OCT 2018 Can an R21 book help 05 my kids grow in faith? 14 Nepal Medical Missions Trip 20


In the last two months, a number of missional events were held at both Grace I and Grace II. 12th August – The Sanctuary at Grace II was packed with many people from the community. It was a special Hokkien Outreach. We thank God 19 people accepted the Lord Jesus Christ! 11th September – We had a special outreach event for the community at Grace I. More than 210 people turned up and 5 people accepted the Lord Jesus Christ. 13th September – A special event for the community was held at Grace II. About 170 people was there and 7 people accepted the Lord. 15th September – A special mid-autumn gathering organized by the Ministry drew close to 100 people and around 60 of them are pre-believers from China. 16th September – A mid-autumn dinner outreach was organized and more than 590 people were at the function. We thank God that 30 people accepted the Lord. 22nd September – A special outreach with Li Nanxing was packed with 1210 people at Grace I. 350 people had dinner together that same evening. And a total of 12 people accepted the Lord. I am so thankful for the good responses to all these special outreach events. Basically, it tells me two important things: Firstly, we are making good connections with the people in our community. They are now more open and beginning to see the church in a more positive perspective. In other words, the works that we have been ‘ploughing, sowing and watering’ in the community are bearing fruits. Secondly, it also shows that Gracians are reaching out, befriending, making connections, inviting people, and sharing the gospel. Our people are missional! People from the community turned up because they are connected with someone in Grace Assembly. So Gracians, wherever they may be, are making an impact with their lives. We thank God that the Missional Momentum is moving forward strongly. May the Lord continue to use every Gracian to impact the people where God has placed them. To God be the glory!

Senior Pastor Ps Calvin Lee Photo by Behzad Ghaffarian on Unsplash by Behzad Ghaffarian Photo GRACE ASSEMBLY OF GOD MCI (P) 132/12/2017 Photo by Neven Krcmarek on Unsplash Krcmarek by Neven Photo


PRAYER FOR OUR NATION! In view of the recent hot topic on the repeal of Section 377A of the Penal Code, let us pray: If you have a prayer request and 1. For the 'Shalom' (total well-being) of for need the church to pray for you, scripture exhorts us to "...seek the welfare of the you can write to: city." (Jeremiah 29:7) Pray the Lord will continue to [email protected] bless our nation with His divine favour and watch over Singapore from generation to generation! 2. That God will protect the institutions of marriage and family because they are indispensable for the well- being of future generations and the flourishing of our society. 3. That the Church in Singapore will remain committed to upholding and promoting traditional family values that are the building blocks of our nation. 4. That the church will reach out to everyone with the love of Jesus including those struggling with same sex attraction. 5. That Section 377A of the Penal Code will be retained for the good of our nation. Photo by Kua Ling Photo Fields on Unsplash Cordero by Geordanna Photo


BIBT425: NEW TESTAMENT SURVEY 18-20 October Professor: Rev Bart Horner This module provides a basic introduction to the biblical, theological and historical foundation of Christian Apologetics. It explores the common objections and challenges to the Christian faith and beliefs. It equips learners to response and defend the Christian truth in a missional and cultural context. Topics generally covered are: Christian Doctrines & Secular Philosophies/Theories Doctrinal Teaching: Is the Bible reliable? Can we trust the Word of God? How real is Jesus? Problem of Evil – Why so much evil if God is good? Homosexuality – What the Bible has to say about it? Pain, Suffering & Death – Why God allows us to suffer? Miracles – Do they exist? Heaven & Heaven – How real is it?

Rev Bart Horner holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Pastoral Studies from Southwestern Assemblies of God in Waxahachie, Texas, and a Master of Divinity Degree from Regent University in Virginia Beach, Virginia, and a Master of Science Degree in Marriage and Family Counselling from Columbus State University. Rev Bart was ordained to the ministry in 1989 and served as associate pastor to two Assembly of God churches in Norfolk, Virginia, and later as senior pastor of a Baptist church in Bristol, Tennessee. He was commissioned as an Army Chaplain in 1995 and was at the rank of Major in 2016 before his retirement. He is also known for his numerous seminars in marriage strengthening, marriage preparation, and adultery recovery. He has written many articles for different Army publications and has served as a resource consultant and lecturer at retreats and seminary doctoral programs. In his ministerial experience, particularly as a chaplain, he has not only been involved with crisis counselling circumstances, but with practically every spiritual situation imaginable, and with people from all walks of life, leading them into a relationship with Christ and through a discipleship programme to a full life with Christ. In the face of these challenges, he has learned to saturate himself with the knowledge of the Word of God that he might “contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3) and “always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3:15).

REGISTRATION Fee for non-credit or audit students: $15 Fee for 3-credit module: $130

Register at https://event.graceaog.org or, at Grace Bookstores in Koinonia, Level 2 (GI)

Closing date: 15 October For further enquiries, please email to [email protected]

UPCOMING MODULE: Missional Worship by Rev Lee Meng Cham from 22-24 November

OCT2018 / EQUIPPING THE GRACIANS / 03 Grace Family Life Ministry Library is proud to present the following books and DVD collections:


Your words can bruise or build! This book will show you how to recognize dysfunctional patterns you may have inherited from your own parents. Learn healthy, functional methods of communication, discover your child's personality type, understand his or her unique communication style, and apply that knowledge to your daily interactions. Learn how you can use loving, effective communication to increase your child's self-esteem and reduce the frustrations of parenting

A SNOODLE’S TALE (DVD) VeggieTales POSITIVE PARENTING (CD) Pastor Benny Ho This DVD contains two stories, both focused on helping children feel comfortable in their own skins. In an increasingly demanding world where so much is "Dr. Jiggle and Mr. Sly" focuses on a sweet soul who expected of us, we rush through hectic schedules and loves to dance but is embarrassed by his jiggly body. our children are also not spared from this lifestyle. When the neighbors expose him, they encourage him to dance as himself, reminding him that God loves This series seeks to explore how we can raise our him as he is. children in an atmosphere that is positive and uplifting. The Snoodle episode is narrated with a Dr. Seussian Topics in this series include Divided Heart, Divided rhyme, describing a young Snoodle ridiculed by older Home and Positive Parenting. Snoodles to the degree that he removes himself to get Learn the principles that are rooted in scriptures and away from the criticism. He is taught dignity and given true to life self-confidence when he encounters God. A lesson in self-worth

Grace Family Library @ GI is open on every 1st Sunday of the month. Grace Family Library @ GII is open on every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month.

If you need to make a counselling appointment, please contact: Pastor Benjamin Wong (HP: 9066 2994) All counselling sessions are strictly private and confidential.


