Paris, New York, and Post-National Romance
Sex and the Series: Paris, New York, and Post-National Romance Dana Heller / love Paris every moment, Every moment of the year I love Paris, why oh why do I love Paris? Because my love is here. —Cole Porter, / Love Paris This essay will examine and contrast two recent popular situation comedies, NBC's Friends and HBO's Sex and the City, as narratives that participate in the long-standing utilization of Paris as trope, or as an instrumental figure within the perennially deformed and reformed landscape of the American national imaginary. My argument is that Paris re-emerges in post-9/11 popular culture as a complex, multi-accentual figure within the imagined mise-en-scene of the world Americans desire. The reasons for this are to a large degree historical: in literature, cinema, television, popular music, and other forms of U.S. cultural production, from the late nineteenth century through the twentieth century and into the twenty first, Paris has remained that city where one ventures, literally and/or imaginatively, to dismember history, or to perform a disarticulation of the national subject that suggests possibilities for the interrogation of national myths and for 0026-3079/2005/4602-145$2.50/0 American Studies, 46:1 (Summer 2005): 145-169 145 146 Dana Heller the articulation of possible new forms of national unity and allegiance. These forms frequently find expression in the romantic transformation of a national citizen-subject into a citizen-subject of the world, a critique of the imperialist aspirations of the nation-state that antithetically masks those same aspirations under the sign of the disillusioned American cosmopolitan abroad.
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