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The Boston Store DAILY EVENING EDITION jJJvENING EDITION EASTERN OREGON ...WEATHER. AfNb", ,,,, h L2U IBf " . ....allW " BhqWSM Ihll Afternoon (sir tonight pj I "", ," P'"P" Hinl WeanwHAy " '..n.llll. ' . .T- m router fniillit with - (rnt. MARK THIS hAH- e.eeeee4 PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, ORKUON, TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1901. NO. 4180 14. IM KM NEWS. THK NEW YORK MARKET YOUR STRIKERS FITZ JOHN OB "'v. N ash and party worn given a Reported by I L. Hay Co.. Pndlton, fine reception In Sarranu'iito. Chleaa Board of Trad and Nw York We Sell i awma'i yacht lajdepeadeaei if eon ARE VERY Stock Hxchana Broker. PORTER DIED n)Ha. inao't .tonpwl att.1 the llnal New York, May 21.- - The wheat ROCERIES amithiBa beiaj ione. markid .ts strong today Bttd the Oloes R. & G. ipiniiil Corsets. Hen. t Iih ff ! ha an 4irdr was near the top price. The txnirt th( Stattw n-- I PEACEFUL THIS MORNING lonnally ending t'niti'd demand having its Inflnenoe and lei etpedltlOB in China. is Evcrv WOtnin knows what tin R ( Iiobb tiu poeren etoeki old w an. rapidly olnlB and (i. Corset is It is the corset of Turkey i'gn perdon o fur the puKtal laeldeBl and ak that lanlng. Three (onrtbi of the visible comfort with tlic MIMIM B4 Style it vix., tlic higg4r natinnH (urget it. Many Men Are Out, Bui No supply is held at IbeBt cities, He Was a Civil War Veteran, is the only tlmt will not, can Mr. I.vnian (iagp, wife of the 1801 ('imago, Puiutii and Minneapolis, The not ami docs l iod 0B EGETABLES ntt Stretch, If you tary ol tli4 treamuy who Rater DalaUl whtat is aolii awaiting ship-niiii- t. day, be Chicago. buy nn R. and (i Corael that Meg will bariee near Minneapolis will need what a General. Heeretaty who wa with the stretch, or proves unsatisfactory in LoBfi sli4 has and BtOfe for the mills, and any way, bring back president ihI party, han gone from San it to us and we PraneioDo te Rpriagai where the ObleagO wheat is moving nut a I'iomiio will Rive vim new one or your ia BVOT B000 hit daughter ill. TIE-U- faster than known is'iore. UHDKR CLOUD FOR TWKHTV money THE QUIETEST P IH HISTORY I tUU hack. The Oh in iMiigre.aional 4le!egation ikkl bushels being movci! during the We have in stock the famous hrtM aeeepted an invitation to viait past week. On Salurdav lust, New a Owne uni! lee m. number 397 modciatcly straight Portland and hhc the Colombia from I York had only 100,000 basholl in store, The I la lea t Aatoria. Assoeiatloo Confident of Sue Cleared it Last, He Wis Ruinslttrtl In the pri.Hi VtgeUblwi front, which is popular with must President of the B. Baldwin, 40 St. Louis not much inure, while Evolya with Botii cess Conditions In San Francisco. Army CMgrtltMi BoulHIc, ol illltV women who ilo not demand an IB report m I Blberlaa poalei and 40 .loga, will Omaha and I'ountry elevators 00 straight Milne, Died Today extreme tn nt rboaa who H i un Aril i'Xeiimnu, aaiung Memorial to MeKlnler. their houses cleaned out, being the. do will tnd it in the front frmn I'uiidee, Seotland. Hret time since IHHtl. The Northwest shown in the above illustration. Rer. M. D, Peboook, of Look pen n. y spring wheal states are complaining m . a rfeeliytetlan eleeayoiaBi ia I'rfnidi-n- t New Alav UeBOTal Kitx- - UdneyOrooeriei Waithinnton, May II . i not York, n have MteMfen la atonte. of extreme ilry weatlmr, ho it We have No m black, drab, pink and blue Hai4l - JohB Porter .lied tins amfnlag at Mnr- - in tin- city. 37 severing an arlery of the wnat anil 0'Connell this atorainfl that ever) unlikely we may see wheat price We sell No. 397 for and it has no S. of 51.25 aqua fwalliiwiug cnrrofive anhlimate. thinif lvnktd to an tarly arhitratimi id move as they did last J8BO1 WhOB rislown, J, chronic diabetes, We have R Ci. (ien-era- and Corsets to lit any form WlaitOO vonng Bag the machinists' trikt. Hi4 han aged Mil. Iiiirmg the sivll war. l R Churchill, the Chicago pritVH w.'iil up over twentv anil (i Corsets rane in price from 00 to $3.00. huh r and member of ShewlBg Porter was dismissed from the ft. cirreap4ndent from many plaeeS that eentl In as many days. W heat is OCT the limine id coinmona, maiie a fpeerh 1 army on eh urges of aiding the firmi have sotrseded nioehoar tainly obeap around presi-n- t priOOS. eniuny. in parliament favoring eronomy of The case was celebrated and and hecaiue Homewhat stock bighar. attracted general for vears Kr ds an a reault. Daring tiit