Founded Oc;t. 15, lea

December 17,1982 Pacific Citizen 1:JOe Postpaid, The National Publication of the Japanese American Citizen~ League News 20¢ ISSN : 003G-8579/ Whole No. 2,219/ Vol. 95 No. 25 Stand Matsui chides Hayakawa for New textbook rules announced in Japan U.S.-Japan trade: showdown nears Dec. 7 anti-redress speech TOKYO-Education Minister Hei• . round of trade talks, "was an ap• zation" of import quotas, Mac• d~ ji Ogawa armounced Dec. 1 new TOKYO-Finding solutions to the WASHINGTON-In a letter an apology, Rep. Robert T. Ma• issue of strained U.S.-Japan trade peal to the basic sense of fairness donald said. tsui (O-Sacramente) expressed his disapproval of a Dec. 7 speech made criteria for screening Japanese textbooks, intended to ease friction relations will be one of the major of the Japanese people." He acknowledged that political on the U.S. Senate floor by Sen. S.I. Hayakawa (RCa.), which warned concerns of Prime Minister Yasu• "They cannot expect us to be dis• considerations made the issue a Japanese Americans against seeking ftnancial reparations for the losses with Asian natioos which bad pro• tested "whitewashing" of earlier biro Nakasone when he visits Pre• criminated against in favor of thorny one for the Japanese but they sutTered during the World War II evacuation. textbook accounts of Japanese . sident Reagan in Washington, D.C. their own domestic producers added that easing beef and citrus Hayakawa, who is retiring from the Senate, told a nearly deserted military. on Jan. lB. while they enjoy benefits in our quotas " is not as politically impos• Senate chambeJ: that persons ofJapanese ancestry have become •'almost Ogawa said the committees' ad• The U.S. government Dec. 4 had market," he noted. sible as it is sometimes made out to a privileged class" in America in tenns of educatioo and wealth. Among ventures before World War n, issued an ultimatum to Japan de• Something Will Give be." American ethnic groups, only Jews have equaled this record, he said. which sc~ textbooks for the manding responses to a series of "It's a situation which simply Japan Reacts Hayakawa reminded the senators eX the 41st anniversary of Pearl Education Ministry should give specific trade complaints, warn• cannot continue. Something is go• In reaction to the American Harbor, and cited the fact that the Commission on Wartime Relocation "necessary consideration to the ing that the answers "will have a ing to give there one way or the complaints, Nakasone instructed and Internment of Civilians would soon release its [mdings and recom• promotion of international under• significant influence on U.S. gov• other," commented Macdonald. his Cabinet Dec. 7 to compile re• mendations at the end of this month. standing and cooperation in deal• ernment policy. " The American demands also sponses to the U.S. ultimatum on The senator noted that a "redress committee" has urged the federal ing with recent historical events Deputy U.S. trade representa• concern the relaxation or elimi• trade policy by the time he visits commission to reconunend making nearly $3 billion in cash payments to between Japan and its neighboring tive David R. Macdonald said that nation of quotas and tariffs affect• Washington. Calling trade frictions with the Japanese Americans who were interned. Asian nations." deadlines have been set requiring ing the import of beef, citrus fruits, However, Ogawa's statement Japan to respond to some of the tobacco, metal baseball bats and U.S. and the European Economic Hayakawa reiterated some of the remarks he made at the CWRlC avoided any direct comment on U.S. complaints by Jan. 1 and other items. Community "the government's hearing held last August in Los Angeles, in which he was jeered by Nikkei passages that raised the ire of Ja• others by next spring. "The American position in re• top pending problem," Nakasone present in the. audience. pan's neighbors, principally the Any indefinite response would spect to beef and citrus is thaI instructed Jun Sh.i.ozaki, director He told the Senate members last week, "My flesh crawls with shame ministry's "guidance" that the Ja• be regarded as a negative answer, there should be a phased liberaH- - COntinued on Page 4 and embarassment" when considering the demands made by Nikkei panese word meaning "invasion" which the Reagan Administration seeking redress. be changed to the more ambiguous would take into consideration in He noted that although the relocation camps were "dreary places," word meaning "advance" in des• deciding "what trade actions need Marine stands trial in auto they "were not concentration camps" because "WRA officials worked cribing Japan's invasion of China. to be taken" by the U.S., he said. hard to release their internees not to be sent to gas chambers but to That alteration, along with several Protectionism Threat death of Japanese students freedom ... n others involving China and Korea, Macdonald had warned earlier Matsui Responds created a diplomatic imbroglio this month that the U.S. could im• SAN DIEGO-The murder trial of Marine Sgt. ~rge Biddy began Dec. In reaction to Hayakawa's speech, Matsui sent a letter to the senator' that shook the government of pose such protectionist measures S with descriptions of cnmching metal, bodies hurling through the air and dated Dec. 9, which read in full: Prime Minister Zenko Suzuki last as time-consurn ing lot inspections victims dying on the street. "I am extremely disappointed by the remarks you made on Dec. 7 summer. of Japanese auto imports. For ex• The Honduran native, 25, is charged with three Japanese college regarding the internment of Japanese Americans during World War n. China and South Korea charged ample, all Japanese automobiles women and their American guide; and injuring six others July 29 at the You do':l disservice to all Americans who share our ancestry by distorting that revisions in high school text coming into the U.S. would be sub• border crossing into Mexico, following a previous hit-and-run accident. books toned down accounts of Ja• ject to inspectioo by lots for com• "Some of the bodies were hurled in the air; others were pinned against the reality of that blemish on American history. pan's wartime crimes aM were a pliance with U.S. safety and en• "At a time when all ofus should be trying to educate our fellow citizens the guardrail, and some were struck: on either side of the car," Deputy precursor to a revival of Japanese vironmental standards, and self• District Attorney Robert Able told the jury. "One body slid from the hood about the grave injustice of internment, you are allowing yow-self and the militarism. certification by the Japanese high visibility your position gives you to be used by those who would