TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Fri, 01 Feb 2013 () 11:00 AM Home Shopping (Commercial) <购物乐>

3:00 PM Mom's Dead Upset (PG) (R) (Eps 75 "Mom's Dead Upset" is a lively and hilarious family- & 76) (Dual Sound - 2nd track in centered story. Juxtaposing the different outlook in life and Korean)(Chinese Subtitles) (Korean love, there is a clash of the traditional values of the older Drama) generation and modern lifestyles of the young living under one roof. Surfacing the anxieties and dissatisfaction of the older folks and harsh exchanges between generations with many humorous moments, and showcases the theme that "Times Change, Family Remains".

<妈妈发怒了> (韩剧)(重)(双声道 - (PG)《妈妈发怒了》是一部充满爆笑温馨的家庭剧. 华韩语) (中文字幕) 讲述着年轻人虽然和父母们同住在一个屋檐下,却存在着 两种截然不同的价值观,看法和处事方式。年轻人在对待生 活和爱情的追求令保守的父母等老一辈人看着既不满又担 心。剧中老、中、青三代发生了剧烈的碰撞,笑料百出, 却也带出了「时代变,亲情不变」的主题。

5:00 PM Secret Garden (R) (Ep 13) (PG)(Last Cast: Tender , Paige Chua, Episode) (Local Drama)(English Subtitles) <秘密花园> (本地连续剧)(重) (PG)(大结局)主要演员: 黄腾浩, 蔡琦慧, 林湘萍 (英文字幕)

6:00 PM Marriage Matters (Ep 34) (PG)(Last Produced by , this 34-ep drama depicts how a Episode)(Chinese Subtitles) (Drama) happily married couple put their nuptial union at risk when they try desperately for a baby.Cast: Huang Lei, Shu, Liang Jing, Li Ming Zhu <夫妻那些事> (连续剧) (中文字幕) (PG)(大结局)由湖南电视台制作,这部长达三十四集的家庭 连续剧,讲述一对恩爱夫妻,为了急于生儿育女,差点毁 了原本幸福美满的婚姻。 演员:黄磊,陈数,梁静,李明珠。

7:00 PM Ice Adonis (Ep 62) (PG-Some Based on the necklace, Yanhua is certain that Youluo has Disturbing Scenes)(Dual Sound - 2nd seen Taiyang before and has even caused his death. track in Korean)(English/Chinese Yanhua wants to expose Youluo's wrongdoings to Yuncai. Subtitles) (Korean Drama) Youluo deliberately gets knocked over by a motorcyclist to stop Yanhua from going to Yuncai. <黄色复仇草> (韩剧)(双声道 - (PG- 华韩语) (中英文字幕) 部分画面令人不安)晏华凭着项链揭发幼萝确实见过太阳, 并可能害死太阳。晏华说要去向允才告发幼萝,幼萝为了 阻止晏华而故意被摩托车撞。

8:00 PM The Rippling Blossom (Ep 11) Zhiying seeks Jiangqiang's help after failing to convince (PG)(English/Chinese Subtitles) Mu Rongcheng to assist him in running his new sushi (Hongkong Drama) restaurant in . Mu Rongdeng returns to Hong Kong and manages to persuade Jiangqiang to move in with him with Zhiying's help. <鱼跃在花见> (港剧) (中英文字幕) (PG)至嬴欲说服慕容澄回香港协助自己经营意寿司店,但 却无功而回,于是请求姜羌帮忙。慕容澄回港,与至嬴软 硬兼施,终令姜羌答应搬到慕容澄的家居住。

9:00 PM The World Is So Big (Infotainment) Jia Yu not only gets to enjoy delicacies in Japan but also discovers the Japanese legendary sword which can cut bullets into halves. <世界那么大> (娱乐资讯节目) 这一集,佳豫来到了日本的高知县,发现了不吃不可的鲣 鱼料理和目睹了即将失传的古老打刀法,做出来的剑竟然 能将子弹切开!

10:00 PM Gentleman's Dignity (Ep 20 ) Cui Yun hands over the DNA report to Dao Zhen which (PG)(Dual Sound - 2nd track in confirms that Collin is his son. Yi Xiu is surprised when En Korean)(English Subtitles) (Korean Xi calls and asks to see her. Drama) <绅士的品格> (韩剧)(双声道 - (PG)崔允将亲子鉴证报告交给道振,报告确定了Collin是道 华韩语) (英文字幕) 振的儿子。恩熙打电话约依秀,让依秀惊讶。

11:00 PM News Tonight (Chinese Subtitles) A comprehensive half-hour news programme, NEWS (News) TONIGHT provides viewers with important local, international and financial developments for the day. <晚间新闻> (新闻) (中文字幕) U频道《晚间新闻》,在半小时里除深入报道本地与国际要 闻,还有详尽的财经新闻和体坛动态。世界局势与经济动 脉,让大家轻松掌握。

11:30 PM When Love Walked In (Ep 13) Qing Yujiang is ordered by Chairman Yuan to find his long (English/Chinese Subtitles) (Drama) lost granddaughter, Shen Yayin. But Yayin is bitter towards her grandfather due to her parents' death. Yujiang gradually falls in love with Yayin, but backs out without realizing that she is actually his long lost childhood friend.

<爱情闯进门> (连续剧) (中英文字幕) 孙秦雨被袁氏集团董事长袁浩天命找回失散二十年的外孙 女雅音。雅音因父母过世的事对外公浩天一直心存芥蒂, 雨江从中调和,不仅缓和了祖孙关系,还渐渐走进了雅音 的内心,但雨江的心里一直住着儿时孤儿院的玩伴…

12:30 AM Sunday Splendid Showtime (R) Have fun with Zeng Guo Cheng, Blackie Chen and Tammy (Variety) Chen in this awesome variety show! Celebrities are split into two teams in a Red vs White segment where their singing, dancing and impersonation skills are challenged.

<周日大精彩> (综艺节目)(重) 由曾国城、陈建州(黑人)和陈怡蓉主持的娱乐性丰富综 艺节目。在"红白大赏"单元里,每一集曾国城和黑人会分别 带领一班艺人,在舞蹈、歌唱、模仿等各方面互相竞技, 争取胜利。

2:30 AM Secret Garden (R) (Ep 13) (PG)(Last Cast: Tender Huang, Paige Chua, Yvonne Lim Episode) (Local Drama)(English Subtitles) <秘密花园> (本地连续剧)(重) (PG)(大结局)主要演员: 黄腾浩, 蔡琦慧, 林湘萍 (英文字幕)

3:30 AM End of Transmission TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Sat, 02 Feb 2013 (Channel U) 6:00 AM Home Shopping (Commercial) <购物乐>

10:00 AM Diamond Club (R) (Variety) The highest-rated variety programme, hosted by the famous Regine, is now on Channel U! Judged by a panel of "Shrewd tongue" guest artistes, the programme showcase unique talents from all walks of life - magic show, street dance, dog talent performance.

<钻石夜总会> (综艺节目)(重) 由台湾名嘴利菁主持,《钻石夜总会》汇集了全台最独特 、最叫人惊喜连连的表演节目。从魔术,杂耍,舞蹈至狗 狗特技表演等,样样让观众看得目不暇给!

11:30 AM The Truth About Killer Dinosaurs (R) (Chinese Subtitles) (Info/Education)

<杀手恐龙生死斗> (资讯节目)(重) (中文字幕)

12:00 PM The Melting Pot (R) (Infotainment) Melting pot is a brand-new cooking program featuring a best-known dish from different country in each episode and helps immigrants to integrate into Singaporeans eating habits, so that they are able to adapt to our local living lifestyle better. <新新料理> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) 《新新料理》是指新移民和新加坡公民共同合作。通过节 目介绍不同国家当地的特色佳肴,带出每道菜肴背后趣味 的典故和常识。

1:00 PM Super IQ (R) (English Subtitles) Host Lee Teng challenges contestants, viewers and even (Variety) celebrities including Jeremy Chan, Jeffrey Xu, Sora Ma, Kate Pang, Julie Tan and Rachel Chua with mind-boggling questions in this Channel U's first IQ game show.

(综艺节目)(重) (英文字幕) U频道首创全新智力游戏节目,考验参赛者及观众的空间概 念、逻辑推理、算术以及记忆力。除了节目主持人“IQ先生" 李腾,每集也将有6到8名年轻艺人参与,包括田铭耀、徐 鸣杰、马艺暄、庞蕾馨、陈欣淇、蔡艾珈等等,一起解答I Q难题。

2:00 PM Nothing is bigger than eat An infotainment programme hosted by Liang Hequn in (Infotainment) which two artistes display their culinary skills in front of a panel of judges. In addition, there is a segment where an experienced chef cooks the desired dish upon audience request. <吃饭皇帝大> (娱乐资讯节目) 由梁赫群主持的美食节目。幸福料理铁人蒋伟文与阳光热 血主厨陈德烈在一组评判面前展出他们烹饪才艺。另外, 台湾名厨刘仁华会在"你点菜我上菜" 单元里教大家煮观众想要学的菜肴。 3:00 PM Pink Lipstick (R) (Eps 87 & 88) On the day of Zaifan's birthday, Nana inadvertently finds a (PG)(Dual Sound - 2nd track in present and a love note from Jia'en in Zaifan's room. Korean)(English/Chinese Subtitles) During dinner, an angry Nana decides to confront Jia'en, (Korean Drama) and even shows the card to everyone. However, much to Zaifan's disappointment, Jia'en denies that the present is from her. <粉红色口红> (韩剧)(重)(双声道 - (PG)美兰为了要拆散孟会长和佳恩,所以用佳恩之名寄了 华韩语) (中英文字幕) 张卡片和生日礼物给在凡。不料在凡生日那天晚上,娜娜 却发现了在凡桌上的包裹和署名佳恩的卡片。感觉被背叛 的娜娜,在吃饭的时候终忍不住而在众人面前拿出卡片向 佳恩当面对质。

5:00 PM The Banquet (R) (Info/Education) This 8-episode series feature eight different events; eight big feasts all lined up for eight big celebrations! <大飨宴> (资讯节目)(重) 《大飨宴》共8集,每一集呈现不一样的节庆或食会 -- 全部8个海外地点的8大飨宴。节目将从整个设宴地点和宴 会背景说起,进而聚焦各个人物以及宴会上的特别菜肴。

5:30 PM Guess (R) (Variety) Tune in as funny man Jacky Wu and pretty host Patty Hou pair up to entertain you. Be prepared to laugh till you drop!

<你猜你猜你猜猜猜> (综艺节目)(重) 搞笑天王吴宗宪搭配美女主播侯佩岑将连一连串的好节目 带给大家。惹笑的内容保证令您笑破肚皮!

7:00 PM Money Week (Local Current Affairs) Tung Soo Hua hosts Money Week, the Mandarin Business Current Affairs Programme, that provides comprehensive insights and analysis of the business world.

<财经追击> (本地时事节目) 《财经追击》是新加坡唯一以中文制作的经济时事节目。 节目将深入分析最新的经济趋势和商业动态,让观众能更 好地掌握市场走势和投资情报。

7:30 PM Top Eats 100 (Infotainment) Top Eats 100 is hosted by Ouyang Jin, Yingtong and Zhang Lisa. In each episode, a celebrity will be invited to sample one of the 20 popular delicacies voted by the audience in Hong Kong. <香港美食100强> (娱乐资讯节目) 由欧阳靖, 林颖彤和张莉莎联合主持的《香港美食100强》,每一期都 会邀请著名艺人和大家一起去品尝香港观众所投选出20款 美食.

8:00 PM Perfect Match (Variety) Channel U presents this wildly popular match-making variety programme from China. 5 eligible bachelors will go on the show each week to interact with 24 beautiful females. Lucky male participants will get a chance to walk away with their dream girls. <非诚勿扰> (综艺节目) 来自中国内地的大型配对节目。每期节目邀请5名男士到场 与24位美女们交流。有幸的男士可与心仪的女生配对。

9:30 PM Queen of S.O.P (Ep 16) (PG)(English After a failed relationship with Gao Zi Qi, Lin Xiao Jie Subtitles) (Drama) decides to start her own business with the support of her internet pal Tom. When she finds out that one of her employees, Tang Jun, is actually Tom, and that he's the son of a wealthy business tycoon, she begins to doubt his intentions, resulting in a series of misunderstanding.

(连续剧) (英文字幕) (PG) 林晓洁与高子齐分手后来到上海遇上了汤骏。汤骏就是林 晓洁在网络上结识的知心朋友汤姆,然而,当林晓洁发现 汤骏竟是汤姆时,便对他的举动大感怀疑,引起一连串误 会。

11:00 PM News Tonight (Chinese Subtitles) A comprehensive half-hour news programme, NEWS (News) TONIGHT provides viewers with important local, international and financial developments for the day. <晚间新闻> (新闻) (中文字幕) U频道《晚间新闻》,在半小时里除深入报道本地与国际要 闻,还有详尽的财经新闻和体坛动态。世界局势与经济动 脉,让大家轻松掌握。

11:30 PM When Love Walked In (Ep 14) Qing Yujiang is ordered by Chairman Yuan to find his long (English/Chinese Subtitles) (Drama) lost granddaughter, Shen Yayin. But Yayin is bitter towards her grandfather due to her parents' death. Yujiang gradually falls in love with Yayin, but backs out without realizing that she is actually his long lost childhood friend.

<爱情闯进门> (连续剧) (中英文字幕) 孙秦雨被袁氏集团董事长袁浩天命找回失散二十年的外孙 女雅音。雅音因父母过世的事对外公浩天一直心存芥蒂, 雨江从中调和,不仅缓和了祖孙关系,还渐渐走进了雅音 的内心,但雨江的心里一直住着儿时孤儿院的玩伴…

12:30 AM Who's the Hero (R) (Eps 16 & 17) Jack is mad at Huashun for introducing the company's (PG13-Gambling Theme)(Chinese spokeperson to Jinbao. Jinbao gets to know a gambling Subtitles) (Hongkong Drama) expert, Ming who happens to be Fengming's old fame.

<胜者为王> (港剧)(重) (中文字幕) (PG13- 赌博题材)杰克得知公司的代言人被金宝挖走,大发雷霆指 责花顺穿针引线。金宝无意中认识赌术高手明哥;此人原 来是风鸣的旧情人。

2:30 AM End of Transmission TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Sun, 03 Feb 2013 (Channel U) 6:00 AM Home Shopping (Commercial) <购物乐> 10:00 AM Million Singer (R) (Variety) Each episode of Million Singer features different singers challenging for the top prize of NT 300,000. Contestant will have to overcome 10 different categories of songs and be able to complete the missing lyrics for all the songs in order to achieve the top prize.

<百万大歌星> (综艺节目)(重) 唱歌可换现金! 不比音色, 也不比音准, 而是挑战参赛者的记忆和对歌词的认识。只要唱得出歌词 就能轻松赢取高达新台币$300,000的奖金!

11:30 AM Approaching Science (R) Hosted by Zhang Tengyue, this documentary expounds on (Info/Education) a wide range of topics such as the mysterious cave, prehistoric creature, eight-legged hunter.

<走近科学> (资讯节目)(重) 在这部记录片中, 主持人张腾岳, 试图以科学的方法来探讨和解释, 一些稀奇古怪的事物与现象。譬如洞穴疑影,深山角怪, 八爪猎手之谜等等。

12:00 PM I Cook For U (R) (Local Info-Ed) Host Ben Yeo and 5 famous -based chefs from Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong and will share with us their stories of success, and the special people they wish to thank. The chefs will visit them in their hometown and whip up some Lunar New Year dishes to repay their kindness. <名厨上菜> (本地资讯节目)(重) 新系列的《名厨上菜》杨志龙将随5位来自海外的本地名厨 回到他们的家乡台湾、日本、香港和马来西亚,请他们为 心目中最想感谢的一位恩人烹煮佳肴。观众除了可以见识 到名厨的私房年菜,还可以跟随他们在异乡寻找烹调所需 的食材!

1:00 PM Negotiator (R) (Eps 7 & 8) (PG)(Dual The Special Investigation Team (SIT) consists of officers Sound - 2nd track in Japanese) trained to carry out negotiations in kidnappings, hostage (Japanese Drama) situations, corporate blackmail and other crimes. Reiko Usagi is the first female officer to join SIT. At first, she encounters difficulties in the male-dominated department, but soon gains the respect of her fellow colleagues with her analytical skills and ability to stay calm in the most heated situations.

<交涉人> (日剧)(重)(双声道 - 华日语) (PG)警视厅搜查一课特殊班,简称SIT,要和绑架和进行恐 吓的凶恶罪犯们现场进行谈判,目的是阻止罪案发生。宇 佐木玲子主动请缨调到SIT成为女交涉人,在只有男人的SI T里被彻底孤立,所以她不仅要和犯罪分子作斗争还要和自 己的同事抗争。 3:00 PM Pink Lipstick (R) (Eps 89 & 90) (Dual Meilan confronts Jia-en after receiving pictures of herself Sound - 2nd track in with another man. In the midst of an argument, Jia-en Korean)(English/Chinese Subtitles) suffers a fall and ends up in a coma. Meanwhile, Zaifan (Korean Drama) finds out that it is Meilan who caused Jia-en's miscarriage when he overhears Yongjia's conversation with Betty.

<粉红色口红> (韩剧)(重)(双声道 - (PG)美兰因照片的事而与佳恩起了争执,美兰推了佳恩一 华韩语) (中英文字幕) 把,结果害佳恩跌倒撞伤头部而昏迷不醒。勇甲跟Betty因 为恐慌打算逃跑避风头,他们向美兰要跑路费却被美兰拒 绝。勇甲不满,一气之下跟Betty说出当年美兰害佳恩流产 的事竟刚巧被在凡听到!

5:00 PM Legendary Cuisines (R) Do you know that Genghis Khan must have grilled (Infotainment) skewered mutton before he leaves for the battlefield? Or how is the Dowager Chrysanthemum Hot Pot related to Empress Cixi? The new season of Legendary Cuisines has the answers. <传说中的料理> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) 你尝过鸳鸯鸡粥吗?知道梅兰芳在登台前必吃的心是什么 吗?太后菊花锅和慈禧太后有什么关系?新系列的《传说 中的料理》将为你解答。

5:30 PM Power Sunday (R) (Variety) "Power Sunday" is a variety programme hosted by Jacky Wu filled with fun, laughter and exciting games. Invited artistes will experience "bungee jumping" and masquerade hide and seek games. These hilarious game segments will keep the viewers entertained every week.

(综艺节目)(重) 由天王名嘴吴宗宪主持的综艺节目. " Power 星期天 " 里有两个好玩刺激游戏单元。在"对不起,HIGH到你"单元 里,艺人站上2.8 公尺的高台上,体验最高最刺激的自由落体,而在" 案发现场躲猫猫" 游戏中,看明星歌手到你家,玩最有创意的找查疑点,最 好玩的家庭躲猫猫游戏。

7:00 PM World This Week (Local Info-Ed) Every week all around the world, there are lots of queer and amusing happenings. Check them out on World This Week and be amazed without leaving your comfortable couch! <世界一周> (本地资讯节目) 每一个星期在世界的不同角落都会发生不同有趣或惊奇的 事物。《世界一周》带你去探个究竟,让你不出家门也可 以增广见闻。

7:30 PM The Melting Pot (Infotainment) Melting pot is a brand-new cooking program featuring a best-known dish from different country in each episode and helps immigrants to integrate into Singaporeans eating habits, so that they are able to adapt to our local living lifestyle better. <新新料理> (娱乐资讯节目) 《新新料理》是指新移民和新加坡公民共同合作。通过节 目介绍不同国家当地的特色佳肴,带出每道菜肴背后趣味 的典故和常识。 8:30 PM The Brave Game (Variety) Find out who is the bravest person in this physically challenging game show! Participants who fail to complete three out of the seven levels would be eliminated. The obstacles in each level test the participants on their agility, endurance and speed. <勇者无敌> (综艺节目) 《勇者无敌》是个考验参赛者体力和敏捷度的一场比赛。 参赛者需要通过七关,如果没法通过其中三关就被淘汰。 谁才是真正的勇者呢?

9:30 PM City Hunter (Ep 6) (PG)(Dual Sound - "City Hunter" tells the story of how a former CIA official, Li 2nd track in Korean)(English/Chinese Runcheng, provides warmth for those around him in a city Subtitles) (Korean Drama) filled with indifference. During the process he also has a chance to rediscover love and reconcile with his family.

<城市猎人> (韩剧)(双声道 - 华韩语) (PG)《城市猎人》讲述了前任特工李润成的故事。他为在 (中英文字幕) 冷漠的城市里为受伤的人们解决困难中,治疗了自己的伤 处,并对爱和家人有了重新的认识。

11:00 PM News Tonight (Chinese Subtitles) A comprehensive half-hour news programme, NEWS (News) TONIGHT provides viewers with important local, international and financial developments for the day. <晚间新闻> (新闻) (中文字幕) U频道《晚间新闻》,在半小时里除深入报道本地与国际要 闻,还有详尽的财经新闻和体坛动态。世界局势与经济动 脉,让大家轻松掌握。

11:30 PM Money Week (R) (Local Current Tung Soo Hua hosts Money Week, the Mandarin Business Affairs) Current Affairs Programme, that provides comprehensive insights and analysis of the business world.

<财经追击> (本地时事节目)(重) 《财经追击》是新加坡唯一以中文制作的经济时事节目。 节目将深入分析最新的经济趋势和商业动态,让观众能更 好地掌握市场走势和投资情报。

12:00 AM Taxi to Asia (R) (Info/Education) Taxi to Asia takes you on a journey to learn the history and culture of different Asian cities by following the local taxi drivers who also share with us their lives and aspirations.

<亚洲德士之旅> (资讯节目)(重) 《亚洲德士之旅》带观众到多个亚洲城市,透过当地德士 司机的生活, 不仅探索各国的历史和文化,也让我们更深一层了解各国 德士司机的生活和梦想。

1:00 AM Super Taste (R) (Infotainment) Eat, drink, play! Anthony Guo and Angus Guo of playful twin group 2moro, comb through every corner of Taiwan to enjoy delicacies with unimaginable fun that will make you crave for more! <食尚玩家 就要酱玩> 旅游不外乎吃喝玩乐。身为一个爱吃、爱旅游的时髦玩家 (娱乐资讯节目)(重) ,应该怎么玩才够酷?两位年轻有活力又爱玩的主持人郭 彥均和郭彥甫(2moro)告诉你,就是要"酱"(这样)玩! 每一集的节目将带你到台湾各处吃喝玩乐,包你看完之后 恨不得飞到台湾去玩!

2:00 AM Going Home (R) (Last Episode) Host Charlyn Lin joins Quan Yi Fong, Guo Liang, Jeff (Infotainment) Wang, , Zhang Zhen Huan, Yuan Shuai and Pornsak when they return to their childhood nests. Meet their families and childhood friends as they reminisce the good old times. <回家走走> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) (最后一集)历史性头一遭,主持人林翠芳将随权怡凤、郭亮 、王建复、陈泓宇、张振寰、袁帅和Pornsak回家,回到他 们国外的家乡走一趟。看他们的家人、师长和童年好友在 镜头前首次曝光,听他们讲述成长的故事,分享他们的思 乡的情怀。

3:00 AM End of Transmission TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Mon, 04 Feb 2013 (Channel U) 11:00 AM Home Shopping (Commercial) <购物乐>

3:00 PM Money Week (R) (Local Current Tung Soo Hua hosts Money Week, the Mandarin Business Affairs) Current Affairs Programme, that provides comprehensive insights and analysis of the business world.

