F5833 FLATLINERS (USA, 1990) (Other Titles: Egyenesen At; Experience Interdite; Linea Mortale)
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F5833 FLATLINERS (USA, 1990) (Other titles: Egyenesen at; Experience interdite; Linea mortale) Credits: director, Joel Schumacher ; writer, Peter Filardi. Cast: Kiefer Sutherland, Julia Roberts, Kevin Bacon, William Baldwin. Summary: Horror film set in the contemporary U.S. An ambitious, charismatic medical student (Sutherland) persuades two classmates (Roberts and Bacon) to take part in an experiment to determine if there is life after death. When the Julia Roberts character crosses over to the other side, she is greeted as a little girl by images of her father returning home from Vietnam. She sees what she has suppressed since childhood: her father mainlining dope and killing himself with a .45 pistol. Blair, Iain, “Chicago quickens pulse of ‘Flatliners’: Sci-fi thriller mixes local sets, Sutherland and Roberts with macabre experiments seeking life after death” Chicago tribune (Aug 8, 1990), Tempo, p. 1. Boesch, Xavier (see under Outarquin, Laurent) Brown, Joe. “‘Flatliners’ lacks intensive scare” Washington post (Aug 10, 1990), Weekend, p. 49. Brudny, Wolfgang. “Jenseits - hin und zurueck” Medien 35/1 (1991), p. 40-41. Buehrer, Beverly Bare. “Flatliners” Magill’s cinema annual Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Salem Press, 1982- (1991, p. 109-112) Busby, Scott. “Do or die” Millimeter 18 (Jun 1990), p. 205. Carr, Jay. “Dark ‘Flatliners’ takes idealism to heart” Boston globe (Aug 10, 1990), Arts and film, p. 31. Cosford, Bill. “Flatliners: A blip on the silver screen” Miami herald (Aug 10, 1990), p. 10G. Dawes, Amy. “Flatliners” Variety 340 (Aug 1, 1990), p. 67. Dwyer, V. [Flatliners] Maclean’s 103 (Aug 13, 1990), p. 58. Edelstein, David. [Flatliners] New York post (Aug 10, 1990), p. 23. [Reprinted in Film review annual 1991] [Flatliners] City limits n.475 (Nov 8, 1990), p. 21. [Flatliners] Cosmopolitan (Sep 1990), p. 48. “Flatliners” Film review annual 1991 Englewood, N.J. : J.S. Ozer, 1981- (p. 465-72) [Flatliners] Hollywood reporter 313/32 (Aug 1, 1990), p. 5, 13. [Flatliners] Hollywood reporter 313/42 (Aug 15, 1990), p. 12. [Flatliners] Playboy (Oct 1990), p. 18. [Flatliners] Screen international n.771 (Aug 1990), p. 13. [Flatliners] Starburst n.147 (Nov 1990), p. 38. [Flatliners] Time out n.1055 (Nov 7, 1990), p. 34. [Flatliners] Video 14 (Mar 1991), p. 48. [Flatliners] Vogue 180 (Nov 1990), p. 266. Fox, David J. “‘Flatliners’ rookie writer hits it big” Los Angeles times (Aug 7, 1990), Calendar, p. 1. Giddins, Gary. “Night of the living dead” Village voice 35 (Aug 1, 1990), p. 62. [Reprinted in Film review annual 1991] Gray, Marianne. “Flatliners” Film monthly 2 (Nov 1990), p. 16. Hegyi, Gyula. “Egyenesen at” Film vilag 34/2 (1991), p. 56-7. Huffhines, Kathy. “The little things count in ‘Flatliners’” Detroit free press (Aug 10, 1990), p. 4C. James, Caryn. “Review/film: Young doctors explore the boundary between life and death” New York times 139 (Aug 10, 1990), p. C6. Johnsen, Frank. “Let med doden” Film & kino 8 (1990), p. 16-18. Joris, Luc. “Flatliners” Film en Televisie 405 (Feb 1991), p. 23. Kehr, Dave. “Movie review - ‘Flatliners’ succeeds with excess” Chicago tribune (Aug 10, 1990), Friday, p. C. Kempley, Rita. “Movies: ‘Flatliners’: Tinkering with heart and soul” Washington post (Aug 10, 1990), p. C1. Lally, Kevin. “Flatliners” Film journal 93 (Sep 