try to of the car after it tmally stopped." The minister also said that the manufacturers would not be The women who died in the accident had just stepped off a tour bus and excuse that unconscionable action against thousands of loyal Americans process of screening new text• accepted. were preparing to walk across the border to spend the day in Tijuana. of Japanese descent. books should be moved up by one Macdonald told Japan that "it is "Your remarks seem to paint a picture of a leisurely, tranquil life in the year to 1983, and that "appro• no longer a viable policy for Japan They were 19-year old Japanese students Chikako Takagi and Magara internment camps for the masses who were uprooted from their commu• priate" changes should be made in to retain lot-inspection practices Kondo both of Tokyo , Eriko MiyataofKanagawa-ken and their American nities and in many cases, virtually robbed of possessions. By your account, the texts. on imports (into Japan> while Ja• adviser Marion Low, 29. the internment was ahnost a blessing in disguise, a vacation for Japanese Meanwhile, ChiefCabinetSecre• pan is shipping $12 billion worth of continued on P~e 5 senior citizens. Yet, about your own escape from internment because of tary Kuehl Miyazawa said the gov• automobiles to the United States your residence away from the West Coast, you say, 'I was living in ernment informed the embassies on th basis of self-certification . ,. Claim forms for JA former Chicago, thank goodness: of China and South Korea about the H also pointed out that Japa• "In your eagerness to attack the proposals for monetary payments to new criteria. He expressed hope nese electronics companies cannot those who were interned. you are jeopardizing the progress made by the that the two countries will even• continue to sell their products to Calif.. state workers issued Commission on Wartime Relocation (and Internment of Civilians) in tually understand Japan's position the U.S. telephon mdustry while SACRAME TO-Assembly• indicated: raising the consciousness of all Americans about this tragedy. regarding the textbook issue. Japan's government-run Nippon The new measure was taken fol• Telegraph and Telephone Corp. man Patrick Johnston's office LOS ANGELES "Your comments risk feeding the prejudice of the apologists for the lowing a recommendation made fails to purchas .S. products has begun sending claim internment, who will rejoice in quoting your remarks in an effort to Gardena alley Japanese by the ministry's Textbook Au• "actively." forms to those Japanese Ame• Cultural Institute, 16215 S. reduce the whole redress effort to a matter of personal greed. thorization and Research Council Macdonald srud hIS stat ment flcans who are eligible for "The question of monetary redress is certainly open to debate and onNov. 1S. ;; Dec. 4, which came aft r lh fourth Gramercy Pl., Rm. 208, Gar• admittedly no concensus has been reached, but it should not cloud the compensation under em• dena Jan. 3, 11 a.m. to overriding goal of teaching our citizens about the terrible effect of intern• bly Bill 2710, which was 2p.m.) ; ment on a tremendous number of Japanese Amencans. igned into law by GO\ . Ed• East San Gabriel alle Ja• "Your ill-considered speech on the Senate floor contributed nothing at mund G. Brown Jr. on Aug. 17. panese Community Center. all to a responsible dialogue on this issue, an understanding of which is so A list of those eligible clai• important to all Americans. 1203 West Puente. Rm. 6. West mants wa printed in the PC Covina (Jan. 3, 11 am. to 2 .. By impugning the motiveS of the redress committee and others who Dec. 3, and Priscilla Ouchida, seek redress, you have made it that much more difficult to rectify this p.m.); aide to emblyman John- JACL PSWDC Office, 244 S. dark chapter in our history. ton, noted that claim form "I call on you to apologize for this outrageous statement and to help San Pedro St, Rm. 507. Los make a positive contribution to the effort to educate current aM future hould be filed as soon a po• Angeles (Jan. 3, 11 a.m. to 2 generations about this injustice so that nothing like it can ever happen ible after Jan.!, 1983. p.m.). again in our democracy." ., uchida will be a ailable to answer any questions regard• cmCAGO Oymally introduces NCRR redress bill ing the forms, and she rna be Japanese American Ser• WASHINGTON-Not waiting for the Commission 00 Wartime Relocation r ached at (916) 44f)..7931 vice Corrunittee, 4427 North and Internment of Civilians to releac;e its report and recommendations, M n.-Fri., 9 .m.-5 p.m . lark St., Chicago (Mon.-Fri.. Rep. Mervyn M. Dymally of California introduced two redress bills Dec. B (p T ). 9 a.m. to 5 pm. call Rev. M. in Congress. The claim forms must also Nambu at (312) 27f)..7212 for One bill calls for a community restoration fund, while the other asks for be notarized and fr notary appointment) ; individual reparations of $25,000 each to the actual evacuee, or if de• JA L MDC Office, SH5 ceased, the surviving spouse or children. It is estimated that at least $3 rvic ,pro ided b John- ton' offi and community lark St., hi ago (Jan. 8, 1211 billion would be needed to cover the lpsses to individuals evacuated and to 4 p.m. all Bill Y ~hin interned in relocation camps, according to Dymally. organizati ns, will be offered "I am fully aware they (the bills) have no chance of passage in the at the follo ing locatIOns on (3121728-7170 I. (congressional) special session," Dymally said. "However, one of the th pe iii date and tim ootinued 00 Page 6 objectives is to create public discussion and an awareness of the in• justices. I hope, also. that the staffs of the appropriate committees will study the legislation during the recess, and finally, 1 want to give the Japan may have 1st test-tube baby sponsors an opportunity to organize support for passage during the regu• lar session when I plan to re-introduce them." Miya Iwatakl, legislative committee chair orthe NaltonaJ Coalition tor Redress and Reparations (NCRR), had worked closely with Oymal1y in the drafting of the legislation. CWRIC to release findings Dec. 20 WASHINGTON-The Commission on Wartime Relocation and Intern• AWARD WINNER-The Orange County Buddhist Church re• ment of Civilians is scheduled to announce the results of its fmdings on cent.IY won the First Place Humanitarian Award from the Cali• Dec. 20. The CWRIC's findings, however, may not include its recommen• fornia Contractors' Association. The Multi-pur• dations, which will be is&.ted early in January. pose bUlI~lng (top photo) and Japanese garden (bottom) was Legislation is also pending in Congress to grant an extension of at least cr!3ated With the help of Lar!y Morita & Sons Landscape Co., six months to the