<财经追击> (本地时事节目)(重) 《财经追击》是新加坡唯一以中文制作的经济时事节目。 节目将深入分析最新的经济趋势和商业动态,让观众能更 好地掌握市场走势和投资情报。

3:30 PM Walker (R) (Infotainment) A travelogue hosted by Hu Mengying and produced by HK TVB. The programme brings viewers to find out interesting food and entertainment spots in Shanghai, China. <潮游上海> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) 香港无线电视制作的旅游资讯节目由胡梦莹主持。摄影队 将带观众们走遍中国上海著名景点,并介绍当地七彩缤纷 的吃喝玩乐。

4:00 PM The Stories In China (R) Hosted by Gao Shanfeng, "The Stories In China" is a fun (Infotainment) and adventurous travelogue that takes its viewers to the different parts of China. From cultural to traditional activities, each episode features the most authentic aspects of China ever as Shanfeng shares with the stories about the place visited and its people. <在中国的故事> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) 最真实的中国,最动人的故事! 让节目主持人高山峰带大家去见识中国各地多姿多彩的文 化与习俗,品尝各种风味不同的地方美食,以及与观众分 享一些鲜为人知的民间轶事。 5:00 PM The Palace (Ep 1) (Debut) Travelling through the time tunnel, a simple and kind- (Hongkong Drama) hearted girl of the 21st century finds herself reappearing in the Forbidden City during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and gets entangled romantically with two powerful princes, one of whom is the future king. <宫锁心玉> (港剧) (首播) 一位生长于廿一世纪的清纯善良美少女,不经意间踏进那 神奇的时间隧道,蓦然来到康熙王朝的紫禁城,并与当时 年华正茂的第四和第八阿哥,牵引出一段非比寻常的恋情 。

6:00 PM Show Hand (R) (Ep 1) (PG Some Do we lead a fated life or do we decide our own destiny? Disturbing Scenes)(English Subtitles) Cast: Christopher Lee,Chew Chor Meng,,Ann (Local Drama) Kok,, Kimberly Chia

<注定> (本地连续剧)(重) (英文字幕) (PG-部分画面令人不安) 人生每一个关口的决定,是早就被'注定'了, 还是等待自己来'决定'呢?演员: 李铭顺, 周初明, 许美珍, 郭舒贤, 方伟杰, 谢静仪.

7:00 PM Ice Adonis (Ep 63) (PG)(Dual Sound - Yuncai overhears the conversation between Mingli and 2nd track in Korean)(English/Chinese Mingzi and finds out that Youluo has penned the fake Subtitles) (Korean Drama) death note from Qingshu years ago. Yuncai suspects that Youluo may have committed more wrongdoings and thus installs a spy camera in their room. <黄色复仇草> (韩剧)(双声道 - (PG)允才听到明礼和明子的对话,知道幼萝当年仿造庆淑 华韩语) (中英文字幕) 的遗书。允才开始怀疑幼萝可能干下更多坏事,于是在房 间装置针孔摄像机。

8:00 PM Running Man (Last Episode)(Dual Running Man is back with a brand new series! Tune in Sound - 2nd track in famous artistes are invited onto the show each week to Korean)(English/Chinese Subtitles) join hands with the hilarious hosts to tackle one challenge (Variety) after another. A fun-filled show not to be missed!

(综艺节目)(双声道 - (最后一集) Running Man 华韩语) (中英文字幕) 的原班主持人回来啦!除了搞笑的主持群外,每期的节目 也将为您请来实力相当的嘉宾艺人。精彩节目,切勿错过 !

9:30 PM A Tale of 4 Cities (Debut) "A Tale of 4 Cities" is a travelogue that tracks the journey (Info/Education) (Dual Sound - 2nd of four outgoing Asian travellers who go to four different track in English) regions in China. Watch on as they immerse themselves in the locals' lifestyles and discover the unique culture of each region through the different types of food, fashion, arts and architecture. <四城记> (资讯节目) (双声道 - (首播) 华英语) "四城记"是部旅行记录片。4名经验丰富又开朗的亚洲旅人 ,踏入中国4个不同的地区,探探不同的当地文化。他们从 食物到时装,艺术到建筑;沉浸于不同的生活方式以了解 当地人如何生活,工作和娱乐。 10:00 PM Gentleman's Dignity (Ep 21) Cui Yun is grateful to Yi Xiu who decides to help Collin (PG)(Dual Sound - 2nd track in enrol in her school. Dao Zhen is unhappy when he Korean)(English Subtitles) (Korean overhears the school teachers gossiping about him and Yi Drama) Xiu. <绅士的品格> (韩剧)(双声道 - (PG)依秀答应帮Collin在自己所属的学校入学,令崔允感激 华韩语) (英文字幕) 。道振无意间听见老师们在说依秀和他的闲话,心里感到 不是滋味。

11:00 PM News Tonight (Chinese Subtitles) A comprehensive half-hour news programme, NEWS (News) TONIGHT provides viewers with important local, international and financial developments for the day. <晚间新闻> (新闻) (中文字幕) U频道《晚间新闻》,在半小时里除深入报道本地与国际要 闻,还有详尽的财经新闻和体坛动态。世界局势与经济动 脉,让大家轻松掌握。

11:50 PM Running Man (R) (Last Running Man is back with a brand new series! Tune in Episode)(Dual Sound - 2nd track in famous artistes are invited onto the show each week to Korean)(English/Chinese Subtitles) join hands with the hilarious hosts to tackle one challenge (Variety) after another. A fun-filled show not to be missed!

(最后一集) Running Man (综艺节目)(重)(双声道 - 华韩语) 的原班主持人回来啦!除了搞笑的主持群外,每期的节目 (中英文字幕) 也将为您请来实力相当的嘉宾艺人。精彩节目,切勿错过 !

1:20 AM A Tale of 4 Cities (R) "A Tale of 4 Cities" is a travelogue that tracks the journey (Info/Education)(Dual Sound - 2nd of four outgoing Asian travellers who go to four different track in English) regions in China. Watch on as they immerse themselves in the locals' lifestyles and discover the unique culture of each region through the different types of food, fashion, arts and architecture. <四城记> (资讯节目)(重) (双声道 - "四城记"是部旅行记录片。4名经验丰富又开朗的亚洲旅人 华英语) ,踏入中国4个不同的地区,探探不同的当地文化。他们从 食物到时装,艺术到建筑;沉浸于不同的生活方式以了解 当地人如何生活,工作和娱乐。

1:50 AM The Palace (R) (Ep 1) (Hongkong Travelling through the time tunnel, a simple and kind- Drama) hearted girl of the 21st century finds herself reappearing in the Forbidden City during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and gets entangled romantically with two powerful princes, one of whom is the future king. <宫锁心玉> (港剧)(重) 一位生长于廿一世纪的清纯善良美少女,不经意间踏进那 神奇的时间隧道,蓦然来到康熙王朝的紫禁城,并与当时 年华正茂的第四和第八阿哥,牵引出一段非比寻常的恋情 。

2:50 AM End of Transmission TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Tue, 05 Feb 2013 (Channel U) 11:00 AM Home Shopping (Commercial) <购物乐>

3:00 PM Life's Perfectionists (R) (Dual Sound - There will always be an expert even in the simplest form of 2nd track in Korean)(Chinese jobs. Featuring 3 "experts" in every episode, this Korean Subtitles) (Info/Education) infotainment programme presents people of different fields who exceed expectations of their profession.

<生活达人> (资讯节目)(重)(双声道 - 这是一个轻松有趣的韩国资讯娱乐节目,每集介绍3个忠于 华韩语) (中文字幕) 自己的工作,以致练就了非凡的奇技,到了"达人"境界的平 凡百姓。

3:30 PM Guess (R) (Variety) Tune in as funny man Jacky Wu and pretty host Patty Hou pair up to entertain you. Be prepared to laugh till you drop!

<你猜你猜你猜猜猜> (综艺节目)(重) 搞笑天王吴宗宪搭配美女主播侯佩岑将连一连串的好节目 带给大家。惹笑的内容保证令您笑破肚皮!

5:00 PM The Palace (Ep 2) (Hongkong Travelling through the time tunnel, a simple and kind- Drama) hearted girl of the 21st century finds herself reappearing in the Forbidden City during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and gets entangled romantically with two powerful princes, one of whom is the future king. <宫锁心玉> (港剧) 一位生长于廿一世纪的清纯善良美少女,不经意间踏进那 神奇的时间隧道,蓦然来到康熙王朝的紫禁城,并与当时 年华正茂的第四和第八阿哥,牵引出一段非比寻常的恋情 。

6:00 PM Show Hand (R) (Ep 2) (English Do we lead a fated life or do we decide our own destiny? Subtitles) (Local Drama) Cast: Christopher Lee,Chew Chor Meng,Cynthia Koh,Ann Kok,Ian Fang, Kimberly Chia

<注定> (本地连续剧)(重) (英文字幕) (PG) 人生每一个关口的决定,是早就被'注定'了, 还是等待自己来'决定'呢?演员: 李铭顺, 周初明, 许美珍, 郭舒贤, 方伟杰, 谢静仪.

7:00 PM Ice Adonis (Ep 64) (PG-Some Min Shangzhe finds out that Yanhua is the one who Violence)(Dual Sound - 2nd track in caused him to be imprisoned and thus orders his men to Korean)(English/Chinese Subtitles) teach her a lesson. Yanhua is kidnapped, but Yuncai (Korean Drama) manages to save her. <黄色复仇草> (韩剧)(双声道 - (PG- 华韩语) (中英文字幕) 些许暴力画面)闵尚哲查到是晏华害他入狱,于是找人对付 晏华。晏华被绑架,允才成功救她。

8:00 PM Style: Check-in (Infotainment) Style: Check-in is a brand new stylish infotainment that introduces the trendiest lifestyle and news bites between Singapore and Shanghai! These topics formed are based on these main themes: FUN, FOOD, TRENDS, ENTERTAINMENT and LIFESTYLE. <潮人攻略> (娱乐资讯节目) 《潮人攻略》是一个全新的资讯节目介绍新加坡与上海两 地流行生活与资讯。这个节目希望以一种更接近现代潮人 都市生活的形式,打破一般资讯节目的格局,以FUN、FO OD、TRENDS、ENTERTAINMENT、LIFESTYLE五大主 题,联整集节目。

9:00 PM Majestic Gourmet (Infotainment) Majestic Gourmet is a food programme which aims to become the "Michelin of Taiwan". Each episode takes the viewers around Taiwan in search for the best cuisines and they will also compete against one another to be the "best of Taiwan" delicacies. <至尊美食王> (娱乐资讯节目) 这是一个立志成为“台湾米其林"的大型综艺美食节目,以最 严格、专业、审慎的态度,寻找引荐台湾各地最优秀的美 食。每集节目将分两组带大家上山下海全台走透透,进行P K大赛。最后节目会邀请艺人与美食达人组成的"老饕7人组 "一同进行评荐"台湾美食之最"。主持人包括曾国城、李沛 旭和小祯。

10:00 PM Gentleman's Dignity (Ep 22) Tai Shan is troubled after he overhears Hui Yin asking Cui (PG)(Dual Sound - 2nd track in Yun's deceased wife to bless her relationship with Cui Korean)(English Subtitles) (Korean Yun. He decides to send Hui Yin to America. Drama) <绅士的品格> (韩剧)(双声道 - (PG)泰山无意间听见回音哀求崔允的亡妻,祝福她与崔允 华韩语) (英文字幕) ,令泰山感到困扰。他决定将回音送去美国。

11:00 PM News Tonight With Highlights From A comprehensive half-hour news programme, NEWS Parliament (Chinese Subtitles) TONIGHT provides viewers with important local, (News) international and financial developments for the day. <晚间新闻包括国会摘要> (新闻) U频道《晚间新闻》,在半小时里除深入报道本地与国际要 (中文字幕) 闻,还有详尽的财经新闻和体坛动态。世界局势与经济动 脉,让大家轻松掌握。

11:50 PM Style: Check-in (R) (Infotainment) Style: Check-in is a brand new stylish infotainment that introduces the trendiest lifestyle and news bites between Singapore and Shanghai! These topics formed are based on these main themes: FUN, FOOD, TRENDS, ENTERTAINMENT and LIFESTYLE. <潮人攻略> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) 《潮人攻略》是一个全新的资讯节目介绍新加坡与上海两 地流行生活与资讯。这个节目希望以一种更接近现代潮人 都市生活的形式,打破一般资讯节目的格局,以FUN、FO OD、TRENDS、ENTERTAINMENT、LIFESTYLE五大主 题,联整集节目。

12:50 AM Majestic Gourmet (R) (Infotainment) Majestic Gourmet is a food programme which aims to become the "Michelin of Taiwan". Each episode takes the viewers around Taiwan in search for the best cuisines and they will also compete against one another to be the "best of Taiwan" delicacies. <至尊美食王> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) 这是一个立志成为“台湾米其林"的大型综艺美食节目,以最 严格、专业、审慎的态度,寻找引荐台湾各地最优秀的美 食。每集节目将分两组带大家上山下海全台走透透,进行P K大赛。最后节目会邀请艺人与美食达人组成的"老饕7人组 "一同进行评荐"台湾美食之最"。主持人包括曾国城、李沛 旭和小祯。

1:50 AM The Palace (R) (Hongkong Drama) Travelling through the time tunnel, a simple and kind- hearted girl of the 21st century finds herself reappearing in the Forbidden City during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and gets entangled romantically with two powerful princes, one of whom is the future king. <宫锁心玉> (港剧)(重) 一位生长于廿一世纪的清纯善良美少女,不经意间踏进那 神奇的时间隧道,蓦然来到康熙王朝的紫禁城,并与当时 年华正茂的第四和第八阿哥,牵引出一段非比寻常的恋情 。

2:50 AM End of Transmission TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Wed, 06 Feb 2013 (Channel U) 11:00 AM Home Shopping (Commercial) <购物乐>

3:00 PM World This Week (R) (Local Info-Ed) Every week all around the world, there are lots of queer and amusing happenings. Check them out on World This Week and be amazed without leaving your comfortable couch! <世界一周> (本地资讯节目)(重) 每一个星期在世界的不同角落都会发生不同有趣或惊奇的 事物。《世界一周》带你去探个究竟,让你不出家门也可 以增广见闻。

3:30 PM All Pass (R) (English Subtitles) Do adults know languages, Mathematics or even life's (Variety) general knowledge better? See how these young whiz kids prove otherwise as they breeze through Primary School level quizzes, leaving guest stars like Wu Zun, Harlem Yu and Jacky Wu stumped for answers. <百万小学堂> (综艺节目)(重) 由小燕姐主持的问答游戏,向明星、名人发问小学生都应 (英文字幕) 该懂的问题,看看谁能比节目中聪明可爱的小军师强。吴 尊、哈林、吴宗宪等艺人都参加过挑战,结果出乎意料之 外……

5:00 PM The Palace (Ep 3) (Hongkong Travelling through the time tunnel, a simple and kind- Drama) hearted girl of the 21st century finds herself reappearing in the Forbidden City during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and gets entangled romantically with two powerful princes, one of whom is the future king. <宫锁心玉> (港剧) 一位生长于廿一世纪的清纯善良美少女,不经意间踏进那 神奇的时间隧道,蓦然来到康熙王朝的紫禁城,并与当时 年华正茂的第四和第八阿哥,牵引出一段非比寻常的恋情 。 6:00 PM Show Hand (R) (Ep 3) (PG)(English Do we lead a fated life or do we decide our own destiny? Subtitles) (Local Drama) Cast: Christopher Lee,Chew Chor Meng,Cynthia Koh,Ann Kok,Ian Fang, Kimberly Chia

<注定> (本地连续剧)(重) (英文字幕) (PG) 人生每一个关口的决定,是早就被'注定'了, 还是等待自己来'决定'呢?演员: 李铭顺, 周初明, 许美珍, 郭舒贤, 方伟杰, 谢静仪.

7:00 PM Ice Adonis: Taiyi and Xiu-ai finally locates the mechanic, Jiang PG-Some Violence)(Dual Sound - Shengmin, who repairs Youluo's car years ago. Shengmin 2nd track in Korean)(English/Chinese has been pricked with a guilty conscience for the past few Subtitles) (Ep 65) (Korean Drama) years. He thus agrees to testify in court should there be a retrial. <黄色复仇草> (韩剧)(双声道 - (PG- 华韩语) (中英文字幕) 些许暴力画面)泰一和秀爱终于找到五年前修过幼萝的车的 修车员,江胜民。胜民因多年来良心不安,说若案子在次 审判,将会出庭作证。

8:00 PM The Rippling Blossom (Ep 12) Mu Rongcheng tests Zhixiao's hand for signs of recovery (PG)(English/Chinese Subtitles) upon finding skilled cuts of radish slices left at the sushi (Hongkong Drama) bar, but is denied by Zhixiao. Zhixiao secretly serves sushi to a customer who patronises the restaurant after closure and is criticized for inferior skills as compared to Zhiying.

<鱼跃在花见> (港剧) (中英文字幕) (PG)慕容澄在寿司吧中发现有高手所切的萝卜丝,因此特 意试探至嚣是否已康复,但至嚣却指自己手伤未愈。有顾 客在店打烊时慕名而至,独自收搭的至嚣趁机偷偷招呼客 人,但却被客人指味道不及至嬴。

9:00 PM World's No 1 (Info/Education) This episode features a lady with the longest hair in Jiangxi, a type of fish known as the "python fish" and an amazing individual - Liu Fei. <世界第一等> (资讯节目) 本集内容包括 "江西最长发的女人" ,“蟒蛇鱼"和“中国奇人刘飞" 等。

10:00 PM Gentleman's Dignity (Ep 23) Cui Yin decides to be with Hui Yin and stops her from (PG)(Dual Sound - 2nd track in leaving. Yi Xiu is surprised to see Dao Zhen wearing the Korean)(English Subtitles) (Korean pair of shoes which she had given him. Drama) <绅士的品格> (韩剧)(双声道 - (PG)崔允终于面对自己的感情,决定挽留回音。依秀见道 华韩语) (英文字幕) 振穿着她所送的鞋子,感到惊喜。

11:00 PM News Tonight (Chinese Subtitles) A comprehensive half-hour news programme, NEWS (News) TONIGHT provides viewers with important local, international and financial developments for the day. <晚间新闻> (新闻) (中文字幕) U频道《晚间新闻》,在半小时里除深入报道本地与国际要 闻,还有详尽的财经新闻和体坛动态。世界局势与经济动 脉,让大家轻松掌握。 11:35 PM The Melting Pot (R) (Last Episode) Melting pot is a brand-new cooking program featuring a (Infotainment) best-known dish from different country in each episode and helps immigrants to integrate into Singaporeans eating habits, so that they are able to adapt to our local living lifestyle better. <新新料理> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) (最后一集)《新新料理》是指新移民和新加坡公民共同合作 。通过节目介绍不同国家当地的特色佳肴,带出每道菜肴 背后趣味的典故和常识。

12:30 AM World's No 1 (R) (Info/Education) This episode features a lady with the longest hair in Jiangxi, a type of fish known as the "python fish" and an amazing individual - Liu Fei. <世界第一等> (资讯节目)(重) 本集内容包括 "江西最长发的女人" ,“蟒蛇鱼"和“中国奇人刘飞" 等。

1:30 AM The Palace (R) (Hongkong Drama) Travelling through the time tunnel, a simple and kind- hearted girl of the 21st century finds herself reappearing in the Forbidden City during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and gets entangled romantically with two powerful princes, one of whom is the future king. <宫锁心玉> (港剧)(重) 一位生长于廿一世纪的清纯善良美少女,不经意间踏进那 神奇的时间隧道,蓦然来到康熙王朝的紫禁城,并与当时 年华正茂的第四和第八阿哥,牵引出一段非比寻常的恋情 。

2:30 AM End of Transmission TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Thu, 07 Feb 2013 (Channel U) 11:00 AM Home Shopping (Commercial) <购物乐>

3:00 PM Mom's Dead Upset (R)(PG) (Eps 77 "Mom's Dead Upset" is a lively and hilarious family- & 78) (Dual Sound - 2nd track in centered story. Juxtaposing the different outlook in life and Korean)(Chinese Subtitles) (Korean love, there is a clash of the traditional values of the older Drama) generation and modern lifestyles of the young living under one roof. Surfacing the anxieties and dissatisfaction of the older folks and harsh exchanges between generations with many humorous moments, and showcases the theme that "Times Change, Family Remains".

<妈妈发怒了> (韩剧)(重)(双声道 - (PG)《妈妈发怒了》是一部充满爆笑温馨的家庭剧. 华韩语) (中文字幕) 讲述着年轻人虽然和父母们同住在一个屋檐下,却存在着 两种截然不同的价值观,看法和处事方式。年轻人在对待生 活和爱情的追求令保守的父母等老一辈人看着既不满又担 心。剧中老、中、青三代发生了剧烈的碰撞,笑料百出, 却也带出了「时代变,亲情不变」的主题。 5:00 PM The Palace (Ep 4) (Hongkong Travelling through the time tunnel, a simple and kind- Drama) hearted girl of the 21st century finds herself reappearing in the Forbidden City during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and gets entangled romantically with two powerful princes, one of whom is the future king. <宫锁心玉> (港剧) 一位生长于廿一世纪的清纯善良美少女,不经意间踏进那 神奇的时间隧道,蓦然来到康熙王朝的紫禁城,并与当时 年华正茂的第四和第八阿哥,牵引出一段非比寻常的恋情 。

6:00 PM Show Hand (R) (Ep 4) (PG)(English Do we lead a fated life or do we decide our own destiny? Subtitles) (Local Drama) Cast: Christopher Lee,Chew Chor Meng,Cynthia Koh,Ann Kok,Ian Fang, Kimberly Chia

<注定> (本地连续剧)(重) (英文字幕) (PG) 人生每一个关口的决定,是早就被'注定'了, 还是等待自己来'决定'呢?演员: 李铭顺, 周初明, 许美珍, 郭舒贤, 方伟杰, 谢静仪.

7:00 PM Ice Adonis (Ep 66) (PG)(Dual Sound - Taiyi and Yuncai set up a fake traffic accident and lure Pu 2nd track in Korean)(English/Chinese Changdou to take bribes. They then threaten to expose Subtitles) (Korean Drama) him if he does not hand over the evidence of Yunxi's accident. <黄色复仇草> (韩剧)(双声道 - (PG)泰一和允才设计一起交通事故,诱导朴昌斗受贿,过 华韩语) (中英文字幕) 后拿着他受贿的证据逼他交出允希车祸的证据。

8:00 PM The Rippling Blossom (Ep 13) Zhixiao admits to Zhiying that his hand had already (PG)(English/Chinese Subtitles) recovered and challenges him to a sushi competition to (Hongkong Drama) determine who is a better sushi chef. Silong learns from Rong's assistant, Yi Kuang, that it's Zhixiao's father, Huihuang, who caused the death of her father, not Zhixiao.

<鱼跃在花见> (港剧) (中英文字幕) (PG)至嚣向至嬴承认自己的手伤原来早已痊愈,更提出与 他比赛一决高下。亦匡私下告诉思茏,撞死她父亲的其实 是辉煌而不是至嚣。

9:00 PM Kawaii Style (Infotainment) Bask in the excitement of 's latest trends with and her Japanese co-hosts where they bring you what's hot and highly recommended by the experts and locals in Japan. <哈日时尚风> (娱乐资讯节目) 如果你想掌握日本的时尚、美容、美食和潮流趣事,那你 决不能错过由时尚代表白薇秀、Nicole Ishida和Noa Iwamoto联手主持的《哈日时尚风》!你也可以从Instagra m上搜查 #kawaiiUstyle,抢先欣赏白薇秀在日本拍摄时的幕后花絮 ! 9:30 PM Weekend Getaway (Infotainment) Weekend Getaway is a 12-episode travelogue, showcasing unique travel locations in Malaysia! Every episode introduces audiences to the best of Malaysia's hidden gems, based on 2D1N or 3D2N itineraries. <周末自游行> (娱乐资讯节目) 《周末自游行》是一个为新加坡观众量身打造的全新旅游 节目。 节目将依两天一夜或三天两夜的周末旅游行程,带领观众 探索马来西亚吃喝玩乐的好去处!