And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. – Deuteronomy 6:6-7 It’s tough being a Christian parent. Our kids will face the greatest persecution any generation has ever faced. They’re growing up in a time where an increasing tolerance for sin is fast becoming an intolerance for God’s laws. As Christian parents, we need to arm our kids with the Word of God, so they can stand firm in their faith and fight the good fight. But let’s face it. The Bible is a book filled with rape, pillage, violence, incest and bloody deaths. It would be deemed R21 on every entertainment channel. So how do we expose our children to such a book and tell them it’s God’s infallible Word? Here are some principles my husband and I found useful in helping our children do just that. 1. Trust the Word of God. Don’t worry about what the world deems age-appropriate. John 1:1 says Jesus is the Word of God. When your kids read the Bible, the power of Christ permeates their senses and helps them know Him. Honestly, there were moments when I cringed when I had to read some of the stories to my kids. My son, Daniel, was angry that Abraham tried to kill his son, Isaac. Sarah hated how Abraham treated Ishmael. I was glad the Bible has caused such a reaction and my kids were thinking about God’s Word for days. And I trust the Word to work in their lives. I know the Holy Spirit would touch their hearts in a deeper way than my most eloquent explanations ever could. And I’d rather they enjoy the Bible and feel comfortable with its content, than feel it’s an irrelevant, religious book. 2. Explain it at their level, in simplicity. What I love about the Bible is how much history there is. How it doesn’t skip the bad parts and failures. When we read the stories of old, we also look for YouTube historical findings to support what the Bible says. We discuss the materials of the temple and how God made laws for every aspect of life in the Old Testament, not just laws pertaining to religious rituals. I had the benefit of a theology degree to aid me with my explanations. To explain these things to your kids, you’ll have to study the Bible and understand it. If you love God’s Word, your kids will mirror that love. 3. Explain the Bible literally. As parents we can sometimes be so eager to explain the deeper spiritual meanings of the Bible that we miss the point altogether. I’ve found that reading the Bible and then asking my kids what it means, works best. And many times, my kids’ learnings have been fresh revelations to me. 4. Don’t squelch questioning. I’ve heard parents tell their kids that the Bible is God’s Word and it shouldn’t be questioned. My daughter decided after we read about the plagues in Exodus, that God was cruel. She didn’t want to pray for a week. When we did quiet time, she’d sit there silently, arms folded, protesting. Honestly, when I read Psalms, there are portions where I can imagine David yelling his songs towards heaven in anger and behaving like Sarah—throwing tantrums and asking God what on earth He was thinking. After a while, she relented and prayed. It’s not wrong for our kids to question the Word of God and His actions. Hunger for God’s Word starts with curiosity and a desire to understand and discover not only what the Bible says but the heart of God behind the words. By asking these tough questions, our children are opening up their hearts to the Holy Spirit who will reveal Himself to them in a deep and meaningful way. 5. Read the Word of God out loud. The Bible says that faith comes from hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17). When you read the scripture, it engages all your senses. Your eyes see the Word of God and you become enlightened (Psalm 19:8). Your mouth speaks the Word of God, which acts as a double-edged sword, piercing through your soul and spirit and discerns the thoughts and intents of your heart (Hebrews 4:12). Your ears hear the Word of God that causes faith to grow. It’s a powerful process—just reading the scriptures out loud with your kids. Uma Rudd Chia is an award-winning advertising 6. Teach your kids to meditate on the Word of God. Joshua 1:8 says to meditate on God’s Word day and night. The creative director. She’s word “meditate” is not a passive word that means quiet contemplation. It’s “Hagah”, which, in its original form, married to her childhood is an onomatopoeia for what a hungry lion does when he’s seeking food. It’s roaring out loud and devouring sweetheart, Colin Chia. ferociously. It means repeating the words out loud, feverishly. When my kids are sleeping, I sometimes lie in bed Both Uma and Colin serve next to them and repeat Bible verses over them. It seeps into their spirits and their subconscious minds. in the worship ministry at So how do you start your kids on the Bible? How about at the beginning, with Genesis? It’s a science and history G1, while their children lesson, all in one. Try not to dumb down or sanitize the Bible. I’ve found that using a simple version, like The Daniel, 10 and Sarah, 7 Message, with present-day lingo, helps. attend Sunday School. She’d love to hear if If you want to raise kids after God’s own heart, teach them to read the Word of God today. Because without faith it is you've been blessed or impossible to please God. And faith comes by hearing the Word of God. (Hebrews 11:6) encouraged by her articles

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash Burden by Aaron Photo at [email protected]


One wayward daughter, two broken-hearted parents and a heartrending story about their patient wait for her return Photo by Lauren Lulu Taylor on Unsplash Lulu Taylor by Lauren Photo

Li-Lynn was born in Canada when I was a graduate student in British I remember thinking to myself, “She is gutsy!” And ironically, I found Columbia. She was about one-year-old when we returned to Singapore. myself admiring her single-minded courage and conviction. “Do you really As a pre-schooler, she was affectionately nicknamed “Rolly-Polly,” have to leave?” her mother tearfully pleaded. “Yes,” she replied, “That is reflecting her adorable personality. best for me and for you. This way, you don’t have to look at me with such hurt feelings and I don’t have to see you feeling so hurt.” In Canada, she was incredibly popular with her classmates, did exceptionally well in her studies and was placed in advanced classes The next day, we took her to the Greyhound bus station at her request and among the crème de la crème. There was no hint at all that a personality sent her off. For the next several months, my wife would go to her room sea change was about to take place. every day to weep silently for our daughter. She was plagued by guilt. We kept asking ourselves, “How could she be so determined to leave her When we relocated to Washington DC in the United States, she was parents? Why would she do that? What did we do wrong?” enrolled in the best High School in the district – one where graduates ended up in Ivy League schools. She was a straight A-student, doing The questions cascaded endlessly from within our wounded hearts. We advanced courses when, almost overnight, she became moody and have given her everything we could afford. Most of all, we thought we have reticent, no longer bubbly and loquacious. given her our unreserved love, a comfortable middle-class home, a great school in a beautiful suburb…what else did she want from us? Without warning, she morphed from a free-spirited butterfly into a melancholic caterpillar. She started to wear black lipsticks and boots; Several weeks after Li-Lynn left, she called to say that she was fine. Her her hair was spiked, half-shaved and dyed in rainbow colours; and her friends had helped her get a job as a waitress in a restaurant. She was also ears pierced and studded in strange-looking rings. She started to smoke, planning on going to night school to complete her high school diploma. As it listened to heavy metal music and locked herself in the bedroom that happened, I was on the board of an organisation in Toronto which required appeared to have been hit by a tornado. me to attend board meetings twice a year. For the next three years, I visited her at least twice a year. We We tried to reach out to her to no avail. She began to play truant at school kept our communication lines “…we have no full control over our and often did not come home till way past sunset, even though her school open, and we would call and kids’ lives and destinies. We can only dismissed students in the late afternoon. It was a matter of time before write to each other. I could see lay a good foundation when they her grades started to free-fall. that she struggled to live on were young and trust that the stormy Every time we tried to engage her, we ended up in the war zone. There her own as a teenager. She teenage years will blow over, leaving was absolutely nothing we could do or say to her that would make any was making enough to live just the foundation intact.” difference. We watched helplessly as she slid away from us into a world below the poverty line. “Do you “…in the worst of situations, do not of teenage drug and sex counterculture. We knew we had lost her, both need some money?” I would blame yourselves if in fact you have emotionally and psychologically. But the worst was yet to come. One ask each time we met. “No, invested time and effort in your beautiful spring morning, the very day she turned 16, she came down thank you,” was her standard children when they were young.” from her bedroom with a packed bag. “Dad,” she announced, “Today, I am reply. “I will manage.” 16. And according to the law, I am an adult and I can live on my own. I am “…never ever give up on the child. When she was about 19, she going to Canada. Can you please take me to the bus station?” Rebellion is only for a season. Like broke the news to me over the any storm of life, it will pass. Be We tried to dissuade her but she kept saying, “It’s got nothing to do with phone. “Dad,” she whispered, patient and wait for it to pass.” you. You are good parents. It is just me. I need to find my own space and “I am pregnant!” Everything be my own person. I need to find myself. I just need to go…” seemed to stand still at that “…love your children unconditionally. We love them not only because they “But where are you going and how are you going to take care of yourself? moment. I did not know how to are ‘good, ’ but even when they are And what will you do with school?” We queried so desperately. “Oh… respond and the silence was ‘bad. ’ We should love them not only schools are for the birds! Don’t worry, I will find something to do. I don’t palpable. “Who is the man?” I because they are successful in their need much. I can survive. Maybe you can get me a bus ticket and lend me eventually found my voice. “You academic pursuits, but love them all a few dollars to get started. That is all I need. I have some friends there. I don’t know him. But would you the more when they fail.” will find a job. I will be ok.” please marry us?”

06 / EMPOWERING THE FAMILIES / OCT2018 It was like a Halloween party except that the groom was in kilts and the Second, in the worst of situations, do not blame yourselves if in fact you bride was in a Chinese cheongsam. All the guests in this one-room school have invested time and effort in your children when they were young. house where the civil marriage took place looked stoned. It was clearly “I needed to go through these experiences to grow up,” Li-Lynn would say. a community of teen drug abusers. And our daughter was one of them “Don’t blame yourselves because I rebelled. I couldn’t have grown in any except that she was five months’ pregnant and getting married! other way.” The marriage failed within three years. And that was a blessing in Third, never ever give up on the child. Rebellion is only for a season. disguise, as it turns out. “I did not know what I had until I tried to set up Like any storm of life, it will pass. Be patient and wait for it to pass. The a home for my kid. It was then that I realised that I had given up a lovely duration of the storm varies from case to case. In our case, it was seven parental home for a very dysfunctional home. It dawned on me that you long years, but we knew that after the rain, there would be sunshine. were right but I did not listen. I want to make you happy again. I am going Fourth, love your children unconditionally. We love them not only back to school for the sake of my son!” because they are “good,” but even when they are “bad.” We should love I read the letter again and again, and intuitively realised that our prayers them not only because they are successful in their academic pursuits, were finally answered. Our girl has finally seen the light! It has been but love them all the more when they fail. seven years since she left us, and now with a two-year-old son in tow, she Today, Li-Lynn is the most affectionate of our three grown-up children. was determined to recover what she had lost. The nightmare was over The best compliment from her is, “Dad and Mom, thank you for always and she had started to dream again. being there for me!” Today, Li-Lyn has a PhD and is Asst Professor at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia in Canada. Her son is 15 and doing extremely well “This article was first published in Today's Parents, May 2011, and was reprinted with permission in school. So what are the lessons from our experience with this in Asian Beacon, April-May 2012. Reprinted here with blessings from Asian Beacon. Free prodigal daughter? subscription to Asian Beacon's digital version at https://www.asianbeacon.org/subscribe." First, we have no full control over our kids’ lives and destinies. We can only lay a good foundation when they are young and trust that the stormy teenage years will blow over, leaving the foundation intact. Li-Lynn has If you are a parent going through this season of your life, we would like often said to us, “You have raised me well, for even in my worst rebellion, to keep in touch with you. Please contact Shirley Woon at 9023 7606. I knew the difference between right and wrong.”

