Master's Thesis
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MASTER'S THESIS Applications of a Camera Monitoring System Replacing Truck Mirrors An Investigative Study in the Automotive Industry Filip Lanneld Filip Wessman 2016 Master of Science in Engineering Technology Industrial Design Engineering Luleå University of Technology Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences Applications of a camera monitoring system replacing truck mirrors An investigative study in the automotive industry Filip Lanneld & Filip Wessman 2016 Supervisor: Carl Jörgen Normark Examiner: Åsa Wikberg Nilsson Master of Science in Industrial Design Engineering Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences Luleå University of Technology Master of Science Thesis Applications of a camera monitoring system replacing truck mirrors An investigative study in the automotive industry Master of Science Thesis in Industrial Design Engineering - Product design and development © Filip Lanneld and Filip Wessman Published and distributed by Luleå University of Technology SE-971 87 Luleå, Sweden Telephone: + 46 (0) 920 49 00 00 Cover: Illustration by Filip Wessman Printed in Luleå Sweden by Luleå University of Technology Reproservice Luleå, 2016 Acknowledgement We would like to send our humble gratitude to everyone that in one way or another has been involved in this master thesis project. A special thanks to our supervisors at Volvo Group Trucks Technology Björn Wramstedt Rehammar and Susanne Almgren for their extensive support, encouragement and valuable feedback throughout the whole project. Special thanks also to Carl Jörgen Normark as supervisor from Luleå University of Technology for his calming and supportive words and valuable inputs throughout the project, especially regarding this project’s design process and research phase. We would like to send our appreciations to the drivers that were kind enough to let us join them during their work time for us to observe them and to the Volvo employees that made our ideation workshop a great experience. We also want to send our appreciations to the people we have met from Hällered proving ground which with their knowledge about truck driving and their positive spirits really boosted the project. At last we would like to thank everyone within the Driver Interface and Ergonomics team at the cab division at Volvo for all enjoyable lunches and fika breaks together and carrying words on the journey through the thesis project. Gothenburg 16th of June, 2016 Filip Lanneld and Filip Wessman Abstract This report covers a master thesis in Industrial Design Engineering at Luleå University of Technology (LTU). The thesis has been performed on behalf of Volvo Group Trucks Technology (GTT) and focuses on developing further application for use in a Camera Monitor System (CMS) replacing rear mirrors in trucks. The CMS could be the next evolutional step of the rear mirrors used in trucks today, increasing the truck drivers direct and indirect vision when driving while also having less aerodynamic resistance compared to regular rear view mirrors and hence in extension decreasing the trucks fuel consumption. Within CMS is an opportunity given to add tools and supporting functions for truck drivers to use in their work situations. This master thesis follows a user centered design process aimed to investigate, develop and present possible supporting functions to the CMS both relevant to the truck drivers working tasks and CMS main function. The project has been structured in six different stages; Research where a thoroughly theoretical study has been performed in subjects relevant to the master thesis project; Need analysis, gathering ethnographical data of truck driver behavior based on observations and interviews; Ideation, generating output of ideas for future concepts through workshops and creative methods; Conceptualization, Where concepts have been developed and evaluated; Implementation and Completion, where final concepts have been created, evaluated and implemented in an early stage prototype. The final result of this project is a concept containing several different applications developed to aid the truck driver in their common occurring work tasks. The concept is presented in descriptive text and visually in pictures in three different application packages, Awareness, Reverse assist and Bodybuilder, each one addressed toward different aspects of truck driving. The final concept has been evaluated using an early stage prototype of experienced truck drives. The projects result and outcome is finally discussed in the report were also several recommendations for eventual future work is given. KEYWORDS: Industrial design engineering, Human machine interaction, Camera Monitor System, User centered-design, Sammanfattning