ua.te Newsp~-per VOL. XLV. UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1925 NO. 47 CARMAN STAT[S IT. L. Church, MP., Demands LIB[RAL PARTY WAS UNIVERSITY COLLEGE DEBATING TEAM PO [TRYTO 8[ Investigation of University POORLY OAGANIZ[O WIN FIRST INTERFACULTY DEBATE At a mee_ti~~~- in Euclid_Hall last e~~ning. T. L. C!1~1rch, M.~., IN LAST [l[CTION fN WORDY BATTLE WITH ST. MIKE'S SPIRITUAL Rf CO RO ex-Mayor ot I oronto, v01ced the opm1011 that cond1t1ons at this [ l;niversity were in need of investigation. It was time, he aid, That Canada is Overgoverned Rel igion is Bou nd to Science to decide whether Toronto \\'as to be a British university or a Fred T. Kongdon, K.C ., Speaks Leegue President of Literature and university of European fads. to University Liberal Club Is Uoamimous Decision and Poetry The things which necessitated the investigation were, ac­ Last Night Addresses Students Of Judges cording to the ex-sutclent of Trinity, the fact that some ED GAR IS CHAIRMAN professors adhere to the theory of free trade, and the editorial VA LU E OF EDUCATION CLASH OF PRINCIPLES which appeared in The Varsity of November 27. Search for Happiness and Exclusion of Oriental is Development of Personality Mistaken Policy Craw Complains of Difficulty Highest Aims Opens Volunteer fo r Can ada In Obtain!ng Divorce In Ontario ''Poetry'', said Bliss Cannan yester­ Meetings ToLnight MISSION STUD[~TS Declaring that the market yalue of day afternoon, "stimulates, ennobles an education was no criterion of its Upholding the affirmative side of the and enriches by awakening spiritual BRIN G •R. STA Ur f[A value to the individual Mr. Fred T. subject, "Resolved that Canada is over­ sensibilities, and I do not mean Kongdon, K.C., in addressing the governed at the present time", Uni­ 'spiritual' in the religious sense''. M.r. Liberal Club last night, showed that versity College defeated St. Michael's Carman then proceeded to speak of TOA• OR[SSM f fTiNGS some of the benefits derived from a last night in the first of the Inter­ poetry in relation to religion. Poetry liberal university training were of no faculty debates. is a record of things we experience in real comme1·cial value to a man. He To Work for Revival of M r. David Walker, of U.C., in in­ life and the description of objects in thought that the universities were in troducing the resolutioa, quoted Missionary Effort Am ong nature which appeal to us. It does not danger of losing the real purpose for figures to show that ther,! were too try to point out to us the laws of Students which they exist, namely, the cultiva­ many legislators and civi l servants per nature, but the beauties in the world tion of men and women who, in their capita in Canada as compared with about us, tangible in form and colour, WILL SPEAK IN KNOX contact with the world, would be able Great Britain and the United States, and also to emphasize moments of to give expression to true democracy a condition which results in the ad­ rapture and of ecstatic enjoyment. The culmination of the work of the and liberal thought. dition of 150 million dollars to the Our object is to seek happiness, not Student \'olunteer Conference he ld at Mr. Kongdon showed the value of Hon. Raoul Dandurand public debt and the consequent in­ mere pleasure, becau e the highest Oshawa recently, a revival of mi s­ the mingling of educated and un­ who wi ll address the students of1 this crease in taxation. happiness often comes through self­ sionary endeavour is being han<ied on educated men, and gave a striking ex­ University in Convocation Hall Mr. Callaghan, leader of the neg­ sacrifice. It is for every person to to the students at Toronto hy the ample of the Yukon after the gold Sunday evening, on "The League of ative, depreqted what he termed his find a place for himself where he can leaders in a week-end study retreat rush. Herc, he said, was found the NJitions and its Influence". Mr. opponent's devotion to the almighty develop his personality to the best this week. Dr. Milton Stauffer, most remarkable example of de­ Dandurand is P resident of the League dollar and declared that our system advantage. F.R.G.S., National Educational Sec­ mocracy that he had ever seen. of Nations Assembly. must be founded on respect for our There are always the possibilities of I retary of the Student Volunt,,, , ; • ove­ The speaker gav an outline of the 1,ational traditions and not on financial radiant happines sabout us. Every ment, has been seturcd. He will ad­ ,tudies of the older universities and conditions. He