CWRIC. Mike Kato Landscape Co., Ktnya Hira and church members. People in the News A-bomb survivors to seek Hibakusha research bill SAN FRANCISCO-Kanji Kura• the actualization of such a report," the fact remains that their de• since 1971, recently issued his la• I moto, chairman of the Committee explained Kuramoto. mands have been ignored for 10 test plea to the Japanese Ameri• for Atomic BOOlb Survivors in the CABS' decision to introduce the years." can commWlity for support of Hawaii's 1st JA office-holder dies United States is currently building research bill comes after more Kuramoto, who has been lobby• CABS research bill which will be HONOLULU-Sanji Abe, the carceration, Abe resigned support for legislation to study the than a decade of unsuccessful at• ing for legislation to assist Ameri• introduced in the next session of from office and never again plight of the American bomb tempts to have Congress pass a bill ~an victims of atomic warfare Congress. # flrst American of Japanese victims. providing medical benefits to vic• ancestry elected to Hawaii's ventured into politics. "We believe that the study and tims of the World War II atomic territorial legislature, died He is survived by six child- research on hibakusha would be• bombings who now live in the Uni• On December 14, 1982, Sumitomo will be offering a ren, 13 grandchildren and one nefit not only Americans, but all ted States. Nov. 26 at the age of 87. brand new type of Money Market Account. Earn Abe won a seat to the Terri• great grandchild. # peoples, therefore, the CABS is "For the hibakusha," Kuramoto stressed, "the war still elCists, and high interest, have the liquidity of a money market torial Senate as a Republican • planning to submit a bill to ask for • Government fund, and feel secure with the added safety of FDIC in 1940. A native of Hawaii, in~urance coverage. T,ake advantage of being able to The Federal Reserve Bank of Abe had been registered as I I wnte checks and have access to your funds at any of both a citizen of the United San Francisco named Togo Tanaka Community News ofrectors Los Angeles of the 12thto the District Board Head-of Di- ______..11_ our 50 statewide branches. States and Japan. He was a Enjoy high interest, liquidity, protection, and veteran of World War I and quarters Federal Reserve Bank. convenience ... all in one single account. Coming to Tanaka, now in his fourth year as a Kimochi Home gets $3,000 from JAL prior to his entrance in poli• Sumitomo Bank on December 14. tics he was a police officer and Los Angeles branch board direc• SAN FRANCISCO-The Japan Airlines Corporation recently donated to territorial sheriff. tor, begim his new term Jan. 1. He Kimochi, Inc. $3,000 towards construction of Kirnochi Home. Shinzo Suto, is chairman of Gramercy Enter• Regional Manager of JAL, presented the check to Hisao Inouye, Chair• At the outbreak of World has also prises and chaired the Me• man of the Kirnochi Board of Directors, Benh Nakajo, Kirnochi Board War II, however, Abe was ar• thodist Hospital Foundation of rested and interned for 19 Southern California. Tanaka was member and JALSenior Sales Representative, and Steve Nakajo, Execu• also the pre-World War II editor of tive DirectorofKimochi, Inc. months in Hawaii for' posses' JAL has made previous donations to Kimochi. Their total contribution sing a Japanese flag. Unable the Rafu Shimpo English section, and most recenUy served on the is now approximately $5,000 in addition to their support of various to attend the 1943 session of board of the Los Angeles Com• Kimochi events and fund-raisers. Suto was recently a participant in the the senate because of his in- munity Redevelopment Agency 1st Annual Kirnochi Home Golf Tournament where a clock donated by J AL was given as a door prize; and Mrs. Suto is a volunteer at the Kimochi • Organization Nutrition Program. # Dr. Edwin Yamauchi, Professor of History at Miami University Photography class offered at JACCC (Ohio), has been chosen as pres• ROSE ident of the American Scientific LOS ANGELES-A photography held Mondays and Wednesdays Affiliation for 1983. The ASA is an class will be conducted by Patrick from 7 to 9 p.m. at the JACCC, 244 organization of 2,500 scholars who Nagatani, artist-in-residence un• S. San Pedro Sl. The workshops on HILLS seek to integrate fmdings from the der a program funded by the Cali• Little Tokyo will be held from natural and social sciences with fornia Arts Council at the Japa• January 3 through 26. Other work• their Christian faith. nese American Cultural and Com• shops centered on Gardena and Ni• Dr. Yamauchi is the first his• munity Center. sei Week are planned for the sum• torian to head the organization Nagatani will guide participants mer of 1983. since its founding in 1941, and has in photographically exploring Lit• Smce there is an enrollment li• served as the consulting editor on tle Toky(}-its people, its streellife mit of 10 for these workshops, par• , hist.ory for the Journal, the ASA 's and Its actiVIties. ticipants are urged to sign up at the publication. # Nagatani's workshops will be JACCC as SOO[l as possible. A 35 mm camera and a working know• ledge of its usage will be required. Wesley UMC offers There is no fee for the workshop, NAILS & LASHES mochitsuki Dec. 28-30 although donations to the JACCC SAN JOSE, Ca.-The Wesley Uni• l tax deductible) are encouraged to SALONS ted Methodist Church will hold its help meet the matching grant Tremendous cash flow. annual Mochitsuki on Dec. 28--30. from the CAC. Orders will be taken during the day Application and information SO ~ materials are available at the from at the church office, 566 Sumllomo Blink 01 California Member FDIC Ifyou missed North Fifth Sl. (408) 295-0067 from JACCC Office, Room 500. NEAR Colonel Sanders or Dec. 13--27. Komochi is $1.50 a pound, Okasane is $4.00 a set and Ronald McDonald Noshimochi is $5.50 each. WHEN Members of the church would Don't Miss This One! like to express their sincere appre• THE RACE FOR PROFITS AS HIGH AS ciation to Mr. and Mrs. John CARE Ozawa, owners of huei-Do Manju Shop, who donated the eqwpment MEANS 1000/0 and lent their expertise to make TOMORROW this annual event possible. If $45 Nail Treatment SO Approx. cost: 70c New Year's Eve fest BEGINS TODAY••• MUCH ... set by legal group MALE-FEMALE SACRAMENTO-This New Year's Fadory training from Eve, Asian Legal Services Out• At Rose Hills one visit offers reach will host a benefit dance, the convenience of a modern MAJOR (f)smetic mfg. 'New Year's Ev '82-A Celebra• mortuary, beautiful flower tion, " on Friday, Dec 31, 9 p.m.