General Coordination Meeting – Sievierodonetsk ( Oblast) 22 October 2015

Discussion Action Points/Decisions 1. Update of the current humanitarian situation in Oblast from LOMCA, UN OCHA and SES

UN OCHA representative thanked the partners for active participation in HNO workshop held in Sievierodonetsk and announced that the results would be shared once the report is finalized and approved.

There were further discussions of the Updated Temporary Order for control over the movement of persons, vehicles and cargos (goods) across the contact line within Donetska and Luhanska Oblasts in terms of its practical application and these discussions brought out many issues. There are certain regulations with unclear implementation mechanisms e.g. how to deliver cargos from Luhanska Oblast where no staging areas are planned to be arranged. On the other hand even while these staging areas are not arranged in Donetska Oblast, the National Fiscal Service of (NFSU) and Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) expressed their willingness to facilitate movement of the humanitarian cargo.

OSCE SMM reports are being regularly shared with the cluster leads and focal points in the field as it was agreed before for the partners to respond to the needs identified locally. It was noted that OSCE SMM reports continue having a lot of information about mined areas or UXOs present in the residential areas.

The partners were again requested to provide information about their activities and plans in order to avoid duplication and to identify the gaps.

Deputy Chief of Luhansk Department of SES informed that they helped LOMCA to receive and distribute the humanitarian aid (40 tons of food) from the State Reserve Fund. It also supports Luhansk Region Agency for Sustainable Development in delivering water tanks to schools in Popasnyanskyy raion.

Deputy Chief of Luhansk Department of SES informed that 2375 hectares were examined for mines and UXO presence and 16746 UXOs were found and disposed. Still it was noted that 150,000 hectares are need to be examined for demining. The priority now is given to the areas under power lines and around gas supply lines to ensure safe renovation work. Three additional demining teams have arrived to Luhanska oblast to supplement the operation of 2 demining teams in Sievierodonetsk and .

The decision was made to establish the Eastern Office for Humanitarian Demining. The support in renovation of the premises for the Office was requested from the humanitarian partners as the building allocated for the office was damaged during shelling. The German Cooperation Agency GTZ promised to supply necessary equipment for this office as soon as it is established.

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Discussion Action Points/Decisions

NRC proposed air photographic service for identifying mine locations using the drones. Technical assistance in demining is welcomed from any international organisation.

Deputy Head of LOMCA also drew attention to mining situation in the oblast as it is a key for ensuring safe renovation of the infrastructure. It is expected that it might be possible to restore gas pipeline between Krymske and Tryokhizbenka (Novoaydarskyy raion) after the area is demined and there will be no need for construction of the new pipeline to Tryokhizbenka. The work on renovation of damaged reserve power lines has started and this will ensure stable power supply during the winter. Water is supplied to all settlements but renovation of pump stations and water towers is needed for secure water supply in the cold season.

Deputy Head of LOMCA shared information that GTZ also will provide humanitarian aid in the form of folding beds, pillows, blankets and food for distribution via SES.

UNHCR representative asked LOMCA to share information about the state resources allocated and implemented for the IDP response together with planning for 2016. It would help partners to confirm and plan their activities are complementary to those of the state.

2. Education

UNICEF continues renovation of 15 schools under two projects financed by the government of Japan. It is also expected that 1/3 classes will receive sets of furniture. Fifteen schools and fourteen kindergartens participate in LEGO project aimed at social and psychological rehabilitation for children and training with teachers. The meeting with the Education Department was held to assess the needs in renovations or equipment for schools and kindergartens.

EU/UNDP project Coordinator raised the issue of cooperation with UNICEF in further renovation of  EU/UNDP CBA project will cooperate with UNICEF at schools where CBA has implemented some projects. It was advised to contact UNICEF office in for Kyiv level for joint projects in rural areas. further evaluation of opportunities to improve the situation in schools in rural areas.

3. Emergency Shelter/NFI

UNHCR is finalizing winterization plans. All humanitarian organizations were invited to share information about winterization needs in order to avoid duplication. Shelter Sub-National Cluster collects information about the needs and requests from the local communities.

It was noted by UNHCR that there were no plans of heavy repairs in 2015 but the issue was raised at the cluster meeting and the discussions will be held to meet requests of the local authorities next year. There are some needs that require systematic approach and cross checking with partners. As it is not possible to carry out activities in NGCAs many humanitarian actors are diverting their efforts towards operations on

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Discussion Action Points/Decisions GCAs and it requires coordination to see what additional funding is available and how best it can be used.

