Integration of transport & land-use Th e case of the Leiden - Gouda area Delft , Jasper Bras Integration of transport and land-use: The case of the Leiden - Gouda area Delft , 24th Januari 2013 Thesis plan MSc Urbanism Architecture, Uranism and Building Sciences Student Jasper Bras 1402579
[email protected] .nl Mentors 1st mentor Prof. V. (Vincent) Nadin V.Nadin@tudelft .nl 2nd mentor Prof. dr. W.A.M. (Wil) Zonneveld W.A.M.Zonneveld@tudelft .nl External committee member A.S. (Alper) Alkan MA A.S.Alkan@tudelft .nl Cover image: In support of: Satellite image of landscape MSc3 Uranism Leiden to Gouda Th esis Plan (AR3U022) (Google Earth, 2012) Graduation Lab Urbanism (AR3U100) Univerity of Science Chair Graduation studio TU Delft Complex cities & Faculty of Architecture Spatial Planning and Strategy Regions in Transformation Summary S Summary Th is summary of the explains the structure research project. WKHRUHWLFDOFRQFHSWV 7,3 WHFKQLFDO VSDWLDO LQVWLWXWLRQDO 7KHRUHWLFDO SURFHVV This master thesis contains a comprehensive on concepts and models which support )UDPHZRUN and multi-disciplinary research on the integrated transport planning, such as ‘Transit integration of transport infrastructure and land- Oriented Development’ (TOD). Because of the use. ‘The Rijn Gouwe Lijn’ (RGL), a rail project multi-dimensional content this research, the 7KHRU\ DGDSWHGPRGHOVIRU FDVHVWXG\DUHD which connects the area between Leiden and theoretical framework shows the structure of 5HYLVHG VSDWLDOSODQQLQJLQ1/ Gouda is chosen as a case study. The research the TIP-model (Koppenjan & Groenewegen, 6FKHGXOH is comprehensive in the sense that studies 2005), and follows this structure in fi nding 'HVLJQRI are done according to three dimensions for specifi c concepts within the spatial, institutional $UWLIDFWV ‘complex technological systems’ such as railway and process dimension.