'qreuuorlsenbeqlr,trunoqssarceds,{Iuoe14sexotadso'lselueureceldsrql;o1nlqnop,1rea1csealeq ' 'auawoidCtllJ 'lxesuotadso auawoldtttll paqetsrldut5 epql6 vaetD ll\' I uoualsoaUDryJo'r1.;ueg snuKwoJJlw ]€'ll'leur peceld fpua::nc elE lsl{l selcedsJo Jaqunu 3 sEIIJr''\ se ueql pepnlJxJ Jdcls 'auawold(trlJ 'J ur peJeldlla,,tr lou eJe,trI a^nauuoslout pue DSSatddD auawoldtl4; tuq 3u1z1u3oceg 'suoqceseAUolulariawoltlt-tqJJose:rledsotlpec?ld(tZ6I)Jde15eurqeq1,4qu,"'tou1eret'oadso'JpuE 'Q|nauuosrDw 'pequcsep ossaddo auawoJdfuqJse pequJsep'selceds reqgn; o,"n1 aualaord&{J s? ueaqpEqDrrlyJo sarcedseuo,{1uo'eeeceg,tll ueqe.usny eqlJolueuJlseJ] (r981) s,IrrEl{tuaqolJoud

'u,tlo rot4;o snue8ro dno:3 cueue8ur;ut,{ue otul peceld ueeqJa^eu oluq few pue 'rrflyJo sercedspeuruu ,{lsnot,lerd ae:ql eq] uee,traqdtqsuoqeler esolc aq1 ol elnl"Jolll aql uI secue:e;ercgtcads ,(ue eq ol readdelou op eraql selceds,trouaru o^!leqlo oql p ue'lpu1 auauofitL1J 'rltIly Jepun peu?u ,(lpur3uo are,t eeJql ol pJllJJaJ satleds e,rt; aql Jo sllP.qsnv luJluet pu€ rrjetse.rur palnqulslp snue8.^1eu € '(eEeceyf111)o1n7y puolsl^al ,Ituouox€] e sluase:d:ededsq1


'sant 'y 'st1oco1'dsqns 'ua8pnrl V pue DlDtpDnb ondso y 4 'polsllsnlll e,{Urllad,rarl dsqnsDradso onlvexet Meu:no; eql Sutpnlcul eJ?Exel sql Jo xIS llenhl d ps,raldd, otqncuno JpuE zlud'goJadso'J'saeJpuY d'U J auawo|dtttgsetmtsasuq eql JoJuesoqt are sed.{tolce-I ue8pnrl ry s,(g ('11.enyl'd)DtDnluno'dsqns ptnauuost aly pue ueBPnrI ? efg 'y'ueapntlq 'ue8pn:14 ( an^{ d) ra^nauuoslow e(d(ztud'q) Dtadsry e.{U(s^\elpuv d U l) ossatddo DfilV 'zr^ 'epBtu oJe 'lpug auawotd(tqJ snue8 eqt uI papnlcul ,{1snol,ra:d exu1uo pas?qsuoDsurquoc .treu Jnog poztuSocarseltedsqns pu€ sarcedseql;o qcua:oJ pepl^oJd 'pessncslP 'sJe,\\ou ere suoqducsap1n; puB ,4e{€ pue eJEsnueS ,{\eu eqt ;o sdtqsuoqelereqJ sll uo csrppalrd-elzyncnu fpuauluro:d eql,{q pu? sueluutssll uo Pue13es:o:1u lueunuord aql ,(q ecuu111t wncnDpuoqJ eqto't8urBuoleqEreueAJeqloruo.gpeqstniupslP sl rrr?1y elpJlsnV qlnos puB&olMJ 'ee3tEu,{t\ urequoN erl 'slprlsnv uJelse/AJosuor8al puDlul uI sJnJcosnue8 .,neu eq1 peqlDsapsI eql 'ua8pn:1 lo eave\le wnnnolawoq3 aqt ot Eur?uoleqsarceds a,tg;o snue8e puz e,ig ,lrly (0002) 'aeaxu(lslJo ,.l'eue'Dfily'ueap 7TE-7VE:(O El o1s1tn1g snua8usll€rtsnv J A I trT'-I'g'efu


'fol €869 pltp'|]snvuralsey'A'e4ueJ tua^Itae ,{etloeg 3Pg pelsot 'runlJ?qloH lueure3Eurl^IpuE'I pu? uolle^lasuoJJo tueluuBda( uEIlEJtsnVulelsoy'A

ua8pru19 1,1puu a,4g 1 g

'Dtnlv eseJslJ,{I I JOSnu33 UBllBJlsnV ,{reue

stg @\Odggrg ne.(Z\ tI o1 t t(t1 N 346 Nuytsia Yol. 13, No. 2 (2000)

Green (1983) removed somespecies from Thryptomeneto his new genusMalleostemon, brtrTot thosenow corsideredto belong in Alrt4. While Green( 1980, 1986)made useof someof the unusual featutesofT. maisonneuveitodistinguj.sh it from the other speciesincluded in his keys to the arid zone and South Australian speciesof ,he otherwise drew little attention to the atypical characteristicsof this species.


Apartfromtype materialborowed from MEL, all specimenscited arehoused at PERTH, although duplicatesmay exist in other herbaria. All measurementswere takenfrom dry pressedmaterial. Leaf measurementswere obtainedfrom the largestleaves on eachspecimen. Filament lengthswere taken from the longeststamens ofeach flower and style lengthsfrom yery matureflowers and young fruits.

Distdbution maps were preparedusing distribution data ftom PERTH herbarium specimensand additionaldata from Green ( 1983). Th€ Botanical Provincesused are those defined by Beard (1980). Conservationcodeshave been assigned according to theWestern AustmlianD€partmentof Conservation and Land Management'ssystem, the categoriesof which are defined at the end of this Naytsia issue.

Relationships and differ€ntiation of Arrrra

Ahla is one of over 20 generacuffently recognizedin the Ci amelaucium alliancein the informal classificationofthe Myrtaceaedevised by Briggs & Johnson(1979). Phylogeny wirhin the alliance is still far from certain, but there appearsto be a good basisfor separationof this group from other alliancesin the family, asdiscussed by Johnson& Briggs(1985).

Some problems in the delimitation of genera within the alliance have been satisfactodlydealt with in recentyears, notably for andits closerelatives (Craven 1987a,b). Among the generaBentham (1867) included in his very broadly circumscribed conceptof L., someprogress has been made by the descriptionof OchrospermaTrudgen(Trudgen 198?)and the reinstatementof Lindl. (Bean 1997), Eurlomyrtus Schauer(Trudgen in press),Rlnzic Schauer(Trudgen 1986) and Triplarina Raf. (Bean 1995). However there are significant problems remainingin the delimitationofgenerain thealliance, particularly in the group includingThryptomene. Theseproblems and the lack ofcomparative studiesofthe morphology and anatomy ofother genera within the ChameLauciumalliance limit the certainty with which relationships of car. be discussed.

In anther morphology, Aluta appeaxsto show a closer relationship to Malleostemon tharr to Thryptomene ajndrtsallies. Aluta a\d Malleo stemonbothhaye anthers (seeFigure I ) with the following characteristics:

1. The groovesof eachcell are oblique, not parall€l to the connective,and meet towards the apex of the anther. This indicatesthat the orientation of the two cells is divergent rather than parallel.

2. The adjacentparts of the two cells (i.e. thoseparts locatedto the inside of the two grooves)differ in shapefrom the outer parts,becorning expanded towards the lower end such that they meet and are fused along the length of the anther connectiye. 'Erlu?Jednsotlnu?ludes 'equeled'geplad €lluelslsledolcruJuI llec?qleqelrPduI'9tpda5 stpuelqns 't snqru:lsrsred snqenp srloJtJDJq uel tlos saJ€llx€ salolJ snessnlapsnlsoddo stlllsnd sr rloJ'llnJrlnU

'^ou 'ua? 'u"?pt1JlT efa e1nly


'Jstp aql uo uulp lxnlqtuudfq aql uo Surura ed lueuutord e:oul qcnru 'Dtniy 'csp e^?q ureql Jo lsotu puE uI w perld ,{1deapre,teu st 1t eql uo 8uure11udeutos e,neq eraueB Jerlo eqtJo sJequleueuos q8noqlly (C'JI ern8ld) unqlusd,{q eql uo sllun ulellud raqlo ro sltd fue ueql re8rel slrd suqqclq.{t 'JStp pa ld-ele1ncrle:,(pueuluord .{:e,ts1t ,(q acuulle arnlJnopwDqJ eqlJo sJequerrjJeqlo IrIo{ peqsrnSuqsrp,(Ipea rcqwc o]n:.y',KaoloqdJoruuau?ls lJurlsrps1t tuo.g tredy

',rr?/y ru04 secuoroJJIp 'sJelc€JPqc pcrSoloqd:ou.rrealJ rnoJ lsBel]u s,toqs snue8qc?e eseqlJo IIU SuueplsuoJ sJalculcqc pdes puuurntqluud,{q 'ecueJsetouut 'uolluluarcld ro r:qul nu JJn^ouI seJueJa.}JIpJsqunJ,toqs ruelpJo ouos pw (^,\oleqaes) uoD€tueuleujo cslp ullrlly tuoq JeJJrposlu Ip ueuaS;o dnor8 slq13os:equen1 's1ec oq1;o sulSruuroql SuIqt"eJ sllls 3uo1,{qacuacslqep seq snu(.woJJtWpuEesBq eql lc pJlPJcdas 'olduruxe pu€ ae{ sllec Jor{lu€eqt setl auawo\dtttg rog sllet JeqluE310 Jo atueJslqep Jo uolsnJ 'uorlulueuoaql uI JeJJrpuelgo.{aq11nq'alulncueE 1ou ere suarmls {eql DrrllyaII'I ro.tog eqlJo eplsul eql spru,rot pelceJlppuu13 eq;o 4nq oql qll.lt put poqJell€,(puere;yp puu13e,rpcouuoc eql Sur,ruq 'sed,{l ur uoutasoa\ow puE,lr?lyJo esoqturo{ JaJJIpI{JII{,{ Jo II€ uaul€lsJo ,{1auu,ru a,tuqureua8 'papnlcul lsarll 'auawotdfuqJ ot esolJ oq ol peJeplsuoJ,t1uuot1tpur1 uraue8 eql puu "JeM Dlnlv Jo " sercedsparuuu ,(1snor^erd Ip qclq,\\uI I pug auawotdctt4 r1lI.^\ epEtu 3q ol sp€euoslu uosrrcduro3

