Letters from Sri Ramanasramam VOLUMES I, II & Letters from and Recollections of Sri Ramanasramam By SURI NAGAMMA Translated by D. S. SASTRI Sri Ramanasramam Tiruvannamalai 2006 © Sri Ramanasramam Tiruvannamalai First Combined Edition : 1970 Second Edition : 1973 Third Edition : 1985 Fourth Edition : 1995 Fifth Revised Edition : 2006 — 2000 copies (Letters from and Recollections of Sri Ramanasramam included) CC No. 1024 ISBN: 81-88018-10-4 Price: Rs. 175 Published by V.S. Ramanan President Sri Ramanasramam Tiruvannamalai 606 603 Tamil Nadu INDIA Email:
[email protected] Website: www.ramana-maharshi.org Typeset at Sri Ramanasramam Printed by Sri Venkatesa Printing House Chennai 600 026 email:
[email protected] PUBLISHER’S NOTE During the closing years of Sri Ramana Maharshi’s bodily existence, his silent radiance and incomparable teachings attracted thousand of seekers to his Ashram in South India. Suri Nagamma was the chosen instrument to cast the immortal sayings of this illumined, divine personality onto paper and to paint an exquisite picture of a Rishi’s life in modern times. She did this in the form of 273 letters to her brother, Sri D. S. Sastri, who translated them from Telugu for the benefit of the English-reading public. They cover the last five years of the Master’s earthly life, and are of particular relevance because they were shown to Bhagavan prior to being mailed. There is no other book from this period that captures so well the enlightened personality and profound sayings of the Master. These recordings will certainly guide seekers for countless generations. One hundred and thirty-five letters were translated into English and first published as Volume I in 1962.