the Inside this issue: NorwegiaN Summer is the season of picnics american stories on pages 19 & 22

Volume 129, #13 • June 29, 2018 Est. May 17, 1889 • Formerly Norwegian American Weekly, Western Viking & Nordisk Tidende $4 USD Inspired by the sea The art of Odd Andersen

What’s inside? Nyheter / News 2-3 « Hva vil en sommer annet Business 4-5 enn kjærligheten? » Opinion 6-7 – Olaf Bull Sports 8-9 Research & Science 10 Arts & Entertainment 11 Taste of 12-13 Norway near you 14-15 Travel 16-17 Norwegian Heritage 18-19 Norsk Språk 20-21 Barneblad 22 Victoria Hofmo Puzzles 23 Brooklyn, N.Y. Bulletin Board 24 Odd Andersen is the son of a Norwegian merchant What he saw and experienced inspired him to ar- sailor. Like many emigrants from Norway, Andersen’s ticulate these images through paint and canvas. Mostly $1 = NOK 8.1150 family settled in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, and that is where self-taught, he has created remarkably complex paint- updated 06/25/2018 he was raised. Somewhat following in his father’s foot- ings of the relationships that develop on the waterfront In comparison steps he headed to the harbor on this side of the Atlantic between nature, watercraft, and the folks who maneuver 05/25/2018 8.1459 for work, where he was employed for almost 30 years as a dock builder. See > Andersen page 11 12/25/2017 8.2856 06/25/2017 8.4490 Two of Andersen’s paintings reveal the New York waterfront of his younger life. Images courtesy of Odd Andersen the american 2 • June 29, 2018 Nyheter fra Norge NorwegiaN Nyheter Spår sterkeste krone siden 2014 Dette er saken mot Telenor Myndighetene ønsket mer konkurranse i Sentralbanksjefen mobilmarkedet gjennom et tredje mobil- nett. Det var ikke Telenor like interesserte og Norges Bank tror i, mener Konkurransetilsynet. at kronen vil styrkes Norge er ett av få vestlige land som kun har to landsdekkende mobilnett. De to asgeir aga NilseN nettene eies av Telenor og Telia. Et tredje nett er under utbygging i regi av selskapet VG Ice. De andre tilbyderne av abonnement Da oljeprisen falt fungerte svekkelsen du stadig ser reklame for, kjøper tilgang i kronekursen som en viktig støtdemper for til de fysiske mobilnettene («råvaren») av norsk økonomi. enten Telenor eller Telia. Myndighetene har i mange år ment at Nå peker de fleste pilene oppover igjen, og de neste årene vil den norske kronen det er for lite konkurranse på selve mo- styrkes, tror Norges Bank og sentralbanksjef bilnettene, og har derfor lagt til rette for Øystein Olsen. å bygge et tredje mobilnett. Man ønsker Nylig kunngjorde han sentralbankens flere tilbydere av «råvaren», rett og slett. beslutning om å holde renten uendret, men I 2007 startet Network Norway i varslet samtidig at den første renteøkningen samnasjonarbeid med Tele2 å bygge ut Foto: Flickr etter oljenedturen kommer i september. Stigende rente er en årsak til at Norges Bank venter en betydelig kronestyrking de neste årene. et tredje mobilnett. Å bygge nett tar tid, Nettopp stigende rente her hjemme er en særlig i et land som er langt og fullt av årsak til at Norges Bank venter kronestyrking. fjell og daler. Målt ved Norges Banks I44-indeks, en — det går veldig godt sentralbanksjefen. Siden ingen mobilkunder ønsker et valutakursindeks av kronen mot valutaene Som Olsen er inne på, er det likevel ikke Sjokket fra oljeprisfallet etter 2014 ble abonnement som bare gjelder i enkelte for Norges viktigste handelspartnere, tror noe voldsomt kronehopp som ventes. dempet ved at den svake kronen ga drahjelp fylker, var Network Norway/Tele2 avhen- sentralbanken at den norske valutaen gradvis Og sammenlignet med oljeboom-året til eksportindustrien og turistnæringen. gige av å kjøpe tilgang til ett av de andre vil styrke seg de neste årene, til et nivå sist 2013, vil kronen fortsatt være rundt ti prosent Siden bunnen ble nådd har oljeprisen nettene der deres eget nett ikke var ferdig. sett i 2014. svakere, om Norges Bank får rett. steget til 75 dollar fatet igjen, bedriftene De valgte Telenor. Og det er her Konkur- — Fremover vil kronen, sånn som vi — Men vi er fortsatt i en helt annen situ- melder om lysere tider og arbeidsledigheten, ransetilsynet mener Telenor brøt loven. ser det, styrke seg noe. Lønnsveksten vil asjon enn tilbake i 2013. Dette bildet skjer jo (NRK) også i vårt bilde være litt høyere enn hos våre fordi det går veldig godt i norsk økonomi. Se > KrOnen side 21 Her kommer nasjonalpark nummer 40 handelspartnere. Det trekker på marginen i Det går bra i næringslivet, inntjeningen er retning av å svekke det som kalles den kost- høy. Dette innebærer at selv med en lønns- english synopsis: Norway’s Central Bank predicts a Lofotodden har et av verdens mest spek- nadsmessige konkurranseevnen, sier Olsen. vekst mellom 3,5 og 4 prosent ut i perioden, strengthening of the Norweigan currency with higher takulære kyst- og fjellandskap, mener så er det god fortjeneste i næringslivet, sier interest rates but sees no real dangers to the economy. miljøvernminister (V). Regjeringen har vedtatt å opprette na- sjonalpark i Moskenes og Flakstad i Nord land. Kystfjellene er preget av nakent berg Nederlag Svakere forsvarsallians og ur. Siden området ble tidlig isfritt, fins det gamle forekomster av enkelte fjell- planter i området. Området er også viktig hekkeområde for sjøfugl som toppskarv for Breivik mener at båndene og teist, samt kolonier av krykkje, havørn og kongeørn. Det fins også spor av boset- Massedrapsmannen mellom Europa og tinger tilbake til steinalderen, med 3000 år gamle hulemalerier. vinner ikke frem med USA er nå svekket Kommunene Moskenes og Flakstad sin sak mot staten i eirik Veum tok selv initiativ til å opprette nasjonal- NRK park ytterst i Lofoten. Foreløpig ligger EMD i Strasbourg kun nasjonalpark i Østmarka på det sen- Natos generalsekretær Jens Stoltenberg trale Østlandet fremst i køen om å bli aNdreas Bakke foss sier at båndene mellom Europa og USA er landets 41. nasjonalpark. Aftenposten svekket, og at det må gjøres en innsats for å (VG) styrke forsvarsalliansen. Terroisten (38) I en tale i Lancaster House i London 21. Frykter storinvasjon av villsvin vant ikke frem med sin sak mot den norske juni gjentok Stoltenberg budskapet som han Den norske villsvinbestanden på 1000 staten i Den europeiske menneskerettighets- kom med i en kronikk i avisa The Guardian dyr kan mangedoble seg på kort tid hvis domstolen (EMD). tidligere i uka. forskernes spådommer er riktig. I Sverige Avgjørelsen fra EMD 21. juni er endelig — Det er ikke hogd i stein at de trans- Foto: Kjetil rae / Wikimedia Commons skytes nå over 100 000 villsvin i året. og kan ikke ankes. atlantiske båndene vil vare evig, framholdt Natos generalskretær Jens Stoltenberg. — Til tross for det øker bestanden EMD skriver i sin begrunnelse av avs- han. dramatisk. Det betyr innvandring og stor laget at de ikke er i tvil om at soningen til Han sa også at verden står overfor en spredning i Norge, sier Eystein Skjerve, Behring Breivik skaper utfordringer for nor- uforutsigbar sikkerhetssituasjon som følge handel, klima og Iran-avtalen. leder i Vitenskapskomiteen for mat og ske fengselsmyndigheter. av terror, spredning av masseødeleggelses- — Vi må fortsette arbeidet med å styrke miljø (VKM). De annerkjenner også at myndighetene våpen, nettangrep og et selvsikkert Russland. internasjonale institusjoner som Nato. Og vi I en rapport advarer de mot en poten- finner det nødvendig med ekstraordinære må stå opp for et internasjonalt system som siell enorm økning av klovdyret over hele sikkerhetstiltak. strategisk interesse bygger på regler og forutsigbarhet, sa Stol- landet. Det kan bli 40 000, kanskje opp til Domstolen påpeker at terroristen har — Vi kan ha sett en svekkelse av noen tenberg. 100 000 villsvin. hatt tilgang til å studere, TV og daglige av båndene mellom USA og Europa, men vi — Flokker med villsvin kan være aviser. De mener han har kunnet skrive og har en strategisk interesse av å beholde det «Foreldet» ganske ødeleggende når de harver opp motta brev, selv om dette har vært underlagt transatlantiske partnerskapet, sa Stoltenberg. Nato er blitt rystet av president Donald dyrket mark. De kan også ta med seg syk- kontroll. De påpeker at han også har kunnet Natos generalsekretær ber om at Trumps strategi om «USA først» og hans dommer som kan spre seg til tamgris og få besøk. medlemslandene gjør sitt for å styrke for- dype mistro til internasjonale institusjoner. etter hvert til mennesker. Det må jaktes I sum mener domstolen at Behring svarsalliansen. Rundt den tiden da Trump ble valgt, aggressivt for å hindre spredning. Erfar- Breivik ikke har vært underlagt «fullstendig — Historien har vist oss at vi er i stand beskyldte han Nato for å være foreldet, og ing fra Sverige viser at det må jaktes dras- til å vinne over uoverensstemmelsene. Igjen tisk for å ha en påvirkning. Villsvin har en Se > BreIVIK, side 21 og igjen har vi kjempet for vårt felles mål. Se > n ATO side 21 voldsom sterk reproduksjon hvis den har Vi står sammen. Vi beskytter hverandre, sa tilgang på mat, sier Skjerve. english synopsis: In a final ruling, Anders Behring Stoltenberg. english synopsis: NATO Secretary General Jens Stol- (NRK) Breivik lost his case against the Norwegian State in Generalsekretæren listet opp de mange tenberg has warned that transatlantic cooperation has the Europeaan Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. stridsområdene mellom USA og Europa; been weakened and must be rebuilt for security. theNorwegiaNamerican News June 29, 2018 • 3 Immigrants This week in brief STD ad goes viral restaurant named one of world’s best Oslo restaurant Maaemo was named num- An advertisement for must learn ber 35 on a list of the world’s top 50 eat- condoms has irked eries—the first ever Norwegian inclusion. The World’s 50 Best Restaurants is a pres- Norway’s tourist board Norwegian tigious list produced by the British maga- zine Restaurant, based on a poll of interna- with its message about Norway wants to make tional chefs, restaurateurs, and critics. venereal disease “willingness” to learn “I am incredibly proud and happy,” co-owner and chef Esben Holmboe Bang a requirement to earn told Dagbladet. tHe local government support Maaemo, which has three stars in the latest Michelin guide, was last year “Welcome to Norway! The Land of Chla- named as the 79th best restaurant. mydia,” pronounces the poster, which shows tHe local “Norwegian food traditions have a a young Norwegian couple dressed in the tra- very exotic appeal throughout the world... ditional bunad costume in front of a backdrop Norway’s government wants to tighten of snow-capped mountains and fjords. rules on social welfare payments to foreign Over 60 percent of our guests have flown in just to visit us. Who’d have thought Visit Norway, the country’s tourist citizens, Minister of Finance has that 10 years ago?” Holmboe Bang said. board, has hit out at the ad for depicting Nor- said. Jensen said that newcomers to Norway (The Local) way in a negative light. “(This) makes Nor- must show “willingness” to learn the coun- wegians seem like uncouth, lewd, sex-mad Photo: The Local try’s language. people,” Visit Norway marketing developer This ad greets visitors to Oslo. “This is a demand to immigrants that No bill yet on dual citizenship Stein Ove Rolland told Dagbladet. “This is they must learn Norwegian and they should June 15 was the last working day at not a good advert for Norway.” show genuine willingness to do it. It won’t Stortinget (parliament) before summer vacation, and the government did not The poster advertisement is currently authorities should run a similar campaign. do to just give up and live on state welfare present the bill to allow dual citizenship. displayed at Oslo Central Station, making “I think this conveys an important mes- support,” Jensen told newspaper VG. “On behalf of all the Norwegians it likely to be one of the first sights to greetsage in a non-judgmental way, and it will be Jensen, who is also leader of the anti- abroad who’ve waited for this for years, tourists upon arrival in the Scandinavian noticed,” he told Dagbladet. immigration , wants to scrap a we are very disappointed,” said Nor- country. Photos of the ads have also been The claim as to the prevalence of chla- current rule ensuring immigrants to Norway wegians Worldwide Secretary General making the rounds on social media. mydia in Norway made by the campaign is receive 600 hours of classes on Norway’s Hanne K. Aaberg. But Tore Holte Follestad, assistant man- also an accurate one, he added. “In 2016, language and culture. The United Kingdom is scheduled to ager with sexual health NGO Sex og sam- over 26,000 cases of chlamydia were diag- The classes will continue, but the gov- funn (Sex and Society), praised the provoca- leave the European Union on March 29, tive ad, suggesting that Norway’s own health See > ChLAmydIA, page 6 See > ImmIgrAnTs, page 6 2019. The dual citizenship bill is there- fore especially urgent for Norwegians living in the UK, who fear “Brexit” will have unknown consequences for them. Due to international commitments, More Marines to train in Norway changes to the Norwegian Citizen’s Act can take effect no earlier than one year after being adopted by Stortinget. That Norway wants to means a law change can, at the earliest, double US troops become reality in fall 2019. (Norwegians Worldwide) and deploy them Norway requests WTO dispute closer to Russia settlement consultations with the US “In Norway’s view, the additional tariffs miNistry of defeNse imposed by the U.S. on steel and aluminum imports are a violation of the World Trade Since January 2017, approximately Organization (WTO) rules,” said Minister 330 Marines from the Unites States Marine of Foreign Affairs Ine Eriksen Søreide. Corps (USMC) have been conducting train- On March 23, the United States ing and exercise activities in Norway. The imposed additional tariffs on steel and Marines have used Vaernes in mid-Norway aluminum imports of 25 percent and 10 as the hub for their various training and ex- percent respectively, alleging that imports ercise activities. The Norwegian government pose a threat to U.S. national security. have decided that they are looking to extend Consultations between the parties is this initiative and add a second location. Photo: Anette Ask / Forsvaret the first stage of the WTO dispute settle- “The Norwegian government has decid- Before Cold Response 2016, the U.S. Marine Corps attended winter training with instructors from the ment process. If the consultations are not ed to welcome continued USMC rotational Telemark Battalion at Camp Rena. successful, Norway will consider request- training and exercises in Norway, with a vol- ing the establishment of a panel to address ume of up to a total of 700 marines, initially the matter, the next stage. The panel’s for a period of up to five years,” says Minis- forcements. This is at the core of Norwegian erational capability of our own forces,” says ruling may then be appealed to the WTO ter of Defense Frank Bakke-Jensen. security policy and is further emphasized by Bakke-Jensen. Appellate Body. So far, the EU, Canada, The potential increase in volume will our NATO membership. We have a long- This rotational force agreement builds Mexico, China, and India have also re- be located at Setermoen in Troms, about standing tradition for inviting allies to train on the framework of the longstanding agree- quested dispute settlement consultations 500 miles from the Russian border. “More and exercise in Norway. This is underlined ments between the United States and Nor- with the U.S. in response to the new tariffs. predictable rotational USMC training and in the current long-term plan for the Armed way on prepositioning and reinforcement, In 2017, Norwegian exports of steel exercises in Norway will significantly- imForces. The Marine Corps rotational force renewed in 2006 in the Memorandum of Un- and aluminum were valued at NOK 16 prove opportunities to develop and enhance constitutes an important contribution to NA- derstanding Governing Prestockage and Re- billion and NOK 33 billion, respectively. interoperability between USMC and Norwe- TO’s reinforcement plans for the defense of inforcement of Norway. The renewal of the Approximately 0.2 percent of these ex- gian forces,” says the Minister of Defense. Norway. The initiative has proven that train- agreement, approved by the , opens ports go to the United States. “In times of crisis and war, Norway will ing and conducting exercises together with the way for considerable American training “We all benefit from a situation where rely on U.S. and other allied military rein- allies has had a positive impact on the op- and exercises in Norway. right trumps might in international trade. Such a disregard for WTO rules weakens the credibility of the United States in in- This issue’s news from Norway is brought to you through a partnership with: ternational trade, and risks undermining the rules-based multilateral trading sys- tem,” Søreide said. (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) the american 4 • June 29, 2018 Business NorwegiaN Pinpointing treatment of tumors Phoenix Solutions is working on targeted delivery of medication to better treat cancer

