CEU eTD Collection

In partialIn fulfilment of Difference in media representation of representation media in Difference Departmentof International Relations and European Studies immigrants and and immigration immigrants in and and in France Supervisor:Prof. Marina Central European University the requirementsthe for the degree Masterof Artsof Evgeniia Kholmanskikh Word Count: Budapest, Hungary Submitted to 2015 By



CEU eTD Collection to amore positive immigrants of representation the skew can immigrants, toward society the in attitude tolerant more a promoting of pursue in government, French the result, a As immigrants. involving reinforc government the on dependency a society. The more representationpositive of immigrants in France may be due to subtle press immigration France. A partial explanation of this phenomenon longer history of in censorship less and ownership surprising media diversified rather more a is account into taking representation conclusion homogenous more The Russian. than positive more mor is immigrants of representation media French that is result main The period. indicated the over immigrants the about references 950 than more provided analysis the for chosen newspapers the total, In 2015. April and 2014 April between press periodic means of content analysis of a range of articles published in representative French and Russi differently and to insightsprovide about the underlying reasons. I accomplish the analysis by a France. Its objective is to dete and Russia in immigrants of coverage media in differences the studies thesis This Abstract Table ofContents - related problems, which leads to the formation of the prevailing point of view in in view of point prevailing the of formation the to leads which problems, related

side throughon themedia. influence indirect rmine whether the media in different countries portray immigrants

ed by the recent violent clashes and terrorist attacks attacks terrorist and clashes violent recent the by ed ii

the the public discussion on the e homogenous and and homogenous e an CEU eTD Collection

Conclusions analysisChapter 5.Empirical anddiscussion Chapter 4.Research methodology portraitChapter 3.Media of immigrants Chapter Chapter 1.History of and immigration Russia France in Introduction 5.3 5.2 Results 5.1 analysis Content of portrait immigrants3.2. Media France in of3.1 portrait immigrants Media Russia in waves.Russia1.2 main History of immigration, waves.1.1 main History of immigration, Interpretation

2. Current Russiaand France in policy immigration



of results



...... iii ......


France ......






39 39 34 31 26 26 20 14 11 11 45 43 41


CEU eTD Collection http://blog.lib.umn.e 3 migrant Survivors Say, 2 one UN Official, 1 rangingcountries fromethnic onthat different matter, between differences significant some are there similarities, listed the all despite However, different to belong immigrants of fraction in proficient mostly immigrants receive countries both regions, developed less economically from immigrants receive both territories, eve for control immigration tight for urges nationalistic to flows migrant worldwide free for claims liberal There clashes. and some in and education of level low concerning than earlier much problems related Fra to applies same The countries. Caucasian and Asian experience Russia example, For regions. global scale. the more than 230 million Dire

“ SCHERERandGAVINSTEVE JONES, Dyer Zach, Muslim Migration to to Migration Muslim Europe, tragedy in in tragedy - ctor of - codn to According Introduction the - General, “ General, shipwreck

- immigrants, such as hostilitymigrants, towards illegal and criminality, labor force, ” most

2 “ The News Tico Times

Migration Is One of the Most Challenging IsOneMigration of theMost Issues of Century, Says the21st However, the problem of immigration is not necessar ry nation. ry ” the

Reuters - challenging Mediterranean Sea Mediterranean Migration is one of the greatest social issues of the 21st century, affecting affecting century, 21st the of issues social greatest the of one is Migration is - idUSKBN0N51Y120150414.

du/globerem/main/2010/10/muslim ar Topo, nentoa Ognzto fr irto Deputy Migration for Organization International Thompson, Laura nme fdfeet iw oadimgain agn fo ultra from ranging immigration, toward views different of number a people worldwide.” ,

http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/04/14/us Both Russia and France receive immigrants from former dependent former from immigrants receive France and Russia Both

- issues ”

CLA: Global REM , http://www.ticotimes.net/2014/09/1, cases even illiteracy, which often leads to ethnic tension tension ethnic to leads often which illiteracy, even cases Russia. - , prove the fact that the problem of problem the that fact the prove , of

“ - the s 400 Migrants Die in in 400 Die Shipwreck off Migrants Libya, the

1 substantial problems with immigrants from Central Central from immigrants with problems substantial Dramatic events in Southeast Asia

from local population cultural and ethnic groups. ethnic and cultural population local from official language of the receiving the of language official 3 - at rbes xs i bt Rsi ad France and Russia both in exist problems Vast 21st 1

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, n.d., n.d., , groups that come to these twocountries to groups thatcome nce, which encountered immigration encountered which nce, - says - migration - un il y connected with war - official. - to im

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europe.html. migration gains migration country - which - followed , a large large a , - torn - the the is

- - - CEU eTD Collection for HumanCommissioner Rights HU 4 finances media organizations, relevant regulations, law, media about available is information such concepts, cross generating of difficulty the is media mass about debates contemporary of basis information the in gap major this of existence the policiesgovernment the designof knowledge. my of best the to been hasn’t issue this since France, and Russia in immigrants existin and censorship as such media, objectivit and openness conducted was researches of number a years, two last are ratherscarce research academic Union research R both in topics related immigration on basis regular on are conducted are dedicated to the representation of immigrant immigr country the above, mentioned as since, France, media. in represented are by the policies implemente stipulated largely is citizens local by immigrants and immigration of perception The society. to social, political and economic situation and how these immigrants

GIL MAN RIGHTS, ON RIGHTS, MAN HISVISITS TO RUSSIANFEDERATION, THE published abroad makes it difficult for foreign academics to contribute to this topic. - ROBLES ALVARO,ROBLES g ation related problems related ation

has research . The language barrier and the fact the and languagebarrier The . been conducted been

as information quality. While a substantial amount of more or less comparable less or more of amount substantial a While quality. information as


y, which is stipulated by recent Russian regulations and restrictions on restrictions and regulations Russian byrecent stipulated is which y, gh “ REPORT BY MR ALVAROREPORT BYMR GIL hasn’t work of deal great A d in certain

h cmaio o mda repr media of comparison the


This gap is a strong limitation limitation strong a is gap This on

websites blocking websites for for

been a top priority in Russia, which is why is which Russia, in priority top a been , https://wcd.coe.int/ViewDoc.jsp?id=846655., immigration to Russia, Russia, to immigration on sensitive issues. sensitive on more than 60 years. 60 than more country and - 2 nationally comparable indicators of relevant relevant of indicators comparable nationally that there are very few Russian academics that academicsthat Russian few verythereare that s

has been has . in French media, a lot of public opinion

a been has 4 depends

My res My Probably A lot of research and analytical reportsanalytical and research of lot A - although ROBLES, COMMISSIONER FOR COMMISSIONER ROBLES, on done in the field of field the in done earch on how receiving immigrants receiving prohibiting esentation of immigration and and immigration of esentation the topic of Russian media, its its media, Russian of topic the raised raised ,

the most important reason for for reasonimportant most the contrib

these after the fall of the Soviet the of fall the after

are ” by any existing research existing any by

Council of Europe. Europe. Council of ussia and France. Some France.Some ussia and

utes perceived perceived in receiving policies and measure inter alia inter

to the body of of body the to this this im migration in migration (

an efficient efficient an hs facing thus research Within polls the the is is s ,

CEU eTD Collection 5 attempts questions France, and Russia both in phenomenon different of representation media meaning. ana empirical the provides 5 Chapter analysis. content countries. both in time over immigrants pat policies. future immigration the influence may statistics this how on insights provides etc. breakdown, ethnic theircountry, every in immigrants of Itquantity coversthe Russia. modern onthe thecountries.aup theimmigration have into events heavy footprint left Allthese flows p this these countries. While French history features a period of colonialism, the Russian history lacks of soil the reaching immigrants first the of times the from policies immigration Russian and and North America. Europe in markets media national visible most and largest the beyond move we if especially nations, across compare coverage affairs public and political of characteristics content how kno is little relatively democracies, advanced some in characteristics audience and

European Media SystemsEuropean Survey eriod. Both countries faced major shocks in the course of the XX century, which boosted century,which XX facedthecourseboosted eriod. in ofthe Bothmajor shocks countries Research questions: above,As mentioned in and France in immigration the on statistics current the on light sheds 2 Chapter The structure of this immigrants and immigration than in Russia? immigrants than inRussia? Why? andimmigration - day state of the immigration policies and public opinion onthe thepublicday opinion policies and immigration state of to

remain unanswered. unanswered. remain provide an 1)


answer. os rnh ei poie bodr pcrm f pnos toward opinions of spectrum broader a provide media French Does hpe 3 Chapter pape

numerous numerous

Furthe r

is , http://www.mediasystemsineurope.org/., illustrates as follows. Chapter 1 r,

pieces of pieces of I will present research questions, research present will I Chapter 4 describes the chosen methodology of the the of methodology chosen the describes 4 Chapter

h cags n h mda ersnain f the of representation media the in changes the 3

research were research lysis and discusses its results and their their and results its discusses and lysis traces the development of the French

conducted on immigration and and conducted onimmigration issue. for for h of the countries’ countries’ the of h

which this thesis thesis this which but

still still wn about wn some some

and CEU eTD Collection 7 http://www.juridicas.unam.mx/publica/rev/comlawj/cont/6/arc/arc5.htm. Ghana, 6 perceived research this of sake 1961), in one the country that publicationstheir in provide provision ofa wider spectrum ofdifferent when referring epithets by toimmigrants themedia. audience. the among issue representation of immigration, it may lead to a more heterogeneous public attitude towards this immigrants and immigration than in Russia. larger of views number toward different immigration. a represent would media France in that hypothesis the to us leads This coexist. media private nati Russia in While structure. ownership their is media French and Russian between

Jean Robert McKenzie, nl ei ae ne drc o idrc gvrmn cnrl i Fac gvrmn and government France in control, government indirect or direct under are media onal - Luc Einaudi, ” Hypothesis 2 1 Hypothesis Hypotheses difference key the similarities, of lot a have France and Russia that fact the Despite immigrants

Biblioteka JuridicaBiblioteka Virtual

epithets when referringepithets when toimmigrants the media. by

7 2)

would educate press to represent immigrants in immigrants represent to press educate would is

experienced differ

. “ , “


French French media would be more moderate in La de Paris: 17 Bataille 1961, Octobre

Comparing Media Regulation Between France, Comparing France, and Regulation Between the Media USA,

“tolerance” means provision of provision means “tolerance” n rne mda rvds bodr pcrm f pnos toward opinions of spectrum broader a provides media France, In n hc wy is ways which In ent

o te ae f hs research this of sake the For , than Russian media Russian than , from French? from

in having major ethnic clashes (starting from the most shocking ,

If French media indeed provides a more pluralistic Russian public opinion opinion public Russian 4

. This hypothesis is based on assumption that assumption on basedhypothesis is This 6

a relatively larger fraction of positively of fraction larger relatively a ,

“pluralistic representation” means means representation” “pluralistic ”

1991. descriptions


more tolerant way. way. tolerant more

n mirto and immigration on

of of immigrants they

the For the the For most

CEU eTD Collection Post and Novosibirsk, 10 Politics ofNonthe Racialization 9 ofEconomies Migration SouthernKyrgyzstan, in 8 immigrant towards mostly directed is from discrimination based on their appearance. and d prosperity endanger who criminals mostly are immigrants that opinion public the reinforces behavior police such Furthermore, attention. primary deserving as and sensitive as problem towards attitude humiliating th it making immigrants, this of accepting more citizens regular makes side official sufficient evidence for any breach of the law by them violence. There exist reported cases of immigrants b deportation. potential at the construction sites, living in non workin unsafe including Russia, in difficulties face Asia Central from immigrants coverage immigration topics. post and Russian

Meredith Roman, Roman, Meredith Eliza Isabaeva,

Larisa Kosygina, Kosygina, Larisa - Soviet Era evelopment ofthelocalcommunity. Another problem is that immigrant from the Central Asian and Caucasus regions suffer Rough treatment that many immigration onRussian Literature on literature the literature: of streams different but related two to links research This Literaturere

18 (n.d.).

n academi in , , Ced. Gdanieck (Naw “ - ” oit mirto tpc ad h ltrtr o Fec ad post and French on literature the and topics immigration Soviet Leaving to Enable OthersLeaving toRemain: toEnable


“ “ view Constructions of the Making Caucasians Black: of Fall Making the Communism Moscow Since and literature c

Cultural Diversity in R Diversity in Cultural 8

Even worse, the research shows that immigrants suffer from physical physical from suffer immigrants that shows research the worse, Even e -

Russia default way of treating them treating of way default

. ns, Indeed, some recent research shows that the majority of of majority the that shows research recent some Indeed, im ”

- migrants receive by Russians The Journal Studiesof Communist and Transition sanitary housing, and being constantly under pr s whose appearance is different from local population. local from different is appearance whose s - York: n.d.). Oxford: Books, Berghahn

‘ Other ussian The Urban Cities: Landscapes the in 5 10

In this sense, the aggression or at least distrust ’

- ” een arrested and fined by the police without

Racialisation of Migrants MoscowRacialisation in Central Asia Survey .


