Münster (Westf) – Dülmen – Essen – Düsseldorf

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Münster (Westf) – Dülmen – Essen – Düsseldorf (Düsseldorf –) Essen – Dülmen – Münster (Westf) RE(Düsseldorf 2, RE 42 -) Essen - Dülmen - Münster (Westf) RE 2 RE 42 (Düsseldorf -) Essen - Dülmen - Münster (Westf) RE 2 RE 42 Montag bis Freitag Legende Linie RE 42 RE 42 RE 2 RE 42 RE 42 RE 2 RE 42 RE 42 RE 2 RE 42 RE 42 RE 2 RE 42 RE 42 RE 2 RE 42 RE 42 RE 2 RE 42 RE 42 RE 2 RE 42 RE 42 RE 2 RE 42 RE 42 RE 42 RE 2 RE 42 RE 42 RE 2 RE 42 RE 42 RE 42 RE 2 RE 42 RE 42 RE 2 RE 42 RE 42 RE 2 RE 42 Montag bis Freitag (DüsseldorfHinweise -) Essen - Dülmen - Münster (Westf) ab 18.07. bis 17.07. Fr MD RE 2 RE 42 Tarifs gibt es das FahrradTagesTicketNRW. das es gibt Tarifs MD verkehrt montags bis donnerstags DüsseldorfLinie Hbf ab RE03:37 42 RE04:28 4205:06 RE 2 RE 42 RE05:36 4206:06 RE 2 RE 42 RE06:36 4207:06 RE 2 RE 42 RE07:36 4208:06 RE 2 RE 42 RE08:36 4209:06 RE 2 RE 42 RE09:36 4210:06 RE 2 RE 42 RE10:36 4211:06 RE 2 RE 42 RE11:36 4212:06 RE 2 RE 42 RE 42 RE12:36 4213:06 RE 2 RE 42 RE13:36 4214:06 RE 2 RE 42 RE 42 RE14:36 4215:06 RE 2 RE 42 RE15:36 4216:06 RE 2 RE 42 RE16:36 4217:06 RE 2 RE 42 NRW- des Tickets mit Fahrradmitnahme die ür F (Düsseldorf -) Essen - Dülmen - Münster (Westf) RE 2 RE 42 DüsseldorfHinweise Flughafen ab 03:48 04:34 05:13 05:42 06:13 06:42 07:13 07:42 08:13 08:42 09:13 09:43 Montag10:13 bis Freitag10:42 11:13 11:42 12:13 ab 18.07. bis 17.07. 12:42 13:13 13:42 14:13 Fr MD 14:42 15:13 15:42 16:13 16:42 17:13 Fr verkehrt freitags DuisburgDüsseldorf Hbf Hbf anab 04:0603:37 04:4204:28 05:2205:06 05:5205:36 06:2206:06 06:5206:36 07:2207:06 07:5207:36 08:2208:06 08:5208:36 09:2209:06 09:5309:36 10:2210:06 10:5210:36 11:2211:06 11:5211:36 12:2212:06 12:5212:36 13:2213:06 13:5213:36 14:2214:06 14:5214:36 15:2215:06 15:5215:36 16:2216:06 16:5216:36 17:2217:06 Linie RE 42 RE 42 RE 2 RE 42 RE 42 RE 2 RE 42 RE 42 RE 2 RE 42 RE 42 RE 2 RE 42 RE 42 RE 2 RE 42 RE 42Montag RE 2 REbis 42Freitag RE 42 RE 2 RE 42 RE 42 RE 2 RE 42 RE 42 RE 42 RE 2 RE 42 RE 42 RE 2 RE 42 RE 42 RE 42 RE 2 RE 42 RE 42 RE 2 RE 42 RE 42 RE 2 RE 42 pro Fahrrad und Fahrt) benötigt. Fahrt) und Fahrrad pro ( Ticket Ticket DuisburgDüsseldorf Hbf Flughafen ab 04:0703:48 04:4404:34 05:2405:13 05:42 06:02 06:2406:13 06:42 07:02 07:2407:13 07:42 08:02 08:2408:13 08:42 09:02 09:2409:13 09:43 10:02 10:2410:13 10:42 11:02 11:2411:13 11:42 12:02 12:2412:13 12:4213:02 13:2413:13 13:42 14:0214:13 14:24 14:4215:02 15:2615:13 15:42 16:02 16:2416:13 16:42 17:02 17:2717:13 Hinweise ab 18.07. bis 17.07. Fr MD vF verkehrt in Nächten auf Samstag, Sonn- und Linie RE 42 RE 42 RE 2 RE 42 RE 42 RE 2 RE 42 RE 42 RE 2 RE 42 RE 42 RE 2 RE 42 RE 42 RE 2 RE 42 RE 42 RE 2 RE 42 RE 42 RE 2 RE 42 RE 42 RE 2 RE 42 RE 42 RE 42 RE 2 RE 42 RE 42 RE 2 RE 42 RE 42 RE 42 RE 2 RE 42 RE 42 RE 2 RE 42 RE 42 RE 2 RE 42 - nicht im Ticketnutzen enthalten, wird ein Zusatz ein wird enthalten, Ticketnutzen im nicht MülheimDuisburg (Ruhr)Hbf Hbf anab 04:1504:06 04:5004:42 05:3005:22 05:52 06:09 06:3006:22 06:52 07:09 