'sueujuls 'alcunpadred pra,res ueuo sJe,,r\oueql pue uotsserdepu ul e1,(1seqt alBlnclua88ul^tq uI 'fJu^o a?eauqotuotBulqng eql ol ,(lIJBIIurIsJelEerB qcnru e s,troqs1l lnq palleJ-I e svrfuowzlsoaloW 'ofltv 'uowalsoa 'IlInblluB otll oW JourBuoeqt Sunepa:d,{lulEuec el'uoslo sle?eeu\oluotSutqDg oql rrlo{ sJosJnceJds1r so o1n7yp uotlsjEdesoql ueql lceJJoc st uone}a:djllut srtll JI luJunlrJ aql ol pesnJSuluoteq puEISe^nceuuoJ eql selEpeJdlEql eu11'{:euoqnlo're ut slueserderDlnlv :fnqr ereqpalsaSsns sr lr pueonlvse reqtueJo ad,{l aruesaql e,teqsdnor8 alulnctueS oseql llv {ooH CI '{ooH 'Q'f T qtueg (ransqcs) auryrr(w(xo puE ? .puag (]€neqcs) DtSowrDH'qlueg ( lpurl) 'seuE^o oluot?nqog suol0.asD paDg sB pellel (/98I) ul€Wuog esoql zI^ al€lncol-llnur qll/'\ sdno.r8peleler 1u:a,tesuI punoJsI se ad,{taruus aq1;o s uowa$oa DWJo uJLuHs)lelnJluJB aqJ

'(886I uoarD) alzlncrue8se ol parre;a:sr ueuels;o ed,tlstql uoqrodae:; aql puuaJnlcruls pesnJ snll Jo uotltun feql lE puequeppns fl:re; e serllueruEIIJ eql .{lt€nsn luelrreluea4 eqt;o gtd raddneql utql rapuorq,{pcutlsrp '(gi arnlcn:tse Sunu:oJ eInBId) lueuIEIIJeql Jo pue IElsIpeql puu o^DceuuoJJLll ol qlSurJllnJ slr roJ '(Y pelrun puey8eq1 3ur^!q ur sreJJrp1.ro a$oalpw l eJnBIC)puBIS eql .tdolaq,{t}ceJlp JoWUE eql Jo 'e^IlteuuoJ acqjns relno oql uo petecoluotssudep e EIAe^nJauuoc eql sutol1ueruulgeq1 pue eql ol pue peJedq ar{l ls lueulqce1e slt :oJ ldecxe ee4 sI lI s? snol^qo ,{:a,r.st pue13a,ulceuuoc eql Dl,l1yuI

'a,\qcauuoJaql pue Jo lnuuns eql l" sllec Jeqlut eql uea,,tllaqpa1eJol dp lptus u ol e^IlJeuuocaql sp:u.'irolSutredtl 'oBJEI Je,rou eql Jo aprstnoaqt spJ",^\otpetcerrp ,{poq pepwdxe uE qlt,1,\ sI puelS a.tnceuuol eqJ, ?

'se,loor8 's11eceql go e8pa retno eqt ol u"ql laau se,roo:8o,^ntr aql e:eqarilurod eql ol .tesolc '(sUs 1ue3:a,trpeq13o euo Suop pet€Jol qc€e uoqs ,{:e,t:o) serod o,tr1,(q st ecuecsqap uellod E

'olntv 'uaSpnjl 'l g e€arEu,{y{ Jo snua8 uerp:lsnv ^\.u P g tr^I puE e,{d 348 Nqrsid Vol. 13, No. 2 (2000)

c D

FiSurc l. A,B - two views of slamen of Alxtd (A) ^nd MalLeoste on (B), the laleral view prior !o dehiscenceand the inner view after dehiscence,g - gland, p - pore of anrher cell through which pollcn is released,t - tip of gland, locarcd at apex of connective. C side view of AlukL trrrjt showing pitted hypanthium. D - top view of Altta fruit showing redculate-pitied disc. albavelrosea, ad basim breviter unguiculata. Stamina5 sepala opposita, vel c. 10-c. 20 inegulariter deposita.Antherae bilobatae, uterque lobus dehiscentius poro propecentrum sulci qui ex apicem connectivivenus marginem exteriorem lobi; connectivumglande magna clavata ad florem exterium versus.Discus reticulato-foveolatus, Ovarium unicellulare, placanta sub-basalis; ovula in 2 vel 3 paribusoblique superposita. Stylus centralis, nec depressus. Fructus siccus, indehiscens.

Type:Aluta aspera(E. Pritz.)Rye & Trudgen.

Slrrurssmall to large;young stems 4-angled. leaves opposite, decussate, small: petiole very short or almostabsent; blade thick especially towards apex, often with two distinctlateral surfaces as well asthe adaxial and abaxial ones, concolorous, with usuallyvery prominent oil glandsparticularly on thelateral surfaces. Inflorescence of solitaryaxillary flowers grouped into a subterminalcluster or cylindricalformation on eachfertile branchlet, each flower subtended by 2 bracteolesat the summit 's.roJ lerepl o,rl ur ,(1urcurpeSuer:e 11us err spuul3eql lnq'ece3:ns qloous esl.tleqlo 'snue8 ar1 Suqdrusrpspuel8 lueururo:d dre^ qtr,r eql Jo sJaqueu reqto uI u€ql eleJeteroul sI Jpol 'seJE]lns erll Jo lsou sa./al v uI J3el eql Jo xadu aql rueu lueruddeueuo eJEeseql lnq IEJalslpeuuep Ilear\s{rel sala,l y.(tuo eJuJrnslerxuqr] eql upqt peuop-puef ,(puaunuo.rdoJoru ueuo eJ€sec€Jins 'rJfily IpJelelJreql pu? uorlcas esJe^su€rur peprs-t ,(lloullslp eIe so^€e[aql Jo salceds]sour uI

'seqcludralprus qlr,tr 'eso3ru seruneuostnq sduts Suol qtr,tr,{1pnsn ,(lrep8eur pus flalnulu sl lnq e.{apal?u eql ot qloorus 'pe,roor8 readde ,(eur {rtq re{rep eq1 ,{lpurpntr8uol ,{1daapeuoceq,{eur pue 1.reqreryep e e,ruq 'sruets qcrq,r Joploeql uor; peqseJ€ 1r[q qsrtrqm;o sdtrtsaq puEsJ^EeT Jql qlog secp;rnsrnoJ raql Jo qceeuo slrxe;eel eql uea,rleq sduls ur {JEq qslrq^\ Icrql u dole,Tep uoostnq 8ut,to:8 ,{le,rqceueq,tr qsrppe:eq,(eru pue (sor€JrnsIunba JnoJ Sur,req) pel8ua-y ere s1ue1deqlgo sruelsSuueaq-Jual oql

'urnrqtued,{q,furcq e suq osp o.iadsz dsqns soloalouJqpuu seleel 'suels 3uno.t f:ruq ,{pua:eddeseq qcrq,n 'ondsn 'dsqnsondsr rlr?1yurparInJJo suqsIqI ',sr€q, sE uo ergquo{ ot paJJe;ersuoqceford :epuels peqcuurqro aldrurs olur sq1,ro:31noesgqlJo uorsuelxe,{q dole,repuec sernlcnrs e{ll-JteH surSruu elelnJuuepSunu.ro; ,(11unsn sqt.,r,ro:3lno leuueprde elnunu a^eqferrllnqsnoJqDlSsrsnue8slql'ecuErlIEwnlJn7law"/qJeqlJosreqlueluJeqtoursV'KSolol/dtolA!

'JJtlluEJql uo puelSe,tttrouuor a>itl 'Jaqluel -qcnod lueuruojd aql ol SuuaJaJ gos ;o qcnod .roasnd - ofllo w]f-a etll wosg ,lqo|owt1g

(VZernBrd) 'lllpr1snv qlnos ur ueueJrv e{u'I Jeouol lsua-qlnospue fuotlrel ueqtJoN oqt ur geseq uosdurrgaq1 'elleJlsnV ol ls?eell€JlsnV uJetsel6ur :a,rrg eu,4ocsz9raddn aql uror; Surpuolxe l€.rluacpuu uJalse,t 'serJeds Jo suor8al prr€-ruas pue prl€ ur pelnqusrp sr o1n7y pazu?ocat exe1lqSle Jo Ielol e 8ur,\r8 'serceds eW Jo o,rl ur pazruSocersercedsqns qlr,tr e U sasudruol snua8aq1 uoqnqu$Ip puD azts

',(sso13'u,to:q ueplo8 'ece;:ns:e1nouo pepunorpue qloorus 'ecedselqelrE^B SurtlrJ ro peduqs-e8pa^\'pruq ,{lluareddt (s)paas elueJuI uago ',{Jp 'prosdrlla,(ypeo:q ,Oe,r o1 :e1nqo13 pessa:dep luacsrqepurtlrzg elulrduceu8rls :esBqlE lsepBoJq 'ua{uns 'p4ueo lou a/&S Sutqrnol puu lureleloc rted qc€e'sJled pesod:adns,(lenbqqo 6 ro 7 ut soln^o :€lueJeldpsuq-qns enbrlqou€ rIr,{\'pelloc-I ("/r,1O lrnq eJnlDurur xe^UocpuE trn{ 3uno,{ur 'pag1d-elulncqa: 'lleJ 'els^elJ luluozuoq,{1pnsn ,{pueururo:desi6r JeqtueqJEo sE aBJEI sE lnoqu puelS 'JIm :re,rou Jo aprstnospJp,r\ol palJeJrp puu13 luaururo:d u qlr,n a^rlceuuoJaql eq1;o ur3:urueql o1 ,4lanbllqoo^rlJeuuoc aqt;o xeduaqt:nau uo{ sunrqcq^\ e^oo:3 e;o elpprureqt aa.oqu,{pqBqspalucol 'peuallcu uod e ,{q SuruadolleJ qJpe'pellec-ZJeqluE :xadE Jepuels arou e ol esEqer0 ulo4 Suuadel lueur"lU :(slEledpua spdes qloq qll,^dSuqeu:eqe lsal eqt Jo lsolu Jo [3 pue spdas eq1eltsoddo g 'sp1ed o1 dn qyr,tr)pe8uerre ,{lreln8eJ.Iruoqt elotu Jo 0I r Jr aql elrsoddo palucol sepourunls 'OZ qlr,tr Buqeurelp seuneuros puE pdas qceeelrsoddo ouo uoql sJl rJo0l c'g suauois xadute 'Surpeuds papunor,{ypuo.rq 'aseq tu peanelc.{1uoqs '1urd:o alrqar'spdes aqt uuqt:a3:e1qcnur ,(yepr,r 'E rlpjad 'elBlncunEserurtoruos 'pEoJq (s)uoruod snouB.rqueu :pellop-pusl3 fpueunuord uoruod 'snou€Jqureur snoalrqreq :llruJ ur luetsrsred JepurEureJaqt'xed€ eql ot setuqelllospuE eseqeql tE snoeceqJeqssel Jo erct:l'g slorlag pap4uu,tr,(1eso1c ro palld ,{luauluoJd ,{lJrsJol ,{lalnuru ,{lpnsn 'a^oq€ uoruod ae{ ou qlr,,n'(re,ro ol etevpl-untquod(H spdes pue eqnl p:ou er{tJoJ seluFetuos 'snoJpuEloJd'llElus 'JrqdJoruouurp ldecxe lnoq8norql snoJqelS srrl\o1j al?lnJunE lEq,r3rrJos 'es?q 'pe^Jncur 'pelee)I saurqeuos J?eu Jo lE lsepDoJqseprs snou€Jqureu :luelsrsJed ,{pueururord 'seprs 'pnq snoueJqueulpue lurod pcrde o1eseq uro:; uorgod snoeceqJer{{rrrl E qll,r 8uno,(,{-te,L ur 'elJunpad Ja.,,\oUSursolJua pus algxuqrnrsaloapotg Jeal Supu4qns oql usrl Jouoqssr qJrq,,,,\ € Jo

'oinlv 'ueSpnrl -9 'I eper?u,{I^I Jo snue8 uprlpJlsnv k\eu p. I,,{ pue e,(N g NrrylsidVol. 13, No. 2 (2000)

Both the bracteolesand sepalsin Aluta arc parlially membranous,with the remaindersomewhat to veryherbaceousandusually prominently dottedwith oil glands. At filst the membranousportion(s) are clear-translucentbut they may becomewhitish and thicker with age. The herbaceousportion of the bracteolesis very thick, keeled and greenor partially green. In the sepalsthe herbaceousportion is usually much less thickenedand may becomemore membranousas the sepalsage.

