Soundboard No. 27

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Soundboard No. 27 S O U N D B O A R D S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 2 1 SOUNDBOARD CHURCH MUSIC AND MUSICIANS THE MAGAZINE OF CHURCH MUSIC DUBLIN ▪ Giving worship a vibrant voice through music ISSUE 27 SEPTEMBER 2012 Sharper service IN THIS ISSUE Welcome to another edition of Soundboard, packed with articles and titbits that we hope you will find interesting. We discuss the recent Eucharistic Congress and also include short reports about summer schools. Did you manage to get to a course this summer? Perhaps not, but nevertheless you visited a church while on holidays and were inspired (or maybe not!) by something you experienced. We all need to rethink our role from time to time; even if only to affirm that we are doing our best within the circumstances. Attending courses seems to be part of modern working life, whether to up-skill individuals or to comply with new regulations. Many musicians continue to study and learn, ICMA SUMMER SCHOOL … 2 attending masterclasses and courses regularly. If you are not one of these, perhaps you need some encouragement: THE MUSICIAN AS THEOLOGIAN Do it for you – we should never feel that improving our skills is being selfish. BY HOUSTON MCKELVEY … 3 The better you are, the more benefit to the church. It is good to engage with new material, ideas and people. If you later wish to move to a different church, it will aid your application. Do it for your church – musicians have particular skills to assist our corporate worship. If your ideas are fresh and innovative, then people will be inspired. Your church should be pleased to meet half the cost, or even more (as suggested in the diocesan remuneration guidelines). Ask! Show them this article if you are shy! Churches have budgetary constraints, like everywhere else; however, worship is the one activity that differentiates the Body of Christ from the local club down the road. If we do not invest in equipping the key people involved, the main calling of the Church will falter. If funds are scarce, select vestries ought to give priority to expenditure on worship. The clergy of our THE SPIRIT OF WORSHIP dioceses attend a conference each year, usually returning with a spring in their TECHNOLOGY & LICENCES … 5 step. We all need encouragement: to be able to engage with new material and ideas, away from the demands of the weekly commitment; and to share our CONSIDERING THE experiences with others (perhaps you will inspire someone else at the course – CONGREGATION … 5 yes, you!) If you are a member of the clergy, please encourage your musician to attend something and explain why they should do so– they may not wish to spend a week learning a skill they feel unsure about using. Failing that, as a first step, ask them to attend Living Worship next January/February. You could come along too! Courses and seminars of varying length are available at different times of year and Church Music Dublin will be glad to suggest some. Elsewhere in this issue, we hear from Gloria’s Tim Thurston about an exciting project based around Bach’s organ works, from the former Dean of St Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast Houston McKelvey about the role of the parish musician, and from Colin Mawby on spirituality in liturgical worship. A feast of interesting material for you to enjoy as autumn gets under way. In more strictly practical terms, copyright compliance is part of the Church’s responsibility. It is always THE EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS … 6 nice to see a friendly face behind the logo, so Chris Williams from CCLI tells us a A SIMPLE HYMN ACCOMPANIMENT bit about himself and his work with churches of all shapes and sizes. There is an for St George’s Windsor … 7 article on the church musicians as theologian, discussion about the role of the organ voluntary, an update on the proposed supplement to the hymnal, BACH WORKS ON GLORIA … 8 spirituality in music and lots more, including letters and reflections from YOU, THE RSCM … 9 the readers. Finally, if this issue brings anything to mind that you would like to share with AROUND THE COUNTRY … 11 the rest of us, please contact us—details as usual are on page 12. Enjoy! 