member organization with close to 100 members, including companies, research rasmus falck and financial institutions, university- hospi Oslo, Norway tals, and organizations working in the cancer field. About 30 of the members are located Phoenix Solutions was founded in 2012 in the incubator in the Oslo Cancer Cluster by three scientists from GE Healthcare (for- Park. They share the park with Ullern Upper merly Nycomed Imaging), Per Sontum, Secondary School, the Cancer Registry, and Andrew Healey, and Svein Kvåle. They de- Oslo University Hospital. veloped a concept for targeted delivery of In December, the company was award- medicine with the help of microbubbles and ed a $60,000 grant from Innovation Norway ultrasound. The trio has long years of experi- through Oslo Cancer Cluster’s Oncology ence in diagnostics and cancer therapeutics Innovation Call 2017 for development and from their time at Nycomed Imaging, Am- validation of a clinical platform for ACT®. ersham Health, and GE Healthcare. All are They will cooperate on the project with inventors with patents. The startup is one of Humanscan Co. Ltd. and Translational Ge- the companies in the Oslo Cancer Cluster nomics Research Institute based in Arizona. that is operating close by Radiumhospitalet, The latter is a world-leading institute for de- the city’s cancer hospital. The founders own velopment of novel therapeutic regimes for the largest part of the startup. treatment of pancreatic cancer. The main goal is to provide clinical “We are very excited to have com- proof-of-concept for their Acoustic Cluster Photo courtesy of Phoenix solutions menced collaborations with the TGen team Therapy (ACT®) technology. According to According to Phoenix Solutions, this image shows the increase in tumor-specific uptake with ACT® of cancer specialists—their expertise on the Oslo Cancer Cluster, this will enable the treatment and localized ultrasound insonation, meaning that more of the drug is getting to the tumor. development of novel therapeutic regimes startup to push on with their task to fight pan- for treatment of pancreatic cancer is unprec- creatic cancer and meet a key developmen- edented,” said Sontum on the Phoenix web- tal milestone. Together with partners at the than 0.01 percent of the injection actually process occurs as the bubbles are exposed to site. “These studies will form an important Institute of Cancer Research/Royal Marsden reaches the tumor and treatment is discon- an ultrasound at the specific tumor area. In part of our pre-clinical development pro- Hospital (United Kingdom) and Haukeland tinued because of the excessive toxicity, clinical trials on mice, from 2 to 300 percent gram and we are ‘on target’ to start First-in- University Hospital (Bergen), Phoenix be- not because the patient is cured. Enabling more of the medicine reached the tumor and Man studies with ACT®1Q2019.” lieves that ACT® can make a significant- difa targeted delivery process ensures more of median survival rates for prostate and breast In January, Phoenix signed an agreement ference for patients with this hard to treat, the medicine reaches the tumor, increasing cancers drastically increased, with more than with GE Healthcare to supply the ACT® deadly disease. efficacy, reducing side effects. The ACT® half fully cured. drug product for the upcoming clinical tri- Typically, the efficiency of a variety of product, which includes microbubbles, is in- “It is extremely rare that novel thera- als. They are excited to get GE on board as drugs to treat cancer are limited by the dos- jected intravenously, along with an infusion pies reach such effect levels, typically a 20 contract manufacturer of the product. GE’s ages because of the toxic side effects. Less of a chemotherapeutic agent. The treatment to 40 percent increase in median survival Oslo organization is the world-leading site over existing standard of care is a success,” for the manufacturing of this class of phar- said Sontum in an email. “Both these studies maceuticals. hence show a remarkable increase in the ther- Clinical trials will start later this year. apeutic efficacy of the explored drugs. These studies were not meant to cure the mice, just Rasmus Falck is a strong in- to show differential vs. drug alone.” novation and entrepreneur- At the end of 2016, Phoenix Solutions ship advocate. The author of Sealift Inc. completed a financing round led by a small “What do the best do better” group of healthcare angel investors. So far, and “The board of direc- they have received NOK 30 million in grants tors as a resource in SME,” from the Norwegian Research Council. Last he received his master’s de- • Ship Owners • year, they received NOK 12 million in fi- gree from the University of nancing from investors. Wisconsin-Madison. He currently lives in Oslo, • Ship & Cargo Brokers • Oslo Cancer Cluster is a non-profit Norway. Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance 8.6157 • Steamship Agents • (June 25, 2018) Winners Losers Norsk Kr. 8.1150 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change Dansk Kr. 6.3678 InterOil Exploration 5.97 13.71% Wilson 17.60 -12.00% Svensk Kr. 8.8621 Hiddn Solutions 2.04 7.09% Element 2.82 -9.62% Atlantic Petroleum 9.40 5.62% Wentworth Resources 2.75 -8.03% Islandsk Kr. 107.84 Aqualis 5.56 4.51% Napatech 11.00 -7.95% Canadian $ 1.3303 Solstad Farstad 6.73 4.02% Apptix 0.63 -7.08% Euro 0.8545 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit Don’t forget about digital!

Your print subscription includes access to our digital site, which contains web-only content! Don’t miss a thing—email [email protected] 68 West Main Street, Oyster Bay, New York 11771 to set up your digital Phone: (516) 922-1000 Fax: (516) 922-6526 account today. E-mail: [email protected] theNorwegiaNamerican Business June 29, 2018 • 5 Why change? Business News & Notes Companies go from Equinor partners with Microsoft expertise. The development of new cloud Equinor and Microsoft have entered into a infrastructure in Norway will support eco- strategic partnership agreement. As part of nomic development by enabling companies the agreement, Equinor will provide indus- and industries to realize the benefits of the survival to success cloud, such as in-country residency. Cloud try knowledge and business needs to sup- port Microsoft in developing new solutions. services from Microsoft’s new data-center Microsoft will provide expertise to acceler- locations are planned to come into opera- ate Equinor’s IT development and establish tions with initial availability of Azure ser- new data center regions in Stavanger and vices in late 2019. in Oslo. The partnership with Microsoft (Equinor) enables Equinor to shape and accelerate the development of fit for purpose IT- serNorwegian wins three 2018 APEX vices for the energy industry and secure a Passenger Choice Awards faster transition to the cloud. Leveraging On June 20, 2018, Norwegian received the cloud is a prerequisite for the energy three prestigious awards at the Airline Pas- industry’s transformation toward a digital senger Experience Association (APEX) future. Secure, reliable, and cost-efficient Passenger Choice Awards™ in Los Ange- operations are a requirement for Equinor’s les. Norwegian received a 2018 Four-Star adoption of the cloud. Official Rating from over half a million “The rapid technology development passengers who took part in the highly creates new opportunities, and the partner- prestigious awards. In addition, Norwegian ship enables our digital journey to deliver took home the award for “Best Wi-Fi” and more safe, secure, and efficient operations. “Best Overall Passenger Experience, Low Equinor’s ambition is to become a global Cost Carrier in Europe.” digital leader within our industry, and a Norwegian was the first airline in Eu- cloud data center in Norway will simplify rope to introduce in-flight Wi-Fi in the air Photo courtesy of nextstep growth and accelerate Equinor’s adoption of the back in 2011 and the first carrier to offer it Businesses can learn from each other with NextStep’s Digital Executive Growth Program. cloud,” says Åshild Hanne Larsen, the fleet-wide across its European fleet. Since company’s chief information officer. pioneering the service, more than 20 mil- The strategic partnership is a seven- lion passengers have connected to Wi-Fi at JeNNifer Vessels year consumption and development agree- 35,000 feet. Next Step—Silicon Valley & Oslo, Norway ment in the hundreds of millions of dollars The Passenger Choice Awards, created (USD). The agreement will be a platform to by APEX, invites air travelers from around Climate change, political disruption, Program provides a trusted community identify innovative solutions for the energy the world to rate their recent in-flight ex- and corporate disruption is today’s real- through which executives share, learn, and industry and further capitalize on common periences. More than 500,000 flights were ity. Those who once may have doubted that collaborate with like-minded leaders to ad- business opportunities. Equinor and Mi- rated by passengers from around the world change was necessary now recognize evolu- dress and resolve challenges and develop op- crosoft will secure the desired outcome by to determine this year’s awards. tion is required for survival. The question is portunities to enhance their success. Through committing key industry and technology (Norwegian) now HOW to change. participation, members have achieved en- In business, transformation for future hanced revenue through new business mod- success requires executive commitment to els and digital services; greater productivity change for future relevance and value to cus- and future-readiness; faster time to market tomers; deep understanding of customer’s for new offerings; and understanding of SWEDISH future needs, directions, and challenges; col- needs, challenges, and best practices of their CLUB laboration with ecosystem partners or value peers. They’ve also made global alliances PRESENTS network to maximize value; adaptability to and network contacts. 4TH OF address evolution of market developments By meeting in small groups to discuss and employee, customer, and partner feed- real-world challenges with digital transfor- back; and continual learning for employees mation, DEGP members gain insight, learn, across the organization so they are prepared brainstorm, and gain feedback on ideas or to address new opportunities issues. Change is inevitable. Now is the time JULY not just to survive but to succeed through Membership in the Digital Executive Growth commitment to the future. Program is by invitation only. If interested, To start the change process, companies email [email protected] or call 1 such as Daimler, Goodwill, Microsoft, and (650) 218-0902. The BEST place to Telenor have engaged employees in round- table forum discussions for collaboration, This article was provided to The Norwe- watch fireworks in Seattle! learning, and collective commitment to suc- gian American by Jennifer Vessels of Silicon Barbecue dinner and fun for all ages cessful change. Valley and Oslo. She is CEO of Next Step, Folk dance music by Skandia Kapell, kids’ film, etc. The results include launch of new digi- leading business transformation for Adobe, tal services, greater employee engagement, Autodesk, Avinor, Microsoft Nevion, Posti, incremental revenue growth, and transfor- ShoreTel, and more. She can be reached at mation of processes. [email protected]. Next Step’s Digital Executive Growth Parking for first 100 cars available at 7:00 p.m. Doors open at 7 p.m. / Dinner starts at 7:30 p.m. Prepaid reservations required: Subscribe today! 206-283-1090 or Dinner & inside seating for fireworks: ONE YEAR: Blue card members $41, non-members $46, kids $23 $ Dinner & outside seating for fireworks: 70 Blue card members $51, non-members $56, kids $28

1920 Dexter Ave. N., Seattle 98109 Photo: Karen schulte Call (206) 784-4617 or email [email protected] Where Nordic Seattle parties! the american 6 • June 29, 2018 Opinion NorwegiaN An opinion column about current issues in < Ch LAmyd IA Norway and the United States From page 3 On the EDGE nosed in Norway, and Norwegians are not Join the conversation! good at using condoms. The consequences can be discomfort, irritation, and in the worst cases it can lead to reduced fertility. Fur- Norway can’t tolerate zero tolerance thermore, you can infect others and become more susceptible to other sexually transmit- ted diseases,” he told the newspaper. liNN cHloe Hagstrøm 7-eleven’s spokesperson Thea Kjendlie The Norwegian American said that by “warning” tourists against Nor- wegians the campaign played on national The zero-tolerance policy to curb il- pride. legal immigration sparked strong reactions “As with all slightly controversial cam- across the United States, internationally, paigns, there have been both positive and and in Norway. America descended into negative reactions. So far, we have seen both moral crisis, and after much criticism types, which is expected when the aim is to and political pressure, President Donald get our young target audience to talk about Trump signed an executive order meant the topic. It was not our intention to offend to keep families together while their legal anyone with this campaign, but we do want cases are considered. The Norwegian top to create engagement and awareness around brass failed to call out their ally, the U.S., this topic,” Kjendlie said to Dagbladet. before the new executive order was issued. In April 2018, the Trump adminis- tration pushed forward a zero-tolerance < ImmI gr An Ts policy to deal with undocumented im- From page 3 migrants and asylum seekers crossing the ernment wants to introduce assessment of southern U.S. border. All border cross- whether participants have reached a satisfac- ers were criminally charged and jailed, while children could not be incarcerated tory level of Norwegian proficiency. Image: Inge grødum / Aftenposten “If you leave the introductory course and with their parents. Migrant children were This political cartoon depicting Donald Trump as a brutal sheriff glaring at sorrowful detained chil- go into the home and not out to work because forcibly separated from their parents and dren was printed in the June 20, 2018, issue of Aftenposten, Norway’s largest printed newspaper. your Norwegian is not good enough—that’s placed in different facilities. when we want to make demands,” Minister Videos and audio recordings of cry- for Integration said. ing children being separated from their icy was implemented. Amnesty International perspective, the events currently unfold- Sanner said the government had not yet parents incentivized many to speak up argues that the rights of children were in- ing in the U.S. are truly undignified. -Re decided how the language standard would against the policy both in the United fringed upon in multiple ways, namely being maining silent will not serve Western de- be set and tested. “We are working on that. States and abroad, including former First detained and held in cages, being separated mocracies well.” You will have to take a test, so we can see Lady Laura Bush, who called the policy from their parents or guardians, and being One of Norway’s leading experts on how good you are at Norwegian. If you are cruel and immoral. Amnesty International exposed to unwarranted trauma and damage refugee and asylum laws, Arild Hum- good enough, you then have one of the most called for action against it. Former Re- that may impact their development. len, told Aftenposten that these measures important tools in regard to getting a job,” publican presidential candidate Sen. John United Nations (UN) High Commis- seem to present serious abuse against Sanner told VG. McCain tweeted that this “family separa- sioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad al-Hus- both children and parents. Humlen adds Jensen said she was particularly con- tion policy is an affront to the decency sein said on June 18, that “the thought that that forced separation would never hap- cerned that not enough female immigrants of the American people, and contrary to any state would seek to deter parents by in- pen in Norway: “If you come to Norway have learned Norwegian. principles and values upon which our na- flicting such abuse on children is unconscio- and say the word asylum, application pro- “Far too many minority women cannot tion was founded.” nable,” as reported by The New York Times. cesses that involve the family as a whole speak Norwegian, which means they are un- Amnesty International claims that In Norway, from the able to follow how their children are doing at “the systematic separation of families by Socialist Left Party (SV) and Abid Raja from See > sePArATIOns, page 18 school and elsewhere,” she said. the Trump administration is designed to the (V) have both called for a A 2017 report by the Norwegian La- undermine people’s right to seek asylum reaction from Foreign Minister Ine Eriksen Linn Chloe Hagstrøm bor and Welfare Administration found that in the U.S. when forced to run from per- Søreide (H) on the issue of detention of chil- lives in the Oslo area 67,000 people in Norway receiving social secution in their home countries.” The or- dren, according to ABC Nyheter. In a letter to while pursuing a master’s welfare payments were of immigrant back- ganization goes so far as to call splitting the Foreign Minister, SV leader Lysbakken degree in International ground. That constitutes approximately half families torture. demands that Norway take a stance against Relations. This opinion the total number of people in Norway whose More than 2,000 children have been these methods and requests a response to the editor is also a coffee en- income is supported by the state. separated from their parents or legal Trump administration. Raja told ABC Nyhet- thusiast and an avid vol- Additionally, many people of immigrant guardians at the U.S. border since the pol- er that, “From a human rights and children’s leyball player. background who rely on social welfare for The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of The Norwegian American, and our publication of those views is not an their income were living in conditions com- endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions, and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. parable to poverty, the report found. the NorwegiaN (secret) personal enrichment! american’s plan for global domination: shhh... don’t tell! Step 1—send^ us your Your Name: Norwegian-American Friend’s Name: friend’s address*** Step 2—???* Friend’s Address: Step 3—you PROFIT!** City/State/Zip: * Step 2 is that we send your non-subscriber friend a sample copy of the newspaper (no other nefarious purpose, we promise!) ** If your friend signs up for a year’s subscription, YOU get a free month added to your subscription *** Call (206) 784-4617, email [email protected], or mail 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline, WA 98155 theNorwegiaNamerican Opinion June 29, 2018 • 7