In young fruits the disc is deeppink to dark red. By the time the fruit hasfully matured,the and usually also the petals have been shed,but the sepalsremain attached. At this stageboth the bracteolesand the sepalsare quite glossy. The bracteolesare persistentfor a while after the fruits are shgd. The two bracteolesof eachpair usually overlap at the basewhere the membranousmargins are broadest. Retentionof the paperysepals in most taxa may resultin the fruits being more easily wind- blown, promoting wider dispersalof the seeds.

Genetic and breeding systems. Like most other genera of ,Aluta Vobably has a base chromosomenumber of I l. More chromosomenumber counts are needed,however, as there is only one record to date for the ,a tetraploid number of c. 22 for Aluta maisonneuvei. The evidently favour outbreeding,having protandrousflowers that appearto be suited to pollination by small insects,

Key to speciesand subspeciesof A/ulo

1. Flowers4.5-6(7) mm diameter,with 5(6) stamensopposite the 2. Stemswith firmly attachedgrey bark. Leaves3.5-6.5 mm long,with a prominentrecurved apical point 1-1.4mm long. Peduncles1-3 mm long. (Mt Jacksonto SalmonGums) ...... A.appressa 2. Stemswith looseflaky red-brownbark. Leaves1-2.5 mm long,scarcely pointed.Peduncles up to 0.8 mm long. (Meekatharrato Northern Territoryand South Australia) ...... " A. maisonneuvei 3. Leaves1.2-1.6 mm wide;lateral surfaces very oblique (c. 45 degreesto almosthodzontal), 0.5-0.7 mm wide,with usually2 rowsof prominent oil glands.(Kumarina to NorthemTerritory and South Australia) . subsp.maisonneuvei 3. Leaves0.7-1.2 mm wide;lateral surfaces somewhat obllque (less than 45 degrees)to vertical,usually 0.3-0.4 mm wideand with I row of prominentoil glands.(Meekatharra to South Australia)...... subsp.auriculata 1. Flowers7-12 mm diameter,with c. l0ormore stamens,usually inegularly arranged,always with somealtemate to thesepals and petals 4. Leaves15*20 mm long,with an erectto incurvedapical point. Outer sepals distinctlyaudculate. Stamens 15-22. (Eastem Pilbara) ...... A. quadrata 4. Leaves1.5-13 mm long,with apicalpoint recurved or veryreduced to absent Sepalsnot or scarcelyauriculate, Stamens c. 10 5. Leavesmore or lessterete, with a prominentrecurved apical point. Bracteoles ovate,with a recurvedapical point. (Sandstone area) ...... A.t€res 5. Leaves4-angled in cross-section,scarcely pointed. Bracteoles broadly ovateor with a very broadbase and linear apex, acute. (Gascoyne River to WonganHills andKalgoorlie area) ...... A. aspera 6. Leaveswith bothsimple and branched hairs 0.2-0.4 mm long.Sepals ciliolate. Fruit with a denselyhairy hypanthium. (Bungalbin Hill to Yindi Station)...... subsp.aspera (gZ ern8rg) 'slunC 'erlEJ]snv uotul€s J?euol lsBo-qlnosuo${Jef uN JBeuuro.t1 Supuelxe uJelseii\Jo suozJeluluJelse.{\ -qlnos eqt ur pu€ ecur^ord IerruBtog lse/d l{tnos eqlfo U€d pu?tul eql uI pellrqrJist(I uoltnqlust1

'6997 bqua11 U,'996t drs II 'lleruEq '816I '3nY 'lred 'A't Jo N [ur{ g] sallw Z'.Bg\IuoI/{ C Z IEuoq€Nuul?H luvrd'6681uaat) '9461 'decuorl 'etp:e81ooJ ,rog y 1 qtnos:(OV xe) t SSVDuuo1'N'N't161 de5 9 Jo i[Si[ UII 9g , '.2692 'g '.suno '.f6LVl9 'A aaNxw V uowtung V W'tg6t lco Z uolups Jo l\\S,^Nur-{ 9'OI uqug 't66I 'H'A'J'2961 '[eu1p.,no1a^ ,(tnt t'ap?csrl'pd spuo oU t6S6I ultdv dsg 11 Jo g uq 6t t] '3ed 'pauraDra ,{E^rqBrHu:alsug learg allul 082 :VI'MJS1V NUAIS1L4 suawtcadspaoa1ag

'peluapul 'padeqs-e8pa,nn (J-V€ ernSrd) 3uo1urur7 1-g g puEq8nol luq,\\euos serEJiInsrauut eql 'flunt€ur te ueeslou spaas Jeletuelpuru 9 I-€ l tslp :slld llerusSutsolcue utnlnclleJ euIJ €.Io sePIuIJ,t\ '3uo1 esolJJo uorleluaucu:o tueu[uord ,(I:rq r: qtr,'irrunrqtuud,{q :popeos-i ,iuueredde urur E 1-7 1 'p 'e411urod 'spted yntg Buolususg'g-9'g a1rQg sapag 3uo1ruul y 6 r eqt ettsoddo( T ,4luoruuroc 'opla\ tsoru) t-l sapourwDts qsrppu Sutu:nl tsJIJ tu ao[e.{ pwlS :u,trorq-per uul i 0-€ 0 req}uE 'spdes :qsppaJ'8uol urur 9 0-S 0lueuclrJ :sepourusls pacnpe:,{ra,rq}l^\ Sutuulolle eql etlsoddo 'g 'e:pua '>1utd '3uo1 'Julntllc '1edes suawD$ alelnua:c ,{pq311s ro altq.,'T urur €-z lsourlEsp1a3r ;o 'sPdas 'xedE es?q.^\oleq urru z 0 ol dn Sulpuelxe lsou.r:elnouo luept,roflpnsn salcunu:qslpper uouo 'JEInc.IIJItuos Surqceerlsorup uoruod snoeouqreq:seltunD SuIpnlJuIlou Suol ruu 8 0-9 0 ol el€,{o 'per 'tsrlJ 'epl,t\ passa:depspda5 daepSutu:nt ]t ldolle,4cslp :loleurErpturu (r)9-9 t srad{olC erllue '3uo1 uuJ g g-7 g sur8ruursnouEJqueu :lurod lectdulueuluo:d ol alnulu u qll.t pw elnce ruut 7-7 1 'ale^o,{lp€oJq Jo e}€^o sapapoJg 3uo1u.rurg-1 salcunpedilelqJuEJq qcua uo uotlutu:o; ltct.tput1,{ce ur srmd gg c o1dn puu sra,trog;o s:1udg utqt .re,,nagAlamt q11n acuacsatoglu1 ralarutrp uur 1 6 o1dn 'eJEJns 'snol^qo lerxuquuo JealJssel pw eJu3-tnsluJalcl qtue uo s^\oJZ uL4llsou s,4u,trptou spue13 '8uol :sa^leJJeplo ur JJoualo:q uego ged reddn lnq ulu t I-l lulod IuJIdP:xed€ lE pa^rnrer lnq IPU ,ty:regeceyns lerxupeaql'sarEJlns pratpl enbllqo eql uer.preptoJq acuJlns plx€q€ 13UEqtl,'\'palSue-t 'eulllno lurod Surpnlcullou urur Z I-I x g 9-g € uI JndIlla-SuolqoFI^ orreu ssalro olotu sapDlq{Da1 '3uo1uru 1 ol dn sa1o4a4 peqcelt .{1ur:r;,{psorusduts qlll,r l:eq,{er8 {rep E Suldole^epsurels replo 'pesseJddo 'slolqJuuJq :lueled lsorulBsoruneuos s:amog Sutpualqnsesoql lnq ol asjoJlue,(DSouI Jo spuespft,{\ol pep,rorJ oJotuueuotnq se,'ieeleql suSuol selnoqe sepouJe}ul fq pele.lsdes.(psoulse^Eal :pe8pu-t'repuals pue3uo1'see:8ep g7-g1;o se13ue1e Sursuu.{psoru slalqcue:q Suueeq-Juol :snolqelS 'apr,,\\ 'eseq 'q8lq tu Z I tsEeltE ol dn Joeupeqcuerq-,{uuru selulleuos ru Z-r'0 ,{ll€nsn sqruryS

'(0?6029I0 HJdgd :opapst'.69602910 HJ-dg.d:opal) 9LZI s$upuv'd'A'J'806I reqolro'PIp.nsnV 'acue:edsg;o uralsa16 qgou rad.{-; (It :n06I s,tarpuv) s^ae+uv d u'J DssarddDauawotdtuqJ

'^ou'qwor'ueBp\l? a,{d(s^ aJpuv d U J) BssJJddeB}nlV

elradsaq dsqns (euolspuDsol slllH ue8uol6 o1re,rrg au.{ocseg:eddn) Buol ultu €-€ I seloalcerg sa13uu '8uol eqt uo qloolus Jo elslnf,nuap,{lasJ€oc urur (9 9)S t-E I se^Ee-I I """ """' s1pro1 dsqns (ulpnquqn4 ot ulqqeg) Suol tutu 9-€ seloelterg 'sal8u? '3uol 'l eqt Suop elerltc ol elulnJlluap .{1aug uur tl-t sa^€e'I snorqulSlrnrg eJquesledes epelq aql;o sey8uey eql ol pelcqseJ Suol rutu I 0 u€tll sselsJIEq eldutts qlt.tr ro sno:qe18se,teal 9

'oylv 'ue8p oee.?u,{II Jo snuaSuErIBrsnV Mau a I A r,,l pu? afx 1 g 352 Nr)rrrdvol. 13.No. 2 12000)

Figure2. Geographicdistribution ol Alula. A - whole genus;B - Aluta appressaa, A quadtataa ^nd A, teresL;C-Alutaaspera subsp.arperd L,A.qspera subsp.locdlir A ar,dA asperusDbsp hesperia ai D - Aluta maisonneuveisnbsp- auriculata a and subsp.moisonneu,'ei O in WestemAustralia I€ualuu uryag ar1Jo uorlrnlsap erpolroud glXg4 ol peteuopere.t sed.{1u,{s:euuoJ eseql Jo r{loqJo sueutceds (ullJeg) gruo.Upa^ouer suo4rod:an3o1olordeql urpalrce:e,trsueurpedsot I'uoUDz{td(J

'uortPlsrpurA J"au ol lseJ-qrnospue sJlrq ue3uo16 ol qlnos re^ru au,{oasE0Joddn eql reeu tuo4 Surpuelxe'Drl?Jlsnv uelsel[ ur stnxao 'uolJnEusle

