J --- , -8


',-O¡. 2! O 11:i) 149-168 MS accepted Aug. 1984, printed Aug. 1985

Conti-ibutions to the knowledge of the genera Sphingonotus, Pseu- dosphiiiqmotus and Wernerella in Africa, with description of four new mecies (-4ci.idoidea: Oedipodinae)

Palle Johnseri Zoological Lahoratory, Cniversit): of Aarhus DK - 8000 r\ai-hLis c, Denmark Abstract

4 species are tiepicted and described as new: with a tuberculate supra-anal plate in males is de- Sf>hingoyo,ioricsrndtosprratiis from Tunisia, \lérnerelln scribed iii Spft. radioserrotus sp.n., titrkanae Uvarov ~itanciiafr-om Gran Canary, ll'ernerello somalica and and niremis Chopard. Habitus and/or morphologi- Gfricona both from Somalia. il'ernerella sublamis (1. cal details are depicted of Sph. uille»lsei, subiaevvis, Bolivar. 1908), is synonymized with Sphii2gonotus niremis and titrknnae, Pseudosphingonotus finotianus,

,.il-p\.i Uvarov. 1948 iii the comb. n. Sphingonofi~ssub- iYmwwiin pcheroi and picteti. Pseudosphingonotus Ir(pí1rs (1. Bol.). .A combination of lack of serration j)arndosiis is recorded from Tunisia and Sudan. on intercriiary vein and a serrate radius together

Descrip t ion

Sphingonotus willemsei Xiistshen ko, media and parallel with this, it is nearly 1937 straight (as stated in original description) but F17. 1-2. with a \ague sinuate curvature (as stated in b~ noni ni! Sphi)i~o~o/ii~tc'id~i Lkarov, 1948 oriqinal description of kjdei). 1 Hoizapfel 1970). Only femaie head and thoras has been depic- ted so a tul1 'figure of its habitus is delivered 5 CPPLEJIEN'TAKY DESCRIPTION OF Iiere. F'EMALE: In supplement to the original de- ?cription ot' this Canarinn species, endemic to SUPPLEAIENTARY DESCRIPTION OF Tenerife. it can be added that the intercalary MALE: The male was poorly described with- .:ein o€a femaie paratype (in Brit. Mus.) actii- out figures and without mention of the apical siiv is fiiiel!, serrate - not sniooth as stated by parts of abdomen. Therefore some details of Iíistshenko (1 937). 'This vein runs close to inorphology of this sex have been depicted

149 ------A

Fiy. 2. Spiiiugotwfus ;(*iílpmpi. Xlale. -4: Intercalar? vein (i). B: Outlirie of pronotum, lateral view. C: Apex of abdomen, lateral view. D: Same, dorsal vie~..E: Frons. here, after material iri Brit. hlus. collected in pronounced constriction below the median L2s Cariadas.

The subgenital plate is siender and rounded Iii spite of the small differences between the ;ir 'ipex ítruncate iri fqdei). The supra-anal >\ mpatric tt>jclri and ic~illrirzsriit was found by pliite is \\-¡de.angular at apex, v.ith trvo basa1 Iiolzapfel (1970) that the similarities were so ziei.:ited "platforms" lvith rnther roughly ser- promiiient that they ;\ ere synonymized. nred inner cariiiulae (in trwlui outer 2nd to a ieiczr tieyree iiiner eclge serr:ited. .is seen in L~IS7'KIBC7'1OX: Gxigwere et al. (1972) 1-1JIWL 1948 Fig. 1). Tlit. apex c)f' these .iinimarizcs that the species is occurring in ":)l.itforms" eiiciing iri ari ;icutt angular :he "subalpine ticsert ;it elevations of 2.1 O0 pt>iiit, \t.hich st'eii iri profile is rriised from the ::i or abo\.e." Orie ttiiiale was by the author pziirral scirFace ;iiict clirectctl obliqiiely cli~i- collecred l~~.Xl.l983iibove L'ila Flor at the ri:id ciiici upu.ards. 'The cercus is seen in pro- road to Las Cañadas below 2.000 m in the iilr. wmewhat tnpered and bluntlv rounded at iipper Pitircs cni2I(Tjp)l.si.\-Loneiri a small ravine

.ipt.x, ir1 dorsnl \.¡e\\. ciearl!. iricur\.eci. 'I'he i5\ith \'er)' taii trees aiici \vith a11 undergrowth ii-oiitnl ridge is r:ither \\.¡de with its lateral ca- of plaiits containing some species also found i.iIiLilae runiiirig i-ekitivel). straight and riearly iii t he retarna-zone. Cvnrov ( 1948) records p.ir:iliel above the niedimi ocellus ;i~iclwith a c he species from 'í'ncororite, a record appar- vilti\. o\(-riookedby Gangwere et al. (1972) as lowr southern slope of Pico de Teide, where well :i\ ljt. 1 Ioimpfel (1970). Thus the distrib- the species was active and flying very long !irion ;roin below 600 rn to 2.733 rn and distances a couple of rnetres above the (xxw\ : i.t ;ini~-/oiie,pinar -zone and what \vas ground, often settling on retama bushes. Oc-

1 )~.i:i:l~i! 1: 1 .!(- i~iiirisi1i.aand faval-brezal-zone. currence of imago thus should be extended froni \'II-IX (in Gangwere et al. 1972) to XI. PHF-\O!.t >Gi':Oiie fernale \vas collected bv tht. :i~~[::l:~~1,; i.'is Caiiadas 17.XI.1983 on the FOOD: .A fecula showed rernains of grass.