Letters to the Editor theNorwegiaNamerican Published since May 17, 1889

Do you have something to say? 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline, WA 98155 Write to us at The Norwegian American, Letter to the Editor, 17713 15th Ave NE, Tel:฀(206)฀784-4617฀•฀Email:฀[email protected] #205, Shoreline, WA 98155, or email us at [email protected], subject line Publisher Letter to the Editor. Letters may be edited for style, clarity, or length. Ragnar Meyer-Knutsen Editor-in-chief Emily฀C.฀Skaftun฀ [email protected] Then vs. now who qualify (except known criminals, etc.) like Medicaid, Supplemental Nutrition As- Nyheter fra Norge should be welcome. sistance Program (food stamps), cash assis- Lori฀Ann฀Reinhall฀ [email protected] Dear Editor, If I recall correctly, I have read, in The tance, and Social Security for five years. Ac- Opinion Editor In regards to the opinion column in the Norwegian American, an item or two about cording to analysis by the Cato Institute, im- Linn฀Chloe฀Hagstrøm฀ [email protected] Jan. 26, 2018, issue of The Norwegian Amer- certain limitations in Norway’s immigration migrants use these programs at a lower rate Business & Sports Editor ican ( policies. Norway, as it is situated on the map than low-income native-born Americans. Michael฀Kleiner฀ [email protected] ion/on-shitholes-and-immigration), I basi- of the world, would not normally have the And furthermore, federal money comes Taste of Norway Editor cally agree with the writer, Emily C. Skaftun. same immigration problems as those of the not only from “taxes paid by the citizens” Daytona฀Strong฀ [email protected] (Remember that Hillary Clinton called some United States. but also from taxes paid by undocumented Travel Editor people—not countries—“deplorables.”) Sincerely, workers, most of whom have payroll and in- Cynthia฀Elyce฀Rubin฀ [email protected] But you cannot compare apples to or- Joyce McCracken come taxes withheld from their checks (an Copy Editor anges, nor can you compare the 1800s to Prophetstown, Ill. article by Politifact cites liberal and conser- Becky฀Kruse฀Gjendem฀ [email protected] 2017. People from many, many other coun- vative estimates of between $12 billion and Advertising tries besides Norway came to the United Dear Joyce, $17 billion per year). You know who isn’t Lori฀Ann฀Reinhall฀ [email protected] States looking for opportunities for a better First, my apologies on holding onto paying their share of taxes, in my opinion? Subscriptions [email protected] life. Unfortunately, the Native Americans your letter for so long! But now that we’ve Corporations and very rich individuals. Intern were forced onto reservations to provide the got another article on immigration and And even furthermore, I, for one, would Gabriela฀Capestany฀ [email protected] land for the immigrants. Wouldn’t that be we’re bound to make people angry all over rather have my tax money spent on helping called racism? again, it seemed like a good time to respond. people than on (for example) detaining them Contributors In the 1870s, my grandfather was among I (answering as myself and not speaking in camps or prisons run by for-profit entities. Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. the many Norwegian immigrants who re- for this newspaper) probably won’t be able Julia Andersen New York, N,Y. • Times are certainly different now than Tove Andersson Oslo, Norway ceived free land in northwest Minnesota. Af- to fit my many, rambling responses to your in the 1870s, and I wasn’t suggesting we give Patricia Barry Hopewell Junction, N.Y. ter settling there, building the log cabin, etc., letter in this space, so I’ll prioritize: every immigrant free land stolen from the Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. all at his own expense and labor, according people currently on it—though in the case Terje Birkedal Anchorage, Alaska • You ask whether ousting the Native M. Michael Brady Asker, Norway to the federal law, Grandpa received the deed Americans to make room for “immigrants” of immigrants from Mexico trying to enter Daughters of Norway Members Various to the property. should be called racism. My vote is emphati- the southwest U.S, it would have a kind of Christie Ericson Anchorage, Alaska But that was then, not now. cally yes, and much worse. I call it genocide. poetic justice to it, given that that land was Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway Christy Olsen Field Seattle, Wash. Now, there are numerous ways for gov- And I’d call most of the early “immigrants” “bought” from Mexico after the bloody war Sunny Gandara Beacon, N.Y. ernment funding that’s available to legal to North America colonizers. following the annexation of Texas (which Rosalie Grangaard Grosch Arden Hills, Minn. immigrants wishing to settle in the U.S.— - was also once a Mexican territory). Just a Kari Heistad Edina, Minn. • You say there is money from the gov Liv Marit Haakenstad Hamar, Norway money from the taxes paid by the citizens. ernment currently available to immigrants... thought. Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. I agree that people from all countries but is there? I’m not sure. In fact, immigrants Sincerely, Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. Editor Ilan Kelman , Norway to the U.S. aren’t eligible for federal benefits Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. 3. juli Peter hart Mt. Bethel PA Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Christine Foster Meloni Washington, D.C. Thomas Barcia Reno NV Randi Millman-Brown Ithaca, N.Y. Virginia greenlee Marysville WA 8. juli David Moe Sun City, Calif. mark Injerd Washington MI Lette grodem Loves Park IL Maria Stordahl Nelson Seattle, Wash. Amy Jordheim Parker CO Jan I. halvorsen Upper Saddle River NJ David Nikel Trondheim, Norway Mona Anita K. Olsen Ithaca, N.Y. Kjell Jordheim Columbia MO egil Larsen Mountain View CA Barbara K. Rostad Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho Peter Alvik Kongevold gustav A. nelson Ottawa IL John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. Huntington Station NY Arthur nilsen Miami Beach FL Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. haakon Leiren Marysville WA signe Overboe The Villages FL Judith Gabriel Vinje Los Angeles, Calif. Teresa Tengesdal Bartlett IL erik Thorgesen Gansevoort NY Dianna Walla Tromsø, Norway Linda Warren Washington, D.C. 29. juni Joann Thompsen Tacoma WA T. Wollen Portland OR Jo Christian Weldingh Oslo, Norway greta Aberg Ripon WI Louise gjertsen robertson White Rock BC Canada 9. juli The Norwegian American strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a ques- 30. juni Oliver hawkensen Eleva WI tion or comment about news coverage call (206) Wenche Anderson Concord CA 4. juli Kathleen nesseth Lake Forest Park WA 784-4617. • The Norwegian American reserves elroy dragsten Buffalo MN dennis Andersen Medford NJ Lois Aubol Wise Fountain CO the right to edit any and all submissions for style, Thom hansen Barbara Arnesen Summerset KT grammar, accuracy, and/or space, and the right Stabekk Norway not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor Bill Johnson Corvallis OR dofny egge Everett WA 10. juli taste, or not suited for publication in this newspa- Jonathan Ornulf ness Clara erickson Seattle WA Konnie haas Albert Lea MN per. • The opinions expressed by opinion writers Upper Saddle River NJ howard Olivers Kent WA mathilde rodegard hollo and letter writers are not necessarily those of The Norwegian American, and our publication of those sigvart Oswald Clear Lake IA Karen F. Pesutich Petaluma CA Vancouver WA views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, glenn Olav riddervold Walnut Creek CA Thorleif sorlien Viborg SD dottie Lillestrand Bloomington MN suggestions, and complaints about the opinions emma solberg Coeur d’Alene ID endre Coleman Veka Portland OR expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor-in-chief. •The Norwegian Queen sonja Oslo Norway 11. juli American (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 2473-1293) is 1. juli Alma Bensen Coeur d’Alene ID published every other week except the first issue Peter s. endahl Spokane WA 5. juli Oddvin (ed) Bjorge Larrabee IA in August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. Blake Thorvaldsen Borger TX gerhard gjertson Cambridge WI mary e. garner Olympia WA 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline WA 98155 henry nissen Everett WA r. d. Jacobsen Prescott AZ • Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, Wash. and at additional mailing offices. • POSTMASTER: 2. juli daniel L. Peterson Sioux Falls SD Bernice C. Jorgensen Minneapolis MN Please send address changes to The Norwegian Andreas Anderson Choteau MT Karen Olsen Stockton CA American, 17713 15th Ave NE, #205, Shoreline 6. juli marlene J. strand Seattle WA WA 98155 • Annual Subscription Cost: US $70 Tristan Pearce Freiler Kensington MD Domestic, US $94 to Canada, US $212 to Norway hjalmar m. Kampen sverre haave Hanford CA Olaf swanson Montclair CA and all other foreign countries. Winnipeg MB Canada matteus halverson Sturgis SD deLora Olivers Kent WA Ole hansen Serman Oaks CA 12. juli SINCE MAY 17, 1889. Formerly: Joyce rannestad Bridgewater CT steven Oskar Kongevold Brooklyn NY greg Anderson Moorehead MN Norwegian American Weekly Irene Thorson Elk Point SD Andrea Loken Chesapeake VA sharon Klykken Camano Island WA Norway Times / Nordisk Tidende, Johanne Velde Boca Raton FL Alph ronholm Valley City ND Joan Onerheim Vulcan AB Canada Western Viking & Washington Posten meridith Wardle Minneapolis MN evelyn r. stevens Tacoma WA Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah-Posten 7. juli Beth Weidemann Anacortes WA og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota Posten, Norrona, and Skandinaven B. K. Barney grinnvoll Harlowton MT sylvia yarger Morris MN NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Want to see your birthday in The Norwegian American? Email [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617. Must be submitted one month in advance to guarantee placement. NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed away? Please notify us! the american 8 • June 29, 2018 Sports NorwegiaN Brann is on fire in Eliteserien soccer With 13 of 30 gamedays down, the leaders in Norwegian soccer are a surprise to all

Jo cHristiaN WeldiNgH Oslo

Heading into their last game before the World Cup break June 11, league favorite Rosenborg had the opportunity to decrease Brann’s lead to four points. Instead, the team from Trondheim lost to seventh-place Trom- sø 2-1, to take vacation in third place, seven points behind Brann, tied with Haugesund, and not even the best-ranked team in their home city of Trondheim. The first half of this year’s -Norwe gian soccer league has been full of sur- prises. Before the league started in March, my prediction was that Rosenborg, Molde, Strømsgodset, and Sarpsborg 08 were the teams to beat this season (read the full ar- ticle, from the March 23 issue, at: www. is-eliteseriens-favorite-again). Sarpsborg 08, Molde and Strømsgodset are currently placed 5th, 8th and 12th, respectively. Molde Photos: (above) Kim nygård / Aftenposten, (6 wins-2 draws-5 losses, 23) had been the (right) Arne ristesund / Bergensavisen early pacesetter this season but lost five of Above: Ranheim has been the better team in Trondheim so far thanks to its last 10 games. Mads Reginiussen (center). Instead, two unlikely teams are sitting Right: Steffen Lie Skålevik clebrates after one of his two goals against at the top of the league table: Brann from Ran heim. Brann is the surprising leader in Eliteserien. Bergen, who got promoted from the sec- ond-highest level in Norwegian soccer only two years ago, and Ranheim, a squad from has come as a bit of a surprise for both his team and the rest of Trondheim filled with local amateurs, who the league. Before the season started, some experts criticised Brann have captured the Norwegian spectators’ for lacking offensive power and said that Skålevik wasn’t a good hearts and minds with their enthusiastic ap- choice as forward. Skålevik has proved them all wrong. proach to the game. Ranheim is not as well organized on defense, having let in 21 Brann’s success has mainly been a result goals, but they have been the league’s best offensive team, scor- of strict defensive organization. Their two ing 25 goals. Mads Reginiussen, the brother of the more famous central defenders, Vito Wormgoor and Bis- Rosenborg and Norwegian national player, Tore Reginiussen, has mar Acosta, have been two of the best players had his big breakthrough this season and been Ranheim’s best play- in the league so far and deserve a lot of credit er overall, tied for second in the league with seven goals. for their team’s amazing results, which in- Haugesund has also had a good first half of the season. They cludes allowing only five goals in 13 games.were actually the first team to steal points from Brann this season in Offensively, Steffen Lie Skålevik is tied for the 1-1 draw on May 16. Haugesund did a great job in the transfer third in the league with six goals, and Daniel market this winter, and is currently benefitting greatly from the ac- Kvande has four assists. Skålevik’s success quisition of Nigerian Babajide David Akintola (three goals, four assists) from Jerv. has a strong presence in the Trondheim club, Rosenborg, the league favorites and and his comments have made some fans won- titleholders, have underperformed all season der if coach Kåre Ingebrigtsen really is the and have been heavily criticized in the me- right man to lead their club into the future. dia. Star players like Nicklas Bendtner and All that being said, only 13 out of 30 Pål Andre Helland haven’t been close to the games have been played, and seven points level they performed at last season. separate second and ninth place. The league Most notable was the critique from for- trophy won’t be awarded to anyone until No- mer coach and club legend Nils Arne Eggen. vember. He told a local newspaper that he didn’t think Custom jewelry in the team put enough effort into their physical Jo Christian Weldingh grew up in Lilleham- training and that he thought the team tactics mer, Norway, and lives in Oslo. He has a silver and gold were all wrong and that he, himself, would bachelor’s degree in archaeology from the have gone for a simpler approach to the game. and a bachelor’s degree in featuring Eggen, having won more league titles business administration from BI Norwegian Norwegian filigree, than any other Norwegian soccer coach, still Business School. Nordic designs and Did you know... Scandinavian • Print ads in this paper start at just $38 per ad • Web ads start at just $225 per month gemstones by • Newsletter ads are just $50 per week Debra Carus • You can reach a targeted audience and support the nation’s only Norwegian paper Can you afford not to advertise? [email protected] Email [email protected] or call 971-221-8151 206.784.4617 to get your custom advertising proposal! the american NorwegiaN Sports June 29, 2018 • 9 Nordmenn of baseball: Sports News & Notes Three cups of coffee to go for Art Handball: Norway’s men qualify for World Cup 2019 A late rally resulted in Norway’s 33-30 loss Hauger, Ole Olsen, and Jay Kleven to Switzerland, but the benefit of a 33-26 vic- tory over the Swiss in the first game gave the Photos: (left), Norwegians a 63-59 aggregate win, and a (below) Charles Conlon / detroit Public Library spot in World Cup 2019, its first appearance Left: Jay Kleven’s time in the majors was just one week. since 2010, when it was champion. micHael kleiNer Below: Ole Olsen’s baseball career was the longest of (VG) The Norwegian American these three.

In baseball parlance, a short Track: Ingebrigtsens fail to qualify for career is “having a cup of coffee.” EM in 5,000 meters Norwegian Americans Art It was not a good day for brothers Filip and Hauger, Arthur “Ole” Olsen, and Henrik Ingebrigtsen in the 5,000 meters in Jay Kleven had such careers, Stockholm. Filip ran 13:46.40 to finish 12th, though Olsen at least had some almost eight seconds shy of the qualifying breakfasts with his coffees. time for the European Championships. Hen- rik was ninth. Filip is unsure if he will at- Art hauger tempt to qualify in future 5,000-meter races, Take Hauger, born Nov. 18, but the priority for the brothers may shift to 1893, in Delhi, Ohio. The out- qualifying in the 1,500 meters. fielder lasted three weeks with the (VG) Cleveland Naps in 1912, playing 15 games (four starts) with one Eliteserien: Men’s highlights hit in 18 at bats for a .056 batting June 25: Brann remained undefeated, beat- average. ing Odd 1-0. June 24: The table scrambled He spent 17 years in the mi- after Sunday’s games. Marcus Pedersen tal- nor leagues playing for 18 teams. lied his 11th goal, as 11th-place Strømsgodset Minor league stats are incomplete, but he ERA. His last major league shocked second-place Ranheim 3-0. Robert hit over .300 seven times, including .350 for game was Sept. 24, 1923, Taylor scored in the 88th minute as Tromsø Kinston, Va., with 39 doubles in 1925. The with two innings of relief beat Sarpsborg 3-2 to move into a tie for fifth year before, with Bay City, Mich., he bat- against the Yankees, allow- with Molde. Fourth-place Haugesund drew ted .316 with 40 doubles, nine triples, and ing three hits and five runs. 2-2 with 13th-place Lillestrøm. Rosenborg six homers. Hauger hit .316 for Kinston in He had joined the Tigers after a 250-in- sional baseball in 1978. beat Vålerenga 3-0 to move into second. 1926 with 27 doubles and 10 home runs. He ning, 14-14 record with AA Syracuse of the Kleven was born Dec. 2, 1949, in (Google) hit a combined .323 with Salt Lake City and International League in 1921. From 1924- Oakland, Calif. He is a member of the San Moose Jaw in 1920, and .315 for Edmon- 1929, Olsen played for five minor leagueLorenzo High School and Cal State Uni- ton in 1921. Hauger is credited with 1,781 teams. He was a combined 12-14 for Nash- versity-Hayward baseball Hall of Fames. Eliteserien: Women’s highlights games, 1,940 hits, 261 doubles, 66 triples, 58 ville and Birmingham in 1924, combined 14- He taught special education and did June 24: Lillestrøm beat Grand Bodø 2-0 homers, and only 31 strikeouts. 15 for Nashville and Kansas City in 1925, some coaching, but died of a massive for its 20th straight victory. June 23: Ragne He was player-manager of the Kinston and 13-8 with 3.73 ERA (his lowest ever) heart attack following hip replacement Hagen Svastuen’s goal gave RØA a 3-2 up- Eagles in the Virginia League in 1927, and for Atlanta in 1928. Though the Yankees and surgery on June 30, 2009, at 59. set over second-place Sandviken, snapping later headed the Bentonville, Ark., Mustangs Indians expressed interest in signing Olsen, In a 2004 interview, he probably Sandviken’s eight-game streak. Julie Adserø (1936, where he also appeared in 10 games Cobb blocked it. An arm injury in 1929 end- echoed the sentiments of Hauger, Olsen, scored in the 92nd minute, her second of the and hit .333 at age 44); Williamstown, N.C., ed Olsen’s career. and all Field of Dreams’ Moonlight Gra- game, as Trondheims-Ørn beat Lyn 3-2. Kol- Martins (1937, 1938), St. Louis Browns af- Olsen worked as a sales supervisor for a hams: “I will never forget my brief, but botn defeated Avaldsnes 2-0, to remain un- beaten in six straight games. Tameka Butt’s filiate Pennington, Va., Gap Miners (1939, liquor manufacturer for 37 years. He died on memorable big league stay.” goal gave Klepp a 1-0 victory over Stabæk. 1940), and Chicago White Sox affiliate Su- his 86th birthday in 1980 in Norwalk. perior, Wis., Blues (1941, 1942). No records ( exist, according to Jay Kleven Hauger died of a heart attack at 50 on Kleven barely had time to finish a venti. August 2, 1944, in Redwood City, Calif. His catching career with the New York Mets lasted seven days in June 1976. He’s the ELITESERIEN Ole Olsen only one of the three with a bio on Society Olsen, born on September 12, 1894, in for American Baseball Research website. It’s Norway’s Premier League South Norwalk, Conn., played in 1922 and almost longer than his career. 1923 with the Detroit Tigers. The righthand- On June 14, Kleven got two hits and two RESULTS STANDINGS er made his major league debut on April 12, RBIs in an exhibition game against the Yan- 1922—Opening Day—with two innings of kees at Yankee Stadium. “I go back to Tide- 06/23 molde 3 – 0 stabæk Teams W d L PTs relief against Cleveland, allowing two runs, water tomorrow, but I’ll take this biggest 06/24 Bodø/glimt 1 – 1 sandefjord 1. Brann 10 4 0 34 three hits, walking one, striking out one. His thrill of my life with me,” he said. “Playing 2. Rosenborg 8 3 3 27 in front of all those people is something I’ll first start was on April 22, his first victory 06/24 haugesund 2 – 2 Lillestrøm 3. Ranheim 8 2 4 26 May 8 against the Boston Red Sox. never forget.” On June 14, he struck out Babe Ruth. “I With starting catcher Jerry Grote and 06/24 sarpsborg 08 2 – 3 Tromsø 4. Haugesund 7 4 3 25 5. Tromsø 7 2 5 23 can remember him coming to the plate and backup Ron Hodges injured, Kleven stuck 06/24 start 2 – 0 Kristiansund calling me a little SOB,” he was quoted in with the club. 6. Molde 7 2 5 23 Norwalk’s years later. “Then He pinch-hit for Grote on June 20 and 06/24 strømsgodset 3 – 0 ranheim 7. Sarpsborg 08 6 4 4 22 he said throw the ball and duck. I called him stayed in the game. He went 0-for-3. A week 06/24 rosenborg 3 – 0 Vålerenga 8. Vålerenga 6 4 4 22 a big baboon.” later, against the Chicago Cubs, he again 9. Kristiansund 5 4 5 19 The Cornell University graduate would pinch-hit for Grote and hit a two-run single 06/25 Odd 0 – 1 Brann toss 137 innings that season, start 15 games, off one of future Hall of Fame pitcher Bruce 10. Odd 5 2 7 17 complete five, relieve in 22, save three and Sutter’s infamous split-finger fast balls in the 11. Strømsgodset 4 4 6 16 compile a 7-6 record with a 4.53 ERA. His Mets 13-3 victory. Who knew that would be 12. Bodø/Glimt 3 5 6 14 relationship with manager Ty Cobb was the extent of his major league career? Hodg- 13. Lillestrøm 3 4 7 13 strained, especially after 1,200 Norwalk na- es came off the disabled list, and Kleven re- 14. Stabæk 2 5 7 11 tives travelled to New York to see Olsen pitch turned to the minors. 15. Start 3 2 9 11 against the Yankees on “Art Olsen Day” on Kleven was considered a good defen- July 22. Cobb never played him. sive catcher, respected for his knowledge 16. Sandefjord 1 3 10 5 The bad relations continued the fol- and handling of pitchers. In five minor lowing year. Olsen threw only 41.1 innings, league seasons, his highest batting average To฀read฀more฀about฀football฀in฀Norway,฀visit฀ made two starts, finished 1-1 with a 6.31 was .279, and RBIs 35. He was out of profes- the american 10 • June 29, 2018 Research & Science NorwegiaN Farmed fish feed fears flummox Is farmed fish safe to eat? A European investigation into salmon feed looks to find out

