
2019 TICA CLERK 5()5(6+(5EXAM Please refer to the Clerking Manual, Show Rules, Standing Rules, By-Laws & Breed Standards to complete this test. Name: E-Mail:

Address: City/State/Zip or Country: 7,&$5HJLRQ

Section 1. (2 points)

A head ring clerk should: $ Arrive early and check ring cleaning supplies and clerking equipment for the ring. % Introduce yourself to the ring steward, write down their name, discuss cleaning and ring maintenance procedures. & Discuss benching and pacing preferences with the judge of the ring. ' Record the transfer and absences. ( Keep up with the progress of other rings. ) Monitor cleaning supplies for ring. * All of the above.

6HFWLRQ SRLQWV )RUWKHIROORZLQJ$OOEUHHGILQDOVSOHDVHPDUNDQ;LQWKHFRUUHFWER[IRUWKHFRUUHFW³FRORUGLYLVLRQEUHHG´IRUHDFKFDW Place BOC 2BOC 3BOC BOD 2BOD3BOD BOB 2BOB 3BOB Abyssinian 1 5XGG\ticked tabby $PHULFDQ:,UHKDLU 2 6LOYHU classic tDEE\ Abyssinian 3 Cinnamon ticked tabby 5DJGROO 4 Seal point 5DJGROO 5 Seal tortie point Abyssinian 6 Cinnamon silver ticked tabby 5DJGROO 7 Blue WRUWLHpoint DQGZKLWH 2ULHQWDO6KRUWKDLU 8 Brown mackerel tabby 'HYRQ5H[ 9 Red and white 2ULHQWDO6KRUWKDLU 10 Brown mackerel tabby Place Cat BOC 2BOC 3BOC BOD 2BOD3BOD BOB 2BOB 3BOB 1 Sphynx Cream and white 2 Polydactyl Brown classic tabby and white 3 %HQJDO 6HDOVepia VSRWWHGWDEE\ 4 .RUDW %OXH 5 Red silver shaded 6 Maine Coon Brown classic torbie and white 7 %DOLQHVH %OXHSRLQW 8 %HQJDO %URZQPDUEOHGWDEE\ 9 %HQJDO %URZQPDUEOHGWDEE\ 10 Maine Coon Brown classic tabby and white Section 3. ( points) Using the chart provided from in the TICA 8QLIRUP&RORU'HVFULSWLRQV 8&'  to guide you, place the following in the proper competitive division. The color/pattern description, which may at first appear to be incomplete or contain extraneous information, is adequate to decipher the correct competitive division, based on the breed.

Description Correct Competitive Division 5DJGROO 1 Seal torbie point and white 0DLQH&RRQ3RO\GDFW\O 2 Red Silver Classic Tabby 2ULHQWDOShorthair 3 Chocolate tortie Burmilla 4 Red silver shaded sepia %HQJDO 5 Brown mDUEOHGtabby 6 Blue lynx point Siberian 7 Black golden shaded Maine Coon 8 Black silver mackerel tortie and white %RPED\ 9 %ODFN Burmese 10 Sable Australian Mist 11 Fawn Sepia Marbled Tonkinese 12 %OXHSRLQW 13 Black with amelonistic (roan) pattern Persian 14 Chocolate tortie and white Tonkinese 15 Lilac mink (J\SWLDQ0DX 16 %URQ]HVSRWWHGWDEE\ Burmilla Longhair 17 Black silver shaded Khaomanee 18 White with odd eyes Section 4. (points) Using TICA Breed Standards, list the correct abbreviation for each breed. Each correct answer is worth .25 pts.

ABBR Championship Breeds ABBR Championship Breeds ABBR Advanced New Breed

Abyssinian LaPerm Shorthair Highlander American Bobtail Lykoi Highlander Shorthair Americal Bobtail Shorthair Maine Coon Serengeti Maine Coon Polydactyl American Curl Longhair Manx ABBR Preliminary New Breed Munchkin American Wirehair Munchkin Longhair Minskin Australian Mist Nebelung Aphrodite Longhair Balinese Norwegian Forest Aphrodite Shorthair Bengal Tennessee Rex Bengal Longhair Oriental Longhair Tennessee Rex Shorthair Toybob Bombay Persian Toybob Longhair British Longhair Pixiebob Burmese Pixiebob Longhair Burmilla Ragdoll Burmilla Longhair Savannah Cymric Scottish Fold Longhair Donskoy (Don Hairless) Selkirk Rex Longhair Siamese Siberian Havana Singapura Himalayan Snowshoe Household Pet Somali Sphynx Japanese Bobtail Longhair Thai Khaomanee Tonkinese Kurilian Bobtail Longhair LaPerm