Sphineonorus sublaevis (1. Bolivar, Ination on their habitats then they also seem 190s)1 )1111> '1. to occur in the sarne type of habitat (S.freji: 1-iq. . -2 dry crater slope, on sand, at sea leve]: IV. suú-

>\ 11011~. \ tuiintn sublnem 1. Bolivar, int-cis: sandy soil, beaches. in littoral zone, be- 908 low 300 rn). ~~t~rii~~ellasublae-clis Kirby, 19 1O - ~ihiiigonotus frew Uvarov, The two species 1I'ernerella sublaevis and i184. sy-m. Sphingonotus frey are considered conspecific, the narnes thus synonyrnous. The name sub- IYhen stxclving al1 material of IC'ernerella sub- llieilis has priority but the author prefer to >. !oeivs .i~ici !';ihi,igonotrts frevi in British Mu- keep the species in Sphingonotus, to which jeum 1: 'c,:is ioLind that they were so very Uvarov assigned it. The name of the species much a;ikc lim the minor differences could thus becornes Sphingonotus srtblnevis (1. Boli- only be considered as intra-specific variation. var, 1908) cornb. n. In the oriqinal descriptions of the two species there 3re no marked characters separating As this species has never been depicted a ha- them. t1.m if the two species have been bitus figure and some details of morphology placed in different, but not well defined, gen- are presented here. era it is i\.orth\vhileto note that Bolivar in his description savs that xublaeiis could be con- -4 feiv characteristics not rnentioned in the fused \\.ith a species of Sphingonofus, and Uva- original descriptions shail be added. The rov poinrs out that frevi has sorne characters male supra-anal plate with apex angular. approsimating it to &e genus i\'ernerelln (a Hind tibia in males with 7-5 outer and 10-1 1 narne used to replace the preoccupied Fortu- inner spines, in fernales with 6-8 outer and !inta). but ivithout comparing it with IV. sub- 11-12 inner spines. General coloration vary

p.:<. 4. sphi,iqoJiofilJ .)irhicin$is c0rnb.n. A: Meso- and rnetasternal interspace, fernale. B: Apex of abdomen, ;.:r~txi viel\.. male. C: Pronotum, lateral view. fernale. D: Subgenital piate and lower ovipositor valves,

j c.titr:tI v¡w\,. E: Pronotiirn, dorsal view. fernale. F: Section of rnale tegrnen seen from its front margin. G: .

Sphingon o tus radioserra tus s p. 11. DESCRIPTION OF 11ALE HOLOTYPE: Fig. 3. -4ntennae much longer than head and prono- tum together and 24-jointed. 12th-18th joint Tlie genus S/ilii)igo)iotits contains so many somewhat wider than the preceeding and fol- bpecies (at least 79) that it is surprisirig that ioiviiig joints. Head miich raised above pro- stili iinknon.ti species can be found. In mate- notum. Fastigium of vertex strongly doping, rial recei\.ed for determination from Zoologi- \\.ith su-oilen lateral carinulae, but these not z;ii lluseum, L~iiid,Sweden, a species was clearcut, a vague short medial carinula is found, Lvhich !\.as different from al1 hitherto foiind anteriorl?.. Bodv slender. Pronotum Liiown species. Dr. lí. Donskoff most kindiy constricted in prozona: length of metazona i:iformecl me that no conspecitic material ivas ciose to twice iength of prozona; hind margin fo~indiii the 1Iiiseiim Natioiiai d'Histoire obtuse-angulate; Getazona rather smooth: Xatiireile, Paris. The species is described as a mediaiiy iri front of t\.picai sulcus with raised ~:vt\.species ixio\\..1 ts niost specialized stridu- caiious scuipturation: lateral iobe with lower :.itoi-!. ;tpp;iratiis Iiiis airead\, lxeii coni- posterior corner as if obiiquelv cut off. Meso- ::letiteti h.. Johtistw ~itidSchmidt 1982 (p. 88) ~indmetasternai interspace ;is in Fig. 5 F. ;i; roiirid iii "::n iiiiideiititied species of Ordi- . 1 li)i(l~f'r-om '1'iiiiisi;i". .I'egmina long 2nd ii:irrow: reaching near ~pesot' hind tibia of stretched hind legs; \l.ATERIXL: 3 males. 2 femaies al1 coiiected their masimum lvidth iiearly 6 times in their .:t sanic localiti. iiiid date nameiy iii i\'esterri Itzngth. IIitercalary \.eiii smooth. Radius, in pnrt of. ceiitra.1 Tiiiiisia, Gafsa 1 .VIII. 193 1 its section in front of intercalary vein, O1.e i'ersson leg. Xli material is kept in Zoo- strongiy serrateci and strongly raised above logcial 11iiseii~ii. L~iiid U ni ver si tv, Stvecieri. subcosta and media. IVing with dark fascia. Hind t'mcir ívith the ratio length to depth iated pale and dark brown, the apicai half ?.ti. .-lroiiuit) i-ather smail, shorter than haif more uniformiy brownish. Face and mouth he lengiii ot (.ilii\.s. Cerci in lateral view ro- parts, meso- and metasternum and abdominal .. bust. T,, i~it'A: base, suddenlv narrowed near sides fading to dirty whitish. Tegmen at front rht- inititile ,iiiti liroadly rounded at apex, margin ivith two dark brown spots (fasciae), 1 iieir ::a;c~<~~"!i iri.ei with apex of supra-anal one in front of base of intercalary vein and ;)late: 11: <:oi.\>lI\ ie.r\.rather robust, slightly in- orie at the apex of same vein: these spots c.uri.m. ?~11>r;1-;maIpiate outstanding in its reach only about halfway to the hind margin ínorph(~ioq!., i:-iiobate in posterior end, with of the tegmen: dista1 to the outermost dark :he I:tte:-,ii iiixrcins strongly and abruptly ra- spot tegmen transparent except for a few id:i\ :iiq .i -iiovei-shaped appearance, its darker veinlets giving the impression of small

.iirtnce 7:. ir ii .,cs\w-altubercles, basally a trans- spots. hlain iongitudinal veins pale brownish,

1. 1. e r s e :i r i-: i i 1 qe III tln t o f s ma 1I er tu ber c 1es foi 1o- most cross veinlets and venae spuriae white; T+\.eci 111 2 ~iioix~raised medial tubercles and between the two dark anterior spots al1 veins :ipicail\ ,\-itli i strongiy raised somewhat white. Hind wing extremely paie bluish, ap- iiorsesii:li>rd ridge. The lateral margins parent when plicated; in the middie of wing :;re so ;:IL:CII r;iiwd that the tubercles are not with a crescent shaped blackish brown trans- .een in :.itrr:ii i.iew, except the apex of the verse fascia from anterior margin and ending . <. , "horse \iio<* ;ubgenital plate as shown in well in advance of the hind margin, the fascia Fig. 3 B. interrupted at vena dividens; veins colourless to pale brownish. Hind femur dirty whitish, \lEASL-:I;EJIENTS: Length of body 18.6; on outer side in upper marginal area in the frons to tiP of folded tegmina 24.8; iength of middle with an adumbrated spot and another pronotiim 3.2: length of tegmen 19.6: length one proximal to the narrowest part of femur; of. hinci femur >).O: length of hind tibia 8.1 the knee region and lunula aiso vaguely mm. adumbrated; three small blackish spots on lo- \ver carinula. On inner side of hind femur COLOR-ATIOS: The general coloration with a central dark patch almost reaching \ ery paie browriish Lvith scattered admixture across medial area, and near the narrowest of darker pigmented tiny spots on head and part of femur with another dark patch cover- rhoracic region. Xntennae in basa1 half annu- ing medial area, upper and lower carinula as