',4tunlutule ueastou spaas' JeteuErpurx g'Z-g I csrp:slreq,{q uapprqseluqeluos's1rd e8rrl ol yprus Sursolcue unlnonel e lo seppu,r Jo uorluluarrrtruolueuruord ,{1:rc;e qlr,^\runlqluud,4q :3uo(vLu Z Z'I tltlJ4 '8uoy 'peJnpeJ urur 1'g ueqt ssel'eTl-lurod .roa1l-qlool f-re^ lnq sueu€ls uee,rteqsduS re3ru1 eq1 ur '1s:1; lueserd,reJ e uouo sapoulwots qsr4urd,{1qeqo:d puu .rarlrupSururoceq 1r qsl,trolyefleq,reuros 'epr,r pu€ luacnlsu?rl ,{1pnsn puef :{rBIq lsourlE ot qsppeJ ulru t'o-gz 0 raqluB :6 seuqeuros '0I '1urd ,(l[€nsn,tuararrs eter'oqo ,{lpuorqsJala;r daepSunuoceq csrp :Jelaururp ww zI-L sra olc 'alplnJunu .{IacJef,sJo lou surS:erusnou€Jqueu :lueuluo.ld ,tra,r spuu13Io eqt 1rn4 ur e8ue:o o1 'sur8reu 'xedE Surp€Jpu€ snou?Jqruarueroru 3u[uocaq qsppar qtr,r pu€ elluer ls uaoJ8uauo punoJE peraproq,41peo:q ueuo lnq setuDe{uosxedu SurqcuoJ'8uo1qofl,trorreu o1elu,rouorgod snoaceqroq :et?ulSjpureseurteuos pu€ elu^o passerdepro crldlye ,{ypeorqssel ro erou slrlas xad€ SurqcEeJ lou lnq assqt€ puorq sur8reu snouerqrueru:e{rl-Juel JtEq lelsrp puu asuqpeoJq fue E qlr,r Jo ete^o 'oJpJ-rns Alpuotqsaloatco.tg Jelatuelptutrr Z'0 ol dn'lueuluord fllunsn IaJ4EIr{rue uo s,ror Z ro I ur 'ercJjns spu€l8lro :lurod pcrde ue 3ur:1ce1roeleuoJcnu Ierxupua,rucuoc,{lpnsn oql uEqllJp[olq lo su 'pafiue-y 'peqcellu peoJqsE seJ€Ins leJelplenbllqo qlr,{ sapolqtoa1 fluurJ .{llsoursdrrls q1r,n 1.ruq,{er8 lrep:o urnrpeurr Surdola,repsurels :aplo :po8pu-t slelqJuEJq8uln?aq-J€al :qBrqw t-Z'0 sqrur.ts

'(pefollSep'9 .'olralosr:pelrelos '9160z9I0 'DrTuIsnV arsq (g xe)HJdgd. otral) $19 spfA 7'106l JeqotoogZ ulotsaid'serzuelJo 'elEA qnos UDIgZ lewoJ : adtJ (11-g67unBrg'9g:i06I IeztrJdT slero)'zlu4 goodso auawoldtru

'rcu qwoc'ua?pntTT o,{d ( zlud A) "Jadse e1n1y

'sJ^f,JIJltsses tsou]lc sll ,{qosltr puE.{e{ eql ur pesnsrelJeJpqc eqt ,{q ,.rsarddo 'V wo4peqsrn8uqsp ,{[pear eq \recD^nauuoslpw 'V 'sp1ed pue sledes aql qtoq qtr,rdSupeu:eqe sueuqs aql Jo lsou qlr,r 1nq spdas aql elrsoddo 'sualupls sueu?ls erl Jo e^rJ ol dn qlr,4Aluaruo8uErre reln8e:l ue ur flFnsn euru1see1 1e a,leq snua8 '1edes aql Jo sJoquaurJeqt6 pted qcee;o a:luac aql elrsoddo(luese:d ueq,,n) sapoururuls alnuru pue 'suerrrels '!atnauuoslDw 'sa:oN EJo eJluaceql allsoddo ,{pce.rpqcee e^rJs€q selrads srql DtnIV eJ.r1'

'urnueqraq a1u,r.uds.JeupnC V J Jo ued ,{lsnor^aJdsu,r leqt 'runueqleq a1ec11dnpu ,(puepr,re sE,r auo Jeqloeql alrq.$ .s,retpuv IrJeJJo Ued su,n1t 1eq1 Suqerrpur 'HJdgd 'uouoJLl!dtJ IeqeJpeqcEllE ue seqedf101331 5s rr35sqceuo eqt le suarurcadsed,{t o,,r,it eqt lo

'lueselo 'snlDls lu {su lE eq o1peJeprsuoc loN uorlDuasuoJ

'JaqIIJeAONur OUOpuE .reqolso ur euo 'trruJaJnlEur ur eJ€suerurcads o,tr1 ,{yug requreldego1f1n1,{lJsa trlo4 papJof,eJsre,t'olg .(Sopualtd

'sanads srydtlpcnl eellel0JJo oJnappll 'ouupnsDJ Fq peleuruop 'spuslqnrqs 'a8pu seuneuos IIEI ol ,^..olur sJnJaO euolsuoJruE uro{ ploaal lsoruuJels€e-quoueql 'eluel€l ,ptlqoH qll,i\ Jo Ie eJAJo/puu pues ,{e,(€1cu,tro:q-,to1ya,4 ruo:; ro puus ,no11e,(ruory pepJoled

'DylV 'ueSpnll .l aeet?u,{I I Jo snue8 uEllEtsnv Mev e E r{ puE aIU g Nr)t.fld Vol. 13, No. 2 (2000) duringthe second World War. Thelarger ofthese PERTH specimens is chosenhere as the lectotype. Therejected syntype was: near Menzies, October 1901, E Pritzel84l (PERTH(ex B) 01620975).

Not€s.A polymorphictaxon whose three main variants are teated here as subspecies, all appearing from the availablerecords to be allopatric.The differencesbetween these subspecies appear to be significantbut arecertainly smaller than those differentiating the five speciesof A/ata currently recognized.There is amplematerial of twoofthe subspecies but very little ofthe third, which is therefore of lesscertain status. a. Aluta aspera(E. Pritz.)Rye & Trudgensubsp. aspera lllustration.Diels & Pritzel(1904: Figure 49F-M).

'hairy' ShrubsO.2-l.l mhigh,usually ratherdense, sparsely to moderately densely onyoung stems, leavesand bracteoles; leaf-bearing branchlets arising mostly atangles of 30-60degrees, usually short; 'hairs' leavesusually crowded on endof branchets: simpleor branched,patent, 0.24.4 mm long, coarse.Petiolesup to 0.7mm long. Izaf bladesnartowly oblong or narowly obovateto obovatein outline,3-5.5x 0.8-1.4mm. Intlorescenceus]ually with 1-5 pairsof flowersdensely clustered, but occasionallywith up to 7 widely spacedpairs of flowersper group;peduncles 0.5-1.5 mm long. Bracteoles2-3 mm long; membranousmargins 0.3-0.8 mm wide, minutely ciliate-denticulate Flowers9-12 mtn diz;meter.Sepals l-2 mm long,minutely ciliate, sometimes also with a few hairs onoutersurface.Petals 3.5-5.5 mmlong, white, denticulate. Stamens'. fiament 1.3-2mn long. S/yl€ 0.9-1.2mm long. Frrit with hypanthiumdensely covered by curvedor curly hairs. (Figure3D)

Selectedspecimensexan red WESTERNAUSTRALIA: 2 miles[3 km] W of Musson'sSoak, l0 Sep. 1970,J.5.Beard 6256; l7 kmSE ofJohnson Rocks, Walling Rock Station, 15 Sep. 1988, R.J. Cranfield 7476;5 kmNof CometVale,5July 1995, R.,/. Cranfield 9849; I mile[l.6 km] Nof CometVale, l7 Sep.1927,C.A.Gardner1927;c.1.6 km SWof NorthWestPeak, MtManning Range,4 Nov. 1995, N. Gibson&8. Moyle3260;64.5kmbyroadEofcometValeand 2.2kmEofthegrid ateastem boundary ofGoongardeNational Park,24 Apr. l99l,T.D. Ma$arlane18971 l5 kmNEof BungalbinHill,I Dec. 1981,K.R. Newbey 9432; l0 milesn6 kml SW of Yindi, 11Oct. 1974,E. Wittwer1368'

Distribution. Occursin the South-westemInterzone, extending from betweenJohnson Rocks and BungalbinHill eastto nearYindi Station.(Figure 2C)

Hqbitat,Recotdedfrom sandorsandy clay, the soil often yellow butsometimesbrown orred, sometimes with lateriteand one record from granite.The vegetation may be dominated by mallees(Eucalyptus) or by Banksia.

Phenology.Flowers: July to November.Fruits: October to December'

Consenationstatus. Probably not at risk at present

'hairy' Notes.This is theonly memberofthe genus(see morphology section above). It usuallyhas longerstamens than the other two subspeciesof A. aspera,andoccurs well inlandin thesouth-eastem partofthe speciesrange. Unlike the othertwo subspecies, subsp, aspera appea$ always to havewhite flowers, peJe,rou-eal?l e:e eqt lnq salsedsqnsJaqlo eql ueql sra,t'ou Jelpus s?q flPnsn lI IeuorseJto 'ueql :uopnqfirlp t"1""ar aq1;o slred u:e1sa,rpuz u:eqrou aql 3ul,(dncro Jo Jeqlrarp1,t de1:e,r.olou sa'oN seop,{pueredde tnq selcedsqnso,trl:eqlo eql uuql uollnqulsrp ra3:el qcmu e suqluErre^ sIqJ

'rlr1y snue8 eq1;o :equreu .reqlo ,(ue ueql lse.{' laql-InJ spualxo 'uJalseM '(3qow&g qcrq^\'sercedsqns srqlJo uonnqlusrp eql ol SuuJeJal - ouadsatlu\luleqlwrot1

'{su l€ Jq ol pelJplsuoJlou uoxel peeldsapt't y srTrz;suo1lD^JasuoC

'leque^oN 'Iaqueldas 'Jaqolco qcIEI :sJe',rlold't8o1ouaq4 ol lsn8nv peprocel :sllnJd ol ,431,{,{lpl.edse ol 'slu€ullxop 'sud(.pJng puu owlonsD) osp uauo aql pelelJosseeql setls,41co: :eq1o :o s'4u'teleerquo Jo euo ss zz2Jy sepnlcut,(luouru.roc uotl?]a8ol sauJrtaruos'peJ ro u^\oJqsetuqolxos lnq .,t,to11efueryo 11os aql'.{u1c dpues ro puesruo:; paPrcxed'tz]lqoH

(CZ ern8rd) 'euolspuus l?eu ol lsB3-qlnospue s11111uu3uo16 ol l{lnos (Je^lu au,(ocsegleddn eql J"eu) uoll€ls 'secul^old uounqlrislo >1ee.r3.{:reqruor; Surpuelxe lEtlu?loglselA qlnos pu€u€etuoJg aql u\sJn.r'o

' 1777 ua?pntl g'7,t1 'A'W'9161 '81.6I 'des y1 '4ee4 3uya1p1 'g1y1 ua?pru1 3ny 9g "4e'tq8rg uequoN lEer0 '.91'(K;uois'I'J 'zt6l a oy'6 y uouiqnn]o N -rr e LE lro9I'uor€JJoS[uDI9l]rpurI'g11191 'Zl.6I 'loo 'euolspussJo 'sltlH 'S'9661 LI nd [uq €Z]seUuVltgOZSuaqo\ d uEBuolN:6SZUlcUtod 'e.ue8uunol;o *n176 'pno,"uoltpuuS-puIJ sau,{ud 16516ut[07:' LIZZ rauPn9 yJ'l€6I'tlnf ZI 'reu3€t{ '8'v '996l erry lunot{ i LES|llollec f1n1 1g'e8uzx p1e16"0929 nall[uot) ra',9861 Lz 'pnr1r"-o11 '986I 'uolle15q8lelpooi[ "l-*ra8url1o 5 ru1 9 l :(ASN xe) Z80Z uuoJ 7 A de5 71 'uolBls 'S'[ ol puor uo p€oJ uollcunl eu,{o.s?C-u,t\allnl eql Jo rt[N ur{ 8Z r oJf,g "89EVPtoag '996I '3nV 'uop?ls 'paulwPra suawtrads patraPs IZ 1aar3 tuteq :VIIVUIS1V NSIIJSA,4.

