restaurant de Mogadiscio, la capitale de la Somalie, a-t-on appris de source sécuritaire. "Il semble que la voiture était garée devant le restaurant Blue Sky et que l'explosion a été déclenchée à distance. rtl-BE 01 Oct 2016 855512.aspx?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed& +La+une+de+l%27actualit%C3%A9%29 US to Investigate Deadly Air Strike in central Somalia The U.S. military will investigate conflicting reports on Wednesday’s deadly U.S. airstrike in Somalia, U.S. Secretary of Defense Ash Carter said. “In this instance as in all instances, when questions are raised about the actions of U.S. airstrikes, we pursue them,” Carter told reporters during a news conference in Hawaii. shabelle 01 Oct 2016 Turkey military force sets up first African training base in Somalia Turkey has completed equipping its first military base in Africa in the capital of Somalia, Mogadishu, which is also the second overseas military installation, local daily Sabah said Friday. The base, which is expected to be operational soon, will host Turkish military.... coastweek 01 Oct 2016 WEST AFRICA Mali Lutte contre la radicalisation et l’extrémisme religieux violent : Une vision d’IBK magnifiée par le choix du Ministre Thierno Diallo pour assurer le leadership du G5 Sahel Dans le cadre de la lutte contre la radicalisation et de l’extrémisme violent, le ministre des Affaires religieuses et du culte, Thierno Hass Diallo, vient d’être désigné pour assurer le leadership politique du G5 Sahel. Pour ce faire, il doit entamer des missions de sensibilisation et de plaidoyer.... mali-web 01 Oct 2016 thierno-diallo-pour-assurer-le-leadership-du-g5-sahel Paix et réconciliation au Mali : L’ambassadeur Paul Folmsbee des Etats-Unis officialise son soutien à la Cma aux dépens de Gatia Nous avions longtemps pensé que le Groupe d’autodéfense touareg Imghad et alliés (Gatia), créé le 14 août 2014 pendant la crise qui a déstabilisé le Mali), ne troublait que le sommeil des mouvements de la Cma et de leurs parrains français. Mais, visiblement, ce mouvement, membre de la Plateforme,.... maliweb 4:55:00 AM CEST soutien-a-cma-aux-depens-de-gatia-1806322.html A propos des ‘’liens publics et privés entre le Gouvernement et le GATIA’’ : De quoi se mêle donc l’Ambassadeur des Etats-Unis au Mali ? Avec la sortie inopinée de l’Ambassadeur des Etats-Unis au Mali, Paul Folmsbee, à travers une conférence de presse qu’il a animée au sein de son Ambassade à l’ACI 2000 le mardi dernier, il est clair que le gouvernement d’Obama veut mettre du bâton dans les pieds du président Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta,.... maliweb 01 Oct 2016 lambassadeur-etats-unis-mali-1805782.html Le MAA de Ber rejoint les rangs de la Plateforme Après l’annonce faite par le porte-parole du Mouvement Arabe de L’Azawad /Zone Ber qui souligne son adhésion à la plateforme, les responsables du MAA et de la CMA montent au créneau pour démentir cette information. « Après une analyse minutieuse de la situation, nous avons décidé de ne plus nous.... journaldumali 01 Oct 2016 USA-Niger-défense : Les Etats-Unis investissent dans une base aérienne au Niger Les Etats-Unis sont en train d'investir dans une base aérienne militaire nigérienne à Agadez, dans le centre du pays, pour pouvoir y déployer des drones, selon des informations du site The Intercept confirmées jeudi par le Pentagone. Les militaires américains sont déjà présents au Niger à Niamey, dans le sud-ouest du pays. actuniger 30 Sep 2016 United States investing in Niger air base The United States is investing in a military air base capable of deploying drones in Niger's central city of Agadez, the Pentagon confirmed. The United States already has a military presence in the country's southwestern capital of Niamey, where it stations MQ-9 Reaper.... digitaljournal 30 Sep 2016 Niger/Boko Haram : 14 soldats tués depuis juillet près du Nigeria Quatorze soldats nigériens et cent vingt trois "terroristes" ont été tués lors d’une vaste "opération de ratissage" menée depuis "début juillet" par les militaires du Niger et du Tchad, dans la région de Diffa (sud-est du Niger), a annoncé vendredi l’armée nigérienne. savoirnews 01 Oct 2016 Chad, Niger forces kill 123 Boko Haram in crackdown Governments in the west African region have been fighting the militants since 2012. A joint military operation between Chad and Niger has killed 123 Boko Haram militants since July and recovered a significant quantity of weapons, Niger’s Defence Ministry said on Friday. standardmedia 01 Oct 2016 Nigeria Bakassi: Troops repel attack, kill seven militants Troops from the Nigerian Army 13 Brigade and Operation Delta Safe have repelled an attack by an operation leading to the troops killing seven of the militants. A release by the Public Relations Officer of the 13 Brigade Nigerian Army Calabar, Captain KO.... vanguardngr 4:08:00 AM CEST Nigeria at 56: Army releases 348 suspected Boko Haram members in Borno In the spirit of Independence anniversary celebration, the Nigerian military has handed over 348 suspected members of the dreaded Islamic sect, Boko Haram to the Borno state governor, Kashim Shettima. The General Officer Commanding 7 division Nigerian Army, General Victor Ezugwu said the handing.... dailypost 01 Oct 2016 Boko Haram wives speak from ‘safe house”: Life in Sambisa was not all about jihad! Some of the women wear abayas; others wear short-sleeved blouses with long skirts and hijabs. They talk about their children, their hair, what they will cook that evening after breaking their Ramadan fast. After a while, the conversation turns to their husbands. “Oh, my husband, I love him so much,” says Aisha the Amira. vanguardngr 4:08:00 AM CEST Kidnappers Release Wife Of Nigeria’s Central Bank Governor Emefiele Margaret Emefiele, the wife of Nigeria’s Central Bank Governor, Godwin Emefiele who was kidnapped by heavily armed abductors on Thursday, has been released. A source close to Mr. Emefiele told our Saharareporters that Mrs. Emefiele who was kidnapped along the Benin-Agbor Road on Thursday alongside.... saharareporters 01 Oct 2016 Buhari to Niger Delta militants: You can’t hold Nigeria to ransom Buhari’s warning to the militants in the oil-rich region came barely one week after the Niger Delta Avengers (NDA) resumed hostilities following several weeks of ceasefire to facilitate dialogue on issues in the area. The speech. He began: “Today – 1st October is a day of celebration for us Nigerians. onlinenigeria 5:40:00 AM CEST



L'Algérie, pays le moins touché dans le monde par le recrutement terroriste (Irin) L'Algérie est le pays le moins touché dans le monde par le recrutement terroriste, en dépit de sa proximité géographique avec des régions impactées par le radicalisme, a estimé le service de nouvelles et d'analyses humanitaires Irin. "Alors que groupe terroriste autoproclamé "Etat.... aps-dz 01 Oct 2016,-pays-le-moins-touch%e9-dans-le-monde-par-le-recrutement-terroriste-irin L'Algérie est-elle immunisée contre les stratégies de recrutement de l'EI ? Le groupe terroriste autoproclamé État islamique recrute ses combattants dans le monde entier. Un pays musulman se démarque cependant des autres. En effet, malgré sa proximité géographique avec des régions vulnérables à l'extrémisme et son passé.... allafrica-fr 30 Sep 2016 Seuls 200 Algériens auraient rejoint l'organisation terroriste Daech L'Algérie a connu une décennie particulièrement sanglante dans les années 1990. Elle aura manifestement été une leçon pour les tenants du terrorisme. "Alors que groupe terroriste autoproclamé "Etat islamique" (Daech/EI) est en train de recruter des membres dans le monde entier, un seul pays musulman.... lematindz 01 Oct 2016 SEPT TERRORISTES ABATTUS À MÉDÉA ET BATNA les forces de l'Armée nationale populaire ont détruit six casemates contenant des vivres, des mines de confection artisanale, des plaques photovoltaïques