submitted the leg­ day we fi nd out how mysterious and Millon stauff'er, Ph.D., F .R.G .S . dress the first meeting in Knox Col­ (Co11tinued 011 Page 4) islatiing methods of Germany and strange Ii fe is, and increase our who will study with the Toronto lege at 7.30 to-night along with Dr. Australia as parallels to ours. capacity fo r enjoyment in life. WHOL[ BOAR [ATf N Student Volunteer Union at their J. L. Stewart, Vice-P resident of the Mr. Walter Craw advanced the Religion is bo und up with science MR. HOFFMAN COMPLETES week-end retreat, beginning to-night West China University, and Dr. C. J. startling opinion that "That useless and literature and joetry. "The poetry LECTURES AT UNIVERSITY at Knox Coll ege. Mr. Stauffer is L. Bates, Vice-President of the and often harmful body, the Senate, of nature", said Mr. Carman, "leads IN SIX COURS[ •INN[R National Educational Secretary of the Japanese Christian U niversity. is responsible to God alone, and some­ us always to think what is behind the Accou nts for Use of Funds S.V.M. On Saturday there will be meetings Ancient Romans Masters of times it seems as if that obligation pageant of nature, the panorama of in High Park (Presbyterian) Church Contributed to Aid Epicurean Art Says carries no weight". He was very beauty". This is for man to think and on Sunday the metings will take much aggrieved at the difficu lty for Student Work Dr. Harcum about and form a conclusion. After place in Anncslcy Hall. an Ontario man to get a divorce as a conclusion has been arrived at it is MclNNES WILL LEAD Mr. Hoffman completed his work at easily as an, Albertian. His opponent, for him to build up some sort of creed. SUNDAY SING-SONG Dr. Harcum, assistant professor in Queen's Hall Resi dents the University with yesterday after­ Mr. Donohue, replied that the Senate "There is a sentiment in the heart of the Archaeological Department of the noon's speech at Trinity College, in was the guardian of Quebe'c r ights man" continued Mr. Carman, "towards Volunteers Pianist s Wanted to Devot ed to Bridge Royal Ontario Museum, addressed an which he rendered account of the and that it had saved the country a ' (Do11t i1med 011 Page 2) Aid Friday Noon-Hour Bridge has swept No. 4 Queen's enthusiastic meeting of the Victoria Hall to such an extent that it was de­ fonds contributed by student which great sum by its action in blocking the Programmes College Classical Association last branch line proposals in the West. termined to attempt an innovation in the International Student Service had night in Annesley Hall on "The Art of The debate, which digressed for YALE WAR MEMO RIAL the form of a bridge tournament. dispensed. These funds, he said, went Dining Two Thousand Years Ago". T he Sunday evening sing-song this a while into a discussion of the doings Practically every girl signed the li sts. through the general office at Geneva, "The Romans were masters of many IN FORM OF COLONNADE week promises to be better than, ever. of the old bars at Ottawa, was really selected a partner, and now is figh ting and were practically all used for arts, and not the least of these was .:\ir. Campbell Mclnnes, who so ably the clash of two theories whether her way manfully, or perhaps more actual student work, as the executive that of dining", Dr. Harcum began. Presentod To University By Canada's great extent or its small led last week, is coming again, and has correctly womanly, through the various overhead was kept at a minimum. In earlier times virtue anl plain living population should decide the theory of Alumm Advisory arranged another prog ramme, better maze of opposing partners. Every In the course of his short speech, were held to be synonymous, and a government. The latter view ap•• if possible, than the first. For the couple is to play every other couple, 1-1r. Hoffman cited many instances to simple vegetarian diet sufficed. The Board pealed to the judges, Messrs. Mac­ benefit of those who have not ·already one game to occur each week, a1,d the show the object of this work among epicurean of later Rome demanded a kintosh and Cody and Dr. Phelan. Ed. Tota: :-The following extract attended one of these they arc open to scores are being religiously hc,rded foreign students. The main principle dinner of at least six courses, which T. J. Berrigan presided, and several from the New York Times was sent all members of H art House and all away until the eventful day when the is to induce co-ordination, to bring all often included a whole boar.
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