C ..----- D p,'\', E

Fiy. 3. Spiiiuqow/itr ~diosrrrnfitsspn. .\.lale holotype, female allotspe. A: Apex of müle abdomen, dorsal

5. iew. B: Snme, Iiiterüi view. C: Hesd and proriotum, rnale. D: Apex of female abdomen, lateral view. E: Iíind tibia1 claws arid aroiium. riinle. F: Meso- and metasternal interspace, male. G: Pronotum, male, riorsal viel\,. H: Hirid wing oiitline with transverse fnscia. 1: Hind femur, outer side, male. J: Small section f,f male tegmen in front of middle of intercalar) vein seen from the anterior margin, ¡.e. along upper iurface ot' tegmeri showing the srrrate radius (ra). elevated abole subcosta (subc.) and media (hidden be h i n d r 3di us) .

153 1.t f.11 as upper and loi\.er marginal areas. The these characters are considered as synapo- inentioiied pigmentation o11 outer and inner morphic characters. This could perhaps .itie ai-t: piacecl in the corresponding sections warraiit a new genus for this assemblage of ()lf'emur -. hpecies, but as this j\.ould require a total revi- hion of the genus thev are at present best clas- 9 ESC R 11'~ 1' 1OS O I: F El1A LE .A LLOTI' P E: sed amon g 11 i r~po)i Ot iix. \íor-e robust a~icliarger than niale. Supra- st, ~iiiil 1)iate smooth. Liniiobate rounded at D1 F F E R E N T 1A L D 1A G i\ O S 1S : Th e tuber- Ir1 other respects as male holotype. ~prs. culated supra-anal plate and serrate radius \íE.iSCKEhIESTS: Length of bocly 24.6: separates mdiosPvratus sp.n. from other stud- t'roiis to tip of foldecl tegmiria 3 1.2: length of ied species of Sphz7zgorzotus except turkanae pr-oiiotiim 4.4: length of tegmen 24.0: iength and nirmsis. The new species is different of hind l'cmiir 11.5: length of hind tibia 9.9 from these two species in the presence of a miii. Coioration as the male holotype. transverse, dark fascia on hind wings - the others uithout trace of such fascia. The new i'.-\KX'I'iVPES of both sexes corresponding species is different from nirensis in a more ro tppe and allotype in aii respects, except siender hind femur - iength to depth ratio 3.6 oiie femaie v.hich has the apex of upper ovi- in both the new species and in turkanae as op- !w.;itor \.alve more pointed iri lateral view posed to 3.3 in airemis. The two dark spots . 1, \\.oi-n') anteriorly on tegmen reaching only about i)ISCLSSIOS: 111 the triiobate and tubercu- halfway to the hind margin in the new species I'ited supra-anal plate and in the serrate ra- while tiirkn~arand nirmsis have complete fas- (iiiis. the species is different from other ciae from anterior to posterior edge of teg- >pecies of .S/1lii)2gor1oti15 except S. turkanar men. C\.arov, 1938 and S. czirrwis Chopard 1930 isee also beioiv). These t\vo characters are Gafsa was visited by the author in the middle .ipomorphic tvithin the genus and as thev are of December but no suppiementary material :: ii i r ed i 11 uidiojt3r-r.nt iíj. ti1 rka tinp and ni&sis could be collected at that time.

Sphingonotus airemis Chopard, 1950 is used to present some detaiis of morphology Fig. 6 -4-C. here. Especially noteworthy is the the serrate For comparison with S. rnc1io~rrrtttu.sone male i-adius and the tuberculate and trilobate su- í>f rhis species has been studied. The occasion pra-anal piate.

- .-

A 4. ..- B

Sphíngonotus turkanae Cvaroi., 1935. tigiires the frontal i-idge and apex of ab- Fiy. ti D-E. domen in lateral view are depicted here, to yho\v the \hape of ccrcus and the tubercii- I-.oi- comparisoii \\.itIi S. rndiowrrcitus this i:ited supra-anal plate. hpt'cit's has txen htiidied. As rnentioned :ibo\.e ttie rxliLis is ser-i-ated. Ttie habitus \\-as Iii Natural Historv hluseum, Aarhus 3 males \hoivii iii ptiotos t)v.jc)hiiseri SC Schmiclt 1982. .iiid 2 temales frcjm Kenva, Samburu Game 111 siippieniviit ro C.\.;ii-o\.'s rlescription and Rexrvt. 17-1!3.~'iI.I9í5(L. Trolie). Pseudosphingonotus Shumakov, 1963 of serration otherwise restricted to Pseudosph- i~igunotiishas now aiso been found in Sphing-

'I'lik ccriti\ i4 iipart from the specialized ser- onotus siiblnelm and in Wernereiia kachecoi (see rxtiori i~ )rrnwi hv cross veiniets betlveen ra- iiiider these) but in combination with a dark ciius ;i11c1 i;i~~~i:i;i¡so clefined bv the coioration pigmented inner medial area of hind femur.

,)!iiiii;c-:- . iii. ,i itieclial area of hind femur - It appears therefore that a new concept of iight \\.ir ii ;; yiiisie subapical dark, transverse t he gen lis Pbeiidosp h ingon ot 11s w ould be war- biiiid. i?:iwci I )ii this last character Sphingono- ranted, but this would require a revision of -;iL.issiirc', 1883 has been transfer- the genera Sphingonotus and ll'ernerella as ilr,i!iiiiii,noiiotzis in spite of the pre- \\ell. wiicc OT til(, :iot-mii oedipodine serration of Descamps (1970) presented a key to the iilt~r~:llcii~~.:'!II. It appears somewhat dubi- species of Ps~ii~l~s~hi~zgoi~otii~of North Africa, ous to {IY~,((:io\ir in the on generic but forgot to include P. pictus (Werner, ltt\.el. t.\;iix)\ 1, 1948) aiso espressed that the 1905), described from Egypt (found aiso in r ( ) ii p i ii ! i \:/) h i ngono t us hl is t s hen ko 2 by Sinai, Arabia, Iran and Pakistan (Mistshenko i 1936) i.:i-z-yiT, ! ti the basis of hind femoral 1936)). This species may be included in the coioiir l?:irtt':-:> iii some cases resulted in a key thus: l(2) add. "or with mere traces of \-er-!.