-2 a.m. at 7031 SouthLand Park Dnv . shop-and thoughtful, One of the fastest growing businesses in the world. WIth a Tickets ar $8.00 m advance and professional counselors who $10.00 at the door. All proceeds will understand a famiJy's needs h,story of inflatIon protectIon benefit community serviCes pro• and budget. Rose Hills Vided by Asian Legal Services ut• CAN BE OPERATED reach in Sacramento. lo'or further has served families with information call (916) 444-2826. ~ dignity, understanding and FROM YOUR HOME care for more than a or establish your own store. Three Generations quarter of a century. o( Experlence . . Care-and convenience. $5,299.00 FUKUI Investment secured by lnvestm~nt Mortuary, Inc. So much more ... CALL 707 E Temple SI Los Angeles, CA 90012 costs no more Mr. Demetrius Don 626-0441 for complete details. Gerald Fukui, Preslclent 264--"42 ROSE Nobuo a.uml, Coons 1/01 When it comes to saving for the future, it's never too early to begin. Because the sooner you start an IRA the HILLS greater the retirement benefits you'll enjoy. And in the Shimat u, Ogata mea~time, you get a double tax break: the yearly tax de• MORTUARY and Kubota duction on your IRA deposit plus the tax-deferred interest at Rose Hills Mortuary you earn. So join the rush to California First. Saving for Memorial Park the future begins today.

3900 Workman Mill Road, 911 Venice Bhd. Whittier, California Lo~ Angcil's CALIFORNIA NAILS & LASHES 749- 144<:> I (213) 699-0921 TlIIS IS NOT A FRANCHISE (714) 739-0601 ~nJI t)L'''1 0(,.\ 1.\ FIRST BANK H. \l (,\K,\ "LBO 1.\ ~~~~~~" II ~~~~~~~~ c C lif rnl 2--PACIFIC cmZEN I Friday, December 17, 1982 • Everybody's telling nice lies, writing nice stories and nov• els, why should I worry abaut the truth? There is no truth . .. JACLNews But I know bett~r .-William Saroyan (1934) . I I Order Now klr Chrinnasl JACL set for CWRIC report EAST WEST FLAVORS SAN FRANCISCO-With the Com• be prepared by Dec. 20 and sent to The ever popular cookbook mission on Wartime Relocation the regional directors. JACL re• due to release its fmdings in Wash• dress director John Tateishi noted published by the ington on Dec. 20, the JACL Na• that the League will try to obtain a West Los Angeles JACL Auxiliary tional Committee for Redress has copy of the CWRIC report and Ya• I am enclosing donation for: arranged to serd its chairman Min sui is expected to select a team of my Yasui to attend the press con• evaluators to read and analyze the _ _ copies of E-W 1:$5.50 ference scheduled that day by the document, that the JACL (+ $1 postage-handling) so can $6.50 ea ____ CWRIC. form a position statement from it. JACL Washington Representa• The regional offices will also be __copies of E-W 11:$7.50 tive Ron Ikejiri will report to Na• asked to compile a list of individ• (+ $1.30 postage-handling) tional Headquarters to provide uals who can be referred to if the $8.80 ea _____ whatever pertinent information news media wish to contact per• Amount enclosed: $ _____ the JACL should be aware of. Na• sons who went through the camp tional HQ will then alert the re• experience. Regional offices will AT REDRESS FORUM-The Peninsula Redress Committee Name _____~-=_------__ Addr~s ______~ ______gional offices to pass on informa• handle local media; Yasui and Na• and the Asian American Activities Center of Stanford Univer• tion and to brief them on the con• tional President Floyd Shirno• sity held "Japanese Americans Seeking Redress: A Forum to City, State, ZIP ______ference. mura are expected to handle ma• Address Remedies" on Nov. 13 at Stanford University. Among PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: An official JACL statanent will jormedia. 1/ those participating were (I to r): Ron Ikejiri, JACL Washington WEST LOS ANGELES JACL AUXILIARY Fresno: S.James lwatsubo, 23-Dr Hideki Representative; Jan Yanehiro of KPIX-TV; Harry Hatasaka of 1431 Armacost Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025 1000 Club Roll Shimada, 13-Wil1y K Soda. the Sequoia JACL; Ron Wakabayashi, JACL National Direc• ( Year of Membership Indicated) Gardena Valley: 4-Arl T Mlkamo . (~tory , Gresham Troutdale: 3o-Kazuo Kino- tor; and Judy Niizawa and Doug Ota, PRC co-chairs. • Century;" Corporate; Pg.6) # L Life; M Mem ; CIL Century Life shita. • A GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFTI Idaho Falls: 9-Hid Hasegawa. SUMMARY (Since Dec. 31, 19811 Mi

('~AJU)" : NA - AN EN.JOVARLI': ,JAPANI<: SE COMMUNITV TODAY, American food suppl ments Poinsettia Gardens Motel Apts. are al 0 most demanded in Japan. '046 W REDONDO OE.l.CH BLVD 13921 S. Normandie Ave. Phone: 3245883 Q"RDEN'" CAL,FORNI.I. 802.' P"ONl 12111 b32·a ••o UWNIO ANI) ()f' flM IL D BY Ko flA f A BR O friday, December 17, 19821 PACIFIC CITIZEN-3 •

• Letters Y'K~Wt. M~. CLAUS-THIS SEASON • Long Range Planning I'M ALMOST TfMfJffO TO SAY Pacific Citizen Editor: The long-range planning report \M~LLY CHLlSTMAS Floyd D. Shimomura: Nat'l JACL President of 1982, prepared under the able Henry S. Sakai, PC Board Chair.' leadership of Lillian Kimura, was TO ALL!' most impressive ...and it reflects the difficulty of the task, so much GeneraJ Manager/Operations: Harry K. Honda so that no one as yet has been will• Editor: Peter J( Imamura ing to occupy that chair. Advertising Jane M. Ozawa It wasn't easy to coordinate Circulations: Tomi Hoshizaki, Mitsuko Sakai membership opinions and inter· Typesetting: Mary lmon Mailing: Mark Saito face them with external environ• ment, asswnptions and implica• tions. It is a rather fascinating re• port where one runs into identifi• BY THE BOARD: by Henry Sakal able opinions of Mike Masaoka as well as Alvin Tomer, and reflects an ambivalence from the differ• Membership ences of the East and West coast members. Drive Needed Nevertheles<>, several things bother me. I fmd the recommen• Los Angeles dations to study certain structural As the PC Board Chair I am extremely changes to be in search of solutions to existing fmancial dilemma, that concerned about Los Angeles membership portend reduction rather than a and the lack of a strong membership drive "revitalization. " program. With membership continuing to The chair herself admits to a .. drop over the past five years (hopefully in "skewed" report. We on the West ~ . 1982 we have stoppe4 or at least slowed the Coast are no doubt respoosible for downward trend), in 1983 we must start increasing member• that. Might that " skew~ " have a built-in bias? ship. Hopefully one of these years JACL will be able to attract If the National staff and officers issue around which to rally"; the as were Nakano and Wake. Their This process does take time to outside inC

nOur's i5 a nation of law. Ou r com m u n i ty obeyed the. DaYOU evacuation order even tllough we knew it was an inj ustice yoallir and caused mucll Ilarm. Redress is one of the ways in CQUlrt? some justice can be done."