10:00 PM Gentleman's Dignity (Ep 24) Dao Zhen and Zheng Lu try to cheer Tai Shan and Cui (PG)(Dual Sound - 2nd track in Yun up but to no avail. Pu Min Shu is sick of suspecting Korean)(English Subtitles) (Korean Zheng Lu's fidelity all the time and begs Zheng Lu to Drama) approve their divorce. <绅士的品格> (韩剧)(双声道 - (PG)道振和李正禄尝试逗泰山和崔允开心但不果。朴敏淑 华韩语) (英文字幕) 厌倦自己一直猜疑正禄,哀求正禄答应离婚。

11:00 PM News Tonight With Highlights From A comprehensive half-hour news programme, NEWS Parliament (Chinese Subtitles) TONIGHT provides viewers with important local, (News) international and financial developments for the day. <晚间新闻包括国会摘要> (新闻) U频道《晚间新闻》,在半小时里除深入报道本地与国际要 (中文字幕) 闻,还有详尽的财经新闻和体坛动态。世界局势与经济动 脉,让大家轻松掌握。

11:50 PM Kawaii Style (R) (Infotainment) Bask in the excitement of Tokyo's latest trends with Joanne Peh and her Japanese co-hosts where they bring you what's hot and highly recommended by the experts and locals in Japan. <哈日时尚风> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) 如果你想掌握日本的时尚、美容、美食和潮流趣事,那你 决不能错过由时尚代表白薇秀、Nicole Ishida和Noa Iwamoto联手主持的《哈日时尚风》!你也可以从Instagra m上搜查 #kawaiiUstyle,抢先欣赏白薇秀在日本拍摄时的幕后花絮 !

12:20 AM Weekend Getaway (R) (Infotainment) Weekend Getaway is a 12-episode travelogue, showcasing unique travel locations in Malaysia! Every episode introduces audiences to the best of Malaysia's hidden gems, based on 2D1N or 3D2N itineraries. <周末自游行> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) 《周末自游行》是一个为新加坡观众量身打造的全新旅游 节目。 节目将依两天一夜或三天两夜的周末旅游行程,带领观众 探索马来西亚吃喝玩乐的好去处!

12:50 AM Super King (R) (Variety) This variety programme hosted by Jacky Wu and four other top hosts, brings joy and laughter to the audience. There are play along children game segment, songs segment by popular singers and special concert performances of popular groups. <综艺大国民> (综艺节目)(重) 《综艺大国民》是一档由吴宗宪、孙协志、王仁甫、汪东 城及黄镫辉五位主持人联合打造的综艺娱乐节目.每周海内 外超级偶像艺人站台,集集量身特别企划最震撼。

1:50 AM The Palace (R) (Ep 4) (Hongkong Travelling through the time tunnel, a simple and kind- Drama) hearted girl of the 21st century finds herself reappearing in the Forbidden City during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and gets entangled romantically with two powerful princes, one of whom is the future king. <宫锁心玉> (港剧)(重) 一位生长于廿一世纪的清纯善良美少女,不经意间踏进那 神奇的时间隧道,蓦然来到康熙王朝的紫禁城,并与当时 年华正茂的第四和第八阿哥,牵引出一段非比寻常的恋情 。

2:50 AM End of Transmission TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Fri, 08 Feb 2013 (Channel U) 11:00 AM Home Shopping (Commercial) <购物乐>

3:00 PM Mom's Dead Upset (R)(PG) (Eps 79 "Mom's Dead Upset" is a lively and hilarious family- & 80) (Dual Sound - 2nd track in centered story. Juxtaposing the different outlook in life and Korean)(Chinese Subtitles) (Korean love, there is a clash of the traditional values of the older Drama) generation and modern lifestyles of the young living under one roof. Surfacing the anxieties and dissatisfaction of the older folks and harsh exchanges between generations with many humorous moments, and showcases the theme that "Times Change, Family Remains".

<妈妈发怒了> (韩剧)(重)(双声道 - (PG)《妈妈发怒了》是一部充满爆笑温馨的家庭剧. 华韩语) (中文字幕) 讲述着年轻人虽然和父母们同住在一个屋檐下,却存在着 两种截然不同的价值观,看法和处事方式。年轻人在对待生 活和爱情的追求令保守的父母等老一辈人看着既不满又担 心。剧中老、中、青三代发生了剧烈的碰撞,笑料百出, 却也带出了「时代变,亲情不变」的主题。

5:00 PM The Palace (Ep 5) (Hongkong Travelling through the time tunnel, a simple and kind- Drama) hearted girl of the 21st century finds herself reappearing in the Forbidden City during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and gets entangled romantically with two powerful princes, one of whom is the future king. <宫锁心玉> (港剧) 一位生长于廿一世纪的清纯善良美少女,不经意间踏进那 神奇的时间隧道,蓦然来到康熙王朝的紫禁城,并与当时 年华正茂的第四和第八阿哥,牵引出一段非比寻常的恋情 。 6:00 PM Show Hand (R) (Ep 5) (PG)(English Do we lead a fated life or do we decide our own destiny? Subtitles) (Local Drama) Cast: Christopher Lee,Chew Chor Meng,Cynthia Koh,Ann Kok,Ian Fang, Kimberly Chia

<注定> (本地连续剧)(重) (英文字幕) (PG) 人生每一个关口的决定,是早就被'注定'了, 还是等待自己来'决定'呢?演员: 李铭顺, 周初明, 许美珍, 郭舒贤, 方伟杰, 谢静仪.

7:00 PM Ice Adonis (Ep 67) (PG-Some Mingli and Renshou bring Taiyang along when they go to Violence)(Dual Sound - 2nd track in the orphanage to take part in volunteer work. Youlou Korean)(English/Chinese Subtitles) brings Taiyang home hurriedly when she sees Yanhua (Korean Drama) talking to Taiyang. <黄色复仇草> (韩剧)(双声道 - (PG- 华韩语) (中英文字幕) 些许暴力画面)明礼和仁硕带着太阳到育幼院做义工。幼萝 见到太阳与晏华交谈,于是慌慌张张地带着太阳离开。

8:00 PM The Rippling Blossom (Ep 14) Yongrong requests Silong to marry her son, Zhibao, as (PG)(English/Chinese Subtitles) she knows that her days are numbered due to sickness. (Hongkong Drama) Silong is shocked when Zhixiao wants her to adhere to Yongrong's request. In order to stop Silong from sacrificing herself to marry Zhibao, Zhiying accepts Zhixiao's sushi match challenge. <鱼跃在花见> (港剧) (中英文字幕) (PG)雍容向思茏坦言自己时日不多,因此请求思茏下嫁至 宝。思茏向至嚣告知此事,想不到至嚣竟要求思茏接受婚 事。至嬴为阻止思茏下嫁至宝,接受至嚣的挑战。

9:00 PM The World Is So Big (Infotainment) Xiang Lin travels to Palau, an island country located in the western Pacific Ocean. She is amazed to find "bread" within a coconut and discovers strange looking people covered in white clay. <世界那么大> (娱乐资讯节目) 这一集,相林来到了帛琉,展开了跳岛之旅,发现椰子里 面竟然有 "面包", 也惊见奇怪的奶色石膏人!

10:00 PM Gentleman's Dignity (Ep 25) Zheng Lu is troubled when Min Shu goes missing and later (PG)(Dual Sound - 2nd track in finds out that she is staying at the hotel. He decides to Korean)(English Subtitles) (Korean oblige Min Shu's request and signs the divorce papers. Drama) <绅士的品格> (韩剧)(双声道 - (PG)朴敏淑离家出走下落不明,让正禄感到不安。后来发 华韩语) (英文字幕) 现敏淑住在酒店但两人依然无法和解,正禄决定签离婚协 议书。。。

11:00 PM News Tonight (Chinese Subtitles) A comprehensive half-hour news programme, NEWS (News) TONIGHT provides viewers with important local, international and financial developments for the day. <晚间新闻> (新闻) (中文字幕) U频道《晚间新闻》,在半小时里除深入报道本地与国际要 闻,还有详尽的财经新闻和体坛动态。世界局势与经济动 脉,让大家轻松掌握。 11:30 PM When Love Walked In (Ep 15) Qing Yujiang is ordered by Chairman Yuan to find his long (English/Chinese Subtitles) (Drama) lost granddaughter, Shen Yayin. But Yayin is bitter towards her grandfather due to her parents' death. Yujiang gradually falls in love with Yayin, but backs out without realizing that she is actually his long lost childhood friend.

<爱情闯进门> (连续剧) (中英文字幕) 孙秦雨被袁氏集团董事长袁浩天命找回失散二十年的外孙 女雅音。雅音因父母过世的事对外公浩天一直心存芥蒂, 雨江从中调和,不仅缓和了祖孙关系,还渐渐走进了雅音 的内心,但雨江的心里一直住着儿时孤儿院的玩伴…

12:30 AM Sunday Splendid Showtime (R0 Have fun with Zeng Guo Cheng, Blackie Chen and Tammy (Variety) Chen in this awesome variety show! Celebrities are split into two teams in a Red vs White segment where their singing, dancing and impersonation skills are challenged.

<周日大精彩> (综艺节目) 由曾国城、陈建州(黑人)和陈怡蓉主持的娱乐性丰富综 艺节目。在"红白大赏"单元里,每一集曾国城和黑人会分别 带领一班艺人,在舞蹈、歌唱、模仿等各方面互相竞技, 争取胜利。

2:30 AM The Palace (R) (Ep 5) (Hongkong Travelling through the time tunnel, a simple and kind- Drama) hearted girl of the 21st century finds herself reappearing in the Forbidden City during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and gets entangled romantically with two powerful princes, one of whom is the future king. <宫锁心玉> (港剧)(重) 一位生长于廿一世纪的清纯善良美少女,不经意间踏进那 神奇的时间隧道,蓦然来到康熙王朝的紫禁城,并与当时 年华正茂的第四和第八阿哥,牵引出一段非比寻常的恋情 。

3:30 AM End of Transmission TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Sat, 09 Feb 2013 (Channel U) 6:00 AM Home Shopping (Commercial) <购物乐>

10:00 AM The Melting Pot (R) (Last Episode) Melting pot is a brand-new cooking program featuring a (Infotainment) best-known dish from different country in each episode and helps immigrants to integrate into Singaporeans eating habits, so that they are able to adapt to our local living lifestyle better. <新新料理> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) (最后一集)《新新料理》是指新移民和新加坡公民共同合作 。通过节目介绍不同国家当地的特色佳肴,带出每道菜肴 背后趣味的典故和常识。 11:00 AM Nothing is bigger than eat An infotainment programme hosted by Liang Hequn in (Infotainment) which two artistes display their culinary skills in front of a panel of judges. In addition, there is a segment where an experienced chef cooks the desired dish upon audience request. <吃饭皇帝大> (娱乐资讯节目) 由梁赫群主持的美食节目。幸福料理铁人蒋伟文与阳光热 血主厨陈德烈在一组评判面前展出他们烹饪才艺。另外, 台湾名厨刘仁华会在"你点菜我上菜" 单元里教大家煮观众想要学的菜肴。

12:00 PM 2012 Superstar Red VS White Show Helmed by Harlem Yu and renowned Taiwanese host (Variety) Zhang Xiaoyan, this star-studded show is sure to blow your mind off! Tune in to exciting performances by Elva Hsia, , Jam Hsiao, Chen Bo-lin, Pauline Lan, , May Day and many more! <2012 超级巨星红白艺能大赏> 由庾澄庆和张小燕领军的《超级巨星红白艺能大赏》请来 (综艺节目) 多位巨星如萧亚轩、任贤齐、萧敬腾、陈柏霖、蓝心湄、 杜德伟、五月天等,为您带来非一般的精彩表演!

5:00 PM LNY EVE MOVIE SPECIAL: A scholar in search of true love. Disguising himself as a Flirting Scholar (PG-Some Violence) houseboy, he indentures himself to a rich family in order to (Movie) pursue the ravishing servant girl who has stolen his heart.

<唐伯虎点秋香> (电影) (PG-些许暴力画面) 唐伯虎天资聪慧,仪表堂堂,琴棋精通,诗画双绝,位居 江南四大才子之首。他身边伴有八个国色天香的娇妻,虽 然同住一个屋檐下,却不能心灵相通.

7:00 PM Money Week (Local Current Affairs) Tung Soo Hua hosts Money Week, the Mandarin Business Current Affairs Programme, that provides comprehensive insights and analysis of the business world.

<财经追击> (本地时事节目) 《财经追击》是新加坡唯一以中文制作的经济时事节目。 节目将深入分析最新的经济趋势和商业动态,让观众能更 好地掌握市场走势和投资情报。

7:30 PM Show! Music Core - Special "Show! Music Core - Vietnam Special" was held in (Variety) November 2012. Featured in the show are the performances from INFINITE, CHAOS, AILEE, B1A4, MISS A, Son Dam Bi, SISTAR, F.T. Island, T-ARA, KARA and TVXQ etc. <音乐中心之越南特辑> (综艺节目) "Show音乐中心在越南" 在去年十一月举行, 由现今最爆红的韩国歌唱组合和艺人呈献, 参演者包括INFINITE, CHAOS, AILEE, B1A4, MISS A, 孙丹菲, SISTAR, F.T. Island, T-ARA, KARA 和 东方神起等。 8:30 PM LNY EVE MOVIE SPECIAL: Takuro Ohki is discriminated by others for his ugly looks Handsome Suit (PG) (Dual Sound - and has no luck in love. His life changes when he chances 2nd track in Japanese) (Movie) upon a magical "handsome suit" which transforms him into a dashing supermodel. However, the suit would not work if it comes into contact with hot water unless he wears the improved suit which he would not be able to remove. Takuro realizes he has to make a choice to truly become his new persona or to remain his old self.

<丑男大翻身> (电影)(双声道 - (PG)大木琢郎心地善良但因为长得胖乎乎而没有女人缘。 华日语) 有一天, 琢郎在一间男装店获得了一套穿上就会变帅的"变身西装"。 穿上西装后的琢男变得光芒四射,以光山杏仁的艺名当上 了人气模特。

11:00 PM News Tonight (Chinese Subtitles) A comprehensive half-hour news programme, NEWS (News) TONIGHT provides viewers with important local, international and financial developments for the day. <晚间新闻> (新闻) (中文字幕) U频道《晚间新闻》,在半小时里除深入报道本地与国际要 闻,还有详尽的财经新闻和体坛动态。世界局势与经济动 脉,让大家轻松掌握。

11:30 PM LNY EVE MOVIE SPECIAL: The movie follows an anachronistic tale of an imperial Forbidden City Cop (PG - Some guard (Stephen Chow) of the Forbidden City who has no Sexual References) (Movie) martial arts abilities but a talent for making futuristic machines. He is tasked to save the emperor who's kidnapped by Faceless, King of Gum Tribe, who plans to overtake China. <大内密探零零发> (电影) (PG- 些许性相关语)零零发是大内密探「恭、喜、发、财」四大 猛将之一,但碍于不懂武功,始终不被重用。,金国后策 划侵佔中原,发悉破奸计,并拯救皇上于危难,自此陛官 进爵。发被名妓琴所引诱,两人关系不但激怒发妻,还惹 来皇上责罪.

1:20 AM LNY EVE MOVIE SPECIAL: Extremely silly comedy about a self-indulgent private City Hunter (PG) (Movie) investigator who winds up on a cruise ship full of rich patrons, gorgeous women, murderous terrorists, and scarce food. <城市猎人> (电影) (PG)改编自日本大受欢迎的漫画小说,由成龙担演漫画中那 机警好色的私家干探,配靓女王祖贤和后藤久美子搭档,加上 导演王晶一贯市井幽默,影片成为一九九二年香港十大卖座 电影之一。

3:20 AM Cool Cook (R) (Variety) Two teams compete in each episode to see who can whip up a more appetizing delicacy. Celebrities and the audience have to choose which dish they prefer and only the winning team gets to enjoy their food. <美食大王牌> (综艺节目)(重) 在每一集的《美食大王牌》中, 两位主持人阿楠和路易,分别带领两位厨师比拼两道料理 。嘉宾与观众团将进行选择,票数多者获胜。获胜方享受 美食,失败者一旁观望。 4:20 AM Miss Travel (R) (Infotainment) Tune in as different female artistes bring you to different corners of the world each week for an eye-opening trip!

<小姐爱旅行> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) 每集节目中将有不同的女艺人陪伴观众到世界各个角落体 验非一般的旅程!

5:20 AM End of Transmission TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Sun, 10 Feb 2013 (Channel U) 6:00 AM Home Shopping (Commercial) <购物乐>

10:00 AM Legendary Cuisines (R) Do you know that Genghis Khan must have grilled (Infotainment) skewered mutton before he leaves for the battlefield? Or how is the Dowager Chrysanthemum Hot Pot related to Empress Cixi? The new season of Legendary Cuisines has the answers. <传说中的料理> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) 你尝过鸳鸯鸡粥吗?知道梅兰芳在登台前必吃的心是什么 吗?太后菊花锅和慈禧太后有什么关系?新系列的《传说 中的料理》将为你解答。

10:30 AM Life's Perfectionists (R) (Dual Sound - This programme introduces individuals who are 2nd track in Korean)(Chinese outstanding in their respective fields of work. Find out how Subtitles) (Info/Education) the featured individuals rose to the top of their leagues based on hard work and enthusiasm. <生活达人> (资讯节目)(重)(双声道 - 本节目为您找出在不同领域有杰出表现的达人。他们可能 华韩语) (中文字幕) 不起眼、也容易被我们忽略,但他们拥有的技能绝对是无 人能及的!

11:00 AM 2013 China Fashion Award (Variety)

<2013 星尚大典> (综艺节目)

1:00 PM Mayday Concert (Variety) <五月天DNA[创造]演唱会> (综艺节目)

4:30 PM Talent Star LNY Eve Special (Variety) <超级模王守岁总动员> (综艺节目)

7:00 PM World This Week (Local Info-Ed) Every week all around the world, there are lots of queer and amusing happenings. Check them out on World This Week and be amazed without leaving your comfortable couch! <世界一周> (本地资讯节目) 每一个星期在世界的不同角落都会发生不同有趣或惊奇的 事物。《世界一周》带你去探个究竟,让你不出家门也可 以增广见闻。

7:30 PM My Working Holiday (Debut) (Local Info-Ed) <打工看世界> (本地资讯节目)

8:00 PM The Brave Game (Variety) Find out who is the bravest person in this physically challenging game show! Participants who fail to complete three out of the seven levels would be eliminated. The obstacles in each level test the participants on their agility, endurance and speed. <勇者无敌> (综艺节目) 《勇者无敌》是个考验参赛者体力和敏捷度的一场比赛。 参赛者需要通过七关,如果没法通过其中三关就被淘汰。 谁才是真正的勇者呢?

9:00 PM LNY DAY 1 MOVIE SPECIAL: Wu Shun moves back to the public housing estate after a I Love Hong Kong (PG) (Movie) failed business. He reunites with his childhood friend and also his first love. A big organization plans to rebuild the estate, but this would affect the residents' welfare. Wu Shun and the gang decide to help the estate conquer the crisis. <我爱HK 开心万岁> (电影) (PG) 吴顺因为事业受挫而举家搬回屋村。他与儿时玩伴托水龙 和青梅竹马素贞重逢,大家皆对屋村有着美好的回忆。这 时,一集团以重建屋村为由,打算向众街坊实施诸多限制 。吴顺等人决定联手帮屋村度过难关。

11:00 PM News Tonight (Chinese Subtitles) A comprehensive half-hour news programme, NEWS (News) TONIGHT provides viewers with important local, international and financial developments for the day. <晚间新闻> (新闻) (中文字幕) U频道《晚间新闻》,在半小时里除深入报道本地与国际要 闻,还有详尽的财经新闻和体坛动态。世界局势与经济动 脉,让大家轻松掌握。

11:30 PM LNY DAY 1 MOVIE SPECIAL: Master Kung and Lo Pa are two police officers of White Treasure Inn (PG - Some Violence) Horse City, who have high skills but are underused. A (Movie) robbery happened at the city's richest man Ho Pak Man's home where his whole family was killed and their family treasure the "White Jade Goddess of Mercy" was stolen and the "Police God" Tit Mo Ching investigates the case. Kung and Lo Pa cannot participate because of their low status. <财神客栈> (电影) (PG-些许暴力画面) 张家辉和谢霆锋在片中"化敌为友",饰演一对武功高强却怀 才不遇的衙役搭档,两人直到卷入一宗惊天大案才大显身 手。 1:30 AM Talent Star LNY Eve Special (Variety) <超级模王守岁总动员> (综艺节目)

4:00 AM Super Taste (R) (Infotainment) Twin brothers Angus and Anthony Guo travel around Taiwan to bring you the best street delicacies. <时尚玩家 - 就要酱玩> 双胞胎兄弟郭彦甫和郭彦均继续带观众走遍台湾,品尝道 (娱乐资讯节目)(重) 地的美味小吃。

5:00 AM End of Transmission TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Mon, 11 Feb 2013 (Channel U) 10:00 AM The Banquet (R) (Info/Education) This 8-episode series feature eight different events; eight big feasts all lined up for eight big celebrations! <大飨宴> (资讯节目)(重) 《大飨宴》共8集,每一集呈现不一样的节庆或食会 -- 全部8个海外地点的8大飨宴。节目将从整个设宴地点和宴 会背景说起,进而聚焦各个人物以及宴会上的特别菜肴。

10:30 AM 2013 CTV countdown Concert Be sure to join your favourite singers including Anthony (Variety) Neely, Yan Jun, Zhang Yunjing, Li Shengjie, Soda Green and many more in Kaoshiung as they present a string of popular songs and dance performances to welcome the new year of 2013! It’s a star-studded countdown show not to be missed. <全台第义大 2013跨年晚会> 由胡瓜、天心、欧汉声主持的《2013全台第义大 (综艺节目) 义大跨年晚会》,邀来台湾音乐组合苏打绿担任倒数嘉宾 ,还有严爵、倪安东、安心亚、林凡、张芸京、李圣杰等 众歌手都将共襄盛举,一同与大家倒数迎接2013。

2:30 PM LNY DAY 2 MOVIE SPECIAL: Mr. and Mrs. Incredible is a film that, tongue firmly in Mr and Mrs Incredible (PG - Some cheek, lets us spy into the everyday and private lives of Sexual References) (Movie) our otherwise secretive caped crusaders. <神奇侠侣> (电影) (PG-些许暴力画面) 聂欢和一品红平静地生活在一个小山村,欢是个无贼可抓 的"保长",红经营着一家包子铺,是个赚钱不敢让老公知道 的"富婆"。像所有的夫妻一样,两个人没事八八卦,无聊吵 吵架,狠心买了房,准备生个娃...没人知道他们是传说中 拥有超能力的大侠!

4:30 PM 2013 Superstar Red VS White Show Hosted by Zhang Xiaoyan and Harlem Yu, this Lunar New (Variety) Year special features popular artistes like Ariel Lin, Yen-j, , Rachel Liang, Gigi Leung, Jam Hsiao, Sally Yeh, George Lam, Zhang Fei, Sun Li and many more. <2013 超级巨星红白艺能大赏> 台湾及海外指明艺人如林依晨, 严爵,小鬼, 梁文音, 梁咏琪, (综艺节目) 萧敬腾,叶倩文,林子祥,张菲和孙俪等一起参与这个农历新 年特备节目的演出.主持人: 张小燕, 瘐澄庆

9:00 PM LNY DAY 2 MOVIE SPECIAL: Big stars like Donnie Yen, Carina Lau, Louis Koo and All's Well Ends Well 2011 Cecilia Cheung gather in this hilarious comedy about (PG)(English Subtitles) (Movie) romance. Not to be missed!

<最强喜事2011> (电影) (英文字幕) (PG) 聚集八大巨星如甑子丹、刘嘉玲、古天乐、张柏芝等主演 的贺岁片讲述现金社会男女之间错综复杂的感情问题。精 彩惹笑,万勿错过!

11:00 PM News Tonight (Chinese Subtitles) A comprehensive half-hour news programme, NEWS (News) TONIGHT provides viewers with important local, international and financial developments for the day. <晚间新闻> (新闻) (中文字幕) U频道《晚间新闻》,在半小时里除深入报道本地与国际要 闻,还有详尽的财经新闻和体坛动态。世界局势与经济动 脉,让大家轻松掌握。

11:30 PM LNY DAY 2 MOVIE SPECIAL: Sunny is the orphaned child of a former knife throwing City Under Siege (PG-Some master. After his father's death, he is taken in by his uncle, Violences)(English Subtitles) (Movie) who allows him to perform as a clown, since he did not inherit his father's knife throwing skills. Sunny still wants to be a knife thrower, though. He is tormented by his cousins, who are all performers in his uncle's troupe.

