FAR EASTERN DEPARTMENT STORES LTD. 2014 ANNUAL REPORT 遠 東 百 貨 股 份 有 限 公 司 一 〇 三 年 度 年 報 18F, No.16, Xinzhan Rd., Banqiao Dist., New Taipei City 220, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Tel: (02)7727-8168 Fax: (02)7738-0850 Web: www.feds.com.tw E-mail:
[email protected] 01 02 Message to Shareholders 致股東報告書 46 Balance Sheets 個體資產負債表 Contents 14 President’s Remarks 總經理的話 50 Statements of Comprehensive Income 個體綜合損益表 52 Statements of Changes in Equity 個體權益變動表 18 Board of Directors 董事會 56 Statements of Cash Flows 個體現金流量表 New Trendy Outlook 新潮流視野 60 Independent Auditors’ Report 會計師查核報告 20 Enchanted with the Boutique.Focus 想精品.焦點 62 Management Team 經營團隊 24 Feast on the Delicacy.Selection 饗美饌.嚴選 28 Enjoy the Life.Taste 享生活.品味 71 Far Eastern Department Stores Ltd. 遠東百貨(股)公司—零售集團 Retail Group 32 Far Eastern Department Stores 遠東百貨各分公司 76 Address of Far Eastern Department 遠東百貨(股)公司—零售集團各分公司地址 34 Colorful Activities 活動集錦 Stores Ltd. Retail Group 39 2014 Financial Statements 2014年財務報表 78 The Far Eastern Group 40 Consolidated Balance Sheets 合併資產負債表 集團名錄 44 Consolidated Statements of 合併綜合損益表 Comprehensive Income 02 03 Message to Shareholders Preface Reflecting on 2014, the U.S. has wrapped up its quanti- tative easing (QE) strategy to announce the arrival of economic recovery, Euro zone continued to suffer from economic slowdown due to commodity prices and unemployment issues, China slowed its economic growth with impaired credit rating and over expansion of shadow banking resulting in lurking economic crisis; Japan adopting easy monetary policy, GDP still under reces- sion, not sure if domestic consumption and private investments could rebound to prosperity.