et divers objets. En déclinant tout repos, l'Armée nationale populaire, inscrit encore ses interventions non- stop dans la lutte antiterroriste par des résultats probants et concluants. lexpressiondz 01 Oct 2016 Algerian Army Kills 5 Suspected Islamist Militants in Northeast The Algerian army has killed five suspected Islamic extremist militants on Friday in the mountainous northeastern Algerian town of Tazoult, according to authorities. During the operation conducted in , troops seized an RPK assault rifle, four Kalashnikov assault rifles, a.... laht 01 Oct 2016 Découverte d'un lot d'armements et de munitions près des frontières Sud-est du pays (MDN) Un lot d'armements et de munitions a été découvert vendredi à , wilaya d', près des frontières Sud-est du pays, grâce à la "permanente vigilance" des forces de l'Armée nationale populaire (ANP) et l'"exploitation efficace" de renseignements, indique un communiqué du ministère de la Défense nationale. allafrica-fr 01 Oct 2016 5 Libyan militants arrested in Algerian Defense Ministry on Friday announced the arrest of five Libyan armed militants on the borderline between the two nations. The source specified that the militants were intercepted in of , not far from the border with . xinhuanet_en 01 Oct 2016 Algerian troops retrieve war arsenal on Libyan border Algerian troops on Friday discovered a load of war weapons in Debdeb, the province of Illizi, on the border with Libya, according to a statement from the Defense Ministry. The troops deployed on the border with Libya retrieved arms of different types in addition to ammunition and bullets of various calibers. xinhuanet_en 01 Oct 2016 Neuf terroristes neutralisés en moins d'un mois Parallèlement à l'intensification de sa participation à la sécurisation des frontières avec la Lybie et la Tunisie, l'Armée nationale populaire a effectué des ratissages fructueux au niveau de certaines zones sensibles du pays. Au cours du mois de septembre dernier, pas moins de huit terroristes ont.... depechedekabylie 8:55:00 AM CEST Egypt Gunmen kill five policemen in Sinai Gunmen killed five policemen in the restive northern Sinai on Saturday, the Egyptian interior ministry said on facebook. The assailants pulled the policemen out a vehicle in El Obour neighbourhood, south of El Arish city, and shot all five of them dead, said. enca 2:53:00 AM CEST Cinq conscrits de la police tués par des hommes armés dans le Sinaï (AFP) Des hommes armés ont tué samedi cinq conscrits de la police dans la péninsule du Sinaï égyptien, a indiqué le ministère de l'Intérieur. Le nord du Sinaï est le repaire, en Egypte, des jihadistes du groupe Etat islamique (EI), qui infligent régulièrement des pertes aux forces de sécurité depuis que.... lorientlejour 01 Oct 2016 Roadside bomb hits security vehicle in Egypt’s Sinai, 9 hurt A roadside bomb planted by suspected Islamic State militants hit a police armored carrier traveling Saturday in Egypt’s turbulent northern Sinai, wounding nine policemen inside, the local police headquarters said in a statement. It said the attack took place just outside the border town of Rafah. therepublic 01 Oct 2016 Egyptian prosecutor assassinated by new militant group on the rise in Egypt called the Hasm Movement claimed responsibility on Friday for an assassination attempt on a senior Egyptian prosecutor, saying it was in revenge for death sentences handed to thousands of convicts. The organisation, which has claimed four other attacks since July, said it set off the car bomb that.... albawaba-en 01 Oct 2016 Libya "Des civils pris au piège à Benghazi dans des conditions désespérées" (AI) L'organisation internationale des droits de l'homme, Amnesty International, a tiré la sonnette d'alarme sur la situation de civils libyens, "pris au piège à Benghazi, dans des conditions désespérés, alors que les combats s'intensifient" dans cette ville de l'est de la Libye. allafrica-fr 01 Oct 2016 INTERNATIONAL America