This violence and intolerance from the .

As a result, less people consider this consider people less result, a As

Remittances andRemittances New Moral ha s


Vol. 30 (2011).

received received certain g conditions conditions g essure of - colonial colonial

CEU eTD Collection Post 14 13 Inrormation AgencyFergana 12 n.d.), http://www.levada.ru/books/obshchestvennoepolls center, 11 to gratitude their express to supposed were who brothers, younger the became automatically The First Among Equals, when referring or Nations All of Brother Eldest The as expressions such Unionby using Soviet the in nations of hierarchy the emphasized consistently leaders oneSoviet The nations. some Union, of discrimination Soviet the in racism explicit no was there inter the on influence its Lately, research several towards foreigners. attitude negative a exhibit population Russian the of majority the that show repeatedly polls DespiteRussia. thefact in immigrants Asian the of life of part inherent an become has racism that argue and further locals. the of attitude to due places public in feel they insecurity their at stay to chose often and outdoors spent they theexample, in2003moretime thanhalf minimum immigrants preferred ofreduce Tajik to to level high a confirms society Russian the to threat a as suspicion with treated (the latter has a negative meaning too). The immigrants, who are looking non bu origins them. to similar looking immigrants to contrast in outsiders, or aliens as them perceive often latter The

James Sahadeo, Sahadeo, James MnenijeObshchestvennoe Zaurbekov,S MnenijeObshchestvennoe - Soviet Urban Worlds, Urban Soviet A possible explanation of the ethnic problems in Russia could be in be could Russia in problems ethnic the of explanation possible A

The Russians usually do not distinguish immigrants according to their exact ethnical ethnical exact their to according immigrants distinguish not do usually Russians The t rather use general insulting terms, such as blacks, narrow blacks, as such terms, insulting general use rather t “ Nekotorje Osobennosti TadzhikskoiNekotorje Osobennosti Trudovoi v Rossiiu, Migratsii

“ 13 Central Russia: AsiansNavigatingMulti in

of es that the number of homicides due to racial hate decreased, theopinion decreased, due toracialhate homicides the number of that -

ethnic relationship between different ex different between relationship ethnic emerged on the legacy of the Soviet Commonwealth of Nations and Nations and of of the Commonwealth Soviet thelegacy emerged on distrust ”

Central Eurasian Studies Review – –

, http://www.ferghana.ru/article.php?id=4928.,

2012 ((Public Opinion2012 ((Public Opinion2012

oad imgat wt non with immigrants towards

to the Russian nation. Consequently, all other nations 6

workplace to avoid the feeling of fear and and fear of feeling the avoid to workplace – –

2012) 2012) The social research social The can find the grains of indirect indirect of grains the find can .

(Moscow: Levada opinion 4 (2005). -

Ethnicity inEthnicity and Soviet 12 - - usa appearance Russian

Soviet nations Soviet Some researchers go even go researchers Some - - mnenie eyed, or non or eyed,


Russian, Russian, are often on this topic also topic this on its Soviet past. Soviet its - 2012.

. 14 - Although Although Russians Russians

” .


For CEU eTD Collection 1986).(Paris: AlbinMichel, 20 19 18 17 ofNonRacialization 16 War Cold 15 leads misunderstanding to even as clashes, andmentioned above. tocultural starting defending their right to have their special lifestyle i they rights, civil with entitled being and French other with citizens equal post being immigrants, the in countries Muslim mostly from attract after workforce appeared that problem the solving are countries European passed, the relevance and importance of the problem persisted. Nowadays, France and few other 20 to 1980s and is mostly accomplished by Bruno Étienne government,Soviet themodern Russia lacks. which time Soviet the characterized tolerance Russia in tolerated be not should which level, uncivilized an to down republics these of degradation to lead certainly would republics of the Afghanand Chechen wars. th in significantly strengthened which cultivated, was nation Russian the of superiority image. public negative overall the forming and media, mass the lives of the Soviet regime for the benefits they enjoyed.

who attracted attention to and tried to explain the place of Muslims among French. As time time As French. among Muslims of place the explain to tried and to attention attracted who Francis Lamand, Lamand, Francis Gilles Kepel, Bruno Etienne, Ibid. Roman, Jeffrey Brooks,

In France, the first researc first the France, In onFrenchLiterature immigration ex the for support Soviet the of lack that opinion popular a existed There

(Princeton, NJ: University Press. Princeton “ non Making CaucasiansMaking Black:of Fall and the Communism the Moscow Since - Les Musulmans Dans La Soci Slavic nations in Russia by turning them into enemies, humiliating them in the Thank You, ComradeSoviet You, Stalin!: Thank Revolution Public Culture from to La France L et L - ’

Russians. islam En France. Les Musulmansislam France. Dans La En Communaute Nationale

’ h on post on h islam . The idea of tolerance received vast support from the from support vast received tolerance of idea The .

(Paris: 1989). Hachette,


- 17 war immigration and its consequences dates back back dates consequences its and immigration war е

7 Nevertheless, Nevertheless,

t 15 é

Francaise The fall of communism substantially affected


18 , n.d.).,

Gilles Kepel, n officially secular state, which often - war decades. Nowadays Muslim Muslim Nowadays decades. war

(Paris: 1988). Sodis, n xrodnrl hg lvl of level high extraordinarily an


hs a te eln of feeling the way This


and Francis Lamand,

n low ing

- qualified qualified - e years e Soviet Soviet

CEU eTD Collection (2002). ImmigrationContinuity in News Coverage, 1973 24 andFrance, Britain in 23 CoverageImmigration, of 22 i Media Print 21 more1990s, comparing coverageand neutral even tothe in1970s. positive rather than evolved portrait of immigrants has changed since 1970s. He finds out that overall assimilate policies of France and the United immigration Kingdom and analyzes how the societies of the two countries the compares He wave. immigration subsequent the and period colonization topic in printed media in terms of immigration coverage and find out that Spanish language media cover the lang Spanish and English between difference studythe to research their in theories economic Spanish language printed media analyze how these media cover the immigration topic. They apply factors are interconnected. two this how discuss also they media, printed the in representation negative after its and apartheid country the in of phenomenon the discusses xenophobia African South chosen in research starting before at look

Rodney Benson, Erik Bleich Bleich, Dunaway, BrantonandRegina Johanna Ransford A. McDonald, Dansoand David Rodney Benson Rodney in Bleich Erik to useful is might which countries other in xenophobia on literature of lot a is There more positive manner.

into less opinioned and moved toward the Americ the toward moved and opinioned less into

arriving immigrants analysis, and n Post “ - The Political/literary Model of French Journalism: and Change Apartheid SouthAfrica,

” The ofHistory? Legacies Colonizatio

24 his research provides a comparative retrospective analysis of the the of analysis retrospective comparative a provides research his that that media representation of immigration became more negative during Theory and Society and Theory

in his research of French journalism model studies how the media the how studies model journalism French of research his in Regina Branton and Johanna Dunaway ”

Social Quarter Science





“ 34 (2005). English “ ” 8 Writing Immigration the and Xenophobia:

Africa TodayAfrica

- ly 1991, 21 -


Danso and McDonald and Danso and Spanish

Journal ofEuropean Are Journal

facts the presenting of model an 48 (2011). n andImmigrantIntegration

in in their research of English and - Language Media the the

French journalism

in their paper on paper their in a Studiesa uage uage

CEU eTD Collection Pollutant 29 Culture in Studies Powand Immigrationand Paradox Accounts Newspaper in of U.S. Reform, 28 for Study Integration Center Immigrant the of 27 2013 26 National in Refugees British 2010 Newspapers, 25 a and immigration of policyand some its reformed States United the when 1986, since changed has immigrant of representation topicandon this makes audienceunderstand theproblem. better work his “ referring to Bulgarian or Romanian immigrants ex For report. previous the of depiction of Romanians and Bulgarians in British Media. “refugee”. describing used commonly for “illegal”, and “criminal” were immigrants most the were that words the while and immigrants, normal 2010 in media squatter negative representation ofimmigrantsnegative representation

J. David Cisneros, J. Coutinaand Bibler Susan Chock, Phyllis Pease Roberto Suro, &RomaniansBulgarians the in in News: the Migration Asylum ofImmigrants, Seekers Portrayals Migrants, elaborates

(The Observatory Migration of Oxford, theUniversity 2014). at J. J. David Cisneros Peas Phyllis & Coutina Bibler Susan Roberto Suro b prepared report, The ”. he ’

in Media Representations Media in of Immigration, Another relevant research relevant Another

claims on - 2012, “ "Immigrant as Pollutant" Promoting Misconceptions NewsPromoting Coverage Media Misconceptions ofImmigration,

that the way media covers the immigration topic help topic immigration the covers media way the that

in his research discusses media coverage of immigration in US media. In In media. coverage immigrationinUS media research of discusses in his 25

Contaminated Communities: The of Metaphor

found out that asylum seekers are portrayed in a different way different a in portrayed are seekers asylum that out found 29

in er

his paper focuses precisel

2 (1996). y ample, the words that were the most commonly used when when used commonly most the were that words the ample,

the the

British National December2012 1 Press:

illegal immigrants nvriy f xod on Oxford of University was also conducted by the by conducted also was may

metaphor. He discusse have. have. asylum 9 we


(2009). -

2012 Chock re

“ “ Your theIllegal: Friend,

gang seekers the most common was the word the was common most the seekers

(University of Oxford, 2013). y on a negative portrayal of immigrants ” became

Rhetoric &Public Affairs 26 in their paper discuss how media media how discuss paper their in ”

The results are similar to the results , “ criminal

Migrants’ eligibleamnesty.for 27 s University

what impact on society such ”

” Identities: Global Identities: Global ‘ , Immigrant as Immigrant as

s beggar British in depiction to frame the debate debate the frame to of Oxford on the on Oxford of - ”

1 December 1 December

Definition Definition

” and and ,

11 (2008). “ thief


” ”

, than and and

CEU eTD Collection theMedia, in Muslims 30 “pattern” was for prepared that themby media. analyz he and people British by immigrants of perception the affected representation negative this how discusses He “others”. “aliens”, (Roman immigration

Amir Saeed, Saeed Amir “ Media, Racism of The and Representation Islam Islamophobia: and ‘s

, 30

etc ”

findings Sociology Compass Sociology . , eas h dsuss how discusses he because ),

are closely connected to findings of Russian Russian of findings to connected closely

es 1 (2007). 10

th in people how


eir behavior follow the same same the follow behavior eir immigrants are researchers of researchers portrayed as as portrayed CEU eTD Collection political cont low, remained standard life worse: getting was situation political and economic t Despite France. in presence pre 1960s in started non countries of this region. It also served as a trigger for immigration, which African time, appeared this as a result of 000 compensat replenish phenomenon mass country metropolitan the to became peoples, Islamic from the thi 1912 in Tunisia, in protectorateestablished it 1883 In colony. to it turned and conquered This chapter issue. this elaborates on Russia both in immigration and media s way of thecolonization North Africa. finalized - radictions were getting deeper. getting were radictions im Muslim territory and acquisition of citizenship. As a result, immigration processes that that processes immigration result, a As citizenship. of acquisition and territory Muslim migrants residing from inFrance, Africa uig h scn hl of half second the During of end The became France 1.1 For better understanding and more comprehensive

Sahara in


significant territories with Muslim population. In 1830 g History of

the workforce in the agriculture sector and at military plants in France, as well as as well as France, in plants military at and sector agriculture the in workforce the Chapter 1. History of immigration in Russia and France Russia and in ofimmigration 1. History Chapter

the losses

desert the the only only - determined the following situation regarding the phenomenon of Muslim Muslim of phenomenon the regarding situation following the determined


XIX century was marked with colonial activity of France of activity colonial with marked was century XIX im

a that

fe te is Wrd a. n 1914 In War. World First the after the a part of French Western Africa. Western French of part a colonial empire in the second part of the XIX century, when it it when century, XIX the of part second the in empire colonial migration, main migration, main waves. France

French army had Senegal River basin. In 1895 e at ht fia cutis and needne social independence, gained countries African that fact he

started in the be the in started the Having lost official lost Having

and Franceand X century XX bore bore at the 11 and and

ginning of the XX century, but century, XX the of ginning ,

it is crucial to study historical background. historicalstudy to crucial is it establishment of Muslim , 100


rne received France

000 of them were A 000 of themwere connection with former metropolitan metropolitan former with connection - analysis 1905 vast territories, populated with

