Volume 24, No. 2, Summer 2006 . members actually has a doctor- ate in while another Sometimes it is said that all of is a former candidate who was this looks good on paper, but it received into the some Word won’t fly in a . Is it pos- years ago. We do like to bal- sible for one parish to address ance the team between male on all of the needs of their candi- and female, and we are in the dates and catechumens? To process of getting a few more Worship answer this question, Word on men on the team. Worship traveled to St. John Newsletter of the Worship Office, Archdiocese of Newark, NJ the Baptist Church in How long has the RCIA been Hillsdale, New Jersey, to ask in use at St. John’s? ver since its promulga- their RCIA team a few ques- It was first implemented in the tion in the mid eighties, tions, just to see how one late eighties, but it really Ethe Church has made parish is responding to the began in earnest around 1993. In This Issue: good use of the Rite of needs of their people through Christian Initiation of Adults the Rite of Christian Initiation How many people have come • Interview with an RCIA as the means of bring- of Adults. Team ing people into the . through this process since then? Understanding this complex Who is on your RCIA team? • Explaining and Inviting: process has grown extensively Since the early nineties, our We have eleven people on our Advertising the RCIA over the past twenty years. parish has fully initiated into team. Two team members are Even those who are in leader- the Church seventeen catechu- dedicated to working with • Doing It Rite: , ship positions continue to mens and received into the children – people between and Non- grow in their knowledge of the Church approximately sixty- seven and fourteen. The other Catholic Churches RCIA, moving closer to the three candidates. ideals of how to bring people nine ordinarily work with the adults. Eight are women and into the body of accord- How do you reach out to three are men. One team ing to the rites of the Church. possible candidates and cate- member serves on the parish chumens? There is no easy way to staff and has a Masters degree accomplish all that is required in Religious Education and a Well, the bulletin has informa- of the RCIA. It challenges certificate in spirituality – tion posted in it at all times for local church leadership to do another team member was people who are interested in things like separate catechu- ordained a last spring. joining the church or complet- mens from candidates; make ing their initiation, and many certain that the period of the What are the qualifications do contact us directly. We do catechumenate is of sufficient for team members? occasionally run an ad in the local paper, too, but the rites length; engage the candidates In general, we look for people themselves have a way of and catechumens in the appro- who will be warm and wel- bringing people in. priate rites. Every who coming – the first “face” of the comes through the RCIA Church that newcomers will How is that? comes from a different faith experience. They have to have background, each with their a good grasp of their own faith During liturgies like the rite of own needs. Conversion is not and be willing to share, and welcoming or the scrutinies, a conveyer belt process, but they be open to their own the priest will usually say when used properly, the RCIA ongoing education and forma- something about the RCIA can fit the needs of anyone tion in both the RCIA process process during the . while forming them into faith- and the teachings of the When parishioners witness ful believers in the Roman Church. One of our team these rites, they know where to

INTERVIEW WITH AN RCIA TEAM 9 direct people who have Why do you think it is Candidates are not dismissed It is never less than a year expressed an interest in joining important to separate candi- on Sunday from because long. As a rule, those entering the Church or completing their dates from catechumens? they are already baptized the process will not be initiat- of initiation. members of the assembly. We ed until at least the following We need to meet people where have catechetical sessions with . That is, two they are and bring them along What are some examples of them based on the catechume- from the time they enter the the way. If we put everyone the kinds of people who have nate process: breaking open catechumenate. We don’t fol- together, it seems to say they come to you in terms of age the word, sharing faith, church low the academic calendar, but should all be in the same and background? teaching. They meet during a lot of people tend to enter place, but that is rarely true. the week or on Sunday after- the process in the fall, so it is The age has ranged from seven Some people have very little noon, but even if the catechu- usually at least twenty or more to eighty! We have had cate- catechetical background and mens are meeting at the same months that they are catechu- chumens who were raised in need a lot of focus. Others time, we still keep them sepa- mens. other religions, some with no know more. Even the lan- rate for these sessions. religious background at all and guage we use to explain things We also have people in the some non-baptized to one person can be much dif- Does your RCIA process fol- inquiry stage for a long period Pentecostals. Many were