m. micHael Brady Asker, Norway

From the Viking Age on, Norwegians have plied and harvested the seas. Fish ex- port has long begotten income, perchance from the year 875, when, as an Icelandic Saga reports, a Viking chieftain sailed with a cargo of dried cod from the Lofoten Islands to England to trade for clothing and other ne- cessities. Even then, cod was commonplace in the coastal cultures of the countries of the north. But with time, the more modest catch of Atlantic salmon came to set Norway apart. Topography determined that distinc- tion. The rivers of the Scandinavian water- shed flow through Norway and empty into the Atlantic Ocean. Together they make up the world’s largest spawning ground for wild Atlantic salmon. That has triggered a social phenomenon, as each year tens of thousands of native and foreign recreational anglers fish these salmon rivers. Yet for elusive reasons, sea fishing for salmon declined in the late 1960s and early Photos: Johan Wildhagen (above) & 1970s. The ensuing depression of the econo- Tom haga (left), both © norwegian seafood Council, by permission mies of coastal communities that depended on Above: A Norwegian fish farm cage. it triggered a shift to salmon farming. From a Left: Salmon as the consumer most often sees it. few salmon farms along the coast in the mid 1970s, salmon farming developed dramatical- M. Michael Brady was edu- ly. In the nine counties along Norway’s west cated as a scientist and, with coast, there now are more than 1,250 salm- time, turned to writing and on farms. Farmed salmon has replaced wild translating. salmon in markets, and Norway has become the world’s largest producer of it. That event in Norway is part of a global trend. Aquaculture, the farming of fish and other sorts of seafood, now supplies more than half of all seafood produced for hu- ethoxyquin, a synthetic substance developed Scotland, another salmon-farming country. • “Det vi ikke vet om laksen” (What we man consumption. Around the world, most in the 1950s by the Monsanto agrochemical So after more than four decades of EQ use, don’t know about salmon) by S. Sætre and salmon sold in fish shops and supermarkets company and now used in the fishmeal pel- the ongoing EU/EEA scientific review may K. Østli, , April 6-12, 2018 is of the farmed sort. There’s historical pre- lets fed to farmed salmon. find that its use is not a food-safety concern. (Norwegian). cedence for that statistic. Fish farming began Ethoxyquin, or EQ as it’s often abbrevi- But then it may not so find, which would • “Ethoxyquin: An Antioxidant Used in China circa 2,500 BCE. It has evolved, ated, is at the center of the ongoing public lead to a ban. So the search is now on for an in Animal Feed” by A. Blaszczyk, A. Au- as has farming, since the First Agricultural discussion of salmon farming. The principal alternative to EQ in fish feed. Three antioxi- gustyniak, and J. Skolimowski, Internation- Revolution circa 10,000 BCE. Now it’s at question is whether EQ in fish feed can be dants are now being considered, the tocoph- al Journal of Food Science, April 30, 2013. a stage similar to that of the Second Agri- transferred to the edible parts of the fish and erols (Vitamin E compounds), rosemary ex- • Toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics cultural Revolution of the 17th through thereby affect food safety. In Norway, there’s tracts, and the synthetic substance Butylated of dietary ethoxyquin in Atlantic salmon 19th centuries, marked by an unrivaled rise been a governmental white paper and a doc- hydroxytoluene (BHT). (Salmo salar, L.), Doctorate dissertation by in farm productivity. But nothing happens toral dissertation (both in English) that both Eliminating fishmeal in farmed fish feed V.J.B. Bohne, University of Bergen, 2007. without consequence, and aquaculture, like report measurable transfer from feed to ed- might be another way to go. As reported by • “Nøkkeltall fra norsk havbruksnæring” agriculture, has disadvantages as well as ible fish. Internationally, the authorization of the National Geographic this past Febru- (Key figures from aquaculture), Directorate advantages. So as with agriculture, there’s EQ as feed additive has been suspended in ary, Protix, a company based in Dongen, the of Fisheries annual publication (Norwegian). much critique of aquaculture. the European Union (EU) and members of Netherlands, has developed and successfully • “Implementing regulation (EU) Farming salmon has a limiting disadvan- the European Economic Area (EEA) not in tested a farmed fish feed based on insects it 2017/962: Suspending the authorisation of tage due to the nature of the fish. Salmon are the EU (including Norway), pending a sci- breeds for animal feed. ehyoxyquin as a feed additive for all animal carnivorous; they eat other fish. So farmed entific review to be completed by the end of species and categories,” Official Journal of salmon are fed fishmeal. The fishmeal is December 2020. And an early April 2018 Further reading: the European Union, June 7, 2017, PDFs in usually transported by ships. Fish oil present edition of Morgenbladet, Norway’s cultural • “Wild and farmed salmon in Norway: all EU languages, and “Suspansjon av eth- in fishmeal can react with oxygen in the at- weekly newspaper, had a front page, eight- A review” by Y. Liu, J.O. Olaussen, and A. oxyquin som fôrtilsetningsstoff,” Regjerin- mosphere and generate heat that causes it to page feature on EQ. Skonhoft, Marine Policy Vol. 35, May 2011., June 16, 2017, [statement of Nor- catch fire. So antioxidants are mandatory ad- EQ has been an additive to fish feed at • “Seafood from Norway,” Norwe- way’s compliance (Norwegian)]. ditives to fishmeal to prevent fire in transport least since 1971, when its use was reported gian Seafood Council website (English): • “Fish Meal” by M.L. Windsor, Aber- and storage. The most used antioxidant is in a public information leaflet published in deen, Scotland, 1971, Torry Research Station. • “As Wild Salmon Decline, Norway • Fisheries and Aquaculture Statistics, Pressures Its Giant Fish Farms” by S. Castle, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Business and individual The New York Times, Nov. 6, 2017. of the UN, trilingual yearbook (English, tax returns; audits; forensic • “What undesirable substances are French, Spanish) 2015 edition published - Nov. 10, 2017: accounting; financial transferred from the feed to the fillet?” Hav forskningsinstituttet (Institute of Marine Re- • SSPO briefing on Ethoxyquin use, statement preparation; search) white paper (English), Oct. 1, 2015: Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation, Certified Public Accountants litigation support. May 12, 2017. fish-feed/undesirable-substances-trans- • “Why Salmon Eating Insects Instead 221 First Avenue West Suite 400 Lower Queen Anne location, easy parking. ferred-feed-fillet-2. of Fish Is Better for Environment” by H. Seattle, Washington 98119 • “Ethoxyquin i fiskefôr” (Ethoxyquin in Brady, National Geographic, Feb. 5, 2018: fish meal) Norwegian Food Safety Authority Phone: 206.292.1747 • Online: • Email: [email protected] overview, Jan. 24, 2017 (Norwegian). salmon-insect-feed-fish-meal-netherlands. the american NorwegiaN Arts & Entertainment June 29, 2018 • 11 Inspired by the Sea: The art of Odd Andersen The Ice Palace Tarjei Vesaas’s classic novel is a haunting tale of friendship and secrecy that lasts beyond death

cHristiNe foster meloNi Washington

Tarjei Vesaas is widely acknowledged as the great- est Norwegian writer of the 20th century. He was born in Telemark in 1897 and spent most of his life there. Photo courtesy of Odd Andersen He preferred to live close Odd Andersen with one of his paintings of Norway, another favorite subject of his. to nature, and his writings reflect his deep attachment to and understanding of < Andersen the natural world. He was From page 1 a novelist, a short story writer, and a poet. He was them. In his work, the people remain nearly invis- was to patrol the Delaware Bay area in three small married to the poet Halldis ible, yet one feels their presence and adept skills. 64-foot boats, together with 50 sailors and 50 sol- Moran Vesaas from 1934 There is a moody romanticism to his work that diers looking for mines left after the war. We ac- until his death in 1970. She harks back to an earlier time, when the New York wa- cidently did come across a mine that we quickly died in 1995. terfront was filled with docks, sailors, and tugs that brought back to safety. His novel The Ice Pal- needed to handle the abundance of cargo, rather than ace is considered his masterpiece. It is an extraordinary book that often today’s increasing number of glass towers that sepa- Vh: How did you get interested in art? reads more like poetry than prose. The protagonists are two 11-year-old rate rather than connect our communities to the shore. OA: In my early years, 6 or 7, I started to draw my girls, Siss and Unn, and the setting is a small rural community in Norway. With this disconnect, we have lost the perspective that favorite cartoons: Bugs Bunny, Mickey Mouse, El- Outgoing Siss is well-liked by her classmates and is their undisputed Andersen so generously shares. His work is more than mer Fudd. Eventually, at age 12, my parents enrolled leader. However, when a new girl appears in their midst, the harmony artistic; it is historical, a visual oral history. me in art lessons from Mr. Norheim, who had an art is disturbed. Although Unn stands apart, unwilling or unable to interact One of his recent exhibits was titled A Life on store and studio on 61st Street and 8th Avenue. Mr. with the others, Siss is strongly attracted to her. It becomes clear that the the Water, perfect for a man who has the tales of Norheim was a very accomplished artist, working feeling is mutual and Unn soon invites Siss to come to her house, because his Norwegian merchant marine father, his visits to mostly in an oil medium, thereby teaching me at an she wants to tell her a secret. Siss goes to Unn’s house, tingling with ex- Norway, and his decades of employment as a dock early age how to construct a painting. In fact, I still citement. Unn, however, is unable to tell Siss the secret. The atmosphere builder to inspire. Andersen resides in New Jersey. I have a painting done in 1948 from that one-year ex- soon becomes strained and Siss, beginning to feel uneasy, leaves in haste. had a chance to ask him about his work and life perience with his studio. Siss, however, cannot wait until the next morning to see Unn at In around 1961/1962, my father asked me if I school. But Unn feels embarrassed about the night before and decides Victoria hofmo: Could you speak a little about your could paint a picture of a photo he had of a square to skip school so that she will not have to face Siss. To avoid any prying experience growing up in Bay Ridge? rigger. This was my introduction to marine painting, questions at home, she pretends to leave for school and instead sets out for Odd Andersen: As I look back growing up in Bay with emphasis on bridges, piers, all types of boats, the Ice Palace that everyone has been talking about. Ridge, Brooklyn, I feel that I wouldn’t trade it for the and harbors and scenes that included the sea. I con- Although Unn at first feels guilty about not going to school, she soon world. As a youngster on 57th Street, we had the op- tinued to paint in oil as, in my opinion, I feel a paint- convinces herself that it is the right thing to do. She becomes very excited portunity to play a variety of sports in the streets, in- ing becomes more dramatic and bold and I liked the when she hears the roar of the river. She rushes forward and, all of a sud- cluding stick ball, roller hockey, touch football, etc. consistency of working with it, compared to water den, she finds herself at the top of the waterfall. She is immediately struck The fact that all efforts were directed to the war effort and acrylic paint. by the majesty and grandeur of the large frozen waterfall and is drawn those days, there were not many cars on the street, I never strayed far from the sea, thereby giving into the magical structure. Slipping and sliding, she penetrates deeper and allowing all of us kids in the neighborhood freedom me an interest that I have relished all these years— deeper into the Ice Palace. to play right outside our houses. what I love—marine-inspired work. After retiring, I In the meantime, Siss wonders why her friend is not in class. As soon Jumping ahead to my teen years, I was involved was finally able to paint in a more serious manner. I as school is dismissed, she hurries to Unn’s house to inquire. When it with the Bay Ridge Church League playing basket- also found time to study at the Ridgewood, N.J., Barn, becomes known that Unn had left her house at the usual time but never ball for about three years, for the 59th Street Luther- working with many other artists from New Jersey. arrived at school, an alarm is raised and a search party is immediately an Brethren Church. I was also active in the church, formed to look for the missing girl. After a thorough but fruitless search attending Junior League and enjoying hanging out at Vh: Where has your work been exhibited? of the nearby area, the consensus is that she may have gone by herself to the local ice cream parlor, Dodenhoffs, afterward. OA: I have displayed my art in various interesting the Ice Palace. This site becomes the focus of the frantic search. galleries in the New York area—Norwegian Sea- Many questions arise in the reader’s mind. What is Unn’s secret? Vh: What drew you to the water? man’s Church and Swedish Seaman’s Church, as Why does she say that she may not go to heaven? Who is the other she OA: Before I was born, my father, Herman, sailed well as the Mellville Gallery at the South Street Sea- mentions several times to Siss? What does Unn actually experience in the for 20 years on sailing vessels and steamships all port and The Norwegian Christian Home and Health Ice Palace? over the world, so I was able to hear stories grow- Center in Brooklyn. My latest exhibit was in January Vesaas has written a brilliant novel in a prose that is both lyrical and ing up of his adventures. As a young boy, my dad 2018 at the Ridgewood, New Jersey, Stable where I sparse. The delicately rendered young protagonists and the natural setting worked at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, so boats and the exhibited 77 paintings. will haunt the reader long after the novel is put down. sea were just part of growing up. My parents were both born in Norway—Mom in and Pop Andersen’s journey between dock building and The book is The Ice Palace (originally Is-slottet, translated from the Nor- in Fredrikstad, both sea coast cities. painting reminds me of another Norwegian-Ameri- wegian by Elizabeth Rokkan) by Vesaas, Tarjei. The new translation of the can artist, Bernhard Berntsen, who was a Brooklyn 1963 original was published by Peter Owen Publishers in 2009. Vh: How did you become a dock builder? resident employed as an ironworker and an artist OA: In 1953, I found work on the first Tappan Zee who became a painter with the WPA. We often delin- For my review of The Birds, another outstanding novel by Tarjei Vesaas, Bridge, working with the dock builders. From there, eate between those who do manual labor and artists. visit I worked at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, after which I But I have found that in the Norwegian community, started on the extension of the LaGuardia Airport labor and the arts are integrated. You don’t choose runway. I also worked on the Niagara Falls Power one over the other; you did both. Newspaper ads never go out House, Newburg-Beacon Bridge, Throgs Neck As Andersen says, “Since I work in my studio Bridge, and many piers in the New York harbor and over the garage, I have only to walk a few feet from of style. Place yours today! Port Elizabeth in New Jersey. my house where I have found a hobby I so enjoy. To Call 206-784-4617 or email [email protected] At the age of 21, I was assigned to the Harbor me there is no better way of life than doing some- to request a personalized advertising proposal Defense Unit in Lewes, Del., with the Navy. My job thing that fulfills you... Life is good!” the american 12 • June 29, 2018 Taste of Norway NorwegiaN A salad satisfying enough to be a meal Smoked mackerel and vinegary cucumbers add tons of flavor to this simple salad

daytoNa stroNg Taste of Norway Editor

One of my favorite places to shop for food is the local Scandinavian store. Perusing the shelves of imported pantry items and the chilled cases for cheeses, meats, and fish nev- er fails to inspire me in some way. Lately I’ve been enjoying the fillets of smoked mackerel. One of my favorite fish, mackerel is full of flavor. I love its oily nature, although it can be pretty intense. Smoking it seems to round out the flavor a bit, creating just the right balance. In the summer months, when the weath- er is hot, many people prefer to turn on the oven as little as possible. I’m not usually too concerned about that, but I do appreciate rec- ipes that require minimal amount of time and effort to prepare. This one does just the trick. Beginning with a bed of arugula dressed simply with extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice, mustard, salt, and pepper, the salad is then topped with sliced radishes, cucumbers, and bite-sized pieces of smoked mackerel, then garnished with wisps of fresh dill. The typical Scandinavian side dish of cucumbers sliced and marinated in vinegar, salt, and herbs is a regular feature on my din- ner table, and leftovers are a great way to add extra flavor to the recipe I’m sharing today. Photo: daytona strong However, just plain sliced cucumber do the Smoked mackerel turns a simple salad into a fla- Smoked Mackerel Salad with trick as well. vorful and satisfying meal. If you enjoy mackerel as much as I do, Radishes and Vinegary Cucumbers consider pairing it with roasted rhubarb— the tartness of the bracing stalks softens a I like to use leftover Scandinavian cucumber salad here for an extra bit of flavor, so if you’re bit in the oven, even when roasted without planning ahead, then go ahead and make a batch for dinner the night before. If not, simple Daytona Strong is The Nor- sliced cucumbers will work. any sugar. As an alternative to today’s recipe, wegian American’s Taste of try beginning with a bed of tender butter let- Norway Editor. She writes tuce (you can use the same dressing). Pile on about her family’s Norwegian salad: dressing: the smoked mackerel and nestle little bits of heritage through the lens of 1 lb. smoked mackerel, skin & bones 2 tbsps. extra virgin olive oil roasted rhubarb, pickled beets, and slices of food at her Scandinavian removed 1 tbsp. lemon juice hard-boiled egg around, garnishing with dill. food blog, www.outside-oslo. 5 oz. baby arugula ¼ tsp. ground mustard It’s equally satisfying, and quite pretty. com. Find her on Facebook 4 radishes, thinly sliced ¼ tsp. salt No matter how you serve it, smoked (, Twitter (@ ½ cup Scandinavian cucumber salad, pinch freshly ground black pepper mackerel offers a satisfying punch of flavordaytonastrong), Pinterest (@daytonastrong), or sliced cucumbers with little effort. and Instagram (@daytonastrong). fresh dill for garnish

Break the mackerel into bite-sized pieces. In a small bowl, whisk all the dressing ingre- dients together until emulsified. Dip a leaf of arugula into the dressing to check the balance, Subscribe to The Norwegian American! and adjust as needed; arugula is already peppery, so checking the dressing with a leaf will help determine the right mix of flavors. (206)฀ 784-4617฀ •฀ [email protected] In a large mixing bowl, pour the dressing over the arugula and toss until evenly coated news฀ •฀ business฀ •฀ sports฀ •฀ opinion฀ •฀ recipes฀ •฀ travel฀ and glistening. Divide between four plates. Arrange the mackerel, radishes, and cucumber events฀ •฀ entertainment฀ •฀ Norwegian฀ language฀ •฀ more! salad on each. Garnish with dill. Serve immediately. Serves 4. Summer Must-haves!