Pseudosphingonotus finotianus (Saus- aiid Zoological Institute, Lund. Sweden, al1 sure, 1883) Persson ieg.). Algeria: Yakouren Fig. 7. 26.1'11.1950 1 6. Djeifa VIII. 1951 2 QQ. Bou Synonvmy: Htdioscirtiis jnotinniis Saussure, Sriada 23.1'11. 1949 1 P. Rheibel Djellela 24.- 1885 27.1711.1951 2 66, 3 Po. Tunisia: Bir-el-Bey Spli ingoizotus jinotia 11 us Vosse- 14.1'11.1951 2 $8, 1 o. ler, 1902 'The species has a stridulatory file on tegmen Iósseleriann (3) jinotinnus Bei- developed very much in the same wav as in P. Bienko, 1930 paradosus (Bei-Bienko, 1948), i.e. more PsP u d osph i ngo 12 o t ii s ji n o t in n zis specialized than in P. canariunsis (Saussure, Shumakov. 1963 1854) and Sphingonotus sublaeiis (1. Bolivar, 1908). -4s the species has never been depicted .\l.'ITERI.AL STUDIED: (Specimens in Sa- wme details of its morphaiogy are shown in rural Histor) \Iiiseum, .Aarhus, Denmark the figure.

The distribution of this species was +ven by Descamps 1970. Later it has also been recor- ded t'rom 1tw-v Coast (Gilion 1974). Oman aiid Ciiited Árab Emirates (Popov 1980). Two tiew territorial records can be added Iiere iiamelv TUNISIA: Gafsa VIII, 1 0 (in Zooiogical Institute, Lund, Sweden. Persson leg.) aiid SUDAN: Nubian Desert 25.SI.1978, 2 99 (in Natural History Mu- seiim. .-\arhus, Dcnmark, Jette Nors leg.).

155 sc A M IN

L,/ 6


/ I A------/, \

k- \' \

\ "-4' 4. l ' ,-2 ,< >, LJd H \&l

Fig. 7 PIPrtdo,phi,iFotio/1(Jtitzofr~tiic,.A: The part of left tegmen, M here intercalar1 \ein approaches media t(>5hou the \tridulaton \pecialization (SC = subcosta. R = radiu3. 51 = media. 19 = intercalary vein. CL' = ciibitus) B: Ape\ ot rnale abdomen, dorsal \le\\'. C: Same, lateral vieu. D: Female hind femur, lateral ~*iei\ot outer side E: Same. inner side. F: Pronotal hind margin, male. G: Same, female. H: Outline of iiiiicl u iiig to shot\ trace of marg-inal "fascia", found in some specimens. Wernerella Karnl, 1907 IX177-0 SPECIES ií. mfipro and ii-Jiiúlot';vs not included in the Le) - eypianation in the text. 1. Upper carina of hind femur strongly undu- - Pronotal disc more broadl}; rounded be- lated ...... 2 hind. Base of wing never red ...... 5 - L'pper carina of hind femur not or riot tí. Hind 1t.ing without even trace of dark fas- s t r on g 1)- undu la ted ...... 3 cia ...... 6 2. Hind lving t\.ith broad dark fascia covering - Hind wing ptith dark transverse fascia, at the rt-hole exterior rnargin and \\.ith a ray least \\.ith indication of such (Canary Is- along the anterior margin (Lesotho) lands, hforocco) ...... pnchecoi - ...... hosiitri1sis 6. Smaller (male: 1 1.6-14.2). Netasternal in- - Hind it.ing i\.ith a11 irregular roundish dark terspace in male iirith its length about 1 spot near ceiiter of i\,ing(Somaiia) 1/2 time in its width iri the middle, in fe- ...... cljrimiio sp.n. males twice or less (Canary Islands: Tene- 1 plate of deep blue colour rife, Gomera) ...... pictrti . (Socoti-a) ...... i)isiii~zrix - Larqer (maie: 14.517.4). hletasternal inter- of deep blue space ¡ti niales with its length twice in its ...... 4 i\idth iii the middle, in femaie more than d. Base of i\.ing ti\.ice (Caiiar\. íslands: Gran Canary) .. \ow~~/icosp.ii...... pirni1chfl sp.11. 1738). She also cites Krauss (1 892) for a rec- ord of Ii'. (rspera from Egypt, but Krauss has no reference to Egypt in connection with this species - only to the two Canarian Islands: Lanzarote and Graciosa, and he (p. 164) lists this species among species pecdiar to the Ca- iinrv Isiands. Finaiiy Hoizapfel makes a mis- takt i\.hen referring to »ecimens collected hv Lindberg and Frey 01. Tenerife and pub- lished bv Chopard 1964. These collectors did iiot coiiect this species in Tenerife or in any other of the Canarian Islands - Chopard is oniy including it in his list of Canarian taxa based on previous literature, and without ex- pianation indicates its occurrence in Tenerife uith a ?. This record is repeated by Holzapfel on a distribution map - now in NW Tenerife - but again with a ?. In Hoizapic.i ' i ii70) (p. 109) there are some

mistakes. ~+!:r* 1 ltes Brullé for noting the si- Bolivar (19 15) recorded, according to Johns- rniiaritv bt.ri\.reii chis species and Sphingonotus ton 1956, ii'. aspern from Aigeria, but Cho- raerLticlk. I'liis is a false citation. Brullé does pard (1943) did not include the species as oc- not meri t io n .>fi/iiqo ti oí its or CCIZPI'Ula ns, he curring in S. Africa, even if he cites the compares -,\.ith "i~~i~ritlesce~isLin.", \vhich paper by Bolivar, and it has never since been must be f.;,.? ii;i, ;triisfn cnerztlescens Linnaeus, refound in continental Africa. 1738. svn.: ~*'~iii)od~cnerulescctis (Linnaeus,

