What is the color of the invisible? The human rights situation of Afro-LGBTI population in Brazil with support from: Instituto Internacional sobre Raça, Igualdade e DireitosThe International Humanos. Institute on Race, Equality and TeHumanl. (+1)202-770-9946 Rights 1625Tel. (+1)202-770-9946Massachusetts Ave., NW Suite1625 450 Massachusetts Ave., NW WSuiteashington, 450 DC 20036 wwwWashington,.raceandequalit DC 20036y.org
[email protected] [email protected] Instituto sobre Raça, Igualdade e Direitos Projeto Gráfico e Diagramação HumanosThe International Institute on Race, Equality and Kellem Monteiro Human Rights Pablo Malafaia Colagens e Capa Diretor-Executivo Carlos Quesada PabloKellem Malafaia Monteiro Carlos Quesada Executive Director Layout Revisão ortográfica Coordenadora do programa LGBTI Camila Marins Zuleika Rivera Kellem Monteiro Zuleika Rivera LGBTI Program Officer DesignFotografia na capa Andressa Guerra ConsultorIsaac Porto LGBTI para o Brasil, encarregado da Andressa Guerra, Fernanda Martins elaboraçãoLGBTI Program do presente Officer inform fore Brazil, responsible for the andDireção DUNA criativa DUNA Isaacproduction Porto of this dossier. Photography,Fernanda Martins styling and creative direction of the cover September 2020 Publishing data The International Institute on Race, Equality and Human Rights. Porto, Isaac. What is the color of the invisible? The human rights situation of Afro-LGBTI population in Brazil. Rio de Janeiro: The International Institute on Race, Equality and Human Rights, 2020. ISBN: 978-65-00-14040-8 1. Intersectionality. 2. LGBTI. 3. Racism. 4. LGBTIphobia. The reproduction of any text in this publication is authorized for educational and non-com- mercial use, under the condition that The International Institute on Race, Equality and Hu- man Rights (Race and Equality) and Isaac Porto are cited as the authors.