The National CDuncil for Japanese American Redress Ralph La20 - a Ronin -* will initiate a class action lawsuit against the United States On behalf of all victims of Ame.rica's World War \I CDllccntrat:ion camps. Our initiative is quite independent of others, including JACL' 5 :K After the fa 1ll0US SID!), Chushi ngura, of the Fnrt'j-sevtn which are mainly legislative. We have conducted Ronin we seek furt:¥- seven pe.rsons who will contribute two years of historical research, perllaps 'the most .$ \,000 in order to make tttis suit Possible. extensive ever, in the Nauona I Archive.s and elsewhere. We have retaine.d a tnD Wasllington law firm to represent the class. Please maKe 'your 'tall- deductible contribution Da~d\)le to ' We are moving towards tiling suit. A brief has been Redl'CS5 Legal Fund written which details a comprehensive set of factual 92..5 west Diversey Parkway a Ilegat ions a nd twenty causes of ac.tion . we fu Ill' Ch icago, II Ii noi5 t) 14 realize tllat ttlis is a high- risk venture, but not an impOSSible OIlC. Arqu nd six hund rcd supportcr.s have o ~ 1.000 as a ROllin. joincd us, 'lnclud in.9 tw~llty - tWO Ron in contri lJutors of o $\ 00 and Ill~ Ilope that Ilundreds more will fullow. one thousand dollars eac.h . (J .$l5 and 111)' best wishes . o Please send infurma1:ion on your actiVities. Won't you join us ?

t.1ame ______~ ______

Add~S5 ______

Nat.·lona I Cou neil i~ ______tatt .zi p ______fur Japanese American Redress All contrIbutors wi 11 reedv ur new Icttel-.

6-PACIAC CmZEN I friday, December 17,1982 • •.•.•...•••••••.•...... •... PC Business-Professional Directory CLASSIFIED ADS, Your bualDna c:anI copy bae for:IJ weeks at U' pel' thrft-llDn. Bacb addltlooal Established 1936 line 56 pel' same perloCl • ...... ft (14 pt.) type counu u two lines. Lof.~ ~A: Greater Los Angeles San Jose Nisei Trading SURVIVAL 1 HR.-NEW ORLEANS I OPPORTUNITY FOR Landscapers " PRIVACY: SECURITY SURVIVAL" PLUS HORSES, HORSES, HORSES. Kayo K. Kikuchi, Realtor Appliances - TV - Furniture UpcomIng community of Cameron Park. TOP PREFERRED AU STIN, TEXAS AREA Asahi Travel SAN JOSE REALTY Sell or lease commercial acre with retatl Country Home w/3 bdrms, 1'12 baths, coun· Di5co~nts/Apex try kit and din rm, Ivng rm, den, wlfireplace, 300 fool Ironlaoe, paved streets on 3 sides, 1.7 acres Supersavers/Graup 996 Minnesola Ave " #100 249 S. San Pedro St. nursery facilities lind large wine celiar. Fares/Campulerized/Bonded enclosed patio, util rm , SWimming pool, 4 with bricl<. 3-2-2, swlITTmng POOl, hrepl..:e, intercom, Son Jose, CA 95125-2493 (415) 964-5217. heal pump, and all \he exlras of a country estate. Have 1111 WOlympic Blvd, LA90015 Los Angeles, Calif, 90012 acres crossed into 4 paddocks. 4 horse (408) 275- 1 11 I or 296-2059 stalls w/autowaters, rack rm, feed rm, barn· prrvacy or blJild 12 rentals. Huge \lees M3Slet suile as 623-6125/29 • Call Joe or Gladys BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY (WVI.) 03 workshop, kennels. Genuine buy at $1 big as some houses (800 Sq Fl) In Al.5lJn's I>esI new Talsuko " Totty" Kikuchi Tel.: 624-6601 OOK Call (SO,) 798·4617 evenings and week• resldenllaf, Investmenl ;rea Sl60K barg3Jn (negotiate FLOWER VIEW GARDENS #2 General Insurance Broker, DBA ...... UNIOUE HOTEL! Hlstonc Victorian, completely restored In ends; days; (504) 361-5745 cash). Call (512) 258-1829 New Otani HOlel, 1105 los Angeles AT NEW LOCATION wonderful family survival area. Great en· los Angeles 900 12 Art 110 Jr Kikuchi Insurance Agy. Vlronment Former 011 boom Iofin, historic REAL ESTATE (IIant!ne) 011 Citywide Delivery (213) 620.0808 996 Minnesota Ave., #102 Aloha Plumbing W. Virl/lnia. Bultt 1894 modem conveni• BYOWN~ANA Son Jose, CA 95125-2493 ences In hotel, restaurant and bar, Very, All Investors I Excellent ~ shelter. 2-40 acres d rul• (408) 294-2622 or 296-2059 ltc. #201875 -:- Since 1922 Very rare. Owner retiring. Excellenl at Nisei Travel PARTS - SUPPLIES - REPAIR $200K Negotiable. (304) 652·3111 or (304) tiVated latmland located il wes1em MorDla. 