1990), p. 17-18. Lanning, Michael Lee. Vietnam at the movies [GB] (p. 221) LaSalle, Mick. “‘Flatliners’ keeps fighting for life” San Francisco chronicle (Aug 10, 1990), E1. Lebouc, Georges. “L’experience interdite” Grand angle 134 (Jan 1991), p. 21-2. Legrand, Gerard. “L’experience interdite” Positif 361 (May 1991), p. 68. Lenne, Gerard. “L’experience interdite” Revue du cinema 467 (Jan 1991), p. 24-5. Martineau, Richard. “‘Lignes interdites’/‘Flatliners’” Sequences 149 (Nov 1990), p. 83-4. Mazzantini, Cristina. “Linea mortale - Flatliners” Film (Italy) 5/2 (1990), p. 68-9. McDonagh, Maitland. “Flatliners” Motion picture guide annual (edited by Jay Robert Nash and Stanley Ralph Ross) Chicago : Cinebooks, 1987-2000. (1991, p. 56- 7) McGrady, Mike. “World of the dead is a heartbeat away” Newsday (Aug 10, 1990), pt. II, p. 13. [Reprinted in Film review annual 1991] Molinari, Mario. “Linea mortale” Segnocinema 47 (Jan/Feb 1991), p. 44-5. Morgan, Susan. “Schumacher’s cat-related theory” Inteview 20 (Jul 1990), p. 28. Moss, Marilyn. “Flatliners” Boxoffice 126 (Oct 1990), p. R74. Norcen, Luca. “‘Ghost fantasma’; ‘Linea mortale’” Cinema nuovo 40/329 (Jan/Feb 1991), p. 49-50. Nordin, Lene. “Den umulige tanke” Kosmorama 36/194 (winter 1990), p. 37. Novak, Ralph. [Flatliners] People weekly 34 (Aug 20, 1990), p. 12. Outarquin, Laurent and Boesch, Xavier. “L’experience interdite” Revue du cinema 469 (Mar 1991), p. 31-2. Rickey, Carrie. “Death does them part - But for just a few minutes” Philadelphia inquirer (Aug 10, 1990), Weekend, p. 8. Ross, Philippe. “L’experience interdite” Revue du cinema hors ser. 39 (1991), p. 43. Salamon, Julie. “Film: Shock and schlock from David Lynch” Wall Street journal (Aug 16, 1990), p. 12. Schiller, Marc Daniel. “Production: ‘Flatliners’” Theatre crafts 24 (May 1990), p. 18. Schnelle, Frank. “Flatliners” EPD Film 7 (Dec 1990), p. 37. Schruers, Fred. “Shot by shot” Premiere 3 (Jun 1990), p. 124-6+ [4 p.] Stanley, John. “‘Flatliners’ new writer is dead-on: Story of of near-death experience hits it big” San Francisco chronicle (Aug 5, 1990), Sunday datebook, p. 29. Sterritt, David. “Film: Today’s sci-fi scene signals a new attitude” Christian science monitor (Aug 13, 1990), p. 10. [Reprinted in Film review annual 1991] Strick, Philip. “Flatliners” Monthly film bulletin 57/682 (Nov 1990), p. 320-21. [Reprinted in Film review annual 1991] Svehla, Gary J. “Flatliners” Midnight marquee 41 (fall 1990), p. 42-3. Travers, Peter. “If they only had a brain” Rolling stone 584 (Aug 1990), p. 37-8. Turner, George. “Gothic artistry of ‘Flatliners’” American cinematographer 71 (1990), p. 66-73. Van Gelder, Lawrence. “At the movies” New York times 139 (Aug 10, 1990), p. C6. Vecchi, Paolo. “Linea mortale” Cineforum 31/302 (Mar 1991), p. 95-6. Vos, Erik E. de. “Flatliners” Skoop 26 (Nov 1990), between p. 24-5 [9 p.] Walters, M. “Revivalist meetings” Listener 124/3190 (Nov 8, 1990), p. 31. Weldon, Michael. The psychotronic video guide New York : St. Martin’s Griffin, 1996. (p. 210) Welsh, James M. “Flatliners” Films in review 41/11-12 (Nov/Dec 1990), p. 559-60. [Reprinted in Film review annual 1991] Wilmington, Michael. “Movie reviews: Ensemble ‘Flatliners’ losing proposition for audience” Los Angeles times (Aug 10, 1990), Calendar, p. 4. [Reprinted in Film review annual 1991] Wloszczyna, Susan. “‘Flatliners’: A jolt of adrenaline” USA today (Aug 10, 1990), p. 2D. Zima, Susanne. “Leg med doden” Levende billeder 6 (Nov 1990), p. 43. .