Concepts and Approaches for Mars Exploration (2012) 4119.pdf GROUNDBREAKING MARS SAMPLE RETURN FOR SCIENCE AND HUMAN EXPLORATION. B. A. Cohen, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville AL 35812 (
[email protected]). Introduction: Partnerships between science and returned. However, a simpler, “groundbreaking” Mars human exploration have recent heritage for the Moon Sample Return (GMSR) mission has been advanced (Lunar Precursor Robotics Program, LPRP) and near- several times as delivering a significant fraction of earth objects (Exploration Precursor Robotics Pro- important Mars science objectives at a reduced cost. gram, xPRP). Both programs spent appreciable time Such a mission architecture would do double duty for and effort determining measurements needed or de- science and exploration at a price point well within the sired before human missions to these destinations. Mars Next Decade budget. These measurements may be crucial to human health Science. The scientific value of a simplified sample or spacecraft design, or may be desired to better opti- return includes characterizing the igneous products and mize systems designs such as spacesuits or operations. interior evolution of Mars, characterizing surface de- Both LPRP and xPRP recommended measurements positional processes and post-depositional histories, from orbit, by landed missions and by sample return. tying absolute ages to relative crater histories, and de- LPRP conducted the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter termining how regolith forms and is modified [5-7]. It (LRO) and Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Sat- is to be emphasized that the science community would ellite (LCROSS) missions, providing high-resolution not be satisfied with this approach if it were the only visible imagery, surface and subsurface temperatures, sample return mission under consideration for a Mars global topography, mapping of possible water ice de- program; but if it is approached as the first in a series, posits, and the biological effects of radiation [1].