4 bdr neatfy I)eII house, good bldgs, 2 rretal glain bins. 1344 W I 551h 51, Gardena 90247 , EDWARD T. MORIOKA, Realtor 352-2441 MIKAWAYA (213) 327-5110 777 Junlpero Serra Dr. Sprinkfer sysIfm fQr Irrigotion. WKI1 vftellines add 580 N. 5th 51., Son Jose San Gabriel, Ca 91 n& underground main line. Pump ~~s:t out 01 SWEET SHOPS (408) 998-8334/5 rei. 371-0442 REAL ESTATE (CalUt.) 09 canal. Ideal lor resicEntial or i !II plop. FP SAISHO-SEVEN / Room & Board ______(213) 283-001_8__ _ 1 S450,OOO cash or terms. Call (400) 883-4832 0( YOUR OCEANI-SAFE BEAUTFULAAEA• owner 244 E. 1st St., Los Angeles lOS ANGELES, CALIF. wrile Rll Box 468, Pol son, MT598S0 . 733-9586 Saaamento Gorgeous ocean hare With ...mIle walet·view (213) 628-4945 enloymeols Truly m Terms (303) 674·6025 or los Angeles 90012 624-6021 321 E, 2nd St" Los Angeles 90012 Suite 300 626-5275 (303) o.lO-7884 Orange County Inouye Insurance Agency 15029 Sylvanwaod Ave. EXCEPTIONAL HOMES Norwalk, CA 90650 864-5774 Plaza Gift Center AND INVESTMENTS Itano & Kagawa, Inc. ANEJ8M8RY-~-~DEOSY~M VICTOR A KATO 321 E. 2nd St., Los Angeles 90012 HOME eot.fVTERS -WATCHES -TV -RADIO Residentiol & Investment Consultant Suit. 301 624-0758 SOFTWARE - DESIGNER'S BAG - BONE Q1INA 18682 Beach Blvd , Suite 220 TOYl; a1:~ Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Ito Insurance Agency, Inc. (7I 4) 963-7989 1245 E, Walnut St, Suit. 112 Authorized SONY Dealer Pwadet .. 91106; 795-7059, 681 ..... 11 THE PAINT SHOPPE 111 Japanese VlJlage Plaza MaD laMancha Center, 1111 N Harbor Kamiya Ins. Agency, lne. STUDIO Los Angeles. CA 90012 Fullerton, Co /714--526-0116 327 E. 2nd St., Los Angeles 900 12 Suit. 224 626-8135 (213) 680-3288 San Diego The J. Morey Company 318 East First Street PAUL H. HOSHI 11080 AnaIia Blvd, Suite F, Cenitaa, CA Los Angeles, CA 900 12 Insurance Service 90701 ; (213)~94.(714)952-2154 852-16th St (714) 234-0376 (213) 626-5681 Son Diego 92101 res. 264-2551 Sato InS4Jrance Agency 366 E. ht St., Los Angeles 900 12 .;~~ Ventura County 626-5861 629- 1425 ~ EAGLE CALVIN MATSUI REALTY Tsuneishi Insuranc:eAaency, Inc. Homes & Commercial 327 E, 2nd St., Los AngeT.. 900 12 Suit. 221 628-1365 W PRODUCE CO. 371 N . Mobil Ave, Suite 7, Camarillo xxxx (80S) 987-5800 Wada Asato Associates, Inc. OwrSIIl" "I Kllly' V"S,'ltllt/,' Vr,lrrbulors, /1/( Monterey Peninsula 16520 S. Western Ave, Gardena 90247 (213) 516-0110 PHOTOMART RANDY SATOW REALTOR BONDED COMMISSION MERCHANTS " GOLF CAPITAt.-OF THE WORLD" jnpewdal. Lanes Cameras - Photographic Supplies Pebble Bch, Carmel, Monterey Peninsula WHOLESALE FRUITS AND VEGETABLE Ocean Front Homes, Condos, Investments Complete Pro Shop, lIe.louro"I. lou"ge EDSATO 316 E. 2nd St. YOSHIO R. SATOW _:_ (408) 372-6757 _2101-22ndAveSo (206)325-2525 ------PLLIMBI ,AND HEATI 'G Los Angeles, CA 90012 San .lase The Intennountain J{l'moJl'I "nJ Kl'I"" r, (213) 622-3968 929-943 S. San Pedro St. \'';II,'r I Il'OJt,'r.,. (.arhilj.!" l)"r"""I, CITY MARKET Kayo K. Kikuchi, Realtor Mom Wokosugi Furnil'l" SAN JOSE REAlTY Sales Rep, Row Crop Form. Servicing Los Angele omm rcla!" Ind",,1riaJ ndiLlo~ Rc(~r.LIon Los Angeles, Ca. 90015 996 Minnesola Ave., # 100 Blockoby Real Estole, RI2 B.658.0nlo(lO, 293:200.0 733~SS7 ------Air Son Jose. CA 95125-2493 Ore 97914 . (503) 881 - 1301/262-3"59 ONTI C R Phone: (213) 625-2101 (408) 275-1111 or 296-2059 The Midwest Totsuko " Totty" Kikuchi SamJ. Umemoto Generollnsurance Broker, DBA SUGANO TRAVEL SERVICE Ur.. #'l08863 WG-38 17 E Ohio 51, Chicago 60611 Kikuchi Insurance Agy. (312194"-5444 784 ·8517. eye, Sun tREmo . 