What's New at Inova?
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HomeLifeStyle Page 10 Mount Vernon’s Hometown Newspaper • A Connection Newspaper December 15, 2016 What’s New At the Dec. 13 meeting of the board’s Public Safety Committee, Fairfax County supervi- At Inova? sors announced 88 percent of the Ad Hoc Police Practices Review Addo gives update to chamber. Commission recom- mendations have been By Tim Peterson treat less serious injuries, im- implemented or are The Gazette proved ambulance access, new soon to be so. cardiac emergency rooms and a t 3 a.m. Nov. 16, the specialized pediatric treatment new Veatch Family area, is named for primary donor Photos by Tim Peterson/ AEmergency Depart- Jeff Veatch and his family. The Gazette ment at Inova Mount Addo explained how Veatch, an Vernon Hospital opened its doors to entrepreneur from the Mount patients. The time was meant to be Vernon area, was impressed with a slow one for hospital work, Inova the care his family received dur- Improving Police Practices Mount Vernon president and CEO ing a visit to Inova. “He said ‘I want Deborah Addo said — intended es- to ensure where I bring my family Torres was fired in July 2015 and indicted by a sentially to be a “soft open.” to receive care, health care is state Public Safety Committee grand jury for murder in August 2015, an historic Things didn’t go as planned, of the art,’” Addo said. first charge of that kind for any Fairfax County Addo explained while addressing Veatch made a matching gift of hears from Recruitment, officer. He pleaded guilty to involuntary man- the Mount Vernon-Lee Chamber of just over $2 million for the depart- slaughter and was released in June of this year, Commerce during a Biz Breakfast ment, she said. Diversity and Vetting after he received credit for time served for a 12- event at Belle Haven Country Club Having a state of the art facility month sentence. on Dec. 8. There was more traffic “allows us to attract and retain subcommittee chair. The Public Safety Committee has been review- than they expected, but she said providers,” Addo said. ing the recommendations from each subcommit- staff was prepared to handle it and Over the next three years, Addo By Tim Peterson tee of the Ad Hoc Commission over the last sev- all went well. and Inova plan to enhance and The Gazette eral months, including Use of Force, Communica- In fact, Addo said, a woman had upgrade the Inova campus with a tions, Mental Health, Recruitment, Diversity and planned specifically to be the very new parking structure and medi- he Fairfax County Board of Supervisors is Vetting, and Independent Investigations and Over- first to deliver a baby in the new cal fitness facility. Twell on its way to implementing all rec- sight. department. For more information, visit ommendations from the Ad Hoc Police Michael Hershman, chair of the Ad Hoc Com- The state-of-the-art facility www.inova.org/healthcare-ser- Practices Review Commission. At the Dec. 13 mission, said in a statement, “I not only look back which features 35 all-private vices/emergency-services/loca- meeting of the board’s Public Safety Committee, on our work as very pertinent given today’s na- rooms, new “fast track” rooms to tions/mount-vernon-hospital. they announced 88 percent of the commission rec- tional attention on policing and community rela- ommendations have been implemented or are tions, but am encouraged by the seriousness with soon to be so. which the Board of Supervisors have addressed “I am proud that 178 of 202 recommendations our many recommendations. Through a series of by Photo have been approved in just over a year,” Chair- committee meetings and hearings focusing on our man Sharon Bulova said in a statement. “The recommendations, the board has displayed a pro- Board of Supervisors, Police Department and fessional and bi-partisan effort to make a very Peterson Tim county staff have been moving with deliberate good police department into a model for the rest speed to transform these recommendations into actionable policies. By launching Diversion First, See Commission, Page 16 establishing the Office of Police Auditor, creating a Civilian Review Panel, hiring a civilian FCPD /The Gazette Public Affairs Director and applying new standards regarding release of information, just to name a few, Fairfax County has made great strides toward enhancing trust in and increasing transparency of Fairfax County Government.” Inova Mount Vernon president and CEO Deborah Addo (center) talked about the opening of the new Veatch BULOVA LAUNCHED the commission in re- Family Emergency Department to members of the sponse to public concern and growing distrust of Mount Vernon-Lee Chamber of Commerce at the Biz police over the 2013 shooting death of Spring- Breakfast on Dec. 8. field resident John Geer by Fairfax County Police officer Adam Torres. 