6719 15th Ave NW Seattle, WA 98117

1-877-784-7020 Modern, elegant vases. Beautifully designed Made in Finland. napkins. the american NorwegiaN Taste of Norway June 29, 2018 • 13 A recipe for Success (Tart): These flavors are a winning combination

daytoNa stroNg Taste of Norway Editor

When it comes to cakes, Norwegian ones are among the best in the world, in my opinion. They’re often simple and require no special cake decorating skills in order to be beautiful. Bløtkake, with its layers of sponge cake, vanilla custard, strawberry jam, whipped cream, and fresh strawber- ries is one of my all-time favorites. Then there’s the simple rhubarb cake, with slices of the magenta stalks nestled throughout a buttery cake. Kvæfjordkake—also known as verdens beste kake, or world’s best cake—has been called Norway’s National Cake, and for good reason: With layers of cake, delicate meringue, vanilla cream, and chopped almonds, it’s incredibly flavorful and satisfying. And then there’s suksessterte—success cake or success tart. This cake is lovely with a bright yellow custard and wisps of choco- late. It just happens to be gluten-free with a base of almonds and egg whites (just be sure all your ingredients, including the powdered sugar, and baking powder, are made without gluten). I first made suksessterte a few years ago and loved the how the egg yolks in the cus- tard created a vibrant yellow cream. On first Photos: daytona strong glance, it looks like it might taste like lemon, This cake illustrates just how varied Norwegian but it’s just the most luscious buttery cream cakes are. The curls of chocolate can be arranged you can imagine. any way you like—no decorating skills necessary!

Success Tart (Suksessterte)

Norwegian success tart, also known as success cake, is one of those desserts that catch you by surprise if you haven’t tasted it before. The bright yellow custard hints at a lemon flavor, but what you get instead is a rich almond cake topped with luscious buttery cream and a garnish of chocolate (typically you’d use less than I did on this particular cake, but I couldn’t help myself with those delicate little wisps of chocolate). As with any favorite recipe, varia- tions abound. I’ve made a two-layer success cake here, but it’s also often made with a single cake layer.

cake: cream topping: 4 large egg whites 4 large egg yolks 1 cup powdered sugar 2⁄3 cup heavy whipping cream 1 cup almonds (not blanched) 2⁄3 cup granulated sugar 1 tsp. baking powder ½ cup cold butter, cut into cubes ¼ tsp. kosher salt 1 tsp. vanilla extract

bar of bittersweet or semisweet chocolate for garnish

Preheat oven to 350°F. Lightly grease two 8- or 9-inch springform pans. Grind the almonds until fine. In a large mixing bowl, beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form. Gradually add powdered sugar and continue beating until stiff peaks form again. Fold in the ground almonds, baking powder, and salt, taking care to preserve the fluffy whites while incorporating it all. Back by popular demand! Divide the batter evenly between the two pans, not going all the way to the edges if you’re using the 9-inch ones. Use a spatula to smooth the tops. Bake until golden and firm to A Taste of Norway: Flavors from The the touch, about 25 minutes. Cool completely in the pans on a wire rack. Norwegian American cookbook: Meanwhile, make the cream. In a small saucepan over low heat, stir egg yolks, cream, Now in its fourth printing, a collection of and sugar until it thickens and nearly comes to a boil, about 25 minutes. (Don’t let it come to a boil, as you want a smooth cream that doesn’t curdle.) Remove from heat and let cool a bit. recipes from The Norwegian American. Whisk in the butter a few cubes at a time, letting them melt completely before adding more. This beautiful spiral-bound cookbook It should become shiny. Be patient as it will take some time for all the butter to melt. Stir in covers main courses, soups and sides, the vanilla extract. You should have a luscious silky yellow cream that’s as rich in flavor as and of course sweets. It even has a few it is in appearance. drink recipes! Once the cake is completely cooled, remove from tins and place one layer on a serving $34 + shipping tray or pedestal. Spread half the cream over it, then add the second layer and spread with the , remaining cream. Refrigerate for at least an hour, ideally overnight. Email [email protected] Curl the chocolate—a vegetable peeler works well for this. Use to decorate the top of call (206) 784-4617, or buy it at: the cake and serve. Serves 8. the american 14 • June 29, 2018 Norway near you NorwegiaN What’s going on in your neighborhood? Calendar of Events ALASKA ing studio. The exhibition focuses on the form, Treasure Sale Fairbanks Summer Arts Festival Norwegian function, and design of spoons; on the traditions cid=cf7de37c5e&mc_eid=d7b356b8b1. July 14-15 Tour and folklore surrounding Norwegian spoons; and Seattle July 19-26 on contemporary and historic artists. OREGON To celebrate the Ballard community’s annual Various Locations 2018 Nordic Heritage Night, Portland Thorns FC Seafood Fest, Leif Erikson Lodge is having a The ensemble Norwegian Notes will perform Nordic Fest June 6, 8 p.m. treaure sale at their hall at 2245 N.W. 57th St. at the Fairbanks Summer Arts Festival. They July 26-28 Portland Find unusual retro items: books, glassware, have several planned concerts across a vari- Decorah Join the Portland Thorns for a night of soccer at framed art, and unique Scandinavian pieces ety of cities. For tour dates, tickets, and more Decorah’s annual huge Nordic Festival will take Providence Park when the Thorns take on the for your home, cabin, or someone just starting info: place in late July at multiple locations in town, Utah Royals for the Nordic Heritage Night at out in a new apartment. Limited parking will featuring an array of events for everyone, includ- Providence Park Stadium, 1844 S.W. Morrison St. be availale in the garage for shoppers. More - CALIFORNIA ing sporting events, food, entertainment, crafts, a Nordic Northwest will have a section in the sta- info: call (206) 783-1274 or visit www.leiferik parade, fireworks, and more. Opening ceremony dium, and a portion of the proceeds from tickets Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir and SKRUK events begin at 6:45 p.m. on July 26. From there, purchased will go back to the organization. Tick- Performance enjoy everything this free festival has to offer Run Like a Viking 5K July 2, 7 p.m. ets and more info: over the entire weekend. This year’s theme: You July 14, 9 a.m. Oakland had me at lefse. More info: The Complete Songs of Edvard Grieg: Norge! Seattle The Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir will join about. July 10, 7:30 p.m. The Run Like a Viking 5K will kick off 35th An- SKRUK, an award-winning Norwegian choir, Portland nual Viking Days celebration at the Nordic on a west coast tour. They will stop at the First Original Ale Bowls Come to Nordia House, 8800 S.W. Oleson Road, Museum at 2655 N.W. Market St. Runners are Presbyterian Church of Oakland, 2619 Broad- July 29-Aug. 2 to hear continuing performances of the complete encouraged to don their Norse seafaring at- way, for a performance both as individual and Decorah songs of Edvard Grieg, The Northwest Edvard tire for the first-ever Run Like a Viking 5K at combined choirs. The cost is $20. Tickets and Make new friends and learn new skills while Grieg Society presents Alan Dunbar, baritone, the new Nordic Museum. Gun time for the more info: creating your own traditional ale bowl with art- and Knut Erik Jensen, piano, as they explore race is 9 a.m., and runners will be chip-timed. ist Phil Odden. Ale bowls are traditional hand- Grieg’s songs exemplifying Norwegian National Four-legged friends welcome! Prizes will be Norwegian Fish Club Odin Barge Gathering carved bowls and have historical significance in awarded on race day for best costume, overall July 14 Romanticism and patriotism. They will perform Noeway. The classes will take place at Vesterheim the epic “Mountain Thrall” (Bergtekne), as well winners (male & female), and top age-group Vista Folk Art School, 520 W. Water St. Registration as songs about the motherland, elections, Nor- winner for both male and female. Advance Join Norway Hall’s Norwegian Fish Club Odin and more info: call (563) 382-9681 or visit www. wegian heroes and common folk, and love for the registration costs are $35 per runner, and to combine food, language, and culture in an Norwegian land and people. Enjoy an evening of race day registration is available for $40. More evening of fun aboard a barge. Come connect Grieg’s seldom heard works, as well as incredibly info: with others and enjoy fish and aquavit in the MINNESOTA dramatic songs by two specialists of Norwegian likeaviking. Register at company of other Norway enthusiasts. Loca- Nobel News, Nosh, and Networking song repertoire. Tickets are $20 for NNW mem- Race/WA/Seattle/RunLikeaViking5KRunWalk. tion and time TBD, check the website as the Aug. 28, 5-7 p.m. bers, $25 for non-members. More info: www. date approaches. More info: www.norway- Minneapolis Viking Days Come attend a gathering at Norway House, 913 July 14-15 E. Franklin Ave., with representatives from Augs- Seattle DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA WASHINGTON Come to the Nordic Museum at 2655 N.W. burg University and Gustavus Adolphus College Northern Exposure: Contemporary Nordic Arts Sons of Norway July Picnic to discuss upcoming Nobel-prize related events. Market St. for a free outdoor family-friendly July 21 Revealed festival, featuring delicious Swedish pancakes, This social and networking event will highlight now-Sept. 16 Fairfax, Va. - traditional entertainment, Nordic vendors, a these institutions and their contributions to man Seattle Join the D.C. chapter of Sons of Norway for kind. More info: Viking encampment, kids’ activities, and much their monthly picnic at the Norway House, This visiting exhibit at the new Nordic Museum, more. Look out for other events around Ballard, dar/2018/nobel-nosh. - 3846 Meredith Drive. All Sons of Norway 2655 N.W. Market St., has been organized in co like the Run like a Viking 5K and Treasure Sale, - members are welcome to attend. More info: operation with The Phillips Collection in Wash the same weekend also taking part in the Vi- Nordic Music Festival ington, D.C., and lenders from institutions and Sept. 8, 10:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. king Days in partnership with Ballard Alliance’s private collections throughout the Nordic region. Seafood Fest. For more info and schedule of Victoria Featured are works selected to define contempo- - activities: ILLINOIS The 10th annual Nordic Music Festival in Victo rary Nordic art. More info: www.nordicmuseum. Annual Skjold Picnic ria at Lion’s Park, 1601 82nd St., will include two org/exhibitions/northernexposure. July 15, 2 p.m. stages featuring a variety of Nordic singers, danc- Heritage Camp July 25-29 Palatine ers, bands, and more. The festival also includes Norge! The Complete Songs of Edvard Grieg: Seattle Join Sons of Norway Skjold Lodge for their a silent auction, Scandinavian cuisine available July 8, 4-6 p.m. annual summer picnic at the AUYA Ukrai- for purchase, and a lutefisk fish toss. Admission Leif Erikson Lodge 2-001 and the Nordic Mu- Bellevue seum are co-sponsoring this year’s Heritage nian Center, 136 East Illinois Ave. There will is free for everyone. More info: www.members. In collaboration with the Northwest Edvard Grieg be pølse, hot dogs, and beverages to enjoy. Camp at the Museum at 2655 N.W. Market Society, Resonance at SOMA Towers, 288 106th St. The camp is open to girls and boys ages Games (Viking and other) will be available - Ave. N.E., Suite 203, presents the second install 7-12. This year’s week of fun activities include for those interested. Participants are asked MONTANA ment of the Complete Songs of Edvard Grieg to bring a side dish or dessert to share. More Bjørnetann Language & Cultural Camp crafts related to Nordic animals. The cost is series includes award winning baritone Alan $200 for museum members, $150 Leif Erikson info: July 5-8 - Dunbar and returning from Norway, stellar pia Lodge members (due to an extra subsidy they Red Lodge nist Knut Erik Jensen. This concert will highlight IOWA Sons of Norway District 4 Camp Bjørnetann is in are providing to their members), and general Grieg’s songs to his homeland, songs of nature, admission is $250. Reservations are necessary Rocks and Hard Places: Emigration Through its 16th year at the Lions Club Camp on Lake Fork Norwegians, and National Romanticism at its Road. Featured are traditional Norwegian crafts, and can be made by contacting Alison Church the Lens of Knud Knudsen most dramatic. Tickets and more info: www.reso- - now-Sept. 23 food, songs, and the opportunity to learn new at (206)789-5707 x7019 or alisonc@nordic More info: Decorah skills, and many other fun cultural activities. The events/heritagecamp2018. Why do people leave their homes in search of 2018 theme is “Viking Games--Training for Raid- Border Fest a better life? Join us as we look for answers ing,” and games include kubb and Hnefatafl, a July 8, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. to that question in this exciting new exhibit Viking board game, and Nordic card games. Fees Blaine WISCONSIN that explores emigration through first-person are $125 for all youth ages 6-18, $150 for adult Join the Sons of Norway Districts 2 and 7 for Kaffe Stue in Mt. Horeb accounts, family histories, and the stunning SoN members, and $250 for non-members, which their annual Norway Border Festival Picnic at the July 21, 9 a.m. black-and-white photography of Knud Knud- includes a membership fee. Registration and Peace Arch Park, 19 A St. Horsehoes followed Mt. Horeb sen. This exhibit features 30 large-format more info visit: by lunch at noon, coffee provided. Bring a lunch Mark your calendar for Vennelag Lodge’s annu- photographs. More info: www.vesterheim. public/show/2177, email for yourself, utensils, beverages other than cof- al Kaffe Stue at the Mt. Horeb Community Cen- org/exhibitions/special/knudsen., or call (406) 465-2094. fee, and a dessert to share with all lodges. The ter, 107 N. Grove St. in Mt. Horeb! Traditional official program begins at 1 p.m. and includes: Norwegian open-faced smørbrød sandwiches, Spoons: Carving. Community. NEW YORK flag salute and national anthems; drawings; roy- lefse wraps, and Norwegian meatballs are of- now-Nov. 4 LEGO Bricks: A Celebration! alty contest; and entertainment. The Washington fered for sale. Vegetarian options are provided. Decorah now-Aug. 4 State Parks Dept. charges $10 for parking for one Pølse (hot dogs) are an option for the young - Humans have been carving spoons for mil New York day or requires a Discover Pass ($30) to use the and young at heart. Bondepike, fresh fruit, lennia, but spoon carving has exploded in This summer marks the 60th anniversary of the parking lot. Handicapped parking is free. More søt suppe, augurksalat, smørgrøt, and many popularity in the last 10 years. Vesterheim’s LEGO brick. To celebrate, the American Scan- info: Elaine Grasdock at [email protected] or varieties of Norwegian cookies will complete exhibition captures the spirit of this recent dinavian Foundation presents an exhibition at (360) 734-7753, Susan Strang atstrangb@telus. your meal. Coffee, lemonade, and water are movement, showcasing historic and modern the Scandinavia House, 58 Park Avenuem hon- net or (604) 291-1664, or visit www.facebook. available. Get your Norsk on, and join us in Mt. examples of spoons carved in wood and horn. oring the legendary brick as a leader in learn- com/events/932380736943315. Horeb! More info: email [email protected]. Visit the exhibition for hands-on interactives, ing. The exhibition features sculptures, mosaics, recorded interviews, short videos, and a carv- and an interactive play zone. More info: www. Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 to be added to The Norwegian American! Check for complete listings Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month before event. theNorwegiaNamerican Norway near you June 29, 2018 • 15 Swede of the year? Norwegian council Leif Eie honored fights for refugees Washington Lakselaget members learn by Seattle Swedes about efforts to help those fleeing conflicts cHristiNe foster meloNi Washington