996 Minnesola Ave., # 102 Washington, D.C. 1506 w. Vernon ~ . Son Jose, CA 95125-2493 l..o8 ~ /295-52 .. (408) 274-2622 or 296-2059 MIKE MASAOKA ASSOCIATES ~SllC'<' ~ . q PRl TI Con.ulton" - Washlnglon Ma"er. II 1<1 '" l til 1\ ~ It, I ,,'- 1.11 \tI\!t'11 ~ nn \'I EDWARD T. MORIOKA, Reoltor 900 17th 51 NW, Woshlnglon, DC 20006 580 N. 51h 51 ., Son Jose 202 296· 448<1 I:! \II h2h-H \'>.1 (408) 998-8334/5 res. 371-0442 Today's Classic Looks ------Watsonville CHIYO'S for Women & Men rr~ MARUKYO Japanese Bunka Needlecraft Celli for Appointments fTomng, Bur*-o KiI\. Lessons, Gifn Kimono Store Tom Nakase Realty • Phon 687 0387 Empire Printing Co. Acreage, Ranches, Homes, Income (714) 995-2432 105 Japanese VIllage Plaza Mall \- ~, - (()\f\1/ Itl I \I ,Ind '>O{ l \1 I'HI'\ 11'\(, TOM NAKASE, Realtor 2943 W BoU Rd. Co 92804 Los Angeles 900 12 New Otani Hotel & 25 CliHord Ave (408) 724-6477 (213)617~106 Toshi Otsu. Prop 450 E. 2nd 51 Honda Ptaza Garden-Arcade 11 Join the JACL• loI AngeIe., CA 900 11 • 110 S. Los Angeles -7060 Los Angeles Ili:\ 628-4369 ~ '********* ****************** •••••••••••••• The Early Californians 'Kgno A large exhibition of paintings 15.85 010 and studies by STANLEY W ~awaii GALLI at the CHARLES AND EMMA FRYE ART MUSEUM u.s. GOVERNMENT Cherry at Terry, Seattle, .POLYNESI ROO t Washington 98114 GUARANTEE I Ill"Iwr II< lll"kiall Flllll!' 0.,1111\\' (206) 622-9250 . CO 'K'l AlL December 14 through • CALIFORNIA INCOME TAX EXEMPT LO N(a·~ January 2 1983. Artist In attendance 2 to 4 P.M. • NO MINIMUM HOLDING PERIOD I ,111"1'1I II 11 I1WI11 • $27,000 MINIMUM CERTIFICATE January 2 • INTEREST PAID MONTHLY • QUALIFIES FOR PENSJON. PROFIT SHARING PLANS Money Made "82 TAX BENEFITS"l1 Money Saved F,r C•• ,I.,. 111",..,,1,. C,II CDII,d: (213) 829·7931 JAY GOLD KIWI-FRUIT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES

INCOME- trom PtOduclng VlIleynrds OR 1982THRU t986 T BENefiT SWINK & COMPANY, INC. From Now PI nungs W SpecI(IhZ8 In Iho roWIng, Ping, DlstnbuMn nd OlD Storag of SUblroplCn1 nd1: otiC Fruits --uoc, N.A.U. FOR A SPECIAL REPORT AND FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION lL RWRITE 2800 Olympic Blvd •• Suite 101, Santa Monica, California 90404 226 S. Harbor Blvd, Santa Ana, Ca 92704 PACIFIC SOUTHWEST GROWERS own and Otrw Other Securtfles frK $5000 w. (714) 775-7727 9249 Reseda Blvd. Northridge, CA 91324 (213) 349-4412 TUIIIII ..... yIIId ...., ••, C*1IIIcO prIciId It 111. ·CIIrnat yllldoClQlllp/lld ...... 011 10.,. "talll lila. ****************** ********** ...... , December 17. 1982 I PACIFIC CtnZEK--7 r .KUBOKA WA eoDtlnued from P88e6 being planned to accommodate everyone to their personal needs and the thing else (room, board, local-travel) will be provided by the contest . number of days one will be able to spend on the trip . committee. # 8) Help each other in areas whim one can provide aid in meeting The Peruvian members of P ANA have guaranteed everyone a super a 2R 2 p . p s ass • specific needs. convention similar to and possibly surpassing the Mexican Conference of 9) Plan for future exchanges and conferences. 1981. The cost of the trip will be determined by the lowest bid from the Our 1983 Escorted Tours 10) Tour facilitiesoCinterest to the Nikkei. travel agencies submitting their quotes. Attendants from all the different Japan Spring Adventure ...... April 4 11) Officially ratify and sign the ConstibJtions and By-Laws of P ANA. countries are scheduled to stay in the same official hotel to facilitate all (Developed and approved over the pa

354 S. SprinC si. #401 Los AnlleiCS. C A 1o}OO13 s Away trom the maddeOing ~ ,.e.... The hOUSing problem 10-Special Holiday Tour . . . . Dec. 18 Jan. 3: George Kanegai ~ crowd -- \¥/ Lack 01 leadership COMPLETE VISA SERVICE • Late Changes/Addition - 1983 - /'" 1'" - --- - A-Snow Festival Tour ...... Feb. 1-19 BIlingual educallon s dilemma / \ ~ Taro Omen 01 Hawa II s luture B-Cherry Blossom ...... Mar. 26-Apr. 16: Toy Kanegai EthOic TV on th in Ice Se x and the sansei KEN & COMPANY C-Spring Tour ...... ' ...... Apr. 7-28: Yuki Sato SHORT & SMALL clothing merchants J-May Charter Flight ...... May 7-28 Japanese multinati onals D-Summer Tour ...... June 18-July 9: Charles Nishikawa Differences and misconceptions MEN'S APPAREL E-Tohoku Special ...... Aug. 7-28: Satoshi Nitta We at KEN & CO. are now featuring F-*Honshurraipei-Hong Kong-Bangkok Oct. 1-22: Bill Sakurai our new line of shoes & shirts by ... Journey to Hawaii FRENCH,SHRINER. NUNN·BUSH G--*Ura-Nihon/Shikoku-Kyushu ...... Oct. 1-22: Steve Yagi Sizes: 5 · 9 M & E widths H-NovemberSpecial ...... Nov. 1-15: Veronica Ohara twice a month with JOHN HENRY. OSCAR DE LA RENTA I-Special Holiday Tour ...... Dec. 22-Jan. 4: George Kanegai Sizes: 14 - 16'/z neck. 30 & 31 sleeves JIrral~ FOR tNFORMATtO , RE SERVATI O S, CALL OR WRITE ID11r ltIawaii Roy Takrda: 1702 WeUesley A~e., Wesl Los Angetes 90025 •...... •.