mar- ferent than with another. low the school calendar, of time before they are ready ried to parishioners. We have beginning in September with to commit to the catechume- also welcomed into the We did have a man who came graduation at the Easter nate, some even for a few many of other to us who knew a lot of Vigil? years. We make it clear that Christian denominations, and Catholic theology. He had once they commit to the cate- of course, we have confirmed very specific questions, and No. We follow the liturgical chumenate, they have to take it many adult Catholics who mostly he met one on one with year. If we feel they are ready, very seriously. were not confirmed as chil- a team member. We did have anyone can enter the catechue- dren. him at some meetings with the mante any time of the year, but What would you think about other catechumens, but if we they must go through at least a “mandatory” two year cat- How do you minister to these had them together all the time, one full before echumenate? differences? some of the others may have they are initiated. felt intimidated. It would probably be quite In general, we separate chil- Are there any particular good, especially for those who dren from adults and we also How often do you meet with resources you use when cate- come in “cold,” with no faith separate our candidates from catechumens and candi- chizing? background. It would stress our catechumens. We then dates? the importance of faith forma- divide ourselves up according The . The . tion and would give them to scheduling. One of the first Every Sunday the catechumens The cross. Even the church more time to prepare for such things we ask potential candi- are dismissed from the Mass building itself and the signs an important time in their dates and catechumens after they attend and one or more and symbols of the liturgy. We lives. we know they are ready to team members go with them to also use Foundations in Faith, commit to the process is what break open the word. This but we are not afraid to go off It would be good, though, to their best times are to meet meeting is solely focused on the topic. We do make exten- have some flexibility. Some with us. Then we know how the Scripture readings of the sive use of the of catechumens, even though we will need to break up the day. Then we have one other the Catholic Church and the they are not baptized, have team according to scheduling meeting with the catechumens periodical Catholic Update. been coming to Mass for years and the needs of each person. during the week or on a with a spouse and can even be Sunday afternoon to talk about How long does the average involved with parish min- other topics of the church. person spend in the catechu- istries. We would never advo- 10 menate? cate anything less than one full mens in the religious education actually occur. liturgical year plus the time program to the rites. This The Rite of Election and the leading up to the next Easter gives the other children the One of us meets with the priest Call to Continuing Conversion Vigil for any catechumen, but opportunity to learn about the ahead of time. You can’t tell a are a big piece of the process requiring two full years (plus RCIA, and afterwards it raises priest moments before Mass and they are not to be missed. the time leading up to the good questions from the chil- begins that there is going to be Even though it can mean a lit- Vigil) may not be necessary dren about the sacraments of a scrutiny at Mass! We also tle extra work for the team, we for everyone. initiation. consider the space where the make certain every year that at rites will take place in terms of least one of us escorts our cat- What are the age ranges of Let’s talk about the rites visibility. We know how echumens and candidates with the children you have themselves. When do you cel- important it is that the parish their sponsors to these impor- worked with in the catechu- ebrate the rite of welcome? understands itself as part of the tant events. menate? rites and of the initiation Not until we feel they are process. What are the initiation rites From seven to fourteen. They ready. By ready, we mean that like at the Easter vigil? usually spend two years in the we are looking for a level of The Rites of the RCIA are so catechumenate, and we also commitment to the catechume- Glorious. Some years ago we important because they are require a serious commitment nate and the Church. They had an additional pool con- “real.” So much of our world from the family for the ongo- need to know some very basic structed which fits around two focuses on celebrities and fic- ing religious education of the things about , prayer and sides of the baptismal font. tional movies and television children after initiation. Most Scripture which we help them The catechumens kneel in the shows. This is something that of them are enrolled in regular with during inquiry. Even water and the priest pours is actually happening to them. religious education classes more importantly, we want to from a large pitcher when he These rites are meant to have a both during and after the cate- know that they are entering the baptizes. There is no denying real effect on their lives, so we chumenate. This is in addition catechumenate because they that you will get wet at our try to celebrate them as fully to what we do with them want to