0-A€ ern8ld) snorqelSllflrC SuolulrugI-80 'Suol alclncpuop ,tle:er 'olPlnuerJ lltl'|Aeruos ,l/qs lurd deap ol ellq.^{ urul t l- L'}lue]U|iclrJisua1/ilot5 '3uol ,o "irlu" flpn.n 'r1uldIo ellq.& urur (g)r-;Zspod oroue (s)ur8Jsrusnouelquaul:xade punore peJeploq,(puoJq ualJo lnq sauqeulos xade Sutqcee:'3uo1qo,{l,,\1ojJ?u ol alero uotyod snoercq:eq 'raleurelp 'epltrruur iluo4t'"':' g'7-1t1od"S ruru( I I ) 1l-Lsra qd eJ\Ne 8 0-t 0 sut8reursnoue:qruaur 'Suo1Lulu :auoiunu-g-g:1 saloatrpig s I-t 0 selcunped:lueruo8uure lu.upull'{c € uI srrcd 8 ol dn ,"-rl"ao, lnq ,"lrn1c lq8p e ur s:a.',togJo sJIEdt-I f,11unsn1o acuacsatol,fuTalelncrluap '(lasreoc :o 'au[]no uur erFue'uur g x (9'9)S t-9'I uI elP^oqo,tpeorq o1f1.'i'rorreusapllq lDaT Suol 3'9 Z-r'0 'sae:8ep ol dn sa7o11a4pepa,ro:c ,&a,r 1ou ,(ll€nsn so^sal :repuels pue 3uo1fgensn 99-97 ;o safue 'SulPBe.Ids u.I sqmryS 1e,(psoutSursue slelqcuu:q Suueaq-;eel :snorqelS flepltr ueuo'qBIq €-t 0

'X 'SNVJ '(.IgW .'osl:00998120 HJ.Sgid:olo1!)lzl9uosll['9'd '1961 'etpasny ',{reelS 'eJool reru t d{J :eqrualclegT u:etse16 Jo tluou uI I g r e{E-IJo {ueq lses

'lrpeJoJ qV sll?luep esso:8 1a,rsu8elut sqo;14 snquouru snqPou snqelJJdsqnssllp

'r,ou'dsqns'ua?pu1T erd elredsaqdsqns BJodsE BlnlY 'q

e?oreuft{ Jo snue8u?lprsnv lr.eue'oltqr'ue8pn:1 g 1'qpu! a,{u Tg 356 Nr)lsia vol. 13, No. 2 (20CD)

FiEVe 3. A1. Aluta apprersd.A - floweringbranch (xl), B portionof floweringstem (x4), C - top view of flower (x6); D - Aluta aspera subsp. aspera, portion of stem and pair of leaves U7,5): F-1. Aluta aspera subsp.hesperia. E - floweringbranch (x1), F portionof stemwith pairedleaves (x5), G - bracteoles(x5), H - top view of flower (x4), I - disc and sepalsin fr.tit (x5)t J-L, Aluta asp€rasubsp. locali.r. J - flowering branch(x1). K - po(tion of flowering slem (x3), L - top view of flower (x4). Drawn from KR. Net'lbey5629 (A,B\, J.S. Beard 4'l5l (C), R.J. Cranftcu 9849 (D), S. Patick 2268 (E-H\, R.J. Cranfcu 6203 (I) and M & P. Morle s,n. (J-L). 'sercadsqnso,{\l Jeqlo eql u€II sel,tts Jeuoqse^?q ol spuol ,{puareddesercedsqns slql 'os ue^A suarutcads:eleuls eql ol dluo ,{Iddee^oqe 'lIuJ ue,rr8sluaruunseeu 8unrruJor{l os ul tou om sJa^\oupuu se,reelra8rel eql qlr,tr.slJzrol dsqns;o 'ureql 'I2?zdsa{ suaujrcedseqtr Jo qloq uBql saloelJeJqpue se^Belre8uol erreqo1 spuel 1nq dsqnsJo pcrd.fi sueurelsgoqs eql qtrr\ peulqulocz.radsa'dsqns;o pcld,4l sro.tog eAJ€leql Sur,ruq'f3oloqfuoru p:og ur sdeqradpue unlueurnpulJrel uI setcedsqnso,t1:aq1o eql uae^lleqo1elpauueqlsIlI Dyadsal! 'dsqnsJo e8uuJeqlJolsEe-r0nos pus,lads, dsqnsJoeSu?lel Jolse^\-qlnos smcJo selcedsqns sIqJ

sarueJeJ;rpluuogru8ls ou tnq Jeltsl oql ueqt sa,reelre8uol a,teq ot SulpuotrauuoJ eql'(899 rarsoV gS)urqqeg dsqnsrzradsp auawofittrlJ pug (u s afow'd 8'N) urpnquqnt{ 'dsqns ondso auawotdfuqJ seweu eseJqdeql ,{q u,,t'toul ueeq szr{ lu?lJu.,tsIqI saioN

'seltedsqns srql ;o suollulndod 'lexol - u^\oDI ,roJ eql Jo ecuerJncJopezrpcol eql o1SuuraJe.l sllozol u0el eql IxoJd $o\owt1g

'lleqleeq.r aql ut sanlpco[ rnoJ ro oarrll ruolJ peproceu 'eu6 'sflrl2ls ,{1uou4 :?rold uEITur1snYuelsal\(\ loJ sopoJ uoll€^JesuoJ I l'M uoqpMasuoJ

'JoquJ^oN ot JJqolJO :slln{ puPsJe^\oll KSopuaqd

'u,^\ou{ 'lDllqoH eJEslr€lap lelrqur{ Jeqto oN ureldpu€suro{ pepJoJalsI suaulseds ulpnquDlnl eql p euo

(CZ ejn8rd) urpnqur{nl I ol lsea pu? 8ul{colouo) r€eu 'ecuI^oJd 'uovnqlJts!(I ol qlnos urqq€9 Jo quou ruo{ peprocel lEtluPlog lsel[ qlnos eql uI slncco

'BgE ralsoY S S :€96t 'tro '. 'g'S'.6561 '3ul:'lsolexo) 'N'8861 lZ'urqquCJoN Lrzrasov ^oN tZ bo Nl , N,:u s zlfow'd T '^oN9'[pleqqll/h,&lletolesltard]ulpnquDlnl/^{JoN:VI'IVUJS1VNUgLS3,lpauwPXa sutLut)ads

'Suol ('I-I€ n8rd) snorqelSipug Buolrutug0 taitrs tu(u € l-8 0 lueutglrr :suauois 'elElnJrluap'(pJocer '3uo1ruur elSursuo passq))Iuld epd g 9-g'ESptad a:pue'3uo1ruul6-9 1sTrdag 'Jeleur€lprurrlZI-6 'eJrlue'epr/Y'Lutu s"ra oll 0 l -8 0'eloetcElq;o;pq psuq ut,(Iuoseulqeuos suISJPlu snouurqrueu :3uol ulru g-t sapaJrorg Suoyulru g 1-g'g salcunpadldnor8 rad sre,^[ogJo srlEd8-.' flpnsn qlr,r aeuarsan1[u1 '?uo1tuw1'gueql ssalelllJaq]'etelllc dproqsol elulncnluep,{leulJJ€eteqlJo 'tutu 'aullno seSpr.rleutpnltEuoy y erlt qll{\ E I-6 0 x EI-} ul ele,'ro,{1,to:mu ro elc^oqo .{l,t\o!Eu ol :eetrl sapoq lD4 3uoluru g 1oldnsalo4a4 Jepuelspue Buo['sae.r8epgg-91 3o sel3uu]B ^llsoru 'pep:ocar Sursuuslalqsu?Jq Supreq-gua1 :sep€lq JEal aqt ro; ldecxa snorqelS 1oulq8taq sgr.i45

CSNVJ 'EITEISnV 'ulpnquDlntr\l rosl :6tt6EIZ0 HJdgd:oloq) T a nbs J'I661 leqolro I Z uralselA rsnd,{J

'lrpaca: su8elur slludes1a stsopd snurut1a,l suqey8 srrlo; ecld,tt erJedsqnsV

'^ou 'dsqns'ue?pnrl 'r 4 efg qprol dsqnse.radse e1n1y

'(966ll.taupflg yp) purg seufe4 dsqts otadso auawoldtuql ernauesartfd 'd,sqns eql ,(q osl€ pu? sru uaeJD l'L I DrqoF ondso auawold,&?J s€ u,{{ou)l uaeq seq 11 sueurtcads

'Dfilv 'ua8pnrJ, '19 aeer€u,{I^lJo snueBuerlEllsnv t\a! e g W pus ,,{d 358 Nryljra Vol. 13, No. 2 (2000)

Aluta maisonneuyei (F. Muell.) Rye & Trludgeq comb.nov.

Thryptomenemaisonneuyei F. Muell. (Mueller 1864:6445). Zyper Finke River, central Australia lNorthem Territoryl, J.M. Stuart (holo: MEL70712).