A FATHER'S DIARY Bonding Times BY FRANCIS LEE Photo by Lgh_9 from Pexels by Lgh_9 from Photo

Two years ago, I attended the ‘Date with Dad’ programme with my daughter, which was organised by R-AGE. It left a deep impression on me and my daughter. Since then, my wife and I have attempted to make it a point to regularly spend time with my daughter and our two other boys. We go for bicycle rides, walks, movies, simple meals or desserts. We use the time to connect with each other beyond the day-to-day. Our daily interactions at home are important as well to maintain our family relationships and keep everyone updated. But these special dates are the ones that allow us to have deeper and uninterrupted conversations between parent and child. It may be a little awkward at the start but my children are beginning to love it. You can go along with the activities they suggest. Or share your preferences too. You’ll find that your children will also want to make these special outings memorable for you and them. Start today and make an appointment with your child before the end of the day. Enjoy!

OCT2018 / EMPOWERING THE FAMILIES / 07 Grace Missional Groups

GRACE MISSIONAL GROUPS - REGION A REGIONAL PASTOR: Ps Benjamin Wong 90662994; [email protected] ASSISTANT REGIONAL PASTOR: Brother Ronnie Lee 97430067; [email protected] REGIONAL LEADER: Simon Goh, Wilfred Tan GRACE GROUP MG LEADER / FACILITATOR DAY & TIME VENUE AREA IGNITE John Goh, Tan Gim Hoon, Alternate Friday, 8pm Nuovo, Ang Mo Kio Ave 9 Ang Mo Kio Simon Seow Upp Changi Vincent Ang, Raymond Wee Every Friday, 8.30pm Upp Changi Rd Bedok Bishan Charity Grace Puah, Linda Loh 2nd & 4th Fridays, 8pm Blk 402 Sim Ming Ave Bishan Nissi Rachel Leong Every Friday (except 1st Friday) 8:15pm Blk 107 Bkt Purmei Rd Bukit Purmei Zesty 2 Junnie Ong Alternate Friday, 8pm Blk 5 Everton Park Chinatown Relax-lah Ladies Angela Yeo, Serene Tan Alternate Friday, 8pm Taman Serasi Holland Grace Lite Philip Che Alternate Thursday, 8.30pm Blk 111 Hougang Ave 1 Hougang Reflections of Christ Eric Lim Alternate Saturday, 5.30pm 23 The Reflections, Keppel Bay View Keppel Marine East Edward Chan Every Friday, 8pm 24 Fernwood Terrace Marine Parade Shammah Andy Tan, Celine Chan, Alternate Friday, 8pm Cheow Keng Rd Marine Parade Sim Soo Lee, Leon Ng New Life Wee Tee Phong, Wilson Chua, Every Friday, 8.15pm Blk 233 Compassvale Walk Ponggol Andrew Kong Sengkang Roland Ho, Tan Pei Tee Alternate Friday, 8.30pm Blk 265A Punggol Way Sengkang BML EXT Ronnie Lee Alternate Sunday, 1pm Grace I, Lounge Level 3 Sengkang, Punggol Bishan Hope Esther Lee, Adeline Lerh Alternate Friday, 8.15pm Blk 414 Serangoon Central Serangoon Serangoon North 1&2 Ricky Wee, Tommy Tan Every Friday (except 1st Fri) , 8pm Blk 535 Serangoon North Ave 4 Serangoon Stevens Loke Kah Leong Alternate Saturday, 8pm The Equatorial, 151 Stevens Rd Stevens Green Pasture Henry Chia Every Friday (except 1st Fri), 8pm Blk 230D Tampines St 24 Tampines Tingkat Gideon Lim Alternate Friday, 8pm 489C Tampines St 45 Tampines Pleroma 1 Jonathan Lew Every Friday, 8pm Blk 17A Telok Blangah Crescent Telok Blangah Telok Blangah Linda Law, Christina Lai Every Friday, 8.30pm Teresa Ville, Blk 1007 Lower Delta Rd Telok Blangah More Relax-lah Eric Chong Alternate Friday, 8pm Sky at Eleven, 5 Thomson Lane Thomson ShunFu Lim Nan Alternate Saturday, 7.15pm Blk 312 Shunfu Rd Thomson Toa Payoh 1 & 2 Yap Tat Yeen Alternate Friday, 8pm Trellis Towers, 700 Toa Payoh Lor 1 Toa Payoh Brothers & Sisters Christine Yap Every Friday, 8pm Blk 179 Toa Payoh Central Toa Payoh Fellowship

GRACE MISSIONAL GROUPS - REGION B REGIONAL PASTOR: Ps Kenny Koh 81395540; [email protected] ASSISTANT REGIONAL PASTOR: Brother Peter Lim 9296 2234; [email protected] REGIONAL LEADER: Doreen Chong, Jim Ng, Kay Wei Shih, Kelvin Lee, Michael Lai, Tan Kok , Vincent Tan, William Hioe GRACE GROUP MG LEADER / FACILITATOR DAY & TIME VENUE AREA Cell Alive 2 Vincent Tan Every Friday, 8pm Clarence Ville, Clarence Lane Alexandra Sozo Reuben Soh, Philip Ang, Alternate Friday, 8pm Blk 55 Beo Crescent Bukit Merah James Ong Tabernacle Dennis Gay, Kenneth Fan Every Friday, 8.30pm Various locations - Tabernacle GG Bukit Merah Post Alpha One Ho Lai Ching, Chiang Mun Yee Various day at 7.30pm Blk 129 Clarence Lane Clarence Faithful Michael Lai Alternate Friday, 8pm Dover Park View Condo Dover Cell Alive 1 Goh Lay Fong, Catherine Ang Every Friday, 8pm Blk 58 Strathmore Ave 1 Strathmore Hands of Grace Kelvin Lee, Donatus Yeo Every Friday, 8pm Blk 5 Holland Close Holland Holland Drive Magdalene Oh, Kay Wei Shih Every Tuesday, 8:15pm Blk 18C Holland Drive Holland House of Joy Goh Ying Nan, Jillian Goh Every Friday, 8pm 36 Dover Rise, Dover Parkview Holland Lovers’ GG Steven Chan & Michelle Chan Alternate Friday, 8pm Grove Avenue Holland Answers@Mount Sinai Alex Tee Alternate Friday, 8.15pm Mount Sinai Rise Holland Lighthouse Joe Wong, Alexander Koh Every Friday, 8pm Blk 118C Jln Membina Jalan Membina Contrast Community Ho Wan Leng, Jacqueline Cham Twice a month, Saturday, 3:30pm Blk 9 Jalan Membina Central Green Jalan Membina The Vine Frank Boey, Bernard Lee Every Friday, 8.30pm Blk 20 Jln Membina Jalan Membina Tiong Bahru Victor Lee, Rina Hiw Every Friday, 8pm Blk 22 Jln Membina Jalan Membina Shine for Jesus Christine Lee Friday, 8pm Blk 143 Mei Ling St Queenstown Joshua Victor Yen, Toh Wei Ping Every Friday, 8.15pm Blk 75B Redhill Rd Redhill Coffee Lovers Lee Yee Wah, Paul Chua Every Friday, 8pm Namly Garden (rotational 3 homes) Sixth Ave Relax-lah! Joseph Saw, Francis Ng 2nd & 4th Friday, 8pm Margoliouth Road Stevens Strathmore Ave Doreen Chong Every Thursday, 8pm Blk 80 Strathmore Ave Strathmore ABC 1 Damian Pang Every Friday, 8pm 370H Alexandra Road, Anchorage Tanglin AHH Rachel Woon & Sarah Chen Every Saturday, 8pm GI Tanglin Alphalikes Ong Geok Lian Alternate Fridays, 7pm Block 67 Telok Blangah Drive Tanglin Day Cell 1 Patrick Chan, Patricia Lee, Every Thursday, 11am GI Church, L1 Gethsemane Tanglin Dora Chua Lighthill 4the Precious Tan Kok Lin, Rina Tan Friday, 8pm (3 times per month) Nassim Road Tanglin You & Me Diana Lim Every Friday, 8pm GI Church, L1 Gethsemane Tanglin Bereans Kenneth Kwan Every Sunday, 2.45 - 4.30pm Blk 6A Boon Tiong Rd Tiong Bahru Havelock Chia Kiang Sum, Christine Tong Every Saturday, 8-10pm Blk 121A Kim Tian Place Tiong Bahru Petra Tan Siew Poh Alternate Friday, 8pm Blk 55 Beo Crescent Tiong Bahru ABC 2 Benson Yeo Saturday, 10.15am (fortnightly) Kismis Avenue Toh Yi

