Prepubertal Gonadectomy in Male Cats: a Retrospective Internet-Based Survey on the Safety of Castration at a Young Age
ESTONIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences Hedvig Liblikas PREPUBERTAL GONADECTOMY IN MALE CATS: A RETROSPECTIVE INTERNET-BASED SURVEY ON THE SAFETY OF CASTRATION AT A YOUNG AGE PREPUBERTAALNE GONADEKTOOMIA ISASTEL KASSIDEL: RETROSPEKTIIVNE INTERNETIKÜSITLUSEL PÕHINEV NOORTE KASSIDE KASTREERIMISE OHUTUSE UURING Graduation Thesis in Veterinary Medicine The Curriculum of Veterinary Medicine Supervisors: Tiia Ariko, MSc Kaisa Savolainen, MSc Tartu 2020 ABSTRACT Estonian University of Life Sciences Abstract of Final Thesis Fr. R. Kreutzwaldi 1, Tartu 51006 Author: Hedvig Liblikas Specialty: Veterinary Medicine Title: Prepubertal gonadectomy in male cats: a retrospective internet-based survey on the safety of castration at a young age Pages: 49 Figures: 0 Tables: 6 Appendixes: 2 Department / Chair: Chair of Veterinary Clinical Medicine Field of research and (CERC S) code: 3. Health, 3.2. Veterinary Medicine B750 Veterinary medicine, surgery, physiology, pathology, clinical studies Supervisors: Tiia Ariko, Kaisa Savolainen Place and date: Tartu 2020 Prepubertal gonadectomy (PPG) of kittens is proven to be a suitable method for feral cat population control, removal of unwanted sexual behaviour like spraying and aggression and for avoidance of unwanted litters. There are several concerns on the possible negative effects on PPG including anaesthesia, surgery and complications. The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety of PPG. Microsoft excel was used for statistical analysis. The information about 6646 purebred kittens who had gone through PPG before 27 weeks of age was obtained from the online retrospective survey. Database included cats from the different breeds and –age groups when the surgery was performed, collected in 2019.
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