be initiated, they want baptisms! as possible. through the RCIA. to be Catholic, they want to follow Christ, no matter what We wrap them in towels and What is their reaction to the And you dismiss them each it takes. As long as they have bring them into the to rites celebrated at the cathe- week, too, with a catechist? a sincere desire, we can help dry off, change and we put dral, namely the Rite of them with the rest. them in white . When they Yes – after the homily they are Election and the Call to come back, they receive a dismissed from the assembly. Continuing Conversion? Once we feel they are ready, large, new candle and we cele- Some weeks they will go out we will celebrate the Rite of The catechumens and candi- brate confirmation with plenty with the children’s liturgy of Welcome on any Sunday of dates are both very impressed of chrism on their heads. It is the word after the opening Time. We try to with the liturgies at the cathe- very dramatic and moving for prayer. Before the children keep clear of the other dral. They always come back all to witness. Even though return, the catechumens are Sundays of the year because saying, “wow!” They are the Mass is longer when you dismissed from the children’s we don’t want to distract from often quite moved, and it gives have catechumens, it never Liturgy of the Word with a cat- the focus of , them a sense of belonging to a seems long. In fact, we often echist. This provides a good Christmas, and Easter. truly universal Church. It hear complaints when there are opportunity for other young Of course, Lent and Easter moves them out of parochial- no baptisms at the Vigil! people to become aware of the have a lot of RCIA rites for ism. RCIA as well. those who are catechumens, What kind of mystagogy do too, so we don’t want to over- The role of the is very you do with the neophytes? How do you find working burden them by adding the important in the initiation with the children? We are still working on how to Rite of Welcome as well. process. We see these rites as do this well. We see mysta- It is actually easier when they an essential part of the RCIA gogy as a time of sublimating are younger and they can be How do you prepare for the process – not an option! The them into the life of the parish. fully initiated and then liturgical rites of the RCIA? Church is not an enclave in We would like to do some- enrolled into religious educa- Bergen County where our We make sure that the catechu- thing on a monthly basis per- tion. As long as we have a parish is, but we are part of a mens or candidates are haps for the first year after ini- sense of commitment from the much larger Church, the focused. Sometimes we will tiation. parents, we know that the chil- Church of Newark, which is walk them through the rites dren, even though initiated at a varied and diverse. When we beforehand, but not in any Whenever we meet with the young age, will continue to bring our people to Newark, great detail because we don’t newly initiated, we try to help grow in the faith. they witness the larger Church want them to feel like we are them break open the mystery in action through the rehearsing for a show. We of the sacraments they have We also find it helpful to invite himself at our want the rites to have a full received. We help them classmates of young catechu- great cathedral. effect upon them when they 11 examine what is happening in tions. Most of the candidates comment on how much the No! It was not always like their spiritual lives and get will come to the Easter people in the process must this! At the very beginning, it them more in sync with the Triduum liturgies and witness want to be members of the was a messy process. There is liturgical year. the initiation of the catechu- Church. It makes them exam- so much to the RCIA that it mens, and many of the neo- ine their own faith lives. The was hard to know where to RCIA can have a cocooning phytes will attend the confir- RCIA makes parishioners begin with it. Our philosophy affect, and we want to bring mations of the candidates dur- think about their own at the start was that anything is them out of that small group ing the Easter season. and what it means to them. better than nothing, so we into the wider parish experi- began and have built on it each ence. We make certain that What is your overall impres- Are the other sacramental year and continue to do so they have support in their faith sion of the catechumens and preparations in your parish even in the present. You have life through family or other candidates who go through (i.e. , first to be willing to grow with it parishioners. Once they are this process? , adolescent con- and improve it with each year. fully initiated, they tend to firmation) modeled after the You have to continue to learn, They all come in for different have even more questions RCIA? If so, how? go to workshops and meetings reasons, but they all leave which we address with them. and follow the guidelines of happy and gratified for the The RCIA has definitely influ- the Church and the Worship process. Many are blown over enced them. Confirmation What do you think about the Office. The RCIA is what the by what happens to them dur- here is done in high school, norm that requires full initi- Church is asking us to do. No ing this time of deep conver- and the meetings involve a lot ation (not just confirmation) one ever said it would be easy, sion. All the ones we have of faith sharing and discus- at the Easter Vigil? but you can’t get stuck with an worked with who still live in sions on important Church top- incomplete understanding of We have no problem with it. the area are present on Sunday ics. They also have retreats. It the RCIA, even if it makes We only fully initiate catechu- and many get involved with does not follow a classroom things easier for the team. mens (elect) at the Easter other ministries of the parish. model. The Otherwise, you find yourself Vigil. If you combine candi- children also have a retreat day creating molds which you try dates for confirmation with the How do you determine who before they receive, and they to force people into, instead of elect at the Vigil, the focus on the sponsors will be? are given a book to work on at looking at each person, seeing baptism can get obscured. home with their parents as part Beyond the canonical require- where they are with their faith, of their preparation. All par- ments, we let them pick some- and move them in the right Occasionally, if we have no ents of children for infant bap- one with whom they feel com- direction through the RCIA. one for full initiation, we will tism have to come to a forma- fortable. Many times it is receive into the Church and tion session where they learn someone in the parish we Thank you for your time and confirm any baptized non- about the importance of their know or occasionally they will dedication to the Rite of Catholics at the Vigil. Of own baptism as well as their even ask a team member. Christian Initiation of course, we never confirm adult children’s. Sponsors are invited to attend Adults. bless and keep Catholics at the Vigil. Usually the catechetical sessions and up the good work. all of our adult What would you say to a many do come. and receptions into the Church parish that does not current- occur on or one of ly make use of the RCIA? How does the RCIA affect Rev. Thomas A. Dente the other Sundays of Easter. the faith life of the parish? They’re missing out. There is Director, Office of Divine nothing like it. By being part Worship Some people say that the cat- It has a positive effect on the of the RCIA, everyone grows echumens and candidates parish, but there are still peo- in faith, not only the candi- going through the process ple who do not understand it. dates and the catechumens. together should be initiated Usually, those who witness the The RCIA is a rich, public way together. What do you think rites have a better feel for the of entering the Church, and of about this? RCIA. It is always helpful identifying the Church as an when the priest explains a little Well, first of all, they should initiating community. There is during his homily if a rite from not all be going through the no sneaking in the back door! the RCIA is going to be cele- process together! As we said Ministry and service also flow brated at Mass. It draws con- earlier, we break them up. from those who participate in nections so the people in the Candidates and catechumens the RCIA. pews can relate it to the rest of may come together for some what is going on at the liturgy. things during the process, but You sound like you have But the rites also speak for mostly they are separated. We come a long way in your themselves. always encourage them to understanding and imple- attend each other’s celebra- mentation of the RCIA. Is it When people witness the pub- as easy as you make it lic nature of the rites, they do 12 sound? EXPLAINING AND INVITING: ADVERTISING THE RCIA

he term “The Rite of Communion or • You may be a Catholic who Christian Initiation of confirmation? never received first TAdults” is quite a • Are you married to or dating Communion or mouthful and can sound a Catholic and feel drawn to confirmation. almost frightening to Catholics learn something about your • You may be a Catholic who and non-Catholics alike. It is partner’s Church? wants to grow closer to common practice to place • Do you have questions about Christ and the Church. information about the RCIA in what the Church teaches and • You might be married to or the parish bulletin to educate believes? dating a Catholic and you parishioners about the process, may feel drawn to learn to encourage adult Catholics Staff If you answered YES to any of something about the faith who have not been fully Editor the questions above, God may that nourishes your partner. initiated to do so and to invite Rev. Thomas A. Dente be nudging you to learn more • You may be hungry for newcomers into the Church. about the Catholic faith. You something more in life. Design/Layout Below are some sample can respond to that push from Rev. C. Santoro bulletin announcements which by attending the Editorial Board clearly yet gently invite people If any of those things apply to INQUIRY SESSIONS that are Joan Conroy into this process of initiation. you, you should consider part of our Adult Faith Rev. Peter K. Funesti They may be used as printed attending our INQUIRY Rev. Msgr. Richard Groncki Formation Program. These or adapted for local use. SESSIONS. These sessions Rev. Thomas B. Iwanowski sessions are for adults with are for adults with “inquiring” Susan Zaremba Malone “inquiring” minds and hearts. RCIA. Those four letters minds and hearts. Our