Immigration of Afr of Immigration the - 98 fia immigrants African 1918 . By 1924

- post 1847 France invaded Algeria

of - the colonial development of


, current situation with

t here were about 120 s lgerians.


ican population population ican — new waves of of waves new the

to in , in it

originally the South South the bec


were were

a -

CEU eTD Collection http://www.centrasia.ru/newsA.php?st=1032405420. NovogoObretenie Statusa., 31 1962) (1954 Algeria in war colonial during and France, in Algerians 000 200 were there 1950 In Algeria due to ideological reasons. The number of Algerian immigrants was growing the faste with touch in stayed happen repressions “betrayers”, against in France to arrived Algeria. independent of government the from repressions than more for their t opportunity the seized Muslims local of thousands of hundreds country, African (1954 Algeria in war the France was complemented b to migration Labor Algeria. and Francebetween citizens of movement of freedom guaranteed spoke French a language rule. as po the importance: big a of was factor linguistic the Particularly, was which France, to population Muslim Euro ear to easier is it that evident became It 1960s. from starting success economic its number of benefits, work places, western civilization achievements, county

Alexey Kedriavchev, e n t sed t n hi hm country home their in it spend to and pe – , the po the , ed hs wo aae t ecp cetd eaiey lsd omnte i France, in communities closed relatively created escape to managed who Those 1962, in signed Accords Évian migration: supported that means legal were There

e mtooia country metropolitan mer based on different estimations, between 400 000 and 600 000. Significant group of group Significant 000. 600 and 000 400 between estimations, different on based

o e “al be to 42

000 of Algerians, who were cooperating with French forces and escaped from from escaped and forces French with cooperating were who Algerians, of 000 pulation of newly independent African countries realized that that realized countries African independent newly of pulation iens” for both French and Algerian communities, living in France, who who France, in living communities, Algerian and French both for iens” their their

s pring “ Islamskaya 1500 I Veryushih. strana...Francia: Mechetey 5 Mln. - motherland. The representatives of intellectual elites were leaving leaving were elites intellectual of representatives The motherland. 1962). After France agreed to grant independence to this North North this to independence grant to agreed France After 1962). y political and ideological migration in 1960s, it was stipulated by ” -


CentrAzia ummer ummer accompanied

Atr lei gie is needne Fac accepted France independence, its gained Algeria After . 92 we Agra xeine te ae f cruel of wave the experienced Algeria when 1962, , last modified last , 2002, ,

by virtue of colonial heritage, more accessible. accessible. more heritage, colonial of virtue by

12 by their mass killings. by their . This conclusion defined labor migration of of migration labor defined conclusion This .


First large group of immigrant of group large First pulation of former colonies colonies former of pulation which

successfully proved they had they n money in money n o move to to move o lost a a lost st. st. s - CEU eTD Collection 32 immi the for conditions necessary the all provides government French Officially, policies. integration French the avoiding largely but population total the of rise the ensuring differenc whole became a as community the However, tribes. and groups ethnic different to belonging and predominantly diverse had doubledtwotimes. to stop the decision This there. work to and Fren families. of reunification of problem France the created consequently to back come ever to possibility the loosing of anticipation the of because country the leave to not decided time the by France of territory of number significant that migrants African many that was those of the main the consequences, to led decision This time. the at force labor foreign of source in 1974. It was designed, mainly, to stop im That forced the French government to make a decision to temporary stop the labor immigration of French increased, Muslim main Tropical Africa, and within next years this number didn’t stop rising. Consequently, the number and Western from migrants 000 33 about were there 1963 in results: significant bring didn’t limitat about colonies former with agreement the signed workers in France. sig grow to started France Africa Tropical and Western of descendants were immigrants Muslim


Concluding, immigration from the African countries to France led to the formation of a output. industrial in decline steep to lead 1973 in France stroke that crisis, Economic

fully legitimate and can exercise its constitutional rights for religious and ethnic ethnic and religious for rights constitutional its exercise can and legitimate fully s Te fia imgat sgiiaty nlecd h cuty eorpis by demographics country the influenced significantly immigrants African The es. im migration flow led to the opposite result: the number of African migrants in France 32

Being concerned about emergence of ethnical clashes, French government

Muslim community with members originating from different countries countries different from originating members with community Muslim

nificantly starting from 1960. from starting nificantly

ly from descendants Senegal. migration from African countries that were the main 13

In 1962 there were 10 000 of African African of 000 10 were there 1962 In ion of entry to France. However, it it However, France. to entry of ion

ch government’s intention intention government’s ch had


already . Their flow to flow Their .

been grants’ on the the on CEU eTD Collection CIS called now republics, Soviet former other and , with together Caucasus, acrossAsia. Central the residents of Central Asia. It allocated large funds for construction of schools and universities e among For example this russification, the Central Asia became one of the major source elite,Russian and couldfreely theMuslims their pursue religion high in society. the of part a became nobility Muslim the Hence, Turks. and Persians, Arabs, by conquered R to passed territories Horde’s these Eventually, Asia. CentralandCaucasus of the parts as well asterritories, southern Russian the approximately 700 years ago at the time of the Tartar Yoke, when the Golden Horde controlled Mosco of Duchy The immigration. Muslim the to exposure the community, low Muslim the of isolation and solidarity religious traditional segregation, to employment Muslim the on limitations the are constructive. Therefore, from the rest of the population and encourages the rise of ethnic solidarity, which is not always isolation the Itpromotes vivid. more even point this makes segregation territorial The society. immigrantsMuslim the officialmarginali are policy, many the integration of the African immigrants and their descendants faces serious problems. Despite practice in while paper, the on only valid remain often conditions these However, integration. negativeIslam France in image developed countries. and of other In the Soviet era, the economics economics the era, Soviet the In long relatively a has Russia countries, European western the of most the to contrast In 1.2 an edn cutis f mirns o usa a Russia to immigrants of countries sending Main thnic Russians dropped significantly. dropped Russians thnic History of , in 1980 the Soviet army largely

im the the main problems requiring a weighted and well thought migration, main migration, main waves. Russia ussia. Furthermore, Moscow also invaded lands once once lands invaded also Moscow Furthermore, ussia. and agriculture of Central Asia were russified. Due to to Due russified. were Asia Central of agriculture and

relied relied on the peoples of Central Asia as birth rates

14 The Soviet regime tried to gain popularity from from popularity gain to tried regime Soviet The

zed and remain at the bottom of the at ofthe the bottom andzed remain - ad nulfe jb, territorial jobs, unqualified paid re traditionally Central Asia and and Asia Central traditionally re

w raised as a regional power power regional a as raised w


of the Soviet development.

- out solution

as well as as well as - CEU eTD Collection 36 RUSSIA Profile: 35 http://www.hrw.org/node/80466/section/25. 34 33 11 million of according to data gathered by international organizations, in 1991 the have been expert analysis, speaking ultimately ontheabilityof the society Russian self for t by immigrants the to offered provisions integration depends which potential, development its and state Russian the of stability overall the on as well as conflict, to proneness internal of level its on society, Russian the of and national on immigration psycholog and of moral social, the on population, Russian influence the of structure professional the evaluate to specifics its consider to has highgas and lowforeign oil and prices debt. 2000s during unemployment. and wages low States ofAmerica.of themstandards are of intheir home by low Most living countries, driven one became Russia from other soviet republics like Uzbekist countries.

Tatiana Yudina, Yudina, Tatiana and of publications, Team and CARIMdatabase basis MPC onthe East You Happy to Are Cheat Russia Us?to Migration “ Spisok Stran Vhodiashih Stran Spisok v SNG, usa Federation. Russian s o ehi cmoiin i te is yas h nme o Russian of number the years first the in composition, ethnic for As post the from immigrants of stream The


33 around 25 million of ethnic Russians and 4 million people of other native peoples of

uig h Sve ea usa Sve Rpbi eprecd nenl migration internal experienced Republic Soviet Russian era Soviet the During , which might be explained by the rapid economic growth in Russia, fueled by fueled Russia, in growth economic rapid the by explained be might which , im

t migrants. (MIGRATION 2013). CENTRE, POLICY

he potential of Russian from the neighboring countries was increasing tr increasing was countries neighboring the from Migration, Slov of the of

35 36 main migration destinations in the world, second after the United United the after second world, the in destinations migration main

According to n te signif the And


ar h mgats lw o usa a got tremendously growth has Russia to flow migrant’s The ”

’ Goroda v StranahGoroda v SNG

Osnovnih Terminov - speaking migration by the end of an and Kirgizstan, but after the fall of the the

cn pr o ti “oeta” tre t move: to started “potential” this of part icant 15 calculations of -

Soviet countries has its unique features. One One features. unique its has countries Soviet

(Human Rights he Russian society and government, and government, and society Russian he - reproduction.

(Moscow, 2007). the , http://citys.su/ru/., Russian Academy of Science, - 2001 Russia accepted around emendously. According to to According emendously.

Watch, 2009),Watch,

December December 1991 could MPC Migration MPC Migration

inter alia inter s

n Russian and

ical state ical

on the on - CEU eTD Collection (Moscow, 2008), 190 37 Russia. to immigrationof source main the become to about is that region another is there East im of part largest the 2008 In position. leading this overtake to starting century Asia Central CaucasusSouth haddominated, butfrom the second part of first decade ofXXI from migrants promised tiny only and benefits 500000ofgot themactually thosebenefits. 000 decade first the of middle the by Russia to immigrants reached 15.5%. South the and of consists region densely populated region can potent another Meanwhile, stream. immigration the in majority relative the represented already have im century XXI the of decade first the of half second the from but belt, immigration southern the certain republic. structure immigration whole peoples from immigration. immigrants to according people 000 191 million (1 1994 of pike the 75% of

Evgeny Sokolov, migration str migration (14.6%) Tajiks and (17.5%) Uzbeks 2008, In lead. the took Asia Central the from migrants -

1 600 000 immigrants managed to get the official status of displaced person or a refugee, adisplaced or of person status official 000managedgetimmigrantsthe 600 to 1 Among descendants of the countrie immigration of source main the become Asia Central from immigrants Consequently, The residents of the Transcaucasia had initially dominated among the representatives of the stream of displaced persons and refugees in 1989 started to the fe 1994 After eam are Uzbeks (17,5%) and Taj and (17,5%) Uzbeks are eam 37 South South Caucasus,

“ Chuzhie Ili Mladentsi, Migrant Svoi decreas

edition. ,


e started to started

and the main reason for it is a drastic reduct

and s ially become a major source of im

n Russian and then from decrease comparing to the main ethnic group from group ethnic main the to comparing decrease - s s of the Southern belt initially representatives the of of XXI century. Consequently, in 2002 only 1 300 300 1 only 2002 in Consequently, century. XXI of at sa Bc i 20, h sae f Chinese of share the 2008, in Back Asia. East 16

the iks (14,6%). Meanwhi (14,6%). iks - speaking Central Asia. The share of Russians in the ”

Moskovsky Komsomolets

- people the 1995

fiil aa te ubr of number the data) official were

ae been have migrat

ethnic Russians. le, in the Russian F Russian the in le, ion ion ion to Russia. This of

ethnic elcd with replaced

Russian Russian After ar ar a

CEU eTD Collection http://www.bbc.co.uk/russian/russia/2015/01/15 modifiedlast 2015, 40 http://www.gks.ru/free_doc/2008/demo/osn/05 39 38 and historyas Russian well as test, wishing to receive residence permit or/and work permit are obliged to pass 40 of many Moreover, rate. exchange ruble low is reason main the which among reasons, different im year. previous period same the to comparing citizens, foreign of departures and entries of number the take. to able were immigrant flow male life exp criteria. nu moreover, this GermanyUnited States(1%). each),of (2% the America and China each), (4% Belarus and each), (5% Kirgizstan , , and (10%), Tadzhikistan (20%), (23%), Ukraine follows: as is percentage the immigrants immigrants (among all the Russia) to It Asian and andEast South China is other

After January 1 AfterJanuary “ “ You Happy to Are Cheat Russia Us?to Migration migrants im FMS Rossii Soobshila FMS RossiiSoobshila O Rezkom Potoka Migrantov, Snizhenii Ozhidaemaya Zhizni, Prodolzhitelnost Russian Federation there were 11 521 097 citizens of foreign countries. Composi countries. foreign of citizens 097 521 11 were there Federation Russian migrants leave of because to Russia Russia to mirns sha Immigrants’ to According 38

Population Population decline

are ectancy is only 60 in Russia) b

The The facing difficulties finding a job, but diasporas’ representatives see completely completely see representatives diasporas’ but job, a finding difficulties facing for mber includes people of former S former of people includes mber ,

2015 Federal Migration Federal epe rm te countries. other from people the

, 2 within is structure population in re

Russian the new federal law on migration on law federal new the

especially among working In 2015 In

im M migration that regulations a test igration ,

as of May, of as S ervice representatives believe that the reason is that is reason the that believe representatives ervice fundamental fundamental - East Asian countries. In countries.East Asian ecame ecame one of the reasons of ” Service, as of November 2014, on the territory of of territory the on 2014, November of as Service,

GosComStat RF 17

accounted for there is a significant a is there 39 oviet republics origin, according to according origin,republics oviet

. hr wr a o o aalbe os that jobs available of lot a were There

- principles legislation. ofRussian 08.htm. - 0107_russia_migrants_decline. age age population (according to statistics,

came are ,

- as much as 15 as muchas 3% of the entire population, population, entire the of 3% becoming

into effect into ” 2008,

Russkaya Sluzhba Russkaya Sluzhba BBC decline, about 70% about decline, increased increased im

the share C the of stricter a — Russian .

