Compiled by UNA REES
Index Compiled by UNA REES Abhotl. E.A., 276 church, 209-10, 214 Abingdon, 206 hundred, 293 abbey, 61-2 Banbury, 172, 295-6 abbot, Aethelwine. 61 road 10, 16-23 Adand, Arthur, 272 barrow, 1-·3, 7, 12, 16-17, 19--20,285 Henry, 272-4, 298 Ba~·eux, bpI of, Hervey, 216 al!rial photography, 20, 285, 290 Bayzand, Ric., 299 Aethdmar, ealdorman, 61 Beaufiz family, 218, 231, 233 Aethelred, II , king, 26. 70, 73 Henry, 216-17, 232 A~as's map or Oxford, 96, 99,100,102.104,108-11, juliana, wife of, 216-17 115, 12:1-4, 127, 145 Lucy, dau. of, 217, 219, 222-3, 225, 232 agriculture Matilda, dau. of, 217, 232 beekeeping, 197 Beedon, Berks., 279 common land, 231-2 Belstead, Thos., 261 cows, 227, 260, 291 Bennett, John, 262 demesne, 23, 26, 217-19, 227-8, 232 Bcrnwood, Forest, 216, 231 (icld·syslcms, 223-5, 238, 290 Bt'sse ls, Sir Peter, 146, 204 crops in, 227-8 Bicester, 169, 172 harvt'sting. 229, 235 priory, 230 oxen, 227, 231, 233 road to, 1&-19 pannage, 229--30 Bigbury in Shipton on Cherwell, 17, 19 p;gs, 229-30, 291 Bishop, Bartholomew, 52 ploughing, 227 Nicholas, 52 sherp, 228, 230-1, 235, 237, 291 Bladon, 18--19, 292 see also land Bogis, Geo., 262 Agriculture. Royal Commission on, 265 bones, human, 143, 147-8, 188--90, 286, m burials AlcheSltT, 290--1 animals and fowls, 8,120-1. 130, 155, 190--92,200, alien priories, 45 205, 291 Alynlon. Rob., 293 fish, 154-7, 192-3, 197-8, 205-6, 291 Aquileia, 5, 11 - 12 bone and ivory objects, 37-40, 64.
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