'qreuuorlsenbeqlr,trunoqssarceds,{Iuoe14sexotadso'lselueureceldsrql;o1nlqnop,1rea1csealeq ' 'auawoidCtllJ 'lxesuotadso auawoldtttll paqetsrldut5 epql6 vaetD ll\' I uoualsoaUDryJo'r1.;ueg snuKwoJJlw ]€'ll'leur peceld fpua::nc elE lsl{l selcedsJo Jaqunu 3 sEIIJr''\ se ueql pepnlJxJ Jdcls 'auawold(trlJ 'J ur peJeldlla,,tr lou eJe,trI a^nauuoslout pue DSSatddD auawoldtl4; tuq 3u1z1u3oceg 'suoqceseAUolulariawoltlt-tqJJose:rledsotlpec?ld(tZ6I)Jde15eurqeq1,4qu,"'tou1eret'oadso'JpuE 'Q|nauuosrDw 'pequcsep ossaddo auawoJdfuqJse pequJsep'selceds reqgn; o,"n1 aualaord&{J s? ueaqpEqDrrlyJo sarcedseuo,{1uo'eeeceg,tll ueqe.usny eqlJolueuJlseJ] (r981) s,IrrEl{tuaqolJoud 'u,tlo rot4;o snue8ro dno:3 cueue8ur;ut,{ue otul peceld ueeqJa^eu oluq few pue 'rrflyJo sercedspeuruu ,{lsnot,lerd ae:ql eq] uee,traqdtqsuoqeler esolc aq1 ol elnl"Jolll aql uI secue:e;ercgtcads ,(ue eq ol readdelou op eraql selceds,trouaru o^!leqlo oql p ue'lpu1 auauofitL1J 'rltIly Jepun peu?u ,(lpur3uo are,t eeJql ol pJllJJaJ satleds e,rt; aql Jo sllP.qsnv luJluet pu€ rrjetse.rur palnqulslp snue8.^1eu € '(eEeceyf111)o1n7y puolsl^al ,Ituouox€] e sluase:d:ededsq1 uollrnpoJlul 'sant 'y 'st1oco1'dsqns 'ua8pnrl V pue DlDtpDnb ondso y 4 'polsllsnlll e,{Urllad,rarl dsqnsDradso onlvexet Meu:no; eql Sutpnlcul eJ?Exel sql Jo xIS llenhl d ps,raldd, otqncuno JpuE zlud'goJadso'J'saeJpuY d'U J auawo|dtttgsetmtsasuq eql JoJuesoqt are sed.{tolce-I ue8pnrl ry s,(g ('11.enyl'd)DtDnluno'dsqns ptnauuost aly pue ueBPnrI ? efg 'y'ueapntlq 'ue8pn:14 ( an^{ d) ra^nauuoslow e(d(ztud'q) Dtadsry e.{U(s^\elpuv d U l) ossatddo DfilV 'zr^ 'epBtu oJe 'lpug auawotd(tqJ snue8 eqt uI papnlcul ,{1snol,ra:d exu1uo pas?qsuoDsurquoc .treu Jnog poztuSocarseltedsqns pu€ sarcedseql;o qcua:oJ pepl^oJd 'pessncslP 'sJe,\\ou ere suoqducsap1n; puB ,4e{€ pue eJEsnueS ,{\eu eqt ;o sdtqsuoqelereqJ sll uo csrppalrd-elzyncnu fpuauluro:d eql,{q pu? sueluutssll uo Pue13es:o:1u lueunuord aql ,(q ecuu111t wncnDpuoqJ eqto't8urBuoleqEreueAJeqloruo.gpeqstniupslP sl rrr?1y elpJlsnV qlnos puB&olMJ 'ee3tEu,{t\ urequoN erl 'slprlsnv uJelse/AJosuor8al puDlul uI sJnJcosnue8 .,neu eq1 peqlDsapsI eql 'ua8pn:1 lo eave\le wnnnolawoq3 aqt ot Eur?uoleqsarceds a,tg;o snue8e puz e,ig ,lrly (0002) 'aeaxu(lslJo ,.l'eue'Dfily'ueap 7TE-7VE:(O El o1s1tn1g snua8usll€rtsnv J A I trT'-I'g'efu pBJlsqv 'fol €869 pltp'|]snvuralsey'A'e4ueJ tua^Itae ,{etloeg 3Pg pelsot 'runlJ?qloH lueure3Eurl^IpuE'I pu? uolle^lasuoJJo tueluuBda( uEIlEJtsnVulelsoy'A ua8pru19 1,1puu a,4g 1 g 'Dtnlv eseJslJ,{I I JOSnu33 UBllBJlsnV ,{reue stg @\Odggrg ne.(Z\ tI o1 t t(t1 N 346 Nuytsia Yol. 13, No. 2 (2000) Green (1983) removed somespecies from Thryptomeneto his new genusMalleostemon, brtrTot thosenow corsideredto belong in Alrt4. While Green( 1980, 1986)made useof someof the unusual featutesofT. maisonneuveitodistinguj.sh it from the other speciesincluded in his keys to the arid zone and South Australian speciesof Thryptomene,he otherwise drew little attention to the atypical characteristicsof this species. Methods Apartfromtype materialborowed from MEL, all specimenscited arehoused at PERTH, although duplicatesmay exist in other herbaria. All measurementswere takenfrom dry pressedmaterial. Leaf measurementswere obtainedfrom the largestleaves on eachspecimen. Filament lengthswere taken from the longeststamens ofeach flower and style lengthsfrom yery matureflowers and young fruits. Distdbution maps were