ConAccount workshop Ecologizing Societal Metabolism Designing Scenarios for Sustainable Materials Management November 21st 1998, Amsterdam, The Netherlands René Kleijn Stefan Bringezu Marina Fischer-Kowalski Viveka Palm (editors) CML report 148 Section Substances & Products ConAccount workshop ECOLOGIZING SOCIETAL METABOLISM: DESIGNING SCENARIOS FOR SUSTAINABLE MATERIALS MANAGEMENT ConAccount workshop ECOLOGIZING SOCIETAL METABOLISM: DESIGNING SCENARIOS FOR SUSTAINABLE MATERIALS MANAGEMENT November 21st 1998, Amsterdam, The Netherlands René Kleijn Stefan Bringezu Marina Fischer-Kowalski Viveka Palm (editors) Centre of Environmental Science (CML) Leiden University P.O. Box 9518 2300 RA Leiden The Netherlands CML report 148 - Section Substances & Products Copies can be ordered as follows: – by telephone: (+31) 71 527 74 85 – by writing to: CML Library, P.O. Box 9518, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands – by fax: (+31) 71 527 55 87 – by e mail:
[email protected] Please mention report number, and name and address to whom the report is to be sent ISBN: 90-5191-124-6 Printed by: Universitair Grafisch Bedrijf, Leiden © Centre of Environmental Science (CML), Leiden 1999 Third ConAccount Meeting: Ecologizing Societal Metabolism Amsterdam, November 21st 1998 CONTENTS Preface_________________________________________________________________________ 1 S. Bringezu, Material Flow Analyses Supporting Technological Change and Integrated Resource Management ____________________________________________________________________ 3 R. Lifset, Ecologizing