During assessment of the winterization needs, humanitarian actors have found out other sector needs, in  The humanitarian partners to share with OCHA or particular in the areas along the contact line and it is necessary to redirect this information to OCHA or appropriate cluster representatives the needs they other Cluster leads (WASH, Health, Food etc.) in order to cover these needs. identified during assessments but are not able to cover for the partners to take further actions. NRC keeps implementing the winterization plan together with UNHCR. The tender for coal purchasing (to deliver to 5 locations) has been finalised. The pilot project for restoration of completely destroyed 4 houses has been launched and the initiative will be continued if it is proved to be successful.

OCHA called the humanitarian partners to share summaries of the field visits to communities with the partners in order to identify the needs that can be covered by different organisations.

4. Food security

ADRA continues distribution of food vouchers and has already covered 5,000 families with food vouchers on GCAs of the oblast with the plan to cover 10,000 beneficiaries more. It is also decided to deliver food parcels to remote villages along the contact line as it is more practical. WFP implementing partners - ADRA and Mercy Corps - geographically shared the areas where they will cover the needs. ADRA also starts delivery of food to social institutions.

Mercy Corps has made 10,000 cash transfers for food purchase and 11,000 more beneficiaries will receive cash aid before the end of the year. Nine thousand food parcels were distributed along the contact line with another 9,600 parcels to be distributed in the near future. Now Mercy Corps is negotiating delivery of food products to the so-called “grey zone” (-5). There are intentions to expand cash assistance to the northern parts of GCA of the oblast. In total 25,000 beneficiaries are targeted for the aid till the end of the year.

There was a request to supply food parcels to the students of the Luhansk National University named after Taras Shevchenko that is evacuated to and Mercy Corps representative recommended for the students and teachers to contact the call-centre individually for registration as beneficiary of the appropriate assistance.

5. Health and Nutrition

WHO mentioned about the meeting of HIV/AIDS/TB working group that was planned to operate as coordinating council but it hasn’t started its activity yet. Certain measures are planned in relation to early response and detection of 8 dangerous illnesses including the manual and first response kits.

The challenges with supply of the vehicles for mobile teams were stressed by WHO and this impedes access to remote villages along the contact line.

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Discussion Action Points/Decisions MSF is active along the contact line but still there are gaps in providing primary medical care in some locations.

WHO representative raised the issue of rehabilitation of people injured during the conflict as there is no system in the country to offer proper treatment. Many people received poor quality treatment after amputation or injury and they require additional therapy now. In many cases people can’t afford the costs of the treatment even if it is available. Still it was noted that this issue needs decisions and actions at the national level.

It was also stressed that though the patients come for the primary medical services of the mobile teams and receive these services free of charge together with some medications they don’t continue treatment if they need the secondary level of medical care services as they have to travel long distances and they may have no funds for this.

The oblast received all necessary vaccines for children and now it is necessary to restore the vaccination calendars. It was noted that according to the Chief Paediatrician of the oblast no cases of polio were registered in Luhanska Oblast. On the other hand the statistics of vaccination is not reliable due to high migration levels.

UNFPA has developed GBV referral card containing information for GBV victims (legal, medical, psychological, social support etc.) and printed 5 thousand copies. These referral cards will help GBV victims to choose the type of assistance they need and apply for this assistance. In November five mobile teams will start operations (in Sievierodonetsk, Lysychansk, Novoaydar, Stanytsya Luhanska and ) to provide support to GBV victims under the pilot project. After the experience is gained, the coverage will be extended to rural areas where GBV issues are more sensitive and people are reluctant to report such cases. It is planned that in the rural areas the teams will be based in already existing institutions (centres for social services). Information campaign is being designed for population to raise awareness of the local people about GBV issues. Special information brochures are planned for children living in the so-called “grey zone” along the contact line.

ADRA project on psychological support finished on October 15. The team of experienced volunteers is ready to continue this work bearing in mind the fact that during the project many people with the need for individual psychological support were identified. ADRA asked the partners to consider opportunity to finance continuation of this project. ADRA also noted that it is ready for other forms of cooperation.

6. Livelihood/ Early Recovery

Survey for identifying business development niches is completed under the UNDP Project on Rapid Response to Social and Economic Issues of IDPs in Ukraine and the results will be distributed among the partners. Two business skills development training sessions were held with 45 people trained in Luhanska Oblast; more training sessions are planned. The programme of grants for business development

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Discussion Action Points/Decisions continues with the second round of applications. Case management initiative has started. UNDP supports the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine in the development of IDP database.

Coordinator of EC/UNDP CBA project noted that the level of competence of the local construction companies is low and that these companies are also not willing to participate in the announced tenders. Due to this reason 9 planned projects are still pending. The balance of funding left by the end of the year will be redirected for purchasing medical equipment. Under urban component of the project 17 associations of the owners of apartments will receive funding for repairs and here the competence and lack of project management skills hampers successful implementation of the proposed projects. Resource Centre will be arranged and developed in Luhansk National University named after Taras Shevchenko under another CBA project initiative. IDP centre in summer camp “Mriya” is ready and the partners were asked to recommend IDPs that are in need of accommodation.