<全城戒备> (电影) (英文字幕) (PG-些许暴力画面) 解款车被摔翻,珠宝行墙上出现神秘掌印,离奇罪案陆续 发生,疑犯所用的武器,竟是「赤手空拳」.一时间,东方 之珠香港人人自危。

1:45 AM Mayday Concert (R) (Variety) Mayday puts up a spectacular performance at their concert in Taiwan, belting out popular songs which rock the crowd!

<五月天DNA[创造]演唱会> 五月天在台湾小巨蛋举办的DNA(创造)演唱会,表演了精彩 (综艺节目)(重) 和触动人心的歌曲,千万别错过!

5:10 AM End of Transmission TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Tue, 12 Feb 2013 (Channel U) 10:00 AM The King Of Adventure V (Variety) Weiyi is full of anticipation for his trip to Caboolture in Queensland, . He looks forward to catching the exciting Rodeo competition, learning to be a cowboy and travelling in a caravan with the production crew. Can he fulfill his dreams? Tune in to find out! <冒险王> (综艺节目) 惟毅满心期待到昆士兰的卡布尔彻观看超剌激的牛仔竞技 大赛,尝试学做牛仔,还有与制作组开着澳洲有名的大篷车四 处旅游。到底他最后会否如愿以偿呢?敬请期待今天的节 目!

11:00 AM Stylish Man - The Chef 2013 CNY Special (Variety) <型男大主廚-金蛇迎春拼幸福> (综艺节目)

12:30 PM LNY DAY 3 MOVIE SPECIAL: Mini Mo is a Hong Kong resident living in Japan. She Love On A Diet (PG) (Movie) suffers from depression, low self-esteem and a binge eating disorder - the result which sees her suffers from extreme obesity. A failed suicide attempt causes her to meet Fatso, a Hong Kong salesman working in Japan who is also obese. <瘦身男女> (电影) (PG)Mini是旅居日本的香港人,原本她是一个名窈窕美女 ,但在遭受男友到美國留学的打击后却变成了一个体重260 磅的大肥婆.

2:30 PM 2013 Jiangsu New Year Countdown Held in Nanjing Olympic stadium, this year concert Concert (Variety) gathered all the Asian Music "Kings","Queens" and Group Artistes such as Lee Hom, , Sandy Lam, Kim Hyun Joong, JJ Lin,Show Luo, Karen Mok, EXO-M, SJ-M, Elva Hsiao, Yoga Lin, Sun Yang and many more.

<2013 江苏卫视跨年晚会> 2013 (综艺节目) "幸福领航"跨年演唱会在南京奥体中心体育馆沸腾上演, 今年聚集了王力宏、周杰伦, 林忆莲、金贤重、林俊杰,周华健、林宥嘉、萧亚 轩、罗志祥、莫文蔚、EXO-M、SJ- M、孙杨等亚洲歌坛天王、天后、天团撑场。

7:00 PM Ice Adonis (Ep 68) (PG)(Dual Sound - Julia finally tells Qiangxu that she is Zhu Huilan. Qiangxu 2nd track in Korean)(English/Chinese apologises to Julia on Mingzi's behalf. Julia says she can Subtitles) (Korean Drama) put everything behind her provided that Mingzi and Qiangxu leave Korea after returning all that belong to her.

<黄色复仇草> (韩剧)(双声道 - (PG)茱莉亚向强旭承认她就是朱蕙兰。强旭代明子跪在茱 华韩语) (中英文字幕) 莉亚面前向她认错。茱莉亚说若明子和强旭将一切还给她 ,并离开韩国,她就可将过去发生的事一笔勾销。

8:00 PM Style: Check-in (Infotainment) Style: Check-in is a brand new stylish infotainment that introduces the trendiest lifestyle and news bites between Singapore and Shanghai! These topics formed are based on these main themes: FUN, FOOD, TRENDS, ENTERTAINMENT and LIFESTYLE. <潮人攻略> (娱乐资讯节目) 《潮人攻略》是一个全新的资讯节目介绍新加坡与上海两 地流行生活与资讯。这个节目希望以一种更接近现代潮人 都市生活的形式,打破一般资讯节目的格局,以FUN、FO OD、TRENDS、ENTERTAINMENT、LIFESTYLE五大主 题,联整集节目。

9:00 PM Majestic Gourmet (Last Episode) Majestic Gourmet is a food programme which aims to (Infotainment) become the "Michelin of Taiwan". Each episode takes the viewers around Taiwan in search for the best cuisines and they will also compete against one another to be the "best of Taiwan" delicacies. <至尊美食王> (娱乐资讯节目) (最后一集) 这是一个立志成为“台湾米其林"的大型综艺美食节目,以最 严格、专业、审慎的态度,寻找引荐台湾各地最优秀的美 食。每集节目将分两组带大家上山下海全台走透透,进行P K大赛。最后节目会邀请艺人与美食达人组成的"老饕7人组 "一同进行评荐"台湾美食之最"。主持人包括曾国城、李沛 旭和小祯。

10:00 PM Gentleman's Dignity (Ep 26) Tai Shan decides not to oppose Cui Yun dating Hui Yin (PG)(Dual Sound - 2nd track in and wants them to get married. Cui Yun immediately Korean)(English Subtitles) (Korean agrees. Drama) <绅士的品格> (韩剧)(双声道 - (PG)泰山决定不再反对崔允与回音交往并希望两人能结婚 华韩语) (英文字幕) 。崔允立刻答应。

11:00 PM News Tonight (Chinese Subtitles) A comprehensive half-hour news programme, NEWS (News) TONIGHT provides viewers with important local, international and financial developments for the day. <晚间新闻> (新闻) (中文字幕) U频道《晚间新闻》,在半小时里除深入报道本地与国际要 闻,还有详尽的财经新闻和体坛动态。世界局势与经济动 脉,让大家轻松掌握。

11:30 PM Style: Check-in (R) (Infotainment) Style: Check-in is a brand new stylish infotainment that introduces the trendiest lifestyle and news bites between Singapore and Shanghai! These topics formed are based on these main themes: FUN, FOOD, TRENDS, ENTERTAINMENT and LIFESTYLE. <潮人攻略> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) 《潮人攻略》是一个全新的资讯节目介绍新加坡与上海两 地流行生活与资讯。这个节目希望以一种更接近现代潮人 都市生活的形式,打破一般资讯节目的格局,以FUN、FO OD、TRENDS、ENTERTAINMENT、LIFESTYLE五大主 题,联整集节目。

12:30 AM Majestic Gourmet (R) (Last Episode) Majestic Gourmet is a food programme which aims to (Infotainment) become the "Michelin of Taiwan". Each episode takes the viewers around Taiwan in search for the best cuisines and they will also compete against one another to be the "best of Taiwan" delicacies. <至尊美食王> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) (最后一集) 这是一个立志成为“台湾米其林"的大型综艺美食节目,以最 严格、专业、审慎的态度,寻找引荐台湾各地最优秀的美 食。每集节目将分两组带大家上山下海全台走透透,进行P K大赛。最后节目会邀请艺人与美食达人组成的"老饕7人组 "一同进行评荐"台湾美食之最"。主持人包括曾国城、李沛 旭和小祯。

1:30 AM The King Of Adventure (R) Weiyi is full of anticipation for his trip to Caboolture in (Info/Education) Queensland, Australia. He looks forward to catching the exciting Rodeo competition, learning to be a cowboy and travelling in a caravan with the production crew. Can he fulfill his dreams? Tune in to find out! <冒险王> (资讯节目)(重) 惟毅满心期待到昆士兰的卡布尔彻观看超剌激的牛仔竞技 大赛,尝试学做牛仔,还有与制作组开着澳洲有名的大篷车四 处旅游。到底他最后会否如愿以偿呢?敬请期待今天的节 目!

2:30 AM End of Transmission TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Wed, 13 Feb 2013 (Channel U) 3:00 PM World This Week (R) (Local Info-Ed) Every week all around the world, there are lots of queer and amusing happenings. Check them out on World This Week and be amazed without leaving your comfortable couch! <世界一周> (本地资讯节目)(重) 每一个星期在世界的不同角落都会发生不同有趣或惊奇的 事物。《世界一周》带你去探个究竟,让你不出家门也可 以增广见闻。

3:30 PM All Pass (R) (English/Chinese Do adults know languages, Mathematics or even life's Subtitles) (Variety) general knowledge better? See how these young whiz kids prove otherwise as they breeze through Primary School level quizzes, leaving guest stars like Wu Zun, Harlem Yu and Jacky Wu stumped for answers. <百万小学堂> (综艺节目)(重) 由小燕姐主持的问答游戏,向明星、名人发问小学生都应 (中英文字幕) 该懂的问题,看看谁能比节目中聪明可爱的小军师强。吴 尊、哈林、吴宗宪等艺人都参加过挑战,结果出乎意料之 外。

5:00 PM The Palace (Ep 6) (Hongkong Travelling through the time tunnel, a simple and kind- Drama) hearted girl of the 21st century finds herself reappearing in the Forbidden City during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and gets entangled romantically with two powerful princes, one of whom is the future king. <宫锁心玉> (港剧) 一位生长于廿一世纪的清纯善良美少女,不经意间踏进那 神奇的时间隧道,蓦然来到康熙王朝的紫禁城,并与当时 年华正茂的第四和第八阿哥,牵引出一段非比寻常的恋情 。 6:00 PM Show Hand (R) (Ep 6) (PG)(English Do we lead a fated life or do we decide our own destiny? Subtitles) (Local Drama) Cast: Christopher Lee,Chew Chor Meng,Cynthia Koh,Ann Kok,Ian Fang, Kimberly Chia

<注定> (本地连续剧)(重) (英文字幕) (PG) 人生每一个关口的决定,是早就被'注定'了, 还是等待自己来'决定'呢?演员: 李铭顺, 周初明, 许美珍, 郭舒贤, 方伟杰, 谢静仪.

7:00 PM Ice Adonis (Ep 69) (PG)(Dual Sound - Yuncai brings Youluo along for a meeting with the traffic 2nd track in Korean)(English/Chinese accident expert who was in-charge of investigating Yunxi's Subtitles) (Korean Drama) accident years ago. The expert admits that there are many suspicious elements in that accident. He is willing to testify again should there be a re-trial.

<黄色复仇草> (韩剧)(双声道 - (PG)允才带着幼萝一起与当年那起交通事故的交通事故鉴 华韩语) (中英文字幕) 定专家会面。该专家说当年的车祸确实有许多疑点,并愿 意重新作证。

8:00 PM The Rippling Blossom (Ep 15) Silong promises to take care of Zhibao after Yongrong's (PG)(English/Chinese Subtitles) death. Jiangqiang discovers the special sushi sauce made (Hongkong Drama) by Mu Rongcheng at her mother's tomb. When Mu Rongcheng confesses to Jiangqiang that he is her biological father, Jiangqiang gets upset and refuses to forgive him. <鱼跃在花见> (港剧) (中英文字幕) (PG)雍容被送至急症室后不止身亡,但思茏答应至宝会一 直照顾他。姜羌到母亲墓前拜祭,发现那里摆着慕容澄特 制的寿司酱汁。在姜羌的质问下,慕容澄无奈说出自己是 她父亲的真相,气得姜羌责慕容澄更誓言不会原谅他。

9:00 PM World's No 1 (Info/Education) This episode features a longevity village and the 126- year -old woman in Guangxi, China <世界第一等> (资讯节目) 本集内容包括 "中国广西巴马长寿村斯"和“一百二十六岁的长寿妇人" 等。

9:30 PM Gentleman's Dignity Prologue (Dual Sound - 2nd track in Korean)(English Subtitles) (Korean Drama)

<绅士的品格番外篇> (韩剧)(双声道 - 华韩语) (英文字幕)

10:00 PM Gentleman's Dignity (Ep 27) Yi Xiu is upset that Dao Zhen does not appear serious in (PG)(Last Episode))(Dual Sound - proposing to her. Tai Shan is overjoyed when he learns 2nd track in Korean)(English that Shi La is pregnant. Subtitles) (Korean Drama) <绅士的品格> (韩剧)(双声道 - (PG)(大结局)道振开玩笑似地向依秀求婚,让依秀觉得他不 华韩语) (英文字幕) 认真,不禁感到失望。世菈怀了身孕,泰山万分喜悦。

11:00 PM News Tonight (Chinese Subtitles) A comprehensive half-hour news programme, NEWS (News) TONIGHT provides viewers with important local, international and financial developments for the day. <晚间新闻> (新闻) (中文字幕) U频道《晚间新闻》,在半小时里除深入报道本地与国际要 闻,还有详尽的财经新闻和体坛动态。世界局势与经济动 脉,让大家轻松掌握。

11:30 PM My Working Holiday (R) (Local Info- Ed) <打工看世界> (本地资讯节目)(重)

12:00 AM World's No 1 (R) (Info/Education) This episode features a longevity village and the 126- year -old woman in Guangxi, China <世界第一等> (资讯节目)(重) 本集内容包括 "中国广西巴马长寿村斯"和“一百二十六岁的长寿妇人" 等。

12:30 AM The Palace (R) (Ep 6) (Hongkong Travelling through the time tunnel, a simple and kind- Drama) hearted girl of the 21st century finds herself reappearing in the Forbidden City during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and gets entangled romantically with two powerful princes, one of whom is the future king. <宫锁心玉> (港剧)(重) 一位生长于廿一世纪的清纯善良美少女,不经意间踏进那 神奇的时间隧道,蓦然来到康熙王朝的紫禁城,并与当时 年华正茂的第四和第八阿哥,牵引出一段非比寻常的恋情 。

1:30 AM End of Transmission TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Thu, 14 Feb 2013 (Channel U) 11:00 AM Home Shopping (Commercial) <购物乐>

3:00 PM Mom's Dead Upset (R) (Eps 81 & 82) "Mom's Dead Upset" is a lively and hilarious family- (PG)(Dual Sound - 2nd track in centered story. Juxtaposing the different outlook in life and Korean)(Chinese Subtitles) (Korean love, there is a clash of the traditional values of the older Drama) generation and modern lifestyles of the young living under one roof. Surfacing the anxieties and dissatisfaction of the older folks and harsh exchanges between generations with many humorous moments, and showcases the theme that "Times Change, Family Remains". <妈妈发怒了> (韩剧)(重)(双声道 - (PG)《妈妈发怒了》是一部充满爆笑温馨的家庭剧. 华韩语) (中文字幕) 讲述着年轻人虽然和父母们同住在一个屋檐下,却存在着 两种截然不同的价值观,看法和处事方式。年轻人在对待生 活和爱情的追求令保守的父母等老一辈人看着既不满又担 心。剧中老、中、青三代发生了剧烈的碰撞,笑料百出, 却也带出了「时代变,亲情不变」的主题。

5:00 PM The Palace (Ep 7) (Hongkong Travelling through the time tunnel, a simple and kind- Drama) hearted girl of the 21st century finds herself reappearing in the Forbidden City during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and gets entangled romantically with two powerful princes, one of whom is the future king. <宫锁心玉> (港剧) 一位生长于廿一世纪的清纯善良美少女,不经意间踏进那 神奇的时间隧道,蓦然来到康熙王朝的紫禁城,并与当时 年华正茂的第四和第八阿哥,牵引出一段非比寻常的恋情 。

6:00 PM Show Hand (R) (Ep 7) (PG)(English Do we lead a fated life or do we decide our own destiny? Subtitles) (Local Drama) Cast: Christopher Lee,Chew Chor Meng,Cynthia Koh,Ann Kok,Ian Fang, Kimberly Chia

<注定> (本地连续剧)(重) (英文字幕) (PG) 人生每一个关口的决定,是早就被'注定'了, 还是等待自己来'决定'呢?演员: 李铭顺, 周初明, 许美珍, 郭舒贤, 方伟杰, 谢静仪.

7:00 PM Ice Adonis (Ep 70) (PG)(Dual Sound - Youluo wants Pu Changdou to stop Yuncai when she 2nd track in Korean)(English/Chinese suspects that Yuncai is going to pass the traffic accident Subtitles) (Korean Drama) evidence to Yanhua. Yuncai gives chase when Pu Changdou snatches away his briefcase and is knocked down by a car. <黄色复仇草> (韩剧)(双声道 - (PG) 华韩语) (中英文字幕) 幼萝怀疑允才要将证据交给晏华,于是要朴昌斗加以阻止 。朴昌斗从允才手中抢走一个公事包,允才追朴昌斗,结 果被迎面而来的汽车撞个正着。

8:00 PM The Rippling Blossom (Ep 16) Silong decides to keep the news of her pregnancy from (PG)(English/Chinese Subtitles) Zhixiao, who uses work as an excuse to avoid her. (Hongkong Drama) Everyone requests Zhiying to return to Hong Kong to handle the crisis in Yi Restaurant which Zhixiao left unattended. However, Zhiying decides to give up making sushi under the pressure. <鱼跃在花见> (港剧) (中英文字幕) (PG)思茏到寿司店找至嚣详谈,但他却推说自己工作繁忙 ,思茏只得隐瞒自己怀孕的事。至嚣任由意寿司自生自灭 ,众人得知后要求至嬴立即赶回香港处理,但至嬴竟抵受 不了压力,竟说自己想放弃做寿司. 9:00 PM Kawaii Style (Infotainment) Bask in the excitement of Tokyo's latest trends with Joanne Peh and her Japanese co-hosts where they bring you what's hot and highly recommended by the experts and locals in Japan. <哈日时尚风> (娱乐资讯节目) 如果你想掌握日本的时尚、美容、美食和潮流趣事,那你 决不能错过由时尚代表白薇秀、Nicole Ishida和Noa Iwamoto联手主持的《哈日时尚风》!你也可以从Instagra m上搜查 #kawaiiUstyle,抢先欣赏白薇秀在日本拍摄时的幕后花絮 !

9:30 PM Weekend Getaway (Infotainment) Weekend Getaway is a 12-episode travelogue, showcasing unique travel locations in Malaysia! Every episode introduces audiences to the best of Malaysia's hidden gems, based on 2D1N or 3D2N itineraries. <周末自游行> (娱乐资讯节目) 《周末自游行》是一个为新加坡观众量身打造的全新旅游 节目。 节目将依两天一夜或三天两夜的周末旅游行程,带领观众 探索马来西亚吃喝玩乐的好去处!

10:00 PM No Regrets (Ep 1) Hundreds of people gathered for the funeral of Zheng Jiu (PG)(Debut)(English/Chinese Mei who had saved their lives during the Japanese Subtitles) (Hongkong Drama) occupation. However, people are puzzled about the kind of person Jiu Mei was as she was branded a traitor and the daughter of the kingpin, Zheng Liang Jun who runs the vice businesses in Guangzhou. <巾帼枭雄之义海豪情> (港剧) (PG)(首播)郑九妹在日军占领广州时期救了众百名小孩。数 (中英文字幕) 十年后,已成老人的获救孩子,参加了郑九妹的丧礼。可 是大家依然对郑九妹感到好奇不解,因为她被当作是汉奸 也是鸦片大王的女儿。

11:00 PM News Tonight (Chinese Subtitles) A comprehensive half-hour news programme, NEWS (News) TONIGHT provides viewers with important local, international and financial developments for the day. <晚间新闻> (新闻) (中文字幕) U频道《晚间新闻》,在半小时里除深入报道本地与国际要 闻,还有详尽的财经新闻和体坛动态。世界局势与经济动 脉,让大家轻松掌握。

11:30 PM Kawaii Style (R) (Infotainment) Bask in the excitement of Tokyo's latest trends with Joanne Peh and her Japanese co-hosts where they bring you what's hot and highly recommended by the experts and locals in Japan. <哈日时尚风> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) 如果你想掌握日本的时尚、美容、美食和潮流趣事,那你 决不能错过由时尚代表白薇秀、Nicole Ishida和Noa Iwamoto联手主持的《哈日时尚风》!你也可以从Instagra m上搜查 #kawaiiUstyle,抢先欣赏白薇秀在日本拍摄时的幕后花絮 ! 12:00 AM Weekend Getaway (R) (Infotainment) Weekend Getaway is a 12-episode travelogue, showcasing unique travel locations in Malaysia! Every episode introduces audiences to the best of Malaysia's hidden gems, based on 2D1N or 3D2N itineraries. <周末自游行> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) 《周末自游行》是一个为新加坡观众量身打造的全新旅游 节目。 节目将依两天一夜或三天两夜的周末旅游行程,带领观众 探索马来西亚吃喝玩乐的好去处!

12:30 AM Super King (R) (Variety) This variety programme hosted by Jacky Wu and four other top hosts, brings joy and laughter to the audience. There are play along children game segment, songs segment by popular singers and special concert performances of popular groups. <综艺大国民> (综艺节目)(重) 《综艺大国民》是一档由吴宗宪、孙协志、王仁甫、汪东 城及黄镫辉五位主持人联合打造的综艺娱乐节目.每周海内 外超级偶像艺人站台,集集量身特别企划最震撼。

1:30 AM The Palace (R) (Hongkong Drama) Travelling through the time tunnel, a simple and kind- hearted girl of the 21st century finds herself reappearing in the Forbidden City during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and gets entangled romantically with two powerful princes, one of whom is the future king. <宫锁心玉> (港剧)(重) 一位生长于廿一世纪的清纯善良美少女,不经意间踏进那 神奇的时间隧道,蓦然来到康熙王朝的紫禁城,并与当时 年华正茂的第四和第八阿哥,牵引出一段非比寻常的恋情 。

2:30 AM End of Transmission TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Fri, 15 Feb 2013 (Channel U) 11:00 AM Home Shopping (Commercial) <购物乐>

3:00 PM Mom's Dead Upset (R) (Eps 83 & 84) "Mom's Dead Upset" is a lively and hilarious family- (PG)(Dual Sound - 2nd track in centered story. Juxtaposing the different outlook in life and Korean)(Chinese Subtitles) (Korean love, there is a clash of the traditional values of the older Drama) generation and modern lifestyles of the young living under one roof. Surfacing the anxieties and dissatisfaction of the older folks and harsh exchanges between generations with many humorous moments, and showcases the theme that "Times Change, Family Remains".

<妈妈发怒了> (韩剧)(重)(双声道 - 《妈妈发怒了》是一部充满爆笑温馨的家庭剧. 华韩语) (中文字幕) 讲述着年轻人虽然和父母们同住在一个屋檐下,却存在着 两种截然不同的价值观,看法和处事方式。年轻人在对待生 活和爱情的追求令保守的父母等老一辈人看着既不满又担 心。剧中老、中、青三代发生了剧烈的碰撞,笑料百出, 却也带出了「时代变,亲情不变」的主题。 5:00 PM The Palace (Ep 8) (Hongkong Travelling through the time tunnel, a simple and kind- Drama) hearted girl of the 21st century finds herself reappearing in the Forbidden City during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and gets entangled romantically with two powerful princes, one of whom is the future king. <宫锁心玉> (港剧) 一位生长于廿一世纪的清纯善良美少女,不经意间踏进那 神奇的时间隧道,蓦然来到康熙王朝的紫禁城,并与当时 年华正茂的第四和第八阿哥,牵引出一段非比寻常的恋情 。

6:00 PM Show Hand (R) (Ep 8) (PG)(English Do we lead a fated life or do we decide our own destiny? Subtitles) (Local Drama) Cast: Christopher Lee,Chew Chor Meng,Cynthia Koh,Ann Kok,Ian Fang, Kimberly Chia

<注定> (本地连续剧)(重) (英文字幕) (PG) 人生每一个关口的决定,是早就被'注定'了, 还是等待自己来'决定'呢?演员: 李铭顺, 周初明, 许美珍, 郭舒贤, 方伟杰, 谢静仪.

7:00 PM Ice Adonis (Ep 71) (PG)(Dual Sound - Qingshu wants Renshuo to exit from politics and apologise 2nd track in Korean)(English/Chinese publicly for the wrongs that he and Youluo have done to Subtitles) (Korean Drama) Yanhua. Renshuo refuses. He is later elected to be a member of the parliament. <黄色复仇草> (韩剧)(双声道 - (PG)庆淑要幼萝劝仁硕退出政坛,然后就他和幼萝犯下的 华韩语) (中英文字幕) 罪行公开向晏华道歉。仁硕不肯,过后还成功当选国会议 员。

8:00 PM The Rippling Blossom (Ep 17) Zhiying neglects pre-tasting of the sushi he prepared for (PG)(English/Chinese Subtitles) Japanese athlete Changze and causes him to be (Hongkong Drama) hospitalised due to food poisoning. Zhiying loses his morale when Yi Restaurant is temporarily suspended. However, he decides to propose marriage to Jiangqiang.

