Departing Members of the 109Th Congress

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Departing Members of the 109Th Congress DEPARTING MEMBERS OF THE 109TH CONGRESS RETIRING HOUSE MEMBERS REPLACED BY Michael Bilirakis (R-9th FL) Gus Bilirakis (R-9th FL) Jim Kolbe (R-8th AZ) Gabrielle Giffords (D-8th AZ) Bill Thomas (R-22nd CA) Kevin McCarthy (R-22nd CA) Joel Hefley (R-5th CO) Doug Lamborn (R-5th CO) Henry Hyde (R-6th IL) Peter Roskam (R-6th IL) Lane Evans (R-17th IL) Phil Hare (D-17th IL) Tom Osborne (R-3rd NE) Adrian Smith (R-3rd NE) Major Owens (D-11th NY) Yvette Clarke (D-11th NY) Sherwood Boehlert (R-24th NY) Michael Arcui (D-24th NY) Michael Oxley (R-4th OH) Jim Jordan (R-4th OH) Bill Jenkins (R-1st TN) David Davis (R-1st TN) Martin Sabo (D-5th MN) Keith Ellison (D-5th MN) RETIRING SENATE MEMBERS REPLACED BY Mark Dayton (D-MN) Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) Bill Frist (R-TN) Bob Corker (R-TN) Jim Jeffords (I-VT) Bernard Sanders (I-VT) Paul Sarbanes (D-MD) Ben Cardin (D-MD) DEFEATED HOUSE MEMBERS DEFEATED BY J.D. Hayworth (R-5th AZ) Harry Mitchell (R-5th AZ) Richard Pombo (R-11th CA) Jerry McNerney (D-11th CA) Nancy Johnson (R-5th CT) Chris Murphy (D-5th CT) Clay Shaw (R-22nd FL) Ron Klein (D-22nd FL) Chris Chocola (R-2nd IN) Joe Donnelly (D-2nd IN) John Hostettler (R-8th IN) Brad Ellsworth (D-8th IN) Mike Sodrel (R-9th IN) Baron Hill (D-9th IN) Jim Leach (R-2nd IA) Dave Loebsack (D-2nd IA) Jim Ryun (R-2nd KS) Nancy Boyda (D-2nd KS) Anne Northrup (R-3rd KY) John Yarmuth (D-3rd KY) Gil Gutkneckt (R-1st MN) Tim Walz (D-1st MN) Jeb Bradley (R-1ST NH) Carol Shea-Porter (D-1st NH) Charlie Bass (R-2nd NH) Paul Hodes (D-2nd NH) Sue Kelly (R-19th NY) John Hall (D-19th NY) John Sweeney (R-20th NY) Kirsten Gillibrand (D-20th NY) Charles Taylor (R-11th NC) Heath Shuler (D-11th NC) Melissa Hart (R-4th PA) Jason Altmire (D-4th PA) Curt Weldon (R-7th PA) Joe Sestak (D-7th PA) Mike Fitzpatrick (R-8th PA) Patrick Murphy (D-8th PA) Don Sherwood (R-10th PA) Chris Carney (D-10th PA) DEFEATED SENATE MEMBERS DEFEATED BY Jim Talent (R-MO) Clair McCaskill (D-MO) Conrad Burns (R-MT) Jon Tester (D-MT) Lincoln Chafee (R-RI) Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) Mike DeWine (R-OH) Sherrod Brown (D-OH) Rick Santorum (R-PA) Bob Casey (D-PA) George Allen (R-VA) James Webb (R-VA) DEFEATED IN PRIMARY ELECTION DEFEATED BY Cynthia McKinney (D-4th GA) Hank Johnson (D-4th GA) Joe Schwarz (R-7th MI) Tim Walberg (R-7th MI) SOUGHT OTHER OFFICE REPLACED BY: Robert Menendez (D-13th NJ) Appointed to Senate Albio Sires (D-13th NJ) Bob Beauprez (R-7th CO) Defeated in Governor’s Race Ed Perlmutter (D-7th CO) Jim Davis (R-11th FL) Defeated in Governor’s Race Kathy Castor (D-11th FL) Katherine Harris (R-13th FL) Lost Senate Bid Vern Buchanan (R-13th FL) Ed Case (D-2nd HI) Lost Senate Bid Mazie Hirono (D-2nd HI) C.L. Otter (R-1st ID) Elected Governor Bill Sali (R-1st ID) Jim Nussle (R-1st IA) Defeated in Governor’s Race David Loebsack (D-1st IA) Ben Cardin (D-3rd MD) Elected to Senate John Sarbanes (D-3rd MD) Jim Gibbons (R-2nd NV) Elected Governor Dean Heller (R-2nd NV) Ted Strickland (D-6th OH) Elected Governor Charlie Wilson (D-6th OH) Sherwood Brown (D-13th OH) Elected to Senate Betty Sutton (D-13th OH) Ernest Istook (R-5th OK) Defeated in Governor’s Race Mary Fallin (R-5th OK) Harold Ford (D-9th TN) Lost Senate Bid Steve Cohen (D-9th TN) Bernie Sanders (I-At Large VT) Elected to Senate Peter Welch (D- At Large VT) Mark Green (R-8th WI) Defeated in Governor’s Race Steve Kagen (D-8th WI) Mark Kennedy (R-6th MN) Lost Senate Bid Collin Peterson (D-6th MN) RESIGNED REPLACED BY Randy “Duke” Cunningham (R-50th CA) Brian Bilbray (R-50th CA) Tom DeLay (R-22nd TX) Nick Lampson (D-22nd TX) Mark Foley (R-16th FL) Tim Mahoney (D-16th FL) Bob Ney (R-18th OH) Zack Space (D-18th OH) 110TH CONGRESS UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Democrats (232) Republicans (196) Undecided (7) Bold = New Member, Same Party Bold Italic = New Member, Party Control Changed Alabama (7) Wally Herger (R-2) Juanita Millender- Dan Lungren (R-3) McDonald (D-37) Jo Bonner (R-1) John Doolittle (R-4) Grace Napolitano (R-38) Terry Everett (R-2) Robert Matsui (D-5) Linda Sanchez (D-39) Mike Rogers (R-3) Lynn Woolsey (D-6) Ed Royce (R-40) Robert Aderholt (R-4) George Miller (D-7) Jerry Lewis (R-41) Bud Cramer (D-5) Nancy Pelosi (D-8) Gary Miller (R-42) Spencer Bachus (R-6) Barbara Lee (D-9) Joe Baca (D-43) Artur Davis (D-7) Ellen Tauscher (D-10) Ken Calvert (R-44) Jerry McNerney (D-11) Mary Bono (R-45) Alaska (1) Tom Lantos (D-12) Dana Rohrabacher (R-46) Fortney Pete Stark (D-13) Loretta Sanchez (D-47) Don Young (R-At Large) Anna Eshoo (D-14) John Campbell (R-48) Mike Honda (D-15) Darrell Issa (R-49) Arizona (8) Zoe Lofgren (D-16) Brian Bilbray (R-50) Sam Farr (D-17) Bob Filner (D-51) Rick Renzi (R-1) Dennis Cordoza (D-18) Duncan Hunter (R-52) Trent Franks (R-2) George Radanovich (R-19) Susan Davis (D-53) John Shadegg (R-3) Jim Costa (D-20) Ed Pastor (D-4) Devin Nunes (R-21) Colorado (7) Harry Mitchell (D-5) Kevin McCarthy (R-22) Diana DeGette (D-1) Jeff Flake (R-6) Lois Capps (D-23) Mark Udall (D-2) Raul Grijalva (D-7) Elton Gallegly (R-24) John Salazar (D-3) Gabrielle Giffords (D-8) Howard McKeon (R-25) Marilyn Musgrave (R-4) David Dreier (R-26) Doug Lamborn (R-5) Arkansas (4) Brad Sherman (D-27) Tom Tancredo (R-6) Howard Berman (D-28) Ed Perlmutter (D-7) Marion Berry (D-1) Adam Schiff (D-29) Vic Snyder (D-2) Henry Waxman (D-30) Connecticut (5) John Boozman (R-3) Xavier Becerra (D-31) Mike Ross (D-4) Hilda Solis (D-32) John Larson (D-1) Diane Watson (D-33) Joe Courtney (D -2) California (53) Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-34) Rosa