Mark Pacoe They take place (date) and stand for the Rite of Christian INQUIRY SESSIONS take Rev. Charles Pinyan they are led by (name). You Initiation of Adults. This place (dates). They are led by Rev. Michael C. Santoro can come whenever you feel Kathy Skrupskis process is for those who might (name), a member of our ready to “inquire” about the be interested in becoming parish staff. You can begin to “nudge” you may be feeling Contributors members of the Catholic come whenever you feel ready from God. Our next Inquiry Rev. Thomas A. Dente Church. The RCIA introduces to “inquire” about what may Rev. Thomas B. Iwanowski Session will be (date and people to the Catholic faith be taking place in your and the staff of the Worship location). For more and helps them discern if this spiritual life. Our next Office information call (number). Inquiry Session is (date). For is where God is calling them. Subscription Information The RCIA eventually leads to more information call READ THIS AND SEE IF One year subscription to Word the celebration of the (number). GOD IS CALLING YOU on Worship, 4 issues, $10.00. sacraments of initiation, TO INQUIRE! Bulk rate, five or more issues to namely, baptism, confirmation, the same address, $8.50 per year Our relationship with God is and first Communion. The Rev. Thomas B. Iwanowski per subscription. Foreign something that grows over RCIA process can also help Pastor, Our Lady of subscription, $13.50 per year. time as God calls us ever Catholics who have not Czestochowa Church, Jersey To begin your subscription call closer. You may be currently received first Communion or City 973-497-4345. experiencing that call from the confirmation to prepare for Associate Director of Parish Lord in your life. It can come Website: www.rcan.org/worship these sacraments. Life, Office of Divine Worship in various ways, for example: • You may be thinking about IS GOD GIVING YOU A joining the Catholic Church. NUDGE? • You may have questions • Have you thought about about what the Church joining the Catholic Church? believes and teaches. • Are you a Catholic who • You may be wondering regrets never receiving first about baptism. 13 DOING IT RITE BAPTISM, CONFIRMATION AND NON-CATHOLIC CHURCHES

VALID BAPTISMS This list is not exhaustive and can change without notice. It is also a sound practice to ask candidates what words were said at The Catholic Church regards as valid the baptisms of the their baptism and confirm that water was used.1 following: Adventist Anyone baptized in the above named churches or communions African Methodist Episcopal who wishes to enter into with the Roman African Methodist Episcopal Zion Catholic Church needs to make a profession of faith and receive American Catholic the of confirmation according to the Rite of Christian Amish Initiation of Adults (RCIA, 400-504). This occurs after a Anglican suitable period of catechesis has taken place. Apostolic Faith Church Assembly of God VALID CONFIRMATIONS Baptist Chinese Christian The Church recognizes the sacrament of Christian Church confirmation in all Eastern rite churches (Orthodox), the Old Christian Fellowship Catholic Church, the Polish National Catholic Church, and the Christian Missionary and Alliance Society of St. Pius X. When receiving someone from one of Church of Christ these churches or communions, they are not to be “re- Church of the Brethren confirmed” but simply make a profession of faith according to Church of the Nazarene RCIA, 473-504. Church of God Classical Pentecostal INVALID BAPTISMS Congregational Church The Catholic Church regards as invalid the baptism of the Disciples of Christ following churches or communions: Dutch Reformed Church Eastern Catholic Churches Amana Church Society Eastern Non-Catholic Churches (Orthodox) American Ethical Union Episcopalian Apostolic Church Evangelical Churches Bohemian Free Thinkers Evangelical United Brethren Children of God (The Family) International Council of Community Churches Christadelphian Liberal Catholic Church Christian and Divine Lutheran Christian and Missionary Alliance Mennonite Christian Community Church (Disciples of Rudolph Steiner) Methodist Christians of Universal Brotherhood Missionary Hill Church Church of Christ, Scientist (some communities) Church of Daniel’s Band New Apostolic Church Church of Divine Old Catholic Church of Illumination Old Roman Catholic Church of Polish National Catholic Church Church of Scientology Presbyterian Church Erieside Church Reformed Churches Evangelistic Temple Seventh Day Adventists General Assembly of Spiritualists Society of St. Pius X Hephzibah Faith Missionary Association Swedish House of David Church United Church of Christ Jehovah’s Witness Wesleyan Church Mason 14 Mennonites (some communities) with Rome or not. This includes the sacraments of baptism, Metropolitan Church Association confirmation and . Members of Eastern rite churches Moravian (some communities) who have been confirmed, even as infants, are never Mormons (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day ) reconfirmed. After a suitable period of catechesis, they simply National David Spiritual Temple of Christ Church make a profession of faith.3 National Spiritualist Association New Church of Emmanuel Swedenborg (Church of the New CHILDREN Jerusalem) Children of parents who are received into the Church need Pentecostal