US US-Backed Coalition Has Dropped 54,611 Bombs in 15,362 Airstrikes in the War on ISIS ‘We have to knock the hell out of ISIS, and we have to do it fast,’ Donald Trump urged in the first presidential debate, but after almost 55,000 bombs it might be time for a new strategy. Despite dropping 54,611 bombs and missiles in 15,362 airstrikes across the Middle East, the U.S. globalresearch 01 Oct 2016 U.S. State Department Threatens to Send Islamic Terrorists into Russia State Department spokesman John Kirby warned Russia on Wednesday its radical Salafist terrorists in Syria may soon attack Russian cities. “Extremist groups will continue to exploit the vacuums that are there in Syria to expand their operations, which could include attacks against Russian interests, perhaps even Russian cities. globalresearch 01 Oct 2016 Asia Afghanistan Afghan forces 'mistakenly' kill own troops in Farah Afghan forces have “mistakenly” killed five soldiers and a law enforcement officer in the Kensk region of the western province of Farah. "Because of the wrong coordinates, helicopters bombed an Afghan forces' checkpoint that unfortunately left five soldiers and one police officer dead," Dawlat.... iran-daily 01 Oct 2016 India/Russia Indo-Russian military exercise in counter-terrorism concludes after 11 days The Indo-Russian military exercise 'INDRA-2016' concluded Saturday after 11 days of intense and exacting training in counter-terrorism operations. The closing ceremony was held at the 249th Combined Armed Range, Sergieviesky in the Ussiriysk District of Primosski.... news-yahoo-in 01 Oct 2016 Philippines Southern Philippines rebels free 3 Indonesian hostages Abu Sayyaf rebels linked to Islamic State freed three more Indonesian captives on Sunday after a three-month ordeal, the Philippine government said, taking the number of hostages released to nine in the past two weeks. They were handed over in Sulu to Nur Misuari, founder of the.... thestar-my 9:11:00 AM CEST Libération de trois otages indonésiens dans le sud des Philippines Le groupe terroriste Abou Sayyaf a libéré trois otages indonésiens supplémentaires dans la province philippine de Sulu (sud), a annoncé dimanche le conseiller présidentiel pour la paix Jesus Dureza. Les trois pêcheurs indonésiens libérés ont été transférés dimanche.... french-news 8:57:00 AM CEST Syria Aleppo hospital bombed again The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based monitoring group, said one person was killed in the latest attack, but could not immediately confirm if the victim was a patient at the facility or a member of staff. Stratford said there were reports of at least three fatalities. aljazeera-en 7:12:00 AM CEST Le principal hôpital d'Alep encore bombardé, le régime toujours à l'offensive Le plus grand hôpital des quartiers rebelles d'Alep a été bombardé pour la deuxième fois cette semaine, alors que le régime et son allié russe poursuivent leur offensive militaire pour reprendre la totalité de la deuxième ville de Syrie. lexpress 7:37:00 AM CEST Russian bombs kill hundreds in Aleppo as U.S. diplomacy stalls Russian fighter jets pounded rebel-held areas outside the besieged Syrian city of Aleppo Saturday — escalating a conflict that has already claimed more than 500,000 lives. The strikes followed several days of attacks on Syria’s largest city and former commercial center — killing 278 people, including 96 children, and flattening hospitals. nydailynews 01 Oct 2016 1.2813870?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+NydnRss+%28Top+Stories+-+NY+Daily+News%29 Turkey Soldier martyred in PKK attack in SE Turkey A Turkish soldier was martyred and five others wounded in a PKK attack in Turkey’s southeastern province of Hakkari, military sources said on Saturday. A group of PKK terrorists attacked a Turkish army base in the Cukurca district of Hakkari, said the sources.... aa-en 01 Oct 2016

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