DeLauro (D-3) Maxine Waters (D-35) Christopher Shays (R-4) Mike Thompson (D-1) Jane Harman (D-36) Christopher Murphy (D-5) Delaware (1) Mazie Hirono (D-2) Todd Tiahrt (R-4) Idaho (2) Kentucky (6) Michael Castle (R-At Large) Bill Sali (R-1) Edward Whitfield (R-1) Florida (25) Mike Simpson (R-2) Ron Lewis (R-2) John Yarmuth (D-3) Illinois (19) Jeff Miller (R-1) Geoff Davis (R-4) Allen Boyd (D-2) Bobby Rush (D-1) Harold Rogers (R-5) Corrine Brown (D-3) Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-2) Ben Chandler (D-6) Ander Crenshaw (R-4) Dan Lipinski (D-3) Ginny Brown-Waite (R-5) Luis Gutierrez (D-4) Louisiana (7) Cliff Stearns (R-6) Rahm Emanuel (D-5) John Mica (R-7) Peter Roskam (R-6) Bobby Jindal (R-1) Ric Keller (R-8) th Danny Davis (D-7) December 9 Runoff (D-2) Gus Bilirakis (R-9) Melissa Bean (D-8) Charlie Melancon (D-3) Bill Young (R-10) Janice Schakowsky (D-9) Jim McCrery (R-4) Kathy Castor (D-11) Mark Kirk (R-10) Rodney Alexander (R-5) Adam Putnam (R-12) Jerry Weller (R-11) Richard Baker (R-6) Vern Buchanan R or Christine Jerry Costello (D-12) Charles Boustany (R-7) Jennings D (R-13) Judy Biggert (R-13) Connie Mack IV (R-14) Dennis Hastert (R-14) Maine (2) Dave Weldon (R-15) Tim Johnson (R-15) Tim Mahoney (D-16) Donald Manzullo (R-16) Thomas Allen (D-1) Kendrick Meek (D-17) Phil Hare (D-17) Michael Michaud (D-2) Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-18) Ray LaHood (R-18) Robert Wexler (D-19) John Shimkus (R-19) Maryland (8) Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-20) L. Diaz-Balart (R-21) Indiana (9) Wayne Gilchrest (R-1) Ron Klein (D-22) C.A. Ruppersberger (D-2) Alcee Hastings (D-23) Peter Visclosky (D-1) John Sarbanes (D-3) Tom Feeney (R-24) Joe Donnelly (D-2) Albert Wynn (D-4) Mario Diaz-Balart (R-25) Mark Souder (R-3) Steny Hoyer (D-5) Steve Buyer (R-4) Roscoe Bartlett (R-6) Georgia (13) Dan Burton (R-5) Elijah Cummings (D-7) Mike Pence (R-6) Chris Van Hollen (D-8) Jack Kingston (R-1) Julia Carlson (D-7) Sanford Bishop (D-2) Brad Ellsworth (D-8) Massachusetts (10) Lynn Westmoreland (R-3) Baron Hill (D-9) Hank Johnson (D-4) John Olver (D-1) John Lewis (D-5) Iowa (5) Richard Neal (D-2) Tom Price (R-6) James McGovern (D-3) John Linder (R-7) Bruce Braley (D-1) Barney Frank (D-4) Jim Marshall (D-8) Dave Loebsack (D-2) Martin Meehan (D-5) Nathan Deal (R-9) Leonard Boswell (D-3) John Tierney (D-6) Charles Norwood (R-10) Thomas Latham (R-4) Edward Markey (D-7) Phil Gingrey (R-11) Steve King (R-5) Michael Capuano (D-8) John Barrow (D-12) Stephen Lynch (D-9) David Scott (D-13) Kansas (4) William Delahunt (D-10) Hawaii (2) Jerry Moran (R-1) Nancy Boyda (D-2) Neil Abercrombie (D-1) Dennis Moore (D-3) Michigan (15) 5 Yvette Clarke (D-11) Bart Stupak (D-1) Jeff Fortenberry (R-1) Nydia M.
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