I choose life.qxd 26. 03. 01 11:40 Page 1 I Choose Life I choose life.qxd 26. 03. 01 11:40 Page 2 This narrative is based on individual reports of all peace teams (from Beli Manastir, I Choose Life Dalj, Okuèani, Slavonski Brod, Tenja and Vukovar), published results of external evaluations (evaluation of the Programme for Training of PTs and impact assess- ment of the Project) and researches (on impact of the Listening Programme on com- munity members and impact of peace education on children in war-affected com- munities). Building a Democratic Society Based on the Culture of Non-violence-Post-war Publisher: Peace Building in Eastern Croatia Centre for Peace, Non-violence and Human Rights-Osijek Editor: Katarina Kruhonja Report on the first project phase Assistent to the editor: (1998-2000) Jelena-Gordana Zloiæ Sonja Staniæ Translation: Vinja Pavièiæ, M.Sc. design & prepress: Davorin Palijan Kaleidoskop print: Grafika Centre for Peace, Non-violence and Human Rights Osijek and Life and Peace Institute, Uppsala and "The Face of Peace", Slavonski Brod This book was made possible through financial support provided by the European Union. edited by: M.D. Katarina Kruhonja I choose life.qxd 26. 03. 01 11:40 Page 4 Project: PROJECT NUMBER Building a Democratic Society Based on the Culture of Non-violence Post-war Peace Building in Eastern Croatia Main coordination organisation Life and Peace Institute Person responsible: Susanne Thurfjell Address: PO Box 1520, SE-751 45 Uppsala, Sweden Tel. 46 18 16 97 79 Fax. 46 18 69 30 59 E-mail:
[email protected] Main implementing organisation Centre for Peace, Non-violence and Human Rights Person responsible: Katarina Kruhonja Address: 31000 Osijek, upanijska 7 Tel.