Wernerella pachecoi (1. Bolivar, 1908) formed by some cross-veins between radius Fig. 8-9. and media as in the genus Pseudosphingonotus; Synonynir,: Forrrt~nto pnrhecoi 1. Bolivar, but the development of pronotum is typical i 908 for the genus ii'ernerelln. 1 I~t~r~ierellnpnclzecoi Kirbv, 19 1O -4ntenna in female 23-jointed. Hind tibia in The species has ne\.er been depicted: conse- one male with 8 outer and 10 inner spines, in quently, a habitus iigure and some details of four females with 6-8 outer and 9-11 inner morphoiogy are delivered here. A few com- spines. Hind femur in male with the ratio ments on specimens studied in British Mu- length to depth 3.7. seum and Zoologisk hfuseum Copenhagen by So variation in iength of body is given in the the author shall be added: Intercalary vein is literature. This variation measured by the unserrated, but there is found a vague ten- author is presented here, based on four speci- dencv to\t.arcis a dei,eiopment of tiny knobs mens ofeach sex: S 14.1-15.0. O 21-25.6. Fiy. 9. lli~rrirrcdinp7chucoi. Specimens from 17uerteventura. A-C: Variation in transverse fascia of hind ~ing.temales. D-F: Sarne. males. G: Hirid femur, male. H: Frons, male. 1: Pronotum, dorsal view, female. J: Apex of male abdomen. lateral vieiv. K: Same. dorsal view. L: Epiphallus.

General coloration blackish brown or pale DISTRIBUTION: Morocco, Canary Islands reddish broivn. One female from Lanzarote (Bolivar 1908): Lanzarote and Fuerteven- IVi t h 1%. hit i s h a 1o 11g ’ ’ 1ate ra 1 ca r i na e ’ ’ , t h e tura. Chopard (1943) also includes ”Soudan“ orher specimens seen not thus (same colour- (now Mali) in the distribution of the genus, \:ariation seen in some specimens of pictcti). nithout stating which species, but he does not The dark biackish brou-n fascia of hind Lving inention Soudan when giving the distribution variable iii both seses from narrow and of pncheroi. This inforrnation has been cited palé to wide and darker as shown in the ac- ;is if pnchecoi had been recorded from Maii c o m pa n y i n g fi g u res. l\.hich is incorrect, e.g. by Davey et al. 1939, Johnston 1968 and Holzapfel 1970.

z* 1 - ‘77-


!z j 10 nirn -_ I iq 1 O Ii er)if,jtv’/f(pirtu/i. Femaiz


Wernerella picteti (Krauss, 1892) I’he species has, e~enif it 15 the genotjpe, Fig. 10-11. iiever been depicted arid a habitus figure and SL noriymL : P/iciif)otiettia prtetl Krauss, 1892 detailb of rriorphology are consequently de- 11; t)itJtdlapctetr Karny, 1907 iivered here, .liso for cornparison with the 5píiitigotzotw ( iourulans John- iiew 5pecies described, especiallv with the wi 1970, iiec Linnaeui. Par$: ( louely reinted II’ gzl(zt)cha sp.11. f r o ni Ten e r I te

1 as Fig. 1 1. Il.cru~~r~~/ízpic.trti. A: Head and pronotum of fernale, dorsal view. B: Female head, frontal view. C: \lale meso- :irid rrirrasternai interspace. D: Female metasternal interspace. E: Apex of male abdomen, lateral view. F: \lale t\ mpanum. G: Fernur of male prothoracic leg. H: Femur of female prothoracic leg. 1: Male hinci t¿tniur. outer side in outline. J: Ovipositor valves, ventral view. K Outline of male pronotum, lateral vielv. L: Epiphallus.

LIATERL-IL: LS males and 35 females from in female about 2 times or less. Pro- and me- Tenerife (author leg.), in Natural History sothoracic femora comparatively robust, líuseum Aarhus. Denmark. their ratio length to depth in the middle about 4.3 and 5.9 respectively in male, and S U P P L E31 E N T A R i- D ES C R 1PT 1 O N : Gen- 5.6 and 5.8 respectively in female. Hind fe- eral bodv coloration in both sexes variable mur with the ratio length to depth 3.6-3.8. from paie brolvnish. dark brown to blackish Length of body in male 11.6-14.2, in female brown, the basal and outer fascia of tegmen 18.1-18.9. Intercalary vein finely serrated, from uniformly paie pigmented to pigmented vaguely sigmoid and strongly approaching bv scattered dark smaller or larger spots. The media in its dista1 half. Tegmen with the ra- outer fascia sometimes represented by a spot tio length to maximum width vary from 5.2- only. Antenna 14th basal and media1 joints of 5.8. Male supra-anal plate in basal part with flagelium alternating darker and paler. The two triangular, concave areas, the inner blue colour of hind tibia faded awav in sev- edges of which are wavy and serrated by a eral specimens. Hind femur may be more or varying number of tubercles. Epiphallus with less irregularly dark spotted or just indicated the bridge arched. Other morphological de- \\.ith transverse dark fasciae in some speci- taiis seen from Fig. l l. - mens in upper outer area only: in others 5preading more or less down acrbss oiiter me- DISTRIBUTIOS: Endemic to the Canary dial area: iriner side of hind femur ivith basai Islands. Known from Tenerife and Gomera. part blackish more or less united with the in- 111 Tenerife of essentially southern and west- ner continuatiori oi' otiter second fascia. ern distribution from the coast to aboiit 1.000 m aboie sea leve1 (Gangwere et al. .Antenriae 24-23 joirited. The "platform" an- 1972). terior-1)- in pronotal prozona with its lateral caririae reguiarly esciirved. Frontal ridge ai PHENOLOGY: Imagines collected by the depicted Fig. 1 1 B. Jledian carina of prozona author at Los Christianos and Adeje raised, and escurved in profile. hletasternal 18.XI. 1983, a month from which previously interspace trans\'erse. its length in male no records existed; but probably it occurs al1 sbout 1 1/2 times iri its ividth at the middie, the year round.

159 BIOSOMICS: One maie and one femaie sur- DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS: See under \ived iri captivity, on grass oiily, for three Ii-. gun~chn. ni o 11 t h s.