<鱼跃在花见> (港剧) (中英文字幕) (PG)至嬴为了急于把寿司送给日本运动员长泽吃,竟然忽 略了试食,导致他食物中毒入院。意寿司被勒令暂停营业 ,至嬴不思振作,更当众向姜羌求婚。

9:00 PM The World Is So Big (Infotainment) Xiang Lin continues her adventure in Palau and is amazed by the majestic underwater world and gets up close with dolphins in a dolphin school. <世界那么大> (娱乐资讯节目) 这一集,相林继续在帛琉探索丰富海底世界, 并参观世界第一海豚学校,与海豚游玩!

10:00 PM No Regrets (Ep 2) Liu Xing gets Spare Ribs to buy lottery ticket for him but (PG)(English/Chinese Subtitles) Spare Ribs gets pickpocketed and loses Liu Xing's money. (Hongkong Drama) He meets a kind lady who advises him to use an old lottery ticket to fool Liu Xing. Liu wins the big prize but is shocked when the lottery company denies his winnings… <巾帼枭雄之义海豪情> (港剧) (PG)刘醒吩咐排骨买白鸽标彩票但排骨不慎遇到扒手,不 (中英文字幕) 见了刘醒一个月的工资。一名好心姑娘见排骨不知所措, 建议他使计改掉旧彩票顶替。刘醒竟然中了大奖但因彩票 公司找不到票根,无法领奖金。。。

11:00 PM News Tonight (Chinese Subtitles) A comprehensive half-hour news programme, NEWS (News) TONIGHT provides viewers with important local, international and financial developments for the day. <晚间新闻> (新闻) (中文字幕) U频道《晚间新闻》,在半小时里除深入报道本地与国际要 闻,还有详尽的财经新闻和体坛动态。世界局势与经济动 脉,让大家轻松掌握。

11:30 PM When Love Walked In (Ep 16) Qing Yujiang is ordered by Chairman Yuan to find his long (English/Chinese Subtitles) (Drama) lost granddaughter, Shen Yayin. But Yayin is bitter towards her grandfather due to her parents' death. Yujiang gradually falls in love with Yayin, but backs out without realizing that she is actually his long lost childhood friend.

<爱情闯进门> (连续剧) (中英文字幕) 孙秦雨被袁氏集团董事长袁浩天命找回失散二十年的外孙 女雅音。雅音因父母过世的事对外公浩天一直心存芥蒂, 雨江从中调和,不仅缓和了祖孙关系,还渐渐走进了雅音 的内心,但雨江的心里一直住着儿时孤儿院的玩伴…

12:30 AM Sunday Splendid Showtime (R) Have fun with Zeng Guo Cheng, Blackie Chen and Tammy (Variety) Chen in this awesome variety show! Celebrities are split into two teams in a Red vs White segment where their singing, dancing and impersonation skills are challenged.

<周日大精彩> (综艺节目)(重) 由曾国城、陈建州(黑人)和陈怡蓉主持的娱乐性丰富综 艺节目。在"红白大赏"单元里,每一集曾国城和黑人会分别 带领一班艺人,在舞蹈、歌唱、模仿等各方面互相竞技, 争取胜利。

2:30 AM The Palace (R) (Ep 8) (Hongkong Travelling through the time tunnel, a simple and kind- Drama) hearted girl of the 21st century finds herself reappearing in the Forbidden City during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and gets entangled romantically with two powerful princes, one of whom is the future king. <宫锁心玉> (港剧)(重) 一位生长于廿一世纪的清纯善良美少女,不经意间踏进那 神奇的时间隧道,蓦然来到康熙王朝的紫禁城,并与当时 年华正茂的第四和第八阿哥,牵引出一段非比寻常的恋情 。

3:30 AM End of Transmission TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Sat, 16 Feb 2013 (Channel U) 6:00 AM Home Shopping (Commercial) <购物乐> 10:00 AM Diamond Club (R) (Variety) The highest-rated Taiwan variety programme, hosted by the famous Regine, is now on Channel U! Judged by a panel of "Shrewd tongue" guest artistes, the programme showcase unique talents from all walks of life - magic show, street dance, dog talent performance.

<钻石夜总会> (综艺节目)(重) 由台湾名嘴利菁主持,《钻石夜总会》汇集了全台最独特 、最叫人惊喜连连的表演节目。从魔术,杂耍,舞蹈至狗 狗特技表演等,样样让观众看得目不暇给!

11:30 AM The Truth About Killer Dinosaurs (R) (Chinese Subtitles) (Info/Education)

<杀手恐龙生死斗> (资讯节目)(重) (中文字幕)

12:00 PM My Working Holiday (R) (Local Info- Ed) <打工看世界> (本地资讯节目)(重)

12:30 PM 2013 Jiangsu New Year Countdown Held in Nanjing Olympic stadium, this year concert Concert (R) (Variety) gathered all the Asian Music "Kings","Queens" and Group Artistes such as Lee Hom, Jay Chou, Sandy Lam, Kim Hyun Joong, JJ Lin,Show Luo, Karen Mok, EXO-M, SJ-M, Elva Hsiao, Yoga Lin, Sun Yang and many more.

<2013 江苏卫视跨年晚会> 2013 (综艺节目)(重) "幸福领航"跨年演唱会在南京奥体中心体育馆沸腾上演, 今年聚集了王力宏、周杰伦, 林忆莲、金贤重、林俊杰,周华健、林宥嘉、萧亚 轩、罗志祥、莫文蔚、EXO-M、SJ- M、孙杨等亚洲歌坛天王、天后、天团撑场。

5:00 PM The Banquet (R) (Info/Education) This 8-episode series feature eight different events; eight big feasts all lined up for eight big celebrations! <大飨宴> (资讯节目)(重) 《大飨宴》共8集,每一集呈现不一样的节庆或食会 -- 全部8个海外地点的8大飨宴。节目将从整个设宴地点和宴 会背景说起,进而聚焦各个人物以及宴会上的特别菜肴。

5:30 PM Guess (R) (Variety) Tune in as funny man Jacky Wu and pretty host Patty Hou pair up to entertain you. Be prepared to laugh till you drop!

<你猜你猜你猜猜猜> (综艺节目)(重) 搞笑天王吴宗宪搭配美女主播侯佩岑将连一连串的好节目 带给大家。惹笑的内容保证令您笑破肚皮! 7:00 PM Money Week (Local Current Affairs) Tung Soo Hua hosts Money Week, the Mandarin Business Current Affairs Programme, that provides comprehensive insights and analysis of the business world.

<财经追击> (本地时事节目) 《财经追击》是新加坡唯一以中文制作的经济时事节目。 节目将深入分析最新的经济趋势和商业动态,让观众能更 好地掌握市场走势和投资情报。

7:30 PM Top Eats 100 (Infotainment) Top Eats 100 is hosted by Ouyang Jin, Lin Yingtong and Zhang Lisa. In each episode, a celebrity will be invited to sample one of the 20 popular delicacies voted by the audience in Hong Kong. <香港美食100强> (娱乐资讯节目) 由欧阳靖, 林颖彤和张莉莎联合主持的《香港美食100强》,每一期都 会邀请著名艺人和大家一起去品尝香港观众所投选出20款 美食.

8:00 PM Perfect Match (Variety) Channel U presents this wildly popular match-making variety programme from China. 5 eligible bachelors will go on the show each week to interact with 24 beautiful females. Lucky male participants will get a chance to walk away with their dream girls. <非诚勿扰> (综艺节目) 来自中国内地的大型配对节目。每期节目邀请5名男士到场 与24位美女们交流。有幸的男士可与心仪的女生配对。

9:30 PM Queen of S.O.P (Ep 17) (English In order to save her company, Tammi intends to sacrifices Subtitles) (Drama) herself to marry the man who she does not love. Meanwhile, Tanglan regains consciousness and reluctantly give her company to Chu's father. (连续剧) (英文字幕) 汤敏为了皇海不惜牺牲自己的幸福,打算嫁给蔡董。同时, 汤兰从昏迷醒来,无奈得把皇海的管理权让给曾董,以挽 回汤敏的幸福。

11:00 PM News Tonight (Chinese Subtitles) A comprehensive half-hour news programme, NEWS (News) TONIGHT provides viewers with important local, international and financial developments for the day. <晚间新闻> (新闻) (中文字幕) U频道《晚间新闻》,在半小时里除深入报道本地与国际要 闻,还有详尽的财经新闻和体坛动态。世界局势与经济动 脉,让大家轻松掌握。

11:30 PM When Love Walked In (Ep 17) Qing Yujiang is ordered by Chairman Yuan to find his long (English/Chinese Subtitles) (Drama) lost granddaughter, Shen Yayin. But Yayin is bitter towards her grandfather due to her parents' death. Yujiang gradually falls in love with Yayin, but backs out without realizing that she is actually his long lost childhood friend. <爱情闯进门> (连续剧) (中英文字幕) 孙秦雨被袁氏集团董事长袁浩天命找回失散二十年的外孙 女雅音。雅音因父母过世的事对外公浩天一直心存芥蒂, 雨江从中调和,不仅缓和了祖孙关系,还渐渐走进了雅音 的内心,但雨江的心里一直住着儿时孤儿院的玩伴…

12:30 AM Who's the Hero (R) (Eps 18 & 19) Fengming decides not to let Jinbao handle the casino's (PG13-Gambling Theme)(Chinese project when she learns that Jinbao is Wang Dao's son. Subtitles) (Hongkong Drama) But Wang Dao begs her to trust Jinbao and tells her that he is dying of cancer. Jack confesses to Huashun that he has fallen for her. <胜者为王> (港剧)(重) (中文字幕) (PG13- 赌博题材)风鸣知道金宝是王道的儿子后,决定不让金宝负 责赌场的计划。王道求风鸣相信金宝并透露自己已得绝症 。杰克向花顺表白,令花顺感到错愕。

2:30 AM End of Transmission TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Sun, 17 Feb 2013 (Channel U) 6:00 AM Home Shopping (Commercial) <购物乐>

10:00 AM Million Singer (R) (Variety) Each episode of Million Singer features different singers challenging for the top prize of NT 300,000. Contestant will have to overcome 10 different categories of songs and be able to complete the missing lyrics for all the songs in order to achieve the top prize.

<百万大歌星> (综艺节目)(重) 唱歌可换现金! 不比音色, 也不比音准, 而是挑战参赛者的记忆和对歌词的认识。只要唱得出歌词 就能轻松赢取高达新台币$300,000的奖金!

11:30 AM Approaching Science (R) Hosted by Zhang Tengyue, this documentary expounds on (Info/Education) a wide range of topics such as the mysterious cave, prehistoric creature, eight-legged hunter.

<走近科学> (资讯节目)(重) 在这部记录片中, 主持人张腾岳, 试图以科学的方法来探讨和解释, 一些稀奇古怪的事物与现象。譬如洞穴疑影,深山角怪, 八爪猎手之谜等等。

12:00 PM I Cook For U (R) (Last Episode) Host Ben Yeo and 5 famous Singapore-based chefs from (Local Info-Ed) Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong and Malaysia will share with us their stories of success, and the special people they wish to thank. The chefs will visit them in their hometown and whip up some Lunar New Year dishes to repay their kindness. <名厨上菜> (本地资讯节目)(重) (最后一集) 新系列的《名厨上菜》杨志龙将随5位来自海外的本地名厨 回到他们的家乡台湾、日本、香港和马来西亚,请他们为 心目中最想感谢的一位恩人烹煮佳肴。观众除了可以见识 到名厨的私房年菜,还可以跟随他们在异乡寻找烹调所需 的食材!

1:00 PM BOSS (R) (Eps 1 & 2) (PG)(Dual Osawa Eriko is a beautiful career policewoman who has Sound - 2nd track in just returned from training in the U.S. and is appointed as Japanese)(English Subtitles) the "boss" of the Special Crimes division which is made up (Japanese Drama) of weirdos from different units of the police force. Initially, she encounters difficulties managing her subordinates but soon gains the respect of her colleagues with her intelligence.

(日剧)(重)(双声道 - 华日语) (PG)从美国回来的大泽绘里子成为警视厅搜查一课的犯罪 (英文字幕) 对策组的boss,但编派到她手下的组员却形态各异。这样 一班乌合之众放在一起,着实让大泽头痛,搜查一课对她 的部门从没寄予厚望,只需要她应对媒体公关。但大泽却 不愿成为被人摆布的木偶,面对这样一班下属与不断发生 的案件,她将以身作则,让部下发挥个人特长破获案件。

3:00 PM Pink Lipstick (R) (Eps 91 & 92) (Dual Jia'en tries to get close to Tingyu in order to find Sound - 2nd track in incriminating evidence against him. She fakes amnesia Korean)(English/Chinese Subtitles) and finds an excuse to move into Tingyu's house. (Korean Drama) Coincidentally, Meilan is also searching for evidence against Tingyu. But her plan is ultimately discovered by Tingyu, who later insists on a divorce. <粉红色口红> (韩剧)(重)(双声道 - (PG)佳恩假装失去记忆然后住进廷禹家,终于让她找到了 华韩语) (中英文字幕) 能够威胁廷禹致命弱点的文件。另一方面,美兰也企图窃 取廷禹的秘密,廷禹发现后难以容忍,于是向美兰提出离 婚,但被美兰拒绝。

5:00 PM Legendary Cuisines (R) Do you know that Genghis Khan must have grilled (Infotainment) skewered mutton before he leaves for the battlefield? Or how is the Dowager Chrysanthemum Hot Pot related to Empress Cixi? The new season of Legendary Cuisines has the answers. <传说中的料理> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) 你尝过鸳鸯鸡粥吗?知道梅兰芳在登台前必吃的心是什么 吗?太后菊花锅和慈禧太后有什么关系?新系列的《传说 中的料理》将为你解答。

5:30 PM Power Sunday (R) (Variety) "Power Sunday" is a variety programme hosted by Jacky Wu filled with fun, laughter and exciting games. Invited artistes will experience "bungee jumping" and masquerade hide and seek games. These hilarious game segments will keep the viewers entertained every week. (综艺节目)(重) 由天王名嘴吴宗宪主持的综艺节目. " Power 星期天 " 里有两个好玩刺激游戏单元。在"对不起,HIGH到你"单元 里,艺人站上2.8 公尺的高台上,体验最高最刺激的自由落体,而在" 案发现场躲猫猫" 游戏中,看明星歌手到你家,玩最有创意的找查疑点,最 好玩的家庭躲猫猫游戏。

7:00 PM World This Week (Local Info-Ed) Every week all around the world, there are lots of queer and amusing happenings. Check them out on World This Week and be amazed without leaving your comfortable couch! <世界一周> (本地资讯节目) 每一个星期在世界的不同角落都会发生不同有趣或惊奇的 事物。《世界一周》带你去探个究竟,让你不出家门也可 以增广见闻。

7:30 PM My Working Holiday (Local Info-Ed)

<打工看世界> (本地资讯节目)

8:00 PM Youth Diary (PG) (Infotainment) <青春有悔> (娱乐资讯节目) (PG)

8:30 PM The Brave Game (Variety) Find out who is the bravest person in this physically challenging game show! Participants who fail to complete three out of the seven levels would be eliminated. The obstacles in each level test the participants on their agility, endurance and speed. <勇者无敌> (综艺节目) 《勇者无敌》是个考验参赛者体力和敏捷度的一场比赛。 参赛者需要通过七关,如果没法通过其中三关就被淘汰。 谁才是真正的勇者呢?

9:30 PM City Hunter (Ep 7) (PG)(Dual Sound - "City Hunter" tells the story of how a former CIA official, Li 2nd track in Korean)(English/Chinese Runcheng, provides warmth for those around him in a city Subtitles) (Korean Drama) filled with indifference. During the process he also has a chance to rediscover love and reconcile with his family.

<城市猎人> (韩剧)(双声道 - 华韩语) (PG)《城市猎人》讲述了前任特工李润成的故事。他为在 (中英文字幕) 冷漠的城市里为受伤的人们解决困难中,治疗了自己的伤 处,并对爱和家人有了重新的认识。

11:00 PM News Tonight (Chinese Subtitles) A comprehensive half-hour news programme, NEWS (News) TONIGHT provides viewers with important local, international and financial developments for the day. <晚间新闻> (新闻) (中文字幕) U频道《晚间新闻》,在半小时里除深入报道本地与国际要 闻,还有详尽的财经新闻和体坛动态。世界局势与经济动 脉,让大家轻松掌握。 11:30 PM Money Week (R) (Local Current Tung Soo Hua hosts Money Week, the Mandarin Business Affairs) Current Affairs Programme, that provides comprehensive insights and analysis of the business world.

<财经追击> (本地时事节目)(重) 《财经追击》是新加坡唯一以中文制作的经济时事节目。 节目将深入分析最新的经济趋势和商业动态,让观众能更 好地掌握市场走势和投资情报。

12:00 AM Taxi to Asia (R) (Info/Education) Taxi to Asia takes you on a journey to learn the history and culture of different Asian cities by following the local taxi drivers who also share with us their lives and aspirations.

<亚洲德士之旅> (资讯节目)(重) 《亚洲德士之旅》带观众到多个亚洲城市,透过当地德士 司机的生活, 不仅探索各国的历史和文化,也让我们更深一层了解各国 德士司机的生活和梦想。

1:00 AM Super Taste (R) (Infotainment) Eat, drink, play! Anthony Guo and Angus Guo of playful twin group 2moro, comb through every corner of Taiwan to enjoy delicacies with unimaginable fun that will make you crave for more! <食尚玩家 就要酱玩> 旅游不外乎吃喝玩乐。身为一个爱吃、爱旅游的时髦玩家 (娱乐资讯节目)(重) ,应该怎么玩才够酷?两位年轻有活力又爱玩的主持人郭 彥均和郭彥甫(2moro)告诉你,就是要"酱"(这样)玩! 每一集的节目将带你到台湾各处吃喝玩乐,包你看完之后 恨不得飞到台湾去玩!

2:00 AM Singapore Flavours (R) (Local The four lively hosts - Fiona , , Mark Lee Variety) and Chen Hanwei, will play food detectives and take off individually in search of popular dishes that thrive across different continents. <万里香> (本地综艺节目)(重) U频道的全新综艺节目《万里香》,目的是带大家到国外寻 找当地的新加坡美食,借此一探不同国家或地区的美食文 化。《万里香》是由谢宛谕、周崇庆、李国煌和陈汉玮主 持。

3:00 AM End of Transmission TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Mon, 18 Feb 2013 (Channel U) 11:00 AM Home Shopping (Commercial) <购物乐>

3:00 PM Money Week (R) (Local Current Tung Soo Hua hosts Money Week, the Mandarin Business Affairs) Current Affairs Programme, that provides comprehensive insights and analysis of the business world.

<财经追击> (本地时事节目)(重) 《财经追击》是新加坡唯一以中文制作的经济时事节目。 节目将深入分析最新的经济趋势和商业动态,让观众能更 好地掌握市场走势和投资情报。 3:30 PM Shanghai Walker (R) (Infotainment) A travelogue hosted by Hu Mengying and produced by HK TVB. The programme brings viewers to find out interesting food and entertainment spots in Shanghai, China. <潮游上海> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) 香港无线电视制作的旅游资讯节目由胡梦莹主持。摄影队 将带观众们走遍中国上海著名景点,并介绍当地七彩缤纷 的吃喝玩乐。

4:00 PM The Stories In China (R) Hosted by Gao Shanfeng, "The Stories In China" is a fun (Infotainment) and adventurous travelogue that takes its viewers to the different parts of China. From cultural to traditional activities, each episode features the most authentic aspects of China ever as Shanfeng shares with the stories about the place visited and its people. <在中国的故事> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) 最真实的中国,最动人的故事! 让节目主持人高山峰带大家去见识中国各地多姿多彩的文 化与习俗,品尝各种风味不同的地方美食,以及与观众分 享一些鲜为人知的民间轶事。

5:00 PM The Palace (Ep 9) (Hongkong Travelling through the time tunnel, a simple and kind- Drama) hearted girl of the 21st century finds herself reappearing in the Forbidden City during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and gets entangled romantically with two powerful princes, one of whom is the future king. <宫锁心玉> (港剧) 一位生长于廿一世纪的清纯善良美少女,不经意间踏进那 神奇的时间隧道,蓦然来到康熙王朝的紫禁城,并与当时 年华正茂的第四和第八阿哥,牵引出一段非比寻常的恋情 。

6:00 PM Show Hand (R) (Ep 9) (PG)(English Do we lead a fated life or do we decide our own destiny? Subtitles) (Local Drama) Cast: Christopher Lee,Chew Chor Meng,Cynthia Koh,Ann Kok,Ian Fang, Kimberly Chia

<注定> (本地连续剧)(重) (英文字幕) (PG) 人生每一个关口的决定,是早就被'注定'了, 还是等待自己来'决定'呢?演员: 李铭顺, 周初明, 许美珍, 郭舒贤, 方伟杰, 谢静仪.

7:00 PM Ice Adonis (Ep 72) (PG)(Dual Sound - Yuncai questions Youluo with the surveillance camera 2nd track in Korean)(English/Chinese footage that he has captured, but Youluo continues to Subtitles) (Korean Drama) deny any wrongdoings. Yuncai wants to throw Youluo out of the house. <黄色复仇草> (韩剧)(双声道 - (PG)允才将这些日子通过针孔摄像机拍下的画面向幼萝对 华韩语) (中英文字幕) 质,但即使幼萝与朴昌斗勾结的证据摆在眼前,幼萝仍否 认做错。允才气愤地想要把幼萝赶出家门。

8:00 PM Campus Superstar 2013 The long-awaited Campus Superstar finally returns after a (Debut)(Live) (Local Variety) four-year hiatus! Local songwriters Jim Lim, Xiao Han and Y.E.S 93.3FM DJ Dennis Chew will take on judging roles. <校园Superstar 2013> (现场直播)(首播)(《校园Superstar》在暌违4年后,终于回 (本地综艺节目) 来了!担任常驻评审的是本地知名音乐人 林倛玉、作词人小寒以及Y.E.S93.3FM DJ周崇庆。

9:30 PM A Tale of 4 Cities (English/Chinese "A Tale of 4 Cities" is a travelogue that tracks the journey Subtitles)(Dual Sound - 2nd track in of four outgoing Asian travellers who go to four different English) (Info/Education) regions in China. Watch on as they immerse themselves in the locals' lifestyles and discover the unique culture of each region through the different types of food, fashion, arts and architecture. <四城记> (资讯节目)(双声道 - "四城记"是部旅行记录片。4名经验丰富又开朗的亚洲旅人 华英语) (中英文字幕) ,踏入中国4个不同的地区,探探不同的当地文化。他们从 食物到时装,艺术到建筑;沉浸于不同的生活方式以了解 当地人如何生活,工作和娱乐。

10:00 PM No Regrets (Ep 3) Liu Xing finds out the whereabouts of Spare Ribs who tells (PG)(English/Chinese Subtitles) him that it was an unknown man who opened fire at Shao (Hongkong Drama) Jie. Liu believes Spare Ribs and attempts to help him escape but unfortunately, Jiu Mei discovers his plan…

<巾帼枭雄之义海豪情> (港剧) (PG)刘醒找出排骨的下落。排骨声称开枪杀少杰的另有其 (中英文字幕) 人。刘醒相信排骨并企图帮他逃脱但九妹后来得知刘醒的 计划。。。

11:00 PM News Tonight (Chinese Subtitles) A comprehensive half-hour news programme, NEWS (News) TONIGHT provides viewers with important local, international and financial developments for the day. <晚间新闻> (新闻) (中文字幕) U频道《晚间新闻》,在半小时里除深入报道本地与国际要 闻,还有详尽的财经新闻和体坛动态。世界局势与经济动 脉,让大家轻松掌握。

11:30 PM Happy Camp (R) (Chinese Subtitles) Look out for wacky interviews and game segments with (Variety) famous celebrities. Not to be missed! <快乐大本营> (综艺节目)(重) 节目每期请来中国大陆、香港、台湾等地区的知名艺人上 (中文字幕) 节目玩游戏及进行访谈等,让观众看到大明星的另一面。

1:00 AM A Tale of 4 Cities (R) "A Tale of 4 Cities" is a travelogue that tracks the journey (English/Chinese Subtitles)(Dual of four outgoing Asian travellers who go to four different Sound - 2nd track in English) regions in China. Watch on as they immerse themselves in (Info/Education) the locals' lifestyles and discover the unique culture of each region through the different types of food, fashion, arts and architecture. <四城记> (资讯节目)(重)(双声道 - "四城记"是部旅行记录片。4名经验丰富又开朗的亚洲旅人 华英语) (中英文字幕) ,踏入中国4个不同的地区,探探不同的当地文化。他们从 食物到时装,艺术到建筑;沉浸于不同的生活方式以了解 当地人如何生活,工作和娱乐。 1:30 AM The Palace (R) (Ep 9) (Hongkong Travelling through the time tunnel, a simple and kind- Drama) hearted girl of the 21st century finds herself reappearing in the Forbidden City during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and gets entangled romantically with two powerful princes, one of whom is the future king. <宫锁心玉> (港剧)(重) 一位生长于廿一世纪的清纯善良美少女,不经意间踏进那 神奇的时间隧道,蓦然来到康熙王朝的紫禁城,并与当时 年华正茂的第四和第八阿哥,牵引出一段非比寻常的恋情 。

2:30 AM End of Transmission TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Tue, 19 Feb 2013 (Channel U) 11:00 AM Home Shopping (Commercial) <购物乐>

3:00 PM Life's Perfectionists (R) (Dual Sound - There will always be an expert even in the simplest form of 2nd track in Korean)(Chinese jobs. Featuring 3 "experts" in every episode, this Korean Subtitles) (Info/Education) infotainment programme presents people of different fields who exceed expectations of their profession.