Sftrabs 0.3-1.5(1.8) m high, often widely spreading,up to 2.5 m wide, glabrous; leaf-bearing branchletsmostly arising at anglesof 30-60 degrees,somewhat indented on the 4 angles;leaves fairly crowded on the branchlets, almost appressedto patent but usually widely antorsei older stems developingflaky deepred-brown bark with loosestrips readily shed.Petioles less than 0.2 mrn long. fuaf blades narowly obovate to depressedelliptic in outline, l-2.5 x 0.7-1.6 mm, 4-angled and prominently 4-ridged, with a flat abaxial surfacebroader than the oblique or perpendicularlateral surfaces,the abaxial surface often somewhat concave,the ridges smooth to coarsely denticulate, scarcelypointed at apex;glands usually 2 6 prominentones in I or 2 rows (sometimesmore when in 2 rows) on eachlateral surface, usually few or no prominentglands elsewhere, up to 0.1 mm diameter. Inflorescencewith 1-3(5) pairsofflowers in an almostterminal cluster or rarely in more thanone cluster per branchlet;peduncles up to 0.8 mm long but often very red:uced.Bracteoles very broadly ovate, 1-1.8 mm long, acuteand with a minute to prominentapical point; membranousmargins 0.2-0.4 mm wide, minutely denticulateor entire. Flowers 454mmdiameter; disc pink or red. Sepalsbroadly to depressedovate, 0.5-1.3 mm long not including auricles;vegetative portion reaching or almost reachingapex, ovate or narowly ovate,keeled and incurved at apex,often reddish; auriclesusually prominent, extending laterally and usually also somewhatto far below the base of the , up to 0.6 mm below baseof sepal,denticulate. Pelals almost circular, 1.1-2.5 mm long, white or pink, denticulate. Stamens5(6), opposite the sepals,sometimes. alternating with staminodes;filament 0.5-l mm long, pink to red; antherc. 0.3 mm wide; gland often reddish. S/cmrnodesusually lessthan 0.1 mm long but prominent and up to c. 0.8 mm long in somespecimens. Ovules 4. Style 0.5-l mm long. Frail depressedglobular to broadly ellipsoid with an almost truncateto strongly convex apex, 1.5-2 mmlong, very rarelyfertile, when fertile 1-seeded;disc1.8-2.3 mmdiameter. Seedalignedacross the fruit, probably somewhatreniform and c. 1.1 mm long.

Distribution. Distributed from Meekatharrain the EremeanBotanical Provinceof WesternAustralia eastto SimpsonDesert in Northern Teritory and south-eastto nearLake Acraman in SouthAustralia (Green1980: Map 1). Seealso Figure 4.

'fhrottgh Habitat. most of its rangeAfula maisonneuveioccrrs commonly with spinifex on red sand dunes (both on and between the ridges) and sandplains,and is often the dominent speciesin open shrublands,although sometimesthe dominant speciesare mallees or other Eucalyptus speciesor occasionally other genera srch as Cqsuarina and Acacia, However from Meekathara east to Wongawol Station,most specimensare from high rocky sites,e.g. the tops ofbreakaways,and the soil is sometimesyellow and/or clayey.

Chromosomenumber. 2t= c.22 (Rye 1979). The singlechromosome number record is from subsp. auriculata. The voucher specimen(8.L. Powell73097) was collectedfrom Loma Glen Station,with no habitatrecorded. Judging by its locationand the shapeof its leaves,however, this specimenappears 'breakaways' to be a representiveof the variant of the speciesthat occurs on ar atypical high rocky habitat.

Conser't)ationstqtus. Both subspecieshave abundantpopulations over a wide distribution. '(qy xe)gg7 oqa,14 Z't'996I't O 0t'uop?rslred a,ru8snprq;o16 uq 98 r'pzorser^E(lI,^{:ptog'y'7'6961te1fa8uugau8s4qg:yITyUJSnVHJ1OS '(5, 'V xe)VZ6 Sraqnpuv '1cog t ruD$uaploNg 686I tro 67 sre(y o1,(e,trq8q1 relessel uo 16 ru)I00I :(qNvJ xe) 6g19 '9961'8nY 'uorssrl^ sapuozal w 81 ssaralolussJo gss luq E]selru z :Iuouuulll NulIHJdoN 'gg7g 'se8u€U a?nag S V'€96I ,{lnl ZZ q8?uD^€J puueuols{J€lg uae,{laq:0102 lleJr€d U y'996I ,{lnl /Z'prEre^g thl ol ,{u,ruo uoqelger8eure3 uroq [ur{ t Z8]selru Z I S:VITVUISnV NuEJSiI.4[(tuerJ? tlectd(le) paurwoxa suawtoadspapaps

'(IN 'A't'EL6l'8ny xe)I88l arqrouoxow 8Z 'otuaN 't'd'LL6l 'A,29 'S,Zt 'uesec o{e'I :6€tr 2.rrn 8nV SZ "9€l "tZ uosdurrsrt&N :(JN xe) Stt 'g'pg6I appuaddyqS 3nV g'WelseuoH,tnqueHJoS [ur-,199]seprZZ :I1O11UUSINUSHI1ON 'VLZ t llo/A , '€86I 'lppnd 'S '1661'3nV 'llat[ 'lle^\ ,(ehtr€Z trE6 m,Anaq uD^ 8 qeneJJoIAIJo l[N,,\[ rq 8'€Z 'A'O'EL6I 'seulul 'se8ueg ?urooJJo y'dsy'd ur.{ 9 S :(rtACVxe) lggg uowKg u€[ 8 IeIcJueu11e8u116 '{eerJ,&o^eS,Jog:V euol$lc€lg:(CgJxe)M avolt t 9'186I eunt€ I L692.o2waeH'BL6I tr}lt 'eurj?run) Jo N urf 9I :VI'MJSOY NUIIJSA,^A(tueuer 1ec1df9paurwoxa suawlcads paltalag

'pe1rd,(lecrvcs pue pe11uu,tr ,{1eso1c erorx eoe3rns aql qlr^\fleru 'pue13po pauec e q1r.trlrd qcuo 'stlda8rulotlpursButpuno.unsse8pt.r;ou:atl€delelncllaJeqlt.,'r,{lpnsnurntqlued.{q;ltz.r;r's.no:6ut 'epr,r ,41pnsnspuulS luauruord qtr,r ruruI g-g g'(repcrpued:edueqt ptuozuoq ot:eso1c,{ypnsn e r) 'r 'enb{qo 'cqd11o relncrpuafuedeql ol ajoturo soar8epg? le fuo^seJuJlns IEralEI :uruj9'I*7 y x g 7-1 passa:dap:oalu,roqo seurloruos 'oul0no ur JEInJJTO lsorulB 01 elv,roqo ,{lpuorq ,{y1sou sapolqloz|

'(1y*y 'uonptsn sern8rg:086I) ueerC l

'e la,rnauuoqerudsqns ueBpnJI ? e.tu ( [anh[ d) la^nauuosleurelnly

's:elceruqc ;ua1,{qflueruud paqsrnSurlsrp 'sarcadsqns ereqctq,tr o,,trleql repun pessnrsrp sr serceds eql urqtr,/r\ uorleuer\ IzcrSoyoqfuoru reqtg

'spdas 'pa^Josqo eqt go euo alrsoddoeuJoq sueusls o,llt qlr.r uaeq e^EqsJe,rou eteuruels-9 era ,{-re,r1nq 'sueuluts g a^eq sre,trogyle , lreeg (ll ^\oleq llE l€ papuelxelou e 0 fpoq ludasaql go esuqaql qlrm ye,relSuraq eure4xe Jeqto eql lE tnq'slpdes aqlJo,{poq eql s€3uo1su lnoqe ew ,{eqlleql aBl?Ios Sureq ,{lpuors€Jco'uortBrJ?r\ snouuoue ,roqs selcunepdes eql 'elduexe.rog s.ntceJtqcSurllnr; pue prog 'e^nele8e^ 'uoqnqulslp ur uorlEu€,\lEer8 sr eJsqt apI,^As qcns qlr,,t\serreds ! ur fy8urstrdrns1o1q

'suorsnlouotelrurJop ,{uu ,,[PJpo1 snue8 srql ur u,troul ,(1roodoo1 are sJe]ceJeqt 'lrn4 peeslnq Jedpees auo ,{yuoa,rrq o1snueS eql;o requaru ,{yuoeq1 ,(lqrssod sr 1y ue11o,r.s,{11cur1srp secelns JnoJeqt uo sepouretureql Jo qr€a Sur^uqslalqJu€.rq pa8pu-? ueql JeqlEJpeluepur str puE lreq u,trorq-parfryg esoo1,(re,rs1r ur snue8aqlJo sJaqrxaurraqlo IIUruo4 sreJJrpsarceds srql salory

'spms elnl€ul alPcolol palrsJosls (086I) userc puE "(pnls luese:d aql ur peunuuxesuarurcads unu?qJeq eql uoq paydruess1rrug ur punoJere,r speeseJnt€ur oN lu8ru yp g lq8ra,,npees a8era,re '(9661 aql puE rrru 1 1 Sureqeldurrs srq ur ql3ueypeas a8era^€ oql seruel4 a,(a) peesE peulPtuoc tq8re,(yuo',{uedruoJpeesErxo{peJepJoDLnauuoslou'VJoslrnr;961;oeydrueseuy'rood,(re,rsrles 's,rolloJ 'Suue.trog peeslnq fplcrnb SuDrnJC elelnruqsot IIeJura luercrJJnsueeq s€q alaql papr^oJd '.leqolcg r€a,{aql Jo r{luou, ue 1e3uu:ncco ,(yqeqo:d1nq o1pdy poprocar,(prcruslelt.olg't3o1ouaq4

'.I'g aDerpu,(ti{Jo snuai u€ll€Isny ,r-aua'olnlq'ue8pnll Ani puE a,{d t60 Nrlr.ri4 vol. 13, No. 2 (2000)

Distribution.Distributed from Kumarina in theEremean Botanical PIoYince ofWestem Ausffalia east to SimpsonDesert in NorthemTerritory and extending into northem South Australia. (Figures 2D,4)

Note.r.Subsp. ruai,r onneuveiis distirLguished from subspau riculataby ttsleaYes with veryobliquely angledlateral surfaces, each usually with tworows ofprominentoil glands. Subsp. aarlcllala usually hasnarrowerleaves, with thelateral surfaces narrowet and modelately oblique to almostperpendicular andwith theprominent oil glandsmainly located in a singlerow.

Thesecond most important difference between the two subspecies isthatthe fruit usuallyhas much moreprominent gaps or pittingon thefloraltube ornamentation in subsp.malsotlneavei than in subsp. auriculata,the latterhaving a moreuniformly wrinkled appearance to thefloral tube. Sepalshape variesgreatly in bothsubspecies but thereappears to be sometendency for subsp.quriculqta to have moreobtuse sepals than the typicalsubspecies.

Withinsubsp. maisonneuvei there is considerable variation in thesize ofthe pits on the hyPanthium, acharacter which correlates fairly well withthe width and degree ofobliqueness ofthe lateralsurfaces of the leaf. Plantsfrom the north-westernpalt of the subspeciesrange, including a majorityof the WesternAustralian specimens, tend to haveboth the lalgest pits andthe broadest and most oblique (closestto horizontal)lateral teaf surfaces. Many of theNorthern Territory specimens, including the type,also have relatively large pitting on the hypanthiumand broad lateral surfaces on the leaf. A secondvariant with lessobvious pitting on thehypanthium, and sometimes also narower lateralleaf surfaces,occurs in centralAustralia, overlapping with therange of thetypical variant. Figure 4 shows the knowndistributions of the typicaland atypical variants of the subspecies,the formerwith pits usuallynearly as large and obvious as those on thedisc, the latter with pitsmuch finer thanthose of thedisc or scarcelyevident.

b. Aluta maisonneuveisubsp. auriculata (F. Muell.) Rye &Trudgen, comb. nov.

Thryptomeneauriculata F. Muell. (Mueller 1876:24). IyPe.' betweenYouldeh fOoldea]and Ouldabinnafeast of LakeDey-Dey], [South Aushalia], 13 Jttly l875,Young (lecto: MEL?0713,hete designated).

Illustration.Green (1986: Figure 485D).

