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LARP6 Part of This Dissertation Florida State University Libraries Electronic Theses, Treatises and Dissertations The Graduate School 2013 Characterization of Mechanisms Controlling Translational Regulation of Type I Collagen in Liver Fibrosis as Target for Novel Anti- Fibrotics and the Regulation of Neural Tube Closure during Embryonic Development Zarko Manojlovic Follow this and additional works at the FSU Digital Library. For more information, please contact [email protected] THE FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE CHARACTERIZATION OF MECHANISMS CONTROLLING TRANSLATIONAL REGULATION OF TYPE I COLLAGEN IN LIVER FIBROSIS AS TARGET FOR NOVEL ANTI-FIBROTICS AND THE REGULATION OF NEURAL TUBE CLOSURE DURING EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT By ZARKO MANOJLOVIC A Dissertation submitted to the Department of Biomedical Sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Degree Awarded: Summer Semester, 2013 Zarko Manojlovic defended this dissertation on April 22, 2013. The members of the supervisory committee were: Branko Stefanovic Professor Directing Dissertation Zuoxin Wang University Representative Myra Hurt Committee Member Yoichi Kato Committee Member James Olcese Committee Member The Graduate School has verified and approved the above-named committee members, and certifies that the dissertation has been approved in accordance with university requirements. ii I dedicate this work to my loving family that had to endure many struggles for this opportunity of a lifetime. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In my opinion, the process of scientific discovery is a glorious expansion of our intellect and it is just as important as the discovery itself. This sensational quest for answers is ultimately an endless collaborative effort that leads to an integrated web of informatics. First and foremost, a simple thank you is not enough to express the gratitude and the greatest appreciation that I have for my major professor Dr. Branko Stefanovic whose virtuosity and the principle of a strong foundation allowed me to progress towards a successful scientific career. He is the mastermind behind this exciting project, and a great teacher not just of science, but also of life. With wit, Dr. Stefanovic eviscerates experimental issues leading to a very productive environment. He provided me with tools to become a critical thinker and a skilled scientist. His teachings on proficiency and emphasis on quality will be a skill that I will embrace for years to come. Special thanks to all members of my doctoral committee, Drs. Myra Hurt, James Olcese, Yoichi Kato and Zuoxin Wang for their dedication, guidance and professional advice throughout my graduate career. Many thanks to Lela Stefanovic “mother of the lab” for her brilliant technical support and for keeping the lab functional. It was a great pleasure to be working with an exceptional group of lab members, Hao Wang, Yujie Zhang, Drs. Le Cai, Azariyas Challa and Milica Vukmirovic. I would also like to thank Dr. Richard Nowakowski for his expertise and advise on professional development and leadership, Ruth Didier for all the help with the confocal and FACS, the entire administrational personnel for all the help with non-scientific matters, Lilly Lewis for excellent help with academic support in making not just my life, but also life of every graduate student much easier, Jennifer Sweetman for all the hard work and the endless uphill battle with the university in regards to my NIH-NRSA funds, Dr. Ewa Bienkiewicz for help with proteomics, Dr. John Blackmon for his expertise in histology analysis, Dr. Akash Gunjan for help and advice in ubiquitin studies, Dr. Timothy Megraw for the advice on cilia and confocal aspects of my FISH study, a very special thanks to Oscar Cabrera who is not only a true friend, but also a great colleague that shared his expertise on confocal software including FISH image acquisition. Special thanks to the entire Biomedical Sciences family. iv Furthermore, I would like to thank Dr. Kato and his laboratory members, Akiko Kato and Koichi Tanaka for a great experience working together closely on the LARP6 part of this dissertation. My thanks also to Dr. Chee-Gun Lee for the generous gift of RHA clone, to Dr. Kathleen Boris-Lawrie for generous information in regards to siRNAs (RHA) required for my RNA Helicase A study, the entire ACUC staff for making all my in-vivo experiments possible, Dr. Blaine Bartholomew that helped in shaping my early scientific career and Drs. Bryant Chase and Thomas Keller for their support with my NIH-F31 grant. It is without slightest doubt in my mind that this journey would have never been possible without the help of a former boss and a very special friend, Dr. Carlos Bolaṅos. I will always be grateful for his patience and guidance that opened doors for future advancements. It is in his lab that I was introduced to an excellent and exceptional student, Sergio Iniquez. Their influences and dedication to brilliance helped me flourish into a highly competitive and ambitious researcher. Even though my tenure in his lab was short, an eternal friendship was developed. A standing ovation to my father (Vlatko Manojlovic) and my sweetheart of a mother (Snjezana Manojlovic) for dedicating their lives for me and my brother (Marko Manojlovic). Despite the fact that we endured a past filled with cruelty, embraced with war, destruction, and endless refuge, they kept us together. They chose to come to this great country unselfishly, to give me and my little brother an opportunity for a better life and in the process sacrificed their professional careers, friends and everything they knew. They are all I have left and I love them. A very special thank you to my first teacher Vesna Vukancic, little did she know that I will be a student for life, to my wonderful aunt Jelena Manojlovic who I idolize greatly, Slavica Suljuzovic for her unconditional love and support and deceased Dr. Stambak, who I admired greatly and as a result initiated my scientific journey at age of 6. I do not know how this process would have been possible without my wonderful girlfriend, my loving future wife and most importantly my best friend, Heather Case. She is my better half and an escape from science. She is everything I could ever ask for, plus more. Thank you for keeping me sane and for loving me. This work was supported by the R01 NIH [5R01DK059466-08] to B.S, and F31 NIH/NIAAA NRSA [AA019845-01A1] to Z.M. v TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Tables ............................................................................................................................... viii List of Figures ................................................................................................................................ ix Abstract .......................................................................................................................................... xi 1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................1 1.1 - Abbreviations.........................................................................................................1 1.2 - Pathological Process of Liver Fibrosis ..................................................................1 1.3 - Molecular Mechanism of Type I Collagen Expression .........................................3 1.4 - Anti-fibrotic Treatment Approaches and Future Directions................................11 1.5 – Role of LARP6 in embryonic development........................................................12 2. ROLE OF RNA HELICASE A IN TRANSLATION REGULATION OF TYPE I COLLAGEN MRNAS ...................................................................................................................14 2.1 - Introduction .........................................................................................................14 2.2 - Results .................................................................................................................16 2.3 - Discussion ............................................................................................................31 2.4 - Materials and Methods ........................................................................................36 3. A CRITICAL ROLE OF IMMUNOPHILIN FKBP3 IN TYPE I COLLAGEN SYNTHESIS ..................................................................................................................................42 3.1 - Introduction .........................................................................................................42 3.2 - Results .................................................................................................................43 3.3 - Discussion ............................................................................................................57 3.4 - Materials and Methods ........................................................................................60 4. FK506 PREVENTS EARLY STAGES OF ETHANOL INDUCED HEPATIC FIBROSIS BY TARGETING LARP6 DEPENDENT MECHANISM OF COLLAGEN SYNTHESIS ........65 4.1 - Introduction .........................................................................................................65 4.2 - Results .................................................................................................................68 4.3 - Discussion ............................................................................................................83 4.4 - Materials and Methods ........................................................................................87
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