<生活达人> (资讯节目)(重)(双声道 - 这是一个轻松有趣的韩国资讯娱乐节目,每集介绍3个忠于 华韩语) (中文字幕) 自己的工作,以致练就了非凡的奇技,到了"达人"境界的平 凡百姓。

3:30 PM Guess (R) (Variety) Tune in as funny man Jacky Wu and pretty host Patty Hou pair up to entertain you. Be prepared to laugh till you drop!

<你猜你猜你猜猜猜> (综艺节目)(重) 搞笑天王吴宗宪搭配美女主播侯佩岑将连一连串的好节目 带给大家。惹笑的内容保证令您笑破肚皮!

5:00 PM The Palace (Ep 10) (Hongkong Travelling through the time tunnel, a simple and kind- Drama) hearted girl of the 21st century finds herself reappearing in the Forbidden City during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and gets entangled romantically with two powerful princes, one of whom is the future king. <宫锁心玉> (港剧) 一位生长于廿一世纪的清纯善良美少女,不经意间踏进那 神奇的时间隧道,蓦然来到康熙王朝的紫禁城,并与当时 年华正茂的第四和第八阿哥,牵引出一段非比寻常的恋情 。

6:00 PM Show Hand (R) (Ep 10) (PG)(English Do we lead a fated life or do we decide our own destiny? Subtitles) (Local Drama) Cast: Christopher Lee,Chew Chor Meng,Cynthia Koh,Ann Kok,Ian Fang, Kimberly Chia

<注定> (本地连续剧)(重) (英文字幕) (PG) 人生每一个关口的决定,是早就被'注定'了, 还是等待自己来'决定'呢?演员: 李铭顺, 周初明, 许美珍, 郭舒贤, 方伟杰, 谢静仪. 7:00 PM Ice Adonis (Ep 73) (PG)(Dual Sound - Yanhua tells Yuncai that she gave birth to their son in jail, 2nd track in Korean)(English/Chinese but their son was indirectly killed by Youluo later on. Subtitles) (Korean Drama) Yuncai brings Youluo to the orphanage and finds out that Taiyang's identity was switched with a boy named Li Junhe. <黄色复仇草> (韩剧)(双声道 - (PG)晏华向允才坦言在监狱里生下他们的孩子,但孩子被 华韩语) (中英文字幕) 幼萝间接害死。允才带幼萝到育幼院,查出当年与太阳调 换身份的孩子的名字是李均赫。

8:00 PM Style: Check-in (Infotainment) Style: Check-in is a brand new stylish infotainment that introduces the trendiest lifestyle and news bites between Singapore and Shanghai! These topics formed are based on these main themes: FUN, FOOD, TRENDS, ENTERTAINMENT and LIFESTYLE. <潮人攻略> (娱乐资讯节目) 《潮人攻略》是一个全新的资讯节目介绍新加坡与上海两 地流行生活与资讯。这个节目希望以一种更接近现代潮人 都市生活的形式,打破一般资讯节目的格局,以FUN、FO OD、TRENDS、ENTERTAINMENT、LIFESTYLE五大主 题,联整集节目。

9:00 PM Miss Traveller (Debut) (Infotainment) Tune in as different female artistes bring viewers to different corners of the world each week for unforgettable and eye-opening trips!

(娱乐资讯节目) (首播)节目每集将由不同的女艺人陪伴观众到世界各个角落 体验和享受非一般的旅程!

10:00 PM No Regrets (Ep 4) The real killer reveals the truth for killing Shao Jie. Liang (PG)(English/Chinese Subtitles) Jun is unhappy when Jiu Mei decides to let the killer go. (Hongkong Drama) Liu Xing is shocked when Jiu Mei goes back on her word and assassinates the killer. <巾帼枭雄之义海豪情> (港剧) (PG)真凶终于露面并告知大家杀死少杰的原因。九妹决定 (中英文字幕) 放过凶手令朗军不悦。刘醒发现九妹出尔反尔,偷偷暗杀 凶手。

11:00 PM News Tonight (Chinese Subtitles) A comprehensive half-hour news programme, NEWS (News) TONIGHT provides viewers with important local, international and financial developments for the day. <晚间新闻> (新闻) (中文字幕) U频道《晚间新闻》,在半小时里除深入报道本地与国际要 闻,还有详尽的财经新闻和体坛动态。世界局势与经济动 脉,让大家轻松掌握。

11:30 PM Style: Check-in (R) (Infotainment) Style: Check-in is a brand new stylish infotainment that introduces the trendiest lifestyle and news bites between Singapore and Shanghai! These topics formed are based on these main themes: FUN, FOOD, TRENDS, ENTERTAINMENT and LIFESTYLE. <潮人攻略> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) 《潮人攻略》是一个全新的资讯节目介绍新加坡与上海两 地流行生活与资讯。这个节目希望以一种更接近现代潮人 都市生活的形式,打破一般资讯节目的格局,以FUN、FO OD、TRENDS、ENTERTAINMENT、LIFESTYLE五大主 题,联整集节目。

12:30 AM Miss Traveller (R) (Infotainment) Tune in as different female artistes bring viewers to different corners of the world each week for unforgettable and eye-opening trips!

(娱乐资讯节目)(重) 节目每集将由不同的女艺人陪伴观众到世界各个角落体验 和享受非一般的旅程!

1:30 AM The Palace (R) (Ep 10) (Hongkong Travelling through the time tunnel, a simple and kind- Drama) hearted girl of the 21st century finds herself reappearing in the Forbidden City during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and gets entangled romantically with two powerful princes, one of whom is the future king. <宫锁心玉> (港剧)(重) 一位生长于廿一世纪的清纯善良美少女,不经意间踏进那 神奇的时间隧道,蓦然来到康熙王朝的紫禁城,并与当时 年华正茂的第四和第八阿哥,牵引出一段非比寻常的恋情 。

2:30 AM End of Transmission TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Wed, 20 Feb 2013 (Channel U) 11:00 AM Home Shopping (Commercial) <购物乐>

3:00 PM World This Week (R) (Local Info-Ed) Every week all around the world, there are lots of queer and amusing happenings. Check them out on World This Week and be amazed without leaving your comfortable couch! <世界一周> (本地资讯节目)(重) 每一个星期在世界的不同角落都会发生不同有趣或惊奇的 事物。《世界一周》带你去探个究竟,让你不出家门也可 以增广见闻。

3:30 PM All Pass (R) (English/Chinese Do adults know languages, Mathematics or even life's Subtitles) (Variety) general knowledge better? See how these young whiz kids prove otherwise as they breeze through Primary School level quizzes, leaving guest stars like Wu Zun, Harlem Yu and Jacky Wu stumped for answers. <百万小学堂> (综艺节目)(重) 由小燕姐主持的问答游戏,向明星、名人发问小学生都应 (中英文字幕) 该懂的问题,看看谁能比节目中聪明可爱的小军师强。吴 尊、哈林、吴宗宪等艺人都参加过挑战,结果出乎意料之 外。 5:00 PM The Palace (Ep 11) (Hongkong Travelling through the time tunnel, a simple and kind- Drama) hearted girl of the 21st century finds herself reappearing in the Forbidden City during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and gets entangled romantically with two powerful princes, one of whom is the future king. <宫锁心玉> (港剧) 一位生长于廿一世纪的清纯善良美少女,不经意间踏进那 神奇的时间隧道,蓦然来到康熙王朝的紫禁城,并与当时 年华正茂的第四和第八阿哥,牵引出一段非比寻常的恋情 。

6:00 PM Show Hand (R) (Ep 11) (PG)(English Do we lead a fated life or do we decide our own destiny? Subtitles) (Local Drama) Cast: Christopher Lee,Chew Chor Meng,Cynthia Koh,Ann Kok,Ian Fang, Kimberly Chia

<注定> (本地连续剧)(重) (英文字幕) (PG) 人生每一个关口的决定,是早就被'注定'了, 还是等待自己来'决定'呢?演员: 李铭顺, 周初明, 许美珍, 郭舒贤, 方伟杰, 谢静仪.

7:00 PM Ice Adonis (Ep 74) (PG)(Dual Sound - Youluo arranges for Taiyang and his foster mother to 2nd track in Korean)(English/Chinese leave Korea, but Pu Changdou warns Youluo that they Subtitles) (Korean Drama) could be caught for using fake passports. Pu Changdou then brings Taiyang and his foster mother away.

<黄色复仇草> (韩剧)(双声道 - (PG)幼萝安排太阳与养母离开韩国,但朴昌斗通知她说因 华韩语) (中英文字幕) 太阳与养母使用假护照,所以他们很可能会被捕。朴昌斗 于是赶到机场将太阳及养母接走。允才与晏华到崔府找不 到太阳,于是要报警告幼萝绑架。

8:00 PM The Rippling Blossom (Ep 18) Jiangqiang blames Zhiying for ignoring the mess he (PG)(English/Chinese Subtitles) created at Yi Restaurant and decides to break up with him. (Hongkong Drama) Zhixiao discovers that Silong is pregnant with his child upon seeing her ultrasound scan photo. Zhiying gets inspired to start afresh after making sushi at the orphanage with Zhibao. <鱼跃在花见> (港剧) (中英文字幕) (PG)姜羌责至嬴不思进取,更把意寿司搞得一塌糊涂,于 是决定与他分手。至嚣送思茏回家时,发现思茏有婴儿的 超声波照片,才得悉思茏已怀了他的孩子。至嬴决意与至 宝一起到孤儿院替院童做寿司,却得到启发而重新振作。

9:00 PM World's No 1 (Infotainment) This episode features an elephant orphanage in Sri Lanka, floatplanes and submarine in Maldives. <世界第一等> (娱乐资讯节目) 本集内容包括 "中国广西巴马长寿村斯"和“一百二十六岁的长寿妇人" 等。 10:00 PM No Regrets (Ep 5) Fei Fan pockets the money which Jiu Mei had rewarded (PG)(English/Chinese Subtitles) his team for confiscating opium. Liu Xing and gang are (Hongkong Drama) furious and decide to seek justice from Jiu Mei. Fei Fan discovers Liu's plan and tells Jiu Mei that Liu has been spreading rumours that she killed Cai Xing secretly.

<巾帼枭雄之义海豪情> (港剧) (PG)九妹重金犒赏非凡和下属卖力打击私烟但非凡中饱私 (中英文字幕) 囊,令刘醒气愤。刘醒与众兄弟决定找九妹帮忙。非凡得 知此事,先发制人,向九妹通报刘醒诬蔑九妹暗杀蔡兴。

11:00 PM News Tonight (Chinese Subtitles) A comprehensive half-hour news programme, NEWS (News) TONIGHT provides viewers with important local, international and financial developments for the day. <晚间新闻> (新闻) (中文字幕) U频道《晚间新闻》,在半小时里除深入报道本地与国际要 闻,还有详尽的财经新闻和体坛动态。世界局势与经济动 脉,让大家轻松掌握。

11:30 PM My Working Holiday (R) (Local Info- "My Working Holiday" reveals the tribulations of a young Ed) man as he sweats, toils and labors in different parts of the world on a work and travel journey. "My Working Holiday" aims to inform Singaporeans on pivotal environmental and conversation issues that affect our world today.

<打工看世界> (本地资讯节目)(重) 一 系列8集的《打工看世界》在年轻主持人方伟杰的带领之下 ,通过他亲身付出劳动让电视观众感受不一样的世界。通 过打工旅游,体验的不仅是生活,更是另一种独 有的文化、韵味、思维与气息。

12:00 AM Youth Diary (R) (PG) (Infotainment) "Youth Diary" will be based on 7 real-life cases and using re-enactment to show the cases to the public. Incorporating interviews with counselors, psychologists and the main characters involved, we will discover what the main characters are thinking and what do they feel about their actions when they think back. <青春有悔> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) (PG)通过半纪录片半戏剧性的处理,《青春。残酷物语》 将以7个真实的档案故事,重塑这些事件发生的经过,并通 过和辅导员,心理学家以及当事人的访谈,分析人物的心 里和事后的意义。

12:30 AM World's No 1 (R) (Infotainment) This episode features a longevity village and the 126- year -old woman in Guangxi, China. <世界第一等> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) 本集内容包括 "中国广西巴马长寿村斯"和“一百二十六岁的长寿妇人" 等。 1:30 AM The Palace (R) (Ep 11) (Hongkong Travelling through the time tunnel, a simple and kind- Drama) hearted girl of the 21st century finds herself reappearing in the Forbidden City during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and gets entangled romantically with two powerful princes, one of whom is the future king. <宫锁心玉> (港剧)(重) 一位生长于廿一世纪的清纯善良美少女,不经意间踏进那 神奇的时间隧道,蓦然来到康熙王朝的紫禁城,并与当时 年华正茂的第四和第八阿哥,牵引出一段非比寻常的恋情 。

2:30 AM End of Transmission TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Thu, 21 Feb 2013 (Channel U) 11:00 AM Home Shopping (Commercial) <购物乐>

3:00 PM Mom's Dead Upset (R) (Eps 85 & 86) "Mom's Dead Upset" is a lively and hilarious family- (PG)(Last Episode)(Dual Sound - centered story. Juxtaposing the different outlook in life and 2nd track in Korean)(Chinese love, there is a clash of the traditional values of the older Subtitles) (Korean Drama) generation and modern lifestyles of the young living under one roof. Surfacing the anxieties and dissatisfaction of the older folks and harsh exchanges between generations with many humorous moments, and showcases the theme that "Times Change, Family Remains".

<妈妈发怒了> (韩剧)(重)(双声道 - (PG)(大结局)《妈妈发怒了》是一部充满爆笑温馨的家庭剧 华韩语) (中文字幕) . 讲述着年轻人虽然和父母们同住在一个屋檐下,却存在着 两种截然不同的价值观,看法和处事方式。年轻人在对待生 活和爱情的追求令保守的父母等老一辈人看着既不满又担 心。剧中老、中、青三代发生了剧烈的碰撞,笑料百出, 却也带出了「时代变,亲情不变」的主题。

5:00 PM The Palace (Ep 12) (Hongkong Travelling through the time tunnel, a simple and kind- Drama) hearted girl of the 21st century finds herself reappearing in the Forbidden City during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and gets entangled romantically with two powerful princes, one of whom is the future king. <宫锁心玉> (港剧) 一位生长于廿一世纪的清纯善良美少女,不经意间踏进那 神奇的时间隧道,蓦然来到康熙王朝的紫禁城,并与当时 年华正茂的第四和第八阿哥,牵引出一段非比寻常的恋情 。

6:00 PM Show Hand (Ep 12) (PG)(English Do we lead a fated life or do we decide our own destiny? Subtitles) (Local Drama) Cast: Christopher Lee,Chew Chor Meng,Cynthia Koh,Ann Kok,Ian Fang, Kimberly Chia

<注定> (本地连续剧) (英文字幕) (PG) 人生每一个关口的决定,是早就被'注定'了, 还是等待自己来'决定'呢?演员: 李铭顺, 周初明, 许美珍, 郭舒贤, 方伟杰, 谢静仪. 7:00 PM Ice Adonis (Ep 75) (PG)(Dual Sound - Yanhua is willing to hand over the car crash accident and 2nd track in Korean)(English/Chinese also stop the television programme from airing in Subtitles) (Korean Drama) exchange for Taiyang. Youluo brings Taiyang away after collecting the evidence and terminates all communication with the outside world. <黄色复仇草> (韩剧)(双声道 - (PG)晏华愿意用节目及五年前车祸的证据跟幼萝交换太阳 华韩语) (中英文字幕) 。幼萝拿到证据后带着太阳逃跑,然后断绝与外界的联系 。

8:00 PM The Rippling Blossom (Ep 19) Zhixiao manages to locate Silong in Hokkaido and finally (PG)(English/Chinese Subtitles) reconciles with her. Zhiying reveals to Mu Rongcheng that (Hongkong Drama) his sushi making skill has progressed to a higher level after making sushi at the orphanage. Zhiying readily accepts Zhixiao challenge to another sushi match.

<鱼跃在花见> (港剧) (中英文字幕) (PG) 至嚣到北海道寻找思茏的下落,思茏见至嚣出现后终答应 与他重新开始。至嬴向慕容澄坦诚自己在孤儿院的经验, 令他制寿司的造艺又再提升了一层。至嚣亦重提兄弟再次 比试之事,而至嬴亦爽快答应。

9:00 PM Kawaii Style (Infotainment) Bask in the excitement of Tokyo's latest trends with Joanne Peh and her Japanese co-hosts where they bring you what's hot and highly recommended by the experts and locals in Japan. <哈日时尚风> (娱乐资讯节目) 如果你想掌握日本的时尚、美容、美食和潮流趣事,那你 决不能错过由时尚代表白薇秀、Nicole Ishida和Noa Iwamoto联手主持的《哈日时尚风》!你也可以从Instagra m上搜查 #kawaiiUstyle,抢先欣赏白薇秀在日本拍摄时的幕后花絮 !

9:30 PM Weekend Getaway (Infotainment) Weekend Getaway is a 12-episode travelogue, showcasing unique travel locations in Malaysia! Every episode introduces audiences to the best of Malaysia's hidden gems, based on 2D1N or 3D2N itineraries. <周末自游行> (娱乐资讯节目) 《周末自游行》是一个为新加坡观众量身打造的全新旅游 节目。 节目将依两天一夜或三天两夜的周末旅游行程,带领观众 探索马来西亚吃喝玩乐的好去处!

10:00 PM No Regrets (Ep 6) Lang Xi and Da Feng urge Shao Kang to fight against Jiu (PG)(English/Chinese Subtitles) Mei. Shao Kang picks up courage and gets his men to find (Hongkong Drama) evidence that Jiu Mei is not the biological daughter of Lang Jun. <巾帼枭雄之义海豪情> (港剧) (PG)朗喜和大凤劝少康重拾信心,与九妹对抗。少康动心 (中英文字幕) ,召集手下要查出九妹非朗军亲生的证据。 11:00 PM News Tonight (Chinese Subtitles) A comprehensive half-hour news programme, NEWS (News) TONIGHT provides viewers with important local, international and financial developments for the day. <晚间新闻> (新闻) (中文字幕) U频道《晚间新闻》,在半小时里除深入报道本地与国际要 闻,还有详尽的财经新闻和体坛动态。世界局势与经济动 脉,让大家轻松掌握。

11:30 PM Kawaii Style (R) (Infotainment) Bask in the excitement of Tokyo's latest trends with Joanne Peh and her Japanese co-hosts where they bring you what's hot and highly recommended by the experts and locals in Japan. <哈日时尚风> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) 如果你想掌握日本的时尚、美容、美食和潮流趣事,那你 决不能错过由时尚代表白薇秀、Nicole Ishida和Noa Iwamoto联手主持的《哈日时尚风》!你也可以从Instagra m上搜查 #kawaiiUstyle,抢先欣赏白薇秀在日本拍摄时的幕后花絮 !

12:00 AM Weekend Getaway (R) (Infotainment) Weekend Getaway is a 12-episode travelogue, showcasing unique travel locations in Malaysia! Every episode introduces audiences to the best of Malaysia's hidden gems, based on 2D1N or 3D2N itineraries. <周末自游行> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) 《周末自游行》是一个为新加坡观众量身打造的全新旅游 节目。 节目将依两天一夜或三天两夜的周末旅游行程,带领观众 探索马来西亚吃喝玩乐的好去处!

12:30 AM Super King (R) (Variety) This variety programme hosted by Jacky Wu and four other top hosts, brings joy and laughter to the audience. There are play along children game segment, songs segment by popular singers and special concert performances of popular groups. <综艺大国民> (综艺节目)(重) 《综艺大国民》是一档由吴宗宪、孙协志、王仁甫、汪东 城及黄镫辉五位主持人联合打造的综艺娱乐节目.每周海内 外超级偶像艺人站台,集集量身特别企划最震撼。

1:30 AM The Palace (R) (Ep 12) (Hongkong Travelling through the time tunnel, a simple and kind- Drama) hearted girl of the 21st century finds herself reappearing in the Forbidden City during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and gets entangled romantically with two powerful princes, one of whom is the future king. <宫锁心玉> (港剧)(重) 一位生长于廿一世纪的清纯善良美少女,不经意间踏进那 神奇的时间隧道,蓦然来到康熙王朝的紫禁城,并与当时 年华正茂的第四和第八阿哥,牵引出一段非比寻常的恋情 。

2:30 AM End of Transmission TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Fri, 22 Feb 2013 (Channel U) 11:00 AM Home Shopping (Commercial) <购物乐>

3:00 PM The Great Queen Seon Deok (R) King Jin Heung wants his trusted bodyguard, Seol Won, to (Eps 1 & 2) (PG-Some assassinate his concubine, Mishil, as he knows Mishil will Violence)(Dual Sound - 2nd track in wreck havoc after his death. Unknown to King Jin Heung Korean)(English/Chinese Subtitles) however, Seol Won is in cahoots with Mishil. (Korean Drama) <善德女王> (韩剧)(重)(双声道 - (PG- 华韩语) (中英文字幕) 些许暴力画面)真兴大帝知道自己的时日不多,因此要将士 薛原暗中刺杀狠毒的妾士美室以免美室在他过世后兴风作 浪。不料,薛原其实一直与美室狼狈为奸,还计划帮美室 夺得皇位。

5:00 PM The Palace (Ep 13) (Hongkong Travelling through the time tunnel, a simple and kind- Drama) hearted girl of the 21st century finds herself reappearing in the Forbidden City during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and gets entangled romantically with two powerful princes, one of whom is the future king. <宫锁心玉> (港剧) 一位生长于廿一世纪的清纯善良美少女,不经意间踏进那 神奇的时间隧道,蓦然来到康熙王朝的紫禁城,并与当时 年华正茂的第四和第八阿哥,牵引出一段非比寻常的恋情 。

6:00 PM Show Hand (R) (Ep 13) (PG)(Last Do we lead a fated life or do we decide our own destiny? Episode)(English Subtitles) (Local Cast: Christopher Lee,Chew Chor Meng,Cynthia Koh,Ann Drama) Kok,Ian Fang, Kimberly Chia

<注定> (本地连续剧)(重) (英文字幕) (PG)(大结局) 人生每一个关口的决定,是早就被'注定'了, 还是等待自己来'决定'呢?演员: 李铭顺, 周初明, 许美珍, 郭舒贤, 方伟杰, 谢静仪.