In Starobilsk Mercy Corps office cooperates with East-Ukrainian National University named after Volodymyr Dal in providing business development training for unemployed. In total 600 applications for business development grants were received, 300 of which were reviewed by the team consisting of the University teachers. Two training courses for business training will be proposed for 50 people. The grants will be provided for IDPs who want to restore or develop their businesses (500 USD max per grant). It is planned to allocate 600 grants. These activities are coordinated with UNDP and IOM.

Under the UNDP Restoration of Governance and Reconciliation in Crisis Affected Communities of Ukraine Project nine agreements on cooperation were signed with the local authorities. The assessment of needs at the local level is being carried out. It is planned to support the development of the public councils so they complement activities of the local authorities.

IOM also stressed the challenge of the search for reliable contractors as quality of their work doesn’t always meet the requirements. This causes delays in the project implementation. Additional funds for small and quick repairs were released and they will be used in three communities (Lysychansk, Sievierodonetsk, Borovske). Training in support of self-employment initiative development is proposed and the process of purchasing the equipment for business has started. Additionally 75 grants will be proposed in Luhanska oblast. IOM will cooperate with Mercy Corps to support jointly successful business projects. UNDP is also ready to allocate additional grants to projects if the proposed funding doesn’t cover the required costs for the projects.

7. Protection

It was announced by the Deputy Head of LOMCA that the opening of the crossing point in Stanytsya Luhanska was scheduled for 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, October 27. The previous delays in opening this crossing point were caused by security issues and the need for demining areas around the crossing point (36 UXOs were disarmed). There are preliminary plans to open crossing point in Zolote that will allow transport corridor between GCA and NGCA within Luhanska Oblast. As to humanitarian and logistic

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Discussion Action Points/Decisions centre in Novotoshkivka there is still no decision made by the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine, no check points arranged and the centre does not have proper facilities.

Partners shared an opinion that the number of IDPs may reduce in the near future as the addresses of IDP registration are being checked by law enforcement bodies and the registrations can be cancelled if the person doesn’t live by address she/he stated for registration. It was also mentioned that IDPs continue returning to the places of their permanent residence after the ceasefire was announced. There has been slight increase of actual inflow of people from NGCAs to GCAs as people are afraid that the crossing points could be closed after the local elections on 25th of October.

R2P shared information about the cases of non-payment of pensions through the post office as Oschadbank was nominated the only bank for social payments and for some pensioners it is difficult to get to the district centre.

NRC made the point that though IDPs have opportunity to apply for the housing subsidy; in practice it is difficult to do it as the rent agreement is usually signed for 3 or 6 months.

The issue of the crossing the check-points by the released prisoners in NGCA with the place of residence in GCAs was raised. These people can’t get home as they have no proper documents recognized by UA military officials and they have to stay in NGCA without any means of leaving. The Deputy Head of LOMCA promised to bring this issue to the attention of the appropriate authorities.


WASH Cluster Focal point highlighted that renovation of the water supply infrastructure along the contact line remains the priority but for the moment there are no international organisations having funds for these expensive projects. The current needs are being met jointly by the local authorities and IOs.

Luhansk Region Agency for Sustainable Development (LRASD) is in the process of delivering water tanks and generators to schools of Novoaydarskyy and Popasnyanskyy raions. Also the purchases of items for small repairs of water supply system are under way.

9. Other issues  Partners will consider opportunity to support The request from Tryokhizbenka CMA for generators to be used for heating in the local outpatient clinic Tryokhizbenka with generators and kindergarten was shared with the humanitarian partners and NRC agreed to consider opportunity for delivering it.

R2P bought 20 kits for new-borns and they can be distributed to those who are in need (includes items needed for babies up to 3 months age).

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Discussion Action Points/Decisions GOAL has received financing from donor and now it is involved in the needs assessment and it is ready for cooperation with the local partners already operating in the region and welcomed their experience. There are funds for multi-purpose cash grants for about 4,000 people. The assessment is due to finish early November and the meetings with other humanitarian partners were requested to avoid possible duplication and gaps.

Contact persons: Ms. Tagui Melkumyan, Humanitarian Advisor, OCHA Field Office in Sievierodonetsk, phone +380503824540, e-mail – [email protected] Ms. Elena Kutsel, Field Assistant, OCHA Field Office in Sievierodonetsk, phone +380503824532, e-mail – [email protected]

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