08 / ENGAGING THE COMMUNITY / OCT2018 GRACE MISSIONAL GROUPS - REGION C REGIONAL PASTOR: Ps Lim Bee Ngor 98280347; [email protected] ASSISTANT REGIONAL PASTOR: Ps Au Wai Ching 91858025; [email protected] REGIONAL LEADER: Ng Seh Luh, Tan Chee Wee, Joseph Ng, Chan Lai Chuan, Isaac Chang GRACE GROUP MG LEADER / FACILITATOR DAY & TIME VENUE AREA Channels of Blessings Pak Ooi Tart, Rodney Chang Alternate Friday, 7.30pm Blk 201 Clementi Ave 6 Clementi Clementi Lim Cheng Hock, Millie Kan 2nd & 4th Friday, 8pm Blk 375 Clementi Ave 5 Clementi Agape Wendy Loke Every Friday, 8pm Blk 101 Jurong East St 13 Jurong East En Dian Ng Seh Luh Every Friday, 8pm Blk 265 Toh Guan Rd Jurong East Immanuel II Eunice Lee Alternate Friday, 8pm Blk 265 Toh Guan Rd (rotational) Jurong East Koinonia Jean Gip, Celin Tan Alternate Friday, 8pm Blk 286C Toh Guan Rd Jurong East Parc Oasis Chin Soo Fun, Peter Wong Every Friday, 8pm Parc Oasis, Jurong East Ave 1 Jurong East Salt & Light Raymond Leong Alternate Friday, 8pm Blk 522, Jurong West St 52 Jurong East J. Shammah John Ng Every Friday, 8pm Parc Vista, 452 Corporation Road Jurong West JOY Ladies Group Sharon Tan Every Thursday, 10am Lakeholmz, Corporation Road Jurong West Jurong Point Tan Chee Wee, Madeleine Wong Alternate Friday, 8pm Blk 661C Jurong West St 64 Jurong West Jurong West St. 65 Vincent Ong, Janice Koh Alternate Friday, 8pm Blk 669A Jurong West St 64 Jurong West Seekers Garry Chung Alternate 2nd Saturday Blk 671B Jurong West St 65 & Jurong West of the month, 5pm Blk 236A Serangoon Ave 2 (rotational) Shalom Eric Thng, Jeffrey Han, Dora Every Friday, 8pm Lakeshore, Jurong West St 41 Jurong West Upper Room Madeleine Wong Alt Thursday, 8pm Blk 664A, Jurong West St. 64 Jurong West J21:17 Neo Hong Jye Every Thursday, 8pm Buona Vista Gardens Pasir Panjang Teban Gardens Joseph Ng Alternate Friday, 8.30pm Blk 47 Teban Gardens Teban Garden Transforming Together Steven Ee 2nd & 3rd Friday of the month, 8pm Blk 13 Toh Yi Drive Toh Yi Ichthus Clement Yee Alternate Sunday, 430pm Hundred Trees Residences, West Coast Dr West Coast Infiniti Alex Ngew, Irene Cheah Alternate Tuesday, 8pm Infiniti, West Coast Park West Coast Joshua Generation 1 Tan Chee Wee Alternate Friday, 8pm Carabelle, West Coast Way West Coast Kent Vale Ladies Debbie Chow Every Wednesday, 9.45am West Bay Condo, West Coast Crescent West Coast

GRACE MISSIONAL GROUPS - REGION D REGIONAL PASTOR: Ps Scott Tey 94751251; [email protected] ASSISTANT REGIONAL PASTOR: Ps Matthew Tan 98512074: [email protected] REGIONAL LEADER: Peter Selvan, Alfred Foong, Edward Ho, Nerina Chong, Ho Pui Chan, Sean Tan, Stephen Auwyong , David Ang, Richard Lim, Philip Yeo GRACE GROUP MG LEADER / FACILITATOR DAY & TIME VENUE AREA Bukit Batok PCK Richard Tan & Jacqueline Alternate Friday, 8pm Blk 292C, Sky Peak @ Bukit Batok Bukit Batok BW BB1 Paul Rahman Alternate Friday, 8pm Blk 296C, Bukit Batok Street 22 / Bukit Batok Blk 319 Bukit Batok Street 33 (rotational) BW BB2 Nicholas Liang Alternate Friday, 8pm Blk 52 Bukit Batok East Ave 5 Bukit Batok Friemily 2 William Chan, Stanley Wong, Every Friday, 8pm Bukit Batok Central (various locations) Bukit Batok Jonathan Chua Friemily Tree Chua Gim Siong 1st, 2nd, 3rd Friday, 8:15pm Blk 621 / 103 Bukit Batok Central Bukit Batok Glow Nerina Chong 1st & 4th Sunday, 11 am Blk 394 Bukit Batok West Ave 5 Bukit Batok New Beginnings Pansy Chan Alternate Friday, 8pm Blk 102 Bukit Batok West Ave 6 Bukit Batok Psalm 121 Allen Koh, Thomas Yeo Alternate Friday, 8pm Blk 289C Bukit Batok St 25 Bukit Batok ROR Peter Selvan, Ho Yixian, Alternate Friday, 8pm 8 Choa Chu Kang Grove Bukit Batok Serene Tan, Jackii, Joshua, Celine Shining Light Mak & Lay Khim Alternate Friday, 8:30pm Blk 191 Bukit Batok West Ave 6 Bukit Batok Bigger & Smaller Clarence, Poh Suan Alternate Saturday, 7.30pm Upper Bukit Timah & Bukit Timah, Pasir Panjang (rotational) Pasir Panjang Overcomers Stephen Auwyong Alternate Thursday, 8pm Blk 6 Petir Road Maysprings Bukit Panjang Abundant Life Richard Lim 1st, 2nd & 3rd Thursday, 8.30pm Blk C1, Choa Chu Kang Ave 3, Micasa Choa Chu Kang CCK Hope Aw Yong Leon Gay 1st & 3rd Friday, 8pm The Rainforest, 337 Choa Chu Kang Ave 3 / Choa Chu Kang Palm Garden, Hong San Walk / 33 Hindhede Walk, Southaven II (rotational) CCK Hope Extension Sean Tan, Christina Tan 1st & 3rd Friday, 8pm 331, Choa Chu Kang Ave 3, Rain Foreast / Choa Chu Kang 2C Hong San Walk Palm Garden CCK Covenant Barnabas Lew Every Friday, 8pm Blk 236, Choa Chu Kang Central & Choa Chu Kang Blk 32 Windermere (rotational) CCK Harvesters Thomas Kiang 1st, 2nd & 3rd Friday, 8.15pm Blk 504 Choa Chu Kang St 51 Choa Chu Kang LLS2 Ong Lixin Every Friday, 7:30pm 307 Choa Chu Kang Ave 4 & Choa Chu Kang 190 Boon Lay Drive (rotational) Boon Lay Reform Harvard Sum Alternate Friday, 8pm 1 Bukit Batok West Ave 4, GII L1 Hope Choa Chu Kang The Living Stone Richard Loy, Thomas Alternate Friday, 8.15pm Blk 283 CCK Ave 3, GII L1 Glory (rotational) Choa Chu Kang United In Christ Melvyn Ho & Eliza Ong Every Friday, 8pm Choa Chu Kang Crescent Choa Chu Kang Yew Mei Green Jaffrey Aw, Tony Low Every Friday, 8pm 56 Yew Mei Green (rotational) Choa Chu Kang Haven David Ang Every Friday, 8pm Blk 293D, Bukit Batok St 21 Jurong East Skypeak @Bukit Batok) LLS1 James Yoong Alternate Wednesdays 8pm Blk 312 Jurong East Street 32 Jurong East Sembawang / Woodlands Edward Ho, Martin Chew Alternate Friday, 8pm Blk 352A Canberra Rd Sembawang New Life GG Jack Ang, Eileen Cheong, Every Friday, 8pm Blk 589D, Montreal Drive & Sembawang, GII Level 3 Cry room (rotational) Bukit Batok Kim Tian Jonathan Ang Alt Friday, 8pm Century Mansion, 2M Jln Remaja Upper Bkt Timah Yishun 2 Irvin Wong, Tung Yui Fai, Every Friday, 8.45pm Orchid Park, Yishun St 81 Yishun Albert Loo Steadfast Love Yvonne Lim Tuesday, 7:30pm Jalan Tarum Upper Thomson