preparedusing distribution data ftom PERTH herbarium specimensand additionaldata from Green ( 1983). Th€ Botanical Provincesused are those defined by Beard (1980). Conservationcodeshave been assigned according to theWestern AustmlianD€partmentof Conservation and Land Management'ssystem, the categoriesof which are defined at the end of this Naytsia issue. Relationships and differ€ntiation of Arrrra Ahla is one of over 20 generacuffently recognizedin the Ci amelaucium alliancein the informal classificationofthe Myrtaceaedevised by Briggs & Johnson(1979). Phylogeny wirhin the alliance is still far from certain, but there appearsto be a good basisfor separationof this group from other alliancesin the family, asdiscussed by Johnson& Briggs(1985). Some problems in the delimitation of genera within the Chamelaucium alliance have been satisfactodlydealt with in recentyears, notably for Calytrix andits closerelatives (Craven 1987a,b). Among the generaBentham (1867) included in his very broadly circumscribed conceptof Baeckea L., someprogress has been made by the descriptionof OchrospermaTrudgen(Trudgen 198?)and the reinstatementof Babingtonia Lindl. (Bean 1997), Eurlomyrtus Schauer(Trudgen in press),Rlnzic Schauer(Trudgen 1986) and Triplarina Raf. (Bean 1995). However there are significant problems remainingin the delimitationofgenerain thealliance, particularly in the group includingThryptomene. Theseproblems and the lack ofcomparative studiesofthe morphology and anatomy ofother genera within the ChameLauciumalliance limit the certainty with which relationships of Aluta car. be discussed. In anther morphology, Aluta appeaxsto show a closer relationship to Malleostemon tharr to Thryptomene ajndrtsallies. Aluta a\d Malleo stemonbothhaye anthers (seeFigure I ) with the following characteristics: 1. The groovesof eachcell are oblique, not parall€l to the connective,and meet towards the apex of the anther. This indicatesthat the orientation of the two cells is divergent rather than parallel. 2. The adjacentparts of the two cells (i.e. thoseparts locatedto the inside of the two grooves)differ in shapefrom the outer parts,becorning expanded towards the lower end such that they meet and are fused along the length of the anther connectiye. 'Erlu?Jednsotlnu?ludes 'equeled'geplad €lluelslsledolcruJuI llec?qleqelrPduI'9tpda5 stpuelqns 't snqru:lsrsred snqenp srloJtJDJq uel tlos saJ€llx€ salolJ snessnlapsnlsoddo stlllsnd sr rloJ'llnJrlnU '^ou 'ua? 'u"?pt1JlT efa e1nly zrzlY JOUOIS!^Or JIIUOUOX€I 'Jstp aql uo uulp lxnlqtuudfq aql uo Surura ed lueuutord e:oul qcnru 'Dtniy 'csp e^?q ureql Jo lsotu puE uI w perld ,{1deapre,teu st 1t eql uo 8uure11udeutos e,neq eraueB Jerlo eqtJo sJequleueuos q8noqlly (C'JI ern8ld) unqlusd,{q eql uo sllun ulellud raqlo ro sltd fue ueql re8rel slrd suqqclq.{t 'JStp pa ld-ele1ncrle:,(pueuluord .{:e,ts1t ,(q acuulle arnlJnopwDqJ eqlJo sJequerrjJeqlo IrIo{ peqsrnSuqsrp,(Ipea rcqwc o]n:.y',KaoloqdJoruuau?ls lJurlsrps1t tuo.g tredy ',rr?/y ru04 secuoroJJIp 'sJelc€JPqc pcrSoloqd:ou.rrealJ rnoJ lsBel]u s,toqs snue8qc?e eseqlJo IIU SuueplsuoJ sJalculcqc pdes puuurntqluud,{q 'ecueJsetouut 'uolluluarcld ro r:qul nu JJn^ouI seJueJa.}JIpJsqunJ,toqs ruelpJo ouos pw (^,\oleqaes) uoD€tueuleujo cslp ullrlly tuoq JeJJrposlu Ip ueuaS;o dnor8 slq13os:equen1 's1ec oq1;o sulSruuroql SuIqt"eJ sllls 3uo1,{qacuacslqep seq snu(.woJJtWpuEesBq eql lc pJlPJcdas 'olduruxe pu€ ae{ sllec Jor{lu€eqt setl auawo\dtttg rog sllet JeqluE310 Jo atueJslqep Jo uolsnJ 'uorlulueuoaql uI JeJJrpuelgo.