Wernerella guancha sp.n. Johnsen The femora of prothoracic, but also of meso- Fig. 12-13. thoracic legs relatively siender, the ratio Sy n on y rn y : I i'ern re1 1n gcin nclin ci varov , length to depth in the middie about 5 in the 1938: museum name former and about 1 in the iatter. ii'ernerelln sp. Hoizapfei, 19'70 lletasternal interspace relatively wider than This species has had a peculiar fate. It was in II'. picteti, its length nearl}; twice in its recognized by Cvarov 1938 as a separate \vidth at the middie (in pictvti about 1 1/2). specces and \\.as named by him, but only with Intercaiary vein finely serrated. Hind wings ;i rnuseum name as no pubiication \vas ever pale blue. Cercus in profiie less tapering than printed - and thus this name is invalid. Later in picteti. Epiphaiius with bridge nearly the same species \vas described by Hoizapfel straight. 19'70 and characters in which it is different from Ii'. pictuti \\.ere given (in her Tabie 8). General coloration dull brownish: tegmen She states that it is a new species but does not basaliy darker and near middle with a vague give it a riame escept ICérnerella sp. transverse fascia, the antenna annuiated by 2lternating dark and paie sections. The present author therefore names the species and adds a supplementary description FEMALE ALLOTYPE: In British Museum. below using the same name, which Uvarov Ii'ith two labeis: 1) Gran Canaria Barranco liad intended to use: Ii'. gunncha - referring to San Augustino 26.IX. 1960 and 2) Wernella the aboriginal human popiilation of the Ca- cf. pancho Uvarov 1938 det. Hoizapfel. Left narv islands. hind leg missing.

MALE HOLOTYPE: In British hluseum, As the maie but larger. .htennae 20-22 \\.ith three iabeis: 1) Canary Islands: Gran Ca- jointed. Length of body 21.5, pronotum 4.2, riary Barranco Baios Los Letreros hind femur 10.9 mm. Mesothoracic femur 23.1X.1960: 2) F. E. Zeuner Coi1 B. M. with the ratio iength to depth in the middie 1964-194 and 3) 'iiernereila cf guanchn Uva- 6.9. Metasternai interspace with its iength t-ov 1938 det. Holzapfel 1970. Phallic com- more than twice in its width at the middle (in pies glued to label 2. Left antenna missing. picteti twice or less). i'ery close to Ii: picteti. Length of body 1'7.4, OTHER MATERIAL: In British Museum a pronotum 3.2 mm: the ratio length of teg- long series of specimens Iabeiled: Ii? cfr. men to maximum width of tegmen 3.7: gunncha Uvarov 1938 Holzapfel det. length of hind femur 8.6 mm, its ratio length to depth 3.5. Pronotai prozona anteriorly DISTRIBUTION: Canary Isiands: endemic n.ith a raised "platform" ivith rather irregu- to Gran Canary. Eurytope, occurring 150- I:ir lateral margins. 2.000 rn above sea ievei in serophytic-, Fig. 13. ii~fi~rt~~rf~i/~~,pn~r/iasp.n. Male holotype, femaie ailotype. A: Female head and pronotum, dorsal \.¡e\\. B: \lale meso- and metasternal interspace. C: Femaie rnetasternal interspace. D: Apex of male Libdomeri, dorsal \iew. E: Femur of male prothoracic leg. F Femur of female prothoracic leg. G Male hind femur, outer side in outline. H: Ovipostor valves, ventral view. 1: Male pronotum, lateral view in outlirie. J: .-\pes of male abdomen in lateral view. K: Epiphallus, right and left half from different angels. forest- and subaipine vegetation belts. Local- fascia or spot on hind wing. Different from ities beside those of holo- and allotype: Cruz picteti in the irregular lateral margins of the de Tejeda: Roque Nublo; San Bartolomé; raised ”platform” in anterior part of prono- Tazartico: San Nicolas and Mogan (Holzapfel tal prozona (in picteti regularly excurved), in 1970). its larger size, length of male body 14.5-17.4 (in picteti 11.6-14.2), and in the wider metas- DIFFEREKTI’4L DIAGNOSIS: Like \C’. pic- terna1 interspace as well as in the more íeti different from other species in the genus straight bridge of epiphallus (arched in pic- in the total lack (not even trace) of infumate teti).

Wernerella somalica sp.n. DESCRIPTION OF MALE HOLOTYPE: Fig. 14-15. .4ntennae long, reaching to base of hind fe- mur, 24 jointed. Head well raised above pro- \lATERIa4L: Iii British hluseum. líale holo- notum: fastigiiim of vertex in front with me- tvpe, fernale allotype and two male paratypes dian carinula, compound eyes, in lateral view :ill labelled: Brit. Soninliland (now Somalia), 5pherica1, fastigial foveolae irregular rhom- base ot‘ Erigavo Escarpment 1.000 feet boid: frontal ridge strongly concave but the 10.1.195-4. G. Popov & D. Greathead, pre- concavity above medial ocellus nearly filled ,erited .-lnti-Locust Res. Center B.11. 1934- by a iongitudinal, ridge-iike swelling. 2 14. ‘T‘hree other male paratvpes and one fe- rnaie paratype iabelled: Brit. Sonialiland (now Pronotal disc coarsely tuberculated and with Somalia’) Burao-Erigavo road 40 mis from irregular small, raised ridges, especially in Bui-ao 1-1.1.1954. G. Popov k D. Greathead. metazona, of unsymmetrical arrangement;

161 lOmm the hirid margin undulated and angular, the edges facing the whitish area in between cut nngle about 88", the very apes rounded. Me- rather straight: from the basal fascia a dark wsternal interspace transverse, its iength line stretches out along anterior margin of about twice in width at the middle. \ving in front of the lchitish section; the outer section of tegmen transparent with only a few Hind femur robust, reaching past apex of ab- small dark pigmented spots. Hind wing trans- domen, its ratio length to depth 3,3: the LIP- parent with basal part pale red, its anterior per cariiia slightly undulated: upper inner margin in the middle t\.ith infumated streak, drea of knee region Ivith numerous setae 2nd behind this a small weakly infumated poiiiting obliquely inivards and upwards. spot. .'iroiium quite small, its apes just protruding beti\.een the basal i\.idened part of claws. DESCRIPTION OF FEMALE ALLOTYPE: Larger than male, but otherwise similar, an- Tegmen with the ratio length to width about tennae 23-jointed. Shape of head in frontal 8. iiearly surpassing hind knee ivith the \.¡e\$. shown in Fig. 15 G. Pronotal hind mar- length of head and pronotum together. Cen- gin sharply angulated at apex. Mesosternal interspace ver): !vide, its length nearly 2 1/2 ..tral part of tegmen covered by minute pearls" in rows or clusters on veins and in its j\.idth at the middle. Inner side of hind membrane, best developed in the part facing femur as well as hind tibia yellowish with an the above mentioned setae on hind femur indication of orange admixture. Ovipositor i stridulation 3. Intercalarv vein serrated, ra- \,alves narrow, the loiver ones with well mar- ther straight and nearly equidistant from me- Led externa1 lateral projections: subgenital dia. The area between intercalary vein and plate markedly triemarginate (Fig. 15 D). cubitus 14th veinlets forming a more densely Hind wing pale red in basal part, without netmeshed pattern than in iI*. nfrirn,2n. trace of transverse fascia.

