J --- , -8 Nrn TTUWDICA I'irURAL HISrORY MUSEUM ;OO AARHUS C. DENMARIC ',-O¡. 2! O 11:i) 149-168 MS accepted Aug. 1984, printed Aug. 1985 Conti-ibutions to the knowledge of the genera Sphingonotus, Pseu- dosphiiiqmotus and Wernerella in Africa, with description of four new mecies (-4ci.idoidea: Oedipodinae) Palle Johnseri Zoological Lahoratory, Cniversit): of Aarhus DK - 8000 r\ai-hLis c, Denmark Abstract 4 species are tiepicted and described as new: with a tuberculate supra-anal plate in males is de- Sf>hingoyo,ioricsrndtosprratiis from Tunisia, \lérnerelln scribed iii Spft. radioserrotus sp.n., titrkanae Uvarov ~itanciiafr-om Gran Canary, ll'ernerello somalica and and niremis Chopard. Habitus and/or morphologi- Gfricona both from Somalia. il'ernerella sublamis (1. cal details are depicted of Sph. uille»lsei, subiaevvis, Bolivar. 1908), is synonymized with Sphii2gonotus niremis and titrknnae, Pseudosphingonotus finotianus, ,.il-p\.i Uvarov. 1948 iii the comb. n. Sphingonofi~ssub- iYmwwiin pcheroi and picteti. Pseudosphingonotus Ir(pí1rs (1. Bol.). .A combination of lack of serration j)arndosiis is recorded from Tunisia and Sudan. on intercriiary vein and a serrate radius together Descrip t ion Sphingonotus willemsei Xiistshen ko, media and parallel with this, it is nearly 1937 straight (as stated in original description) but F17. 1-2. with a \ague sinuate curvature (as stated in b~ noni ni! Sphi)i~o~o/ii~tc'id~i Lkarov, 1948 oriqinal description of kjdei). 1 Hoizapfel 1970). Only femaie head and thoras has been depic- ted so a tul1 'figure of its habitus is delivered 5 CPPLEJIEN'TAKY DESCRIPTION OF Iiere. F'EMALE: In supplement to the original de- ?cription ot' this Canarinn species, endemic to SUPPLEAIENTARY DESCRIPTION OF Tenerife. it can be added that the intercalary MALE: The male was poorly described with- .:ein o€a femaie paratype (in Brit. Mus.) actii- out figures and without mention of the apical siiv is fiiiel!, serrate - not sniooth as stated by parts of abdomen. Therefore some details of Iíistshenko (1 937). 'This vein runs close to inorphology of this sex have been depicted 149 ------ A Fiy. 2. Spiiiugotwfus ;(*iílpmpi. Xlale. -4: Intercalar? vein (i). B: Outlirie of pronotum, lateral view. C: Apex of abdomen, lateral view. D: Same, dorsal vie~..E: Frons. here, after material iri Brit. hlus. collected in pronounced constriction below the median L2s Cariadas. <icelllcis. The subgenital plate is siender and rounded Iii spite of the small differences between the ;ir 'ipex ítruncate iri fqdei). The supra-anal >\ mpatric tt>jclri and ic~illrirzsriit was found by pliite is \\-¡de.angular at apex, v.ith trvo basa1 Iiolzapfel (1970) that the similarities were so ziei.:ited "platforms" lvith rnther roughly ser- promiiient that they ;\ ere synonymized. nred inner cariiiulae (in trwlui outer 2nd to a ieiczr tieyree iiiner eclge serr:ited. .is seen in L~IS7'KIBC7'1OX: Gxigwere et al. (1972) 1-1JIWL 1948 Fig. 1). Tlit. apex c)f' these .iinimarizcs that the species is occurring in ":)l.itforms" eiiciing iri ari ;icutt angular :he "subalpine ticsert ;it elevations of 2.1 O0 pt>iiit, \t.hich st'eii iri profile is rriised from the ::i or abo\.e." Orie ttiiiale was by the author pziirral scirFace ;iiict clirectctl obliqiiely cli~i- collecred l~~.Xl.l983iibove L'ila Flor at the ri:id ciiici upu.ards. 'The cercus is seen in pro- road to Las Cañadas below 2.000 m in the iilr. wmewhat tnpered and bluntlv rounded at iipper Pitircs cni2I(Tjp)l.si.\-Loneiri a small ravine .ipt.x, ir1 dorsnl \.¡e\\. ciearl!. iricur\.eci. 'I'he i5\ith \'er)' taii trees aiici \vith a11 undergrowth ii-oiitnl ridge is r:ither \\.¡de with its lateral ca- of plaiits containing some species also found i.iIiLilae runiiirig i-ekitivel). straight and riearly iii t he retarna-zone. Cvnrov ( 1948) records p.ir:iliel above the niedimi ocellus ;i~iclwith a c he species from 'í'ncororite, a record appar- vilti\. o\(-riookedby Gangwere et al. (1972) as lowr southern slope of Pico de Teide, where well :i\ ljt. 1 Ioimpfel (1970). Thus the distrib- the species was active and flying very long !irion ;roin below 600 rn to 2.733 rn and distances a couple of rnetres above the (xxw\ : i.t ;ini~-/oiie,pinar -zone and what \vas ground, often settling on retama bushes. Oc- 1 )~.i:i:l~i! 1: 1 .!