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VOL. XLV. UNIVERSITY OF , FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1925 NO. 47 CARMAN STAT[S IT. L. Church, MP., Demands LIB[RAL PARTY WAS UNIVERSITY COLLEGE DEBATING TEAM PO [TRYTO 8[ Investigation of University POORLY OAGANIZ[O WIN FIRST INTERFACULTY DEBATE At a mee_ti~~~- in Euclid_Hall last e~~ning. T. L. C!1~1rch, M.~., IN LAST [l[CTION fN WORDY BATTLE WITH ST. MIKE'S SPIRITUAL Rf CO RO ex-Mayor ot I oronto, v01ced the opm1011 that cond1t1ons at this [ l;niversity were in need of investigation. It was time, he aid, That Canada is Overgoverned Rel igion is Bou nd to Science to decide whether Toronto \\'as to be a British university or a Fred T. Kongdon, K.C ., Speaks Leegue President of Literature and university of European fads. to University Liberal Club Is Uoamimous Decision and Poetry The things which necessitated the investigation were, ac­ Last Night Addresses Students Of Judges cording to the ex-sutclent of Trinity, the fact that some ED GAR IS CHAIRMAN professors adhere to the theory of free trade, and the editorial VA LU E OF EDUCATION CLASH OF PRINCIPLES which appeared in of November 27. Search for Happiness and Exclusion of Oriental is Development of Personality Mistaken Policy Craw Complains of Difficulty Highest Aims Opens Volunteer fo r Can ada In Obtain!ng Divorce In ''Poetry'', said Bliss Cannan yester­ Meetings ToLnight MISSION STUD[~TS Declaring that the market yalue of day afternoon, "stimulates, ennobles an education was no criterion of its Upholding the affirmative side of the and enriches by awakening spiritual BRIN G •R. STA Ur f[A value to the individual Mr. Fred T. subject, "Resolved that Canada is over­ sensibilities, and I do not mean Kongdon, K.C., in addressing the governed at the present time", Uni­ 'spiritual' in the religious sense''. M.r. Liberal Club last night, showed that versity College defeated St. Michael's Carman then proceeded to speak of TOA• OR[SSM f fTiNGS some of the benefits derived from a last night in the first of the Inter­ poetry in relation to religion. Poetry liberal university training were of no faculty debates. is a record of things we experience in real comme1·cial value to a man. He To Work for Revival of M r. David Walker, of U.C., in in­ life and the description of objects in thought that the universities were in troducing the resolutioa, quoted Missionary Effort Am ong nature which appeal to us. It does not danger of losing the real purpose for figures to show that ther,! were too try to point out to us the laws of Students which they exist, namely, the cultiva­ many legislators and civi l servants per nature, but the beauties in the world tion of men and women who, in their capita in Canada as compared with about us, tangible in form and colour, WILL SPEAK IN KNOX contact with the world, would be able Great Britain and the United States, and also to emphasize moments of to give expression to true democracy a condition which results in the ad­ rapture and of ecstatic enjoyment. The culmination of the work of the and liberal thought. dition of 150 million dollars to the Our object is to seek happiness, not Student \'olunteer Conference he ld at Mr. Kongdon showed the value of Hon. Raoul Dandurand public debt and the consequent in­ mere pleasure, becau e the highest Oshawa recently, a revival of mi s­ the mingling of educated and un­ who wi ll address the students of1 this crease in taxation. happiness often comes through self­ sionary endeavour is being han