F5833 FLATLINERS (USA, 1990) (Other Titles: Egyenesen At; Experience Interdite; Linea Mortale)
F5833 FLATLINERS (USA, 1990) (Other titles: Egyenesen at; Experience interdite; Linea mortale) Credits: director, Joel Schumacher ; writer, Peter Filardi. Cast: Kiefer Sutherland, Julia Roberts, Kevin Bacon, William Baldwin. Summary: Horror film set in the contemporary U.S. An ambitious, charismatic medical student (Sutherland) persuades two classmates (Roberts and Bacon) to take part in an experiment to determine if there is life after death. When the Julia Roberts character crosses over to the other side, she is greeted as a little girl by images of her father returning home from Vietnam. She sees what she has suppressed since childhood: her father mainlining dope and killing himself with a .45 pistol. Blair, Iain, “Chicago quickens pulse of ‘Flatliners’: Sci-fi thriller mixes local sets, Sutherland and Roberts with macabre experiments seeking life after death” Chicago tribune (Aug 8, 1990), Tempo, p. 1. Boesch, Xavier (see under Outarquin, Laurent) Brown, Joe. “‘Flatliners’ lacks intensive scare” Washington post (Aug 10, 1990), Weekend, p. 49. Brudny, Wolfgang. “Jenseits - hin und zurueck” Medien 35/1 (1991), p. 40-41. Buehrer, Beverly Bare. “Flatliners” Magill’s cinema annual Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Salem Press, 1982- (1991, p. 109-112) Busby, Scott. “Do or die” Millimeter 18 (Jun 1990), p. 205. Carr, Jay. “Dark ‘Flatliners’ takes idealism to heart” Boston globe (Aug 10, 1990), Arts and film, p. 31. Cosford, Bill. “Flatliners: A blip on the silver screen” Miami herald (Aug 10, 1990), p. 10G. Dawes, Amy. “Flatliners” Variety 340 (Aug 1, 1990), p. 67. Dwyer, V. [Flatliners] Maclean’s 103 (Aug 13, 1990), p. 58. Edelstein, David.
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