{aq11nq'alulncueE 1ou ere suarmls {eql DrrllyaII'I ro.tog eqlJo eplsul eql spru,rot pelceJlppuu13 eq;o 4nq oql qll.lt put poqJell€,(puere;yp puu13e,rpcouuoc eql Sur,ruq 'sed,{l ur uoutasoa\ow puE,lr?lyJo esoqturo{ JaJJIpI{JII{,{ Jo II€ uaul€lsJo ,{1auu,ru a,tuqureua8 'papnlcul lsarll 'auawotdfuqJ ot esolJ oq ol peJeplsuoJ,t1uuot1tpur1 uraue8 eql puu "JeM Dlnlv Jo " sercedsparuuu ,(1snor^erd Ip qclq,\\uI I pug auawotdctt4 r1lI.^\ epEtu 3q ol sp€euoslu uosrrcduro3 'sueujuls 'alcunpadred pra,res ueuo sJe,,r\oueql pue uotsserdepu ul e1,(1seqt alBlnclua88ul^tq uI 'fJu^o a?eauqotuotBulqng eql ol ,(lIJBIIurIsJelEerB qcnru e s,troqs1l lnq palleJ-I e svrfuowzlsoaloW 'ofltv 'uowalsoa 'IlInblluB otll oW JourBuoeqt Sunepa:d,{lulEuec el'uoslo sle?eeu\oluotSutqDg oql rrlo{ sJosJnceJds1r so o1n7yp uotlsjEdesoql ueql lceJJoc st uone}a:djllut srtll JI luJunlrJ aql ol pesnJSuluoteq puEISe^nceuuoJ eql selEpeJdlEql eu11'{:euoqnlo're ut slueserderDlnlv :fnqr ereqpalsaSsns sr lr pueonlvse reqtueJo ad,{l aruesaql e,teqsdnor8 alulnctueS oseql llv {ooH CI '{ooH 'Q'f T qtueg (ransqcs) auryrr(w(xo puE ? .puag (]€neqcs) DtSowrDH'qlueg ( lpurl) 'seuE^o oluot?nqog suol0.asD paDg sB pellel (/98I) ul€Wuog esoql zI^ al€lncol-llnur qll/'\ sdno.r8peleler 1u:a,tesuI punoJsI se ad,{taruus aq1;o s uowa$oa DWJo uJLuHs)lelnJluJB aqJ '(886I uoarD) alzlncrue8se ol parre;a:sr ueuels;o ed,tlstql uoqrodae:; aql puuaJnlcruls pesnJ snll Jo uotltun feql lE puequeppns fl:re; e serllueruEIIJ eql .{lt€nsn luelrreluea4 eqt;o gtd raddneql utql rapuorq,{pcutlsrp '(gi arnlcn:tse Sunu:oJ eInBId) lueuIEIIJeql Jo pue IElsIpeql puu o^DceuuoJJLll ol qlSurJllnJ slr roJ '(Y pelrun puey8eq1 3ur^!q ur sreJJrp1.ro a$oalpw l eJnBIC)puBIS eql .tdolaq,{t}ceJlp JoWUE eql Jo 'e^IlteuuoJ acqjns relno oql uo petecoluotssudep e EIAe^nJauuoc eql sutol1ueruulgeq1 pue eql ol pue peJedq ar{l ls lueulqce1e slt :oJ ldecxe ee4 sI lI s? snol^qo ,{:a,r.st pue13a,ulceuuoc eql Dl,l1yuI 'a,\qcauuoJaql pue Jo lnuuns eql l" sllec Jeqlut eql uea,,tllaqpa1eJol dp lptus u ol e^IlJeuuocaql sp:u.'irolSutredtl 'oBJEI Je,rou eql Jo aprstnoaqt spJ",^\otpetcerrp ,{poq pepwdxe uE qlt,1,\ sI puelS a.tnceuuol eqJ, ? 'se,loor8 's11eceql go e8pa retno eqt ol u"ql laau se,roo:8o,^ntr aql e:eqarilurod eql ol .tesolc '(sUs 1ue3:a,trpeq13o euo Suop pet€Jol qc€e uoqs ,{:e,t:o) serod o,tr1,(q st ecuecsqap uellod E 'olntv 'uaSpnjl 'l g e€arEu,{y{ Jo snua8 uerp:lsnv ^\.u P g tr^I puE e,{d 348 Nqrsid Vol. 13, No. 2 (2000) c D FiSurc l. A,B - two views of slamen of Alxtd (A) ^nd MalLeoste on (B), the laleral view prior !o dehiscenceand the inner view after dehiscence,g - gland, p - pore of anrher cell through which pollcn is released,t - tip of gland, locarcd at apex of connective. C side view of AlukL trrrjt showing pitted hypanthium. D - top view of Altta fruit showing redculate-pitied disc. albavelrosea, ad basim breviter unguiculata. Stamina5 sepala opposita, vel c. 10-c. 20 inegulariter deposita.Antherae bilobatae, uterque lobus dehiscentius poro propecentrum sulci qui ex apicem connectivivenus marginem exteriorem lobi; connectivumglande magna clavata ad florem exterium versus.Discus reticulato-foveolatus, Ovarium unicellulare, placanta sub-basalis; ovula in 2 vel 3 paribusoblique superposita.
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