Graphic Design and Print Production Fundamentals Graphic Design and Print Production Fundamentals Graphic Communications Open Textbook Collective Wayne Collins, Alex Hass, Ken Jeffery, Alan Martin, Roberto Medeiros, Steve Tomljanovic Unless otherwise noted within this book, this book is released under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License also known as a CC-BY license. This means you are free to copy, redistribute, modify or adapt this book. Under this license, anyone who redistributes or modifies this textbook, in whole or in part, can do so for free providing they properly attribute the book. Additionally, if you redistribute this textbook, in whole or in part, in either a print or digital format, then you must retain on every physical and/or electronic page the following attribution: Download this book for free at For questions regarding this license, please contact
[email protected]. To learn more about the B.C. Open Textbook project, visit . Cover image: Cover is a montage of two images: ( by Simon Hattinga Verschure and ( by Amador Loureiro, both licensed under CC0. Graphic Design and Print Production Fundamentals by Ken Jeffery is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Contents About the Book viii Introduction 1 Ken Jeffery Chapter 1. Design History 1.1 Introduction 6 Alex Hass 1.2 William Morris and the Arts & Crafts Movement 9 Alex Hass 1.3 Deutscher Werkbund 11 Alex Hass 1.4 Bauhaus 12 Alex Hass 1.5 Dada 13 Alex Hass 1.6 International Typographic Style 14 Alex Hass 1.7 Late Modern | New York Style 16 Alex Hass 1.8 Post Modern 17 Alex Hass 1.9 Summary 19 Alex Hass Chapter 2.