International News at a Glance —
International News THE NOME NUGGET v uni ■ u—■ Published Monday. Wednesday and Friday by the At A Glance — NOME PUBLISHING %CO. NOME. ALASKA ' TAFT- HARTL1V d'untinued from Page One) Telephone: Main 125 P. O. Box 6it* IM* dtp .i’tment s policy was seen aim- $1.50 PER MONTH SI6.00 A YEAR ed nght at Sweden which has been W. A. Boucher Owner-Publisher cp >rted urgnig Norway and Den- Emily Boucher .Local Editor mark to keep out of the North At- fantic alliance. Entered as second class matter October 14. 1943, at the postoffice military at Nome, Alaska, under the Act of March 3, 1379. Monday, January 17, 1949 Nome, Alaska, Monday, January 17, 1949 Chinese nationalists massed 50,000 men on a 300-mile front BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, BORN JANUARY 17, 1706 today in an apparently hopeless effore to save menaced Benjamin Franklin, whose is observed to- anking, birthday by communist troops in double was “the most acute and broadminded day, January 17, that strength. thinker of his in the estimation of the day,” Encyclopae- The government’s forces already dia Britannica. have abandoned Pengpu and evac- The first edition of the Britannica, published in 1768 uated towns in the path of an ex- pected communist into the when Franklin was 62, devoted many pages to his dis- sweep Yangtze river had coveries in the field of And 181 valley. Pengpu electricity. today, years been an anchor of the govern- later, Franklin is still praised for his creative mind, his ment’s Hawai river defense line. practical good sense and his humanitarianism.
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