Joel R. Charny, Director of the Norwe- The NRC is working in 31 countries. Its gian Refugee Council USA, recently made dual purpose is to help meet the immediate an impassioned presentation to the members needs of refugees, such as camp manage- of the Washington, D.C., chapter of Lak- ment, food assistance, clean water, shelter, selaget. After giving a brief history of the legal aid, and education, and to help them council, he explained why the organization eventually resettle where they have come is of vital importance in the world today. from. It aims to get involved in the most dif- He emphasized that the Norwegian Ref- ficult situations in the world. Today, Yemen, ugee Council (NRC) is one of the great orga- Syria, and northern Nigeria are particularly nizations in the humanitarian sector today. It difficult, and their neighboring countries of was started in Norway shortly after the end Turkey, Jordan, Ethiopia, and Lebanon are of World War II, with a focus mainly on Eu- suffering the consequences. Lebanon, in par- rope. That it has become one of the largest ticular, has taken in half of the refugees and international organizations in the world deal- is under great strain. ing with refugees is remarkable. It is now a The NRC does not help those displaced truly international organization with strong by natural disasters. Norwegian roots, headed by Norwegian Jan Egeland, its secretary general. It has staff all The nrC in the UsA Photo: Kristine Leander over the world. Four people work in the office in Wash- Leif Eie, “Swede” of the Year, poses next to the official portraits of King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Charny became the U.S. director of the ington, D.C. This office focuses on raising Silvia of Sweden at the Swedish Club. Oslo-based Refugee Council in March 2016 funds from the U.S. government. Five to with his office in Washington, D.C. He fo- seven percent of NRC funding comes from lori aNN reiNHall cuses on fundraising and humanitarian advo- the United States. Charny considers this an The Norwegian American cacy in the United States. ideal percentage. The funding is immensely diversified. Having many funding sources is Everyone who knows Leif Eie, long- where they have mattered. Eie also holds a Current refugee crisis definitely positive. time Seattle resident, former airline exec- key position as treasurer of the Swedish Club Charny emphasized the seriousness of When asked what individuals in the U.S. utive, and loyal supporter of the Scandina- Foundation Board, which oversees an en- the current refugee crisis. Sixty-five millioncan do to support the council’s work, Charny vian-American community, admires him dowment-style fund for the benefit of the- or people have become displaced due to con- replied, “Think globally and act locally.” He for his many accomplishments and unpar- ganization. Most of all, he is always present flict in the last few years. This is the largestsuggests that we help in two ways: (1) by de- alleled kindness and generosity. May 22 at key events and on Friday evenings, where displacement of people in the world since fending our refugee community in the U.S. has been designated “Leif Eie Day” by the he enjoys the authentic Scandinavian cuisine WWII. and (2) by making donations to the NRC. City of Seattle, and in 1988, King Olav V and Nordic entertainment. He has even been He said that these 65 million refugees awarded him with the honor of “Norwe- known to join in on a song now and then, can be divided into two categories. Twenty- For more information or to make a donation, gian of the Year.” Eie was decorated as a always the life of the party. two million meet the definition of refugees, visit the Norwegian Refugee Council USA knight of the Royal Norwegian Order of Eie came to the United States in the that is, people who have crossed an interna- website at Merit, as well as with an Honor Medal and early 1950s with literally nothing. He started tionally recognized border and who have the the Order of St. Olav Medal. There were working as a ticket agent for Scandinavian right to protection in their country of asylum. more awards and honors over the years, Airlines Systems and after not too long was Christine Foster Meloni is The remaining 43 million are people who nearly too many to enumerate. promoted to sales manager. In 1965 he be- professor emerita at The have been internally displaced and are un- Indeed, few Norwegian immigrants came the district sales manager for SAS in George Washington Univer- able to cross an international border. sity. She has degrees in Ital- have done as much as Leif to support their Seattle, and in 1970 he served as the com- ian literature, linguistics, and community. Most notably, Leif Eie started pany’s northwestern area manager until he Work of the nrC international education. She the Seattle-Bergen Sister City Association retired in 1991. There were many adventures The European Union is the NRC’s larg- was born in Minneapolis and and was a founding member of the Nordic that followed with time in Mexico and Ari- est contributor. Norway is the second largest, currently lives in Washington, Museum. But “Swede” of the Year? Even zona, before he finally returned to Seattle -af providing 20 percent of the NRC budget. D.C. She values her Norwegian heritage. Leif, a native of Flekkefjord, Norway, was ter the loss his beloved wife, Pat. surprised when the announcement came at Fortunately for us, Eie has written a the National Day celebration at Seattle’s book, Modern-Day Viking: The Traveling Swedish Club on Friday, June 8. Tales of a True Norwegian, in which we can As his photograph was unveiled as the follow him from his childhood during World announcement made, Leif jokingly asked, War II, through his successful career with the “Do I have to change my passport?” His airline business, up to his retirement days. It is smiling face and humor have always been a must-read for anyone looking for some his- one of his greatest assets. Upon accept- tory, humor, and good Nordic inspiration and ing the award, he even wondered if he is available to order online through Amazon. should enroll in Swedish classes at a uni- Knowing Eie personally, I am sure that versity extension program. He was told, we haven’t heard the last of him. At age 88, of course, that he could get his Swedish he continues to mentor, support, and inspire lessons right there at the Swedish Club, as us all. And, yes, I think we will have to share everyone roared in laughter. him with the Swedes, too! But it was no joke that Eie, although a proud Norwegian, was given the award. Lori Ann Reinhall is a mul- Kristine Leander, Swedish Club Execu- tilingual journalist and com- tive Director, explained that the selection munity activist based in Se- is based on a member’s generosity of spir- attle. She is the president of it, to the volunteer or donor who has given the Seattle-Bergen Sister City the most. And there Eie stood out among Association and state repre- nearly 1,300 club members. Over the sentative for Sister Cities In- Photo: Pixabay years, he has listened to where the needs ternational, and she serves on The NRC’s work is first to meet the needs of refugees and second to help them return home. have been and made generous donations the boards of several Nordic organizations. the american 16 • June 29, 2018 Travel NorwegiaN Minnesotan small towns think BIG Colossal roadside attractions put Norwegian-American legends on the map

cyNtHia elyce ruBiN The Norwegian American

The state of Minnesota has attracted a multitude of ethnic groups, and Norwegians are one of the largest. The community con- tinues to flourish, offering much to the Nor- dic visitor. The Norwegian-American His- torical Association is, of course, located on the grounds of St. Olaf College, one of the nation’s leading liberal arts colleges based on a vibrant Norwegian Lutheran tradition. The state’s largest urban center, the Twin Cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis, blends big-city appeal with small-town charm, but not far from the cosmopolitan hubbub is the sheer beauty of rural scenery featuring some 12,000 lakes. Here lush corn-carpeted farm- lands and waving grasses afford a rolling patchwork of natural textures. Punctuating the luxuriant view is the periodic discovery of giant animals and fish, gargantuan mythic creatures and larger-than-life foodstuffs by the roadside. Obviously, Minnesotans like to fiddle with scale. Small towns here erect statues of people and things of extraordinary size. Exaggeration has long been a character- istic of America’s visual and storytelling her- itage, and postcards have long depicted the Photos: (above) from the collection of story and spread the word. But here in Min- Cynthia elyce rubin, (above right) david nesota the concept takes on special meaning. nordgren / nmn, Inc., (right) Charles e. Communal celebration, local identity, and smith / C. edwards studio, Inc. civic pride have a lot to do with it. Small Above: The earliest published postcard of Paul Bunyan in Bemidji, Minn., 1937. towns like to think big. Their straightforward Above right: Alexandria boasts a replica of the citizens vote to erect giant colossi, visual famed Kensington Runestone and Big Ole, the hyperbole on steroids. And where boosters world’s largest Viking at 28 feet tall. reign, competition is never far behind. The Right: With a fish like that, who’s to argue Madi- Minnesota State Fair is a good example. It son’s claim to be the lutefisk capital? is an ultimate American event, that special place where blue ribbons are awarded to the best pies and pickles, the biggest fruits and the next Fourth of July with a great din. It day Thor took residence in Alexandria, in tiny Starbuck, (pop. 1,300) on the western vegetables, and prizes go to the largest horse was there that he found Babe, an animal so (pop. 11,000). Standing some 28 feet tall, shore of Lake Minnewaska, the 13th largest and the fattest pig, which pale in comparison big and hungry that it ate 50 bales of hay be- it bears a shield emblazoned with “Alexan- lake in Minnesota. The 780-pound circular with the fair’s longstanding symbol, a giant tween meals, and required six men to pick dria, Birthplace of America.” The huge Vi- dough had a diameter of 9 feet 8 inches and cow fashioned from butter. the bale wire from its end. With Babe’s help, king celebrates what Alexandrians believe is is remembered each year during Lefse Da- Minnesota also spawned the quintessen- Paul cleared North Dakota of timber in one an ancient Nordic heritage from the 1300s gen in May. The record for world’s largest tial American folk hero, mighty logger Paul winter.” based on the 1898 discovery of the Kensing- lefse has yet to be broken. Bunyan. Born in 1910, he emerged as a na- Since Minnesota is a multicultural state, ton Runestone. Swedish immigrant farmer In The Colossus of Roads, Minnesota tional frontier demigod when Akley’s Red numerous statues reflect the ethnic back- Olof Ohman allegedly unearthed the rock author Karal Ann Marling writes that these River Lumber Company, one of the larger grounds of a town’s inhabitants. Landlocked slab tangled in tree roots and after a clean- fiberglass or cement wonders “mark off sawmills of its day, hired W.B. Laughead, Madison, (pop. 2,000) boasts itself the “Lu- ing found it held ancient runic carvings and a stretch of time and a node of place from a Minneapolis adman and Ex-Minnesota- tefisk Capital” of the U.S. in reference to the writing scrawled onto the surface. The writ- the continuum of the summertime high- lumberjack in 1914 to promote its products. Norwegian love of this aromatic cod spe- ing revealed that Viking explorers had been ways.” Undoubtedly, attracting tourists is Laughead wrote a 32-page pamphlet with the cialty. Every supermarket in town overflowsin Minnesota long before Columbus. Most one important function of these Norwegian- title “Introducing Mr. Paul Bunyan” in which with the lye-soaked delicacy. Two Madison scholars consider it a grand hoax, though cit- American landmarks. Northern Minnesota he included lots of advertising copy among chamber members, Dick Jackson and Scotty izens of Alexandria continue to believe in it. Novelties in Crosslake, home of millions of stories of Paul and his ox, Babe, who pulled Kuehl, suggested to the city council in 1982 A recent publication, The Big Ole Leg- postcards, is a primary provider of the larger- the water tank with which Paul iced roads that the town be named the Lutefisk Capi- end is a tongue-in-cheek biography of Big than-life variety. They continue to sell well, from North Dakota to Lake Superior. When tal of the U.S. A large fish statue was sub- Ole’s life from childhood in Scandinavia to reflecting the Minnesota sentiment, “Having the tank burst, the Mississippi River was born. sequently ordered from the F.A.S.T. Cor- emigration to Minnesota accompanied by a wonderful time, wish you were here.” The popularization of the legend first poration in Sparta, Wis. The 25-foot-long mother Mektild Valdis Guld. Author Marge took visual form with a giant statue in Bemi- fiberglass cod, Lou T. Fisk by name,Van was Gorp (with co-creators Julie Zuehike Cynthia Elyce Rubin, Ph.D., dji, Minn. It first appeared in print, as my re- officially dedicated at a ceremony in 1983.and Kerry Olson), herself a descendent of search uncovered, in the Feb. 1, 1937, issue of Aside from several trips back to Sparta for Nordic immigrants, has published for the is a visual culture special- ist, travel writer, and author Life Magazine in which a headline read, “Paul some face work, it continues to greet visitors - first time Guld’s long-lost personal letters de of articles and books on Bunyan and Babe, his Blue Ox, go to a Win- - scribing the arduous journey. She based part to Madison who attend the “Lutefisk Mad decorative arts, folk art, and ter Carnival at Bemidji, Minn.” To advertise ness” promotion at the annual Stinker Day of the character on her grandmother, Min- postcard history, who col- itself as a winter resort, Bemidji held its first before Christmas or during Norsefest in July. nie Fischer. The journey itself is based on lects postcards, ephemera, Paul Bunyan Carnival in 1937. Gordon Schumaker carved Big Ole the the emigration of her father, Carl Engstrand, and early photography. She “Paul Bunyan lived near Bemidji in the Viking in 1965 as an attraction to accom- from Sweden to Spruce Hill, Minn., in 1893. is currently working on Enorme Amerika: Nor- winter of the Blue Snow when it was so cold pany the Kensington Runestone to the New The book is sprinkled with “factids,” facts ske utvandreres postkort, humor og rariteter to that cuss words froze in the air, thawing out York World’s Fair. Afterward, this modern- plus tidbits, about Big Ole, his life in early be published by SpreDet Forlag in Oslo and is Alexandria, and the statue. completing a manuscript on O.S. Leeland, Nor- And for those who are content with mere wegian immigrant photographer who worked in memories, there is the 1983 world-record South Dakota in the early 1900s. See www.cyn- THANK YOU for reading our paper! lefse baked for the Centennial Celebration theNorwegiaNamerican Travel June 29, 2018 • 17 Lobsters and lighthouses: The magic of Prince Edward Island

maureeN littleJoHN Toronto, Canada

Prince Edward Island, smallest of the 10 Canadian provinces in the southern part of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, is full of memories for me. The rolling green fields, bright red mud, sunny smiles, and drivers who stop for pedestrians were just the same on a recent trip as when I was a teenager, cycling the back roads with my best friend Melanie. This year’s fresh-caught lobster and scrubbed, island-grown new potatoes were just as delicious as when I attended my brother’s P.E.I. wedding almost 20 years ago. As soon as I arrived in Charlottetown, the feeling came back. Something always happens to me when I land on the island. The big-city tension just melts away. Prince Edward Island is home to 63 light- houses, averaging one per 34 square miles, the highest concentration of lighthouses in North America. A girlhood fantasy of mine was to live in one of these solitary towers, so on this trip I managed to stay overnight in one. West Point Lighthouse, built in 1875 and 68+ feet Photos: maureen Littlejohn high, is P.E.I.’s tallest lighthouse. Climbing to Above: Victoria Lighthouse, a Canadian-style square lighthouse, is part of a range the top, after admiring the museum display of light system for entering Victoria harbor. on the ground floor, I was huffing and- puff Right: Lorenzo the lobster greets—and eats?—tourists with glee. ing. Being a lighthouse keeper, I realized, was not an easy job. But the spectacular view was worth taking on those endless spiral stairs. stage, and bar. “We plan to showcase P.E.I. All this eating made Plus, it was fascinating to get up close to the talent every night. There’s a stool at the end it mandatory to visit a few lamp and Fresnel prism lens that continues to of the bar that’s reserved for Tom. He liked outdoor spots and get some be a beacon for safe sailing. to drink his Moosehead beer warm,” said Ar- exercise. Basin Head Beach A small wing was added to the light- senault with a chuckle. is renowned for its sand and house in the 1980s, converting it into an inn. My last western stop was the Canadian surf. Taking off my shoes In 2010, renovations brought the 13 guest Potato Museum, a testament to the humble and walking through the rooms up to four-star standard. Although tuber that is P.E.I.’s top cash crop. “Ap- powdery dunes, I began to they were already booked, I peeked into the proximately 1.5 million tons of potatoes are hear a squeaky sound com- Keeper’s Quarters and the Tower Room in grown a year on 90,000 acres and the majori- ing from my feet. It was the main building, which were furnished ty are processed for French fries,” tour guide very faint, not exactly a with period antiques. My room was more Stanley MacDonald explained. My favorite song, more like the sound modern, on the wing’s second floor, with exhibita was that of little coffins holding -dis really clean, wet hair makes. walkout deck where I watched the sun go eased potatoes, with explanations of the vari- The other beauty spot I down in a glorious, rosy blaze. ous blights that can ruin a crop. visited was P.E.I. National At breakfast, I met Carol Livingston, a Now it was time to head east. Victoria- Park, Greenwich. A long, retired teacher who spearheaded the commu- by-the-Sea is an historic fishing village in winding boardwalk took nity action to make the lighthouse into an inn. the central part of the island. Wandering me over a quiet marsh area “We had a campaign called New Life for the the charming main street, I poked my head and at the end all I could Old Light. It brought people together in the into the many boutiques offering handmade say was “Wow.” Soft, shift- community and, once the inn and museum soaps, jewelry, pottery, and textiles. Rent- ing sands and feathery grasses swayed before lobster by weight. I opted for a one pounder opened, there was employment for them, too. ing a kayak from By-the-Sea Kayaking, I my eyes—a parabolic dune system. Despite and couldn’t get enough of the tender, white It’s been good for the area.” The last keeper paddled around the Northumberland Strait, the hordes of touring school kids, I found it meat. My head full of fresh memories, my retired in 1963, and the lantern now operates then headed to the Landmark Café for a cool striking and, once they left, peaceful. belly full of lobster, I was sad to leave. But electrically. “If I see the bulb is out, I’ll call drink and reviving lobster roll. My last night I did something I had with Prince Edward Island, I know there will the Coast Guard to fix it,” Carol explained. Along with lobsters and lighthouses, done on every other trip—indulge in a tra- always be a next time. While on the western part of the is- P.E.I. is known for a feisty fictional -characditional lobster supper. Fisherman’s Wharf, land, I decided to drop into Skinner’s Pond, ter. Lucy Maud Montgomery’s book Anne Pier 15 in North Rustico is a 500-seat institu- Maureen Littlejohn is a Canadian travel the tiny hamlet where singer/songwriter of Green Gables may have been written tion known around the world for its boiled writer and Executive Editor of Culture Mag- Stompin’ Tom Connors grew up. Stompin’ in 1908, but the story is still as popular as lobster, all-you-can-eat mussels, seafood azin. Originally written for Culture Maga- Tom’s songs always make me laugh. Lyrics ever. It’s also big in Japan; the ginger-haired chowder, and giant salad bar. You order your zin. Reprinted with the author’s permission. such as “Bud the spud from the bright red heroine has been a role model for Japanese mud,” are easy to remember and contagious women since the book was translated and at parties. I had read that Tom bought and re- published there in the 1950s. Hiroko Suzuki, stored his old homestead, school, and some with Tourism P.E.I., explained why: “She Where in Norway? surrounding land in the 1970s, and I wanted is so smart and strong. Anne is the reason I to see them for myself. He passed away in moved from Japan to Prince Edward Island.” Match this photo to its location and email your answer to 2013 at age 77, but Tom would be mighty Around 3,500 Japanese tourists come every [email protected] for a chance to win one free month! proud of what’s going on in Skinner’s Pond. year to pay homage to the tough, funny red- This year, the Stompin’ Tom Connors Centre head. Souvenir Outlet Shop & Play in Bor- Homestead & Schoolhouse opened on Can- den-Carleton is a big destination for them. ada Day. “He always envisioned something Donning puffy-sleeved dresses and straw happening here,” explained Anne Arsenault, hats with red braids attached, they become general manager of the local economic de- Anne for a moment, posing for pictures. velopment group, Tignish Initiatives. The When in Rome you must do as the Romans Photo: John Barry / submitted by Pat Barry cultural center is equipped with a gift shop, do, and I happily put on Anne pigtails, too. the american 18 • June 29, 2018 Norwegian Heritage NorwegiaN Hurtigruten wages war on plastic waste To protect marine life, the Norwegian cruise line will no longer employ single-use plastics

