19738 Hon. Grace F. Napolitano Hon. Curt Weldon Hon
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19738 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 12, 2001 TRIBUTE TO ANNA MARIA ARIAS why she was choosing to undergo the com- three were called by destiny to perform heroic plicated bone marrow surgery, Anna Maria feats. As fire raged through the Pentagon, Mr. HON. GRACE F. NAPOLITANO simply said, ‘‘I have to do this, we have impor- Jones, Staff Sgt. Braman, and Major Pantaleo OF CALIFORNIA tant work to do and this thing keeps getting in rushed inside. These three men along with all IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the way.’’ That was Anna Maria, totally de- the public safety and military personnel at the voted to her work and committed to serving scene were responsible for rescuing hundreds Friday, October 12, 2001 others. of men and women injured by the explosion, Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Mr. Speaker, I rise Last Sunday, I attended Anna Maria Arias’ the building collapse and burning jet fuel dur- today with a heavy heart to honor the memory memorial mass at the Church of Guadalupe ing the first minutes following the attack. After of an exceptional woman, Anna Maria Arias. and her burial ceremony at Mt. View Ceme- the injured had been saved, they remained on On Monday, October 1, 2001, Anna Maria lost tery, in San Bernardino, CA. Her husband the site for many days to recover the bodies a seven-year battle against aplastic anemia Robert Bard and her mother Rita Valenzuela of those who perished. and passed away from complications related spoke of the tremendous courage and deter- I salute all Americans who answered the to a bone marrow transplant procedure at MD mination of one so young. call for help on September 11. I am especially Anderson Medical Center in Houston, TX. Mr. Speaker, I ask all my colleagues to proud to highlight Eric, Christopher and Dan Anna Maria Arias was born on July 12, please join me in honoring the life and as examples of our public safety and military 1960 in San Bernardino, California. She at- achievements of a great Latina role model and personnel whose contributions saved thou- tended San Diego State University but her leader, Anna Maria Arias. She has, by exam- sands from succumbing to the consequences passion for media and journalism eventually ple, inspired generations of young Latinas to of these terrorist attacks. led her to Hawaii Pacific University where she reach for their dreams. Her enthusiasm, her f received a Bachelor of Arts degree in commu- zest of life, her caring nature, and love for her nications. When she was offered a Congres- family, friends and co-workers will never be THE INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLA- sional Hispanic Caucus Institute Fellowship to forgotten. Anna Maria, amiga querida, dios te TION THAT WILL AMEND THE Washington, D.C. Anna Maria saw her oppor- Ilamo y nos dejoste un gran vacio. Adios. TRANSPORTATION EQUITY ACT tunity. She accepted the CHCI fellowship and f was assigned to the Washington, D.C. bureau HON. ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR. of CNN where she became part of the produc- RECOGNITION OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF MARYLAND AND MILITARY PERSONNEL EF- tion team at CNN’s Crossfire program. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES As the founder and president of Arias Com- FORTS ON SEPTEMBER 11 munications, Anna Maria enjoyed a varied and Friday, October 12, 2001 accomplished communications career. She HON. CURT WELDON Mr. EHRLICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to worked as a radio news anchor, news-writer, OF PENNSYLVANIA announce the introduction of legislation that and as a media and campaign organizer for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES will amend the Transportation Equity Act for presidential and local candidates at the Demo- the 21st Century (‘‘TEA–21’’) (Pub. L. 105– cratic National Committee. Anna Maria honed Friday, October 12, 2001 178) to provide states with flexibility in com- her publishing skills and earned the respect of Mr. WELDON of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, plying with the minimum penalties for repeat her peers during her five years as managing I rise today to recognize the efforts of Amer- offenders for driving while intoxicated or driv- editor for Hispanic Magazine. Her editorial di- ica’s public safety and military personnel ing while under the influence (23 U.S.C. rection and keen insight into the issues affect- whose heroic actions at the Pentagon, the § 164). The bill I am sponsoring is based upon ing the Hispanic community were instrumental World Trade Center and the Pennsylvania site recommendations made by the National Asso- in making the publication one of the most re- saved countless lives. As the Chairman of the ciation of Governors’ Highway and Safety spected media vehicles in the Hispanic mar- House Armed Services Procurement Sub- Representatives in their report entitled ‘‘Taking ket. committee and the founder of the Congres- the Temperature of TEA–21: An Evaluation In October of 1994, she launched a brand sional Fire Services Caucus, I know well the and Prescription for Safety.’’ new, long awaited Hispanic publication and fit- overwhelming situations our civilian and mili- Under current federal law, the definition of a tingly named it Latina Style Magazine. To this tary responders faced. That they persevered ‘‘repeat intoxicated driver law’’ includes a 1- day, the magazine remains the only national in the face of this tragedy is a testament to the year ‘‘hard’’ suspension of the repeat offend- publication that is one hundred percent Latina- dedication of these public servants. er’s driver’s license; impoundment or installa- owned. With a circulation of 150,000 and a All of these personnel, whether local, state tion of an ignition interlock system of the indi- readership of more than 600,000, Latina Style or federal, civilian or military, paid or volun- vidual’s motor vehicles; an assessment of the Magazine is the first national magazine that teer, deserve the applause of this body. To individuals alcohol abuse and treatment; and covers issues pertinent to the contemporary, highlight their combined efforts I wish to rec- community service and imprisonment (23 professional, Hispanic working-woman from a ognize three individuals. Their efforts rep- U.S.C. § 164(a)(5)). If a state does not enact Latina point of view. resent the heroic actions of the thousands a repeat intoxicated driver law compliant with Anna Maria wanted to make Latina Style who responded to the calls for help on Sep- § 164(a)(5), the Department of Transportation Magazine not just a medium to express Latina tember 11 and throughout the days following transfers 1.5 percent of funds under § 104(b) society and culture, but also a source of valu- the attack. to § 402. able information to the Latina professional, Volunteer firefighter/paramedic Eric Jones, In my view, there are two reasons why Con- business owner, and college student to help Army Staff Sgt. Christopher Braman, and Ma- gress should improve the current law. First, a them succeed in their endeavors. Anna rine Corps Major Dan Pantaleo were featured 1-year ‘‘hard’’ suspension, in many cases, Maria’s passion and commitment bore fruit rescuing a Marine Corps flag from the burning does not sufficiently deter repeat drunk drivers when Latina Style Magazine was selected by Pentagon on the front pages of newspapers from driving under the influence. While a 1- the National Association of Hispanic Publica- and magazines around the world. It is this year suspension looks good on paper, statis- tions as the Outstanding English or Bilingual image that will remain in our memories as a tics, sting operations, and just plain common- Magazine for 1999. During the same year, symbol of American patriotism, unity and sense reflect the notion that suspended driv- Anna Maria was honored by the Greater strength. ers continue to drive illegally on our roads. For Washington Hispanic Chamber of Commerce In the days following the publication of their example, the National Highway Traffic Safety with the 1999 Entrepreneur of the Year Award picture, they received many requests for press Administration estimates that 70 percent of in- and by the Changing Images in America interviews. They declined each of these re- dividuals with revoked licenses continue to Foundation with the Entrepreneurship Award, quests, because as true public servants, they drive. Second, transferring funds from one Everyone who knew Anna Maria will tell you neither expect nor desire any recognition for transportation account to another may moti- that from her youth, she was one of the most their efforts. What few know is that these indi- vate some states to adopt new laws; however, dedicated individuals they had ever met. Once viduals, through their countless acts of brav- the overall experience since TEA–21 enact- she set her sights on something, there was no ery, not only saved the flag, but also many ment is that many states simply find ways to stopping her. When family and ftiends asked Americans. At 9:40 A.M. on September 11 all shift funds within their own accounts. VerDate Aug 04 2004 09:55 Apr 25, 2005 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR01\E12OC1.001 E12OC1 October 12, 2001 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 19739 Accordingly, I am introducing legislation that INTRODUCING LEGISLATION TO ancies in a flawed process so that all Ameri- will require states to continue to enact a 1- AMEND THE SOCIAL SECURITY cans enjoy the benefits of a system designed year ‘‘hard’’ suspension; however, the suspen- ACT to help them. I sincerely hope that my col- sion may be modified if states mandate the leagues will work with me to ensure the pas- use of an ignition interlock system. My own HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS sage of this important legislation.