1st Quarter 2007 "Rest well, yet sleep lightly and hear the call, if again sounded, to provide firepower for freedom…” THE JERSEYMAN 5 Years - Nr. 53 USS NEW JERSEY Primerman - Turret Two... “I was a primerman left gun, and for a short time, in right gun of turret two on the New Jersey. In fact there was a story written by Stars and Stripes on the gun room I worked in about July or August 1986. But to your questions, yes we wore a cartridge belt, the belt was stored in a locker in the turret, and the gun captain filled the belts. After the gun was loaded with rounds, six bags of powder (large bags were 110 lbs. each) and lead foil, the gun elevated down to the platform in the pit where loaded, and the primer was about the same size as a 30-30 brass cartridge. After I loaded the primer I would give the gun captain a "Thumbs up," the gun captain then pushed a button to let them know that the gun was loaded and ready to fire. After three tones sounded, the gun fired, the gun captain opened the breech and the empty primer fell Primer cartridge courtesy of Volunteer into the pit. Our crew could have a gun ready to fire Turret Captain Marty Waltemyer about every 27 seconds. All communicating was done by hand instructions only, and that was due to the noise in the turret. The last year I was in the turrets I was also a powder hoist operator...” Shane Broughten, former BM2 Skyberg, Minnesota USS NEW JERSEY 1984-1987 2nd Div.
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