special release Hurtigruten

Hurtigruten has announced that it will ban all unnecessary single-use plastic as of July 2, 2018, including the removal of plastic straws, drink mixers, plastic glasses, coffee lids, and plastic bags from all Hurtigruten ships. The goal is to become the world’s first plastic-free shipping company. “At Hurtigruten, we have focused on the problem with plastic pollution for years. There is a lot of talk about the impact plas- tic has on our oceans. But it’s time to take action. By getting rid of single-use plastic on board all our ships already by this sum- mer, we will hopefully get others to follow. It is possible to act now. The oceans do not deserve more hesitation,” says CEO Daniel Skjeldam. Hurtigruten’s message is crystal-clear: All unnecessary single-use plastic will be re- moved company-wide by July 2, 2018. This means that plastic straws will be replaced by Photos: Ørjan Bertelsen / hurtigruten metal straws and plastic stirrers will no lon- Above: One million plastic straws a year are among the single-use plastic items that will be ger be used, nor will plastic glasses wrapped removed from all Hurtigruten ships this summer. in plastic, plastic cutlery, plastic bags, plastic Right: Hurtigruten guests and crew frequently lids on coffee cups, plastic toothpicks, plastic clean remote beaches of plastic pollution and ma- aprons, single-use packaging of butter, and rine litter. The company hopes its ban of single-use all other single-use plastic items that Hurti- plastics will mean there’s less to clean in the future. gruten’s 400,000 guests and 2,500 employ- ees encounter on a day-to-day basis. “Every year, Hurtigruten guests and em- ployees clean tons of plastic from beaches in the areas we operate. We witness the plastic pollution problem on a daily basis and need explorers,” Skjeldam says. to take action. Operating in pristine areas as Hurtigruten’s single-use plastics ban we do, comes with a responsibility,” Skjel- will be effective across its entire fleet of dam adds. custom-built expedition vessels—both op- Currently, 15 metric tonnes of plastic erating on the Norwegian Coastal route, as end up in the world oceans every minute well as expedition cruises in Antarctica and without allies. This is why we implement • Single-use packages of butter: 826,000 of the day. If the trend continues, this num- Arctic waters. The single-use plastic ban will high demands on our suppliers. Our goal is pieces annually, approx. 1,800 lbs. ber will double in the next 10 years, and by also be imposed on the hotels, restaurants, to become the world’s first plastic-free ship- 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in and other establishments of Hurtigruten’s ping company. This is our first step,” Skjel- Hurtigruten is the world leader in explo- the oceans. land-based operations on Svalbard, operated dam says. ration travel. With a history of nearly 125 “Plastic pollution is the single biggest by its fully owned subsidiary Hurtigruten years, the company offers expedition cruises threat to our oceans. Hurtigruten operates Svalbard. hurtigruten’s plastic ban numbers: to more than 200 destinations in over 30 in some of the most vulnerable areas in the In addition to the internal plastic ban, • Straws in bars and restaurants: 960,000 countries. In 2019, Hurtigruten will intro- world. This means that we carry a special Hurtigruten is challenging all its suppliers to pieces annually, approx. 6,200 lbs. duce the world’s first hybrid battery-powered responsibility to protect these areas for the reduce or stop the use of plastic. • Plastic glasses: 390,000 pieces annu- expedition ships. For more info, visit www. local population and future generations of “No one can win the war on plastic alone ally, approx. 11,000 lbs.

< se PAr ATIOns Although the policy was meant to deter form Trump’s administration operates within compounded by the announcement that the From page 6 migrants from seeking to cross the U.S. bor- is dubious. Using the zero-tolerance policy nation will leave the UN Human Rights der, Wayne A. Cornelius of the University of to push forward funding for the border wall Council, ostensibly to protest hypocrisy on would be initiated immediately.” Further, he California, San Diego, and Idean Salehyan of seems pointless, especially in light of Corne- the council’s part. Seen together, it looks to argues that children have a special need for the University of North Texas found in their lius and Salehyan’s findings, which add that some of us in Norway as though the U.S. has protection, and it is obvious that splitting 2007 research into the matter that “tougher “additional investment of taxpayer dollars in turned its back on human rights. How will families does not take into consideration the border controls have had remarkably little in- a border enforcement-centered strategy of im- the U.S. proceed on immigration policies? children’s best interests. Humlen believes fluence on the propensity to migrate illegally migration control, leaving intact the employer And will the Norwegian leadership speak up that this policy and the actions therein may to the U.S.” Further, they claim that “political demand for unauthorized immigrant labor, is against inhumane policies in the future? be in violation of both the United Nations restrictions on immigration are far outweighed unlikely to create an effective deterrent to un- Convention on the Rights of the Child and by economic and family-related incentives to authorized migration.” Further reading the Refugee Convention. migrate.” Thus, the immigration policy plat- The new executive order seems on the • “Does border enforcement deter unau- surface to ameliorate the problem, yet it thorized immigration? The case of Mexican makes no mention of the children who have migration to the United States of America,” already been removed from their parents un- by Wayne A. Cornelius and Idean Salehyan. The Scandinavian Hour der the zero-tolerance policy. It only calls for Regulation & Governance: www.onlineli- Celebrating over 50 years on the air! immigrant families to be detained together, indefinitely, while their cases are considered,5991.2007.00007.x KKNW – 1150 AM speeding up immigration cases involving • “Separating children from their parents families, and requesting modification ofat thethe border ‘breaks my heart,’” by Laura Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST Flores Agreement, a court ruling that dictates Bush. Washington Post: www.washington- how long immigrant children can be detained. Streaming live on the internet at: Despite the executive order, the zero- children-from-their-parents-at-the-border- tolerance policy has left a lasting stain on breaks-my-heart/2018/06/17/f2df517a- the reputation of the U.S. abroad. This is 7287-11e8-9780-b1dd6a09b549_story.html the american NorwegiaN Norwegian Heritage June 29, 2018 • 19 A brief history of In Loving Memory Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? Norwegian picnics Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. Outdoor summer meals are as (Norwegian) Clifford Arnold Sjursen American as apple pie—with or without beer! December 26, 1918 – May 25, 2018

Clifford Arnold Sjursen, 99 years old, passed away peacefully early morning May 25, 2018, at home in Kingwood Township, N.J. He was a charter member of Sons of Norway, Noreg Lodge, Marlboro, N.J., established in 1956. He was instrumental in the purchase of Solbakken, the current lodge headquarters and also helped with construction. He held many positions at the local and district level, including lodge president, vice president, and counselor, district zone director three times, district to serve our country in the U.S. Air Force vice president, and district treasurer. Reserve for 30 years, retiring as a lieutenant Cliff and his wife, Helen, taught Nor- colonel. He was first to receive a life member- wegian folk dancing, and often attended ship to the local YMCA for his volunteerism Images: (above) Seattle Post Intelligencer, may 18, 1891, (right) Seattle Star, July 5, 1905 functions of the other area lodges, includ- in gymnastics and tumbling for over 14 years, Above: An 1891 article about the May 17 picnic ing Nor-Bu, Fredriksten, and Nansen. He along with receiving the YMCA’s highest dis- recognizing Norway’s national day. Norwegians spent many weekends at Land of Vikings, tinction, the Service to Youth Award. in Seattle and up and down Puget Sound traveled and was actively involved in starting the Cliff was predeceased by his wife of 55 by boat to Mukilteo, Wash., for the event. Norwegian summer camp for kids. He re- years, Helen Schifano Sjursen; his brother, Right: Norwegian Americans and others lament- mained active at Noreg Lodge, including Paul, who gave his life in World War II; ed the loss of having a mug of beer at their sum- as editor of the newsletter, well into his and his brother, the Rev. Ralph Sjursen. He mer picnic in King County in 1905. 90s. One can honestly say that both Cliff is survived by his very special friend, Elsie and Helen were true Norsemen. Storz; his older brother, Herbert; his chil- scott larseN Cliff was born and raised in Cran- dren, Carol, Walter (Patrice), Nancy Ponter, New Westminster, B.C. ford, N.J., and moved to Fanwood, N.J., to and Anita Norman (Tom); his grandson, Da- raise his family and resided there for over vid Dickheiser, and his partner, Dana Paju- Summertime picnics are about as Amer- Amund Amunds’ picnic grounds near Alki 60 years. He enjoyed a long career at Bell nas; his granddaughter, Elora Ponter, and her ican as baseball and apple pie. Never more Point in West Seattle in the 1880s and 1890s. Labs in Murray Hill, N.J., retiring in 1976. fiancé, Ryan Burke; one great grandchild, so than in Norwegian communities. Beer was an ever-present staple at such He served in the U.S. Army Air Corps as Anthony Dickheiser; and many cherished The word picnic is a corruption of the picnics with Seattle’s Rainier Beer taking a pilot during World War II and continued nieces, nephews, and cousins. French pique-nique, a meal where each per- out ads in 1901 to tell folks, “don’t forget the son contributes food. In North America, they beer.” took this French tradition, held indoors, and Speakers at picnics reflected the times. Celebrating a Life moved it outside. In 1942 at a picnic of the Norwegian Luther- A cursory review of newspapers online an Children’s Home in Chicago, American tells us Norwegians enjoyed picnics as far Ivan Jacobsen was the guest speaker. Jacob- Clifford Arnold Sjursen back as the 1880s, the decade in which more sen had been bicycling in Norway when Ger- Norwegians immigrated to the U.S. than any many invaded the country. Arrested, he told December 26, 1918 - May 25, 2018 other decade (more than 180,000, according about breaking his arm on a cot in order to be Memorial service to the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security). hospitalized, then successfully escape. From Midwestern states like the Dako- In 1959, “gallons of Flotegrot” were J u l y 7 , 2 0 1 8 , a t 1 2 : 3 0 p . m . tas, Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, and Wiscon- featured at a picnic at the Norwegian Old Fanwood Presbyterian Church sin to the West Coast states of California, People’s Home, also in Chicago. The recipe 74 S. Martine Ave., Fanwood, N.J. Oregon, and Washington, Norwegians and called for 30 gallons of whipping cream, 40 Norwegian Americans have held picnics. gallons of milk, farina, flour, sugar, and salt. In lieu of flowers, memorial Review of newspaper articles about One of the largest Norwegian picnics Norwegian picnics just in the United States was held in Deerfield, Wis., in 1928. Some contributions may be made to reveal a head-spinning 267,000-plus articles 10,000 turned out at the picnic, sponsored by Kingwood First Aid & Rescue Squad, since the 1890s. seven Sons of Norway lodges. P.O. Box 89, Baptistown, N.J. 08803, A Norwegian picnic sometimes included But picnics also had their minor contro- or to a charity of your choice. pjalt-style waffles, cured and smoked salm - versies. At an 1899 Norwegian picnic in Sto- on, American elk sausage (to mirror reindeer ry City, Iowa, “criticism and considerable ill sausage from the old country), smørbrød, feeling” developed when they neglected to and lingonberries. Washed down with a pils- have an American flag accompany a Norwe- ner beer or Norwegian aquavit. Bløtkake, a gian flag “at the head of the procession.” The Moving? Change Norwegian cream cake, or flotegrot, a Nor- Marshalltown Evening Times-Republican wegian pudding, would sometimes be served chalked it up to “simply an oversight.” as dessert. Over 100 years ago, sentiment around of address? Norwegian Constitution Day celebra- the flag stirred some people as it does today. tions on or near May 17 have tended to kick Even at a Norwegian picnic where flotegrot off the picnic season of speeches, dancing, and aquavit was served. Let us know! food, and beer. Even a magical nisse can’t “But the Germans and Scandinavians are Scott Larsen is a Roosevelt desirable citizens,” said former Iowa Judge C. historian. He will be deliv- find your mailbox without C. Nourse of Des Moines in 1890 about pro- ering talks about FDR and the correct address, so call hibition in some Iowa counties. “They have Crown Princess Märtha in (206) 784-4617 or email been used to drinking beer and will regard it the Pacific Northwest. If your as a hardship to be deprived of it.” group is interested in having [email protected] In Seattle, steamers from Seattle and Ta- Scott speak, email scottlars- to update your information! coma plied Puget Sound to various sites like [email protected]. the american 20 • June 29, 2018 Norsk Språk NorwegiaN Norwegian Language Corner NORSK 10 1 NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES ANd TROLLS Language practice with Christie Ericson

A celebration of the north (En feiring av norden): The north by north Festival Volume 1 With 18 classic folk tales, fairy tales and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, Tuss og Troll is now se- Over three days in April (I tre dager i april), people from all over rialized in The Norwegian American’s Norwegian Language Corner. The stories are from the collections of Peter the world (folk fra hele verden) gathered (samlet seg) in Anchorage, Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard Espeland, Velle Espeland, Johannes Alaska, for the North by North Festival. They came to celebrate life in Farestveit, and Nana Rise-Lynum. Translated by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad Raneng. Illustrated by Solveig Muren Sanden and Jens R. Nilssen. Tuss og Troll was edited, designed, and published by the North (De kom for å feire livet i de arktiske strøk) and to discuss Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri Publishing. Copyright © Norsk Barneblad. (og for å diskutere) challenges (utfordringer) and opportunities (mu- ligheter) that are specific to the Arctic(som er spesifikke til Arktis). The first North by North Festival took place in May 2017 (fant sted i mai 2017) to mark the end of (for å markere slutten på) the USA’s chairmanship of the Arctic Council (USAs formannskapet i Det Ark- tiske Råd) and to celebrate the accomplishments of the prior two years (utrettelsene fra de siste to årene). Every day of the festival (Hver festivaldag) was full of activities (var full av aktiviteter). There were presentations on industry (næring- sliv), communication networks (kommunikasjonsnettverk), research (forskning), architecture (arkitektur), art (kunst), health (helse), culture (kultur), and more (og mer). The discussions (Diskusjonene) focused on (fokuserte på) sustainable development (bærekraftig utvikling) and better environmental protection in the Arctic (bedre miljøvern i Arktis) through innovation (gjennom innovasjon). Tromsø and Anchorage are Sister Cities (vennskapsbyer), and quite a large delegation (en ganske stor delegasjon) from Northern SORIA MORIA SLOTT SORIA MORIA CASTLE Norway (fra Nord-Norge) came to Alaska (kom til Alaska). Eleven del 4 av 7 part 4 of 7 people (Eleve personer) from the University of Tromsø (fra Univer- sitetet i Tromsø) and the University Museum (Tromsø Universitetsmu- — Gjev eg no var heime! sa Halvor, og i “I wish I was at home!” said Halvor, seet) participated in the Festival (deltok i festivalen). They also visited same stunda han ynskte det, stod han utan- and just as soon as he wished it, he was (De besøkte også) the University of Alaska Anchorage to discuss (for for stova til foreldra sine. Det var i mørknin- standing outside the house of his parents. It ga om kvelden, og då faren og mora såg at was dusk, and when his father and mother å diskutere) research collaboration (forskningssamarbeid) and student det kom ein slik gild, staseleg framandkar, saw that such a dashingly stylish and well- exchange (utveksling av studenter). Tromsø mayor (ordfører) Kristin vart dei reint forfjamsa og tok til både å dressed stranger had arrived, they were Røymo and representatives from (og representanter fra) the Nord- bukka og neia. completely bewildered and began to both norsk kunstmuseum also attended (var også tilstede) and participated Halvor spurde om han kunne få hus bow and curtsy. in a discussion panel (deltok i et diskusjonspanel) on why Norway is natta over. — Nei, vi har det ikkje slik at vi Halvor asked if he could stay there one of the world’s happiest countries (om hvorfor Norge er ansett som kan hysa ein så fin herremann, sa dei. Det for the night. “No, we don’t have the ex- et av verdens lykkeligste land). er best du går opp på storgarden der — det cellence to be able to put up such a fine er ikkje lange stykket. Du kan sjå skorstein- gentleman as you,” they said. “It would be Participants also sampled spipa herifrå. Der har dei både husrom og best if you go to the manor up there—it (Deltakere prøvde også) Arctic fullt opp av allting. isn’t far. You can see the smokestack from food (Arktisk mat) from north- — Nei, sa Halvor, lat meg no få vera her here. There they have lots of room and ev- ern chefs (tilberedt av kokker i natt; eg kan då få sitja i peisen. Det kunne erything is splendid.” fra Norden), watched films dei ikkje seia noko imot, og så sette han seg “Oh no,” said Halvor, “please let me (så på filmer) at the Circum- i peisen og tok til å grava i oska, slik som han stay here for the night; just let me sit by polar North Film Festival, and gjorde då han gjekk heime og lata seg. — Har the fireplace.” To this they could not say de aldri hatt nokon born? spurde han til sist. no, and so he sat down by the fireplace and danced to (danset til) Arctic Jau, dei hadde hatt ein gut som heitte began to poke about in the ashes, as he musicians (arktiske musikere) Halvor, men dei visste ikkje kvar han var, og had done when he had lived at home and and DJs. It was a great oppor- heller ikkje om han levde. — Kunne det ik- loafed. “Have you never had any children?” tunity (en god mulighet) to tie kje vera eg då? sa Halvor. he asked at last. the Arctic closer together (for å — Det veit eg visst, sa kjerringa, han Aye, they had a boy whose name knytte Arktis tettere sammen)! Halvor var så lat at han aldri gjorde nokon is Halvor, but they did not know where verdsens ting; han kunne aldri bli slik kar. he was, and not even if he was still alive. Om litt skulle kjerringa bort i peisen “Could this not be me then?” asked Halvor. Photo: Christie ericson og raka i varmen, og då gloskinet lyste på “This I know for certain,” said the Chefs from the Nordic countries Halvor, nett som då han var heime og kara woman, “our Halvor was so lazy that he did prepare Arctic food (Kokker fra i oska, kjende kjerringa han att. — Jamen absolutely nothing; he could never be such Norden tilbereder Arktisk mat). er det du då, Halvor! sa ho, og det vart slik as you.” glede på dei gamle foreldra at det var ikkje In a while the woman went to the fire- måte på det. place to rake the hearth, and when the light Dagen etter ville mor hans ha han opp of the coals shone on Halvor, just as it had The Boys From Vangen: på storgarden og visa han fram for dei kaute done when he was at home poking about in døtrene der. Ho gjekk føre, og Halvor etter. the ashes, the woman recognized him. “My Då mora fortalde at Halvor var komen heim goodness, is that really you then, Halvor!” • Bilingual English & Norwegian text att, så fin som ein prins, kasta dei på nakken she exclaimed, and his old parents were so • For all ages on both sides of the Atlantic • Full colored & illustrated, Smyth sewn og lo: — Han er nok same fillefanten som happy that words alone could not express it. • 6″x 9″, hardcover, 176 pages han har vori! The next day his mother wanted to go • = $9.95 plus $4.95 shipping in USA up to the manor and show him off to the Vangsgutane has been a classic series in arrogant daughters there. She went first Norway since 1941. Right after WWII, and Halvor came after her. When his moth- Vangsgutane was used as curriculum material in Norwegian schools, as the se- er told them that Halvor had come home ries had easy-to-read text with pictures. again, dressed as fine as a prince, they Honest and quick-thinking, the boys be- tossed their heads back and laughed: “He come role models for Norwegian children through their numerous ventures and is probably still the same ragamuffin as he narrow escapes. Made in America! always has been!” Call, send a check or visit website Astri My Astri Publishing Tuss og Troll 2-vol set Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 • $35.95 with FREE shipping in USA • 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected] the american NorwegiaN Norsk Språk June 29, 2018 • 21

« What’s a summer for other than love? » – Olaf Bull

Pondus by Frode Øverli < KrO nen Fra side 2

slik Nav måler den, falt i mai til det laveste siden 2009. Ifølge Olsen betyr det at økonomien tåler en sterkere kronekurs. — Sånn som vi tegner hele bildet, det bildet tåles, sier han.

