Amazon rain forest - A huge rainforest located in northern . Belém - A Brazilian city located just south of the mouth of the Amazon River. Belo Horizonte - An inland city located just north of Rio de Janeiro. Brasilia - The capital city of Brazil, located in south-central Brazil. Macapa - a city located just north of the mouth of the Amazon River. Manaus - a Brazilian city located in the Amazon Rainforest, on the Amazon River. Natal - a coastal city of Brazil located on the far eastern tip of Brazil. The Pantanal - the world's largest wetland, located in Brazil, south of the Amazon Rainforest. Porto Alegre - a coastal city of Brazil located in far southern Brazil. Rio de Janeiro - a large coastal city in southeastern Brazil. Salvador da Baia - a coastal city of Brazil located south of the Rio São Francisco. São Paulo - a huge city in Brazil, located west of Rio de Janeiro.

Bodies of Water Atlantic Ocean - the Ocean that borders Brazil to the east. Amazon River - A huge river that flows eastward from the in Peru to the Atlantic Ocean in northern Brazil. Iguaçu Falls - A waterfall in southwestern Brazil. Pacific Ocean - the Ocean to the west of . Rio São Francisco - A river that runs from southwestern Brazil and curves its way to eastern Brazil. Bordering and Nearby Countries Argentina - A large country to the southwest of Brazil; it is west of Uruguay, east of Chile, and south of Bolivia and Paraguay. Bolivia - An inland country to the west of Brazil; it is north of Argentina and Paraguay, southeast of Peru, and northeast of Chile. Chile - A long, thin country on the western coast of South America. - A country that is located northwest of Brazil; it is west of and north of Peru. French Guiana - A country north of Brazil; it is east of Suriname. Guyana - A country north of Brazil; it is east of Venezuela and west of Suriname. Paraguay - An inland country to the south of Brazil; it is also south of Bolivia and is northeast of Argentina. Peru - A country to the west of Brazil; it is northwest of Bolivia and south of Colombia. Suriname - A country north of Brazil; it is east of Guyana and west of French Guiana. Uruguay - A country that borders Brazil to the south; it is east of Argentina. Venezuela - A country north of Brazil; it is east of Colombia and west of Guyana. Other facts Capital: Brasilia is the capital of Brazil. Size: Brazil covers about 8,511,965 square kilometers. Brazil is the 5th largest country in the world (after Russia, Canada, the USA, and China). Population: Brazil has the 5th largest population of any country in the world (after China, India, the USA, and Indonesia). Government: Brazil is a federal republic that is divided into 26 states (estates) and 1 federal district. Official Language: Portuguese Education: Girls and boys in Brazil go to school for an average of 14 years. Literacy Rate: About 88.6% of the adults in Brazil can read and write. About 88.4% of the men and 88.8% of the women are literate. Religion: Roman Catholic (nominal) 73.6%, Protestant 15.4%, Spiritualist 1.3%, Bantu/voodoo 0.3%, other 1.8%, unspecified 0.2%, none 7.4%. Flag: Brazil's flag is a deep green banner with a yellow diamond enclosing a night-blue, star-studded Southern Hemisphere sky. The sky depicts 27 white, five-pointed stars (one for each state and the Federal District); the stars are arranged in the pattern of the night sky over Rio de Janeiro on November 15, 1889 (this is the date when the last Emperor of Brazil, Dom Pedro II, was deposed, and the republic was proclaimed). The stars in view include the constellations Southern Cross (also called Crux), Scorpius, Canis Major and others. A banner across the sky reads, "ORDEM E PROGRESSO," which means "order and progress" in Portuguese. Climate: Brazil's climate is mostly tropical, but temperate in the south. Rainforest: The Amazon Rainforest stretches across the north of Brazil. Sixty percent of the Amazon Rainforest is in Brazil; this the biggest rainforest in the world. Major Rivers: The major rivers in Brazil are the Amazon, the Paraná and its major tributary, the Iguaçu, and the Negro, São Francisco, Xingu, Madeira and Tapajós rivers. Mountains: Central and southern Brazil are mountainous. Highest Point: The highest point in Brazil is Mt. Pico da Neblina (3,014 meters or 9,735 ft), on the border with Venezuela. Pico da Neblina means "Misty Peak" in English. Lowest Point: The lowest point in Brazil is the Atlantic Ocean, at sea level. Natural Resources: bauxite, gold, iron ore, manganese, nickel, phosphates, platinum, tin, rare earth elements, uranium, petroleum, hydropower, timber. Major Industries: textiles, shoes, chemicals, cement, lumber, iron ore, tin, steel, aircraft, motor vehicles and parts, other machinery and equipment. Agricultural Products: coffee, soybeans, wheat, rice, corn, sugarcane, cocoa, citrus; beef.