5%. all

im a

nd migration migrants, stricter the tion in tion



UN UN , the the

in , .

CEU eTD Collection 41 locals as cleaning, street of lack about complain to start they now immigrants, of inflow huge while Anyway, time. that at currency Russian of collapse as such factors other as well as legislation, new the of effect combined a be could Federal beginningthe o in Russia fromimmigrants of outflow significanta is result major the However, Russia. entering before preparation their begin even and topics test the study immigran of image public the improve to had implementation its that sure were proponents its and society, certificate. e no law, the to According work. to right their confirming certificate a receive they tests, the passing successfully After history. Russian and law, Russian language, Russian subjects: three on tests the pass to immigrants legislatio new a 2015 in as change, to about is trend negative means the populationatlarge experts problem.analyzingthis Some istired of believe thatthis about talk to want not do they that say and stop people many the immigrant problems. Now this issue seems to be suppressed. After starting the conversati discuss to willing were years people ago severalCuriously, them”. of many too “thereare that diseases, and lead to ave endemic bring Russian, speak and learn to eager not are immigrants that is population local such type of complaints was in 2009 jobs, their took immigrants the that said citizen Russian third Every concerns. economic the to shifted has it further However, immigrants.


h proe f hs eilto ws o aiiae h imgat’ nerto i the in integration immigrants’ the facilitate to was legislation this of purpose The the of behavior and culture on focused mainly discontent people the 2008, of As M igration igration

ts and smoothen the social tension. Indeed, there is evidence that the immigrants immigrants the that evidence is there Indeed, tension. social the smoothen and ts Service reports a reduction of number of immigrants by as much as 70%

rage wage reduction. Furthermore, the most popular concern is simply

- poe cn eal hr a imgat ihu sc a such without immigrant an hire legally can mployer 2011, the crisis time. Nowadays, the major concern of the 18 previously the local population condemned a condemned population local the previously

occupied markets and retailing. The peak of peak The retailing. and markets occupied n has passed. It obliges all the all obliges It passed. has n them , as , they

irritate them. It them. irritate f 2015. The The 2015. f . 41 on, on, It CEU eTD Collection population. significant reduced trade low take to willing not are

ly, which can lead to further decline in the quality of life for local local for life of quality the in decline further to lead can which ly, - paid jobs. Moreover, the number of immigrants involved in petty in involved immigrants of number the Moreover, jobs. paid


CEU eTD Collection http://www.catholicculture.org/news/features/index.cfm?recnum=48547. 45 44 curbs/. https:/ 43 http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/. 42 among distribution Muslim, while Catholics remain the largest religious group in France organization pu survey, the to According background. of humiliation x from opposition serious Organization to achieve ratification of 1951 of Refugees of Status the to relating Protocol and Convention the by defined refugees accepting of practices the in instruments international and growing constantly of tendency the of mismatch the acknowledge to started country his to return to and own, his w follows: as read declaration the right for enophobia, nationalism, neo nationalism, enophobia, ithin the borders of each state each of borders the ithin

“ Ibid. “ “ France IsFrance NoLonger Survey Catholic, Shows, Voters Curbs, across BackMigrant Europe EU Universal Declaration of Rights Human im

Both Russia and France receive immigrants who have different religious and cultural cultural and religious different have who immigrants receive France and Russia Both More than 50 years ago, after France and inRussia policy immigration 2. Current Chapter /yougov.co.uk/news/2014/11/28/voters

irto lgl framework. legal migration freedom ,

in 2007, about 7% of French people participated in the survey consider themselves im migrants are ontherise. l mirns cmn o France to coming immigrants, all

43 of

as in as

movement received a

significant number of countries, of number significant appropriate to modern realities. The efforts of International LaborInternational of efforts The realities. modern to appropriate “E

- fascism veryone has the right to freedom of movement and residence residence and movement of freedom to right the has veryone ”

im and migration

the ” “E , the .

This acknowledgement leads to reassessment of of reassessment to leads acknowledgement This anti Universal Declaration of Human Rights Starting from 1990s governments of many countries countries many of governments 1990s from Starting veryone has the right to leave any country, including including country, any leave to right the has veryone 44 International

lse b “e od d Religion” de Monde “Le by blished - its its Semitism and other forms of discrimination and discrimination of forms other and Semitism ”


(United Nations, n.d.),(United Nations, area international recognition. The

” . Some governments perceive the current current the perceive governments Some .

” Catholic Culture -

across You Gov UK You — C onvention

46% of them are Muslim. Similar Similar Muslim. are them of 46% while such phenomenon as racism, racism, as phenomenon such while - europe , last modified last , 2015, on Labor - — , last modified last , 2007, back

51%. - eu

im 45 - A M migrant As for religious rticle migration flow migration igrants

42 a ,

was signed

13 of this religious religious - faced a


CEU eTD Collection dyn/content/article/2007/05/03/AR2007050302255.html. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp 52 ferguson http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/answer Sponsored Segregation, 51 https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2007/11/fran Site Web Socialist 50 http://hdr.undp.org/en/content/human 49 income. capita per 48 http://c2.kommersant.ru/ISSUES.PHOTO/OGONIOK/2012/034/ogcyhjk2. 47 estimated PewResearchCenter 46 60 police officers were seriouslyclashes. injured during the suburbs with a hose”, resu a as when 2007, of events are Afro two killed police when Baltimore, teenager resulted and scale larger gained operations police happened as Muslim between clashes large wer There clashes. violent even and instability criminal in results which society, HDI to according countries, survey the to conducted according t Christian, Orthodox themselves consider Russians of majority can assituation inRussia, 33%of be observed

“ Valerie Strauss, “ “ HDI “ “ Sarkozy Suburbs, Paris NoFavorite in France: RiotsBreak Suburbsa outParis in Development Human Report 2014, Geografiya. Vibor Duha., PercentageTable: Estimated ofImmigrants Religious Affiliation, by –

- is a composite indicator composite ofis a quality ofeducation consisting lifeexpectancy, and immigrants. - to - percentage heyear. same

- a baltimore result of recent tough regulations on immigration, complimented by the fact that , last last , modified 2007, “

From Ferg , last, modified 2012, http://www.pewforum.org/2012/03/08/table



- o It was similar similar was It the

” f 52 47

- The Washington The Washington Post immigrants

Both Russia more than 60 cars were set on fire - 48 consequences ”

Kommersant - as of 2014. of as uson to Baltimore: The Consequences ofTheuson Baltimore:Government Consequences to immigrants and police in France during 2000s, mo 2000s, during France in police and immigrants lt of Nikolas Sarkozy’s populist statements about “cleaning “cleaning about statements populist Sarkozy’s Nikolas of lt to -

by and Francereceive their migrants less developed from - ” - Americans. Americans.

the recent events of 2014 and 2015 in Ferguson and Ferguson in 2015 and 2014 of events recent the UNITED NATIONS PROGRAMME UNITED DEVELOPMENT

- 49 - ” religious - , last modified last , 2012, development

of The Washington Post

This situation leads to creation of inequality in inequality of creation to leads situation This 21 - im government fter Crash Police Youth, Kills

, last, modified 2015, migrants 2012,are as of Muslim

- in sheet/wp/2015/05/03/from - 51 affiliation/. -

n27.html. The brightest example of such a clash a such of example brightest The nnetoa o itninl ets of deaths intentional or unintentional

- report - sponsored


few night

- 2014. , last modified last , 2007, -

s segregatio

later, ”

jpg. World and

e numerous numerous e 46

st of st - more than n/.

while the

- them them , - CEU eTD Collection akbar http://www.mk.ru/incident/article/2013/09/22/919064 Komsomolets 55 http://ria.ru/incidents/20131013/969693444.html. 54 http://www.hist 53 homogeneity this of side positive The homogeneous. less or more stream territories” of them were arre PetersburgSt. toresign.There werepeople 200hundred who gathered meeting, onthis permit who politicians” “weak against organized by some volunteer nationalist street t started Akbar!” “Allah screaming and security because they didn’t pass face September in Caucasus from people young of group a clash happened in the center of Saint Petersburg was convicted for 17 years in prison, 200 arrested. After the checking conducted by the Russian Immigration were Service, they found out people that 400 clash this During worked. killer alleged the where warehouse, vegetable clashes in Birulevo, duri killed Azerbaijani Birulevo.of Moscow,underdeveloped outskirt

“ “ “ Kavkazchi Akbar Krikami Allah Rasstrelili S LudeyCentre Peterburga, v Besporiadki vBirulevo, Birulevo,

out of 1200 workers of the vegetable warehouse were illegal immigrants. The immigrants. illegal were warehouse vegetable the of workers 1200 of out . As a result, a result, a As . - rasstrelyali Both Russia and France receive immigrants from either so either from immigrants receive France and Russia Both major The , such ” , last modified last , 2013,

Istoricjeskie Dostoprimechatelnosti Rissii

as CIS Russia for sted. -

sights.ru/node/343/. an ethnic - lyudey

few people got hurt. The next day evening there was a people’s gathering gathering people’s a was there eveningday next The hurt. got people few

ethnic Russian. As a result of this murder, there were a series of ethnic ethnic of series a were there murder, this of result a As Russian. ethnic

55 ng the main one there were 1000 of Russian participants, who attacked

clash in in clash - i ” -

avtomobili Ria NovostiRia

Russian Russian or former colonies but - control in the club, s

immigration the ethnic tension o shoot at club visitors and people passing by in the the in by passing people and visitors club at shoot o

- in the center of St. Petersburg. They wanted to protest , last modified last , 2013, v - modern tsentre 22

; it was 53

In October 2013 -

sanktpeterburga.html. history was the incident happened in the the in happened incident the was history to Russia and demanded the governor of of governor the demanded and Russia to for France

a a shooting i

o , last modified last , 2009, and shortly f the same year started a fight with with fight a started year same the f is still in place. - kavkaztsyi , what theimmigration makes , n the nightclub. In this clash

after a short fighta short after - called “ called after

54 ,

- they deployed guns Another significant s

former former - krikami

is the fact that that fact the is ”

M oskovsky oskovsky dependent dependent murderer an - allah and ethnic - 60

CEU eTD Collection _Colonizat https://www.middlebury.edu/media/view/255004/original/The_Legacies_of_History._ 61 60 59 58 mi_eto_ochen_nadolgo/ http://ruskline.ru/opp 57 56 France)are: and Petersburg. Saint spread inFrance widely is which formation, ghetto of risk a always is there hand, other the On efficient. more them makes what extent, certain a to standardized be might policies social and immigration

http://www.schengenvisainfo.co http://tajmigration.ru/novovvedeniya http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0855611.html http://news.sky.com/story/1420147/france of immigrants to France just in fewyears.of immigrants in France just to thousands of hundreds resulted which citizenship, French obtain to right the entitled were f born children Even request. upon citizenship French granted were citizens Algerian all independence, Algeria’s after ones). within day 90 for visa no with Russia citizen and requirement, Russia enter to order in passport international have should is language. spread i Russian Russia, to immigrants either the mainlanguage communication, of The main reasons why immigrants choose to move to these countries (Russia and and (Russia countries these to move to choose immigrants why reasons main The 59 ion_and_Immigrant_Integration_in_Britain_and_France.pdf — —


French citizenship policy had cross had policy citizenship French 56

and starting toemerge inRussi 57 The s The

Immigration policy Immigration of most In fluency. Language


am s

of and Uzbekistan, for example, were able to stay in stay to able were example, for Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan of e situation we we situation e rom parents who wished to keep Algerian citizenship only, citizenship Algerian keep to wished who parents rom s m/ the

second official language or at least the the least at or language official second . - the period of 180 day (rules, similar to Schengen Schengen to similar (rules, day 180 of period the v It is only is It can observe can - 23 migracionnom 61

a, - targets - or generation effect, because in because effect, generation in particular, i

one used themost languages. starting from 2015 from starting


in - ghettos the the onre that countries - zakonodatelstve — French ex French n big cities such ascities Moscown big

before there was no such a a such no was there before - in - anti

that - colonies - r te ore of source the are terror

CIS immigrants immigrants CIS - rossii.html second most most second 19 - 58 fight — 60s, even 60s,