(- i~iiirisi1i.aand faval-brezal-zone. currence of imago thus should be extended froni \'II-IX (in Gangwere et al. 1972) to XI. PHF-\O!.t >Gi':Oiie fernale \vas collected bv tht. :i~~[::l:~~1,; i.'is Caiiadas 17.XI.1983 on the FOOD: .A fecula showed rernains of grass. Sphineonorus sublaevis (1. Bolivar, Ination on their habitats then they also seem 190s)1 )1111> '1. to occur in the sarne type of habitat (S.freji: 1-iq. -2 dry crater slope, on sand, at sea leve]: IV. suú- >\ 11011~. \ tuiintn sublnem 1. Bolivar, int-cis: sandy soil, beaches. in littoral zone, be- 908 low 300 rn). ~~t~rii~~ellasublae-clis Kirby, 19 1O - ~ihiiigonotus frew Uvarov, The two species 1I'ernerella sublaevis and i184. sy-m. Sphingonotus frey are considered conspecific, the narnes thus synonyrnous. The name sub- IYhen stxclving al1 material of IC'ernerella sub- llieilis has priority but the author prefer to >. !oeivs .i~ici !';ihi,igonotrts frevi in British Mu- keep the species in Sphingonotus, to which jeum 1: 'c,:is ioLind that they were so very Uvarov assigned it. The name of the species much a;ikc lim the minor differences could thus becornes Sphingonotus srtblnevis (1. Boli- only be considered as intra-specific variation. var, 1908) cornb. n. In the oriqinal descriptions of the two species there 3re no marked characters separating As this species has never been depicted a ha- them. t1.m if the two species have been bitus figure and some details of morphology placed in different, but not well defined, gen- are presented here. era it is i\.orth\vhileto note that Bolivar in his description savs that xublaeiis could be con- -4 feiv characteristics not rnentioned in the fused \\.ith a species of Sphingonofus, and Uva- original descriptions shail be added. The rov poinrs out that frevi has sorne characters male supra-anal plate with apex angular. approsimating it to &e genus i\'ernerelln (a Hind tibia in males with 7-5 outer and 10-1 1 narne used to replace the preoccupied Fortu- inner spines, in fernales with 6-8 outer and !inta). but ivithout comparing it with IV. sub- 11-12 inner spines. General coloration vary <i ezli 5. from sandy to mottled greyish to brownish. The two raised subrnedian tubercles on pro- 00th \i-.\ab(rreíii.c and S. freji are endernic to notal disc just anterior to the typical sulcus the Crinrir!. Islands, and are here only known may in sorne specirnens be whitish contrast- from Gi-aii Canary. Here they are syrnpatric, ing to the general coloration of disc. The C~VOdetiiiite localities are identical: and the length of body in rnaie is 14.2-18.1, in fe- distributioii inapped bv Holzapfel (1 970) males 20-26.1 mm. The le+th of hind femur zho\\,s that they are both restricted to the NE vary thus: male 8.2-8.8, fernale 11.2-12.0 corner oi' the island and overlapping in dis- mm. :ribution. \\'heti compnring the scanty irifor- 1, t I p.:<. 4. sphi,iqoJiofilJ .)irhicin$is c0rnb.n. A: Meso- and rnetasternal interspace, fernale. B: Apex of abdomen, ;.:r~txi viel\.. male. C: Pronotum, lateral view. fernale. D: Subgenital piate and lower ovipositor valves, j c.titr:tI v¡w\,. E: Pronotiirn, dorsal view. fernale. F: Section of rnale tegrnen seen from its front margin. G: .<t.ctioii of niale tegrnen seen from upper side. - k-specialiv noteu.orthy is the unserrated inter- has nevertheless not been placed in Pseu- ;.tiar\. vein. Iiistead of this lacking serration a dosphi)igotzotus because of the dark pigmented :oi\. &f knobs have been formed bv crossveins basa1 section of inner medial area of hind fe- 5etn.een radius and media in front of interca- mur. (See discussion under genus Pseudo- !JI-\.\.eiii. just as the case is in the genus Pseii- ~pk2)igotzotus).It has for the present been as- ,.";.~plii,ipo,ioii1.,Shumakov, 1963 (except smip- signed to Sphi)zgouotiis and not to Wernerella, .-',(. Saussure, 1 884). In femaies these knobs because of the less sculptured pronotum. re less \\.el1 de\.eioped than in the male. It Sphingon o tus radioserra tus s p. 11. DESCRIPTION OF 11ALE HOLOTYPE: Fig. 3. -4ntennae much longer than head and prono- tum together and 24-jointed. 12th-18th joint Tlie genus S/ilii)igo)iotits contains so many somewhat wider than the preceeding and fol- bpecies (at least 79) that it is surprisirig that ioiviiig joints. Head miich raised above pro- stili iinknon.ti species can be found. In mate- notum. Fastigium of vertex strongly doping, rial recei\.ed for determination from Zoologi- \\.ith su-oilen lateral carinulae, but these not z;ii lluseum, L~iiid,Sweden, a species was clearcut, a vague short medial carinula is found, Lvhich !\.as different from al1 hitherto foiind anteriorl?.. Bodv slender. Pronotum Liiown species. Dr. lí. Donskoff most kindiy constricted in prozona: length of metazona i:iformecl me that no conspecitic material ivas ciose to twice iength of prozona; hind margin fo~indiii the 1Iiiseiim Natioiiai d'Histoire obtuse-angulate; Getazona rather smooth: Xatiireile, Paris. The species is described as a mediaiiy iri front of t\.picai sulcus with raised ~:vt\.species ixio\\.
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