Endangered Plants and Animals of Oregon IV
Endangered Plants and Animals of Oregon IV. Mammals Special Report 364 December 1972 Agricultural Experiment Station Oregon State University Corvallis FOREWORD The problem of endangered species is effec- Previous Special Reports in the Endangered Plants tively stated in Public Law 89-669 which finds that and Animals of Oregon series are: "one of the unfortunate consequences of growth C. E. Bond, 1966. Endangered plants and ani- and development in the United States has been mals of Oregon. the extermination of some native species of fish I. Fishes. Special Report 205, Agricultural and wildlife; that serious losses in other species of Experiment Station, Oregon State Univer- native wild animals with educational, historical, sity, Corvallis. recreational, and scientific value have occurred and R. M. Storm, 1966. Endangered plants and ani- are occurring; and that the United States has mals of Oregon. pledged itself, pursuant to migratory bird treaties II. Amphibians and Reptiles. Special Report with Canada and Mexico and the Convention on 206, Agricultural Experiment Station, Ore- Nature Protection and Wildlife Preservation in the gon State University, Corvallis. Western Hemisphere, to conserve and protect, D. B. Marshall, 1969. Endangered plants and where practicable, the various species of native animals of Oregon. fish and wildlife, including game and non-game III. Birds, Special Report 278, Agricultural migratory birds, that are threatened with extinc- - Experiment Station, Oregon State Univer- tion." sity, Corvallis. The Special Reports in the Endangered Plants and Animals of Oregon series list and locate plants Another publication useful to those concerned and animals that represent "endangered species" about the effects of man's activities on wildlife is: —ones which can be eliminated from the state and E.
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