End of abdomen as iii Fig. 15 E, cerci gently PARATYPES show the following variation tapering to a rouiided apex, supra-anal plate in the species: MALES: Fastigial fovolae short and \vide (Fig. 14 H). Epiphallus ivith closed by carinula or this less developed lophi strongly constricted in the middle (Fig. ventrally so foveolae become more of less 15 hí). open towards antenna. The general color- ation trom Lvhitish-grey to brownish with de- COLORATIOS: General colour ver): pale sign in darker browñ. Preapical dark spot of bro\\.nish. Geiiae niid outer side of hind fe- Iiind femur \.arv much in intensity. One para- mur- as \\,el1as the sectioii of tegmen between tvpe i\.ith inner medial area of hind femur rhz tivo tlark, ti'aiisverse fasciae ivhitish. Oc- ndumbrated. 'Aiiother paratype with blackish ciput alorig- aiid below :interior margin of follo\\.ing the tishbone pattern of outer me- 11 ru 11o t u ni b Inc k i s h. .-1I~domeri 1t.i t h a n ad rn i x- ciial area of hind femur. Genicular lobes mav ture of \.eiloi\.ish. Hincl tibia and iiiner side of' Iiave a11 orange suffiision on outer side, the Iiind femur pale orange yello~t-.Hind femur inner side is f'rom yellowish to orange yeilow. 011 outer side l\.ith :i postmedian dnrk spot in in some speciniens with a blackish suf-fusion upper area aiid iii upper part of medial area, in the upper part. i-iind tibia yellow or the same section of upper inner area and up- orange yelIoi\,. Tegnien with the pale area per inner carinula like\t.ise lvith dark pigmen- bet\veen the t\vo dark fasciae from pale riition. 7'he tu'o t,isciae of tegmen \t,ith the browrnish or grevish to nearly white, the dark Fig. 13. ii;~r.tl,~rriinsomilicti sp. n. A: Outlirie ot male tegmen and wing. B: Outline of other male hind wing to show variation. C Arolium 2nd cla\\.s ot' hind leg. D: Hind margin of subgenital plate and ovipositor valves, ventral view. E: Apex of male abdomen. lateral view. F: Male pronotum, dorsal view. G: Outline of female head. H: Male supra- anal plate ;inu cerci, dorsal view. 1: Male fastigium of vertex in dorsal view, the frontal ridge with its lateral carinatr and central ridge protruding in front. J: Apex of ieft male hind femur with bristles poiriting in\\.ards. K: Female mesosternal interspace. L: Male mesosternal interspace. M: Epiphallus. N: .\lale head, between subocular grooves, frontal view. A, C, F, H, 1, J, L and N holotype; D, G and K allotype: B. E and Rl paratypes. streak aiong anterior margin of this area latively shorter than in allotype. Anterior from just indicated prosimally to well devel- margin of wing in iniddle with an infumated oped and uniting the two dark transverse fas- streak; a very light infumated fascia across ciae. hlost dista1 part of tegmen with none or middle of tving present. a few scattered dark spots formed by pigmen- tation along short sections of transverse as MEASUREMENTS: Length of body, males ;\.el1 as longitudinal veins. Hind wings always 14.0-14.7 mm (holotype M.7), females 19.5- with smali infumated spot in the middle of 20.0 (allotype 20.0). Length from frons to anterior margin, with or without a faint infu- apex of folded tegmina, males 19.1-20.4 (ho- rnation in central part, in some specimens lotype 20.4), females 23.4-23 (allotype 25); givinu the impression of a transverse fascia, length of tegmen, males 14.8-15.9 (holotype ? but divided in separate longitudinal sections 13.9), females 16.6-18.8 (allotype 18.8). pnrallel to the longitudinal veins, compare Length of pronotum males 3.3-3.4, females Fig. 15 .\ and B. Xll males with base of wing 4.3 (al1otype)-4.4. Length of hind femur, pale red. Supra-anal plate broívnish to redd- males 7.8-8.2 (holotype), females 9.4-10.0 (ai- ish. FE>I-I\LE: Hind margin ofpronotum less lotype 10.0). Length of hind femur, males iharply iingulated at apes than iri allotype. 7.8-8.2 (holotype 8.2). females 9.4-10.0 mm Hind femur \\.ith a marked sudden drop in (allotype 10.0). The ratio length to depth of height of upper carina (notseen or hardly no- hind femur, males 3.2-3.3. (holotype 3.3), fe- I icenble iii the other speciniens). Tegmen re- males 3.1-3.4 (allotype 3.4).

163 DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS: Different upper carina of hind femur, in the more from al1 other ii’fr)zereIIo species except 0fr-i- straight dark fasciae of tegmen and in the I’n,in in the pale red base of hind r\.ing. Differ- shape of lophi of epiphallus which are not tmt from ojrico~oin the much less undulated stronglv constricted in the middle.

