19738 Hon. Grace F. Napolitano Hon. Curt Weldon Hon
19738 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 12, 2001 TRIBUTE TO ANNA MARIA ARIAS why she was choosing to undergo the com- three were called by destiny to perform heroic plicated bone marrow surgery, Anna Maria feats. As fire raged through the Pentagon, Mr. HON. GRACE F. NAPOLITANO simply said, ‘‘I have to do this, we have impor- Jones, Staff Sgt. Braman, and Major Pantaleo OF CALIFORNIA tant work to do and this thing keeps getting in rushed inside. These three men along with all IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the way.’’ That was Anna Maria, totally de- the public safety and military personnel at the voted to her work and committed to serving scene were responsible for rescuing hundreds Friday, October 12, 2001 others. of men and women injured by the explosion, Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Mr. Speaker, I rise Last Sunday, I attended Anna Maria Arias’ the building collapse and burning jet fuel dur- today with a heavy heart to honor the memory memorial mass at the Church of Guadalupe ing the first minutes following the attack. After of an exceptional woman, Anna Maria Arias. and her burial ceremony at Mt. View Ceme- the injured had been saved, they remained on On Monday, October 1, 2001, Anna Maria lost tery, in San Bernardino, CA. Her husband the site for many days to recover the bodies a seven-year battle against aplastic anemia Robert Bard and her mother Rita Valenzuela of those who perished. and passed away from complications related spoke of the tremendous courage and deter- I salute all Americans who answered the to a bone marrow transplant procedure at MD mination of one so young.
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