OCT2018 / ENGAGING THE COMMUNITY / 09 YOUNG ADULTS & YOUNG PROFESSIONALS REGIONAL PASTOR: Ps Alvin Lim 96841675; [email protected] REGIONAL LEADER: Peter Lim, Neo Hongjye, Amanda Ong, Joseph Lum, Elissa Tan, Sheryl Teo, Chow Gaomin, Edelia Tan GRACE GROUP MG LEADER / FACILITATOR DAY & TIME VENUE AREA Cornerstone Gabriel Chew Every Friday, 7:30pm Jurong East St 21 Jurong DO Seow Kian Seng Every Saturday, 3pm GI Redhill Ekklesia Jonathan Low, Zakhary Kwik, Every Friday, 7:45pm Various Locations Various Locations Christopher Magendran Fellowsheep Claire Wee & Felicia Tan Every Friday, 7:30pm Various Locations Various Locations For Love For Christ Nicholas Wong Every Friday, 7:30pm Blk 184 Stirling Road Queenstown GTL Shanna Ng & Michael Ser Every Friday, 7:45pm Lentor Walk Yio Chu Kang Interlaced Carlton Chow & Priscilla Kwa Every Saturday, 2:30pm GI Redhill Kairos Chow Min Yang Every Friday, 7:30pm Blk 485 Choa Chu Kang Ave 5 Choa Chu Kang Phloem Nicole Yeo & Claire Carter Every Saturday, 3pm GI Redhill Xylem Joel Lim Every Saturday, 3pm GI Redhill ROR Kong Yiwen & Mei Anne Every Sunday, 2:30pm GII Bkt Batok Secret Cell Koh Hui Jun Every Saturday, 2:30pm GI, Level 3 Cry Room Redhill The Roots Bradley Lam & Daniel Liu Every Friday, 7:30pm Bkt Batok Bkt Batok TUX Hannah Twoon & Rafael Liang Every Friday, 8pm Pavilion Circle Bkt Batok UP Lester Choy Every Friday, 8pm Jln Jurong Kechil Bkt Timah WoW Samantha Loh Every Saturday, 3pm GI Redhill X-Cell Ng Kah Wee Every Saturday, 2pm 220 Depot Road Telok Blangah

YOUTH MINISTRY (R-AGE) – GI REGIONAL PASTOR: Ps Joey Tan 9023 0083; [email protected] REGIONAL LEADER: Kenneth Yeo GRACE GROUP DAY & TIME VENUE AREA EMERGE Every Sunday 11.15am GI, Tanglin Road, Emmaus Hall Tanglin Road (11 - 14 years old) ELEVATE Secondary Every Saturday, 3pm GI, Tanglin Road Tanglin Road (15 - 16 years old) ELEVATE Tertiary Alternate Friday, 7.30pm GI, Tanglin Road Tanglin Road (17 - 19 years old)

YOUTH MINISTRY (R-AGE) – GII REGIONAL PASTOR: Ps Joey Tan 9023 0083; [email protected] REGIONAL LEADER: Tiffany Tay GRACE GROUP DAY & TIME VENUE AREA EMERGE Every Sunday 11.15am GII, 1 Bukit Batok West Ave 4 Bukit Batok (11 - 14 years old) ELEVATE Secondary Every Saturday, 4pm GII, 1 Bukit Batok West Ave 4 Bukit Batok (15 - 16 years old) ELEVATE Tertiary Alternate Friday, 7.30pm GII, 1 Bukit Batok West Ave 4 Bukit Batok (17 - 19 years old)

FILIPINO MINISTRY PASTOR: Ps Rosita Cristobal 98580317; [email protected] GRACE GROUP MG LEADER / FACILITATOR DAY & TIME VENUE My Redeemer Cholo Cruz Tues/7:30pm Blk 386 Bukit Batok West Ave 5 D’ Ambassador Jeremy/Aldwin Retuta Fri/7:30pm Blk 419 Bukit Batok West Ave 2 56 Regent Heights BB East Ave 5 Psalms23 Len Baysantos Fri/7:30pm Blk 790 Yishun Avene 2 Blessed Hope Hermie /Rose Feril Fri/7:30pm Blk 385 Bukit Batok West Ave 5 Elisha Lea T/ Dennis S Thur/7:30pm Blk 22 Guilin View, Bukit Batok St 52 Steadfast Love Carla Cruz Fri/7:30pm Yew Tee Residences, CCK Agape J316 Angel Cruz Fri/7:30pm Blk 536 Bukit Batok Central Yeshua Gerry S/ Mar A Fri/7:30pm Blk 384 Bukit Batok West Ave 5 My Beloved Imelda Quillopas Sun/4:00pm Grace II Bukit Batok, Hope Room Clayjar 2C47 Rosie Abalos Sun/4:00pm Grace II Bukit Batok, Glory Room Meteor (youth) Shekinah C/Matet R Fri/7:30pm Blk 411 Bukit Batok West Ave 2 Morph (youth) Jedidiah C/ Jon B Fri/7:30pm Grace II Bukit Batok, Victory Room Hannah Tessie Gagarin Sun/12:45pm Grace I, 355 Tanglin Road David Cora Lagahit Sun/12:45pm Grace I, 355 Tanglin Road Gideon Gina De Vera Sun/12:45pm Grace I, 355 Tanglin Road Daniel Nanding O / Joey M Sun/12:45pm Grace I, 355 Tanglin Road Joel Edith Corpuz Sun/12:45pm Grace I, 355 Tanglin Road Joshua Jane Moralez Sun/12:45pm Grace I, 355 Tanglin Road Esther Remelyn Dela Cruz Sun/12:45pm Grace I, 355 Tanglin Road Nehemiah Mila Batallones Sun/12:45pm Grace I, 355 Tanglin Road Samuel Arlene Emnace Sun/12:45pm Grace I, 355 Tanglin Road Jeremiah Arlyn Avellana Sun/12:45pm Grace I, 355 Tanglin Road