— Lever på lånt tid Sentralbanksjefen får støtte av direktør Knut E. Sunde i Norsk Industri. —Vi tror ikke det blir ubehagelig. Kro- And the living Pets? No, no, never! nen får bli som den blir, og industriledere room is a solid Have you I only keep flowers! Come to the som ønsker en svak kronekurs er klar over at 500sf, as you can ever had Good! I’m allergic to fur, Both inside and out! window and see in the listing! pets? you see! Just one little hair enjoy these koblingen mellom kronekursen og oljepris- is enough to turn me into a Good to hear! climbing roses! en, som har vært i mange år, den er dekoblet Brochure: For sale wheezing sea-slug with asthma! siste året. Han sikter til at kronekursen ikke har holdt tritt med den sterke oppgangen i olje- Lunch by Børge prisen, slik at sammenhengen mellom de to ikke har vært like sterk den siste tiden. — Det logiske resonnementet da er at den sammenhengen mellom oljeprisut- vikling og kronekursutvikling som har vært, den vil før eller senere slå inn igjen. Så man er klar over at man «lever på lånt tid», at kro- nekursen nå er svakere enn normalt, gitt den oljeprisen vi har, sier Sunde. Høyere rente går ofte hånd i hånd med sterkere valuta. Etter den første renteøknin- gen er sentralbankens prognose at styrings- renten går opp til litt over 2 prosent ved ut- gangen av 2021. — Vi er ikke nødvendigvis tilhenger av Well illustrated, Kjell, Well said, den laveste renten til enhver tid. Industrien There are too many Cheers to that too! people who just suck Hear, hope it was ironic... Kjell! vil heller ikke at AS Norge skal gå bananas, up at these meetings. hear! med effekter det har på arbeidskraft, løn- ninger også videre, sier Sunde.

Hjalmar by Nils Axle Kanten, with translations by Emily C. Skaftun

Hmm? Oh, < Bre IVIK yeah… Uh… Fra side 2 sensorisk» eller «total isolasjon», men en «delvis» og «relativ» isolasjon. EMD påpeker at norske myndigheter også har gjort flere formildende tiltak for å dempe isolasjonen, som daglig kontakt med fengselsbetjenter, tilbud om kontakt med prest, helsepersonell og en besøksvenn. Marius Emberland, advokat hos Regje- ringsadvokaten, førte saken både i tingretten og i lagmannsretten. Han sier staten er godt fornøyd med resultatet. — Staten er fornøyd med at en har fått Hjalmar’s going to Afghanistan! You know I’m going en endelig bekreftelse på at Behring Breiviks What’s wrong, Turid? to a children’s book menneskerettigheter ikke har vært krenket How ’bout that! From couch conference, right?! gjennom hans opphold i norske fengsler potato to macho man? You should be proud, Turid! Sure I do! You only need to siden 22. juli 2011, sier Emberland til Aften- wear Grandpa’s uniform from posten. the exit door into the taxi! — Spørsmålet har vært grundig og be- tryggende behandlet både i norske domstoler og i EMD, sier Emberland. Han Ola og Han Per by Peter J. Rosendahl, with new translations by John Erik Stacy

< n ATO Fra side 2

han har gjentatte ganger refset alliansemed- lemmene for ikke å bevilge nok til forsvar. Til tross for uenigheter sa Stoltenberg at Nato leverer «transatlantisk enhet» hver bi- dige dag. — Vi har hatt ulike oppfatninger tidlige- re, men historiens lærdom er at vi kommer I can surely lift it. Hey Ola! Come here, I have a oss gjennom uenighet hver gang, sa Stolten- big log I can’t manage to lift. berg. 22 • June 29, 2018 theNorwegiaNamerican A monthly feature to share Brought to you by with kids and grandkids BarnebladBarneblad Lori Ann Reinhall A summer picnic, norsk style!

Summer is the time of year when all Norwegians—and Norwegian Americans—want to be outdoors in the sunshine (or clouds), the time of the year to plan a picnic together with your family and friends. Planning is important for a suc- cessful picnic, and it also part of the fun. You can start by talking to Mom or Dad about the three W’s: When, Where, and What. Once you have set a date and picked a location, you can start making your check-off lists.

Essentials: The basics • Picnic basket, backpack, or cooler: You may own a traditional picnic bas- ket, or if you are walking, biking, or hiking, a ryggsack (backpack) may be easier. Remember, if your food must be kept cool, you’ll need bags of ice. • Tablecloth or blanket: A table requires a colorful tablecloth, or if you are going to sit on the ground, you’ll need a nice washable blanket. • Plates, cups, utensils, and napkins: At home in your backyard, you can use the real thing, or for an outing, choose paper and plastic. • Jacket, hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen: You don’t want to get a sunburn on a bright summer’s day but be prepared for chillier weather too. • Good shoes or sandals: Choose appropriately for walking or hiking or a day at the waterfront. • Bathing suit and towels: Lifejackets are recommended for deeper waters, and adult supervision is a must. • First aid kit: Be prepared for cuts or scraps, all in a good day’s fun. • Garbage bags: Don’t leave a mess! Pack some plastic bags for clean-up. Food: A norsk-style menu • Hot dogs: In Norway, one of the most popular picnic foods is the good old- fashioned pølse, served on a bun with a little mustard. Remember to have an adult supervise the campfire or grill. • Sandwiches: Keep it simple and bring along some salami and hard cheese. A Norwegian favorite is Jarlsberg, also available in America. You will need a cheese knife or planer, the Norwegian ostehøvel. A hardtack like Wasa is typically Scandinavian, and so very healthy! • Vegetables: Eating healthy is important for young and old alike, so make sure to pack some vegetables. Norwegians love to eat cucumbers, or celery and carrot sticks go great with just about everything. • Fruits: Fresh berries make the perfect summer dessert, and you may even be able to pick them yourselves. Strawberries and blueberries are the Scan- dinavian all-time favorites. • Drinks: You can’t go wrong with fresh bottled water, natural fruit juices, or some fresh homemade lemonade. • Treats: What could be better than a little chocolate? The Kvikk Lunsj wafer is a Norwegian favorite hiking snack. The American equivalent is the KitKat bar. Song and games: It’s not just about food... Your norsk-style summer picnic is now • Music: Bring along a guitar, boombox, or iPod to play your favorite songs, planned & ready to go! Norwegian ones preferred! • Balls and frisbees: Take something to kick or throw around, and you’re Ha det bra (have a great time)! sure to have a blast! • Cards and board games: Both are easy to pack, and the hours will quickly Photos: (top) Ch /, (middle) Pixabay, pass by. (bottom) Christian roth Christensen / Top: A family picnics alongside Norway’s Atlanterhavsvegen (Atlantic Ocean road). Old favorites: Traditional games like tag and hide-n-seek require no gear at Middle: A classic picnic basket is great, but you can use a backpack if you’re hiking or biking. all, and everyone loves them—how many games like this do you know? Bottom: Kids pick blueberries in the mountains of Norway. Yum! theNorwegiaNamerican Puzzles June 29, 2018 • 23 Norwenglish Crossword Puzzles by Sölvi Dolland by Andrew R. Thurson Directions: Translate English words to Norwegian, or vice versa, before posting in the puzzle. #27 / 92 “Fotball lag”

ACROSS/ 56. Lock VANNRETT 57. Some 1. Struck 58. Sjelden 4. Hybel 59. Dikt 7. Pious 60. Slutt 11. Drosje 61. Rug 13. Iskald 14. Rolighet 15. Varsel DOWN/ 16. Dear me! LODDRETT 17. Desire 1. Chair 18. Bail, empty 2. Vanfør 20. (Ur) skrive 3. Okser 22. Fragrance 4. Gris 24. Gris 5. Syre 28. Siriss 6. Virtue 32. Prøve 7. Common 33. Nydelig jente denominator 34. Punkt 8. Stråle 36. Fist 9. Us 37. Erklærer 10. Møtte 39. Inntørket 12. Usikkerheter 41. Fortjener 19. Oak 43. Law 21. Er 44. By 23. With 29. Loom 40. Dyrehave 49. Tre 46. Begynnelse 25. Donkey 30. Hurries 42. Gris 50. Stare 50. Nice 26. Spare 31. Taue 45. Middag 51. Advice 53. Ion 27. Så på 35. To 47. Answer 52. Ferment 55. Noensinne 28. Musling 38. Stood 48. Nifs 54. Down

Norsk-Engelsk Kryssord by Ed Egerdahl of the Scandinavian Language Institute

Ed Egerdahl wrote these puzzles for Scandinavian Language Institute’s classes at Seattle’s Nordic Heritage Museum. It’s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 possible a few of the clues will make more sense if you remember that—there may be some Seattle-centric answers. There’s definitely some wacky humor, and if you find yourself uncertain about a two-letter answer, try “Ed.” 12 13 14 (N) = skriv på norsk. Otherwise, the answers are in English. 15 16 17

VANNRETT 35. mytologiske damer 8. Viking våpen 18 19 20 1. plass til folk og ting (N) 36. så hyggelig dette er til ham 9. advarsle 4. fotklær 37. tok ut rynker 10. respons til (#7 V) 21 22 23 24 8. Andersens and 39. motsatte av et smil 11. fransk pikenavn ord 12. hogging redskap 40. det svermet av insekter 17. absolutt ingen 25 26 27 28 29 13. gripe tak i 44. tømme elektronisk 19. femtende mars for eks. 14. det er solgt i butikken 46. ble gift 20. gråte for alvor 30 31 32 15. kommunikasjon forkortelse 47. jeg tar én til (#16 V) 22. lammekoteletter 16. kald drikke 48. ikke rett, som en spiker 23. tjene penger 33 34 35 17. der røttene stammer fra (N) 49. fransk stat 24. farsdags konger 18. hele greie 50. nasjonale bokstaver 25. løvehår 36 37 38 20. sliten 51. ha det – adjø – farvel 26. har ikke stått opp enda 21. komme ned trappene 52. ikke den skarpeste! 27. siste engelsk bokstav 39 40 41 42 43 23. guiden på denne merkelige 53. en liten gutt 29. farsdags stjerne (N) kryssord-turen 31. dikter 44 45 46 47 25. de er vanskelige for både folk og 32. hemmelige ord muser LODDRETT 34. sant 28. halv latter 1. hvor mye man betaler 35. absolutt må (2 ord) 48 49 50 29. fly administrasjon i USA 2. to som dro i gamle dager 37. sender brev 30. fem-dollar lapper 3. smør i solskinnet 38. plass ord 51 52 53 31. farsdags feirer 4. deler i et aksjeselskap 39. glassrute 32. hjerte eller rute (!) 5. Jarlsberg luft 41. villbjørn fare 33. sør på kartet (N) (?) 6. spøkmannen (ikke meg!) 42. jentenavn 44. tidevann på veien utover 46. verdens handelsorganisasjon 34. helt øverst 7. spøkmannen ellers 43. gressplenen om sommeren 45. spansk konge 49. siste ord går til ham! Community Connections Our founder & good friend Leif Eie has been named 2018 “Swede” of the Year by the Seattle Swedish Club! Gratulerer from the Seattle-Bergen Sister City Association the american 24 • June 29, 2018 Bulletin Board NorwegiaN

Random facts Did you know? about Norway

I heard something interesting on the radio a few days ago. It was about the cost of dry cleaning a man’s suit. The most expensive place in the United States is Boston, at $17. The most expensive place in the world, though, is Oslo at $52! Submitted by Christine Foster Meloni. Editor’s note: At that price, I bet there are a lot of men with dirty shirts in Norway.

Ole always caught his limit of fish and he would never tell anyone his se cret. Finally the Game Warden threatened to take away Ole’s license unless- Ole taught him how he did it. Ole finally agreed to meet him early one morning to go fishing. The Game Postcard image courtesy Warden came with six rods and three tackle boxes, so he’d be ready for any of David Nordgren, NMN, thing. Ole showed up with a small brown paper bag. - N.A. notes Inc. They climbed in a rowboat and Ole rowed out to a spot on the lake. Ole To learn more about then opened his bag and pulled out a stick of Summer break! the world’s largest dynamite, lit it and tossed it into the water. Af - It’s almost summer break! ter an explosion and shower of water, dozens We will be out of the office from lefse, read Cynthia of fish floated to the surface. Ole started to July 23 to Aug. 10, and there will Elyce Rubin’s story, row the boat around picking up fish. be no paper on August 10. “Minnesotan small towns The Game Warden was surprised and While we’re away, please think BIG” on page 16. furious. He shouted, “Ole, you can’t do that! It’s refrain from leaving multiple against the law!” phone or email messages. We Ole calmly reached into his bag and took out will return them as soon as pos- another stick of dynamite and lit it. He tossed sible after we return! it to the Game Warden and asked, And don’t worry—there’s “Vell, are ya gonna talk? Or are ya gon- Ole and Lena no news in Norway in the sum- na fish?” America’s favorite Norwegians! mer anyway. We’ll fill you in on August 24.

Vesterheim Folk Art School Original Ale Bowls THE IMMIGRANT EXPERIENCE A Nordic film series exploring the dreams, challenges and struggles of immigrants July 29-August 2, 2018 both then and now, from the time of the Great Migration to contemporary Scandinavia. with Phil Odden Register now at Friday, July 13 Make new friends and learn new skills Pelle erobreren (Pelle the Conqueror) while creating your own traditional ale bowl! Bille August’s epic drama about a Swedish boy, Pelle and his aging father (Max von Sydow) who go to Denmark at the end of the 19th Ale Bowl by century in search of a better life. They find work on a farm. Harassed Anyone can do it. Phil Odden. Photo by as outsiders, they continue to dream of a better life. (1987) Creating connections through living traditions! Else Bigton. Friday, July 20 Nybyggarna (The New Land) The National Norwegian-American The saga of a Swedish immigrant family from Småland struggling Vesterheim Museum & Heritage Center to establish a new life for themselves in the forest of Minnesota in the mid-19th century. Starring Max von Sydow and Liv Ullmann In scenic Decorah, Iowa • 563-382-9681 • as Karl-Oskar and Kristina. Based on Vilhelm Moberg’s classic emigrant novel series. (1973) Friday, July 27 Jeg er din (I Am Yours) A young woman caught between two cultures in Norway, Mina is an unhappy single mother in Oslo’s Pakistani expatriate community. She seeks affection from men she hooks up with, and begins to ignore her young son for a man she thinks can change her life for the better—only to be left disappointed and alone. (2013)

Friday, Aug. 3 5351 24th Ave NW • Seattle, WA 98107 • Tel: 206-784-2562 • Fax: 206-784-1986 Svenskjävel (Underdog) Dino is a young Swedish woman who dreams of a different life and finds work among the nouveau riche in Oslo. She finds herself in a destructive loop of temporary jobs, financial trouble and hard partying, and ends up the center of an odd love triangle, representing the shifted power balance between Sweden and Norway. (2016)

All films are in the Scandinavian languages with English subtitles. Showtime at 5:30 p.m., Fridays at the Swedish Club, 1920 Dexter Ave. N., Seattle. Fishing Vessels in the North Pacific and Bering Sea Passenger Vessels from Puget Sound to Southeast Alaska Everyone welcome — free admission with suggested $5 donation. For more information, email [email protected]. Shipshape & Seaworthy Seattle-Bergen Sister City Association