French French

CEU eTD Collection http://www.insee. 65 foreigners/immigrants 64 flows 63 62 originan immigrant. of naturalization b to continues individual permanent:an immigrantis an qualityof FranceThe (mainlyminors). in were born foreigners some conversely, and foreign necessarily not is immigrant an completely: merge French, and living in France are therefore not counted. Conversely, some immigrants may have become abroad French born People France. in living and abroad born person foreign a is “immigrant” adopted definition the to According meaning. foreigners. 493 452 immigrants in France between age 18 and 50, years to the access (cancelling citizenship limited and residence authorities law, this to According better. flows immigration control to test. basics Constitutions immigrants labor 2015,

“ https://www.ined.fr/en/everything_about_population/data/france/immigrants http://www.migrationpolicy.org/article/frances http://migrant.lameroid.ru/2014/11/laws Immigre to settle intheplace.to settle immigrant main all of diaspora

- of court According to According Both countries have tendency to toughen

while while residency) therules and onfamily tightened reunification. 64 — -

- It is important to note that in France terms immigrant and foreigner have different highly . It is the country of birth, not nationality at birth, which defines the geographical

Definition, the other remainin other the ln t te population the to elong - fr/fr/methodes/default.asp?page=definitions/immigre.htm. skilled National I National

65 Established community. Both Russia and France has well has France and Russia Both community. Established -

foreigners/ ” 62 are


In November 2006 November In

bie t pass to obliged nstitute of Demographic of nstitute g foreigners. The foreign and immigrant populations do not not do populations immigrant and foreign The foreigners. g , - sending countries, what makes it is easier for newcomers newcomers for easier is it makes what countries, sending


rule when one could apply for citizenship after 10 10 after citizenship for apply could one when rule immigrant 24

, the the -

France signed new immigration law in order in law immigration new signed France for by the High Council for Integration, an an Integration, for Council High the by

immigration immigration rules. In Russia, starting from - Russ migrants - s and new

S vn f e eoe French becomes he if even a lnug ts and test language ian tudies 3 773 509 of these inhabitants were - law - 2015.html - (INED) control 63


- in 2011 there were 5 5 were there 2011 in immigration

the - establi

Russian through - - shed shed CEU eTD Collection 68 1199807908806/France.pdf 67 http://www.insee.fr/fr/methodes/default.asp?page=definitions/etranger.htm. 66 — problems modern in France, wherediaspora thelargest inEurope reside Muslim colonies. the during only phenomenon VIII in back FranceEurope and overall. discourse popular “ others each), Britain, (2% Greatand each), (4% and Tunisia , (5%), Italy (11%), Portugal (12%), and countries one in merged “migrants”. has terms those media French of discourse popular a in “foreigners”, (including minors). i necessarily not is foreigner A French. as France in considered are more) (or nationality another having nationals French The persons). stateless of case the (in none has or (exclusively) nationality another has he or she whether immigrant

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/5164514.stm http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTPROSPECTS/Resources/334934 “

about 5 million people.about 5million Entranger Entranger the the (Christian) Western of interaction that fact the Despite of because France, do and France in resides who person a is “Foreigner” . United , Imm but -

send - X centuries, IX igration there are also significant migration from few EU member EU few from migration significant also are there -

Definition, ing countries

African countries African 66 While in legal discourse it is important to to While in legalisimportant it discourse

processes played a major rol 67 68 ”

Composition in percentage is as follows: Algeria (13%), Morocco (13%), Algeria follows: as is percentage in Composition

t clna hrtg, eevn mgat fo mainly from migrants receiving heritage, colonial its


” to France


rsne f Mus of presence - war immigration from African countries countries African from immigration war , are often are

is Portugal, which ( less than 1% than less mgat se r e ih b br i France in born be might he or she mmigrant; 25 considered as a main source of source main a as considered

i pplto i Fac became France in population lim e in emergence of social and demographical

) . Notably, is


es and Islamic civilization started started civilization Islamic and

distin EU

not -

member member state, while in the one of the main so main the of one

guish have French nationality, French have - states, such as Italy as such states,

“immigrants” from —

im former French French former - s

permanently migration to migration


a -

called mass mass —

CEU eTD Collection minimum a with em unabiding by used widely is situation of migrants regulations The registered and racial, r ethnic or of ideas the promote to speech of freedom the exploit would them of many that clear became it arose, publications uncensored first the after Only now. is it as acute as not was speeches in the totalitarian state the freedom of speech v As speech. of freedom toward attitude government changing the is that for reason underlying The community. research Russian the of agenda the on appeared recently only has intensity qua to mechanism a develop to challenge The anymore. outrage public a cause not do restitution or discrimination for calls direct cases some in and indirect The harsher. getting are broadcasts TV as well as Publications rhetoric. social regular a into tur gradually and volume in expanding is hostility of vocabulary The ethnicity. to related boost in nationalism, increase in number of hate crimes, and a more general group of problems andin Russia France. chapter topic. This elaborates onthis and immigration it is important to study how the public image of immigrants evolved over time

registered immigrants have to find illegal means of l of means illegal find to have immigrants registered First we must speak about about speak must we First Russian The Media ofimmigrants Russia portrait in 3.1 For better understanding and analysis of the curre

cannot comply with them. Thecannot reality comply that all thosewho are is not included inthe 8%

employed employed officially (according to the State Federal Migration Service statistics).

on eligious hate. eligious guarantees

naturalization are very complex and often co often and complex very are naturalization society is increasingly concerned with ethnic and religious xenophobia, xenophobia, religious and ethnic with concerned increasingly is society Chapter 3. Media portrait ofimmigrants 3. Media Chapter

lk cnrc ad work and contract (like


ployers. Without providing their providing Without ployers. lc market black 26 irtually did not exist, the problem of public hate

insurance nt nt media representation of immigrants as ,

iving and working in the state. This state. the in working and iving

ny % of 8% only ), they benefit benefit they ), ntradictory, such that most most that such ntradictory, ntify public hate speech speech hate public ntify labor illegal


migrants are are migrants


them by by them ning ning

CEU eTD Collection Novosibirsk. 70 69 immigrant. b that claim attitude is largely stipulated by the media, by the way media depicts migrants. Some researches migrants. toward attitude Hall startedinvolvement. todeny their society. of palette broom, roller, paint a which was created on behalf of this it has only made the situation worse. confession to which they belong. proje the of Petersburg passes. cit equal as immigrants perceive to become a Hence, labor ( living for live etc work, maintenance work their at safety providing not and minimum below wages paying cue t elcs n rpoue te eaie mg o aggressive of image negative the reproduces and reflects it ecause

Kosygina, Kosygina, http://www.dp.ru/a/2012/10/26/Skandalnij_Spravochnik_t/ illegally

Nowadays there is a growing debate about the role of mass media in shaping negative negative shaping in media mass of role the about debate growing a is there Nowadays Russian society, including both I t is worth saying that some steps have been made in this field. In the city of St. St. of city the In field. this in made been have steps some that saying worth is t

factor 69 , 70

negative attitude of Russians toward immigrants it is largely media’s fault that, that, fault media’s largely is it immigrants toward Russians of attitude negative uh as such the

t a t uie the unite to was ct

This brochure was heavily criticized shor criticized heavily was brochure This in unbearable conditions, “ migration in Russia, instead of being an important factor of economic growth, has ” Constructions of the

Town Hall established the Tolerance project Tolerance the established Hall Town of

increasing crime. aeet o aadnd buildings) abandoned or basements

. ). This ). There is a growing debate at the moment that Russian anti Russian that moment the at debate growing a is There - knife and paint andknife

leads to the situation when situation the to leads

However, i citizens of St. Petersburg, regardless of the nationality or or nationality the of regardless Petersburg, St. of citizens

project. Inproject. this

izens, Other One of example is of the Memorandum of Labo up to

ordinary citizens and government is officials, not ready

’ n ti preto i only is perception this and

- 15 people in one room or in the - f f we

brush, representing them as lower class members members classlower asrepresenting them brush, Racialisation of Migrants in of in Migrants MoscowRacialisation 27

analyze the program brochure, tly after it was released, and the Town the and released, was it after tly

n often and im

migrants are practically forced to to forced practically are migrants the the (http://spbtolerance.ru/) im migrants migrants were portrayed as

n nyinc conditions. unhygienic in

in detail getting

place and not intelligent intelligent not and places

worse as time time as worse (construction,

it it seems that

not suitable r Migrant, and . The aim The . - migrant CEU eTD Collection 71 genocideperformed“a ofpeople”. Shortly theTajik moral afteritsrel Ininsulting Tajiks.Labor Migrants theNGO the show particular, claimed Tajik that blamedArmenian itonnumerous occasions the asadvocating critics for well), and racism particular butthey nation, theCentralAsia. arrived from answer. ofthe According and producers, toone Ravshan “superviza”a questiontoRavshan, asksthelatter further a of thevulgar andMoreover, different names manner. mangle when in sports their telecommunicationIT, which and creates comiceffect.In 4,they additional goeven season Meanwhile, such intheirlanguageas theyar discussloftytopics to insufficient ofRussian and knowledge hence misunderstanding oftheir orders. supervisor’s does have speak not and verytheirismostly atduties. The all)about related latter vagueidea toward hisforeignemployees. Russian ethnic is supervisor work and Russia in apartments renovate Jumshud” workers, together with so popular in Russia “gastarbeiter”. workers, a became only not Jumshud and Ravshan that popular so became show characters main Раша of project popular most The

http://www.kp.ru/daily/24151.5/367793/ » ( » Since thesitcom often refers and totheTajik culture language (albei The speak immigrants speaks (Ravshan noRussian while a virtually little, One ofthe brightest ofimmigrants’ examples media in iscomedy depiction TV shows. “Nasha Russia”), which means “Our Russia”. “Our means which Russia”), “Nasha the very Ravshan and Jumshud and Ravshan

names names

“Ravshan and Jumshud” became set expression to describe immigrant , the


recent years dedicated to immigration top immigration to dedicated years recent ,

who is often demonstrat often is who , who are immigrant workers from Central Asia. The Asia. Central from workers immigrant are who , 28

repeats ortwice once giving it before an at the Sochi the at 71

Jumshud It is comedy sketch show, with two with show, sketch comedy is It According to the plot, “Ravshan and ing ts, literature, cinema, ts, literature,


do notbelong toany

disrespect and and disrespect ease in Tajikistan, the ease in

symbols of immigrant immigrant of symbols

construction. Their Their construction. ic is called is ic t sometimes t sometimes Jumshud annoyance « Наша

CEU eTD Collection 74 73 72 topic racism and xenophobia ratherrepresenting ofa residents than particular co the producers thatthe insist characters of are themigrants and fictitious totally generalized for film, was financially successful overloaded insteadJumshud, ofrenovating, luxury The Moscow. apartment apartment in are themainJumshud characters of Faith” culminated into tried to pr conclusion that the show producers did not the pursue goal to improve migrants’ life but rather sa Russian the As expressions. insulting other and dunces, dummies, black as to referred repeatedly are they part of the sitcom is dedicated to humiliation and mockery of life of the Tajik labor migrants as on focuses entirely show the that underlined racial hate. show wasfrom banned screening

http://nnm.me/blogs/OlDi/tadzhiki_vzyali_galustyana_za_yayca_sudby/page2/ http://www. http://today.kz/news/509/ incitement ofethnic hatred the Nevertheless, there is a shift in positive direction. Recently a video a Recently direction. positive in shift a is there Nevertheless, However, the Russia show“Nasha he where us?” against Russia Nasha “Is article an issued journalist Tajik a 2007, In ) same as show,was thesketch criticized largely . omote xenophobia againstomote xenophobia Tajiks

The film’s plot is based is ontheplotof The plot film’s

with racist and nationalistic jokesand and non with racist ying goes, in every joke there is a grain of truth, which led the journalist to the to journalist the led which truth, of grain a is there joke every in goes, ying feature regnum.ru/news/847091.html

- length

reaching appeared in the Russian segment of Internet. of segment Russian the in appeared

film “Nasha Russia: and was banned from public release public from and banned was inTajikistan.


again. Their supervisor gotrenovation Theiragain. acontractof supervisor for . 72

The producers arecontinuous critique under ofinspiring $22 000 crushing everything around them. “The Eggseverything Faith aroundcrushing them. of ” was of a great success,”wasa was ofwhichiswhy it . 73

insult and abasement of Tajik migrants. The first first The migrants. Tajik of abasement and insult

belongs oligarch, toaRussian 29

of of the

untryregion. or Yaytsa(“Nasha sudby” Russia”: box officebox with$2000budget. original and show,and Ravshan - politically correct , especially by