Leaf blaclcsnarrowly obovateto broadlyovate in outlinebut mostly more or lessobovate, 1.3-2.3x 0.7-1.2rnm; lateral surfaces somewhat oblique or perpendicular,if obliquethen deviating by lessthan c. 30 degreesfrom theperpendicular, 0.3-0.4(0.45) mm wide;prominent glands in I row on eachlateral siurtace. Fruit: hypanthiumeither closely wrinkled or relativelysmooth and glossy, gapsor pitsbetween the wrinkles either very smallor absent.

Sekctedspecimens examined (typical vadant). WESTERN AUSTRALIA: I I rnilesI l8 km] E of Eeldoun,18 Aug. 1960,A.R. Maln; betweenTjidichurra waterhole and South Australian border on ConnieSue Highway ,26 Aug.1980, D.E. Symon 12666 (ex ADW)' SOUTHAUSTRALIA:SerpentineLakes,34kmN of VokesHill roadjunction, TAug.l979,V.I'evitske 204(ex AD) SerpentineLakes (unnamed conservation palk), 14.7 kmEof theWestem Australian border on theVokesHill track,3l July 1919,L.D Williarnsl0l27(ex AD).

selectedspecimens examined (atyprcalv aiant on sand). wESTERN AUSTRALIA: De LaPoerRange NatureReserve, 18 O ct.1996,A.Chapman et QI DLP 13;c.35 km W of PlumridgeLakes, 8 km WNW 'ueJJlP 9 Errrs sqn^o 'gI €rrrc unuur?ls 'srlujpunb IpsJeAsuBJleuoutes ul specrod-' sulo; snqarcadsstle qy

'^ou ds'ue?pnJ;vg e.{g ulerpenb e1n1y

'sluuu?A esoqlJo suolnqlJlsrp aql Jo uolltJlsn l u€ JoJt eJn8tg:05 .lueue,tqns pups, ?rDr{lr^\ uorlnqr4slp uy sdeFe,ro1nq'uouels lo^\?8uoi& ol lsEepuu uor1u15su,,woq pe13o3 ot rllnos€J€qle{eeti{ uJo4Surpualxa 'eBueJ setcedsqns eq1;o lseA\ JUJ aql uI sJn3colu?uu,lqns s,{e,treleerq eq1 'sa,rue1alu,ro ,{lpeorq o} e]€Aoqoa,,ruq ,{luoururoc uour slellquq ,4puesur Stsrssnccor4o|ncltnrt 'dsqns;o sueurreedss€aloq^\ seArFI el?Aoqo ro elu,roqo,{1.tlou€u.([uauluropeJd wq U ss^solJad\orreu e,reqo1 pue (q8rq ur S I or E'0 ,{nsolu) setcadsqnsqtoq ;o slrrErr?^req)o Ip uutll (q8rq u 7 1 o1 E g) 's,{e,tu1euq 1uu1draluus .{pq31lse oq ol spual ,luuue^qnss,4B,!\ur'I€arq, sq1 se qcns sleltqeq.{r1cor pale^elelno{ u,{lorq ote sueturcadseutu ts€ol lE lnq'stsltq?q urcldpues:oeunp pue s uo'!annauuoswu ':ncco ,ln lyJo sluErJ"^Jer{lo 1e e111 ,{pueJ"dduluuuu^ sttll Jo suerutcads1so1,1 sep{ulJ,{\ oql uaa^\laq 'al€lncleqnl-peplulJ^1 slrd qerus f-la^ qllrr ro stld tcullslp ou qllt ,{1e1ecu1utSuraq runtqluedr(q Sunrn{ str !uew^ Iucrd,41aql ueql runtqtuud.{q11np peurellud arotu u sequ ea:c selu1 e8puqurnl4 'tlJlsdolp eqt ol €eJBsueqlu{eel^tr el{t uroq ellEJlsnv ualsal( uI lse,{\JequnJ SuuJnJco oq ol splocaJ alq€lr?^Ear{] uJo{ sJpedd€ltI?rJuA puoJes V ErTErsnVuJolseldJo tsee-qlnos eql ul uese(IEuo]cIA leaJ9 eql ruor; suaurcadso,rl osp pue elltJtsnv qlnos uo{ peutluuxesuerurceds reqlo pra,tes Sutqcluut 'runrqtued,{qfsso13 qloolus ,{le^nulel€ setlolo1ncltno'dsqnsD^nauuoslowDnlVJo ed,{totcaleqI

',(11n; '(t'CZ sernBrC)sdplu uotnqutslp oqt uro{ luepl^e sI su polu.redasflpctqderEoe8 sdeqred ro ',{Ie8rel eru sercedsqnso/{t eql'la^nauuost lll 'dsqnsJepun selou aql uI pue ,{a:'leql uI paulpno sacuara;;1ppclEoloqfuou eql uro:; uudv eJeqll ot peu8lssuluor ot;tcadsqnseqt.{;psnIot q8noua luErrJluerseq o1 reeddu lEql secueJeJJrp^\oqs seoptr'saltads u su elElsuleJol tJultslp ,{nuarJlJJns aqolrueddetouseopo],lncun9Zallq/!\'(8861)uear0S€qJnssroqlnutuenbesqns,{qpe.,!\olloJ s?1(slql pue ta^rau?osroarT go tu,{uou,(sesepwlnr1mo auauoidfrtLlJpepnpul (9261)ltelg taloN

're1yan1,,q ,{q pelrc (papnlcxa ,tou) sedftu,{saql Jo auo uaaqe^uq leut leql ptnauuostou o1n1y 'sorJads Jo euos Eurpnlcur auo ueql eJourgo seceld.(rlueru8u4 surEluocslql :leeqss,ed,{lo1ce1eqt ot peqczllu1a>1ced e ur uopcelloc reqlo ouo lspel le uo{ I€IJel€u osle sI eJeqJ 3unu,,'\pusqs,Jellenl ',,relnouuosrsru ur ,(pua.redde J Jo txJoJ? eq ol srcaddeEIEInJIJne euauold,{:q1,, Supetspeqcelle elou € s€q teeqs oqt pup saqcuuJqpelunour o.^dt sasuduroc a:aq uesoqcedf1olcel eq1 uonDJllftdKJ

(t,CZ sarn8rC)uelu uaploo eql ol lseelle BIIursnV qlnog ur lsae-qtnosSurpuelxe puu €llsJlsnV qlnosJo sercse{€'I euquedre5eql ol lsue 'uo!lnq!.tlslQ €rpjlsnv rrjetse^\Jo esurr\o.rd[et]uulog u€aureJgeql ul ErJEql€{eahluro4 palnqrJ$tQ

'6LZZ\rlllDd S'966I eunl ZZ'euotspuEsol pEoIuo uotlEls su,,r,'oqpefo310 guq 6'1.(e,,rre1uarq30dol:(gNvc xe) 8I ELxraaoq'y'7'7g61'das l,'p€or€unllld eql 'uoqelg 'aJog uo p?elsaruoH[o.r!3uold rxo4 uDL :Z9gg nal1[uDl) T y'9861 8ny 71 euld€q]oo1 'Sg6l 'dos '€unlrl[ s,rarpuv Jo g UDIL I :(r\\SN xa) ,86I uuoJ f g 9 ol ppor uo urr€tll€Ieet{ Jo AN uDI 6t , :VnVdJSny NdSISA,^N (s,iE,r€{earquo tu?Ir?^ IBrtdtte) pawuon suawlcadspalca\ag

'(SNVJ '8ny xe) U lzads HN'8961 gg'sut'roq uosrq.rnl,{JoAS [uDItz]sell.u :tLgzatuoag g y'1961'3ny p7'd::eq,trelrlouISoJJo gN [uDIre] 'V 'O'W'6L6I 'dLIlsrI€ selrur €Z :(CgJ xe) uoelcDt T rolKoJ'7'1799 ds1t3 das gl laarJ ll?S lo

'D 'uo8pn-rJ'91,,{ 'I aeer?u.t!{Jo snuo8u?lFrsnv ^et e tv pu? a,{U g NuJtsictvo|. 13, No. 2 (2000)

Figure 4. Dislributionof the variantsof Aluta maisonnewei. Svbsp.auriculata (known range oullined): typicalvariant V , dtypicalvariant on sandor of unknownhabitat A andatypical variant on breakavays Subsp. aisonneuveLtypical (i.e. large-pitted)variant a and alypical variant (includingimmature specimens tbat could belongto eithervarianl) O.

Typus:nearParaburdoo [preciselocality withheld], WestemAustralia, TJune 1985 ,M. E. Trudgen4920 (tolo; PERTH05513987; lsor CANB, K, MEL, NSW).

Shrubs0.8-2.6 mhigh, sometimesspreading wider than the height, up to 3.5m across,glabrous; leaf-bearingbranchlets arising at anglesof 25 60 degrees,prominently 4-ridged; leaves densely clusteredon the branchlets, antrorse to patent, tending to be slightly incurved towards apex;older stems developinga darkgrey bark with smallpatches or fine stripsappearing almost fibrous. Petioles lp to 'seleel lprus ,{:e,t seq '#e[ uoxzl srqllnq eql uo sacqlns JelnJlpuad:edlsorup ro relnclpuedJede^€q o] spuelosle PIoUJIIID 'y 'dsqnsptnauuosrow ezrsuIFnbalnoqe secBFnstnoJ II3 qtl'!\'so^ueleql uo secelns prale1anb11qo u€ql rerfer J?lntrpuad:ede,teq,41reln8a: ol snueSeq1;o:equleru dpo aq1st pue sercedsraqlo eqt ueql ',{8o1oqfuout sa,real:e8re1seq 11 e,lqele8a^sll{q peqsm8ullslpflpee.r eq osp uex DtoJpDnbofilv

'JeqlouEeuo ol 'e^rlJsuuos osl€ lnq e^qreuuoJ er1 01fluo 10upelrun ,{lasolceq ol Jsoddesl1ac eql sermds:aqlo uI 'uaes ar1 er,t ,(1uoSureq sllac eql Jo uorsnJoql eq u€J a^llcauuoc eql qJlq,\\ q8noJql ueql uea^uaq de8 ,trorreulcurlsrp ? a^eq seluuoruos(,,\\el^ Jeuul luoq) sllac eq] lEql u! a^unuud eq ol JEedduosP ':.ro sJeqlu?eqJ seln^o t pue sueu?1s91 9 Sutr'eqselJeds Joqlo Ip'seln^o plr€ suotuulssnolerunu erolu Sur^eq'snue8 eqt Jo sJaqrueurJeqlo ,(ueueql sa.mlee;e,rllruud a:oru seq,(lqeqordt1 (9767 'saloly uaSpnrJ A W) muuellJll/i.'d,s auauoldK.uT;eueu esurqdarp ,{q u,torr{ ueeqs€q satceds stql

'sruolsSunof eql pue se^soleql qtoq 'uollces-ssoJc 'eduqs 'eJenbs- 't8o1otu(1g Jo u! ertnbs aql o1$ualeJeJ uI snlotponb wlelatptuotg

'uDI 0g J Jo aJuBlsrpe :o; s1[q ;o eSueru Suolu Sulpuelxosuouulndod ;o requrnuu ulo{ 'swols ul\ou) euo ^luoud :?JoldUEITBJISnV uelsei[ JoJsepoJ uollsl:esuoJ I tr'IYJ uouD^tasuo)