Wernerella africana sp. n. wart on each side of midline of disc; medial Fig. 16-1i. carina obsolescent between sulci: metazona i\.ith small raised mainly oval tubercles irre- JIXTERIAL: 4 males (1 holotype, 3 paraty- gularly arranged (more evenly distributed pes) and 2 females (1 allotype, 1 paratype), al1 than in the paratype depicted Fig. 17B); two specimens same locality and date: Somalia large ridge-like callosities in the ”shoulder” (former British Somaiiland) Bwan NI+’ of Bo- region of metazona forming lateral carinae in rama (tvhich is at the border to Ethiopia), the anterior part, but vanishing in the poste- 5.111.1948. B. P. Lvarov leg. ,411 material in rior part: pronotal hind margin angular, un- Bi-itish Museum (B.11. 1948-452). dulated and somewhat raised, its posterior angle about 95O, the apex rounded. Lower DESCRIPTION OF MALE HOLOTYPE: margin of pronotal lateral lobe oblique, va- .Antenna 24-23 jointed somewhat longer guely sigmoid. than head and pronotum together. Head well rriised above pronotum. Interocular distance hlesosternal interspace transverse, metaster- close to width of an eye in dorsal view. Occi- rial interspace about as long as wide (Fig. piit and vertex \\.ith irregular rugosities, Fas- 17F). tigium of vertex with strongly raised lateral carinulae; these suddenly incurved where Tegmina passing end of abdomen and hind thev pass the triangular fastigial foveolae. In knees. Intercalary vein serrated and ap- the middle of fastigium with a callosity. Fron- proaching media in the outer part as in Fig. tal ridge with strongly raised lateral carinulae 17E. Upper carina of hind femur remarkably throughout, expanded on leve1 with median undulated with an indication of rather sud- ocelius, above ocellus with a strong trans- den drop in height proximal to the narrow- \.erse ridge uniting the lateral carinulae: con- ing part of femur (as in I.V. insularzs). The ra- cave between carinulae but above ocelius tio length to depth of hind femur 3.5. Aro- l\.ith a convexitv in the middle. lium smail of oval shape, not reaching middle of claws. Pronotum in prozona constricted: in prozona 3trong-ly raised 2nd swollen in the part carry- Aspect of apex of abdomen and shape of ing the median carina: along the anterior cerci as in Fig 175. Supra-anal plate rounded, msrgin \\.ith raised knobs: between sulci with triangular in outiine, its basa1 part with lat- trarisverse rounded ridges and warts; in front eral ridges and tuberculated as in Fig. 17K, of tvpical sulcus ivith a sivollen prominent Epiphallus depicted Fig. 17D. C





Fig. 17. Il~~~txpr~//onjrirnno sp.n. A: Outline of pronotum, rnale, lateral view. B: Proiioturn, rnale, dorsal vicw. C: Outline of tegrnen and iving, male. D: Epiphallus. E: Medial area of tegmen with intercalary vein. F: Meso- and rnetasternal interspace. G: Same, female, sarne scale as F. H: Fastigium of vertex and upper part of froiital ridge. dorsal vielv. male. 1: Frons, rnale. J: Apex of rnale abdomen. K: Supra-anal plate, male. C. E, I; and E; holotypes: other Figs. paratypes.

165 COLORXTION: General coloration pale hlALE YARATYPES: Two paratypes with ochre. Antennae r\*ithdark annuii. Pronotum metazona of pronotal disc contrasting pale .\-ith metazona of same colour as the general (as in fernale aiiotype), one paratype as holo- coioration. Tegrnen r\.ith basai part darkened type in this respect. One paratype with base

t.: ith sharp but irregular distal rnargin, this of \\.ing pale reddish. not uncoloured as in fascia folloived bv a whitish section which is hoiotype. Hind femur of one male with two \\icier at the anterior margin and more nar- transverse dark bands stretching down from roij. toi\.ards the hind margin of tegrnen. upper outer area to outer rnediai area (as in .\bout the middle of tegmen a second trans- fernaie aiiotype), in the other male paratypes \ erse dark fascia \\-ith irregular margins. The oniy a vague indication of such bands. section of tegmen distal to second transverse f‘iscia \\.ith scattered pigrnented spots. See MEASUREMENTS: \lales: Length of body &o Fig. 17C sholving arrangement of pig- 14.0-15.1 (holotype 15.1); iength from frons rnentation in outline. U‘ing colourless (basal to apex of folded tegrnina 19.2-19.9 (hoio- part pale reddish in other specirnens), but type 19.8); length of pronoturn in hoiotype i\.ith a generally roundish infumated spot 3.2: iength of hind fernur 9.0-9.1 (holotype near the centre of wing. Pro- and rnesothora- 9.1). Fernales: body 18.0-18.5 (ailotype 18.5); cic legs ivith dark spots on fernora and tibiae. frons to apex of folded tegrnina 22.4-23.9 (al- Hirid fernur with basal part of inner medial lotvpe 23.9); pronotum (paratype 4.0); hind 3rea with large blackish spot: a smaller pre- femur 1O. 1- 10.8 (aliot!.pe 10.8). iipical spot also present: upper outer area u.ith indication of two dark fasciae. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS: Different frorn al1 other species in the genus in the DESCRIPTION OF FEMALE ALLOTYPE: roundish, infumated spot near the center of .is male but larger and more robust. Anten- wing. Different from ii’. imularis Popov, me 24-23 jointed of about same length as 1957 (in Uvarov and Popov 1957) in the lack head and pronotum together. hletazona of of deep blue colour to supra-anal piate in the proriotal disc contrasting pale, but 14th irre- inale and in the more undulated upper carina gular dark pigrnentation at its apes. Cerci in of hind fernur. Different frorn Ií’. basutensis lateral view triangular, a little longer than Dirsh, 1956 in the less specialized shape of :\.ide at base. Hind margin of subgenital plate male cercus. rather straight \\.ith a vague undulation. Jleso- and metasternal interspace both trans- FOOD: Feculae from two specirnens con- \ erse as depicted Fig. 17G. Basa1 part of wing tained only remains of hairy Dicotvledones. pale reddish.


The author 1vishes to espress his gratitude Sweden, and Copenhagen, Denmark. Dr. hl. for permission frorn Dr. D. R. Ragge to study Donskoff, Muséum Nátional d’Histoire Natu- the material in British Aluseum, London and relle, Paris, is thanked for valuable advice to lírs. J. hlarshall for assistance during visits md material presented. Mrs. Ebba Frost is ro ame niuseum, also for permission to studv cordially thanked for conscientious tvping. in2teriiil in the Zoologicai hluseLims in Lund,

.-lDDE.YDL:LI: After submissiori of the n1.s. one further species of II’mwrrlLa has been described. See: Dui-nnton, J.-F., Launois, Al.. Launois-Luong, M. H., Lecoq, iM. & Popov, G. 1981: Nouvelle contribution :i i‘iriventaire faunistiqiie des Acridiens cle I’Archipel du Cap Vert. Signalisatioii du genre II’trrierelln Kai-riv 1907 et description de 1iCrnPrPlln nflantirn Popov ri.sp. Cour. Forsch.-lnst. Seiickenberg 68: 39-47. F‘rn 11i( tu rt. Literature

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