Churches (some) special consideration. If they are not baptized and they are People’s Church of Chicago under the age of reason (7), they may be baptized and enrolled Plymouth Brethren (some) into parish formation with children their own age to receive Religious Society of Friends () confirmation and Eucharist. If they are older, they enter the Reunification Church (Moonies) catechumenate for a suitable period of time which should be Army more than one year and are fully initiated at the Easter Vigil. Shakers (United Socciety of Believers) Regardless of who baptizes them, children retain the rite of their Spiritualist Church parents. Unitarian Universalist Children of adults received into the Church who are under the Anyone wishing to join the Roman Catholic Church from the age of reason and are validly baptized in another communion do above congregations is treated as a catechumen, receiving not need to make a public profession of faith. They should be suitable catechesis while entering the steps and periods of the included in the parish religious education program and Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA, 1-251). They are sacramental preparation with their peers. At the time of first fully initiated at the Easter Vigil. Communion, they will make a profession of faith with their fellow first communicants. It is not necessary for them to add These lists are supplied as a resource for those involved in the statement found in RCIA, 491. It should be noted in the first Christian initiation and may change without notice. For further Communion registry that they have made their profession of information contact the Commission for Christian Unity or the faith. All pertinent information about their baptism should also Office of Divine Worship. be noted in the baptismal registry with a notation that they made their profession of faith at first Communion, including the date. EASTERN RITES IN COMMUNION WITH ROME

There are six liturgical rites in the Roman Catholic Church: 1 “I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the , Byzantine, Alexandrian, Antiochene, Chaldean, Armenian. .” Water must be poured over the flesh of the person. There are more than twenty churches2 which practice these rites, all of which are in communion with Rome. If any member of 2 The following are Eastern rites which are in communion with Rome: the above rites wishes to join the Latin rite, they would not Armenian, Bulgarian, Byelorussian, Chaldean, Coptic, Ethiopian, become “candidates for full communion” because they are Greek-Melkite, Hellenic , Hungarian Greek Catholic, Italo-Greek and Albania, Krizevtsky (Yugoslavian, Croatian, Russine, already in full communion with the Roman Catholic Church. Macedonian, Ukranian), Latin, Malabar, Malankar, Maronite, Romanian, Russian, Ruthenian, Byzantine-Catholic USA, Slovak A transfer of rite normally requires permission of the . Greek Catholic, Syrian and Ukranian. Note that several have very Such a transfer is not to be treated under any circumstances as similar names to Eastern churches that are not in communion part of the RCIA. When a husband or wife are of different rites, with Rome. one may change to the rite of the other. If the marriage should end, the person who changed rites may return to their original 3 In the case of Eastern Christians who enter into the fullness of the rite. Catholic communion, no liturgical rite is required, but simply a profession of Catholic faith, even if such are permitted, in virtue of recourse to the Apostolic See, to transfer to the Latin rite. EASTERN RITES NOT IN COMMUNION WITH ROME (RCIA, 474) Anyone from an Eastern rite not in communion with Rome who wishes to enter communion with Rome does not become a Latin rite catholic. Instead, they become a member of the ritual rite Rev. Thomas A. Dente indicated by their baptism. For example, a Greek Orthodox Director, Office of Divine Worship person becomes a Greek Catholic; a Syrian Orthodox person becomes a Syrian Catholic. This occurs regardless of who receives them into full communion. A Latin rite priest receiving a Greek Orthodox person into full communion does not make that person a Latin Catholic. It makes them a Greek Catholic.

The Roman Catholic Church recognizes all of the sacraments of the Eastern rites, regardless of whether they are in communion 15 WEEKDAYS 2007: PRAYERS AND REFLECTIONS FOR LITURGY This fine annual resource (dated Monday, December 4, 2006 through Saturday, December 1, 2007) is designed for use by priests, and lay ministers at daily Mass. For each weekday of the liturgical year, you ’ll find: • Calendar information (day, date, liturgical title, liturgical color) • Citations for the Lectionary readings of the day • A Penitential Rite reflecting the readings of the day • , with an invitation to prayer and a closing prayer • Daily reflections designed to inspire preaching and personal prayer All of the information here, including the thoughtful, well-composed texts, will make your weekday liturgy planning easier and more effective. Conveniently three-hole- punched to fit in a standard binder, these pages also feature a clear, user-friendly format and large, easy-to-read and proclaim type. To order fax: 973.497.4314 or mail order form: OFFICE OF DIVINE WORSHIP, PO BOX 9500, NEWARK, NJ 07104-0500


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