'Jeqolco elEIul paprotal slInJC eunl uI pepJoJa.lslemolg'(3o7ouaq4

'e8prr eirel e 3o trsa:ceq1 '3JBJJJllr tsJJrlrJo 'totlqoH JDaupuE eql uo slc?rc ur osEqJqt l€'speq 1a:rc;o a8paeql uo pepJo)ed

(gZ eJnBrC) ooplnqpj€dJo ls?e pu? tse,!\Suurncao 'eq?llsnV ualse^\Jo ecuIAoJdIEcIu€tog upeuloJg aql uI uor8aru:eqlt4 aql ol cwJepug'uounqutstQ

'|;tg 'g'W '5861 '6tt '9861 uagpnq tco 9Z :0S€S 9 uaSpntl g /,t 'rrogz'.ZOVXJ'9861'POZZ 'g'W '9861eury tg66yua8pntl Zl:El6V uaSpmJ Z W'9861aun{L 'VI'IVUJSnV :[pleqqlr,r seqllEcolesrcerd] oopjnq?Jpd J?eu NUSJSAIA ?arrunra suaulzadstaLIO

(d-Vg ern8rc) ,(lr:nleu le uaeslou lln{ red lela^es ^puarcddespaag leleruelp turu , Z r Jsrp :pe rd ,{1e1nu5llnq fpueuruord :aq1u:runrqlwd,(q :unlqlued,4q aql ot J?[ItuIsaso8n:-peptd 'erntuur,{11n; saseqIedes eqt tou.{1qeqo:d1nq Suoy ruu g g rTttzg Suolurur6 g-LOa$tS 9 csaln^O '3uo1 'e{q-qioot 'pecnpar ruur y'g o1dn ,&e,t1nq spled eql etrsoddoluesord uauo € ol dn sapourwoqg 'pepJoceJ 'epvY\ '3uol lou Jnolocpue13 :qsru,tro:q runr g'0 J Jaqlue:e1rq.tr urur7 1-I luerupllJ:sl€lad aql ueql spdas aqt etlsoddouoruuloc ororu eq ot Surpuetlnq spted pue sledeseql ot etuu:alp put altsoddo qloq 3uuuncco 'pa8uuJlc ,(lJ€ln8eq :eqter ,{ypnsn 'ZZ-gl suauD$ elBlncltuap ,{llEnsn 'ellq,,|\ '8uo[ 'elElncnuep unlr g € ,'elE^oqo,41peorq'gsJotaa' alDIncIJnB ut8rerusnouerquraut lxade Suqceer 'ueeJ8'Jsln8usul 'el€,{o lou ,typeo:quoruod snoeJeqreq:8uol ruru € l - I pesseJdepssel lo eJou slrdas '1s:g p ueer8epd csrp:Joloru€rp luru 0I-8 .tJa&olC epl\\Ixur € I-r'0 sulSJsrusnouuJqursu:elEulunJ€ '8uol 'e1u,ro uru g'€-9 2 ,{lpeorq,4re,r ro ,{lpuo.Iqsaloelturg 3uo1uru g g-g g selrunpedlatqJuu:q qoseuo JelsnlcIIErrrs e ur srrcdy-1 ur sJe,rog r0r,r attlacsaloL[ul SuoIuru Z 0 ]sorulepuz ptosd11le 'pueJdsepl^ Jo JeleuBrpulu I'0 J pu€ J?[ncrc reqlle seuo]se8Jel eql pu€ luauluJold spuEIS:lulod 'etDJ pcrde pe,uncurol lcare ue qlr,r puu xadele alnc€ l{weJo elpprureqt Suop paluepull€t{.{\auos Jo 'sJorllo 'uoqces l€U Jeqlre oql o1relncrpuafued sauo IEJoIEI eql pue qtplr ur pnba lnoq? sar€JIIe qll^\ 'eullno -sso.rcur annbs lsorup pw pelSue-t'rutu I-9 0 x 03-gl uI:zeu{ sapolqlozl Buolutut p'1

apec?uxll Jo snua8u?rlPrsnv ^\.u 2'qnlv'ue8p I gW pu€ o,{U Tg NuytsiaYol. 13, No. 2 (2000)


FiE\\e 5. A-F. Alub quadrata. A - flo\reing branch(x I ), B - leavesand axillary flower budsenclosed in bract€oles (x3), with enlargedcross-sectional outline of leaf,C - top view of flower (x4), D - (x20), E - hypanthiumand auricufatesepals in frui! (x5), F - disc andsepals in fruit (xs')iG-1. Aluta l€r€r. G - floweringbranch (xl), H - leaf (x5), I - flower with bracteolesand subtendingleaf (x5), J - stamen(x20). Drawn from M.E, Trudgen4920 (A-D), M,E. Ttudgen5349 (E,F) and S. Van Weesv,yk3138 (G-J).

Aluto quadratq occurs outside the range of most of the membe$ h the Thryptomene and Baeckea groups of genera. The only species occurring in the same region as A. quadrata is currently known asThryptomene wittwerlJ.W. Green and has a scattereddistribution over a large part ofthe aridzone. It occurson a differenthabitat, and differs in manycharacters including its ribbed floral tube and much fewerstamens.

Aluta ter€sRye & Trudgen.sp. nov.

Differt a Aluta asperafoliis magisteretibus acumine apicali recurvo prominenti. 'e^oqe polou sIelceJ€qcJ"eI reqlo sql ,tq se 11a,'tse seloelceJqpu? sa^uelsll uo slurod pe,unoarlueunuo:d er4Aqondstt y uror; peqsrnSuqslp,(ltpeel sr sa'ra; y setrlds om1eq1 u:ertlaq 'sueu"ls '2 'V e sll e{!-I sorueJeJJlpl"JoU snol^qo ou el? eJorDpuP 0I seql!'DJadso Dulaj lsesolJ 'euJnno 'spuelE rep8eul uu se,reeleql Sur,rr8 po 3ur31nqow,{q peuolsrpsr edeqs;zal aql slql ^\oleqlnq'salceds spuElS reqlo eql ? ur punoJuopces-ssoJc JEo[ pel3ue-7 aq;o xadeeq J?auetuopl^g etuossI e]eqtr Ito Surpnro:d a:oru qlr.,',rse^uel e]elel eJoruslr ur snueS aql;o s:equaul lsllo Il€ lrro{ sJeJJtp salal olnlv

'll ol 'ds eserqdeq1 palldde uaaq seq (8EIElfursaatyuoy 5) sunoq eElng uowa$oaUlry enJeu luepl'ta ,(yreelcere snue8 eql seJnlseJJnsuelcuJ?qc eql lnq'u,{\oulun eJ"slrn{ puBaJns?eul ol elnl?uJlulool Jo 'sa1o1g sie1,ftsoq1 os 'Suruadotsnf sJa.,r,rol].a,1eJu qlr,tr pnq uI st salcedssttp;o uoncalloc e18utseqtr

'lscupull,{c 'papunoJ 'sa^ealaleJel eql ol "cueJeJeluI - sala.tune'I eql uord'tSolouKla

'uotttelloradtrl Jql uor; {luo umoul st sot:ads 'sntols srql eu6 ,{1uou4 :€rol{ u?llErlsnY uelsei[ JoJsopoc uoD€^lasuoJ I I'IVJ uollDMasuoJ

':aqurelde5ur pap:oceJsJe,{{old (3o1ouay4

'pdrD)olKguog sngdQocng,(q paleunuop xa;tutds qtr,n upld puorq e uo ued preq ra,ro pues ,(ofe1cpeig lotlqoH

'(gZ eJnBID €IIsIlsnY uJelsei[ Jo ecul^oJd pepJo]ad'uo!tnqyis!(7 Iurru€tog u?arlJergaql ul (euolspu?SJols€e-qlnos) uowlS su,4\oC?EIngruo{

(f-DSerntIg) '(tunleru 'pecnpel l€ ueeslou Jln{p salntg SrsolrttrttI'0 uEql ssat'e{I-qlool ,4JaAlnq suoru€ls uae,ueq sdeSre8ml eql u1luesard .tra; e ualJosapoulaDls lsrlJ lu sllet JeqluEwql JelEdleq,ueruos 'epl,\\ 'J ,ipuoruddepuslS :u.,,\oJq-per tutu €'0 roqlu? iSuol uru L 0 , luau?llJ :st€led puE slcdes '0 'alelnuarc 'erqua qoq qlrr,rSuneurotlu 1sa: eql puu spdes eql allsoddo,{\al ? | ro 6 suawws .{pq31s 'rslncJlc 'xade '4urd epd ro a1rq,t flquqo:d '3uo1ruru g t lsoule r/rla4' qsquld uego SuIqJueJlou 'snou€lqueu '8uol uonJoda^rt€te8a^ :elelncune ,{lecrecsro lou ,{la8J?l tuul g 1 I'ale,ro passald:p 'epl^\ ssel Jo eJour sJzda5 :eleruetp lJrtJr8-L srafi\oll Iuul 7 g-3 g surSrerusnouEJqueur :lulod pcrde pe,,uncere qtt,lr'8uol ujur g , 'ele^o sselJo ejolu srlozreo.rg Suoluur g g , salcunped:]olqcu€Jq unu J qJsa uo Jetsnlcl€ulxJelqns lplxs B uI s:rcd 7-1 ur sJe.,'louqll/'r a2ualsaloL[ul leleu€Ip Z 0 'J€el :3uo1ruru 'r Jo eprsqc?e uo ,trol auo'9-€ Jo s,to: pralul rep8au o,r,r1u1 ,(lureru spuef E'g lutod 'auqlno pe,unca: luaunuord e ot xede le peJedEl J"ln8a:l ue Sut,rt8spuef 3ut31nqlueunuo:d '{re'l 'uru 'eulllno '8uol qtr,r lnq elersl lsoulE g 0 rx s t-9 € ul J€eu\$oLLtlESapolq tDaT ruru 9go1 dn saloya4 paqccneKluug .{psoursduls tlt1trlreq ,ta.rilrep u Sutdole,Tap stualsreplo :pe^JnJe.LIlulsIp 'poqs 'tuetEdol esJoJluE'stolqJu€Jq eql uo paJelsnlc,(lesuapse^Eel :peBplJ-t lEq,\\auos raqtu'sa:rBap 'q?ld'| y g c qntqg 96-99;o seySuele Sursue,{ylsour s}elqJu?lq Sulr€oq-Jeel :snorqulS ltere ut

'(gNvf, . o.ti:8SS t0Zt0 111X14:o1oy) Stlt l,{$tatrA 'equnsny '[pleqqlr.t " sfld(J uDA'S'Z66I requratdag91 u:e1sa16 ,ttqecolesnard] uoqetSsu.$oc??Fg

'ovlv'uaBpnll -Ig aee*u,{IN Jo snue8 u?Il?.!snv A.ene gy{ pue e{U N )tria Vol. 13, No. 2 (2000)


We would like to thank Paul Wilson for translatingthe diagnosesinto Latin and for advice on nomenclature, staff at MEL for the loan of type material and Malgaret Pieroni fol the excellent line drawings. Distribution maps were basedpartly on the Florabasemaps prepared by Paul Gioia


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