Tajik Tajik statements. In this video a man man a video this In and - Labor Migrants clip Ramshan and However, dedicated to to dedicated

The film The Eggs 74

a The ”

is ,

CEU eTD Collection 76 75 Buddhist CulturalCenter. Judaists Christians The representativesdifferent hold will of confessions in their usual September, pupilsof40schools ofMoscow regions Russia. of successfully. This is just the beginning of the program, test immigration the pass to and society the in assimilate to them help to order in immigrants u user watched video, which this for isimpressive result Consideri Internet. Russian for result significant a is which views, 000 000 1 almost gained already Racism. and Xenophobia no with Country NGO the by Internet on of making everyday decisions. The unreasonable and unfair it is to judg artistic is This immigrants. t not transport the in passenger trench dark a wearing ieste in niversities

http://research.cmsmagazine.ru/audience http://www. the other nationality other However, betaught tolerance the early from should people to Startingfrom age. next immigratio in improvement Another – ng, that the number of Russian

in the Tolerance andthe Center Buddhists Museum, ofthe Jewish –

in the Cathedralthe Muslims theSavior, ofChrist social science

Moscow stranabezrasizma.ru/

we are loosing self loosing are we is is tre to started

Presumably,“tolerance the lesson” include will whispering

course. It projectcourse. first inRussia pilot kind wouldbethe ofthis maneuver


voiceover in the end of the video says: “by humiliating people offer a a offer e people by their nationality and to rely on prejudices while offer in

job, not to rent a flat and to sit next next sit to and flat a rent to not job, YouTube YouTube how demonstrate to use video this of creators the o h er of ears the to

free lessons of Russian language and history for for history and language Russian of lessons free - respect”. The video was produced and distributed distributed and produced was video The respect”. will will plc i te at ht rm pi 21 five 2015 April from that fact the is policy n 30 -

research have 5“lessons oftolerance”, incorporated users is about 25 000 000 people, every 25 these lessons

a and an social campaign. -

russian there e mployer, of of mployer, –

are in the Islamicin the Center, t - in their sacred places: the social plans to expand 75

Notably, the video the Notably, 76 - a networks/ a

landlord and of a a of and landlord 30 – to

- in the Moscow minutes minutes Asian looking looking Asian it to other

he .

has th

CEU eTD Collection Immigr 78 26 77 teenagers, who, ofthe most time Arabic ofAfrican origin. outdated exist still there However, about culture of granted were they fact the andcitizenship all corresponding civilnotwilling rights,are French tointegrate cult into despite who, immigrants Muslim of number significant a is to also such a level that they were able not only 199 of beginning the by that a( threat in while lives, their improve to them help to need a and “poo about was society the in and media in both discourse 1990s). to 1970s (from years 20 within tremendously increased research, the to according which, society, French in think the immigrants country, thehistoryimportant to Moscowa and whole. of as Russia ineachexcursion religious about explanation ofthewithadetailed places

Benson, Benson, http://www.lepoint.fr/politique/69 - 02 - 2015 There emerged numerous m numerous emerged There the affect 2015 In Media of France portrait in 3.2. immigrants ation News Coverage, 1973 News Coverage, ation

re in particular, immigrantsin particular, hl i 20 ti idctr a 2% less. 20% was indicator this 2009 in while

are “too many” “ account for account The Political/literary Journalism: Continuityin Model of Change French and - 1908159_20.php ,

69% of French population French of 69% im French culture with their own. It also became evident by this time that there that time this by evident became also It own. their with culture French migrants migrants

In le s

s than 10% of the French French the of 10% than s 1970 of them 0s treated as treated

, it it ,



bec from North Africa)from North during the first powerful wave of immigration of wave powerful first the during . This might be explained by the rol increased

ovies, promoting tolerance, released with help of ministry ministry of help with released tolerance, promoting ovies, police - a 1991. me obvious me

equal citizens (bright example (bright citizens equal to to - des bec TV ” thought

- 31 francais o

me me a significant part of shows

that the number of immigrants of number the that

that there are too many too are there that population; 78 i wih one which in , -

77 pensent Benson 19

codn t te fiil statistics, official the to According 90s they started to be considered as as considered be to started they 90s r social conditions” social r

explains it partially it explains fact by the -

qu nevertheless, French citizens citizens French nevertheless, - il - fe may often y the - – a

- The U The how this placehow this is trop French society, but im migrants in the in migrants

- of e of the media d ntouchables ,

- see troubled troubled see

had immigres the popular the im migrants migrants

reached ure. - ). ).

CEU eTD Collection PerpignanPresses Universitaires de Perpignan, 79 values by immigrants andsolidarity the values. positive more becomes immigrant of France the of context social and specifichistorical very a in possible not is that union mixed a of evolution the on based is scenario The trace. a and younggirl a of story the Ittells 1969. in Drach Michel filmmaker m of problem the immigrantsentrenched basedcinema. stereotypes on are many of images negative the murder: or theft conflicts, cultural to due mix the of failure Enmities, racis everyday the around evolves Lajoie, Dupont racism, immigrant especially workers, inhousing. blacks director Med Hondo, controversial workplace and place of residence, frozen in stereotyped attitudes. between realities harsh to subjected individual rejected a of image furtive the only find we society in the period staging of cultural diversity that capture the pace of change of the status of immigrants in French of world the nourish to

Michel Cad Michel

falling in love with ” Yves Boisset directed the first movie that actually issue" "immigration the decades, recent In , your

é im address films neighbors , “ L ixed unions, like the famous adaptation of a novel Elise, or Real Life, by Life, Real or Elise, novel a of adaptation famous the like unions, ixed ’ Ecran Ecran Repr La Bleu, from Soleil Soleil O (

an an

the the and )

Algerian worker who was arrested by police and disappeared without the n 93 eone te neo the denounced 1973 in ed French cinema. Witness the issues of his time, the cinema offer cinema the time, his of issues the Witness cinema. French oeta n ilo tickets million one than more 19

Sun Sun O the 70s to the present. . There we see scenes of friendship, appreciation of French French of appreciation friendship, of scenes see we There .

m families from the middle class, which creates drama. drama. creates which class, middle the from families m su o immigration. of issue )

in 1970 and é sentation DesOuvriers Cin DansLe


” Les 'bicots becom Among

(2004). 19 - 60s ooil oiain f France of domination colonial ing initiated initiated the

a 79 -

70s. Inthe 70s. few few movies featuring immigrants,

were sold were - central to public life, did not fail not did life, public to central

w fls y h Mauritanian the by films Two Nègres' vos voisins

Some movies timidly movies Some approach

After After May

working on Parisian factory Parisian on working

extensive questioning of

19 in 1974. The scenario scenario The 1974. in 80s the figureof the 80s 19 68, several quite é ma Fran

(The “ wogs ç over ais,

the the s -

CEU eTD Collection except, ofcourse,farright, byAfricans. rather awkward investigation in view of the destruction of a substandard home to Paris 800 Micmac

000 entries. 000 of release the of occasion the on revealed even is Africans the for Sympathy .

Directed by Thom

Most of the pressof Most

A representative of the health protection protection health the of representative A

as Gilou in 1986, the film was a huge commercial success with over who liketoplay onit. is still tryingstill is

to avoid unambiguousstatements avoid to 33

agency (Jacques Villeret) (Jacques about this topic,this about

the occupied started a a started

Black Black CEU eTD Collection 2004. Zhurnalistika: kratkiy slovar’ labeled pressisoften quality press ofopinions asthe elite. for intellectual 81 80 (therepresentation word given limitations within choice by isstipulated purposes research ofthis the intellectualsfor and tabloid one choose I For content. having similar and audience same” “the of sort for madecountries, use to is idea main The research. the for outlets media publicities that information in both countries. this to dedicate people time of includingconsumption audience’s preferences. amount the and consumption media of characteristics a term describing operating media in a certain country, their types, the ownership structure, the investigate

These newspapers target w These newspapers http://www.moluch.ru/archive/67/11260/ were

I Therear s When n my my n released within

that have online versions the state and key characteristics research, - - - atn rsac o te ei rpeetto i any in representation media the of research tarting

e threemaintypes with content on politics on content

broadcast media print media online media

I rely on rely I

one outlet of outlet one a

certain period Chapter 4. Research methodology 4. Research Chapter 80

ell At the same time, we need to have access to all the publication — , and


printed media since it is still the most common source of of source common most the still is it since media printed of media Ekaterinburg : Izdatelstvo Ural’skogo Universiteta, Universiteta, IzdatelstvoEkaterinburg : Ural’skogo , educated readers with above Thiseducated average income. readers .

It is also crucial to define what would be the way to choose .

the so the

and analytical reports in both Russia and France.This andboth Russia in analyticalreportsand

of of time : of the current media landscape.

- called 34

, for which


count, time

— “press of a high quality” high a of “press

to see all possible range ofimmigrants’

outlets of the same “type” in both both in “type” same the of outlets it it is necessary - frame).


to to choose

Media landscape is 81 , .

, i.e. , B. LozovskyB. it is crucial to to crucial is it this research this newspaper only only those s ,

CEU eTD Collection gazete 86 85 2009+BW20090916 84 83 82 positions. 25 age informa Russian in news political K the IntelligenceMedia top newspapers in weighted and objective coverage of economic conflicts 50 largest companies and business also owned few other publishing organizations copies. why newspaper the Monday to Saturday). The newspaper is published since 1990 and claims to be the business perspectives. wh method allows researcher to make and text of number significant ommersant, together ommersant,

http://www.ra http://www.uapp.org/pub_analitics/7518.html http://www.reuters.com/article/2009/09/16/idUS101887+16 http://www.gipp.ru/print.php?id=747 Russian oligarc ich usa pes in press Russian

it - - has ancient has allows to have a broader view on the problem and to evaluate it from different different from it evaluate to and problem the on view broader a have to allows It is a Itis Коммерсант research a As kommersant 55, From 1999 From , which , 86

who are who This is one oftheThis is part audience study thatthis focuses on.

Russian daily newspaper that covers social and political issues with the focus on on focus the with issues political and social covers that newspaper daily Russian with the with

is p is - h, one of the most powerful and influential people thetime.of people Russiaat one in h, themostpowerful influential and , granat.ru/reklama Russian «Ъ» letter in the end). end). the in letter «Ъ» Russian until the leading media monitoring leading the ublished by the «Kommersant» the by ublished highly educated working professionals, working educated highly


method I chose content analysis, since this method this since analysis, content chose I method the the

(Kommersant) with with same name same

February eta T ad ai broadcasts. radio and TV central two


other tion space”. space”. tion assumptions assumptions based on both quantita associations 2006 that was published in Russia from 1909 till 1917 till 1909 from Russia in published was that

- large

— , v

out how media portrays immigrants. Moreover, this this Moreover, immigrants. portrays media how out the newspaper the - presse1/natsionalnaia

merchant, man. business

newspapers, “is the key source of business and and business of source key the “is newspapers, 35 . 85 , the Kommesrant newspaper According to survey

Kommersant targets middle class audience of audience class middle targets Kommersant company Declared circulation in 2014 was 2014 in circulation Declared publishing house publishing

belonged to Boris Berezovsky, Boris to belonged 84


According to to According and prepared a report on citations of oncitations of prepareda report

- some of which occupy top occupy which of some pressa/reklama

conducted conducted in 2003 , tive and qualitative data, -

six Sep . 83

times a week (from (from week a times -

allows analyzing a a analyzing allows

In May 2009 became became one of the this this research, successor -

v (w - 125 ,

among among hich 82 ,


who 000 the the

of of is

CEU eTD Collection 92 91 author’s opinion. 90 89 88 party of theSovietpolitical Union 87 the audience research isfocusing this on. income; copies. by untrustworthy result a As reward. monetary for articles several 2004 media outle dis academic recent CIS from sections current issue. donorship etc. forbidden beginning of 1980s al distributed Member.

http://izvest http://www.vedomosti.ru/newspaper/articles/2001/02/26/donkihoty is often onlyHidden productpromotion, aims ata advertising, which http://svpressa.ru/blogs/article/70206/ http://svr.su/content/item/55/ Komsomol ). , 89


e ulct ws xoe again exposed was publicity he Le Monde a is It Московский issues in social and political spheres in the newspaper. There are Since h tre adec o ti nwppr r 35 are newspaper this of audience target The

most most of them have higher education and in “Moskovsky Komsomo “Moskovskyin

countries) and other and countries) by the time t that is accepting money for publishing biased articles, so l over Russia, over l

— 2009 Soviet and Russian newspaper that covers social and political issues and is is and issues political and social covers that newspaper Russian and Soviet ia.ru/news/291241

a youth division of the Communist Party of of Union division theCommunist and the Soviet (CPSU) a youth

