THE BREEDS Pixiebob Longhair Pixiebob Shorthair ACFA recognizes 57 breeds. They are: Persian Peterbald Abyssinian RagaMuffin American Bobtail Longhair Ragdoll THE American Bobtail Shorthair Russian Blue American Curl Longhair Russian Shorthair American Curl Shorthair Scottish Fold American Shorthair Selkirk Rex Longhair American Wirehair Selkirk Rex Shorthair Australian Mist Siamese Balinese Siberian CAT Bengal Singapura Birman Snowshoe Bombay Somali British Shorthair Sphynx Burmese Tonkinese Chantilly Turkish Angora SHOW Chartreux Turkish Van Cornish Rex Cymric Devon Rex FOR INFORMATION Egyptian Mau European Burmese on registering your cat, entering your Exotic Shorthair Havana Brown cat in an ACFA show, finding a Highland Fold breeder of a specific breed or anything Himalayan else concerning cats or cat shows Japanese Bobtail Longhair contact: Japanese Bobtail Shorthair Korat La Perm American Cat Fanciers Association Longhair Exotic P.O. Box 1949 Maine Coon Cat Nixa, MO 65714-1949 Manx PH: 417-725-1530 Nebelung email:
[email protected] Norwegian Forest Cat Ocicat Web Page: Oriental Longhair Oriental Shorthair Welcome to our cat show. We hope you THE JUDGING AWARDS AND RIBBONS will enjoy looking at all the cats we have on display. We have pedigreed cats and household Each day there will be four or more rings Each cat competes in its class against other cats pet cats being exhibited. These cats are judged of the same sex, color and breed. The cat by professional judges licensed by the running concurrently. Each judge acts independently of the others and every cat selected as best in the class receives a blue American Cat Fanciers Association.