Beads in Banten Girang Site in an International Trade of Sunda

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Beads in Banten Girang Site in an International Trade of Sunda TAWARIKH: Journal ofof HistoricalHistorical StudiesStudies,, VolumeVolume 11(1),10(1), 10(2), OctoberOctober April 20192018 Journal of Historical Studies Volume 10(2), AprilWAN 2019 IRAMA, NINA HERLINA & MUMUH MUHSIN ZAKARIA Print-ISSN 2085-0980 Volume 10(1), October 2018 Print-ISSN 2085-0980 Beads in Banten Girang Site in an International Contents Trade of Sunda ContentsKingdom, X-XVI Century ABSTRACT: Tatar Sunda (Sundanese Land), as part of the Indonesian archipelago, is thought to be involved Forewordin an international. [ii] trade. Knowledge about based on historical sources, which state that on the North ForewordCoast of Sunda. [ii] during the Sunda Kingdom triumphed in the X-XVI century, there were at least six important and crowded ports, namely: Chemamo = Cimanuk, Calapa = Sunda Kelapa, Chegujde = Cigede, Tamgara = SYAFIQETTYTangerang, SARINGENDYANTI, A. MUGHNI, Pondang =AHMAD Pontang, NINA FIRDAUSI and HERLINA Bantam & = AKMALIYAH& Banten. MUMUH Historical MUHSIN, and archaeologicalZAKARIA, research in the past DarTrifew Tangtu al-Ulum decades on of has Sunda Deoband: shown Wiwitan the An presence Education, Doctrine of artifacts inPropagation, the XIV-XVIIthat are and declaredCentury .as [1-14] an international trade commodities Islamicrather Political than agricultural Movement products in India at. [87-102]several points along the Cibanten River, including beads, Chinese ceramics, and Arikamedu pottery. Through the historical methods (heuristic, criticism, interpretation, RETNOand historiography), WINARNI & asRATNA well as ENDANG theories and WIDUATIE, concepts of early trade (read: ancient trade) in relation to ASEPJember’sexchange SOPIAN, Development and trade as fromKarl Polanyi the Traditional (1977) and Authority other currently to Modern scholars’ Government thinking, the. [15-30] fact of the presence Non-Verbalof beads and Language Chinese ceramicsin the Stories in this of article Al-Qur’an trace. [103-120]the transportation of the Cibanten River was to the MUHAMMADconstellation of ADI the SAPUTRA, international UMASIH trade routes & SARKADI, of Sunda Kingdom in West Java, Indonesia. As the second BAYUTheinternational Impact ANGGORO, of Discoveryport SARIYATUNof the LearningSunda Kingdom,& SUSANTO,and Critical in the Thinkingport of Banten, there were trade contacts with various nations in the world, including people from West Asia. towards Learning Outcomes of Indonesian History. [31-44] TheKEY Planggatan WORDS: International Temple Strengtheners Trade; Sunda of Kingdom; Religious Beads; People’s Chinese Solidarity Ceramics; Banten Girang Site. in Central Java. [121-132] SOPAAT RAHMAT SELAMET & SETIA GUMILAR, BASRINTheINTRODUCTION Roles MELAMBA, of Indigenous NINA Entrepreneurs HERLINA & in KUNTO Dealing SOFIANTO, withports, the theDutch river Colonialism plays a role as a means of Tatar Sunda (Sundanese Land), as part transportation that connects one place to Protestanin Garut, West Christianity Java, 1903-1942 Education. [45-58] in Tolaki and Moronene Society of the Indonesian archipelago involved in another in the territory of the Sunda Kingdom in Southeast Sulawesi, 1919-1942. [133-156] REFNIan international YULIA, ZULFA trade, & has HENDRA a long history NALDI, Improvingand holds itsthe own Government story. In Policythe Tomé on the Pires Arat Sabulungan Tradition RETTYtrip report, ISNENDES as cited, in Armando Cortesao (CortesaoIn terms ed., of 2005;trade Munoz,commodities, 2006; andthe river in Mentawai Islands. [59-74] Nagalaksa in the Folktales of Rancakalong, Sumedang,isZahorka, very West possible Java: 2007). for easly of cargo loading, ACoast Local of Historical Sunda in Studythe XVI. [157-172] century, there were because most of the Sunda Kingdom Info-tawarikh-edutainmentsixed. important(2005), it can and be crowded seen that ports,. [75-86]on the namely North commodities are agricultural products from Info-tawarikh-edutainmentChemamo = Cimanuk, Calapa. =[173-186] Kalapa, the interior, so it seems that the river path Chegujde = Cigede, Tamgara = Tangerang, is part of its journey. In this case, Martha TAWARIKH: Journal of Historical Studies will provide a peer-reviewed forum for the publication of thought-leadership PondangTAWARIKH: = JournalPontang, of Historical and Bantam Studies = Banten will provide a peer-reviewed forum for the publication of thought-leadership articles, briefings,briefings, discussion,discussion, appliedapplied research, research, case case and and comparative comparativetheoretically studies, studies, expert that expert commoditiescomment comment and and analysis were analysis oncarried theon keythe issueskey issues