There are also sections dedicated to education issue education to dedicated sections also are There

, ,

few professional associations professional few

Mos coveries also could be found. be could also coveries the newspaper newspaper the

topic topic комсомолец kovsky K ( as well as well as informal

s . Scientific challenges, interviews with scientists, reports about about reports scientists, with interviews challenges, Scientific . omsomolets omsomolets published material lets” .

a be issuing been has

Msosy Komsomolets) (Moskovsky youth movements

in CIS in , like “City”, “School”, “Alcohol”, “City”,“Alcohol”, “School”,like , : i

ws bu a ucsfl tep o pbiain of publication of attempt successful a about was t 36 and foreign countries. foreign and

. some some , 92

this popular newspaper popular this In 2001 In

Declared circulat Declared

job. Thi - , a 65, with average and below average average below and average with 65, r ock utpg splmn ddctd to dedicated supplement multipage ,

the newspaper was exposed as a as exposed was newspaper the - music, music, Western cinematography s is the opposite second, part of s that that were dedicated to

— 88 ion in 2014 was 700 000 000 700 was 2014 in ion -

called called “plugola”. In the end of 1970s and 1970s of end the In

s, section dedicated to to dedicated section s, ocw Komsomol Moscow about about

was “ disguised asthe Neighbors 20 irregular

- black ot - pr -


” (news (news ” 90 semi

sub 91

as as In 87 - -

CEU eTD Collection monde 99 98 97 suspendit 96 2001).Odile Jacob, 95 medias 1970 94 web#intertitre 93 highly educated audience. for LionelJospin. 2002, of election the Chirac. Jacques against Balladur Édouard of side the takes newspaper the election, election. presidential 1981 the in Mitterrand François of and policy.domestic his criticizing V the Under rela primarily but ideas, major Monde profitable, bankruptcy atrestructured owners themtomake New company, the time. allowed the what entrepreneurs, French of group the by purchased 2010 In Pinault. François entrepreneur French and Paribas BNP Danone, was its journalistic stuff (lemonde.fr) owndomainits name s copies daily (in 2014), was established in Paris in 1944. Le Monde is available

http://tempsreel.nouvelobs.com/politique/elections http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/2800343. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2003/feb/26/pressandpublishing.france http://www.lemonde.fr/actualite Patrick Eveno, http://www.charles http://www.inaglobal.fr/presse/article/quand Ségolène Royal in one of the columns of the newspaper. denounc - la It is a is It - - appelle - sous ve - son - republique/de e

- Republic, the newspaper supported foreign policy of General de Gaulle, while while Gaulle, de General of policy foreign supported newspaper the Republic, d French daily newspaper of left of newspaper daily French la 98

- the financial scandals erupt the financial

abonnement_1749077_3236.html - - - In 2007, the chief Inthe 2007, 3 a ive -

Le Journal Le Journal for the


- republique.php some journalists argue that the newspaper has actively campaigned for for campaigned actively has newspaper the that argue journalists some

- — - de pour first time in

53 % belonged to the employees, the rest 47 % were shared between - - gaulle.org/pages/l gaulle «

- 94 Le Monde segolen e t te da o sca dmcay n C and democracy social of ideas the to ted In the 1970s it was openly supporting the Union of the Leftthe of Union the openly wassupporting it 1970s Inthe - editor of LeMonde of editor - et ince


- - les medias/article/2012/08/23/et e

- December 1995.December last 10 years. The newspaper is the junction of several

royal.html » - medias/analyses/le ed : Une Histoire D -

37 liberal orientation with a circulation of 364 240 364 of circulation a with orientation liberal by Giscard d'Estaing. ItGiscard supported d'Estaing. thecandidacy by -



- as la


- Jean presse

the newspaper was on the verge of of verge the on was newspaper the

93 - 99

’ 2007/20070503.OBS5461/le Before 2010 ind -

Marie Colombani Marie The newspaper claims they target 96 -

é - uig h 19 presidential 1995 the During francaise pendance general - thematiques/195 , - -

de the mainstakeholderthe mitterrand - ,


(Paris: the new the - rsin morality. hristian gaulle

on Internet with ,

invites to voteto invites É s - paper was was paper ditions et

97 - - du - 8

les During - - - - L

95 e

CEU eTD Collection 100 by part formcontent. paparazzi amajor of the political events, it has typical tabloid cover and design; the lives of celebrities and pictures made media this toward wit plot w Match, Paris on spoof clear "Paris fictitious the from reporters 1963, in released Emerald Castafiore wee the 2009, circulat Declared pictures. lifestyle celebrity with magazine the but established

h questionable reputation, what “ i . The . Hergé's adventure Tintin n 2008 n magazine weekly French a is Match Paris ParisMatch fictitious weekly fictitious

in 1949 and and 1949 in the weekly adopts weeklyadopts the are main domestic and international political, cultural and social events, along events, social and cultural political, international and domestic main are kly magazine magazine outlet

. is

Despite the fact that this media covers a lot of important social and and social important of lot a covers media this that fact the Despite famous magazine is magazine ” is also available digitally. available also is

ith a similar logo) play logo) similar a ith — a ne

Belgium comic book veryFrance comicBelgium popular book in

can b w motto, "Life is a true story" true a is "Life motto, w for for

its motto: "The weight "The motto: its e perceived as a reflection of French pictured in satirical manner as inaccurate publishing publishing inaccurate as manner satirical in pictured 38

ion in 2014 was 578 282 cop 282 578 was 2014 in ion f es n poo reportages photo and news of the main role in the in role main the

In “ eg' Tni adventure Tintin Hergé's of words, the shock of photos", photos", of shock the words, of .

The main topics main The -

Flash" magazine (a (a magazine Flash" development audience’s attitude .


covered by covered Since June June Since that ” 100

of the of , t , was was he CEU eTD Collection 103 http://efremova.info/word/priezzhij.html#.VWjk3GSqqko 102 101 languagesin both were chos conducted among both Russian and French newspaper readers online, the most common words immigrant to refer to used are that words the are “What question: semantically. possible as close exactly have should analysis content for words

Alternativnaya nauka. Enciklopidia. Alternativnaya nauka. dictionaryDefinition by Efremova Infra, M., 2007Raizberg, Lazovsky. slovar Sovremenny ekonomiki, InFrench consideration key the words the choosing For Content analysis5.1 outer local. place, not someone less develope V to According meaning «gastarbeiter», euphemism for foreignworkers. history of the onedefinitions of meaning: «нелегал» was the word for revolutions in Europe - - - -

the Chapter 5. Empirical analysis analysis 5. Empirical Chapter

d country words are: words

ocabulary «гость» «нелегал» “priezhiy”), (rus.«приезжий» (rus. «гастарбайтер» en. ,

and and also under totalitarian regimes, the word had

to a more one”. developed to The words The

In are: thewords Russian

(rus. “gost’”), “gost’”), (rus. of Economic T Economic of “

(rus. (rus. us worker guest 102 illegal “

- nelegal

were chosen by a means of online survey with open with survey online of meansbya chosen were 2005 39 a

migrant with nopapers. migrant with revolutionary

the the

” erms, means “foreign worker, comi worker, “foreign means erms, ” ), hvn te ae me same the having , “ noun, gastairbaiter noun, same meaning in both languages or be as as be or languages both in meaning same adj., is

101 mea In meaning.

cross meaning someone who came from from came who someone meaning

and discussion and , terrorist, ig get, fe ue as used often “guest”, ning

” - ), national comparability. The The comparability. national s ?” Based on this on Based ?” noun, 103 the the or

dissident XX century, before before century, XX aning in Russian. Russian. in aning

rm German from a very very political

. In modern ng from a a from ng

survey, CEU eTD Collection http 107 % http 106 #41439 http 105 104 ranked (4). negative most the to (1) positive most the rank to asked were Respondents instruments. survey online using by research is th exactly with words other (no pairs equivalent make not do one country would be equivalent to the situation of usage in another country. “illé French and semantic same exactlythe A a

http 9 need to rank all rank to need :// :// :// s #41610 Within those two those Within laws and regulations; dictionary: “Which is done in secret, hiding it. Which is in contravention of the existing to dictionary: against thelaw. to stay territory onthecountry's case in or, identity, means semantically www www www гсь (get) s h ms pstv () «режй (smoe o lcl) less local”) not (“someone «приезжий» (1), positive most the as (‘guest”) “гость” ://

www . . . larousse larousse larousse

- - - -

gal”. With this pair, one can assume that the situation of usage of one word in in word one of usage of situation the that assume can one pair, this With gal”. . larousse

th “

Who left his country leftWho inanothercountry tosettle . . . e words according to their to according words e fr fr fr sans lnetn adj., Clandestin, I I 105 mmigré llégal

/ / / group .

dictionnaires dictionnaires dictionnaires fr meaning in both languages:both in meaning

of foreign citizen, do not have the documents confirming his right his confirming documents the have not do citizen, foreign of a “ a - / papier

which orcontrol eludes the ofthe supervision authority. dictionnaires ,

person who do not have documents that allow him to prove his prove to him allow that documents have not do who person adj., s ,

consisting of four of consisting adj., ,

enn literally meaning set expression, expression, set literally means literally ” . / / / 104 francais francais francais ieal mas “ means literally


francais 40 According t According

/ / / meaning. To do so, I so, do To meaning. clandestin immigr ill

words, there is a pair of words that words of pair a is there words, % / “ sans enn literally meaning Russian Russian “ the one who immigrated who one the C illegal 3% % o this survey, Russian respondents respondents Russian survey, this o - papiers A e same semantic same e C undergrounder 9 /16343? ” 3% gal “нелегал” Maig h pro wo is who person the Meaning . A /41537? 9/41705? /70894 ” q . conducted conducted 106 =

clandestin “ (someone “illegal”) (someone

ih o papers no with q Since other words ”. According to to According ”.


q mean ill the = ” % Immigr . .

words from from words C According According qualitative qualitative ing), there there ing), 3% 107 #16212

A % 9 have have gal C ” 3 ,

CEU eTD Collection Komsomolets”, “Moskovsky and “Kommersant” in word “Moskov in 16% respectively. 25% and 18% used most second The 2015), April till 2014 April word “гастарбайтер” ( France as affective meaning in both languages, since the word have the same semantic meaning in both Russian ca that conclusion The (4). negative most the ( “immigré (1), “sans follows: as ranking was the «нелегал»( and ( “гастарбайтер” (2), positive “ undergrounder 17% and 18% that was used to refer to Analyzing word count distribution among Russian language publications in in publications language Russian among distribution count word Analyzing “Mosko in publications the all Among results: Russian Results 5.2 The con “ the most negative the most The The next most used ” tent analysis was conducted newspaperstent analysisintwoFrench and was two

f ulctos of publications of “illegal”) was ranked as ranked was “illegal”) ” ( of publications of of publications sky Komsomolets” and “Kommersant” respectively. “Kommersant” and Komsomolets” sky ) “ the one who immigrated who one the was ranked between negative and positive (3), and(3), positive and negativebetween ranked was

“ word in Russian publications was publications Russian in word guest worker

in ”

. immigrant was «приезжий» (“someone not local” “ 42% and 41% and 42% guest worker guest

word in Russian publications was - papiers” ( papiers”

“MK” and “Kommersant” respec“MK” and “Kommersant” M” Msosy Komsomolets”) (Moskovsky “MK” ” ) ) was the most commonly used within the last year (from the m the “ ” ” with no papers no with ws ranke was ) 41 ) was ranked between negative and positive (3), (3), positive and negative between ranked was ) n be derived from this survey is that words that words that is survey this from derived be n of publications in each newspaper each in publications of ost negative (4). As for for As negative(4). ost v

sky Komsomolets” and “Kommersant”, the the “Kommersant”, and Komsomolets” sky language

I conclude that the words were words the that conclude I “ illegal d as less positive (2), positive less as d

and French «нелегал» (“illegal”), (“illegal”), «нелегал» ” ”

) was ranked as the most positive most the as ranked was ) was ranked equally in Russia and

«гость» tively. tively. “illegal” the language language And the least common common least the And

French respondentsFrench n “Kommersant” and (“guest”), 23% and

Russian ones. Russian was marked as as markedwas ), have have the same , “clandestine” “clandestine”

respective it it was found it is used in in used is it distributed ly. ly.