7:00 PM Ice Adonis (Ep 76) (PG-Some Taiyang accidentally causes a big fire in the hostel. Disturbing Scenes)(Dual Sound - 2nd Qiangxu suffers serious injuries when he tries to save track in Korean)(English/Chinese Taiyang and passes away in the hospital later on. Subtitles) (Korean Drama)

<黄色复仇草> (韩剧)(双声道 - (PG- 华韩语) (中英文字幕) 部分画面令人不安)太阳不小心在露宿的民宿引发火患。强 旭为了救太阳而受重伤,送院治疗后不治身亡。

8:00 PM The Rippling Blossom (Ep 20) After the final round of the sushi match, Zhiying rushes to (PG)(Last Episode)(English/Chinese the hospital upon receiving Mu Rongcheng's message that Subtitles) (Hongkong Drama) Jiangqiang has met with an accident. However, Zhiying is shocked when Jiangqiang does not recognise him upon regaining consciousness. <鱼跃在花见> (港剧) (中英文字幕) (PG)(大结局) 在最后的比试后,至嬴从慕容澄的短讯中得知姜羌遇上意 外的消息,立即便赶往医院。姜羌终于醒来,但却指自己 并不认识至嬴,令他呆立当场。

9:00 PM The World Is So Big (Infotainment) In this entertaining variety serial, the host travels around the globe to uncover extraordinary people and things.

<世界那么大> (娱乐资讯节目) 世界之大,无奇不有。<世界那么大> 带领观众到各国寻找奇人異事。

10:00 PM No Regrets (Ep 7) Fei Fan secretly sends people to make trouble at Fei Fan's (PG)(English/Chinese Subtitles) restaurant. Dong Ni is upset with Liu Xing when he ends (Hongkong Drama) his restaurant business and begs Fei Fan to help Liu Xing return to the police force. <巾帼枭雄之义海豪情> (港剧) (PG)非凡派人去刘醒的餐馆捣乱,指餐馆的食物不卫生。 (中英文字幕) 刘醒无法维持生意,毅然关闭餐馆。冬妮见刘醒没工作, 求非凡帮刘醒回到警局上班。

11:00 PM News Tonight (Chinese Subtitles) A comprehensive half-hour news programme, NEWS (News) TONIGHT provides viewers with important local, international and financial developments for the day. <晚间新闻> (新闻) (中文字幕) U频道《晚间新闻》,在半小时里除深入报道本地与国际要 闻,还有详尽的财经新闻和体坛动态。世界局势与经济动 脉,让大家轻松掌握。

11:30 PM When Love Walked In (Ep 18) Qing Yujiang is ordered by Chairman Yuan to find his long (English/Chinese Subtitles) (Drama) lost granddaughter, Shen Yayin. But Yayin is bitter towards her grandfather due to her parents' death. Yujiang gradually falls in love with Yayin, but backs out without realizing that she is actually his long lost childhood friend.

<爱情闯进门> (连续剧) (中英文字幕) 孙秦雨被袁氏集团董事长袁浩天命找回失散二十年的外孙 女雅音。雅音因父母过世的事对外公浩天一直心存芥蒂, 雨江从中调和,不仅缓和了祖孙关系,还渐渐走进了雅音 的内心,但雨江的心里一直住着儿时孤儿院的玩伴…

12:30 AM Sunday Splendid Showtime (R) Have fun with Zeng Guo Cheng, Blackie Chen and Tammy (Variety) Chen in this awesome variety show! Celebrities are split into two teams in a Red vs White segment where their singing, dancing and impersonation skills are challenged.

<周日大精彩> (综艺节目)(重) 由曾国城、陈建州(黑人)和陈怡蓉主持的娱乐性丰富综 艺节目。在"红白大赏"单元里,每一集曾国城和黑人会分别 带领一班艺人,在舞蹈、歌唱、模仿等各方面互相竞技, 争取胜利。 2:30 AM The Palace (R) (Ep 13) (Hongkong Travelling through the time tunnel, a simple and kind- Drama) hearted girl of the 21st century finds herself reappearing in the Forbidden City during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and gets entangled romantically with two powerful princes, one of whom is the future king. <宫锁心玉> (港剧)(重) 一位生长于廿一世纪的清纯善良美少女,不经意间踏进那 神奇的时间隧道,蓦然来到康熙王朝的紫禁城,并与当时 年华正茂的第四和第八阿哥,牵引出一段非比寻常的恋情 。

3:30 AM End of Transmission TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Sat, 23 Feb 2013 (Channel U) 6:00 AM Home Shopping (Commercial) <购物乐>

10:00 AM Diamond Club (R) (Variety) The highest-rated Taiwan variety programme, hosted by the famous Regine, is now on Channel U! Judged by a panel of "Shrewd tongue" guest artistes, the programme showcase unique talents from all walks of life - magic show, street dance, dog talent performance.

<钻石夜总会> (综艺节目)(重) 由台湾名嘴利菁主持,《钻石夜总会》汇集了全台最独特 、最叫人惊喜连连的表演节目。从魔术,杂耍,舞蹈至狗 狗特技表演等,样样让观众看得目不暇给!

12:00 PM My Working Holiday (R) (Local Info- "My Working Holiday" reveals the tribulations of a young Ed) man as he sweats, toils and labors in different parts of the world on a work and travel journey. "My Working Holiday" aims to inform Singaporeans on pivotal environmental and conversation issues that affect our world today.

<打工看世界> (本地资讯节目)(重) 一 系列8集的《打工看世界》在年轻主持人方伟杰的带领之下 ,通过他亲身付出劳动让电视观众感受不一样的世界。通 过打工旅游,体验的不仅是生活,更是另一种独 有的文化、韵味、思维与气息。

12:30 PM Youth Diary (R) (PG) (Infotainment) "Youth Diary" will be based on 7 real-life cases and using re-enactment to show the cases to the public. Incorporating interviews with counselors, psychologists and the main characters involved, we will discover what the main characters are thinking and what do they feel about their actions when they think back. <青春有悔> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) (PG)通过半纪录片半戏剧性的处理,《青春。残酷物语》 将以7个真实的档案故事,重塑这些事件发生的经过,并通 过和辅导员,心理学家以及当事人的访谈,分析人物的心 里和事后的意义。 1:00 PM Super IQ (R) (English Subtitles) Host Lee Teng challenges contestants, viewers and even (Variety) celebrities including Jeremy Chan, Jeffrey Xu, Sora Ma, Kate Pang, Julie Tan and Rachel Chua with mind-boggling questions in this Channel U's first IQ game show.

(综艺节目)(重) (英文字幕) U频道首创全新智力游戏节目,考验参赛者及观众的空间概 念、逻辑推理、算术以及记忆力。除了节目主持人“IQ先生" 李腾,每集也将有6到8名年轻艺人参与,包括田铭耀、徐 鸣杰、马艺暄、庞蕾馨、陈欣淇、蔡艾珈等等,一起解答I Q难题。

2:00 PM Nothing is bigger than eat An infotainment programme hosted by Liang Hequn in (Infotainment) which two artistes display their culinary skills in front of a panel of judges. In addition, there is a segment where an experienced chef cooks the desired dish upon audience request. <吃饭皇帝大> (娱乐资讯节目) 由梁赫群主持的美食节目。幸福料理铁人蒋伟文与阳光热 血主厨陈德烈在一组评判面前展出他们烹饪才艺。另外, 台湾名厨刘仁华会在"你点菜我上菜" 单元里教大家煮观众想要学的菜肴。

3:00 PM Pink Lipstick (R) (Eps 93 & 94) Tingyu is furious when he finds out Yingkui has betrayed (PG)(Dual Sound - 2nd track in him by becoming a spy for Jia-en. He gets back at them by Korean)(English/Chinese Subtitles) using Yingkui to mislead Jia-en into believing that Paulo (Korean Drama) Luca has arrived in Korea. Meanwhile, Jia-en is glad to meet Paulo Luca at last. She requests that he motion for removal of Tingyu at the board meeting.

<粉红色口红> (韩剧)(重)(双声道 - 廷禹利用背叛自己的金室长,间接告知佳恩保罗路卡的消 华韩语) (中英文字幕) 息。佳恩误以为自己真的找到了保罗路卡,就将假账簿拿 给了他,并劝保罗路卡要亲自出席股东会罢免朴廷禹。

5:00 PM 2013 BTV Spring Festival Global Gala (Variety) 2013 BTV Spring Festival Global Gala displays splendour, harmony and joy in the performances. It invites the global audiences to witness Beijing’s friendship with the world <最炫世界风-BTV2013环球春晚> (综艺节目)(重) BTV2013环球春晚以灿烂光华的形象、世界和谐的欢乐温 暖为主题, 让观众一起踏上充满环球风情的“最炫世界风”旅程,和见证 世界与北京的友谊, 感受“爱在环球春晚”的温暖和喜庆。

7:00 PM Money Week (Local Current Affairs) Tung Soo Hua hosts Money Week, the Mandarin Business Current Affairs Programme, that provides comprehensive insights and analysis of the business world.

<财经追击> (本地时事节目) 《财经追击》是新加坡唯一以中文制作的经济时事节目。 节目将深入分析最新的经济趋势和商业动态,让观众能更 好地掌握市场走势和投资情报。 7:30 PM Top Eats 100 (Infotainment) Top Eats 100 is hosted by Ouyang Jin, Lin Yingtong and Zhang Lisa. In each episode, a celebrity will be invited to sample one of the 20 popular delicacies voted by the audience in Hong Kong. <香港美食100强> (娱乐资讯节目) 由欧阳靖, 林颖彤和张莉莎联合主持的《香港美食100强》,每一期都 会邀请著名艺人和大家一起去品尝香港观众所投选出20款 美食.

8:00 PM Perfect Match (Variety) Channel U presents this wildly popular match-making variety programme from China. 5 eligible bachelors will go on the show each week to interact with 24 beautiful females. Lucky male participants will get a chance to walk away with their dream girls. <非诚勿扰> (综艺节目) 来自中国内地的大型配对节目。每期节目邀请5名男士到场 与24位美女们交流。有幸的男士可与心仪的女生配对。

9:30 PM Queen of S.O.P (Ep 18) (English Tangjun is unhappy that Xiaojie works for Ziqi. While Ziqi Subtitles) (Drama) comforts Xiaojie after humiliated by Chuchu, Chuchu takes photo of them together and sent them to Tangjun.

(连续剧) (英文字幕) 晓洁替子齐打工,汤骏大感不安。晓洁被楚楚泼了一身水 ,当子齐安慰晓洁时,楚楚把他们 亲密的画面电发给汤骏。

11:00 PM News Tonight (Chinese Subtitles) A comprehensive half-hour news programme, NEWS (News) TONIGHT provides viewers with important local, international and financial developments for the day. <晚间新闻> (新闻) (中文字幕) U频道《晚间新闻》,在半小时里除深入报道本地与国际要 闻,还有详尽的财经新闻和体坛动态。世界局势与经济动 脉,让大家轻松掌握。

11:30 PM When Love Walked In (Ep 19) Qing Yujiang is ordered by Chairman Yuan to find his long (English/Chinese Subtitles) (Drama) lost granddaughter, Shen Yayin. But Yayin is bitter towards her grandfather due to her parents' death. Yujiang gradually falls in love with Yayin, but backs out without realizing that she is actually his long lost childhood friend.

<爱情闯进门> (连续剧) (中英文字幕) 孙秦雨被袁氏集团董事长袁浩天命找回失散二十年的外孙 女雅音。雅音因父母过世的事对外公浩天一直心存芥蒂, 雨江从中调和,不仅缓和了祖孙关系,还渐渐走进了雅音 的内心,但雨江的心里一直住着儿时孤儿院的玩伴…

12:30 AM Who's the Hero (R) (Eps 20 & 21) Fengming wants to fire Jiang Hua who messes thing up (PG13-Gambling Theme)(Chinese again but Jinbao threatens to leave if she does so. Jiang Subtitles) (Hongkong Drama) Hua is upset when Yuan Fei tells him that she loves Jinbao instead. <胜者为王> (港剧)(重) (中文字幕) (PG13- 赌博题材)姜华再次闯祸,风鸣想要开除姜华但金宝选择与 姜华共进退。姜华得知袁菲喜欢的人是金宝,伤心地离开 。

2:30 AM End of Transmission <胜者为王> (港剧)(重) (中文字幕) (PG13- 赌博题材)姜华再次闯祸,风鸣想要开除姜华但金宝选择与 姜华共进退。姜华得知袁菲喜欢的人是金宝,伤心地离开 。

2:30 AM End of Transmission TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Sun, 24 Feb 2013 (Channel U) 6:00 AM Home Shopping (Commercial) <购物乐>

10:00 AM Million Singer (R) (Variety) Each episode of Million Singer features different singers challenging for the top prize of NT 300,000. Contestant will have to overcome 10 different categories of songs and be able to complete the missing lyrics for all the songs in order to achieve the top prize.

<百万大歌星> (综艺节目)(重) 唱歌可换现金! 不比音色, 也不比音准, 而是挑战参赛者的记忆和对歌词的认识。只要唱得出歌词 就能轻松赢取高达新台币$300,000的奖金!

11:30 AM Campus Superstar 2013 (R) (Local The long-awaited Campus Superstar finally returns after a Variety) four-year hiatus! Local songwriters Jim Lim, Xiao Han and Y.E.S 93.3FM DJ Dennis Chew will take on judging roles.

<校园Superstar 2013> (现场直播)《校园Superstar》在暌违4年后,终于回来了! (本地综艺节目)(重) 担任常驻评审的是本地知名音乐人 林倛玉、作词人小寒以及Y.E.S93.3FM DJ周崇庆。

1:00 PM BOSS (R) (Ep 3) (PG)(Dual Sound - Osawa Eriko is a beautiful career policewoman who has 2nd track in Japanese)(English just returned from training in the U.S. and is appointed as Subtitles) (Japanese Drama) the "boss" of the Special Crimes division which is made up of weirdos from different units of the police force. Initially, she encounters difficulties managing her subordinates but soon gains the respect of her colleagues with her intelligence.

(日剧)(重)(双声道 - 华日语) (PG)从美国回来的大泽绘里子成为警视厅搜查一课的犯罪 (英文字幕) 对策组的boss,但编派到她手下的组员却形态各异。这样 一班乌合之众放在一起,着实让大泽头痛,搜查一课对她 的部门从没寄予厚望,只需要她应对媒体公关。但大泽却 不愿成为被人摆布的木偶,面对这样一班下属与不断发生 的案件,她将以身作则,让部下发挥个人特长破获案件。 2:00 PM Shanghai Delicacies (R) (Chinese Follow our hosts as they travel to the metropolitan city of Subtitles) (Variety) Shanghai in search of traditional and fusion delicacies.

<上海好味道> (综艺节目)(重) 请跟随黄丽梅与赵硕之远赴上海,一同游览名胜,探讨当地传 (中文字幕) 统文化及寻找特色美食.

2:30 PM 2013 Superstar Red VS White Show Hosted by Zhang Xiaoyan and Harlem Yu, this Lunar New (R) (Variety) Year special features popular artistes like Ariel Lin, Yen-j, Alien Huang, Rachel Liang, Gigi Leung, Jam Hsiao, Sally Yeh, George Lam, Zhang Fei, Sun Li and many more.

<2013 超级巨星红白艺能大赏> 台湾及海外指明艺人如林依晨, 严爵,小鬼, 梁文音, 梁咏琪, (综艺节目)(重) 萧敬腾,叶倩文,林子祥,张菲和孙俪等一起参与这个农历新 年特备节目的演出.主持人: 张小燕, 瘐澄庆

7:00 PM World This Week (Local Info-Ed) Every week all around the world, there are lots of queer and amusing happenings. Check them out on World This Week and be amazed without leaving your comfortable couch! <世界一周> (本地资讯节目) 每一个星期在世界的不同角落都会发生不同有趣或惊奇的 事物。《世界一周》带你去探个究竟,让你不出家门也可 以增广见闻。

7:30 PM My Working Holiday (Infotainment) "My Working Holiday" reveals the tribulations of a young man as he sweats, toils and labors in different parts of the world on a work and travel journey. "My Working Holiday" aims to inform Singaporeans on pivotal environmental and conversation issues that affect our world today.

<打工看世界> (娱乐资讯节目) 一 系列8集的《打工看世界》在年轻主持人方伟杰的带领之下 ,通过他亲身付出劳动让电视观众感受不一样的世界。通 过打工旅游,体验的不仅是生活,更是另一种独 有的文化、韵味、思维与气息。

8:00 PM Youth Diary (PG) (Infotainment) "Youth Diary" will be based on 7 real-life cases and using re-enactment to show the cases to the public. Incorporating interviews with counselors, psychologists and the main characters involved, we will discover what the main characters are thinking and what do they feel about their actions when they think back. <青春有悔> (娱乐资讯节目) (PG)通过半纪录片半戏剧性的处理,《青春。残酷物语》 将以7个真实的档案故事,重塑这些事件发生的经过,并通 过和辅导员,心理学家以及当事人的访谈,分析人物的心 里和事后的意义。 8:30 PM The Brave Game (Variety) Find out who is the bravest person in this physically challenging game show! Participants who fail to complete three out of the seven levels would be eliminated. The obstacles in each level test the participants on their agility, endurance and speed. <勇者无敌> (综艺节目) 《勇者无敌》是个考验参赛者体力和敏捷度的一场比赛。 参赛者需要通过七关,如果没法通过其中三关就被淘汰。 谁才是真正的勇者呢?

9:30 PM City Hunter (Ep 8) (PG)(Dual Sound - "City Hunter" tells the story of how a former CIA official, Li 2nd track in Korean)(English/Chinese Runcheng, provides warmth for those around him in a city Subtitles) (Korean Drama) filled with indifference. During the process he also has a chance to rediscover love and reconcile with his family.

<城市猎人> (韩剧)(双声道 - 华韩语) (PG)《城市猎人》讲述了前任特工李润成的故事。他为在 (中英文字幕) 冷漠的城市里为受伤的人们解决困难中,治疗了自己的伤 处,并对爱和家人有了重新的认识。

11:00 PM News Tonight (Chinese Subtitles) A comprehensive half-hour news programme, NEWS (News) TONIGHT provides viewers with important local, international and financial developments for the day. <晚间新闻> (新闻) (中文字幕) U频道《晚间新闻》,在半小时里除深入报道本地与国际要 闻,还有详尽的财经新闻和体坛动态。世界局势与经济动 脉,让大家轻松掌握。

11:30 PM Money Week (R) (Local Current Tung Soo Hua hosts Money Week, the Mandarin Business Affairs) Current Affairs Programme, that provides comprehensive insights and analysis of the business world.

<财经追击> (本地时事节目)(重) 《财经追击》是新加坡唯一以中文制作的经济时事节目。 节目将深入分析最新的经济趋势和商业动态,让观众能更 好地掌握市场走势和投资情报。

12:00 AM Taxi to Asia (R) (Info/Education) Taxi to Asia takes you on a journey to learn the history and culture of different Asian cities by following the local taxi drivers who also share with us their lives and aspirations.

<亚洲德士之旅> (资讯节目)(重) 《亚洲德士之旅》带观众到多个亚洲城市,透过当地德士 司机的生活, 不仅探索各国的历史和文化,也让我们更深一层了解各国 德士司机的生活和梦想。

1:00 AM Super Taste (R) (Infotainment) Eat, drink, play! Anthony Guo and Angus Guo of playful twin group 2moro, comb through every corner of Taiwan to enjoy delicacies with unimaginable fun that will make you crave for more! <食尚玩家 就要酱玩> 旅游不外乎吃喝玩乐。身为一个爱吃、爱旅游的时髦玩家 (娱乐资讯节目)(重) ,应该怎么玩才够酷?两位年轻有活力又爱玩的主持人郭 彥均和郭彥甫(2moro)告诉你,就是要"酱"(这样)玩! 每一集的节目将带你到台湾各处吃喝玩乐,包你看完之后 恨不得飞到台湾去玩! 2:00 AM Singapore Flavours (R) (Local The four lively hosts - , Dennis Chew, Mark Lee Variety) and Chen Hanwei, will play food detectives and take off individually in search of popular dishes that thrive across different continents. <万里香> (本地综艺节目)(重) U频道的全新综艺节目《万里香》,目的是带大家到国外寻 找当地的新加坡美食,借此一探不同国家或地区的美食文 化。《万里香》是由谢宛谕、周崇庆、李国煌和陈汉玮主 持。

3:00 AM End of Transmission TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Mon, 25 Feb 2013 (Channel U) 11:00 AM Home Shopping (Commercial) <购物乐>

3:00 PM Money Week (R) (Local Current Tung Soo Hua hosts Money Week, the Mandarin Business Affairs) Current Affairs Programme, that provides comprehensive insights and analysis of the business world.

<财经追击> (本地时事节目)(重) 《财经追击》是新加坡唯一以中文制作的经济时事节目。 节目将深入分析最新的经济趋势和商业动态,让观众能更 好地掌握市场走势和投资情报。

3:30 PM Shanghai Walker (R) (Infotainment) A travelogue hosted by Hu Mengying and produced by HK TVB. The programme brings viewers to find out interesting food and entertainment spots in Shanghai, China. <潮游上海> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) 香港无线电视制作的旅游资讯节目由胡梦莹主持。摄影队 将带观众们走遍中国上海著名景点,并介绍当地七彩缤纷 的吃喝玩乐。

4:00 PM The Stories In China (R) Hosted by Gao Shanfeng, "The Stories In China" is a fun (Infotainment) and adventurous travelogue that takes its viewers to the different parts of China. From cultural to traditional activities, each episode features the most authentic aspects of China ever as Shanfeng shares with the stories about the place visited and its people. <在中国的故事> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) 最真实的中国,最动人的故事! 让节目主持人高山峰带大家去见识中国各地多姿多彩的文 化与习俗,品尝各种风味不同的地方美食,以及与观众分 享一些鲜为人知的民间轶事。

5:00 PM The Palace (Ep 14) (Hongkong Travelling through the time tunnel, a simple and kind- Drama)(Chinese Subtitles) hearted girl of the 21st century finds herself reappearing in the Forbidden City during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and gets entangled romantically with two powerful princes, one of whom is the future king. <宫锁心玉> (港剧) (中文字幕) 一位生长于廿一世纪的清纯善良美少女,不经意间踏进那 神奇的时间隧道,蓦然来到康熙王朝的紫禁城,并与当时 年华正茂的第四和第八阿哥,牵引出一段非比寻常的恋情 。

6:00 PM Legend of the Demigods (R) (Ep 1) Caizhi searches for the bed deity, hoping that she can (English/Chinese Subtitles) bring back Jiang Qian's memory. On the way, she meets (Hongkong Drama) Yanxi who falls asleep by the lakeside and brings him back home. <搜神传> (港剧)(重) (中英文字幕) 彩芝到处找寻床头婆婆为蒋倩恢复记忆时,在路上遇到怪 人晏喜,见此人竟懒得倒睡在湖边,只好将他带回申芦。

7:00 PM Ice Adonis (Ep 77) (PG)(Dual Sound - Taiyi organizes a barbeque gathering so as to create an 2nd track in Korean)(English/Chinese opportunity for Yanhua to get closer to Taiyang. Youluo Subtitles) (Korean Drama) tails the group in the hope of snatching Taiyang away when he is alone. <黄色复仇草> (韩剧)(双声道 - (PG)太阳不适应与晏华一家人同住,一直惦记着养母和幼 华韩语) (中英文字幕) 萝。泰一于是安排大家去别墅烤肉,以便拉近大家的距离 。幼萝跟踪晏华等人到海边别墅,想趁太阳独自一人时捉 走他。

8:00 PM Campus Superstar 2013 (Live) (Local The long-awaited Campus Superstar finally returns after a Variety) four-year hiatus! Local songwriters Jim Lim, Xiao Han and Y.E.S 93.3FM DJ Dennis Chew will take on judging roles.