10 OCT2018 GRATITUDE: Celebrating 20 years of serving the community.

n October 1998, following the example shown in the TESTIMONY FROM Parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10, Grace Assembly of God tasked Pastor Calvin Lee to start REACH Senior REACH Community Services Society (RCSS). As Over 60 years old, Mdm Eng* was previously a hawker her first Executive Director, Pastor Lee led a small team of social workers and counsellors to reach but had to quit to take care of her husband battling with out with the compassionate love of Christ, to help chronic illness. Facing much stress as a caregiver, she the hurting and needy in our community who were not able to receive help directly from the Church. lost her purpose in life, and felt lonely and isolated. Her “REACH” was coined, and it stood for Reaching out turning point came when she was introduced to REACH Earnestly As Christ Heals. Senior by a friend. Now, with her newfound purpose, she Over the past 20 years, RCSS has offered no longer feels aimless and lonely as she is actively and community care and support services to individuals and families through various community meaningfully involved in both the Community Cafe and programmes and projects, reaching out to the Befriender Programme as a volunteer, transforming her socially vulnerable, the least, the lost and the lonely regardless of their race, language, orientation countenance entirely or religion. While it started out as a single family *not real name service centre in Bishan, RCSS progressively expanded to include special programmes for youth, counselling and seniors. The journey of faith was to walk in obedience, and to be faithful over those few things given to do, and the Master rewarded with more and more opened doors for growth. By the end of 2018, RCSS will offer four key social services through six community touchpoints around Singapore. In the past year alone, RCSS, through her four key social services, impacted more than 3,500 lives—made possible through the hard work of staff, volunteers and donors offering their time, talent and treasures. The Church provided the spiritual cover and mobilised members to participate in this social service ministry. These are good works for His Kingdom, and presents the Church as a contrast community. With the expansion of the Community Befriending Program (CBP), where RCSS is the appointed service provider for Tanjong Pagar, Hong Kah North and Pioneer Constituencies, the number of people the Church is able to impact is expected to significantly increase in the coming years. To celebrate her 20th anniversary, and in conjunction with the annual Volunteer Appreciation event, RCSS will return to her birthplace at 355 Tanglin Road. All members of Grace Assembly of God are welcome to celebrate this milestone. Come join us on 20 October 2018 at 9.30am in Bethel Hall, Level 3 for a thanksgiving service – Gratitude. Kindly RSVP at http://bit.ly/REACH20Anni (Lunch will be provided) Photo by Evie Shaffer on Unsplash by Evie Shaffer Photo



church, which means that we house at least four generations under one roof, with targeted services and activities for everyone. ‘B’eyond ‘B’usyness: ‘B’etterment Nevertheless, church is more than a community club. Pastor Peter Lim, our Region B-for-Boss, highlighted that the Church must be “unstoppable, spiritually vibrant and a radiant community!” The key, as urged by Pastor Kenny, is for leaders to have a good relationship with Father God. “That’s our KPI, in a language that Singaporeans know best,” he said. When we are motivated by the love of God, we unlock the key to growth and renewal. To be fair, I believe Pastors Kenny and Peter would be most uncomfortable with the title ‘boss’. Leadership can take on several models and Jesus offers us the best model in servant leadership. Through leading with humility and serving with passion, Region B has immense potential to be influential and impactful. We are the Southerners, geographically the smallest but by the grace of God, we have the most number of GMGs at 30 presently. 1 The leaders spent the remaining time connecting on a deeper level. Bro Kenneth Kwan and Sis Janelle Kwok conducted fun icebreakers, It was pretty difficult listening to Pastor Kenny on this particular Saturday before we broke up into smaller groups for more intimate sharing and Morning on 25 August. At least for me (and a few others, I hope). You see, some serious eating. My ‘kampong’ of four GMGs, led by Bro Tan Kok he was wearing a Manchester City jersey. Lin, talked about the different demographics of each group, as well as discussed on how best to improve the way we engage with members. I But one must not pre-judge (or judge?) out of context. I concede that am inspired by some insights on how to involve children more at GMG matches do not kick off until late at night. This regional Grace Missional meetings and where to get biblical resources. There is much to learn Group (GMG) Leaders’ meeting seemed more like a pugilistic gathering from each other. of martial arts enthusiasts. We might not be on a mountain but there was an anticipation of what’s-to-come and the ‘sizing up’ of each other in It was heartening to see many leaders at the meeting, which took more Galilee Hall. After all, most of us really did not know most of us. And here than a month to schedule. It is so true (and sad) that we lead such we were, more than 40 GMG leaders came to find out a bit more about busy lives that another slot into our schedule can understandably be our strategic roles in light of Grace Assembly of God’s (AOG) overarching disruptive. However, I am glad I made time for this fruitful session to mission. hear from our pastors and to fellowship with other Region B leaders. Through mutual support, we can go further together. I guess Bro Kok Lin Ok… ‘strategic’ can be such a highfalutin word (like the word ‘highfalutin’) summed it up best in his prayer for us, by quoting from Romans 1: 11-12: but knowing who we are and where we were from, is an important first “ I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual1 gift to make step. Pastor Kenny, our Region B-for-Big-Boss, welcomed everyone you strong— that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each warmly and jogged us through Church History 101. I discovered that I other’s faith. really did not know a lot about our church. In a nutshell, we have had a Founder and five Senior Pastors/Leaders in our almost-68 years of P.S.: On 25 August, Man City drew with Wolves. All is forgiven. existence; and Grace AOG is unique because we are a trans-generational

2 3 5

1. 43 Region B GMG Champions (Leaders) and some of 4 their spouses gather for their second pugilistic (regional) gathering in 2018. 2. Getting to know one another just by asking simple questions! 3.-4. Sharing GMG “best practices” and struggles in smaller, more intimate groupings. 5. Well-deserved feast and fellowship in their smaller regional groupings



In our modern society, singles are always thinking about accomplishing many things. But we don’t have unlimited time, resources and energy. As a single child of God, how do we keep the flame in our heart to serve the Lord amidst all our plans for the future, career developments, preparations and transitions? 29 July 2018 was the second time that GFM’s Singles Ministry was given an opportunity to once again, rekindle the zeal that we have for our Lord. The yearly gathering was held at Victory Room in GII. Bro Nap Cristobal, one of the GFM Exco leaders, opened the event with a reminder for us to walk in close fellowship with God every day so that our strength will be replenished. The games led by Youth Leader, Sis Shekinah, also broke the ice with much laughter. An uplifting message was shared by one of the leaders, Bro Angel Cruz, which was captured from the book of Romans on how to not lack zeal in serving the Lord. “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Romans 12: 12. Bro Cruz emphasized that we should never let the fire in our heart go out because God wants us to be flames with a burning desire to be the light for others, and that we should never be lacking in zeal and must always be excited about our faith as we serve the Lord. We must keep our service alive for the Lord with a fervent spirit. The sense of satisfaction in serving Christ must prevail over the satisfaction that this world can offer. The message ended with a powerful reminder that everything we do in the body of Christ is all for His glory. The reflection of Christ in our lives was given emphasis. As we serve people, they should be directed to the one who transforms us and they will also give honour to our Lord Jesus Christ. A traditional Filipino buffet meal called “Boodle Fight” followed. It’s a military-inspired way of enjoying Filipino dishes prepared on banana leaves openly spread over a long table and shared together without cutlery. This was another way of showing the unity within the ministry. The event was closed by Ps Rose Cristobal with one powerful word which served as a great reminder to everyone—“purity” (of our heart). At the core of our service, we were reminded to stay pure before the Lord. Our heart was full as we received messages of guidance and reminders from our leaders appointed by God. They served as encouragement for us to keep our fire burning for the Lord through the power of the Holy Spirit. We praise the Lord for this great day of celebration! Photo by RH Lee on Unsplash Photo Designed by Freepik


The medical camp ran smoothly despite initial hiccups with drug supplies and camp organisation. We saw close to 3,500 patients and conducted many minor surgical procedures, dental extractions, cannulation of hydroceles, supplied presbyopic glasses and dispensed thousands of vitamins and medicines. The local authority received reports on how we helped the villagers with quality medical care. They are happy to work with Grace Missions medical team and it paves the way for the local authority to work with Christian groups in future. After the trip, we reflected on how much we have learnt from this fruitful experience and picked up some practical spiritual habits for our daily life. We learned not to get anxious and complain when faced with difficulties. We also learned to work together in unity and serve wholeheartedly with joy, giving our best to the Lord. Serving in a farming village also taught us to be contented with what we have. Nothing will stop us from joining the next mission trip as it’s a joy to serve the local community and have the opportunity to work with our church planter to do more community penetration for the expansion of His Kingdom.

It was wonderful to be back in Nepal again from 25 August to 1 September. Our last trip was in 2012. We witnessed how God has shown much favour upon this nation. Prior to the trip, the team met up to discuss our roles at the medical camp. Preparation work started 6 months earlier, including ordering medicines for 3,500 patients for the medical camp, packing surgical supplies and diagnostic equipment etc. With the anticipated, intense work load, the team needed to prepare ourselves both physically and spiritually. We witnessed a huge turnout at the medical camp. We saw close to 1000 needy patients a day—not something we usually see and experience in Singapore. Many of them suffered from malnutrition, infectious diseases and other environmental illnesses. To reach this rural village of Basauti (comprising mainly of the Tharu tribe), we needed to travel for an hour on bumpy, unpaved and muddy roads through padi fields, from our hotel in Dhangadhi. Despite the inclement weather, we could see the patience and endurance of the villagers queuing for hours just to consult the doctors. The entire medical camp was held in a school compound and was organized by the local authority, together with our local church planter and New Life NGO.