2 S O U N D B O A R D S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 2 News from the Executive Committee The Archbishop of Dublin’s Certificate in Church Music Exam Results, May 2012 Year 3 (Final) Róisín Rowley-Brooke, Nenagh Distinction Róisín Burbridge, Zion Honours Helen Dawson, Christ Church Cathedral Group Honours Year 2 Inga Hutchinson, Geashill Distinction Jamie Boshell, Christ Church Cathedral Honours Beth Burns, Geashill Honours Year 1 Joseph Bradley, Newcastle Distinction Matthew Breen, Taney Distinction Stephanie Maxwell, Clontarf Distinction Joseph Bradley, recently appointed TCD organ scholar, with director of chapel music Dr Kerry Houston & Margaret Bridge, choir director Committee appointments Tristan Clarke, who teaches at St Columba’s College, and Philip Foundation organ / keyboard course Good, assistant organist in the parish of Castleknock and Plans are at an advanced stage for a 4-module foundation course Mulhuddart with Clonsilla, have been co-opted to the Executive offering practical training in leading singing from a piano, Committee. Both are recent ACCM graduates. Tristan tells us that keyboard or organ. Topics will include introducing new hymns he accepted the invitation because he wants to help with the and songs, how to practise, and other useful tips. There will be a excellent work Church Music Dublin is doing to help educate and mix of group and individual sessions and the rectors of the encourage church musicians at all levels. Philip sees joining the sponsoring parishes will attend the first module, with their Executive as an opportunity to help maintain and improve the musicians. The first course will be launched early in 2013 in a high standard of choral music in the dioceses. The other parish away from Dublin. members of the Committee are Archdeacon Ricky Rountree, Jacqueline Mullen, Maedhbh Abayawickrema, Judy Cameron, Ann Soundboard subscriptions Keary, David McConnell, Donald Maxwell, James Pasley, Derek If you have not yet renewed for 2012 - please do so! If not Verso, and Fraser Wilson. already a subscriber - please consider becoming one. It costs only €15 / £13 per annum. You will find payment details on page 12. Living Worship 2013 We encourage all readers of Soundboard to share it with their This popular course wlll take place again on Saturdays 12,19 and choir, clergy, and friends; for extra copies, contact 26 January. Speakers will include Dr Peter Thompson, rector of Donaghmore parish (Armagh diocese) and Secretary of the Hymnal Committee, and the Revd Stanley Monkhouse, rector of Port Laoise group (Leighlin). When did you last visit our website? It contains a huge amount of interesting and relevant information, including the findings of the Training Video 2011 Survey of Church Music in the Dublin and Glendalough Responding to a clear need, a short training video on choosing dioceses. And don’t overlook the Links page, which will direct you music for the Eucharist will be launched later this year. The video to other sites of interest. Please also check whether there is a link will be on the website with optional supporting documentation from your church’s website to Church Music Dublin. If not, available for download. perhaps you could have a chat with your website administrator! The Irish Church Music Association Summer School Marty Haugen led this year’s ICMA Summer School in the first week of July, with a gentle grace, encouragement and passion for the liturgy, which inspired all present. ‘Marty’ is a liturgical composer, workshop presenter, performing and recording artist and author from Eagan, Minnesota. The week consisted of the usual heady mix of liturgies, rehearsals, tutorials, meals and fun! Over 200 parish musicians from all parts of Ireland took part in tutorials which included: Repertoire, Primary Schools Music, The Parish Cantor, Liturgical Composition, Irish Music for the Liturgy, Choral Direction and Conducting, and Organ Tuition. While the celebration of the Eucharist in Maynooth College Chapel was the focus and highlight of each day, there were special events throughout the week. On Tuesday evening, participants and guests celebrated Evening Prayer in St Mary's Church of Ireland at the College gates and heard a stimulating address by Archbishop Michael Jackson. On Thursday evening, Haugen launched The Collected Masses of Fintan P. O’Carroll (Veritas, Dublin), and adapted for the third edition of the Roman Missal, by the composer’s son, Kevin O’Carroll. The week provided the opportunity for old friends to greet each other once more and was also marked this year by a large number of first-timers. A noticeable trend in recent years is the sizeable cohort of young people. Young and old alike prayed and sang together in a week that refreshed spirits and renewed hearts. In continuing the theme of the recent Eucharistic Congress, people were inspired to 'become what you receive' - or, as was posed to participants during the week: to 'become “whom” you receive.' S O U N D B O A R D S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 2 3 A half-century’s service David Lawrence retired recently having played the organ in the Tullamore, Co. Offaly group of churches for over 50 years. On 30 March, St Sinian’s Church, Tyrrellspass, was packed for Songs of Praise, at which David selected and accompanied ten well-known hymns.
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