<校园Superstar 2013> (现场直播)《校园Superstar》在暌违4年后,终于回来了! (本地综艺节目) 担任常驻评审的是本地知名音乐人 林倛玉、作词人小寒以及Y.E.S93.3FM DJ周崇庆。

9:30 PM A Tale of 4 Cities (PG)(Chinese "A Tale of 4 Cities" is a travelogue that tracks the journey Subtitles)(Dual Sound - 2nd track in of four outgoing Asian travellers who go to four different English) (Info/Education) regions in China. Watch on as they immerse themselves in the locals' lifestyles and discover the unique culture of each region through the different types of food, fashion, arts and architecture. <四城记> (资讯节目)(双声道 - (PG)"四城记"是部旅行记录片。4名经验丰富又开朗的亚洲 华英语) (中文字幕) 旅人,踏入中国4个不同的地区,探探不同的当地文化。他 们从食物到时装,艺术到建筑;沉浸于不同的生活方式以 了解当地人如何生活,工作和娱乐。

10:00 PM No Regrets (Ep 8) Fei Fan continues to get close to Dong Ni and speaks ill of (PG)(English/Chinese Subtitles) Liu Xing in front of her. Liu Xing is outraged when he (Hongkong Drama) discovers that Dong Ni and Fei Fan are having an affair.

<巾帼枭雄之义海豪情> (港剧) (PG)非凡继续接近冬妮并不断向冬妮说刘醒的坏话,令冬 (中英文字幕) 妮对刘醒失望。刘醒发现冬妮与非凡有染,一时愤怒想开 枪射非凡。。。 11:00 PM News Tonight (Chinese Subtitles) A comprehensive half-hour news programme, NEWS (News) TONIGHT provides viewers with important local, international and financial developments for the day. <晚间新闻> (新闻) (中文字幕) U频道《晚间新闻》,在半小时里除深入报道本地与国际要 闻,还有详尽的财经新闻和体坛动态。世界局势与经济动 脉,让大家轻松掌握。

11:30 PM Happy Camp (R) (Chinese Subtitles) Look out for wacky interviews and game segments with (Variety) famous celebrities. Not to be missed! <快乐大本营> (综艺节目)(重) 节目每期请来中国大陆、香港、台湾等地区的知名艺人上 (中文字幕) 节目玩游戏及进行访谈等,让观众看到大明星的另一面。

1:00 AM A Tale of 4 Cities (PG)(Chinese "A Tale of 4 Cities" is a travelogue that tracks the journey Subtitles)(Dual Sound - 2nd track in of four outgoing Asian travellers who go to four different English) (Info/Education) regions in China. Watch on as they immerse themselves in the locals' lifestyles and discover the unique culture of each region through the different types of food, fashion, arts and architecture. <四城记> (资讯节目)(双声道 - (PG)"四城记"是部旅行记录片。4名经验丰富又开朗的亚洲 华英语) (中文字幕) 旅人,踏入中国4个不同的地区,探探不同的当地文化。他 们从食物到时装,艺术到建筑;沉浸于不同的生活方式以 了解当地人如何生活,工作和娱乐。

1:30 AM The Palace (R) (Ep 14) (Hongkong Travelling through the time tunnel, a simple and kind- Drama)(Chinese Subtitles) hearted girl of the 21st century finds herself reappearing in the Forbidden City during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and gets entangled romantically with two powerful princes, one of whom is the future king. <宫锁心玉> (港剧)(重) (中文字幕) 一位生长于廿一世纪的清纯善良美少女,不经意间踏进那 神奇的时间隧道,蓦然来到康熙王朝的紫禁城,并与当时 年华正茂的第四和第八阿哥,牵引出一段非比寻常的恋情 。

2:30 AM End of Transmission TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Tue, 26 Feb 2013 (Channel U) 11:00 AM Home Shopping (Commercial) <购物乐>

3:00 PM Life's Perfectionists (R) (Dual Sound - There will always be an expert even in the simplest form of 2nd track in Korean)(Chinese jobs. Featuring 3 "experts" in every episode, this Korean Subtitles) (Info/Education) infotainment programme presents people of different fields who exceed expectations of their profession.

<生活达人> (资讯节目)(重)(双声道 - 这是一个轻松有趣的韩国资讯娱乐节目,每集介绍3个忠于 华韩语) (中文字幕) 自己的工作,以致练就了非凡的奇技,到了"达人"境界的平 凡百姓。 3:30 PM Guess (R) (Variety) Tune in as funny man Jacky Wu and pretty host Patty Hou pair up to entertain you. Be prepared to laugh till you drop!

<你猜你猜你猜猜猜> (综艺节目)(重) 搞笑天王吴宗宪搭配美女主播侯佩岑将连一连串的好节目 带给大家。惹笑的内容保证令您笑破肚皮!

5:00 PM The Palace (Ep 15) (Hongkong Travelling through the time tunnel, a simple and kind- Drama) (Chinese Subtitles) hearted girl of the 21st century finds herself reappearing in the Forbidden City during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and gets entangled romantically with two powerful princes, one of whom is the future king. <宫锁心玉> (港剧) (中文字幕) 一位生长于廿一世纪的清纯善良美少女,不经意间踏进那 神奇的时间隧道,蓦然来到康熙王朝的紫禁城,并与当时 年华正茂的第四和第八阿哥,牵引出一段非比寻常的恋情 。

6:00 PM Legend of the Demigods (R) (Ep 2) Caizhi wants to learn magic from her mother, Wangyou, to (English/Chinese Subtitles) remove the evil spell on Jiang Qian. Wangyou tells Caizhi (Hongkong Drama) how she met her father. Shi Gandang is outraged when he sees Ganyan and Liu Yi together at home.

<搜神传> (港剧)(重) (中英文字幕) 彩芝向忘忧请求学仙法,要为蒋倩解除妖咒,母女促膝谈心 ,忘忧更将自己与蓟申的结缘因由告诉了彩芝。

7:00 PM Ice Adonis (Ep 78) (PG-Some Youluo is finally caught by the police. Mingli is worried that Disturbing Scenes)(Dual Sound - 2nd Youluo will do harm to herself when Youluo behaves track in Korean)(English/Chinese strangely. Mingli asks Yanhua for help. Yanhua calls the Subtitles) (Korean Drama) prison and manages to stop Youluo from killing herself.

<黄色复仇草> (韩剧)(双声道 - (PG- 华韩语) (中英文字幕) 部分画面令人不安)幼萝被捕。明礼劝她接受法律的制裁, 但幼萝似乎另有想法。明礼担心幼萝会做傻事,于是向晏 华求救。晏华打电话到监狱,及时阻止幼萝伤害自己。

8:00 PM Style: Check-in (Infotainment) Style: Check-in is a brand new stylish infotainment that introduces the trendiest lifestyle and news bites between Singapore and Shanghai! These topics formed are based on these main themes: FUN, FOOD, TRENDS, ENTERTAINMENT and LIFESTYLE. <潮人攻略> (娱乐资讯节目) 《潮人攻略》是一个全新的资讯节目介绍新加坡与上海两 地流行生活与资讯。这个节目希望以一种更接近现代潮人 都市生活的形式,打破一般资讯节目的格局,以FUN、FO OD、TRENDS、ENTERTAINMENT、LIFESTYLE五大主 题,联整集节目。 9:00 PM Miss Traveller (Infotainment) Tune in as different female artistes bring viewers to different corners of the world each week for unforgettable and eye-opening trips!

(娱乐资讯节目) 节目每集将由不同的女艺人陪伴观众到世界各个角落体验 和享受非一般的旅程!

10:00 PM No Regrets (Ep 9) Jiu Mei asks Liu Xing to help her niece escape the gallows (PG)(English/Chinese Subtitles) in Hong Kong. In return, she promises to pay for Liu Qing's (Hongkong Drama) medical expenses and to help him take revenge on Fei Fan. Liu Xing is furious when Jiu Mei goes back on her word. <巾帼枭雄之义海豪情> (港剧) (PG)九妹哀求刘醒帮好友的女儿丽华越狱, (中英文字幕) 并答应付刘晴的医药费和帮刘醒对付非凡。刘醒决定帮九 妹但发现她后来竟然重金礼聘请非凡到东泰工作。

11:00 PM News Tonight (Chinese Subtitles) A comprehensive half-hour news programme, NEWS (News) TONIGHT provides viewers with important local, international and financial developments for the day. <晚间新闻> (新闻) (中文字幕) U频道《晚间新闻》,在半小时里除深入报道本地与国际要 闻,还有详尽的财经新闻和体坛动态。世界局势与经济动 脉,让大家轻松掌握。

11:30 PM Style: Check-in (R) (Infotainment) Style: Check-in is a brand new stylish infotainment that introduces the trendiest lifestyle and news bites between Singapore and Shanghai! These topics formed are based on these main themes: FUN, FOOD, TRENDS, ENTERTAINMENT and LIFESTYLE. <潮人攻略> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) 《潮人攻略》是一个全新的资讯节目介绍新加坡与上海两 地流行生活与资讯。这个节目希望以一种更接近现代潮人 都市生活的形式,打破一般资讯节目的格局,以FUN、FO OD、TRENDS、ENTERTAINMENT、LIFESTYLE五大主 题,联整集节目。

12:30 AM Miss Traveller (R) (Infotainment) Tune in as different female artistes bring viewers to different corners of the world each week for unforgettable and eye-opening trips!

(娱乐资讯节目)(重) 节目每集将由不同的女艺人陪伴观众到世界各个角落体验 和享受非一般的旅程!

1:30 AM The Palace (R) (Ep 15) (Hongkong Travelling through the time tunnel, a simple and kind- Drama)(Chinese Subtitles) hearted girl of the 21st century finds herself reappearing in the Forbidden City during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and gets entangled romantically with two powerful princes, one of whom is the future king. <宫锁心玉> (港剧)(重) (中文字幕) 一位生长于廿一世纪的清纯善良美少女,不经意间踏进那 神奇的时间隧道,蓦然来到康熙王朝的紫禁城,并与当时 年华正茂的第四和第八阿哥,牵引出一段非比寻常的恋情 。

2:30 AM End of Transmission TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Wed, 27 Feb 2013 (Channel U) 11:00 AM Home Shopping (Commercial) <购物乐>

3:00 PM World This Week (R) (Local Info-Ed) Every week all around the world, there are lots of queer and amusing happenings. Check them out on World This Week and be amazed without leaving your comfortable couch! <世界一周> (本地资讯节目)(重) 每一个星期在世界的不同角落都会发生不同有趣或惊奇的 事物。《世界一周》带你去探个究竟,让你不出家门也可 以增广见闻。

3:30 PM All Pass (R) (English/Chinese Do adults know languages, Mathematics or even life's Subtitles) (Variety) general knowledge better? See how these young whiz kids prove otherwise as they breeze through Primary School level quizzes, leaving guest stars like Wu Zun, Harlem Yu and Jacky Wu stumped for answers. <百万小学堂> (综艺节目)(重) 由小燕姐主持的问答游戏,向明星、名人发问小学生都应 (中英文字幕) 该懂的问题,看看谁能比节目中聪明可爱的小军师强。吴 尊、哈林、吴宗宪等艺人都参加过挑战,结果出乎意料之 外。

5:00 PM The Palace (Ep 16) (Hongkong Travelling through the time tunnel, a simple and kind- Drama) hearted girl of the 21st century finds herself reappearing in the Forbidden City during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and gets entangled romantically with two powerful princes, one of whom is the future king. <宫锁心玉> (港剧) 一位生长于廿一世纪的清纯善良美少女,不经意间踏进那 神奇的时间隧道,蓦然来到康熙王朝的紫禁城,并与当时 年华正茂的第四和第八阿哥,牵引出一段非比寻常的恋情 。

6:00 PM Legend of the Demigods (R) (Ep 3) Caizhi informs Ganyan where Lui Yi is. In order to help her (English/Chinese Subtitles) daughter, Ganyan's mother pretends to be sick and asks (Hongkong Drama) Ganyan to accompany her to the clinic. <搜神传> (港剧)(重) (中英文字幕) 彩芝通知石敢言,她喜欢的穷书生柳毅在申芦;石大妈为 助女儿立即装病,让石敢言带她往医馆。

7:00 PM Ice Adonis (Ep 79) (PG-Some The re-trial of Yunxi's accident comes to an end. Yanhua Disturbing Scenes)(Last is clear of any wrongdoings while Youluo is sentenced to Episode)(Dual Sound - 2nd track in life imprisonment. Youluo is depressed in jail. Yanhua tries Korean)(English/Chinese Subtitles) to encourage her to live life happily. (Korean Drama) <黄色复仇草> (韩剧)(双声道 - (PG- 华韩语) (中英文字幕) 部分画面令人不安)(大结局)晏华的案子重审。晏华被判无 罪,幼萝则被判无期徒刑。幼萝在监狱里失魂落魄,晏华 不忍,尝试鼓励她。

8:00 PM Marry Me (PG)(Ep 1) (Debut)(English This drama aims to take a light-hearted and humorous Subtitles) (Local Drama) approach to discuss the reasons why people are marrying late or not at all, through the life stories of 3 women belonging to 3 different categories: Rainbow, Xixi and Ruoxian. <我要嫁出去> (本地连续剧) (PG)(首播)本剧将以轻松幽默手法,探讨现今男女晚婚与不 (英文字幕) 婚的种种因素,透过三位女主角(Rainbow、刘喜喜和梁若 仙),逐一剖析现代三大典型剩女的故事。。。

9:00 PM World's No 1 (Info/Education) This episode features the biggest bus terminal in Africa, a special hairdo and the lung fish. <世界第一等> (资讯节目) 本集内容包括 "非洲最大的巴士总站" ,“独特发型"和“肺鱼" 等。

10:00 PM No Regrets (Ep 10) Jiu Mei is unaware that Lang Xi has planted a voice (PG)(English/Chinese Subtitles) recorder in Li Hua's room and reveals her wish to destroy (Hongkong Drama) opium. She later discovers the recorder and seeks Liu Xing's help. <巾帼枭雄之义海豪情> (港剧) (PG)朗喜偷偷在丽华的房间里装了偷听器。九妹不知情, (中英文字幕) 在丽华的房里说出了心中想毁掉鸦片的愿望。九妹后来发 现了偷听器,赶紧求刘醒帮忙。

11:00 PM News Tonight (Chinese Subtitles) A comprehensive half-hour news programme, NEWS (News) TONIGHT provides viewers with important local, international and financial developments for the day. <晚间新闻> (新闻) (中文字幕) U频道《晚间新闻》,在半小时里除深入报道本地与国际要 闻,还有详尽的财经新闻和体坛动态。世界局势与经济动 脉,让大家轻松掌握。

11:30 PM My Working Holiday (R) (Local Info- "My Working Holiday" reveals the tribulations of a young Ed) man as he sweats, toils and labors in different parts of the world on a work and travel journey. "My Working Holiday" aims to inform Singaporeans on pivotal environmental and conversation issues that affect our world today.

<打工看世界> (本地资讯节目)(重) 一 系列8集的《打工看世界》在年轻主持人方伟杰的带领之下 ,通过他亲身付出劳动让电视观众感受不一样的世界。通 过打工旅游,体验的不仅是生活,更是另一种独 有的文化、韵味、思维与气息。 12:00 AM Youth Diary (R) (PG) (Infotainment) "Youth Diary" will be based on 7 real-life cases and using re-enactment to show the cases to the public. Incorporating interviews with counselors, psychologists and the main characters involved, we will discover what the main characters are thinking and what do they feel about their actions when they think back. <青春有悔> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) (PG)通过半纪录片半戏剧性的处理,《青春。残酷物语》 将以7个真实的档案故事,重塑这些事件发生的经过,并通 过和辅导员,心理学家以及当事人的访谈,分析人物的心 里和事后的意义。

12:30 AM World's No 1 (R) (Info/Education) This episode features the biggest bus terminal in Africa, a special hairdo and the lung fish. <世界第一等> (资讯节目)(重) 本集内容包括 "非洲最大的巴士总站" ,“独特发型"和“肺鱼" 等。

1:30 AM The Palace (R) (Ep 16) (Hongkong Travelling through the time tunnel, a simple and kind- Drama)(Chinese Subtitles) hearted girl of the 21st century finds herself reappearing in the Forbidden City during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and gets entangled romantically with two powerful princes, one of whom is the future king. <宫锁心玉> (港剧)(重) (中文字幕) 一位生长于廿一世纪的清纯善良美少女,不经意间踏进那 神奇的时间隧道,蓦然来到康熙王朝的紫禁城,并与当时 年华正茂的第四和第八阿哥,牵引出一段非比寻常的恋情 。

2:30 AM End of Transmission TIME EVENT SYNOPSIS Thu, 28 Feb 2013 (Channel U) 11:00 AM Home Shopping (Commercial) <购物乐>

3:00 PM The Great Queen Seon Deok (R) Maya gives birth to twin girls. According to an old (Eps 3 & 4) (Dual Sound - 2nd track prophecy, twin girls will bring about the end of the royal in Korean)(English/Chinese Subtitles) heir. Baek Jeong orders Soh Wa to bring the younger (Korean Drama) daughter out of the palace so as to protect Maya and his daughters. <善德女王> (韩剧)(重)(双声道 - 摩耶诞下双生女,但根据先帝的预言,双生女乃皇室大凶 华韩语) (中英文字幕) 之兆。白净为了保护摩耶和女儿们,要昭火带小女儿逃出 宫。

5:00 PM The Palace (Ep 17) (Hongkong Travelling through the time tunnel, a simple and kind- Drama) (Chinese Subtitles) hearted girl of the 21st century finds herself reappearing in the Forbidden City during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and gets entangled romantically with two powerful princes, one of whom is the future king. <宫锁心玉> (港剧) (中文字幕) 一位生长于廿一世纪的清纯善良美少女,不经意间踏进那 神奇的时间隧道,蓦然来到康熙王朝的紫禁城,并与当时 年华正茂的第四和第八阿哥,牵引出一段非比寻常的恋情 。 6:00 PM Legend of the Demigods (R) (Ep 4) Ganyan seeks Caizhi's help when Gandang plans to marry (English/Chinese Subtitles) her to the Ma family. Caizhi and Yanxi bring Ganyan to (Hongkong Drama) look for Liu Yi. Gandang seizes Liu Yi's field and develops it to please Jiang Qian. A golden toad has been unearthed from the ground of Liu Yi's family and Gandang brings it home. <搜神传> (港剧)(重) (中英文字幕) 敢言匆匆忙忙去求彩芝帮忙,原来敢当要将她许配给马家 公子,彩芝和晏喜不值敢当拆散鸳鸯,遂决定带敢言往找 柳毅。敢当侵占柳毅的田地,大兴土木以讨蒋倩欢心;突 然于柳毅家地底发现一金蟾,敢当将之带回家中。

7:00 PM Smile Again (Ep 1) (PG)(Debut)(Dual Donghai is selected to represent the American team in the Sound - 2nd track in international short track ice-skating competition held in Korean)(English/Chinese Subtitles) Korea. He looks forward to meeting his Korean girlfriend (Korean Drama) while his mother wishes to search for Donghai's birth father. <笑吧!东海> (韩剧)(双声道 - 华韩语) (PG)东海获选代表美国队到韩国参加溜冰短道比赛后立刻 (中英文字幕) 打电话向韩国女友尹世华报喜。厨师李奉宜被男友退婚。 尽管奉宜非常伤心,但她仍坚强地安慰父母。

8:00 PM Marry Me (Ep 2) (English Subtitles) This drama aims to take a light-hearted and humorous (Local Drama) approach to discuss the reasons why people are marrying late or not at all, through the life stories of 3 women belonging to 3 different categories: Rainbow, Xixi and Ruoxian. <我要嫁出去> (本地连续剧) (PG)本剧将以轻松幽默手法,探讨现今男女晚婚与不婚的 (英文字幕) 种种因素,透过三位女主角(Rainbow、刘喜喜和梁若仙) ,逐一剖析现代三大典型剩女的故事。。。

9:00 PM Kawaii Style (Last Episode) Bask in the excitement of Tokyo's latest trends with (Infotainment) Joanne Peh and her Japanese co-hosts where they bring you what's hot and highly recommended by the experts and locals in Japan. <哈日时尚风> (娱乐资讯节目) (最后一集)如果你想掌握日本的时尚、美容、美食和潮流趣 事,那你决不能错过由时尚代表白薇秀、Nicole Ishida和Noa Iwamoto联手主持的《哈日时尚风》!你也可以从Instagra m上搜查 #kawaiiUstyle,抢先欣赏白薇秀在日本拍摄时的幕后花絮 !

9:30 PM Weekend Getaway Weekend Getaway is a 12-episode travelogue, (Infotainment)(Last Episode) showcasing unique travel locations in Malaysia! Every episode introduces audiences to the best of Malaysia's hidden gems, based on 2D1N or 3D2N itineraries. <周末自游行> (娱乐资讯节目) (最后一集)《周末自游行》是一个为新加坡观众量身打造的 全新旅游节目。 节目将依两天一夜或三天两夜的周末旅游行程,带领观众 探索马来西亚吃喝玩乐的好去处!

10:00 PM No Regrets (Ep 11) Jiu Mei tells Liu Xing her secrets and the latter decides to (PG)(English/Chinese Subtitles) help her burn down the opium warehouse. Jiu Mei reveals (Hongkong Drama) that it is time to take action to close down all the opium dens under Dong Tai. <巾帼枭雄之义海豪情> (港剧) (PG)九妹告诉刘醒心中的秘密。刘醒决定帮九妹烧毁鸦片 (中英文字幕) 货仓。九妹向刘醒透露她打算在短期内关闭东泰所有的公 烟馆。

11:00 PM News Tonight (Chinese Subtitles) A comprehensive half-hour news programme, NEWS (News) TONIGHT provides viewers with important local, international and financial developments for the day. <晚间新闻> (新闻) (中文字幕) U频道《晚间新闻》,在半小时里除深入报道本地与国际要 闻,还有详尽的财经新闻和体坛动态。世界局势与经济动 脉,让大家轻松掌握。

11:30 PM Kawaii Style (R) (Last Episode) Bask in the excitement of Tokyo's latest trends with (Infotainment) Joanne Peh and her Japanese co-hosts where they bring you what's hot and highly recommended by the experts and locals in Japan. <哈日时尚风> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) (最后一集)如果你想掌握日本的时尚、美容、美食和潮流趣 事,那你决不能错过由时尚代表白薇秀、Nicole Ishida和Noa Iwamoto联手主持的《哈日时尚风》!你也可以从Instagra m上搜查 #kawaiiUstyle,抢先欣赏白薇秀在日本拍摄时的幕后花絮 !

12:00 AM Weekend Getaway (R) (Last Weekend Getaway is a 12-episode travelogue, Episode) (Infotainment) showcasing unique travel locations in Malaysia! Every episode introduces audiences to the best of Malaysia's hidden gems, based on 2D1N or 3D2N itineraries. <周末自游行> (娱乐资讯节目)(重) (最后一集)《周末自游行》是一个为新加坡观众量身打造的 全新旅游节目。 节目将依两天一夜或三天两夜的周末旅游行程,带领观众 探索马来西亚吃喝玩乐的好去处!

12:30 AM Super King (R) (Variety) This variety programme hosted by Jacky Wu and four other top hosts, brings joy and laughter to the audience. There are play along children game segment, songs segment by popular singers and special concert performances of popular groups. <综艺大国民> (综艺节目)(重) 《综艺大国民》是一档由吴宗宪、孙协志、王仁甫、汪东 城及黄镫辉五位主持人联合打造的综艺娱乐节目.每周海内 外超级偶像艺人站台,集集量身特别企划最震撼。 1:30 AM The Palace (R) (Ep 17) (Hongkong Travelling through the time tunnel, a simple and kind- Drama)(Chinese Subtitles) hearted girl of the 21st century finds herself reappearing in the Forbidden City during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and gets entangled romantically with two powerful princes, one of whom is the future king. <宫锁心玉> (港剧)(重) (中文字幕) 一位生长于廿一世纪的清纯善良美少女,不经意间踏进那 神奇的时间隧道,蓦然来到康熙王朝的紫禁城,并与当时 年华正茂的第四和第八阿哥,牵引出一段非比寻常的恋情 。

2:30 AM End of Transmission