When I was in my final year of studies for my bachelor’s degree in English They had taught Literature, I was at the crossroads of what I wanted to write for my final me a lot about their year project. 10,000 words was a daunting number to write and it had to culture and shared be a topic I was passionate about that I was so willing and ready to fight stories of how they for and protect. I did not want to simply spend a year doing research on experienced the war. a topic that had already been written about over and over again. I wanted I also witnessed how to use my research as a means to educate and inform people about children were growing a contemporary problem in the world. I wanted to write a paper that up with trauma and would shed light on the sufferings of the people that God loved so dearly. had no understanding My project discussed how Syrian artists employed art as a means to of what a peaceful communicate their sufferings and trauma resulting from the seven-year home looked and felt Syrian conflict. like and that broke my heart. Through my The Lord had affirmed me of my decision when He spoke very clearly to research and writing me through the song, Make a Difference. The lyrics were, “Won’t you Lord process, the Lord had take a look at our hearts. Mould it, refine it as You set us apart. We want taught me about the to run to the altar and catch the fire to stand in the gap between the living sufferings that the lost and the dead.” As individuals with war trauma, the dead constantly haunt are experiencing and these Syrian artists and they live in the shadows of fear. The Lord invited how they are struggling me to let Him do a work in my heart to love this group of people who were to cope in a world that in pain and to be the is broken and where all bridge for the Lord to is hopeless. I believe do His work of love in that through the them. blessing of education, I am thankful to the my heart and mind was Lord for granting attuned to be curious and hungry in learning about God’s world. It was my me the opportunity dedication since my first year in university to challenge myself in being to visit Lebanon creative with how I can glorify Him through my projects and submissions. for seven weeks Today, I have made the decision to pursue a Masters in Art Therapy to in preparation serve the Lord through serving those suffering from trauma. I believe for my project as that the Lord shares the secrets and mysteries of His heart with those well as to explore who have a willing and curious heart and are ready to obey Him. I feel ministries there very privileged to be on this lifelong journey of exploring His heart for His and to fellowship people and the nations. with Syrian friends.

MISSIONS TRIPS AVAILABLE FOR SIGN-UP BANGLADESH VIETNAM INDONESIA • 03 – 12 December • 06 – 12 November Hanoi • 02 - 08 November W. Kalimantan (Chinese) • 06 - 13 November W. Kalimantan INDIA MYANMAR • 16 - 23 November Java • 03 – 10 December Assam • 03 – 08 November • 18 – 22 November W. Kalimantan (YAYP) • 13 – 19 December NEPAL • 03 - 14 December Sulawesi • 06 – 12 November CAMBODIA • 14 – 22 December W. Kalimantan (YAYP) • • 22 – 29 November 12 – 19 November RIAU ISLANDS, INDONESIA • 17 – 21 December SRI LANKA Pekanbaru • 22 – 28 November • 07 – 10 December • 06 – 12 December (R-AGE) The dates listed here may be subjected to changes. Do send an email to [email protected] for more enquiries about the missions trips.



‘Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers church, while some were working in another city. The women shared are few.” about their struggles with having to care for their children, family and finances, hence having difficulty keeping up with their faith. Two months before our missions trip, I saw a vision—in Tanjung Uban, the harvest was plentiful but the harvesters were few. My vision was Surprisingly and delightfully on the following day, many fathers came for confirmed when, on that very same night, one of the pastors shared the Sunday Service! The children came in their Sunday best and prayed about Matthew 9:37 at J333. My prayers were answered when I asked and worshipped God in a powerful way! I sensed a hunger deep within the Lord to send not just me, but my husband and children as well, to go them to want to know more about God and to learn more about the Bible. forth into that land and serve as a family. I prayed for youth leaders to be raised up from among these children to lead this Joshua Generation. During the trip, a motorcycle fell on my son, Gidon, but he escaped without any injuries. During debrief and sharing that day, Gidon thanked Having experienced this, I really want to encourage fathers and youth God for protecting from Grace Assembly to go to Tanjung Uban to make an impact on the him. From that families there. These people need mentors to raise them up to be the incident, Gidon harvesters for the Tanjung Uban Community. Would you be willing to go? learnt to be thankful “Our Lord’s spirit is upon all of you. Now there will be a great outpouring to God! I, too, am of His spirit and spiritual awakening will take place in the hearts of the thankful to God for people of Tanjung Uban.” This was the word that was released from our His protection over trip intercessor back home on the morning of our departure to Tanjung Gidon. Uban. Praise the Lord for this word and how it has been fulfilled! Matthew 5:13-16 was the anchor scriptures for this trip—we are the salt and light. We wanted to encourage the believers there to practise missional living. To get to know the local church members better, we had the privilege of doing home visitations. As we interacted with the families, we noticed that there were absent fathers in the families. Many husbands were not interested to attend

UPCOMING MISSIONS TRIPS Please pray with the missions trippers for God’s protection to rest on them, and that they would be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading.

ASSAM, INDIA WEST KALIMANTAN, INDONESIA MYANMAR 24 September – 01 October 30 September – 05 October 13 October – 18 October Ho Pui Chan and Team Rev Chan Peck Yin and Team Jean Gip and Team 29 September – 06 October 04 October – 10 October KLANG, MALAYSIA Ronald Seet and Team Benjamin Ang and Team 28 October – 01 November Christine Teo and Team BANGLADESH TANJUNG UBAN, RIAU ISLANDS, 25 September – 29 September INDONESIA Rev Scott Tey and Team 13 October – 14 October Oh Myung Duk and Team



Though published in 1976, this In his typical straightforward book contains gems of insights, as fashion, John Piper pins down the well as sound and practical advice root of the lack of zeal for missions – on bringing the good news to the “Where the passion for God is weak, ends of the earth that are still very zeal for missions will be weak.” He relevant today. Goldsmith addresses exhorts churches to kindle a fervent his readers in a lively and direct way desire to declare His glory among as he engages us in pertinent issues the nations by making much more surrounding missionary work. This is of the King. “When the glory of God evident in the chapter titles such as Himself saturates our preaching ‘Optional extra?’ to query the place and teaching and conversation and of global missions in the church; writings, and when He predominates ‘Chucked out or rotting' to challenge above our talk of methods and followers of Christ to reach out to strategies and psychological the lost, all the while going back to buzzwords and cultural trends, then the biblical basis for outreach. In the people might begin to feel that his words, “We are to pray to the He is the central reality of their lives Lord of the harvest that He will hurl and that the spread of His glory out labourers; perhaps ‘kick out' is more important than all their or ‘chuck out' might be more apt possessions and all their plans.” translations.” Do we see that “all of life is war?” John Piper reminds us to reflect on Hailing from the UK and having spent our lifestyle and to adopt a wartime mentality. He asks, “Where is the years in Southeast Asia, Goldsmith offers perspectives that are wide- risk-taking, the launching out on God alone?” And the answer, according ranging, and anecdotes from the mission fields that aptly illustrate his to him, is that it has been “swallowed up in a peace-time mentality.” points. On whether churches from countries which badly need outreach Piper did extensive research on missionaries and inspires readers with work should send missionaries abroad, he said: “The little churches in exemplary Christians like David Brainerd, a missionary to the Indians in Japan, surrounded though they are by the strong currents of materialism New Jersey, who travailed in his soul for the glory of God to come; and and Shinto-Buddhist thought, will find God's love and blessing as they Charles Wesley who went “outside the camp” to spend time in jail with share their resources in men and money with the world beyond their prisoners on Death Row. borders.” On being salt and light, he cautioned against Christians taking “Afflictions are our vocation, whether we are missionaries or not.” The the soft option, and encourage them to come out of their surroundings author points out that suffering is to be expected in the Christian life, a and be separate. much-needed reminder in an age when the prosperity gospel is making This book is highly recommended for people who are looking for a its rounds. Under the heading, “The Inertia of Ease, the Apathy of comprehensive understanding of biblical missions, with practical real-life Abundance,” one insightful gem offered by the author is that one cannot examples drawn from countries close to us. show the preciousness of a person by being happy with his gifts. What proves that the giver is precious is the glad-hearted readiness to leave all his gifts to be with him. This is also why suffering is so central to the mission of the church. Those amongst us who are senior in years may want to note Piper’s advice under the heading, “‘Senior Discounts’ Are for Missionary Travel.” How many of us Christians look forward to a life of ease and travelling upon retirement? To Piper, this is the world’s substitute for heaven, since they do not believe that there will be one beyond the grave. “Eternal rest and joy after death is an irrelevant consideration. What a strange reward for a Christian to set his sights on!” he exclaims. Here is an anecdote from the book to end off. An ageing Christian once objected to John G. Paton’s plan to go as a missionary to the South Sea Islands with the words, “You’ll be eaten by Cannibals!” To which he replied, “…it will make no difference to me whether I am eaten by Cannibals or worms (in death), and in the Great Day my resurrection body will arise as fair as yours in the likeness of our risen Redeemer.” Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash by Annie Spratt Photo


Event details are subject to change. Please refer to www.graceaog.org for the latest updates.

