Daniel Kamenár Daniel Orthodox Jews for symbolic ritual cleansing before the Sabbath and Korandová, Kateřina Kolařík, Jiří Mikulov, KVH-Pevnost o., r. s. reklama, a Marketing m-ARK TOURIST ATTRACTIONS TThehe HHistoricalistorical SSquarequare ((HistorickéHistorické nnámáměstí)stí) CC33 religious holidays. TThehe TTuroldurold CCavesaves ((JeskynJeskyně nnaa TTuroldu)uroldu) AA33 Hromek, Josef Archive, Municipal Mikulov Photography: 2018; Mikulov, Město by: Published The historical centre of town in its present form was established at the end Contact: Brněnská (U Staré brány), tel. 519 512 368, e-mail:
[email protected] The caves lie at the northern edge of town within the Turold Hill nature of the sixteenth century and is part of the town conservation area. The most Open: April–October, Mon–Sun: 11 a.m.–5 p.m. Admission: free reserve. The oldest report of the caves on Turold Hill comes from 1669. Hiking tour History, monument, sight important buildings in the square include the U Rytířů (The Knights) House Local speleologists found a connection with the nearby Fox Hole Cave in which is decorated with Renaissance graffi to depicting biblical and ancient TThehe JJewishewish CCemeteryemetery aandnd CCeremonialeremonial HHallall 2002. Along with the Fox Hole Cave, the Turold Caves comprise a system of caves whose length of 2,950 metres makes it the longest cave system in Jewish history, monument Ecclesiastic monument scenes, and the canonical houses originally built for canons of the Mikulov ((ŽidovskýŽidovský hřbbitovitov a oobbřaadnídní ssííň) BB33 the Mesozoic limestones in the Czech Republic. The caves are interesting chapter established in 1625. The square is dominated by the sculptural The Jewish Cemetery in Mikulov is one of the largest and most important Educational trail group of the Holy Trinity, sometimes also known as the Plague Column.