Ecological Restoration in Flanders
Ecological Restoration in Flanders Kris Decleer (editor) Mededelingen van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek INBO.M.2008.04 1 Acknowledgements This publication was made possible by the contributions and support of the following people and organisations. Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) Peter Adriaens, Niko Boone, Geert De Blust, Piet De Becker, Nicole De Groof, Kris Decleer, Luc Denys, Myriam Dumortier, Robin Guelinckx, Maurice Hoffmann, Lon Lommaert, Tanja Milotic, Sam Provoost, Geert Spanoghe, Erika Van den Bergh, Kris Van Looy, Tessa Van Santen, Jan Van Uytvanck, Kris Vandekerkhove, Bart Vandevoorde. Agency for Nature and Forests (ANB) Mario De Block, Evy Dewulf, Jeroen Geukens, Valérie Goethals, Lily Gora, Jean-Louis Herrier, Elvira Jacques, Hans Jochems, Marc Leten, Els Martens, Lieven Nachtergale, Hannah Van Nieuwenhuyse, Laurent Vanden Abeele, Eddy Vercammen, Tom Verschraegen, LIFE project team ‘DANAH’ Flemish Land Agency (VLM) Carole Ampe, Ingrid Beerens, Griet Celen, Hilde Heyrman, Joy Laquière, Daniël Sanders, Hilde Stulens, Toon Van Coillie, Inge Vermeulen Natuurpunt (NP) Tom Andries, Dirk Bogaert, Gaby Bollen, Tom De Beelde, Joost Dewyspelaere, Gert Ducheyne, Frederik Hendrickx, Guido Tack, Steven Vangompel, Christine Verscheure, Stefan Versweyveld University of Ghent Eckhart Kuijken University of Antwerp Tom Maris City of Ghent Bart De Muynck 2 Content page Foreword 5 I. Policy framework for ecological restoration in Flanders 7 I.1. Legal obligations 7 ● Spatial planning and zoning maps 7 ● The Flemish Ecological Network 7 ● Natura 2000 7 I.2. Main instruments for ecological restoration in Flanders 9 ● Acquisition of land for the creation of nature reserves 9 ● Management of nature reserves 9 ● Ecological restoration as a side effect of large public works 9 ● Compensation obligation 9 ● Schemes for land development and land development for nature 9 ● EU (LIFE) 10 ● Private-public cooperation agreements for management and restoration 10 ● Regional Landscapes 10 II.
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