•. 8204309 Fill the form for a free sample copy. There is no obli• Steve Yagi: 3950 BerrylNll Ave., LA. 90066 ...... 39 ·7921 Toy lCanepi: lB57 Brockton, LA 90025 ...... 82~359 2 gation. Regular subscription is $7.00 for six months sill Soakunli: 820-3237 Yuki Soato 4 9-8124 Venna Ohar" 473·7066 (12 issues) . Charles Nishib",.. 479·7433 Dr Robert Funke 398-9911 lim Mochizukj 473-0441 Amy ilishirN 413·9969 Send form to: Sample Ken Uyeda owner Hawaii Herald (408) 374 -1466 GIVENCHY/ LANVIN Land Arrangemerts by Japan Travel Bureau IntemalJOnal P.O. Box 17429 785 W. Hamt lton Ave .. Campbell 5T. RAPH AEL West Los Angeles JACL Travel Chairperson: George Kanegai 900251 Honolulu, HI 96617 1857 Brockton Ave., Los Angeles, CA (213) 82()'3592 Flight & tour meettngs at Fellcta Mahood Center. 11338 Santa Monica Name ______ASIA TRAVEL BUREAU'S Blvd .• West l.A., every 3rd Sunday of the month from 1 p.m. Address ______1983 Discovery Tours! West LA JACL Flight, c/ o Roy Takeda City, State, Zip______1702 Wellesley Ave., Los Angeles. CA 90025 Please reserve seat(s) for your Fhght No DISCO er fir thand th "LillI kyoto" and the many b autlful I agree to the condItIOns of the contract and brochures Fhght schedules are and historical places you' heard and r ad about. Dlsro~ ' rtll subject to change. eeiting blend of the xoti Eo t. together with comfort. and Name ------convenienc s familiar to Ih We t. each tour I· de. igI1l·d 10 VIDEO MOVIES c:opturcth dlstincLflavorofllsr glan. \. et\mericans,o{lIhol· Address ------• ev r background. can nlo A io" WId e 't'l tlOn oj escorted, CIty. State, ZIP affordable Qualit tour.. BY MAIL ORDER Phone (Area code) o Send tour brochure o Fllghtonl 3,000 titles to select from V March 27-Hompa Hongwonji Sompai pring our (12) day . l okyo. Shimada. Matsumolo. ,. 'wnago, Tdkayamo. h.uIliU.clWa "Lil kyoto". Eiheiji. Yamanaka Spa. K 010. --en ~ On Golden pond V pr il J-" hogun perien .. (1 doy). rol-yo. hUllOdu. J... oto. .N- K gosh lOla. Klri hil1lll. MiY01.l.lki. B ppu. Ihla 'pll " Lit kyotu". AmB' .'N . • 0 Kagemusha kusa. Nag saki. Fukuoka. : z V May 6-Japan pade (14 doy ). lu I-yo. Ilukon • ' hlnlotia. Toba. kalsuuru. hlrahamu. Kyolo.

Vojimbo V June 26-Sansci wnmer Tour (12 day. ). '1'01. o. KdnlaI.Ul'U. G ro pa. Wakura. k ana:t.awa " Lit k oto". k yolo. Arashiyuma. Osaka. Shogun ""* July ~ J a pan • a pade (1 5 d ay ). T I.yo, 1\1l. rU11. IOIMIl Ips. rakayulllu. K.i nuzowu "Lil K 010". Eihoijl. Aw ra pil. Amana H lI• 'hidal , yolo. saka. Taps ""* Sept. 2!t-Micl1lnokulllokka ido Tour (1 day ). Tok O. LuI. Akan Lak Mashu. Shirool. Nooorih Isu. II I.od I • "omori. Morioku "L il KyoIO". Ilullomoki. S nd i. Now Uu ll I I rain 10 UI unam!\'u. 10- and more shuko. Nikko. ""* Oct. 1- Aulumn Kyushu Tour (1 2 doy J. Tok O. M goshima. him Send $2.50 for catalogue. " Lil "-YOlO" , 13 ppu . Mt . Aso. k umllllloto. IIgOI>UI.I. FlIl.uok I. MiYII' Jima. Hir ~ h i l1l

""* 0 (;1. J-Ilokuriku 'four(U day ). 1'01.. u.Nilgtlta.SlItlu. h.unuwwo " LiI VIIiJI!V~AC"IVN "-yolu". Kyolu. " Nov. l- llokub i Minyo Tour to lIokllrlku (1 4 du s). 708 west First st. (P) • LOS Angeles, CA 90012 ""* O(;t. 17-Groat Ma inland Chinu Tou r (18 dll 'I). Ii ijing. Luuy,mg. Phone: (213) 617-3545 XIII I1 . ChulIgti u. (.uilin . Shll llllhlJi ... ======0) Complete coupon and retum to VIDEO ACTION. C Name ______For furth 'r information ME IN T EE U Address ______Cltv' ______Asia Travel Bureau 102 S. San P Jro St.. Los Angeles, CA, 900 l2 State Zlp ______or Call (2 l3) 620<)232 o Enclosed Is 52.50 for Video Movie Catalogu e. COMPLETI', Tlv\ VE 1. ,\ CENCY IU.AUY I"U SEIWE ALL \ OUR EEllS coo not send cash) 8-fACIFIC CITIZEN I friday, December 17, 1982