07:3007:22 07:52 08:09 08:3008:22 08:52 09:09 09:3009:22 09:53 10:09 10:3010:22 10:52 11:09 11:3011:22 11:52 12:09 12:3012:22 12:5213:09 13:3013:22 13:52 14:0914:22 14:30 14:5215:09 15:3215:22 15:52 16:09 16:3016:22 16:52 17:09 17:3317:22 Düsseldorf Hbf ab 03:37 04:28 05:06 05:36 06:06 06:36 07:06 07:36 08:06 08:36 09:06 09:36 10:06 10:36 11:06 11:36 12:06 12:36 13:06 13:36 14:06 14:36 15:06 15:36 16:06 16:36 17:06 Feiertag DuisburgHinweise Hbf ab 04:07 04:44 05:24 06:02 06:24 07:02 07:24 08:02 08:24 09:02 09:24 10:02 10:24 11:02 11:24 12:02 12:24 ab 18.07. bis 17.07. 13:02 13:24 14:02 14:24 Fr MD 15:02 15:26 16:02 16:24 17:02 17:27 ür die Fahrradmitnahme im VRR-Raum, sofern sofern VRR-Raum, im Fahrradmitnahme die ür F Essen Hbf an 04:24 04:58 05:37 06:16 06:37 07:16 07:37 08:16 08:37 09:16 09:37 10:16 10:37 11:16 11:37 12:16 12:37 13:16 13:37 14:16 14:37 15:16 15:39 16:16 16:37 17:16 17:40 Düsseldorf Flughafen ab 03:48 04:34 05:13 05:42 06:13 06:42 07:13 07:42 08:13 08:42 09:13 09:43 10:13 10:42 11:13 11:42 12:13 12:42 13:13 13:42 14:13 14:42 15:13 15:42 16:13 16:42 17:13 EssenMülheimDüsseldorf Hbf (Ruhr) Hbf Hbf ab 04:1503:37 04:46 04:5004:2805:17 05:4105:3005:06 05:4605:36 06:1706:09 06:3006:0606:41 06:4606:36 07:0907:17 07:4107:3007:06 07:4607:36 08:1708:09 08:4108:3008:06 08:4608:36 09:1709:09 09:3009:0609:41 09:4609:36 10:1710:09 10:4110:3010:06 10:4610:36 11:0911:17 11:4111:3011:06 11:4611:36 12:1712:09 12:4112:3012:06 12:46 12:4612:36 13:1713:09 13:4113:3013:06 13:4613:36 14:1714:0914:06 14:4114:30 14:46 14:4614:36 15:1715:09 15:4115:3215:06 15:4615:36 16:1716:09 16:3016:0616:41 16:4616:36 17:0917:17 17:4217:3317:06 17:46 Duisburg Hbf an 04:06 04:42 05:22 05:52 06:22 06:52 07:22 07:52 08:22 08:52 09:22 09:53 10:22 10:52 11:22 11:52 12:22 12:52 13:22 13:52 14:22 14:52 15:22 15:52 16:22 16:52 17:22 So/F verkehrt an Sonn- und Feiertagen GelsenkirchenEssenDüsseldorf Hbf Flughafen Hbf aban 04:2403:48 04:55 04:5804:3405:26 05:4905:3705:13 05:5505:42 06:2606:16 06:3706:1306:50 06:5506:42 07:1607:26 07:4907:3707:13 07:5507:42 08:2608:16 08:5008:3708:13 08:5508:42 09:2609:16 09:3709:1309:49 09:5509:43 10:2610:16 10:5010:3710:13 10:5510:42 11:1611:26 11:4911:3711:13 11:5511:42 12:2612:16 12:5012:3712:13 12:55 12:5512:42 13:2613:16 13:4913:3713:13 13:5513:42 14:2614:1614:13 14:5014:37 14:55 14:5514:42 15:2615:16 15:4915:3915:13 15:5515:42 116:166:26 16:3716:1316:50 16:5516:42 17:2617:16 17:5017:4017:13 17:55 das FahrradAbo erhältlich. FahrradAbo das Fahrplanauskünfte: Duisburg Hbf ab 04:07 04:44 05:24 06:02 06:24 07:02 07:24 08:02 08:24 09:02 09:24 10:02 10:24 11:02 11:24 12:02 12:24 13:02 13:24 14:02 14:24 15:02 15:26 16:02 16:24 17:02 17:27 Wanne-EickelEssenDuisburg Hbf Hbf Hbf anab04:06 05:0004:46 04:4205:3105:17 05:5605:4105:22 06:0005:4605:52 06:3106:1706:22 06:5606:41 07:0006:4606:52 07:3107:17 07:5607:4107:22 08:0007:4607:52 08:3108:17 08:5608:4108:22 09:0008:4608:52 09:3109:1709:22 09:5609:41 10:0009:4609:53 10:3110:17 10:5610:4110:22 11:0010:4610:52 11:3111:17 11:5611:4111:22 12:0011:4611:52 12:3112:17 12:5612:4112:22 13:0012:46 13:0012:4612:52 