CEU eTD Collection 108 results detailed the from see also we which period, certain within publications their in others is distribution Match publications French in distribution outlets. media Match”, “Paris and media was “illegal”(“illegal”): 1%outlet. ineach media Match” Match” ( “clandestin” was word secon The word. this contained Monde” “Le and Match” “Paris in publications of papers no (“with papiers” outlets use all four inpublicationsabout immigrants words 0 all. at “Kommersant” used not are words three other the maximum the and frequency, equal 4 different words, its minimum possible value is 0.25, meaning squares of all that relatively . 289

RHOADES, Stephen A., RHOADES, can ,

, respectively. The conclusion that might be derived based on this index is that both media

Analyzing word Among all the publications in “Paris Match” and “Le Monde” the set expression “sans French Resul and 39% “Le Monde” publications. The word “clandestin” was used in 5% of 5% in used was “clandestin” word The publications. Monde” “Le 39% and

the publications and 9% of “Le Monde” publications. The least used wo show whether words were distributed equally or not. Herfindahl index is a sum of sum a is index Herfindahl not. or equally distributed were words whether show equally Herfindahl index Herfindahl shares far from far the , n h sm wy s I as way same the In

in both media outlets. media both in

, the lower it is cnld ta te od were words the that conclude I efnal index Herfindahl ts:

uniform and that “Paris Match” used some words more often than the the than often more words some used Match” “Paris that and uniform count distribution among French

” “ ) was the most common during the last year; 78% and 51% percent percent 51% and year;78% last the duringcommon most the was ) undergrounder “ Herfindahl

is skewed toward 1 toward skewed is


– the more equally distributed the shares are. ol b cnimd y h Hridh index Herfindahl the by confirmed be could

1, meaning that one word is used 100% of the times and and times the of 100% used is word onemeaning that 1,

ihn hsn eid a ams te ae 0 same, the almost was period chosen within i wt Rsin agae ulctos te unequal the publications, language Russian with did - Hirschman Index This could be confirmed by confirmed be could This ” , t a ue i 1% f ulctos of publications of 15% in used was it ), 42

o bt “okvk Kmooes and Komsomolets” “Moskovsky both For ;

it is 0 is it distributed

. language publications

64. This mean This 64. ” with

(The. Fed. Res. Bull., Res. (The. 1993). Fed. that that all the words are used with relativelyequal

relatively relatively the Herfindahl index Herfindahl the s that word word that s rd rd in French printed un equally

in “Le Monde” For the case of

frequency d most used most d Fr Paris For . frequency

. n both in 9 and 29 “Paris “Paris “Paris

. 108


CEU eTD Collection French publications referring the isskewedthat it using towardat particularwords the expense ofothers. French media outlets would be “illégal”. rejection of Hypothesis 1 could be also confirmed like by the used, not almost are expressions some while used, commonly most is t outlets, media French observed of Incase others). than often more used are words (some uniform not is words the of usage that fact the by confirmed be epithetsdifferent of spectrum wide provide not do outlets media “sansexpression hand, other the On negative. to closer positive, was that worker”) (“guest word the often: more publications their in words negative more use to tend immigrants, t papiers”) till signifi a is there that is Herfindahl index — more uniform as compared “sans observed Russian media outlets use Based on the research results, I confirmI results, research the on Based Based on c The 5.3 - air” ee sd n 8 o “ai Mat “Paris of 78% in used were papiers”

to Interpretation im

1% (for “ill he relative difference in percentage was small. hosen hosen migrants, comparing to comparing migrants, - the

papier” the most, whichthe most, waspapier” (1) marked is , smaller; Russian printed media is more more is media printed Russian

research results, I reject Hypothesis the most the most commonly used expression is “sans cant span in word’s in span cant egal”). most commonly used is marked as marked is used commonly most

of results it is0 it




. 41. This means thatis words distribution not uniform,it but

in com “Paris Match” results. However, in detailed results I found

less tolerant (


distribution; parison to 0.29 for the Russian outlets presented publications in French. In French. in publications presented 43 Hypothesis the the

chosen French printed media used the set set the used media printed French chosen less ch’s” publications. For “Le Monde” the the Monde” “Le For publications. ch’s” homogenous

they are ranging from 51% (for “sans (for 51% from ranging are they

1 positive) positive) words and expression Herfindahl index . It is evident that —

2. The c

the most positive. the most he set expression “sans expression set he From the results, i results, the From

(3) describing immigrants, it can can it immigrants, describing - hosen Russian printed media

papiers”, papiers”, which is ranked as n sn wrs t words using in —

between negative and and negative between

, the average for two the

observed “гастарбайтер” “гастарбайтер”

, which means

t the follows o describe describe o

- observed observed papiers” papiers”

French French s


The The that - CEU eTD Collection word is “illegal”,was which countries. ranked as negativeinboth themost the most posi tive, while in Russian publications that were researched the most commonly used 44

CEU eTD Collection 109 it is during Nikol discouraging islamophobia. and tolerance promoting materials, multiple published paper, this in observed newspapers — Marabet Ahmed officer police killed the “JeSuisAhmed”. There were of also a lot of publications in media, support emphasizing Marabet’s re in started, had one another campa a clear accent of distinctions between Muslims and Radical Islamists. After event this ofthe most media covered publications. their in topic why is be stipulated by the fact that France has more experience in handling immigration issues, which self is media French that fact the is topics related France, experiencedyet, such hasn’t significant clashes except start to group religious and ethnic different between violence a for excuse an migrants while Russia starte

he was Muslim, died fighting with Radical Islamic terrorists. Islamic Radical with fighting died Muslim, was he http ign in support and mourning “JeSuisCharlie”, of insupportign and Charlie ofmurdered Hedbo illustrators

There areproving some other facts thatpre Another possible explanation for French media being more moderate about immigration with clashes violent numerous of history has France that fact the is reason Another It import is Why the :// and experienced

rilek most journalists are trying to be very careful very be to trying are journalists most

are 1

i as Sarkozy’s presidency m corner ant recall to that d d to migrants

receive receive immigrants relatively recently, after the fall of the Soviet Union . com

the situations when any wrongly interpreted statement could serve as


portrayed in such different ways in Russia and France? portrayedFrance? ways insuch and different inRussia /2015/

was especially evident after the Charlie Hebdo attack, when when attack, Hebdo Charlie the after evident especially was

France 01/10/ in a

that very has had ahas Conclusions je

45 the new

delicate manner. Most of the publications made Mostofthe manner. delicate - suis

- censored to a to censored ss censorship existsinFrance.ss censorship example, For - stable number ofimmigrantsstable since 1950s, ahmed media when


reform a -

for a message such upon touching

certain extent. Again, it might might it Again, extent. certain 109

couple ofcases.couple passed

“Le Monde” “Le - for well

in 2009 in - everyone . Russia, unlike Russia, . - known Internet ,

, according a sensitive a one of the of one


ligion ligion

— .

CEU eTD Collection hebdo 113 112 idUSBRE 111 110 (“We Charlie” tous sommes “Nous photo: the of background the on seen be could wall institute’s the on written sign the World”, Arab w standing Hollande Mr. of photo contains publication The Islam. Radical of condemnation and society French with solidarity of demonstration to that took place event in the “Instittue du Monde Arabe” (“Institute of Arabic World”), dedicated article an published Monde” “LeHebdo, Charlie on attack After issue. certain his administrative power in staying might be explained by the fact that even though there is no censorship officially in the country, decision the fact, In decision”. “editorial the by situation the explained publicity The website. unflattering with publication regards of media, there are signs of censorship as well. One example is Lagardère, owned“Le by h is Monde” Mr. friend close Sarkozy’s to belongs magazine Match” “Paris paper, this in observed outlets political figure, since the members of his close circle own most of them. publicatio outlets’ media major the all that is presidency dedicated to terrorism related topics started websites of visits regular and restricted, also were users Internet for rules the 2012, in on, which to

http http http https _ Analyzing current situation in the country and the current president’s policies with with policies president’s current the and country the in situation current Analyzing b :// :// :// :// _6438450. 82 the government’s control over control government’s the business largely depends on president’s good graces. good president’s on depends largelybusiness www www www www L 0 MH . . . huffingtonpost nytimes reuters . wsws 20120322 html

. org .

in order to demonstrate the official position of French government on com

. com /

picture of Fran of picture en


/2008/05/12/ article / . articles com / /2012/03/22/ is close peer Mr. is closepeer rachel “France Télévisions” “France /2009/01/ to cois Hollande, that was hastily removed from the the from removed hastily was that Hollande, cois be criminally punished. 46 -

ryan world are

/ all Charlie”). In this manner, president president manner, this In Charlie”). all french / frtv us europe Bolloré. ith representatives of the “Institute of of “Institute the of representatives ith - - france j 07. - ns were concentrated around his his around concentrated were ns censorship /12 html company strengthen company 113 - 112 shooting iht


- 111 l'Agence France Presse’s afp

Speaking of Sarkozy’s Speaking of the media - .4.12817824. and - sarkozy -

charlie he about the about

might ed - - . 110

html exploit

event Later

CEU eTD Collection par 114 promote years, recent of ideology state The society. Russian of desensitizing already found out andsituation) allocating theentiregro to them rare potentially a in (observed group that of representative particular a of qualities negative social groups sometimes exaggerate the negative features of the alien group by generalizing the the of result a as Finally, others. the to it comparepositively would which itself self to likely is group social distinctive a of population to overvalue the imp 30 years ago under the name of illusionary correlation. The researchers showed that people tend discovered was effect This minorities. racial or ethnic from people the of character antisocial i subconscious of emergence for responsible a ethnic thatyet.and thesociety clashesRussian thefact has become not tolerant more disdainful and humiliating in immigrants depicting society To isnow. certain thatit one can articles extent, who publish argue thatthejournalists, required. recently until could policy. As for Russia, the citizens of the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) countries islamophobia inFrance. Frenc with solidarity his demonstrates

http - la - culture s etoe i the in mentioned As Some features of human psychology, a phenomenon well known for researchers, can be the in tension greater even to lead may immigrants the of coverage negative Further Notably, among ://

www _4557648_1655012. . lemonde that police’s impunity in their action towards

enter Russia holding only their national ID, and even the passpor the even andID, national onlytheir holding Russia enter ortance and probability of rare events. Furthermore, they demonstrated that

the two researched countries, it is France that has a stricter immigration 114 .

fr / beginning

arts / article html h citizens of Arab origin and that there is no place for for place no is there that and origin Arab of citizens h

f h ppr sm rsace (Roman researches some paper, the of

/2015/01/16/ 47 up.

ntentions for exaggeration of the allegedly allegedly the of exaggeration for ntentions

manner, are largely responsible for the the for responsible largely are manner, - proclaim desirable moral values about about values moral desirable proclaim a - l - ima defend - repondre less immigrants leads to - a - la se two effects, effects, two se 2006 , - t erreur d by the the by d


was ) have have -

not not CEU eTD Collection Their republic. Chechen the largelypopulation is non and Bashkortostan Tatarstan, Ossetia, North as republics emphasize further will Caucasus such events geopolitical latest The Union. Soviet the of collapse the since are, borders its what and of, consists it what is, Russia immigrants in Russia relates to the fact that Russia has been puzzled with the questions of what particular,image ana the promoting criminal. immigrant as of in them, about stereotypes unjustified spreading and immigrants humiliating by themselves t Russians ethnic the that conclude can one 2008), position. vulnerable more a in i.e., soil, alien the on is who and norms, cultural different have who loo who those oppose with do to easy to was it particular, In be else. everyone to to themselves proved Russians the for out way simplest the identity, Soviet destroyed Taking time. long for support popular some enjoying been has sense) first the (in Russians for Russia of idea The etc.). Tatar, (Chechen, nationality any of albeit Federation Russian the of citizen sense the in Russian a (1) term Russian: the of dichotomy troubling a of emergence the since time long been has It problem. “foreignagents”). on Foreign Agents”, Law”, get “RussianNGO inside (forexample,recent and managed even to upon built media, federal and government nte iprat esn o simtzto ad justifica and stigmatization for reason important Another (McLeod case Russian the to identity social of theory the applies one if that, of top On brand a not is Federation Russian the in Russians ethnic of place the Overall, into account that Russians (in the second sense) did not receive any alternative to the to alternative any receive not did sense) second the (in Russians that account into

which which - S lavicIslam. and follows obliged, for instance, differentobliged,forcharity instance, hs ise ad contradictions, and issues these

of an ethnic Russian and (2) a Russian in the sense of a a of sense the in Russian a (2) and Russian ethnic an of s a as nxto o Cien n clashes and Crimean of nnexation idea of external enemies, external of idea 48

ry to build up their self their up build to ry

foundations to be to markedfoundations as as Russia comprises such such comprises Russia as in f iciiain of discrimination of tion which which - the surrounded Russia Russia surrounded identity and assert assert and identity

n h Northern the in so k differently, k - called “Law called “Law - new new CEU eTD Collection dynamics change. of media and opinion public both inputs da longitudinal more on rely and immigrants of representation as take will research further This immigrants. This study can be a prerequisite for a deeper research on the media representation of representation media the on research deeper a for prerequisite a be can study This


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