Denna rapport innefattar ett examensarbete i civilingenjörsutbildningen inom Teknisk design vid Luleå Tekniska Universitet (LTU). Examensarbetet har utförts på uppdrag av Volvo Group Trucks Technology (GTT) och inriktar sig på vidareutveckling av applikationer för användning i ett Kamera Monitor System (CMS) som ersätter backspeglar i lastbilar. CMS kan vara nästa steg i utvecklingen av backspeglar som används i dagens lastbilar genom att förbättra lastbilsförarens direkta och indirekta synfält under körning samt minska luftmotståndet jämfört med vanliga backspeglar och skulle därmed i förlängningen potentiellt minska lastbilens bränsleförbrukning. Vid implementering av CMS finns möjligheter att lägga till verktyg och hjälpfunktioner för lastbilsförarna att använda i deras arbetssituationer. Arbetet följer en användarcentrerad designprocess med inriktning på att undersöka, utveckla och presentera möjliga hjälpfunktioner till CMS som är relevanta både till lastbilschaufförernas arbetsuppgifter samt CMS huvudsyfte. Projektet har strukturerats och utförts i sex olika steg; Förstudie, där en grundlig teoretisk undersökning i ämnen relevanta till examensarbetet har utförts; Behovsanalys, där etnografisk information om lastbilschaufförernas beteenden baserat på intervjuer och observationer har samlats in; Ideation, vilket genererade idéer för framtida koncept genom kreativa metoder och workshops; Konceptualisering, där koncept har utvecklats och utvärderats; Implementering och färdigställande, där slutgiltiga koncept har skapats, utvärderats och implementerats i en tidig prototyp. Slutresultatet av detta projekt består av ett flertal olika applikationer utvecklade för att hjälpa lastbilschaufförer i vanliga återkommande arbetssysslor. Konceptet presenteras med förklarande text och visuellt med bilder i tre olika applikationspaket, Awareness, Reverse assist och Bodybuilder. Varje paket fokuserar på olika aspekter av användning och körning av lastbil. Det slutgiltiga konceptet har utvärderats genom en tidig prototyp av erfarna lastbilsförare. Projektets slutresultat och utfall har slutligen diskuterats i rapporten där även ett antal rekommendationer för eventuellt framtida arbete har angivits. NYCKELORD: Industrial design engineering, Human machine interaction, Camera Monitor system, User centered-design Content 4.6 Conceptualization 25 1 Introduction 1 4.7 Implementation 28 1.1 Project incentives 1 4.8 Completion 29 1.2 Project stakeholders 2 4.9 Reliability and validity 31 1.3 Project objectives and aims 2 1.4 Research questions 2 5 Results 32 1.5 Project scope 2 5.1 Results of Need analysis 32 1.6 Thesis outline 3 5.2 Results of Ideation and Conceptualization 34 2 Context 4 5.3 Results of Implementation 39 2.1 Volvo Trucks 4 5.4 Final result 41 2.2 Driver environment 5 2.3 Vision in trucks 6 6 Discussion 48 2.4 Camera Monitor System 7 6.1 Positioning the results 48 6.2 Relevance 50 3 Theoretical framework 10 6.3 Reflections 51 3.1 Industrial Design Engineering 10 6.4 Recommendations 52 3.2 Ergonomics & Human Factors 12 3.3 Driver distraction & Inattention 14 7 Conclusions 55 7.1 Research questions 55 4 Method and Implementation 17 7.2 Project objectives and aims 56 4.1 Process 17 4.2 Project planning 18 References 58 4.3 Research 18 4.4 Need analysis 19 4.5 Ideation 22 Appendices Appendix 1 Vehicle combinations Appendix 2 Gantt chart Appendix 3 Questionnaire final evaluations Appendix 4 Script final evaluations Appendix 5 Observations Appendix 6 Interviews Appendix 7 Workshop with experts Appendix 8 Lotus blossom technique Appendix 9 Mind map Appendix 10 Early concept visualizations Appendix 11 Conclusions evaluation workshops Appendix 12 Pugh selection matrix Appendix 13 Final evaluation SUS results Appendix 14 Final evaluation comments & additional questions List of figures Figure 1 Range of Volvo Trucks Figure 2 Driver environment in FH Figure 3 Lane Change Support Figure 4 Mirrors providing indirect vision Figure 5 Camera Monitor System from Stoneridge in a Volvo FH truck Figure 6 External pictures of the CMS with current cameras Figure 7 The Vitruvian man Figure 8 Driver inattention diagram Figure 9 Design process Figure 10 Collage of trucks from observations Figure 11 Workshop with experts Figure 12 Presentation of truck segments Figure 13 Brainstorm ideas grouped with separate segments. Figure 14 Template Lotus blossom matrix Figure 15 Arranged and clustered ideas Figure 16 Marking out specific ideas Figure 17 Sketch template Figure 18 Drivers at Hällered Figure 19 Placement of web cameras on side mirrors Figure 20 Composition of CMS prototype Figure 21 Overview of the final evaluation setup Figure 22 Poster truck segment Construction Figure 23 Poster truck segment Intercity distribution Figure 24 Poster truck segment Loading