surrounding surrounding the history the history education education and historical and historical studies studies inMcCarthy general in general and (1987) its variousand its and aspects.various other Analysisaspects. scholars willAnalysis be argued practical will be and rigorous in nature. The TAWARIKH journal, with print ISSN 2085-0980, was firstly published on October 28, 2009, in (Cortesaopractical and ed., rigorous 2005:238-240). in nature. The Of TAWARIKH the six journal, with print ISSN 2085-0980, was firstly published on October the28, Aboutcontext2009, thein to the Authors:commemorate context Drs. to Wancommemorate the IramaYouth Pledgeis a Masterthe Day Youth inStudent Indonesia. Pledge at theDay Since Faculty in issueIndonesia. of ofCultural October Since Sciences 2009 issue to UNPADof date, October the(Padjadjaran TAWARIKH 2009 to University) date, journal the Bandung,hasTAWARIKH been West organized journal Java, Indonesia. andhas beenpublished Prof. organized Dr. by Nina Minda and Herlina Masagi published and Press Dr. by Mumuh ownedMinda Muhsin byMasagi ASPENSI Zakaria Press (the owned are Association the byLecturers ASPENSI of Indonesianat the(the Faculty Association Scholars of Cultural of SciencesHistoryIndonesian UNPADEducation) Scholars Bandung. in of Bandung, HistoryFor academic Education) West interests, Java, the Bandung, Authors This Westare journal able Java, to be isIndonesia. publishedcontacted Thisvia twice e-mail journal a year address is i.e. published everyat: October twice anda year April. i.e. ForeverySuggested period October 2012 Citation: and to April. 2017, Irama, For the Wan, period TAWARIKH Nina 2012 Herlina journalto 2017,& Mumuh was the Muhsin accreditedTAWARIKH Zakaria. by journal Ditjendikti wasBeads accredited Kemdikbud in Banten by GirangRI Ditjendikti (Directorate-General Site in Kemdikbudan International RIof Trade(Directorate-General of Sunda Kingdom, of HigherX-XVI Century Education,” in TAWARIKH: Ministry of Journal Education of Historical and Culture Studies of, theVolume Republic 11(1), of October, Indonesia); pp.1-14. and Bandung,indexed Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic (2019).of Indonesia); “ and indexed also by SINTA Level 2 ownedalso by by SINTA Kemenristekdikti Level 2 owned RI (Ministryby Kemenristekdikti of Research, RI Technology, (Ministry of and Research, Higher EducationTechnology, of andthe RepublicHigher Education of Indonesia) of the in RepublicArticle of Timeline: Indonesia) in Jakarta. Available online also at: Indonesia:Jakarta. Available Minda Masagi online Press also owned at: by ASPENSI, with ISSN 2085-0980 (print) and ISSN 2685-2284 (online). Accepted (August 17, 2019); Revised (September 19, 2019); and Published (October 30, 2019). © 2018© 2019 by Minda Masagi Press owned by ASPENSI in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia 1i p-ISSN 2085-0980, e-ISSNISSN 2685-22842085-0980, and WAN IRAMA, NINA HERLINA & MUMUH MUHSIN ZAKARIA, Beads in Banten Girang Site as foreign ceramics, pottery, inscription fragments, metal objects, currency, animals, tothrough pass, becauseriver channels of the formwith ofsmall rapids, boats; the rocks, and beads (Guillot, Nurhakim & journeythen, when continued the river by flow road was and impossible returns through the river to the port (McCarthy, spreadWibisono, in several 1996). regions. Generally found on prehistoricIn Indonesia, sites, the including findings the of Muara beads Jambiare 1987; Munoz, 2006; Johnson & Parrish, transportation2007; and Zahorka, because 2007). of rapids, Martha Kambang, and Air Sugihan in Palembang, Regarding the cut off of the river in South Sumatera; Karang Anyar, Unglen mentioned theoretically again the emergenceMcCarthy (1987) of cargo and settlements other scholars around the South Sumatera; as well as the Tri Donorejo in Central Java (Hoop, 1941:262-263;Tatar Sunda,Munoz, beads 2006; are Nani, found, 2010; among and Bloembergen others, at river, such as Rumpin and Ciampea on the & Eickhoff, 2012). In West Java, or onbanks the ofedge the of Cisadane the Citarum river; river Muaraberes (McCarthy, on Kramat Jati in DKI (Daerah Khusus Ibukota or the edge of the Ciliwung river; and Cikao Anyer in Pandeglang, Banten; Kelapa Dua and Hill in Sagalaherang and Subanglarang in 1987;In this Heuken, time, 1999;Banten Johnson Girang located& Parrish, on Special Capital Region) Jakarta; Patenggeng the2007; outskirts and Zahorka, of Serang, 2007). not far from the center of the old city of Serang. The city Subang; Pasir Angin in Bogor; Batujaya and of Banten Girang once held a central role Rengasdengklok in Karawang; Pagadenbaru in the Kingdom of Banten Girang. In this in Cirebon; Rajadesa in Kuningan; Cijajar context, Mundardjito et al in Sumedang;
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