10 Essential Truths ACKNOWLEDGMENT About Christian Giving The Grace Bulletin team would like to thank Tay Huizhen who volunteered as our Editor. Very often, people ask, "What are the basic biblical principles for Christian giving?" Starting from March 2018 and over the next 10 issues of Grace Bulletin, we will provide 10 essential truths about Christian giving, one for each issue of Grace Bulletin. We hope these truths or principles will provide answers to that question as we contemplate our own giving to the Lord’s church in response to the clear teaching of His word. Essential truth No 8. The Bible teaches that the liberality of God's blessings to us is connected to the liberality of our Christian giving. Though it may seem strange, both Jesus and Paul emphasize that there is a relation between our giving to the Lord and the Lord's giving to us. As Paul says in 2 Corinthians 9:6 "Now this I say, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully." About this matter J.A. Beet once said: "They who in giving think, not how little they can give, as they would if self-enrichment were the aim, but of benefits to be conferred, will receive back on the same principle. As they do to others, so God will act to them." Jesus reminds us of this in Matthew 6:4, where He teaches that our reward in giving comes from our heavenly Father. As someone once said: "The desire to be generous and the means to be generous both come from God." Do you realize that the Lord has given you much, so that you can give much? TITHES, OFFERINGS AND PLEDGES can be made by: 1. Placing Cash or Cheque in the offering bag during services. • Cheque for Offering to the Church should be made payable to: “Grace Assembly of God” • Cheque for Missions Pledge should be made payable to: “Grace Missions” 2. Internet Banking to to the church's bank account: Electronic Funds Transfer for Tithes & Offerings, Missions Giving Benefits of giving your tithes and offerings through Internet Banking: • Give anytime, 24 hours daily. • No transaction costs for you. • Transaction is captured on your bank statement for easy record-keeping. For more information, please visit http://www.graceaog.org/online-giving/ Photo by Evie Shaffer on Unsplash by Evie Shaffer Photo

18 CHURCHWIDE OCT2018 20 18 6-7 November 2018 GI Level 3 Bethel Hall

CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS Grace Assembly of God is privileged to organize the 2018 Global Leadership Summit (GLS) held on 6–7 Nov, at Grace I. Through this event, our church is able to serve the community at large and play an active role to inspire, stretch and equip leaders around the world. What does this mean for Gracians? This is a great opportunity for us to host those who are coming for GLS as "GLS Volunteers" to create a great conference experience for them. We need you! Come and join us to serve Him with a heart of excellence and impact the community for His glory! To sign up as GLS Volunteers to serve in various areas of the conference, visit https://event.graceaog.org

SPECIAL SUPPORT FOR YOU A MINISTRY OF HELP: You drag yourself out of bed, wondering if there are any other ways to sort out today’s situation. Soon, calls start coming in. There is no intention to pick them up. You look at yourself in the mirror and ask, “Where are all the promises?” With barely any strength, you pray to God for deliverance and set off to work. The calls continue to come in non-stop. Your colleague drags you aside and tells you there were a few aggressive callers looking for you. Covering up for you is the best she could do for you. You know it can’t be for long. Hopelessness However, John 10:10 also tells us that Jesus has come so we may and desperation set in. You make a few calls to friends and relatives. have life and have it to the fullest. Today, Grace Assembly has All are unanswered. You think, “Perhaps the cell group tonight,” and provided a platform for us to help those burdened with financial quickly leave the workplace out of fear. situations. Our services include negotiation and restructuring The cell group meeting ends. You speak to a cell group member of debt loans, financial counseling, gambling rehabilitation and about the situation. He prays for you. But can’t do much. You begin helping in the reconciliation of family ties. Just like how Christ has to feel that relatives, colleagues, family members and even church saved us all from the bottom of our pits, our mission is to restore members are deserting you. You feel rejected, isolated and all alone. and rebuild God’s people by the grace of God with no prejudice and Looking in the mirror, you cry out to God, “Where’s the help with a non-judgemental attitude. So that we can continue to run in need?” with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. No matter what financial Financial debts. Something anybody will hardly wish to talk about. difficulties you may be having, we are just a phone call away. Yet something damaging enough to destroy one and even destroy the lives of loved ones. John 10:10 tells us the thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy. We are in this ministry long enough to witness how For further information, you can call: the enemy has used such situations to tear one and one’s family up from within. We also witnessed how one can be driven to shake his Roland Tan – 9686 7199 fist at God and as a result, leave church and stray from the Kingdom. Shawn Au – 9729 4881 Photo by Joey Yu on Unsplash Yu by Joey Photo

OCT2018 CHURCHWIDE 19 20 CHINESE MINISTRY OCT2018 恩 典 一 3 华 1 语 堂



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OCT2018 CHINESE MINISTRY 21 Designed by Freepik Photo by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash by Samuel Zeller Photo


GRACE I SERVICES: 355 Tanglin Road, Singapore 247960

SATURDAY 1.30 PM Hokkien Service Galilee Level 1

SATURDAY 5 PM Young Adults & Young Professionals (YAYP) Service Bethel Level 3 Cantonese Service Galilee Level 1 Elevate @ R-AGE Youth (15-19 Yrs Old) Emmaus Level 3

SUNDAY 9 AM English Service Bethel Level 3 Mandarin Service Galilee Level 1 Shine @ Grace Kids (7-10 Yrs Old) Eden Level 2 Sparkle @ Grace Kids (3-6 Yrs Old) Zion Level 5 SUNDAY 11.15 AM J333 English Service Bethel Level 3 Filipino Service Galilee Level 1 03, 10, 17, 24 OCT, 7.30pm Emerge @ R-AGE Youth (11-14 Yrs Old) Emmaus Level 3 GI L3 Emmaus Hall & Shine @ Grace Kids (7-10 Yrs Old) Eden Level 2 GII L1 Praise Room Sparkle @ Grace Kids (3-6 Yrs Old) Zion Level 5

SUNDAY 5 PM 31 OCT – Combined J333, 7.30pm Khush Khabri Fellowship Emmaus Level 3 GI L1 Galilee

GRACE II SERVICES: 1 Bukit Batok West Ave 4, Singapore 659125

SATURDAY 2 PM Elevate @ R-AGE Youth (15-19 Yrs Old) Agape Level 3

SUNDAY 9 AM English Service Chapel Level 4 Mandarin Service Sanctuary Level 2 Shine @ Grace Kids (7-10 Yrs Old) Love Level 2 Sparkle @ Grace Kids (3-6 Yrs Old) Kindness Level 4

SUNDAY 11.15 AM English Service Sanctuary Level 2 Hokkien Service Chapel Level 4 Emerge @ R-AGE Youth (11-14 Yrs Old) Agape Level 3 Shine @ Grace Kids (7-10 Yrs Old) Love Level 2 Sparkle @ Grace Kids (3-6 Yrs Old) Kindness Level 4

SUNDAY 1.30 PM Filipino Service Chapel Level 4

GRACE ASSEMBLY OF GOD Grace I: 355 Tanglin Road, Singapore 247960 Office hours: 9am - 6pm (Mon-Fri), 10.15am - 1pm (Sun) Grace II: 1 Bukit Batok West Avenue 4, Singapore 659125 Office hours: 10.15am - 1pm (Sun) For more information CALL +65 6410 0800 | VISIT www.graceaog.org FACEBOOK US www.facebook.com/graceaogsingapore

GOT TESTIMONIES, SUGGESTIONS, FEEDBACK? email us at [email protected]