13:3113:17 13:5613:4113:22 14:0013:4613:52 14:3114:1714:22 14:5614:41 15:0014:46 15:0014:4614:52 15:3115:17 15:5615:4115:22 16:0015:4615:52 1616:17:3116:22 16:5616:41 17:0016:4616:52 17:3117:17 17:5617:4217:22 18:0017:46 Zug der Linie RE 1/RE 6 in Richtung Hamm FahrradTagesTicket, das 30 TageTicket Fahrrad und und Fahrrad TageTicket 30 das FahrradTagesTicket, Mülheim (Ruhr) Hbf ab 04:15 04:50 05:30 06:09 06:30 07:09 07:30 08:09 08:30 09:09 09:30 10:09 10:30 11:09 11:30 12:09 12:30 13:09 13:30 14:09 14:30 15:09 15:32 16:09 16:30 17:09 17:33 RecklinghausenGelsenkirchenDuisburg Hbf Hbf Süd ab 04:07 05:0304:55 04:4405:3505:26 05:4905:24 | 06:0305:55 06:3506:2606:02 06:2406:50 | 07:0306:55 07:0207:3507:26 07:4907:24 | 08:0307:55 08:3508:2608:02 08:5008:24 | 09:0308:55 09:3509:2609:02 09:2409:49 | 10:0309:55 10:3510:2610:02 10:5010:24 | 11:0310:55 11:0211:3511:26 11:4911:24 | 12:0311:55 12:3512:2612:02 12:5012:24 | 13:0312:55 13:0312:55 13:3513:2613:02 13:4913:24 | 14:0313:55 14:3514:2614:02 14:5014:24 | 15:0314:55 15:0314:55 15:3515:2615:02 15:4915:26 | 16:0315:55 16:35116:026:26 16:2416:50 | 17:0316:55 17:3517:2617:02 17:5017:27 | 18:0317:55 ktuelle Infos auf www.westfalenfahrplan.de Essen Hbf an 04:24 04:58 05:37 06:16 06:37 07:16 07:37 08:16 08:37 09:16 09:37 10:16 10:37 11:16 11:37 12:16 12:37 13:16 13:37 14:16 14:37 15:16 15:39 16:16 16:37 17:16 17:40 m Geltungsbereich des WestfalenTarifs sind das das sind WestfalenTarifs des Geltungsbereich m I RecklinghausenWanne-EickelMülheim (Ruhr) Hbf Hbf ab04:15 05:0905:00 04:5005:3905:31 06:0405:5605:30 06:0906:00 06:3906:3106:09 06:3007:0506:56 07:0907:00 07:0907:3907:31 08:0407:5607:30 08:0908:00 08:3908:3108:09 09:0508:5608:30 09:0909:00 09:3909:3109:09 09:3010:0409:56 10:0910:00 10:3910:3110:09 11:0510:5610:30 11:0911:00 11:0911:3911:31 12:0411:5611:30 12:0912:00 12:3912:3112:09 12:5612:3013:05 13:0913:00 13:0913:00 13:3913:3113:09 14:0413:5613:30 14:0914:00 14:3914:3114:09 15:0514:5614:30 15:0915:00 15:0915:00 15:3915:3115:09 16:0415:5615:32 16:0916:0016:39 1616:09:31 16:3017:0516:56 17:0917:00 17:3117:0917:39 18:0417:5617:33 18:0918:00 Zug der Linie RE 11 in Richtung Hamm/Kassel Bitte prüfen Sie vor Abfahrt, ob Ihre Fahrt wie Essen Hbf ab 04:46 05:17 05:41 05:46 06:17 06:41 06:46 07:17 07:41 07:46 08:17 08:41 08:46 09:17 09:41 09:46 10:17 10:41 10:46 11:17 11:41 11:46 12:17 12:41 12:46 12:46 13:17 13:41 13:46 14:17 14:41 14:46 14:46 15:17 15:41 15:46 16:17 16:41 16:46 17:17 17:42 17:46 A Marl-SinsenRecklinghausenEssen Hbf Süd aban 04:24 05:1305:03 04:5805:4405:3505:37 | 06:1306:03 06:4406:3506:16 06:37 | 07:1307:03 07:1607:4407:35 07:37 | 08:1308:03 08:4408:3508:16 08:37 | 09:1309:03 09:4409:3509:16 09:37 | 10:1310:03 10:4410:3510:16 10:37 | 11:1311:03 11:1611:4411:35 11:37 | 12:1312:03 12:4412:3512:16 12:37 | 13:1313:03 13:1313:03 13:4413:3513:16 13:37 | 14:1314:03 14:4414:3514:16 14:37 | 15:1315:03 15:0315:13 15:4415:3515:16 15:39 | 16:1316:03 16:4416:3516:16 16:37 | 17:1317:03 17:3517:1617:44 17:40 | 18:0318:13 geplant durchgeführt wird.
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