12/16/16 Fairfax County Police and the supervisors didn’t A Dec. 13 presentation from Ad Hoc home in Requested material. release case information for more than a year af- Police Practices Review Commission, Time-sensitive ter Geer’s death, even to his family. A wrongful Recruitment, Diversity and Vetting Postmaster: death civil suit filed by the family and a court or- subcommittee chair Shirley Ginwright Attention Permit #482 Permit der finally forced the release of investigation files (right), marked the last subcommittee VA Alexandria, PAID and Torres’ name. to be heard by the supervisors. Postage U.S. PRSRT STD PRSRT www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Mount Vernon Gazette ❖ December 15-21, 2016 ❖ 1 2 ❖ Mount Vernon Gazette ❖ December 15-21, 2016 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Mount Vernon Gazette Editor Steven Mauren News 703-778-9415 or [email protected] New Catholic Bishop: To Listen and Learn that you are endowed with many outstand- A ministry to the ing episcopal qualities and virtues.” faithful and the IN AN INTERVIEW Dec 5, Burbidge said he will not pursue any specific agenda too community beyond. quickly. “You cannot implement a diocesan plan By Dan Brendel or mission statement until you take the time The Gazette to listen and learn. So one of the first things I’m doing upon being installed is, I’ll be cel- he Most Rev. Michael Burbidge ebrating seven or eight Masses around the assumed full authority last week diocese, and then I’ll have the opportunity Tas the new bishop of the Catho- to be with the priests and the lay faithful. lic Diocese of Arlington. He suc- … That’s my first goal: just get out, listen ceeds the Most Rev. Paul Loverde, who re- and learn.” tired after 17 years as bishop. Burbidge Nevertheless, he expounded repeatedly begins his new ministry with a commitment his general commitment to break down both to conservatism and bridge building. walls. Early in his homily at his Mass of Instal- When asked how he will promote unity lation, held Dec. 6, he said people live in and charity in society following a divisive “unsettling times.” He called for renewed election season, he replied: “We’ll continue public engagement of several issues that to preach the gospel — right! — reminding have been hallmarks of the culture war. us that we are all created in God’s image These include protection of the unborn, re- and likeness. We are all united as brothers ligious freedom, and the sanctity of mar- and sisters. We’re part of the human family riage. He warned that Catholics’ faithful- and share the common responsibility to ness on such issues might result in ostra- build up the common good. And we can cism, acknowledging society’s deep and only do that when we respect and listen to persistent divisions. one another. Even when we disagree, even Equally, the Mass conveyed a yearning to when we have different perspectives, that unite and serve across boundaries. Burbidge we do not label, we do not dismiss one an- preached on having a disposition of thank- other, but truly listen and respectfully en- fulness and sharing God’s mercy. People of gage each other.” various ethnicities read Scripture, prayed, Burbidge has experience with political and sang in as many as six different lan- engagement. He and a fellow bishop in guages, underscoring the diocese’s repeated North Carolina established the public policy commitment to promote cultural diversity. advocacy web site “Catholic Voice NC.” Burbidge stood to greet ecumenical and “CVNC seeks to influence legislation at interfaith clergy. Among them, Rabbi Gerry both the state and national levels,” accord- Serotta is the executive director of the In- ing to the web site. “Beginning in 2008 terfaith Conference of Metropolitan Wash- Catholics in North Carolina who joined ington, which represents 11 different faith CVNC received email alerts from the bish- traditions. ops requesting they contact legislators to Before reading aloud the papal letter di- support or oppose various pieces of legisla- recting Burbidge’s transfer, the Most Rev. tion.” Christophe Pierre framed the bishop’s man- Mass of Installation was held Dec. 6 at the Cathedral of Saint Thomas Burbidge said he will continue in his new date as being constructive for the whole More in Arlington. position to engage the various levels of secu- society. Pierre is the Apostolic Nuncio, or Photos Contributed lar governance. Pope Francis’ personal representative in the “Yes, as a bishop, I’m mandated to. I’m U.S. mandated to bring the gospel into the pub- “An Apostle must make an effort to be lic arena. We’re very blessed here in this courteous, serene, enthusiastic, and joyful, diocese where we have a Virginia Catholic a person who transmits joy everywhere he Conference that assists us in that process.