mora itig. additional tele Mooeji 5 per cent. attention anBOOneiltg In & Bdward Seventh ia mak ing very urain frnai arinnn cititi, saoceeded aseariag a tohearing and Alexander King Wheal , New Y4rk Hexter. were radical ollOOgOl at Windaor Caatle ooDceseloni to the BMBi iweeived. (en. Porter was eaoaeralad. R. in closing yestordeyi 7M',... Demott. difdiarging or penaioiiing old aervanta, I'liii far, it elalmed that the "trikf (KitS.JoiiB Porter was born at Poete Is quieteel la , 7 S .. employing new utiea, and return iah ing tin' moat orderly and the ipeoiflg today mouth. N. R. iii IH8 and was a ol organ ised lahoi In FOOBI ami apartiiM'iitf in modern atyle. the bistory ivangi tislay, 7H'tf to 7H 88, nodsifl 0l the famous Admiral D. D. Kugliahnien are allocked at the , merioa. Close tmlay, 7H1. Porter, who served with markiMi dis- the navy from ih'jii to bis inuovut iona. Msmerlallied the President. Wheati Chicago: tinction in ol Louis, beade San Kranrim'o, Mav "Jl. Stveo death. Pits John forter gradaavsd at H. Clay Pierce, st. i losing peoterdajTi a syndicate thai if believed t contarn thoiiHand Btaeblnlsta aalketl out on li !. West Point in 1145. and look part in plate hiiild.'ng a town at Manxanillo tiit utrike hert ytMtturday. The ilay Opening today, 7'2't. the Mealeafl WSr. He nn ap il.d it The harhiir. Mexico, aa a main port lor pained gotetly. a loactny atemorlal liauge today, 7'JJ4 to .':t' .. brigadier-gener- al of roleaesses at the Boston San FraneisOO beginning of the elvil war and Served fhipa in a gigantic acheme to control eiuanatiut from the Close 711 Store I todafi iinp'prt and export htifineaa iietVeea I .. r OoaBOil han Iteen prenenttHl tn with distinction iu the Peninsular cam- Stoks. Sugar, tobai'co, '.'Jii'j ; the Dnitod BtatOI and the Orient. Presldeni SaoKialej. Itaeerlbes toe 147; paign iIMllJ), particularly at the seige - 1 1 as - prenent differeni-e- In'tween efltployers steel 1 44 8g 8t. Pafll,lBT)4 Atchison, of TorktOWn and corps commander at MeebaBlevllle, NORTH WKST N S W S. and ainploves to the poHaibility of r; N. P., IMH ; U. IV. I0e, Geiaee' Mill ami PACIFIC Ml He cnnKreHH not taking any at'tion in ref Krie, Malvern Hill took part in the Now we a COfltiBOSBOa "I :In4. si iid day's light of the second battle Straw Hats. haw i'r'Kjuct Ion ol fiigar in haa ereuce to the further New York llaaaii enduyinn law now in fnrre. The Markl. oi Hull Una togesi 10, lagg, Uoiihled during the paft decade. the New York, May -- Sugar, raw, policy of territorial expaiiHinn is ruin-liatte- J. tin that oeeaeloo the Mppositioa No all new ami OOf-n- cl ceiitrifugala, old itook but New line of Summer The Btato Obristiaa Endeavor ooa and the request is maiie that fair.reiining, Slfj Mtesti that he Moeived an order on the Meld tM)S 4 1 pow Veal in salem auf a great ainxeaa. with the acquisition o( oiitlvin lands, 981 retineii, oresbed, to move to a certain poaiiloa with hi Priced 26c to 8.fi0. We M61 granulated, MS i ootfee, Baker City bopej 10 have an aaitay doctrine of he enfurreil. listed. i MMUmaad He did hut move to the Novelty the elilusion No. 7, n rice, domestic, lo tftiil to iee you riulit awav alxiui Neckwear. utiice eatahlialied there by the teileral The l.almr Coutu il has also issued a Rio M posit ion and S chares was made that - ; wool , unchangetl fovornoient. Htateuient relating to 1 pro-pose- il ti4 he etas guilty of aiding the enemy by this. l Mcheme. While it refusing to abas the order and carry String ties, ., izeii , 26c Baker City will invite the inembera arlntratiiin ol the Interna iooal Mining Ooagreai at admits in thin StStOCBOflt that the lalmr THE BOERS ARE RAIDING out the instructions. Windsor bow tiei & to I'.oiae to vielt her. inilleniiiin haa not yet arrival, it says The theory of the pCOSBOOtiOBi that Colony or resulted in nuieral Porter's court-martia- l Judge C 1. Kinery, a well known that through conciliatory measures and Uo Into lap Undar Coiiimand Windsor long tiei general liiscussioun mui h may he ac- - Devrett and dismissal from the army, Seattle lawyer, waa found dead in hit t oonpllehed. The plan of the proposed Mlddleberg, Cape Colony, May II, was i,iii he relaeed lo obey the order D'JoinvilU tim ."( Ic hi'd there OB Sunday. convention is thus explained riie Boon have begun another raid into in order the! " nomy might gain Shirt Waist Shirts. Relet throeaboet Baatern Oregon, The Labor Ooaaell at i ta Bteeting Cape Colony.
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